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Posted: 25 May 2011, 12:48
How about making a option form turning customs on or off. If turnedoff, u canonly use stock cars.This wouldbe helpful when there are ppl who pick a custom when the host doesnt want him to.
Posted: 31 May 2011, 00:06
I have a weird but potentially very easy to implement suggestion for RV 1.2-
Re-Volt's Installshield installer (the real one on the disc) writes an App Path key for Re-Volt, from general looking around, nothing else writes this App Path key but the specific original installer.
My car autoinstallers use the NSIS code [InstallDirRegKey HKLM 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\revolt.exe' 'Path'] to find revolt.exe's main directory. Because a lot of people these days are using the simple RV installers or dumping the Abandonia release into folders- my installers don't work for these people. I believe this registry key should be written by revolt.exe itself- at launchtime. It's not a horribly important key- but it'd be easily implemented I bet. Re-Volt 1.2 writing its main directory location as an app path key (according to where it is) would be neat and potentially make this issue less prominent for most people. I'm not sure how the RVTT track installers work- but they may work the same way- by using the simple to direct to App Path key to find installdir. All RV 1.2 needs to do is
1. Deduce currently ran revolt.exe's location.
2. Write revolt.exe's location in HKLM 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\revolt.exe' as (Default) string. Example: "C:\Program Files\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt\revolt.exe"
3. Write revolt.exe's containing directory location in HKLM 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\revolt.exe' as Path string, Example: "C:\Program Files\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt" (minus the executable itself in the string, basically)
Here, maybe a picture to explain better:

Posted: 31 May 2011, 00:47
Hmm, re-volt already writes it's directory to HKLM 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Applications\Re-Volt\CurrentDirectory'. AFAIK, this is the key used by all auto installers from old times. Of course, revolt will have to be run once before the key is created, so maybe you can check both keys. Check the AppPath key created by the original installer first, if it doesn't exist, check for the DirectPlay key.
Posted: 31 May 2011, 01:11
Well crap, kinda dumb they made two keys for roughly the same purpose and only gave one of them updating. I'll fix that, I guess. A lot of installers to go through, but I guess I'll just use the new key for all of them. Thanks for telling me that.
Would it be against your ideals to make "whatever directory gets written as CurrentDirectory" get written as "Path" in App Paths/revolt.exe/Path?
Also the original DirectPlay key on my system (and probably on all relatively new 64-bit Vista and 7 installs of those playing RV) got thrown in under HKLM/Software/Wow3264Node/Microsoft/DirectPlay/ (and so on, of course)- would this affect installers directed at "HKLM/Software/Microsoft/DirectPlay" (and so on)? Don't know much about WOW64 and to what extent it translates keys.
Posted: 31 May 2011, 04:48
Well, I could make re-volt update the AppPath key at each start.. but you know, it's probably used by InstallShield for maintenance / uninstall. I don't think it's a good idea to mess with that. It's better for the App Paths key to be updated by installers only. So for now we're probably struck with using the DirectPlay key for detection, like everyone else.. till an official re-volt installer comes into existence..
About 64bit Windows, yes, the redirection is automatic so you have nothing to worry about. 32bit applications writing to HKLM\SOFTWARE\xxx\xx\x in a 64bit Windows are automatically redirected to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\xxx\xx\x.
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 18:57
Could it be possible to remove the rubberband-ness of the AI?
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 21:45
Speaking of AI.....
-Make them use Rotor without 'installing' it as a 'custom' car(if possible)
-Maybe somehow make it possible for AI to drive Sprinter XL, Pest Control etc. without losing nearly every race. If its possible, it would be great because right now getting those cars as opponents in a race = free win.
Sprint races. Not laps but rather a track going from A to B. Would that be possible? Laps locked to 1 and a track with the finish line being placed somewhere else than start line?
Or is RV not going to allow that?
Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 08:51
About changing the AI of cars:
See there: ... topic=1475
Most anything is possible, again, because the game has no sanity check there, either. But it's a bit (haha...) of work to tweak the AI, 'cause you'll have to let the AI run the car for every single trying tweak you make. Looots of time is needed...
Besides, the AI part of the params is specific for each car. It's essentially a set of instructions for corrections on top of what the track AI orders the cars to do. And those corrections depend on the handling of the car. Rotor AI wearing Evil Weasel is just incompetent.
About sprint-races:
Any track with 1 lap is essentially a sprint track. No game editing necessary for that. Some are just too short to be usable
And I'm afraid RV won't allow non-circular tracks.
Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 21:16
The only "sprint" tracks that I know is Downhill Jam by Dave-o-rama and the unreleased Touge Drift by MOH.
Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 00:45
Don't know if anyone's requested it yet or if it can be done just how I say it, but here's an interesting idea for a request:
AI Test Mode
A mode selected right at the first menu- you still select physics difficulty, car, and track, and perhaps "alone" (kinda like time trial) and "in race" (like single race) suboptions, but here's the idea:
A mode that you can watch the AI play as human player- camera in same position, and all that, except AI has full control instead of you. This would be GREAT for programming AI params, because you could select everything as you wanted it (cars and tracks) and see it from a good perspective. And more importantly- as mentioned above- a "one car race" option that just lets the AI drive the car on the track alone- so you could see how the AI performs with your AI params on multiple tracks without other variables.
I hope that was clear, it kinda hurts my head to explain things sometimes, haha.
There might be workarounds to achieve the same thing, but I think this idea is real clean and nice if it could be implemented.
Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 01:43
Re: AI Test Mode
You may be glad to know that it can already be done.
I think that's the goal of the gazzas* command lines switches, which AFAIK are only usable in DEV mode. So try to launch v1.2 with the
-dev -gazzasaicar command line switches. You should get something similar to the following screenshot (here I was using v1207 with WolfR4).
It draws and displays infos about the AI internal, and your car is AI-driven.
Note that you can temporarilly disable the AI and take over the car by keeping the RightCtrl key pressed.
The "one car race" is available in WolfR4, and we'll probably add it in v1.2 too (likely to be limited to DEV or MAKEITGOOD mode).
Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 05:35
Geez Jigebren I'm being such a tard as of late- I assumed something might've existed within the dev mode, should've looked instead of asking, haha. Forget I even asked.

