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Posted: 27 Jan 2014, 04:52
Don't you think that is a bit selfish, Kenny?
Posted: 27 Jan 2014, 14:48
Why, because I don't want people to have yet another Re-Volt.exe in their game directory lying around, every one for a different purpose?
- one for multiplayer (beta or early alpha)
- one for most features (latest alpha)
- one for driving with 12+ cars in single player (there isn't more to it)
- the original one (because why the hell not?)
Also as I said, it doesn't have the 1.2 features so a
lot of stuff that you would like to try out might not work as you expect it to (or at all).
Besides, there is a reason why it hasn't been included in 1.2 yet and its not because it is difficult to get to the point where I got.
I didn't thoroughly test everything so even though in the video most stuff looks okay its certainly not sure if it works as intended or if there are some nasty bugs that might turn up.
Not to mention that it requires a somewhat good hardware to run in a decent framerate when there are 30+ cars (and those in the video aren't even high poly like most custom cars are).
Now don't get me wrong, I don't want to keep this locked away forever but as long as the 1.2 project is still officially live I don't see a good reason why I should share it (even if it is for testing purposes only).
If they would suddenly announce that there won't be any more development and don't share their source then I would be glad to share my build but as far as I know thats not the case.
And who knows, there is still a chance that the car limit gets increased in a future 1.2 version. So why don't you ask them if they are going to look into that or not?
But despite all that, I currently don't have access to the build anyway. Its on my main PC which had a hardware defect back in November (not the HDD) and I'm still waiting for a replacement

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 14:15
I would love to see a good, proper tele feature in the next 1.2 -- Press a button (outside of dev mode), see either available via selection:
Bars with numbers inside of them for accel / brake, left / right, item as text, spring load, speed, time, position, etc.
No text save for position and time, but instead show a basic R/C controller overlay, with sticks that move for accel / brake, left / right, basic car outline with color-coded spring load, etc.
Combination of the two, sans the bars, instead using the Advanced telemetry to display information
Color invert
For courses white in color, maybe include a function for inverting colors from white to black whenever necessary. Might be useful for the present UI as well.
Now, why would someone want this? For replays, and statistical information. Maybe, post-production shoutcasting, etc.
Multiplayer replays would be nice to have as well if not already implemented, replay save/load, maybe even a timeline and replay control features to fast-forward and rewind.
Basically, make Re-Volt like Forza 4 in terms of replays.

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 22:03
I'd like windows 8 full compatibility without using the commandline and nothing else.

