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Posted: 27 Dec 2014, 02:59
hello jigebren ,
i suggest you something , for your work , go to this site and register (
AD-FLY )-( Get paid to share your links on the Internet! ) , you can upload the plugin on (
MEDIAFIRE ) for example , and then make link with ad-fly ( link up for ad-fly ) , then , you get money for every man who went to your link , ... ,
For me i appreciate very much the plugin what did you maked , BUT PLEASE SEND IT TO ME , I SEND 3 TIMES THAT MESSAGE , AND NOTHING

, that plugin means to me a lot , to create extreme tracks and to import/export things , awesome ! , how cool that is !
Trust me jigebren , you are special in Re-volt , for creating such an awesome thing ! , not everyone has that kind of mind and thinking

Some people play Re-volt like 2 days and then go to "recycle bin" , but for some people , like nero , Kenny , RV_Pure , Citywalker , R6TE , and even i , we are playing with true heart .
Please jigebren , send me the plugin i am searching for 2 years .
Posted: 27 Dec 2014, 03:25
Please jigebren send me the plugin , thanks

Posted: 28 Dec 2014, 19:48
AnimePad1999 @ Dec 26 2014, 10:29 PM wrote:i suggest you something , for your work...
Thanks for the suggestion, but if I really wanted to make money I'd not have chosen to develop tools for RV I guess...
AnimePad1999 @ Dec 26 2014, 10:29 PM wrote:BUT PLEASE SEND IT TO ME , I SEND 3 TIMES THAT MESSAGE , AND NOTHINGĀ

jigebren @ Dec 8 2014, 08:57 PM wrote:AnimePad1999 @ Dec 3 2014, 05:13 PM wrote:jigebren , please can you send me the plugin for blender , i will thnak you with my whole life !
Check the first post of this thread, it says that you have to
PM me your email address.
BTW I have included all pending requests in the mailing list. Let me know if there's anything wrong for anybody.
Posted: 28 Dec 2014, 22:55
Sorry if i disturbing you jigebren, but AnimePad1999 wants that i send your blender import/export plugin to him. And i ask you as the developer of the plugin, yes or no?
Should AnimePad1999 wait further and try again with PM and email adress?
If you say "NO" i don't do it and i don't ask again.
Posted: 29 Dec 2014, 00:58
Thank you soo much jigebren !

Posted: 29 Dec 2014, 01:07
jigebren , if you haven`t added me yet , please add me > < Thank you jigebren !

Posted: 29 Dec 2014, 03:12
Still didn't got the plugin...and yes,I PMed you my email (like 5 times...)
Posted: 29 Dec 2014, 05:08
Why are you using 2 accounts Dennis? One is not sufficient?
Posted: 29 Dec 2014, 05:27
Another question.
How can i make collision on both sides on the faces in blender?
Because, my planned track has many certain faces, they need collision on both sides. Not only one side.
Posted: 29 Dec 2014, 07:21
RV=Pure wrote:Should AnimePad1999 wait further and try again with PM and email adress?
Yep, let him work it out. If someone is unable to understand that the simple instructions to get the Beta release of the Plugin, then I bet he won't be able to do much once in front of the Blender interface.
Then I presume that either the address you sent me is wrong, or the message is seen as spam by yahoo and filtered out / delayed (but I don't remember hearing complaint about it so far). Try again.
V_Pure wrote:How can i make collision on both sides on the faces in blender?
You can't have double sided collision in Re-Volt (the double-sided property was available in NCP format but I removed it from the plugin eventually because Re-Volt ignores it).
To do so, you just have to use two faces with opposite direction, and have a sufficient thickness between them (otherwise it may fail when the car hits the wall with great speed).
Posted: 29 Dec 2014, 16:52
Teddy PL
I have a question may already be someone asked if yes, please say which side is the explanation.
How to open the entire board taken by me in the track editor in Blender or who need to import the file to open the whole board?
Posted: 29 Dec 2014, 17:07
Yes ,
@Phantom , you get me

, i am animepad1999 , and ,
jigebren thanks soo soo much for the plugin ! i am very grateful with my life on it !