But thanks for the details regardless.

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 17:12
On the "Community Championship", perhaps a way of adding / swapping out tracks, allowing a 12-car field, changing laps per event, number of events (16-20 events per "season" like F1 would work well).
Glad you guys think about new things for this ancient game we still all play.
Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 20:03
How about a option to turn some kind of top 4 on. Like if u are 4th and want to know whos first? Just an idea.
I was thinking of something like this, but then with more details:

Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 20:51
DAMN it kajeuter, pure idea. I think it's easy to implement!
Posted: 11 Jun 2011, 02:19
I think it's about time you disable the dreaded JOKER cheat.
Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 16:25
Huki you forget to answer my question about how is new host beeing chosen,i wonder cause like 3 times happen to me that host left the game and every time i was host,im curious how that works
Listen,about that online championship points,can we expect that soon,i wouldnt bother you but you said its a piece of cake to do that so... wondering when is a plan to do that
Was thinking,would be awesome when you could choose for an example that online championship and just before picking a car for example,you choose your
nationality,and ofcourse your flag would be in extension of your name after every race,including points too
wonder if thats possible?If it takes only to resize flags to some particular size,i dont mind doing it
imagine all that and when you done with that,you finnaly pick your own car skin

Uuh,some day i hope,some day!
Oh and i remmeber when u said few updates ago that you were doing some small
changes in waiting room to look nicer,since then i always forgat to tell maybe it wouldnt be bad idea to put number on drivers,(1,2,3,4)so you dont need to count every time who is missing..but that is not important that much,you decide
Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 16:23
here are some ideas I've come up with, dunno how you can implement them, but here ya go:
-Make the pickup choice only give you powerups that would help you in the situation you're in. (Like Mario Kart)
For example, if you're 100 meters ahead of a car, and the car ahead of you is 100 meters ahead, oil slicks and rockets won't get you very far. But if we put in a pickup-determining system like Mario Kart's, you can get batteries almost all the time with pickups in that situation, and then you are only 20 or so meters behind and stand a chance
Also, as far as pickup choice goes, I know Re-Volt just picks one random powerup and scrolls through the rest in order until you get your powerup. Maybe we could make it completely random, so it's not just flashing powerup icons for no reason? Maybe it already is completely random, I don't really know...
-Possibly some new powerups while you're at it?
Maybe you could put in something like a star, but it ONLY affects the car in front of you. It will kill their engine like a star or an electric shock would. Also, maybe the ability to fire certain powerups like the shockwave (the one that flips your car) backward. Or maybe some sort of shotgun\fart spray that wipes out any cars that are following close behind you. Maybe we could make the rockets we have already a bit more accurate.
-Get rid of the goddamn bomb! Or at least include an option to disable it!
-Include the "Next Track" option from multiplayer in the single player pause menu. That way, if you wanna race a certain track, you don't have to go ALL the way out to the frontend just to choose it. You can just scroll through it and hit "restart race", and enjoy!
-Increase the number of objects Re-Volt can handle in one object file (.fob). Right now, the limit is somewhere around 124, and if you have even that much and try to run a track normally it crashes. I'm saying this because I tried to make a track with strobe lights lining either side of the track, but it's not gonna happen
-Maybe more bitmaps to use in tracks (instead of having 10, maybe more?), as well as the ability to have more than 12 different cars on the track at the same time?
-Can we put in some sort of code to prevent the AI cars from falling over each other at the start of a race in an attempt to get onto the racing line the AI nodes have defined? So instead of causing a huge mess that can sometimes never be solved, the cars can spread out, like in Aeon's Factory 125?
-More surface types to play with? Or maybe we can use .ini files to define custom surfaces that we use in our track (like a wolfR4 custom.ini, except it would work with surfaces?)
-Increase the number of solid surfaces Re-Volt can handle (sometimes, you can hit 16000 solid surfaces pretty quickly).
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 17:24
@kaj: About the Top 4 idea, I was wondering if it is really needed. I mean, it fits serious racers, but in an intense game like re-volt all you need to worry about is your immediate opponent.

But I think this will fit nicely in our planned Time-Trial Online mode...
And just a note to everyone: It's good to see all these suggestions from everyone. We do read it frequently, and we do take them all into account. But it's just not possible to individually reply to each of these suggestions. So there is no need to think that your suggestions are being ignored if you see it's not replied to... Just think of this thread as a big compilation of stuff you think re-volt, as a game, should have. But remember we don't entertain silly hacks and mod requests as far as this update is concerned. If your idea is original, fits into this game, and has a purpose, there's a good chance you'll see it in re-volt soon.

Posted: 27 Jun 2011, 02:35
I was wondering if it would be possible too select exactly which cars opponents will drive. Something like AI 1 - Humma, AI 2- Toyeca, AI 3...etc.
Of course its not a must have option but would allow you to race only against stocks, or only against customs, or just specific cars that belong to a pack.
That said, a WolfR4 like "stocks only" option for cars would be appreciated. Mainly because when testing some reparamed cars that i want to be balanced for stock cars i might run into a full custom car field...defeating the purpose, and keeping 2 versions of RV is something i want to avoid as it led to various stupid situations in the past.
And out of curiosity, would it be possible to create new 'ratings' for cars, like something above Pro, or under Rookie etc. Or simply something like "Realistic" for cars that have real-life-like handling (think it was Citywalker who discovered how to do that kind of handling, but im not sure)
Also the same about engine type("Class" in parameters.txt?), for example adding a 3 that would have a custom engine.wav linked to it? Maybe through that it would be possible to make a car sound like UFO, or Clockwork. Just guessing, IF it was possible it could probably be used for tons of things.
Posted: 27 Jun 2011, 08:50
Elven, you can simply have several “cars” folders instead of several Re-Volts. It’s what I regularly do. I have “concepts_cars”, “challenge_cars”, “RL_cars”, etc. Rename the collection you want as “cars” and run the game. I made the display pictures of Concepts Packs (at RVZT) like this – included only Concepts in the race. Of course, each cars folder (garage?

