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Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 06:16
The rumours of my demise have been .....
you know the rest.
Way back in summer 2010 (UK) I recieved the blue screen of death at bootup, and quite frankly couldn't be bothered to fix it.
Then the Christmas season came (early september onwards) and I got really busy at work as my company incresed the workload yet reduced the work force, and I have been really stressed since.
I am typing this on my wife's PC and it will be a while untill I get my head out of my bottom and get my PC fixed.
I am sorry for any administration issues that have built up.
Hope to be back as soon as I can, don't hold your breath though.
Laterz y'all
Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 08:33
Well, as long as the will is there, it's okay (Will will find the way

Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 19:23
Yo man, missed you around here.
Sh*ts been happening and the community changed. Hope you'll stay a while around before leaving again.
Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 04:49
Glad to see that only your computer's health was to blame, not yours.
BTW, if the faulty computer is still your WinMe computer, maybe you should consider an upgrade, shouldn't you...

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 01:36
Witty title. You haven't changed one bit. Wish you well- may you have better luck than your computer.
Well Jigebren- I kinda have sadistic fun running a computer way beyond its expected lifespan- my Dell Dimension 4400 is still running- albeit I sense imminent death coming my way. It's like 9 years old now. I think the IDE controller is dying.

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 02:42
Welcome back!
Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 19:20
Glad to read that you are okay while your computer is not and not the other way round!
Posted: 22 Feb 2011, 15:00
Yep I too rise from the darkness of the hole i bin laying in lol.
I bin sooo buisy with my music and work stuff that my old pal ReVolt got a bit left out!
But i am settled again and will find time to play around!
Nice to see you all!!
Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 16:26
Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 21:16
...yes. Seems like this was another hi-bye.
Posted: 29 Jul 2012, 07:10
miromiro @ Apr 19 2011, 04:46 PM wrote:...yes. Seems like this was another hi-bye.
Yep it does seem that way.
I would like to appologize to all those of you who have tried to keep contact with me, and I thank you for your friendship.
all two of you
Believe it or not, the PC is still as it was and I have done very little to change that.
Work has had my main focus and both my mental and physical energy.
I need a serious kick up the you know what.
I am glad to see that things are still going strong and the new Moderators have done great things.
I can't promise that
"I'll be back!" but I do sincerely hope to make future input.
Laterz Yall

Posted: 29 Jul 2012, 16:56
I miss "AI Guru"

Posted: 29 Jul 2012, 17:58
We haven't heard from you in ages! To be honest I thought you were dead...
.....aaaanyway *cough* I hope we can hear more from you soon. (soon =/= a year or more)
Posted: 29 Jul 2012, 19:18
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, MM IS still alive then.
Posted: 29 Jul 2012, 19:23
Manmountain @ Jul 29 2012, 02:40 AM wrote:all two of you
Hey, I'm sure more people - including me - were actually wondering about your situation, but thought that it was probably not really useful to try to contact you as long as it was not easy or possible for you to be back...
Anyway, I really hope you'll be back eventually to let you handle with your usual energy and talent the moderator torch I'm currently carrying awkwardly.
BTW I don't want to spoil your topic but I was rather worried by GWC disappearance... Last week I was looking for some info about him, and the fact that his name has been given to a
model Cup in his Meccano Club makes me fear the worse.
Do you have any news from him?
Posted: 29 Jul 2012, 22:29
jigebren @ Jul 29 2012, 07:23 PM wrote:BTW I don't want to spoil your topic but I was rather worried by GWC disappearance... Last week I was looking for some info about him, and the fact that his name has been given to a
model Cup in his Meccano Club makes me fear the worse.
Do you have any news from him?
Very shocking to read the Cup article.. I looked further for some clear info and, Geoff has in fact passed away last December... ... rey+Carter
Anyway, good to see you back MM
Posted: 29 Jul 2012, 23:21
Huki @ Jul 29 2012, 10:29 PM wrote: jigebren @ Jul 29 2012, 07:23 PM wrote:BTW I don't want to spoil your topic but I was rather worried by GWC disappearance... Last week I was looking for some info about him, and the fact that his name has been given to a
model Cup in his Meccano Club makes me fear the worse.
Do you have any news from him?
Very shocking to read the Cup article.. I looked further for some clear info and, Geoff has in fact passed away last December... ... rey+Carter
That's really a sad news, hope he goes to heaven.

Posted: 30 Jul 2012, 00:25
It's very awkward to find this out 8 months late.
May he rest in peace.
Posted: 30 Jul 2012, 08:30
Very awkward indeed, but better we find out a bit late than not at all.
Rest in peace, Geoff.
Posted: 30 Jul 2012, 12:22
Huki @ Jul 29 2012, 05:59 PM wrote: jigebren @ Jul 29 2012, 07:23 PM wrote:BTW I don't want to spoil your topic but I was rather worried by GWC disappearance... Last week I was looking for some info about him, and the fact that his name has been given to a
model Cup in his Meccano Club makes me fear the worse.
Do you have any news from him?
Very shocking to read the Cup article.. I looked further for some clear info and, Geoff has in fact passed away last December... ... rey+Carter
Anyway, good to see you back MM
So sorry to hear that. He's going to be missed!
Posted: 31 Jul 2012, 11:24
Well, it’s a real community. Real things happen here. May he rest in peace, indeed.
Posted: 31 Jul 2012, 17:42
Rest in peace, GWC.
Posted: 17 Aug 2012, 14:37
Rest in peace Geoff.
Four years ago he was a small assistance for me, he helped me making tracks.... Thank you very much Geoff, without you I wasn't how I am now... So Geoff, I will miss you, and hope there is a lot of beer in Heaven!
Posted: 05 Feb 2013, 21:17
Hi all,
Can I start by saying that I feel really sad about Geoff, I did not know at all and wish I had stayed in contact.
We use to share laughs and thoughts on loads of projects.
As a fellow Brit I will dearly miss him.
My own personal life took a bit of a nose dive as I was made redundent in December after 16 years, the whole company 'COMET' went into liquidation, over 6000 jobs.
I hope to be visiting here more often.
Posted: 06 Feb 2013, 00:25
Manmountain @ Feb 5 2013, 04:47 PM wrote:My own personal life took a bit of a nose dive as I was made redundent in December after 16 years
Ouch. It's hard to enjoy your return in such circumstances... I feel really bad for you, MM.
Anyhow, we're glad to see you here. I just wish you'll find a way to bounce back eventually.
Posted: 06 Feb 2013, 00:37
Never knew you worked for COMET. Sorry to hear that sir. Would be nice to see you stick around for a bit though, you're missing lots. Why not pop back into Revolt-Chat sometime? It's been 356 weeks since you last visited, eheh.
Posted: 07 Feb 2013, 01:52
Skarma @ Feb 5 2013, 08:07 PM wrote:Why not pop back into Revolt-Chat sometime? It's been 356 weeks since you last visited, eheh.
Is that all, LOL

Posted: 30 Mar 2013, 09:20
Indeed MM, you should come say hi sometime!
Posted: 17 Sep 2013, 18:17
Back again after about six weeks absence.
The wife had a hip replacement operation on 7th of August, and I have been taking care of her every need semi constantly and have had no time for myself.
But she is doing well and nearly without the aid of crutches.
I'm just sorry to hear about SuPeRTaRD, it seems every time I go away one of our legendry community members leaves us. I need to really stay in touch.