@Teddy PL , in blender , you must texture that part where you want to be driveable , in the other part you can go throught, i think it is the only way , i am right? ( i am using blender for many years ) , i hope i helped here , good luck !
Posted: 29 Dec 2014, 18:27
Sorry jig,did not see it on my Yahoo.
(thought you were gonna PM me back, lol)
Posted: 29 Dec 2014, 21:51
jigebren @ Dec 29 2014, 02:51 AM wrote: V_Pure wrote:How can i make collision on both sides on the faces in blender?
You can't have double sided collision in Re-Volt (the double-sided property was available in NCP format but I removed it from the plugin eventually because Re-Volt ignores it).
To do so, you just have to use two faces with opposite direction, and have a sufficient thickness between them (otherwise it may fail when the car hits the wall with great speed).
Thanks for the information jigebren.
I try to search another way to fix my problem.
Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 01:48
Teddy PL wrote:How to open the entire board taken by me in the track editor in Blender or who need to import the file to open the whole board?
Try to import the .W file for the world, and the .NCP file for the collision.
(unless the track editor rather use Instances or Objects, it someone can confirm, I've no time to check right now).
RV_Pure wrote:I try to search another way to fix my problem.
Just keep in mind that W and NCP can use different polygons to describe the same area. For example, for the W you can use a double sided textured polygon with NCP material set to NONE (so it will only be included in W file, not in NCP). And you can created two invisible NCP polygons, and place them close to the W polygon (they don't have to be at the exact same place, so you can give them the needed thickness).
Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 04:23
jigebren @ Dec 29 2014, 09:18 PM wrote: (unless the track editor rather use Instances or Objects, it someone can confirm, I've no time to check right now).
Not sure what you mean by that (though I'm generally not sure what Teddy wants to know), the world and collision files created by the track editor are just like any other.
So importing them into blender will make you import the entire track that you selected for export in the Track Editor (except pickups of course).
Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 07:57
Teddy PL
I mean opening across the board which I did in the track editor without pickups.
I do not know which file I have to import.
Posted: 30 Dec 2014, 22:19
So you want to open/edit the track that the Track Editor exports? Then you'll just have to import the .w (visual info) and .ncp (collision info) files of the exported track in blender, like jigebren said.
Of course the whole interface and usage is completely different so you won't be able to insert modules easily in blender like you know it from the Track Editor (but instead you basically have infinite possibilities to create your own track geometry or modify the existing one).
Posted: 31 Dec 2014, 03:09
jigebren, I got this on Humans' Jailhouse. I can't explain nor understand it.
you can get the level
I also can't load any *.fin files, it shows up this:

Posted: 31 Dec 2014, 23:05
zorbah @ Dec 30 2014, 10:39 PM wrote:jigebren, I got this on Humans' Jailhouse. I can't explain nor understand it.
I presume the dark areas are what surprise you, right?
Those textures are in fact transparent in game. Human uses this trick to add some "dirts" to his level, he superimposes a transparent dirt texture above the ground, walls, etc.
It is not possible (AFAIK) to render transparent polygon in Blender, that's why they look so dark on your screenhsot. But if you switch to Vertex Paint mode (from Object mode, press [V]), then use the "Solid" Viewport Shading [Z], then select Alpha in the Vertex Color layers, you'll see that they're painted in blue (the amount of Red component in the color gives the polygon opacity). And if you switch to Edit mode [TAB], you can see in the Blender Panel that the Translucent flag is set for these polygons...
For the .fin file I'll check ASAP, thanks for the report.
Posted: 03 Jan 2015, 01:48
jigebren can you help me only a little bit , this plugin have that thing that changes the road terrain , into dirt terrain , or the grass terrain? How can i do that? thank you very much !

Posted: 03 Jan 2015, 15:10
Import .W file of your track.
Select the faces which you want to change material.
Then go to revolt panel and switch to NCP.