) needs to have “misc” and “trolley” in it, but not even stocks are needed, you can have e.g. full custom races.
Below Rookie and above Pro would be a good idea.
And yes, the Realistic (“RL”) params are my brainchild <modest smile> ( ... topic=1474). I would _really_ like that idea to spread (there are many lifesize-style tracks at RVZT and those practically scream for proper RL handling) and a RL class would be great for that, only it would probably need to be a category with classes, like RL Rookie to RL Pro, because RL params can be made just as diverse as RC ones. The Carmageddon Packs are basically a case in point and RL Stocks are in works too by now <end rant>
Posted: 27 Jun 2011, 14:57
Of course there would need to be different RL classes, but first we'd need to see if it is actually possible. IF we managed to figure out that, and long time later custom championships, we could get a ton more out of RV. Of course thats a big IF.
But seeing what was already accomplished through 1.2 that doesnt seem to be that much impossible.

Posted: 27 Jun 2011, 17:12
More suggestions:
- Include a game mode where there are a whole bunch of cars on the track, and it's up to you to see how many you can pass. (They'll be racing as if they were your opponents in Single Race) The more you pass, the higher your score.
-The number of pickups available on a track seems to be determined by how many cars are racing on it. For example, on Another Generic Raceway I put a total of 36 pickups throughout the track. However, the only time all 36 pickups showed up was in Clokwork Carngae. When only 1 car was racing on the track, only 6 pickups showed up. And when I had 12 cars racing, I got only 29. Is there any way to fix this?
Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 05:53
Dave's first suggestion seems to have given me an idea.
For anyone who has played GT4/GT5 will know exactly what I'm talking about here. I really dont know if anyone would be interested in this but hey, its an idea right?
Driving Missions!
In each mission, you are given a vastly superior car compared to your opponents and the objective is to take the first position before the end of the race. There are two types of these missions: 3 Lap Battle and 1 Lap Magic. In 3 Lap Battles, each car starts at a certain point on the track where as the player car starts at the beginning of the track on the first lap with a running start. In 1 Lap Magic each car begins at the starting line and a countdown timer begins at the start of the race. Each car will set off in chronological order when the timer reaches a certain number. The idea for 3 laps is the best car for the opponents starts in first but it is reversed in 1 lap battles.
If this seems a little confusing or not too straight forward, allow me to give you a very rough example. (Please dont gruel me for any inaccuracy here, this is just to help everyone understand it a little better.)
3 Lap Battle
Track: Toys in the Hood 1
Car: Toyeca
Starting Position: 6th
Opponents (In order from 1st to 5th): Humma, Adeon, Zipper, Aquasonic, Volken Turbo
1 Lap Magic
Track: Toytanic 1
Car: Cougar
Starting Position: 6th
Opponents (In order from 1st to 5th, starting off from Cougar's countdown timer): Sprinter XL (immediatly starts), NY 54 (25 seconds) , Panga TC (20 seconds) , AMW (10 seconds) , Toyeca (5 seconds)
This might seem a little easy for some people (if you've read this far you'll probly be interested by now.) but the reason the missions are so challenging in Gran Turismo is because they "supposed" to be set up in such a way that you will literaly take first place JUST BEFORE the end of the race, because of the other car's starting postions/setting off from the starting line and allocated time to drive a certain distance on the track before your car is allowed to start. Also, you are required to be absolutely concise with your driving. Any mistakes, hitting the other cars or just being too slow will usually end in failure. Of course, these would be done with pickups OFF as these are about actual driving.