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 23:11
Phantom @ Jan 28 2014, 05:33 PM wrote: I'd like windows 8 full compatibility without using the commandline and nothing else.
> Make new shortcut
> Direct it to revolt.exe
> Append
-emulatefullscreen to target
> Shut up and play the game.
Posted: 29 Jan 2014, 09:12
I was who told you about the -emulatefullscreen commandline so i don't know why are you reminding me.
I don't know if you are kidding or trying to be funny, which you were not.
It is clear that using a commandline in a shortcut isn't a permanent solution but a hot-fix.
The compatibility with windows 8 has to be applied inside the real .exe in some point, and i hope it can reach to our hands in the next release.
Posted: 29 Jan 2014, 23:05
Phantom, you might be a little prissy there. With this logic, WolfR4 is also a hotfix, but it works wonderfully. So does -emulatefullscreen.
Bottom line: let’s be thankful for the things that work, given how little time the devs are putting into V1.2 lately, and let’s concentrate on things that are really missing.
Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 07:33
Even if I am thankful when I have to be, I also won't hesitate to say the truth when I have to, and I think I do it quite respectfully in comparison to other people that don't bother posting here.
I won't compare WolfR4 with a commandline because they are completely different things.
What I say is that a using a commandline to get compatibility is indeed a hotfix because it doesn't fix the problem entirely. It may be good for those like you who only play offline and can launch revolt directly from your shortcut.
But for me and my friends who do play online the windows 8 incompatibility is getting on my nerves. I can't play online with people that have windows 8 simply because of that. Other lobby launchers apart from rvhouse don't allow commandlines, they launch directly from the .exe and if that .exe isn't compatible we're screwed.
I am aware that RVH allows commandlines but since the Devs/arto don't seem to include Winsock/NATP in Re-Volt/RVHouse anytime this year, people that are behing NAT are screwed.
That is what I have to say. I understand that the priorities for you and me might be completely different. Well, in the name of the online scene I can't think of anything else other than Winsock/NATP implementation, real windows 8 compatibility and new online game modes.
3 things that are possibly useless for you, are the most important ones for us.
Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 09:21
Couldn't other lobby launchers work with .lnk files? If not that, a batch script that uses the start command to load the game with parameters? Give that a try some time with anything other than RVH. Otherwise, a new build of Re-Volt could have the "Emulate fullscreen" option in video, and check on boot the last profile used.
The problem with Windows 8 isn't exclusive to Re-Volt by the way -- It's happening to a lot of other games. Yasashii from RVL provided a possible explanation being how %systemroot%/system32/dwm.exe handles fullscreen on older titles. If that is the case and it's a bad interaction between DX and DWM, that is something only Microsoft can fix.
Anyway, a far less important suggestion would be animated previews; Maybe, AVI files in /gfx playing back a small portion of the map for purposes of presentation. Doing it like this would also allow people to take a YouTube video and make their own AVI files should they want to do that. The static BMP / BMO file would still exist, and it would be the first thing you see, but after a short delay, crossfade into the AVI. Barring that, maybe RPL compatibility, where a short 30-second replay can load in the track preview.
Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 14:40
ElectricBee @ Jan 30 2014, 09:51 AM wrote:Couldn't other lobby launchers work with .lnk files? If not that, a batch script that uses the start command to load the game with parameters? Give that a try some time with anything other than RVH. Otherwise, a new build of Re-Volt could have the "Emulate fullscreen" option in video, and check on boot the last profile used.
It looks like even bigger spike-nail, don't you think?
ElectricBee @ Jan 30 2014, 09:51 AM wrote:Anyway, a far less important suggestion would be animated previews; Maybe, AVI files in /gfx playing back a small portion of the map for purposes of presentation. Doing it like this would also allow people to take a YouTube video and make their own AVI files should they want to do that. The static BMP / BMO file would still exist, and it would be the first thing you see, but after a short delay, crossfade into the AVI. Barring that, maybe RPL compatibility, where a short 30-second replay can load in the track preview.
Ok, then previews will be bigger than the tracks themselves...
And two more thoughts:
1. To play an AVI (or whatever) the game needs an another external library to be included.
2. To play a replay the game needs to load the whole track, so it is useless to implement.