Then click the left DEFAULT button and you'll get a list of all materials in RV.
Just click the desired material and job jobbed.
Posted: 03 Jan 2015, 19:53
Lo Scassatore
Hi jigebren!
I was testing last version of your plugin. I've noticed that something is changed here...

In face selection section (Materials), there are now "Select" and "Cancel" buttons, how can i set the specified material for the selected faces?
In 2.69 we had the "Set" button
Thanks in advance

Posted: 03 Jan 2015, 21:56
Jigebren,I'm getting an error message

I get it when I want to export a PRM model with one LOD,could you try and fix this?
Posted: 04 Jan 2015, 01:08

Thank you Mladen007
Posted: 05 Jan 2015, 04:52
Lo Scassatore wrote:In face selection section (Materials), there are now "Select" and "Cancel" buttons, how can i set the specified material for the selected faces?
You're right, just a mistake while updating the code. It's fixed and will be available in next release.
Mladen007 wrote:I get it when I want to export a PRM model with one LOD,could you try and fix this?
Don't you have an error message like "could not get mesh data from object"?
I tried to export the default Blender cube, which is obviously one LoD and had no issue. You'll have ot give me more info about your model (or just email it to me so I can try myself).
Posted: 07 Jan 2015, 19:27
zorbah @ Dec 30 2014, 10:39 PM wrote:I also can't load any *.fin files
Don't know which track you used for this test, I tried Jailhouse's FIN without issue. Anyway there was actually a potential issue as soon as one PRM in the track folder is empty. I should have fixed it (not tested).
Mladen007 wrote:Jigebren, I'm getting an error message [..] when I want to export a PRM model with one several LOD,could you try and fix this?
It was actually with several LoD that this issue occurs. This is fixed now.
Posted: 10 Jan 2015, 05:57
I've just sent a new release.
All reported issues should be fixed. I've also added some convenient buttons (Add / Del) to work with several Level of Detail (LoD) in a PRM file, and I've now cleaned-up the outdated TexAnim code (from previous release of the plugin), and improved the new TexAnim support (after importing / re-exporting market2.w the texture animations seem well preserved).
I've also updated it to support Blender 2.73 (which I advise you to update to in order to use the plugin).
Code: Select all
2015.01.10 (Blender 2.73)
FIX: Missing "Set" operator in NCP Faces Material. (report: Lo Scassatore)
FIX: Bug when exporting PRM with multiple LoD. (report: Mladen007)
ADD: A new "Add LoD" button makes it very easy to setup several Level of Detail
for PRM. It duplicates the current Mesh and automatically appends "|q0", "|q1",
etc. to the Mesh name (then you can edit or replace the mesh by a lower poly
version). It's grayed out when 5 levels already exist (LoD limit in Re-Volt).
Just for info: as usual, use the "Browse Mesh Data to be linked" at top of the
Object Data panel to select which LoD you're working on. BTW, when exporting to
PRM it doesn't matter which LoD is currently linked.
ADD: A new "Del LoD" button to easily remove one Level of Detail.
FIX: Should no longer crash because of empty PRM when importing FIN. (report:
REM: Cleaned up old TexAnim support code.
FIX: An issue with the Slot Time in the TexAnim panel.
MOD: Improved the import-export support for TexAnim data. Likely fixed an UV
orientation issue as well.
Posted: 10 Jan 2015, 15:31
Nice, thanks for the update
The LOD feature in the plugin seems to work so far though I think it would be a bit more intuitive if all the different LODs could be listed and selected in the Scene panel (similar to the world cubes).
But then again I'm not experienced with blender/modeling so perhaps it wouldn't be the right place to put it there anyway (it was just the first place where I searched for it).
Also I think it might be important to note that
