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Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 00:46
how about we gather 12 players who are willin to do champion racing.we think of way how are we goin to give points after each race and publish them somewhere and keep adding them.We lock are self in a room and 12 exact same players are doin champion races...
I was thinking we playe only 1 race a week and only 1 track with lets say 10 laps!We agree what time would suit for all was and we play.That is only like 12-15 minutes of your time.i think everybody can make that.does someone like this idea and would like to participate?
Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 01:39
URV ... topic=1241
We're going to make another similar thing sometime this spring. People still need to win something- they won points already.
Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 01:47
Ohhh man what a good idea!!
i'm in.
so, i think its a good idea make a race of 10 laps, but,
i think not only one race a week, i think at least 3 interest in this.
Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 01:56
would you like to participate in this champion?the race would be with pick ups of course.or u suggestion that we wait for spring champion?i asked some people and there is many people interested.was thinking that we add in champion some month tracks too that we would all together first choose.what do u think?
Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 03:41
Sorry to break the championship mood, but.. why-is-this-in-development-tools-and-projects???
Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 05:19
Ugh, I noticed that, but totally forgot about it.
This should go to Online Racing!
Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 07:35
UrbanR @ Mar 4 2011, 12:49 AM wrote:This should go to Online Racing!
Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 14:59
Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 15:54
Huki @ Mar 3 2011, 11:11 PM wrote: Sorry to break the championship mood, but.. why-is-this-in-development-tools-and-projects???
cause we are developing a championship
or maybe beacuse im cosmo and i do everything wrong...
but the main reason is i am not alowed to open topic on online racing...
ok,lets first gather 12 players...
second,there is 13 pro tracks,was thinking to add 2-3 good month tracks?we need to decid which one (if everybody agrees).Any suggestions about that?
and third and maybe most problematic,we need to set the date and time of the first race...but we ll deal with that later ,was thinking 1 or 2 races per week...
so for now on:
1.The law-confirmed in house
6.Phantom-confirmed in house
7.Skarma-confirmed in house
and please if someone has suggestion,post it.Is 10 laps to much or little.for market 2 nothin special but for market 1 fits.maybe to add 2 more laps only on very short tracks like toyworld 1,botanical,market 2?
oh and almoust forgot,how much points driver earns for what position.
Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 19:05
Hi! I've played Re-Volt ALLOT in my days but never online. Just found ReVolt 1.2 and this forum last week.
If I may I would like to join in, it sounds like fun

Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 19:38
ofcourse you can.what s your name in rv house,did you ever play there?
Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 19:50
Never used Rv House before, but I just downloaded and used same name.
Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 20:03
well thats where we play the game.most people come at evening.You also need to foward ports first,hope you know how to do that,if not someone will help in rv house.
try the game in house does it work so we can add you..ou and..
you never drove online yet,seeing here this list of drivers there is some really hardcore players,revolt perverts,dont worry if you end up last most of races,thats normal

Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 20:31
Meh, count me in as a backup player.
Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 22:09
Count me in, sounds like fun!
Cosmo Kramer wrote:oh and almoust forgot,how much points driver earns for what position.
I'll suggest we use the same point system as a normal offline championship. Or perhaps add 25% extra points to each position so it matches the fact that we are 12 players and not only 8 (as in offline championships).
Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 01:15
I'm in

Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 17:53
I just checked how the offline championship handles points, read the box below.
Code: Select all
1st +10
2nd +6
3rd +4
4th +3
5th +2
6th +1
7th +0
8th +0
If I were to make that system support 12 players, it would probably look like this.
Code: Select all
1st +10
2nd +8
3rd +6
4th +5
5th +4
6th +3
7th +2
8th +1
9th +1
10th +0
11th +0
12th +0
Does that makes sense?

Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 18:06
hmm..u notice that in revolt goes 10 then 6.Almoust in every sport first position is rewarded with diffrence between first and second place.was thinking:
1-edit 15
what do u think?
and looks like we have 12 players.(lets wait 1 more day to see what happens with new guy milky).i dont evean know if the game works for him.if not we invite someone else.
well you be free to arrange and suggest ideas...choose whatever you people think is right..i gotta go to wedding

Posted: 06 Mar 2011, 06:18
I think you will have to count me out. Cant get my connection to work properly. Ports are open correctly be still I cant connect. No idea whats wrong...
Posted: 06 Mar 2011, 13:47
I have a question... This is just for fun, right? I mean, the winners (the ones with most points) don't win anything, right?
Posted: 06 Mar 2011, 14:49
@Cosmo that sounds like a fine system to use. I have often been thinking about championships online again, but wanted to wait till something similar to the offline championship system was implemented in 1.2 for online purposes. Oh well, I suppose it can be just as fun noting down the points ourselves.
UR wrote:I have a question... This is just for fun, right? I mean, the winners (the ones with most points) don't win anything, right?
Well, I wouldn't mind myself if someone wanted to bet their Re-Volt CD on that they can win over 12 other players - though I don't think I would take a chance like that myself.

Posted: 06 Mar 2011, 18:23
UrbanR @ Mar 6 2011, 09:17 AM wrote: I have a question... This is just for fun, right? I mean, the winners (the ones with most points) don't win anything, right?
dont mind rewards,but if you have ideas how to acomplish that,and what rewards?and how d hell should we give a price i really dont know.maybe if someone gives somethin valueble from computer,i can upload torent and give to winner my 40gb of porn
so lets go with mine point system if nobody minds
come at evening in house and someone will help you,dont give up
and why nobady talks about month tracks,are we gonna add 2-3?was thinkin of ocean park.i like that one.does someone has a wish of a month track...
and we "only" have to set the date and time of first races and we re ready to go

Posted: 06 Mar 2011, 22:27
Do you know the Holiday Camp and Petro volt tracks? They would be good for race.

Posted: 06 Mar 2011, 23:40
Cosmo wrote:dont mind rewards,but if you have ideas how to acomplish that,and what rewards?and how d hell should we give a price i really dont know.maybe if someone gives somethin valueble from computer,i can upload torent and give to winner my 40gb of porn
Hah, well, that would pretty much kill us.
Well, in my Christmas Championship, we had these kind of rewards:
Me @ Re-Volt Live > Online Racing > Christmas Championship wrote:1st place: Car model by Halogaland, texture by UrbanR, Parameters by Citywalker (all the way you want them)
2nd place: Car model by Halogaland, basic/decent texture by UrbanR, decent Parameters by Citywalker
3rd place: Car model by Halogaland, no texture (only basic/UV mapped) or parameters.
However, I think this isn't possible here and right now...
Posted: 07 Mar 2011, 02:27
Personally I would have found it nicer to have a physical thing as the prize. I do have one prize I would like to use for a championship here at home, but I'll wait till the whole championship thing is better "implemented" (in 1.2

) and fair (random positions, anyone?).
Oh well, I wouldn't mind digital downloads either - any prize is better than no prize. ^^
Posted: 07 Mar 2011, 02:48
Well... I think I have some old electric cars I don't use anymore... haha
Posted: 07 Mar 2011, 22:01
Personally I would have found it nicer to have a physical thing as the prize.
Besides, I'm always pressed on time and you could be waiting for a while to get the parameters <wry smile>
Posted: 09 Mar 2011, 19:38
hm...lets forget about month tracks this time.Lets just see is this champion gonna work!
so,how we supposed to meet in specific time...any ideas?i can make it almoust any unemployed

what about others.Lets try to set the date

Posted: 09 Mar 2011, 19:58
7 PM CET in every day is good for me
Posted: 09 Mar 2011, 21:52
Week-ends are the best option, at least for me.
Although I'm usually available almost all Saturday (10:00 - 23:00), Monday between 17:00 (or 18:00) - 20:00 (or 23:00) GMT+2 and Friday between 14:30 (or 15:00) - 18:00. All in GMT+2.
Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 19:22
urban did you say were backup
so common people,we should pick a day and confirm that we all can make it.its not that hard,just use your keybord.
we all have time for 15 minute race
Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 21:11
All my port troubles as been fixed ive raced online for first time, i wasnt a too crappy driver!