The best way to present yourself a track is to drive it! Furthermore, if you drove some track a couple of times, then you already know what this one is about and don't need in representing it more...
Posted: 02 Feb 2014, 18:59
Hello, a few suggestions here:
1. Split-screen clockwork carnage.
2. Names above players in split-screen.
3. Larger amount of AI cars in races. (as far as i know, 100+ is allowed in beta?)
Also, what does one require to join developing Re-Volt? (or atleast can?)
Posted: 02 Feb 2014, 21:31
coNNecTT @ Feb 2 2014, 02:29 PM wrote: (as far as i know, 100+ is allowed in beta?)
Nope, not true. Also this feature has been suggested ever since this thread started (first page, next to bottom post).
coNNecTT @ Feb 2 2014, 02:29 PM wrote:Also, what does one require to join developing Re-Volt? (or atleast can?)
I believe it is posted on the patch site that you have to email them but considering the current situation with WeGo Interactive and them being inactive regarding the project for a while now I don't think its currently possible to join the them.
Posted: 08 Feb 2014, 23:54
I finally remembered the other suggestion I had forgotten due to the recent 1.2 release.
You know that when you join an online race that has a different version than yours, the game gives the infamous Wrong Version message and it sudddenly enters the game in offline mode.
Well, after all this time dealing with new players I can say that this confuses new people in a way that you don't imagine. Those not familarized with the 1.2 development believe that their game is working because it "entered", those not speaking english don't even get the idea that there was an error, and for the old players it implies a time waste in loading something that nobody wants to load: the offline frontend. Please make it so that the game doesn't start in offline mode after a fail attempt to connect.
This should apply to both "Wrong version" and "Can't connect to lobby session" error messages.
There are really no reasons for the game to load in offline mode after that and it only confuses the new players.
The correct behaviour should be: automatic abort of the game after the user clicks OK on the error message.
Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 11:59
And taking my previous suggestion as a base: after making the game not to start in offline mode after an error, it is a nice moment to start thinking in making the error messages more descriptable.
Because I believe you will all agree with me that meaningless words like "Wrong version", or "Can't connect to lobby session" don't say much about what to do when these errors happen.
And please don't say that old players should know what these errors mean perfectly because that would be a complete lie:
ReVoltRace Chat wrote:RV-Passion: If I try to join a session comes the message: ERROR Wrong Version.
What does that mean? I have downloaded today the newest 1.2 Patch.
2014-02-08 20:10 PM
Nobody knows what a lobby session is, only you developers and we -the few helpers in RVHouse-.
Nobody knows the versions that RV has, only you developers and we -the helpers in RVHouse-.
Only a few people that I can count with the fingers of 1 hand know that some versions are incompatible with each other.
So.. I propose:
To change the text in those error messages for something more helpful.
Something that even a noob could easily interpret and start solving it by him/herself. If somebody doesn't want noobs in the community that is a different story that we can discuss other day.
You can think of better texts but at least the following changes should do the job. I wrote them in simple vocabulary and grammar so a non-english speaker or an english learner could understand them too.
Can't connect to lobby session should be replaced by:
Re-Volt can't connect to the Multi-Player game.
The cause may be your Router or Firewall blocking the game.
Please allow Re-Volt in your Firewall Exceptions and open the following ports in your Router configuration page:
TCP+UDP 2300-2400
TCP+UDP 47624
More Help at: link to (specifically add a link to the sub-section: When trying to play online I don't see any sessions, get a black screen or "Can't Connect to Lobby Session" error!
Wrong Version should be replaced by:
Re-Volt can't connect to the Multi-Player game.
The cause is that your game's version is incompatible with the host's version.
The Host's version is: XXXX
Your version is: XXXX
Get the correct version at: link to (specifically to the Nightly Builds subsection)
I think there are not arguments against adding these things, which are only helpful and benefit the users. Ofcourse these might not be present in the final 1.2 version if you don't want, we can think of something even better for the future. But these are to cover the today's big demand of old and new players that constantly have problems with the game. Because we helpers can't be online every day and many people depend on us to play the game.
Wiii.. I finished typing.

