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Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 23:40
I really enjoy this races, i've never race 10 laps online before.
I wonder if there are going to be more of this =)
Let us know when will be the next event. =)
Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 00:17
law wrote:I tried for ages to catch up with Urban in the second race and almost did.

I also noticed you were fighting to overtake me in NHood too. I was "praying" to be in the top 8, but you managed to overtake me just at the end of the race. It was epic.

I can't wait till the next race(s) come(s).
kajeuter wrote:i wasnt very happy about cougar
You can try Toyeca then.
The problem is that you don't know how to handle Cougar. If you know
how to handle Humma, it will help you when driving Cougar.
A few days ago, I did the same mistakes as you (probably) did.

Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 00:19
uff,was great...well,i dont think is gonna happen during the week so lets try the same date and time.saturday at 22:00.If some people cant make it,we just gonna switch it on sunday you can start with confirmation in few days
oh and,that 11 laps was done so quickly (or is it just me).Maybe to add 1-2 laps more or we leave it on 11?
Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 00:29
I think 11 is just fine. Actually I think I would have preferred shorter tracks to do 11 laps on, but hey it was awesome anyway
I think I can make it next week, have some work to do in the afternoons but that means my evenings are good to go!
Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 00:30
I'm fine even with 20 laps. More laps = more fun.
Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 01:31
UrbanR @ Mar 13 2011, 08:00 PM wrote:I'm fine even with 20 laps. More laps = more fun.
Yes I think 20 laps would be good. Last time we weren't satisfied with 1x11 laps.
People are presumably less likely to quit in the middle of a race, so 1x20 would be better than two shorter races.
Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 18:08
i want to participate too
are any places free?
Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 01:00
well some people raced that didnt apply couse some people didnt show up,doubt that they gonna race in next races but will i think it should be space for you,im gonna count on you
Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 01:44
i think that 20 laps will be nice for short races,
and 12 or 15 laps for long races like museum 1 and toytanic.
it will be perfect to do the races every saturday at 22h.
so, i'll do everything to be there. u can count me in next saturday =).
Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 15:54
UrbanR wrote:You can try Toyeca then.
Good idea, there is no other option, since AMW got bad steering, and Humma is only good for people that know how to control it.

Anyway, you can change the name Porky into Kajeuter. I think that is clearer for you guys to see that its me.
For the tracks order you could go to and typ in all tracks.
Then the site gives all tracks in random order

. That could be useful if we dont know which track is going to be played
You can count on me next saturday
PS: im going to practice with bertha for 'normal' online races. Im also going to practice with toyeca for the championship

Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 21:03
Juicy J
Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 22:55
Juice, at least im on the list. Also I was not using my overpowered humma, but the failed AMW. It won't be long before im on top 3.
Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 23:59
Stingox just gave us a start

Posted: 16 Mar 2011, 00:10
don't worry I'll crush you just as well next Saturday Stingox

Posted: 16 Mar 2011, 01:47
Then you will be the first on my deathlist :]
Posted: 16 Mar 2011, 03:01
sebr @ Mar 15 2011, 07:40 PM wrote: don't worry I'll crush you just as well next Saturday Stingox
porky with fat bertha almoust crush sting,sting is here just to fill the space
Posted: 16 Mar 2011, 12:25
maybe in normal races, but in this champ, there will be no bertha

. this champs only for pro cars.
Posted: 17 Mar 2011, 18:26
was just checking times,the long one is museam1 and its below 3min for 3 laps,so 20laps will do 20 minutes.i dont think thats too long for longest track so i think we should go for it and try

and looking at some shorter tracks,example market 2,we would finish 20 lap race in about 7 minutes.. i say we go for it if noone minds.but definetly is gonna be 1 race this time beacuse lots of laps.
so if someone know that probably will be able to drive in saturday (same time as last race) you can start applyin so we know approximately who will advantage are these one that raced last race ofcourse,we cant kick someone that drove in last race

but im sure that few ones cant make it so there will be room for new drivers
Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 13:39
museum 1

? aww I so hate that track. but if you guys want to play it I dont mind joining in

I can make it Saturday 22:00. See you there!
Posted: 18 Mar 2011, 16:28
museam 1 is like made for fat bertha
Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 00:24
Museum 1!!! man i love that track
U can count on me tomorrow, Saturday at 22h (18h for me)
See u guys thare.
Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 02:08
and who said is gonna be museam 1

Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 03:15
i understand that ur gonna run museum 1.
but whatever, we'll have to run it anyway, later or sooner

Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 04:22
so which track is it going to be tomorrow?
Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 05:15
good news to stingox and bad new for me ...
i can't play championship tomorrow, i have a water-polo match

Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 12:13
Oh, then we have to ask stickwarrior, or do the race at Sunday 22:00
Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 20:26
the_law @ Mar 18 2011, 11:52 PM wrote: so which track is it going to be tomorrow?
i really dont know,will see....i think game has 13 tracks,and we have 12 players..we should make a rule that before race every time diffrent player can choose which track to play

12 players 12 tracks and the last track noone choose beacuse its last,damn im smart

Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 23:55
And I know how to do that

, just randomize everything so nobody knows which track its gonna be or randomize a player list and whos on N1 can choose the level. then Nr2, then 3 etc. coulod be an idea.
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 03:29
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 03:53
Here it is. The total score of all 4 tracks. Thanks goes to Urne for the scores of this week.
Was awesome guys. thanks for the races.
Probarly next Saturday 22:00 again?
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 05:20
What do you know, 5th already, looking forward for being top 3 for next championship races.
I must say thanks to all the haters, without you I wouldn't even be here :]
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 05:35
don't be afraid, I'll be there last week

Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 06:05
It was a great couple of races, even if I did come last, and even if the tracks weren't ideal.
I think we should be selective about which maps we do these races on, and consider using custom maps. For example hull breach 2, revoltrum and trailer park could be epic for long races.
The Panga is bloodied but unbowed
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 06:12
I though we all agreed to run the botanical garden track (majority of votes).
All cars got disadvantages and problems in certain tracks.
Still the panga was a real man and did not shoot others when he was overlapped.
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 07:57
Sorry for being offtopic, but isn't there a bug in the display of names in the following Urne's screenshots?
on G-Force name
on Stingox name
Looking at the font rendering, I think you were using v1.2, right? Maybe it's a regular bug I don't know, I just thought it should be mentionned...
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 11:18
i dont see any bug in this screenshots
maybe u confused because is another name "upon" my name and stingox's
(in my case is stavr and stingox tavi)
anyway, i cant wait for another 20 laps race. it was so fun
and what are the fear to race 20 laps museum 1
it will be fun

Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 13:31
i was the best there by miles
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 13:57
Stingox wrote:Still the panga was a real man and did not shoot others when he was overlapped.
Only Fat Bertha does that. But she never gets overlapped if we do 3 laps XD. if we do 20, I think she will be overlapped 5 times.
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 16:15
If Jigebren is talking about the colo, thrsen yes it looks like a bug to me. I'm have a pink name but in the chat bar I'm yellow.
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 18:14
EDIT: nvm.
To fill this post with something though, I think we should do the same as we did yesterday (voting for the tracks to race), but perhaps in a more organized way. Would it be possible to open a poll in this post?
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 18:50
g-force @ Mar 20 2011, 06:48 AM wrote:i dont see any bug in this screenshotsÂ
maybe u confused because is another name "upon" my name and stingox's
(in my case is stavr and stingox tavi)
I'm talking about transparency:
- For example, PORKY is above ATOMIC HIL but still we can see the 2nd name through the PORKY letter.
- But STINGOX is fully hidden by TAVI (tranparency disabled)...
Anyway, end of offtopic...
EDIT: nvm too... I should have read the
v1.2 topic before answering this one

Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 19:34
I was thinking about name colors... The color above my car is Pink while my text is yellow. isn't it supposed to be the same?
looking at some other pictures you'll see that some people have the same text color.
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 20:55
I'm talking about transparency
Yeh, ur right jig
We cant see through names(in that cases).
and yes sting, i agree that the colors shoud be the same

Posted: 21 Mar 2011, 12:24
Urnemanden wrote: Would it be possible to open a poll in this post?
I dunno, you could do something like this:
Vote 1 for Toys in the Hood 2
Vote 2 for Toytanic 1
Vote 3 ect
Posted: 21 Mar 2011, 13:47
Poll: Which track to play next?
Toy World 1
Toys in the Hood 2
Museum 1
Ghost Town 2
Supermarket 2
Toytanic 1
maybe this helps?

its also smart. Its closed at saturday, so you have to vote before saturday!
Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 01:17
well,who can we expect in saturday ..
Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 01:28
uh uh, me definitely.

Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 18:15
ok,looks like me and you are goin to race ,well see you tomorow urn...two is enough to keep championship goin..
Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 23:00
yeah I should be there.
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 01:02
U can count on me there