Like I said earlier this may be easy for some but difficult for others because all of us have different driving skills and prefer different cars (including the 90% odd percent who choose Toyeca in online races) and some of us are able to burn laps whilst some others may struggle. However, I think that when 1.2 development is reaching the stage for changing/incorporating major things within the game and (maybe/hopefully) the community has some more members we may have more of a wide variety of differently skilled racers. Plus, it adds diversity to the game because it forces the player into driving certain cars whether they want to or not. Should be a good way to persuade some that Toyeca isn't the only stock Pro class car to bash about.
So I wonder what others think of this idea?
Also, there are two "arena" type tracks called Toshinden. Maybe we can have an Arena Battle type game mode so we can (hopefully) support these tracks and more of this type in the future.
Posted: 29 Jun 2011, 19:54
How about something like a playlist? Like u make a list of tracks, and the game plays those in the given order, or a random order. Its really easy for playing all stocks, or doing custom track packs. Just an idea.....
Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 10:56
Just a quick thought here but I think it would be a good idea for the host in multiplayer to have an option to go back to the front-end after or during a race so players can change cars if they'd like to because a couple times after choosing a car I'd get to the waiting room less than a second before the host starts the game and I end up with a totally different car, like one time I chose toyeca and when the race started I was rc bandit.
Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 17:49
stoney1918 @ Jul 4 2011, 10:56 AM wrote: ... a couple times after choosing a car I'd get to the waiting room less than a second before the host starts the game and I end up with a totally different car, like one time I chose toyeca and when the race started I was rc bandit.
This bug is avoided in 1.2-only sessions (you'll get the correct car you picked). These sessions also allow late-joining, so you can easily change you car by quiting game and joining again.
Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 16:29
Maximum laps and selector
Of course you will increase the maximum laps to 255 but I'd like to suggest a new way of choosing the number of laps. IMO it would be better if you could write the number of laps yourself (more or less like when you write the host ip) instead of scrolling to the desider number. Just image scrolling from 1 to 255
Cars in ZIP or similar files
What about compressing the folders in the "cars" directory in zip or 7zip or whatever files? I'm my opinion this way the folder will be much more tidy, easier to manage (since the entire re-volt folder could be moved/copied more easily because of the low number of files) and it would "weigh" less too. Moreover, if you are going to implement a way of downloading cars from other players, such a compression might help
The same could be done with tracks.
This concerns the future "download cars/tracks from players" feature. One should be able to include in its car/track a text file which contains a link (locator) where its creation could be downloaded from, just like what happens in TrackMania, for example. This would drastically reduce the downloading times since the player is downloading from an internet server and not from the user, who could have a crappy internet connection.
Show/hide downloaded cars/tracks
This also concerns the future "download cars/tracks from players" feature. In order to avoid having tons of cars/tracks that the user might not use, there should be a way of show or hide the downloaded files, maybe an option in the option menu. There should therefore be a way of distinguishing default and user-installed files from the downloaded ones. I'll leave this to you

Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 19:18
Changing mirror or reversed track type when paused in multiplayer
This would be great if you want to change track type fast by using similar selection like changing anisotropic number in render settings on rv v1.2. Instead restarting whole server.
(Off topic): I'm new in this forum and sorry for my bad english.
Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 17:45
Two more suggestions:
Another Game Mode Idea
All of the cars line up just line you were in a single race. Except, instead of winning by completing X number of laps before everyone else, how about a game mode where you by completing as many laps as you can in a set amount of time? (ties can be broken by determining exactly how far in a lap a car has made it.
Fixing A Bug Involving Transparent Polygons
In certain tracks, (almost always ones whose polygons are almost all partly transparent) transparent polygons with no completely opaque polies around them seem to disappear completely. Everything else is okay, and at certain camera angles, the offending polygons will reappear, but it can be pretty annoying.
(Try this track and you should understand what I mean...)
Posted: 09 Jul 2011, 21:27
Dave-o-rama @ Jul 8 2011, 05:45 PM wrote:Fixing A Bug Involving Transparent Polygons
In certain tracks, (almost always ones whose polygons are almost all partly transparent) transparent polygons with no completely opaque polies around them seem to disappear completely. Everything else is okay, and at certain camera angles, the offending polygons will reappear, but it can be pretty annoying.
(Try this track and you should understand what I mean...)
Oh, yes. Rendering semi-transparent polys is a tricky job. All polys need to be manually sorted by depth and drawn farthest-first. As this process is very slow, the current rendering engine only supports 1500 transparent polys on the screen at a time. And because of the sorting and drawing algorithms used, a huge bunch of transparent polys close together can just disappear at certain camera angles (like the splash when entering a waterbox). We don't know yet how modern games handle transparent polys, so we'd have to put up with this for a while..
And thanks for all the other valuable suggestions guys. We'll consider them when working on those areas..
Posted: 09 Jul 2011, 23:03
That transparency bug is annoying, but eh... it'll be fixed. But not today.
Increasing the 12-character car name limit during races
Pretty please. Conversions would be easier, then the car would be a "Mitsubitshi FTO" instead of a "Mitsubitshi ". It gets annoying after a while.
Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 01:35
@Nero: Hmm I can increase the car name shown in-game and results to 16 characters, but more than that would be too much trouble. 16 should be enough IMO..
Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 04:34
16? That's also good.