Seeyou. And thanks.
Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 13:23
Password-protected profiles
I am asking this mainly because of my idea of using a cloud service with this game, but also, it can help to keep other users out of someone else's profile if they care to do certain things like have legitimate completion or setting records without anyone else's involvement. It would also keep peope from signing into someone else's profile and resetting their progress out of spite and silly stuff like that.
Enhanced pickup interaction
This one just came to me; If you're hit with a water balloon, and you have electropulse, the water balloon should not just knock you around, but also have an AOE that disables electropulse from performing.
A water balloon on an oil slick should create ineffective, diluted oil.
An electroshock to a vehicle using battery already should cancel the battery, not disable the vehicle until much later.
If a water balloon does not pop and lands on an oil slick, it should slide around. Also, if a ball bearing rolls over an oil slick, it should become easier to move, and it should spread the oil.
That's all the changes I can think of...
Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 18:07
@Phantom: +1
ElectricBee @ Feb 10 2014, 01:53 PM wrote:Password-protected profiles
I am asking this mainly because of my idea of using a cloud service with this game, but also, it can help to keep other users out of someone else's profile if they care to do certain things like have legitimate completion or setting records without anyone else's involvement. It would also keep peope from signing into someone else's profile and resetting their progress out of spite and silly stuff like that.
Can you just make a backup when leaving a game if you care THAT much?...
ElectricBee @ Feb 10 2014, 01:53 PM wrote:Enhanced pickup interaction
If you're hit with a water balloon, and you have electropulse, the water balloon should not just knock you around, but also have an AOE that disables electropulse from performing.
When a water balloon hits you, and you have an electropulse, your car actually must electropulse itself, because of the short circuit!
It will be more realistic...
Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 23:38
ElectricBee @ Feb 10 2014, 08:53 AM wrote: Enhanced pickup interaction
This will obviously never be implemented, and I don't mind that.
As for Phantom's suggestion, I find it a very good idea, would be really helpful.
Posted: 11 Feb 2014, 12:53
It has probably been mentioned already, but an option to specify how the AI handle. There'd be two settings;
Modern - Ignore the AI parameters and run all cars with the baked-in 1.2 AI
Classic - use the AI parameters for all vehicles.
If no AI exists, then it would default to "Modern" AI. It's like this already, but with the option to ignore the custom AI in parameters, the play field might be a little more even. Or it could be harder! Who knows? But for people who believe it matters, it ought to be in there.
Posted: 11 Feb 2014, 21:56
IIRC, Huki restored the classic AI some time ago.
Posted: 17 Feb 2014, 02:07
-deleted post-
Posted: 17 Feb 2014, 16:17
Hi, I'm new to this forum, but I already contacted the development team a couple of times before, by mail.
I'd like to suggest to add an option to turn down the AI catchup/rubberbanding effect, even a command line like "-nocatchup", since I don't like it and I'm enjoying the Alpha 13.0815 that has it disabled.
Also, this is a lot less important but... I miss a bit the times when exploding for a fake pickup wouldn't cancel the bomb. I had a lot of fun doing multiple explosion combo on rival cars, or making very small lego tracks full of pickups.
Not a big problem, but I think it was a bit funnier before.
another suggestion: I have a Sidewinder Forcefeedback wheel (but the issue affects the Sidewinder Precision Wheel also), and it worked fine on my old PC. Now it still works, but the newer versions of Windows don't have the proper drivers for it, so there is a major problem with it: the accelerator pedal uses the y axis while the brake uses the throttle axis, like in this picture