On weekends i can race 24h a day, no problem.
Posted: 11 Mar 2011, 14:34
hey guys
its me kajeuter

the guy that used bertha ballistics in the first race

I'd want to join if you still have one seat available.
My port settings are correct now and RVHouse is not new for me anymore.

Posted: 12 Mar 2011, 02:57
Cosmo wrote:urban did you say were backup
I can guarantee that not everyone will show up- that means we won't be 12 players. So you can
not consider me as a backup in that case.

Unless, who knows, I could be wrong.

Posted: 12 Mar 2011, 18:21
i think noone will show up...
was thinking that we set the date and everybody just confirmed here that they can make it....but i bet half of them doesnt even folow this i kinda give up..if somebody has idea how to make this happen i dont mind,but doubt it,anyway
well i am central europen time,how about today in 22:00.can someone confirm it,how about we try to start today (usullay i would tell date way before but since today is saturday,lets try today)
if someone doesnt know what time is it now on my watch
so race in 22:00 by this clock
toys in hood 10 laps
so ive seen phantom and skarma in house and they can make it,and me somethin if u can make it
Posted: 12 Mar 2011, 20:42
I can perhaps make it by that time, but I can't promise anything. Having guests tonight and I don't know if I can be there then.

Posted: 12 Mar 2011, 20:58
ok,jam88 said now he ll be there.try to be there if u can.remember,is only 10-15min race
Posted: 12 Mar 2011, 21:13
Cosmo_Kramer @ Mar 12 2011, 04:28 PM wrote: ok,jam88 said now he ll be there.try to be there if u can.remember,is only 10-15min race
Yeah I plan on being there.
Posted: 12 Mar 2011, 21:56
I'll be there.
However, I have a question: Will anybody record? I have FRAPS, I can record, but it affects my FPS a lot (it comes down to 9-15 FPS).
Either way, if nobody will be able to record, I guess that a screenshot at the end of the race would be enough then.
Also, a tip: Try to announce the time at least 1-2 days before it.

Posted: 12 Mar 2011, 22:34
I signed to this earlier and will definitely join the race.
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 00:30
Man im in =D
U can count with me there!
it will be fun!
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 03:32
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 04:29
why don't you add car used during the races ?
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 04:37
Thanks for posting UrbanRocker and thanks everyone who participated - that was fun!
@SebR uuh I'll note that down for next time

Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 05:15
@Urne: I already posted the pics - as links - but for some reason, the line doesn't show below the words. Just hover the mouse cursor at the text:
Edit: I used the
tag now. But it's still weird, I don't see why the line wasn't showing.
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 05:49
I regret using AMW at nhood1, was already hard enoughand then the laggers and zappers hit me. Had to continue with that slug at muse2 also :/
Going to be a change for the next coming championships!
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 13:07
oh man 2 times last place

, im very noob XD. But i enjoyed the race anyway

. Does everybody needs to choose the same car next time? because i wasnt very happy about cougar

Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 15:43
You choose what you want to drive with, every car is allowed as long as it is Pro and not a downloaded one (no custom cars).
@urban thanks for the reminder, didn't notice myself.

Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 19:10
Yeah it was an epic couple of races.
I was disappointed with how I did in the first one but the second was ok. I have actually done a "god lap" with the Panga offline for toys in the hood 1.
I tried for ages to catch up with Urban in the second race and almost did.
Looking forward to the next one, but I need to practice.
The panga revolution continutes!
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 19:16