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Posted: 01 Feb 2006, 14:08
Hi guys,
I have installed Re-Volt on XP SP2 and I'm running Re-Volt nearly with-out problems.
One small thing really irritates me and that is that the count-down (3-2-1) on the starting line seems to be skipped. This was not the case in Windows 98!
The funny thing is the race starts imiidiately when the screen loads, but the camera is STILL in the position for the count down as all the cars including my own take off. Then after about 3 secs (the count-down time) the camera enters persuit mode and cathes up with my car and then rest of the race runs like a dream.
I have tried all the patched from Acclaim and I have even tried on 4 different PCs with different hardware components. I have downloaded the old Re-Volt Demo and all versions have that glitch. I have tried to run the game in Windows 98 compatibel mode. No luck
Sometimes, normally during the first race after the game is loaded, the count-down sequence is functioning like it should - 3-2-1 GO! - while the camera zooms in on my car before the race is started, but generally the count-down sequence is skipped and all tracks!
Would anyone care to make a comment on this issue? I know this might an old obsolete issue that every here has solved years ago, but I have just re-discovered the joy of the wonderfull game.
Posted: 01 Feb 2006, 21:24
This is an often asked about bug that should be cured by switching on the Windows 95/98 compatibility mode. You said you have tried it, but try again, maybe you did something wrong

I can't comment anything else on the issue since I don't have Windows XP myself.
Posted: 01 Feb 2006, 21:31
First off, Hi and welcome to Our ReVolt Pub.
This is an issue that I think I've seen briefly before, but sorry, I can't remember where

, probably at either
RVTT (ReVolt Tip Top) or
RV League, both are mainly French speaking forums, but they will tolorate English
You say you tried Win98 compatible mode, I thought you had to use that in order to play ReVolt properly on XP ? I myself am Win ME.
The zooming effect of the camera while counting down only happens on stock/in game tracks, other custom tracks start with the camera view right behind you as normal.
It may be a hyperthreading or dual processor problem, as I have heard mention that these can cause various timing problems in ReVolt.
Sorry if I've been totally no help, I do hope you find a solution soon.
Posted: 03 Feb 2006, 13:20
Hey - thanks for the welcomming!
Ok ARTO you were right about the Win95/98 issue. If I change the compatibility mode to "Windows 98/ME" or "Windows 95" then the start-line bug dissapears. The reason for having scrapped that soloution in the first place is, that the sound starts to stutter and generate unpleasant ticks and echoes as soon as RV runs under Win95/98/Me. The sound is so bad that I decided that RV runs best in native XP mode. The sound is nice and crisp in native XP mode
Does anybody know how to cure this kind of sound problems in "Windows 98/ME" compatibillity mode?
Test are done at three machines with different HW - everything is WindowsUpdated, etc - U know the drill...
Btw. I understand that most of you people cannot run RV in native XP mode???
Well RV runs perfectly fine for me (except for the damm start-line issue) - any comments?
Just found this: and I will get back with a report on how the 0916 patch performs!
Have a nice week-end.
Posted: 04 Feb 2006, 14:04
Hi again,
Ok I tried to do a complete re-install of RV, applied the 0916 patch. Then I ran RV in native XP mode - no sound problems appeared - game ran excelent, but the start-line bug was still there. Changed Revolt.exe to run in Windows 98 compatibility mode and the sound was really lousy - full of clicks and echoes. So on my systems there is no audible difference between the 0916 and the 1207.
Ok so I tried to see if I could get hold of an updated Miles Sound System DLL (mss32.dll). RV patch 1207 installs mss32.dll v6.0a. I was able to find several updated mss32 DLLs that RV was able to run with. The newest compatibel I found was version 6.0i - but I'm sorry to say that it did not improve in-game sound in Windows 98 compatibility mode

.... maybe v6.0i it has other improved features like better MP3 support etc. - I don't know??
In order to test if my sound is working proppely or not I simply depress the "arrow down" key in the main menu and listen to the generated "key clicks". If only one key click can be heard at a time when the key auto-repeats, then the sound is OK. BUT if you start hering echoes and interrupted key-clicks then the sound is bad - simple as that
During my search I found a small trick to at least decrease the impact of the start-line bug. If you press "Pause" the minute the start-line screen appears, then the camera will have time to zoom in on your car and you can "Resume" the race with the camara in the correct positrion, but this fix will not bring back the count-down.
OK - long storry - with-out any usefull fixes so I'm still stuck - HELP!!
Posted: 04 Feb 2006, 20:03
Can I ask, in Win98 mode, which sound card drivers does it use ?
Are there different drivers for your sound card for both XP and Win98 ?
As the problem sounds more like the drivers that the OS is using rather than what the game is using.
Posted: 06 Feb 2006, 14:00
I don't think that XP uses different sound drivers in different compatibillity modes ..? I tried to remove the old mss16.dll and RV runs fine with-out it, so I guess the Miles Sound System only uses 32bit DLLs.
Another aspect of this sound story is that the amount of clicks and echoes varies very much from one PC to another. On a 400MHz AMDK6-3 the sound in Win98 mode is almost OK - only small clicks. On a 667MHz P3 Deskpro EN the sound is terrible in Win98 mode. So I guess the Win98 sound problem exists on all PCs, but the magnitude of audible distortion is very different on different systems.
If nobody has a cure for this, one small question still remains:
I have no problems running RV in native XP mode - graphics works smooth, sound is nice and crispy and frame rate is acceptable, even on my 400Mhz/TNT2. So what kind of problems do you guys have if you try to run RV in native XP mode??
Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 02:36
hi all I am new here and most likely will be a very infrequent visitor! I have the same problem with the starting countdown but as mentioned before in an above post I also pause the game till the camera gets in position. I am so used to it that i dont see it as a bug anymore, just time to mb scratch my nose or rest my fingers!
Posted: 08 Mar 2006, 06:14
Hello and welcome to Our Revolt Pub
Costas, pull up a chair and let me have your order,
I hope you will be more than "
a very infrequent visitor!"
If you know of any other issues or solutions with XP and Revolt, then please give us your wisdom.

Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 15:45
Im new here (and always loving revolt) - My brother has the same problem on work pc (Yes Revolt did make its way to the work pc

) and compatibility wizard sound prob - He is running xp sp2 no hyperthreading or dual core. I on the other hand am running dual core hyperthreading xp sp 2 and not got the problem. We been trying to play over the lan network (well technically not lan but rather playing outside the router as an internet game cuz directplay doesnt support ipx anymore) and the problem isnt there when we race against each other. O and in bronze cup the first race always has a countdown but none of the others do. I hope wot Ive sed has eliminated some of the possible factors and sources of your problem
Didnt think there still was a revolt community but I am happy to see there is. I'll try join a game sometime but dont think Ill have the connection or the global positioning (I live in South Africa) *sad*
I have the problem with the custom cars over multiplayer - The game just quits on me with the "Fatal Error" can some1 help me with that. Ill keep trying to fix the problem.