this causes many issues with the calibration (I'll explain this better soon but actually I haven't the wheel avaliable to test it).
It's not Re-Volt's fault, but if there was an option to calculate the y axis in a different way (instead of -1 0 +1, just 0 2 I think) these old wheels could be perfectly compatible with it.
The problem is a missing feature, the "pedal mode/separate" option that is not present in the default drivers of the newer versions of Windows (7,8)

I think the problem is that the game uses the y value as 2 separate values (-y and +y), and it would be easy to fix just reading the y value as a single value, only for those sidewinder wheels.
Last, I already made this suggestion, but I'll redo it in order to see how the community would react to this; I'd like if there was an option in the "game options" menu of the frontend, where you can choice what pickup you want to disable/enable. This way you could be able to do water-balloon only races, or disable the bomb, etc... for a lot more variety.
In a similar way as the Super Smash Bros series does with the objets.
EDIT: Another suggestion: adding an optional feature to the AI so that the cars try to drive avoiding impacts with other cars.
Having the collisions disabled at all could also be a nice option (like with Wolf); I know that this has been discussed a lot in the past and some of you don't want it, but
-it should be optional
-it's not like Trackmania, because in Re-Volt you can still use pickups to interact with the rivals cars even with the collisions disabled.
I'd like these features just for more variety in the game.
EDIT2: These feature should be selectable in the difficulty menu - adding a "custom" difficulty where you can set all these parameters with also the rubberbanding and the explosion options that I suggested above.
EDIT3: This is truly the last one
Rival times and ghosts should be different for each car; actually they only show the best lap, that is often made using the fastest car... but if you use a rookie class car you can't beat a ghost made using Toyeca.
Posted: 17 Feb 2014, 18:59
I like the super smash bros idea, but the problem is, that the fun is a bit ruined without the bomb.
I still like to see the championship mode for online races.
Posted: 18 Feb 2014, 16:24
I very much like the idea of enabling/disabling certain pickups. ++
Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 06:57
Balint12 @ Feb 18 2014, 11:54 AM wrote: I very much like the idea of enabling/disabling certain pickups. ++
I mentioned that in RVL before, especially as part of an enhanced pickup set.
I am sure if we had some kind of system in 1.2 where pickups could be loaded externally, we could have something similar to Pocket Tanks as far as a varied weapon selection and rooms in RVHouse where there are specific sets of pickups in use. Obviously "Default" would include the staples we know and love, but we could still include and add weapons and their functionality in the game.
About the password-protected profiles, it's not about paranoia for me. I mentioned that specifically for the intention of having Re-Volt in a "Public" setting where it's accessible remotely or via LAN, so people are not tampering with other people's profiles and settings. Another issue I had seen is screen resolution not being set per-profile, so when someone else logs in and uses the game, the last person's setting are used and the next time a person loads the game, the screen resolution may not work with that person's monitor and make the game unplayable.
Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 14:02
ElectricBee @ Feb 27 2014, 07:27 AM wrote:I am sure if we had some kind of system in 1.2 where pickups could be loaded externally, we could have something similar to Pocket Tanks as far as a varied weapon selection and rooms in RVHouse where there are specific sets of pickups in use. Obviously "Default" would include the staples we know and love, but we could still include and add weapons and their functionality in the game.
Most of the weapons have some physical impacts, so to add an external weapon is not like create some textures and particles and you're done; it will require to write and compile some physics handler. Here's again comes up a problem of using shared resources, not to mention that it is very complicated to write a physical effects...
ElectricBee @ Feb 27 2014, 07:27 AM wrote:About the password-protected profiles ... I mentioned that specifically for the intention of having Re-Volt in a "Public" setting wwhere it's accessible remotely or via LAN, so people are not tampering with other people's profiles and settings.
This problem actually occurs with all the games that is used in a public places. They are just not intended for that.
Posted: 06 Mar 2014, 01:33
Here's a simple one;
In a track's INI file, LAPS to specify the number of laps on a track. For stuff like Ripax77's Canyon Road, this would save users the trouble of going all the way into game options to adjust the number of laps every single time they wanted to play.
Or, what if someone figures out dynamic track elements, and decided at lap 3, the floor breaks beneath the cars? Then lap 3 would be the end because there would be no option to continue. Stuff like that.
Posted: 06 Mar 2014, 11:09
It actually will be cool to have a DIFFICULTY line inside a track's INF file.
It will be really cool, cuz the tracks' difficulties are now hard-coded, and Re-Volt shows "Unknown" for the user-made tracks. I actually confused why it had not been fixed yet...
Posted: 06 Mar 2014, 16:55
jigebren @ Mar 3 2014, 07:43 PM wrote: Phantom @ Mar 3 2014, 09:59 PM wrote:Can you prive me with a list of of the tracks with lot of objects?
I mean tracks that feature "movable" objects, that is to say any object in this list:
"Football, Beachball, Trolley, Weeble, Basketball, Tumbleweed, Bucket, Cone, Lilo, ABC"
The following ones are disabled in multiplayer for performance reasons so they don't count here:
"Bottle, Can, Packet, ABC".
Animated objects like Copter, Train, Planets, etc. are moving objects, but not
moveable, so they don't count here either.
The host sends moveable objects data the same way it does for his car, so this takes part of his upload bandwidth. That's why the host car is more likely to lag on track with a lot of moveable objects (compared to normal players or to a track without those objects).
BTW I already improved this point so this effect should be way less noticeable in next build...
What about toy2 train?
car position gets weird at some point due to the train being on a different "stage" on each client
EDIT(jigebren): moved from collision bug topic
Posted: 08 Mar 2014, 23:00
Hi I'm kikizana.
First of all, I have to say that I admire you guys for keeping this wonderful game and its comunity alive by releasing new updates, tools and stuff. I'm very thankful Huki, Jigebren and company.
Ok, this is my suggestion:
I'd like that Re-Volt, specially multiplayer mod, had the capability of let the player choose his car for the next race (just as the next track menu option does with the tracks). This would avoid rejoining, changing host, interrupting the game and bla bla bla.
For instance, a pause menu as represented in the image below:

Posted: 08 Mar 2014, 23:30
I want to support kiki's suggestion and to add that I recommend changing the terminology used in the new Track selector, from "Next Track" to "Change Track", which is more suitable and also better applicable to Change car. (Next Car sounds weird).
Apart from that, I'd like to suggest 2 more things:
1) - Make Re-Volt notify the Host when a player late joins his game by reproducing a sound. This adds more control to the host and avoids undesidered surprises in the next race like players joining with custom cars, or with pro cars on a low rating race, etc. My suggestion is a typical "Log In" Sound like
this. But choose the sound you wish, in case there is a stock wav that fits here it would be great.
2) - In online races, when a player uses electroshock on another player, the electroshock can be disabled if the affected player had a battery. And when this happens the game is supposed to reproduce a sound. Well.. the sound is so damn low that almost everytime this happens we end up in a neverending confrontation of players accusing each other of electroshock not working on certain players, or blaming the game or the version.
So.. I propose to make this sound louder (or change it) specially for the player that used the battery and the player that used electroshock and failed, so they can be under knowledge of what happened and prevent useless fights. So we will know if electroshock not working was due to battery or simply lag.
Edit: I almost forgot. Please make it so that when you are inside the Track Selector and you have pressed F12 key to chat, it doesn't also type it in both chat line and track search line because that is what happens now and it's annoying.