the game currently only makes use of car model LODs, instance LODs are defaulted to the first/highest model level (any other levels are ignored).
That also explains why the flag in MAKEITGOOD has no effect ingame and why so many stock models have messed up/untextured lower levels (perhaps they were still in the progress of implementing it?).
Posted: 10 Jan 2015, 18:58
Kenny @ Jan 10 2015, 11:01 AM wrote:I think it would be a bit more intuitive if all the different LODs could be listed and selected in the Scene panel (similar to the world cubes).
I presume what you call the Scene panel is the "Outliner", right? In this panel you can actually see all the Objects in the current scene, and you can see the Mesh linked with an Object, you can even rename this Mesh but you can't select another Mesh for this Object in this place.
To change the Mesh linked to an Object you have to go to the Data tab of the Properties panel (that's also where the Re-Volt panel lives).
To make it really straightforward, I could create a entry to set the LoD index value for the current Mesh and another to select the current LoD Mesh to display for the active Object directly in the RV panel, but I'm afraid to bloat the plugin with all possible features like this one.
Also I think it might be important to note that the game currently only makes use of car model LODs, instance LODs are defaulted to the first/highest model level (any other levels are ignored).
You're totally right! In my mind the LoD is already planned to be re-enabled eventually for instances as well, so I forgot this point. The reason it have not been done yet is the one you mention: several stock models feature unusable lower LoD levels, they have to be cleaned up, and that means we would have to distribute the fixed models along with the v1.2 patch.
Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 20:44
Hey jigebren, just a quick question here:
I don't know what I did... but it seems that my track.ncp file has absolutely no collision data. I converted everything back to default surface properties and I still have nothing. Funny thing is... I have the same number of polygons (plus 30 or so, but that was just added a few minutes ago in hopes that it'd help)
I'm using blender 2.66....
Is there a limit that RV 1.2 places on surfaces for the npc file? I only have 14440 polygons (so far)
Any ideas? (I've also tried flipping the direction of my polygons)
Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 22:43
Don't know, I'll have to try myself a NCP export to see if it's going right. (EDIT: I just tried and it worked, so you have to follow the suggestions below).
Still, I suggest you update Blender to 2.73 (they made some change to the API which can break support for older version).
You should also check the Blender console after your NCP export to see if there's any error message (menu "Window \ Toggle System Console" to enable the console).
And you can email me your NCP file (rather your .Blend file in fact), it's the fastest way to find out if the issue comes from your file, your setup, or the plugin.
NCP polygon limit is 16384 in original Re-Volt, and as been increased to 65535 in v1.2 and the plugin.
Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 23:03
Thanks man, check your email in a few minutes. It'll be there
Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 23:29
I see you have the Object Only and Camera Only flags set for all your polygons for no reason. Clear those flags and try if it's better.
To clear the flag, in Edit mode select all faces [A], then in the Re-Volt panel - NCP tab - Faces Selection box, select Object Only as the Flag and press the Clear button. Do the same for the Camera Only flag.
(I can't send you back your updated NCP file, as the W file was not along, the scale and world mode of the NCP would likely be wrong).
Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 23:34
Thanks man, i'll try that. I messed with those settings, but didn't think to totally remove them. Good to know

Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 23:42
Yeah man! That worked! That's great! Thanks so much!
Posted: 14 Jan 2015, 18:18
I have a problem with body.

Some faces disapear when you look under a specific angle
Posted: 15 Jan 2015, 01:14
Mladen007 @ Jan 14 2015, 01:48 PM wrote: Some faces disappear when you look under a specific angle
It's hard to see what's the actual shape is - and what's is missing - just from your screenshot, but to me it sounds typically like an issue with non planar faces. Are you using quad (ie. faces with 4 sides) or only triangle?
Posted: 15 Jan 2015, 02:21
I'm using both quads and triangles.
Do you want me to send you the model?
Posted: 15 Jan 2015, 07:32
Mladen007 @ Jan 14 2015, 09:51 PM wrote:Do you want me to send you the model?
Feel free to do so, if you can indicate which faces tend to disappear in Re-Volt (I'd rather only check it in Blender, not in Re-Volt).
Anyway, what I can already say, as you're using quad: I bet you can notice that quad faces are the only ones affected by this issue (and triangles are not), can't you?
Let me explain the issue:
1. A quad is in fact still internally composed of two triangles.
2. And you know that (unless it is marked as double-sided) a face is only visible from one side, the other side is transparent. In fact the engine checks if the visible face actually points toward the camera, and rejects (ie. skip drawing) the face if it's not the case.
For a quad face, the engine only checks one of the two triangles to see if it's on its visible side. In case it is not, it rejects the whole quad, even if the other triangle was still visible. And this can only be the case only if those triangles are not coplanar. When the two triangles of a quad are coplanar, that is to say when the quad is actually a plane, you'll have no issue as both triangles disappear at the same time.
That's why you have to ensure that you only use quad for planar faces. When a quad is no longer planar, you'd better break it into two triangles to avoid this disappearing issue (and to avoid issue with the NCP collision file as well, but that's another matter...).
Posted: 15 Jan 2015, 22:16
Can I just make the disapearing faces double sided?
Posted: 15 Jan 2015, 23:26
Mladen007 @ Jan 15 2015, 05:46 PM wrote: Can I just make the disapearing faces double sided?
Why don't you simply break the non-planar quad into triangles?
It takes just as much work, and there's no real point in using double sided for that purpose (not to mention the potential worse issue if you use the same mesh for the NCP file too).
Posted: 16 Jan 2015, 01:36
Why don't you simply break the non-planar quad into triangles?
Trust me,it's not that simple...
Making them double-sided is much faster
not to mention the potential worse issue if you use the same mesh for the NCP file too
Erm,what NCP file?
Posted: 16 Jan 2015, 02:42
Mladen007 @ Jan 15 2015, 10:06 PM wrote:Erm,what NCP file?
Track files, ever seen them?
Anyway, .ncp is a track collision data.
As this only useful to track makers, I won't really blame you.
Mladen guy uses Blender for car stuff, so .ncp info means nothing to him.
Posted: 16 Jan 2015, 03:35
Mladen007 @ Jan 15 2015, 09:06 PM wrote:Why don't you simply break the non-planar quad into triangles?
Trust me,it's not that simple...
In Edit mode [TAB], select all faces [A], menu Mesh \ Clean up \ Split Non-Planar Faces. In the Tool Shelf you can even tweak the Max Angle to your needs...
It's hard to expect something simpler.

Posted: 16 Jan 2015, 15:38
I did not know that there's a tool for stuff like that,I thought that I was suposed to manually delete non-planar quads and put triangles instead of them,lol

Posted: 16 Jan 2015, 17:39
Teddy PL
I have a little intriguing to me the problem.
Recently I decided to fill in the missing shadows to repaint cars, and he did not want me to do it my way I discovered (since it is a bit time consuming) I decided to use Blender for that, but I can not make up for the end of the SHADOWTABLE because I do not see the last of which is to type.
Let's do something that you could see the whole Shadowtable?.

Posted: 16 Jan 2015, 20:55
Mladen007 @ Jan 16 2015, 11:08 AM wrote:I did not know that there's a tool for stuff like that,I thought that I was suposed to manually delete non-planar quads and put triangles instead of them
No, you obviously didn't have to delete - recreate faces. Even if this tool didn't exist, you only had to convert quad to tri manually, and it's only one shortcut away: select face(s) then [Ctrl+T].
The opposite can also be done, ie. 2 triangles to one quad: select face(s) then [Alt +J].
And of course the UV, vertex painting, etc. are preserved.
Teddy PL wrote:Let's do something that you could see the whole Shadowtable?
You can see the whole message in the Blender console (Menu "Window \ Toggle System Console").
Anyway, it's even simpler to use: the result is automatically copied into the clipboard, so you only have to open your parameters.txt file in the Notepad of your choice and press [Ctrl+V], this will paste the SHADOWTABLE line, already formatted for Re-Volt.
Posted: 16 Jan 2015, 22:55
Teddy PL
It helped me a job, thanks.

Posted: 19 Jan 2015, 18:10
Hi jigebren, is it possible to have your revolt addon for Blender please ?