Posted: 13 Jul 2011, 16:01
A Really self-explanatory idea
Perhaps different bitmaps for track env mapping and the ball bearing powerup?
Crashes make Dave angry!!!!!!
When making a track out of instances, or even doing heavy modifying of an instance file in a lego track, once you save, then quit out of the race, Re-Volt crashes. ALMOST EVERY TIME. I dunno why, but it's extremely annoying and inconvenient. Is it possible to implement a fix for this problem?
Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 20:48
Dave-o-rama @ Jul 13 2011, 04:01 PM wrote: When making a track out of instances, or even doing heavy modifying of an instance file in a lego track, once you save, then quit out of the race, Re-Volt crashes. ALMOST EVERY TIME. I dunno why, but it's extremely annoying and inconvenient. Is it possible to implement a fix for this problem?
Hmm, is there any quick way to reproduce this bug? I tried adding / removing some instances in a track with 54 instances already and saving and quiting. I was not able to get a crash so far..
Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 22:23
Here's what I would like to have for future versions:
- The AI should also use the custom cars when you make a Championship Race (that way you cant win that easy when you use a super overpowered car)
- When you unlock new cars (e.g. all Pro cars), all custom cars that match the same criteria as the unlocked cars should be unlocked with them BUT without a CHT sign on them
- Normally when you use the option "random cars", the game picks one random car and all enemies including you have this car in the race.
It would be nice if you could also pick that car yourself (dont know now if it is already possible) and if you could have an option that only your car gets randomized
Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 00:46
Here's what I would like to have for future versions:
- The AI should also use the custom cars when you make a Championship Race (that way you can't win that easy when you use a super overpowered car)
I agree, I guess this is something many people would like to see in the future.
Racing with a stock Pro car against custom Super Pro cars in Platinum Cup will be very fun too.
But this feature should be hidden or disabled by default in order to keep the original gameplay & don't make things harder for new players.
Maybe an option in Game Settings could enable it.
- Normally when you use the option "random cars", the game picks one random car and all enemies including you have this car in the race.
Yes, and this is very annoying actually. Normally you would expect that your opponents have different cars in random races.
It seems that the game is confusing "Random Cars" with "Repeated Cars". Dividing these options in Game Settings will be useful to correct this issue.
About picking the car yourself, I think it's already possible with WolfR4, but not in RV1.2.
Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 03:01
How about choosing specifically what cars each AI car will use?
Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 19:02
^Good idea
Also i think we should get a true Random Cars mode aside from the existing one, where everyone gets a random DIFFERENT car, if thats actually possible. Even if limited to a single car class it could be fun. Everything that would change is the car you'd use in that class would be randomly chosen just like AI opponents are instead of you selecting a car and then getting random opponents, but it would allow for truly random races. Right now random car races vs AI are rather easy because everyone has the same car, you have the advantage of skill(unless its a custom track and it has super good AI nodes).
Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 20:56
ye, and when are you going to implement the 'Track playlist'? U know, the list where u can choose all tracks, and then the games plays all those random, or on normal order.
Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 22:23
Skarma @ Jun 28 2011, 01:23 AM wrote: Skarma's long description of his suggestion
This would be awesome, but instead of 6 cars, why not 12?

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 19:11
More cars than 12 please up to 64 would be hilarious
Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 12:44
yeah but rv will crash/ having texture problems l0l even I would like it!:D
Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 23:27
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but possibly more modules for the track editor? A lot of you use Makeitgood, but some of us still use the bog-standard track editor.