Posted: 11 Mar 2014, 08:24
Flying car AI, represented by a dotted line. That way, maybe

Flying TRUE might get more use on maps designed for flying cars only, or on maps where flying cars have an alternate path.
Amendment to the "Preview" suggestion I mentioned earlier; Instead of a moving camera to player, use replay camera points to show off some of the map before racing.
Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 06:42
Toy2 train should be an easy fix; Just not have it go until the track begins.
Maybe, have an invisible wall that disappears when the race begins?
Posted: 01 Apr 2014, 17:08
It would be great if you can make a "Championship Editor" in which the user is able to choose the cars, the levels, the laps, etc.
Thank you in advance,
Posted: 14 Apr 2014, 13:53
kikizana @ Apr 1 2014, 12:38 PM wrote: It would be great if you can make a "Championship Editor" in which the user is able to choose the cars, the levels, the laps, etc.
Thank you in advance,
This Feature Look Like Smiliar To S.C.A.R.S. And Speed Punks! XD
Posted: 14 Apr 2014, 14:27
Platform @ Apr 14 2014, 08:23 AM wrote:This Feature Look Like Smiliar To S.C.A.R.S. And Speed Punks! XD
Get lost.
Posted: 22 Apr 2014, 23:56
- Tumbling aspect of AI ignored in flying-type cars, so they at least attempt to follow track while airborne
- Assigned pause button is used to unpause as well
- Option to change car by current position while spectating (as opposed to the current, completely random ordering)
- AI not actively ramming player's car (simulation difficulty specifically?)
Not sure why I'm even bothering, seeing how this thread is completely dead, but a couple more:
- Option to disable rubberbanding (seriously we're not all fscking gods here)
- Option to have lap traffic *not* target cars laps ahead/behind (this would disable the player's targeting for affected cars as well)
Posted: 25 Sep 2014, 09:19
I'm not sure if this was suggested but I consider it quite necessary. The option to kick spectators. There's a guy that has been bugging me for a while joining my races as spectator and he starts writing random crap and sending porn sites and annoying messages, so I want to kick him but the "Manage players" options only affects players in race and I can't do anything with an expectator.
Could you add this option please? It is really irritating.
Posted: 07 Nov 2014, 22:50
For Huki when he comes to read this:
Short version:
What I really would like to see in the final V1.2:
1) Switchable “driver-view sway” for the hood cam (like the old RV has). Rigid cam is a heaven-send for soft springs, but makes offroading on hard springs un-viewable and thus un-raceable.
This is also the only thing still keeping me off V1.2.
2) Switchable rubberbanding for the AI. Yes, it’s a must for newbies and good for relaxed racers, so keep it at least optionally, but it may mess with precision-tuned AI behind the scenes (when the game changes their top speed). And it’s a fairer race without rubberbanding (at least in my eyes).
Longer version:
• V1.2 – why not yet for me:
I did an in-depth comparison of WolfR4 and V1.2 for myself, and currently the only thing keeping me away from V1.2 is that the rigid hood camera is too shaky if the vehicle has rock-hard springs (and some do). The race view of any off-road track is absolutely jittery and unraceable then. I think the “driver-view sway” of old RV was made for exactly that reason, so the rigidness should be switchable. For soft springs it’s a heaven-send, of course.
• V1.2 – why definitely yes:
On the other hand, the only thing definitely bringing me into V1.2 land would be switchable rubberbanding AI. Yes, rubberbanding makes races easier for newbies and relaxed racers, so it should be kept at least optionally, but it may mess with precision-tuned AI of difficult vehicles behind the scenes (when the game changes their top speed). I haven’t checked, but I have a suspicion. Besides, it’s a fairer race without rubberbanding (at least I would like the challenge).
• V1.2 – why maybe:
The F6 cam in replay is good to have for videos, and maybe also 512x512 graphics for races, but I can live without those.
• Everything else I can do in WolfR4 as well (from offline-game point of view).
Posted: 08 Nov 2014, 01:11
^ i have to agree... the game is 8yo easy.
the only exception is 121108 with the nasty bots, but thats closer to handicapping and cheating then actual Re-Volt.
Posted: 08 Nov 2014, 14:09
Well, I actually was finding those bots very cool. They were something very fresh and unexpected for me.
It was reealy cool when one of the bots (driving in front of me) has turned itself onto 180 degrees just before the narrow tunnel at Ghost Town, driving backward shoot me with water balloons and then turned back forward at the exit from the tunnel!!! :huh: It's so sad that I have no replay of that epic moment...
They are definitely have a right to exist, at least as an option.
Posted: 08 Nov 2014, 21:51
IIRC, the "121108 nasty bots" were when Huki coded the game to the stock cars (leaving customs hanging). Well, that's another optional then, but it may not be an optimal optional.
Posted: 09 Nov 2014, 18:24
Citywalker @ Nov 7 2014, 06:20 PM wrote: 2) Switchable rubberbanding for the AI. Yes, it’s a must for newbies and good for relaxed racers, so keep it at least optionally, but it may mess with precision-tuned AI behind the scenes (when the game changes their top speed). And it’s a fairer race without rubberbanding (at least in my eyes).
• V1.2 – why definitely yes:
On the other hand, the only thing definitely bringing me into V1.2 land would be switchable rubberbanding AI. Yes, rubberbanding makes races easier for newbies and relaxed racers, so it should be kept at least optionally, but it may mess with precision-tuned AI of difficult vehicles behind the scenes (when the game changes their top speed). I haven’t checked, but I have a suspicion. Besides, it’s a fairer race without rubberbanding (at least I would like the challenge).
I agree with your opinion:
I want offline RV without rubberband effect, because with rubberbanding it's unenjoyable, at least for me.
Example: when Cougar is slower with 5-7 mph when I am behind it and 5-7 mph faster when it's behind me. That's simply ridiculous.
Posted: 10 Nov 2014, 12:06
using 1.2a ~ noai is the best ai...
(v140831) a 12 minute race with a 7 second spread