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 11:05
Dreedo @ Jul 24 2011, 02:57 PM wrote: Not sure if this has been mentioned, but possibly more modules for the track editor? A lot of you use Makeitgood, but some of us still use the bog-standard track editor.
Sorry but unfortunately the track editor is no longer supported so there won't be any updates for it in the near future.
Maybe you should try other ways to make your tracks look different. Try changing the textures, add objects, etc.
Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 15:37
Huki @ Jul 14 2011, 11:18 AM wrote: Hmm, is there any quick way to reproduce this bug? I tried adding / removing some instances in a track with 54 instances already and saving and quiting. I was not able to get a crash so far..
For me, at least. It happens for me practically every time I want to make a track with instances, but it's really inconsistent. Sometimes, I can build an entire 64-instance .fin file without crashes, and other times I can make one subtle tweak to one instance and RV crashes. It seems to happen less in 1.2 as it is than in WolfR4, though.
Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 21:15
Sorry but unfortunately the track editor is no longer supported so there won't be any updates for it in the near future.
Could we at least change the resolution to be the same as the game? Or starting the track editor in a window? Also there is a misspell in the german settings that drives me crazy - in the module section, the parts "rumpeln" and "zich-zack" should be named "schwelle" and "zick-zack", I think this should be easy to fix...
Also I came up with more suggestions:

Can you see this blue dot there? I never noticed it before so I figured it was made in one of the new versions. Anyway, I dont really like it so it would be cool if someone could remove it
I also thought about saving stuff of the game. Wouldnt it be better if we save all settings in files instead of the registry? That way Vista/7 Users wouldnt have to start the game as Administrators every time to save their progress.
And what be totally cool is if you could make an own folder in the Re-Volt folder where you put in the music tracks from the CD (in a mp3 format or wav, rip the files off the CD) and he plays them in the game just like he would do if the CD is inserted.
That way you dont need the CD at all to play the full original game! (of course you could swap the music files with custom ones but I rather want to play the game like I did the first time - pure original). If you need the music files, I have them on my PC already or I could get them from the CD again.
Oh and could someone please upload the original clockwork car folders for me? Maybe my files are corrupted or so but the game crashes every time I try to start a race in Clockwork Carnage mod. And the CARNIVAL cheat doesnt work for me (dont know why, I remember it worked once) so I'll try to unlock the Clockworks manually.
edit: I just tried it with the Clockwork Wun, Too, Tree and there seems to be nothing wrong with the models (are they supposed to sound electric? or is it just the Clockwork car?) so either my Clockwork car model is messed up or my Clockwork Carnage mode is. Btw the Clockwork car coesnt show up in my car list although I set optain mode to 0.
Posted: 27 Jul 2011, 01:18
Kenny wrote:Could we at least change the resolution to be the same as the game? Or starting the track editor in a window?
You already can start the Track Editor in windowed mode by using the "-window" commandline. Add " -window" at the end of Target in Track Editor Properties.
I'm not sure if changing the resolution is possible, but I hope it can be done too.
Kenny wrote:I also thought about saving stuff of the game. Wouldnt it be better if we save all settings in files instead of the registry?
I totally agree with this. I always wondered why is that Re-Volt doesn't have a "Save Game" feature inside the game.
I remember that when I played on Nintendo64, there was this option that lets you save all your progress (It was between
Options and
Exit Game). But the PC version lacks of this feature unfortunately.
So at the moment, if we want to save our progress of the game, we have to search for the right Registry Key and make a .REG file, which saves the current configurations & Progress Table modifications.
In the
ThingsToDo List, there's an idea about allowing multiple profiles saved to local folder instead of a single profile in registry.
I think this will be a great addition because it would allow more than 1 user per PC to save their current game, have different configurations for each profile, have a backup of the completed game and also being able to export this sav file to another PC without the need of a .reg file.
I hope this can be done soon too, so thanks for the reminder!
Kenny wrote:And what be totally cool is if you could make an own folder in the Re-Volt folder where you put in the music tracks from the CD (in a mp3 format or wav, rip the files off the CD) and he plays them in the game just like he would do if the CD is inserted.
When Re-Volt 1.2 development is completely finished, there will be made an installer that includes the patch and the original music in MP3 format, but not now.
Posted: 27 Jul 2011, 01:32
I'd like to be able to turn the sound off in the track editor.