Posted: 10 Nov 2014, 12:56
ThugsRook @ Nov 10 2014, 03:36 AM wrote: (v140831)
Posted: 10 Nov 2014, 21:44
noai is the best _only_for_stocks_, because Huki specifically coded the game to them. I can't imagne him doing that for all _custom_cars_. The only universal approach is to have the noai and the tunable ai ("Expert AI") switchable in options.
Posted: 10 Nov 2014, 23:18
Citywalker @ Nov 10 2014, 05:14 PM wrote: noai is the best _only_for_stocks_, because Huki specifically coded the game to them. I can't imagne him doing that for all _custom_cars_. The only universal approach is to have the noai and the tunable ai ("Expert AI") switchable in options.
honestly, neither are actually good enough to make a serious difference. track AI is the major problem.
im surprised you missed this ~ it was posted in your thread! ...
this version uses \REDBOOK folder (not \MUSIC) for the redbook soundtrack.

Posted: 10 Nov 2014, 23:40
Ah, got it.

Posted: 11 Nov 2014, 02:48
Wonderful to see that re-volt 1.2 goes on. Don't give up guys, we can do it!

Posted: 11 Nov 2014, 21:47
honestly, neither are actually good enough to make a serious difference. track AI is the major problem.
I can’t really imagine people overhauling the track AI in the tracks they use. It’s not easy, as I understand. So the only feasible option is to provide an easy way to let the game do the most it can with car AI (either Huki’s coding or everyone’s personal tuning).
Posted: 11 Nov 2014, 23:15
Citywalker @ Nov 11 2014, 05:17 PM wrote: honestly, neither are actually good enough to make a serious difference. track AI is the major problem.
I can’t really imagine people overhauling the track AI in the tracks they use. It’s not easy, as I understand. So the only feasible option is to provide an easy way to let the game do the most it can with car AI (either Huki’s coding or everyone’s personal tuning).
stock track AI has been completely nerfed. all the cars turn very wide, go in stupid directions, and sometimes just drive directly into walls. reversed mode... reverse mode is a sad joke. even just returning the track AI to 'default' (centered) would be a major improvement.
there are plenty of user tracks that run stock 1.2b AI very very well, so that shows the problem isnt (or isnt entirely) the car AI.
if i had more experience id be editing the stock track AI.