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Posted: 21 Dec 2012, 22:08
Phantom @ Dec 4 2012, 02:03 PM wrote: I am very thankful for the fact that you didn't compress the Patch Installer this time, so as I see this is going in the right direction I'll go back with an old issue that many of us seem to agree like described deeply in Page 4 and 5.
I want to prevent situations of incorrect Patch Installations like the following example:
RV House wrote:* quadroman1 ha entrado
<quadroman1> Woah
<quadroman1> people still play this game

<Phantom> yes we do
<quadroman1> Okay so how do i play the game and not the chat room lolz
<Phantom> RV House is chat+play program
<Phantom> you can play online here but also meet other fans from all over the world
<quadroman1> cool
<quadroman1> But I watched a video of this game on YouTube and it seemed very singleplayer
<Phantom> Re-Volt is single player too
<Phantom> just go to the revolt shortcut to play singleplayer
<quadroman1> I did
<quadroman1> and it didn't work, i have win7
<Phantom> you have to patch the game.
<quadroman1> How?
<Phantom> from downloads section, get the alpha 1102.
<quadroman1> OKAY
<quadroman1> uhn
<quadroman1> i patched it but now its saying it cant find any level or car directories
<Phantom> ah
<Phantom> you installed the patch incorrectly, like everyone
<Phantom> reinstall the patch but this time make sure to select the correct folder
<Phantom> when installing, dont just click next, next, next.
<Phantom> click on Browse and search for your revolt directory on the explorer.
<quadroman1> thanks!
Quoting the suggestions:
jackieben's suggestions @ Jun 16 2012, 12:32 PM wrote:- A feature which checks the installation directory which users entered/was detected automatically, and only let's you install if Re-volt is actually there, ie it checks for revolt.exe or so
Phantom's Tips for Making the Patch more user-friendly @ Jun 15 2012, 11:58 PM wrote:2. It would be wonderful to make the Patch Installer able to detect the proper Re-Volt directory instead of just offering the Default Path (C:\Program Files\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt) which is only useful for people that have installed the game from the CD.
The fact is that unfortunately only a small number of players install from the CD version while the mayority of players in the community download portable versions or use the Installer that all of you know ([url=]link[/url]), which installs the game in: C:\Program Files\Acclaim\ReVolt (different folder).
The consequence is usually a bunch of errors because the mayority of the players can't apply the Patch in the correct folder unless they manually change it during the installation (which hardly occurs without some general knowlegde of the game or RV House assistance).
A solution would be allowing the auto-detection of where the revolt.exe was last runned from -maybe in a similar way that RV House does to launch revolt online (by detecting the last path used offline no matter the folder it is) and display it in the setup wizard for a foolproof installation process.
Posted: 25 Dec 2012, 07:57
You Should Add Ricochet Bomb Pickups Thats Bounce Walls Without Flying Much Hits Car On Impact

Posted: 25 Dec 2012, 08:17
Platform @ Dec 25 2012, 02:27 AM wrote: You Should Add Ricochet Bomb Pickups Thats Bounce Walls Without Flying Much Hits Car On Impact
Posted: 25 Dec 2012, 10:10
Platform @ Dec 25 2012, 03:27 AM wrote: You Should Add Ricochet Bomb Pickups Thats Bounce Walls Without Flying Much Hits Car On Impact
Wut? Seconded.
Posted: 25 Dec 2012, 15:12
Platform @ Dec 25 2012, 03:27 AM wrote: You Should Add Ricochet Bomb Pickups Thats Bounce Walls Without Flying Much Hits Car On Impact
No no no, that's terrible and would barely hit anyone, an ice pickup that slows you down for a bit would be way better.
Posted: 26 Dec 2012, 16:58
Add Day And Night Settings From Settings Menu!
Note:(You Need Required Rooftops's Cloud.bmp

Posted: 27 Dec 2012, 06:07
Even You Should Add DC Cars From Stock List (Without Demo Car And Dev Car Box From Stock List!)
Posted: 27 Dec 2012, 21:44
Platform @ Dec 26 2012, 07:28 AM wrote: Add Day And Night Settings From Settings Menu!
I actually think this would be pretty cool on some of the more realistic tracks (AMCO Bitume, SS Highway Re-Volt), but I'd think it would be placed better on the last screen before you go to play the game. A purely optional thing, of course.
It would be even cooler (but more difficult to pull off, I think) if there was some way to have a day/night cycle on the tracks. It would be really cool for longer races.
Platform wrote:Note:(You Need Required Rooftops's Cloud.bmp

Not necessarily, depending on how you want your night cycle to look...
Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 00:44
I've a suggestion : Remove this fu powerfull 1.2 impacts (rocket, water balls, etc...) thks ! Remember v1.1 !
Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 04:10
Dave-o-rama @ Dec 27 2012, 01:14 PM wrote: I actually think this would be pretty cool on some of the more realistic tracks (AMCO Bitume, SS Highway Re-Volt), but I'd think it would be placed better on the last screen before you go to play the game. A purely optional thing, of course.
It would be even cooler (but more difficult to pull off, I think) if there was some way to have a day/night cycle on the tracks. It would be really cool for longer races.
I second this, sounds like a nice atmoshperic new feature introduced. Though I think that there are more important things to do before this.
Watch this please:
Look how the cars start shaking their wheels after the race finishes.
The craziest one seems to be Phat Slug, looks like it's having an epilepsic attack or something.
Is this supposed to be intentional? Isn't it a bit...... weird?
Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 04:15
Phantom @ Dec 27 2012, 11:40 PM wrote: Watch this please:
Look how the cars start shaking their wheels after the race finishes.
The craziest one seems to be Phat Slug, looks like it's having an epilepsic attack or something.
Is this supposed to be intentional? Isn't it a bit...... weird?
And ALWAYS happen at start and after finish. Maybe because the car is freezing (can't go forward and bakward), looks intended, right?
Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 04:47
It's weird, but if I remember correctly it's been like that since 1.1 and it doesn't do any harm to anything. It's more amusing than anything, if you ask me.
Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 07:53
Already suggested but just a reminder: a "freeze gameplay" command, like the pause key, but without HUD and menu, for taking screenshots. Or is there something like that already?
Also putting car drivetrain detection back to it's original way rather than using the Trans value, because it shows wrong drivetrain in old cars.
Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 10:35
Cat @ Dec 28 2012, 07:53 AM wrote: Already suggested but just a reminder: a "freeze gameplay" command, like the pause key, but without HUD and menu, for taking screenshots. Or is there something like that already?
Also putting car drivetrain detection back to it's original way rather than using the Trans value, because it shows wrong drivetrain in old cars.
There is already a feature present for this.
By huki at RVL:
huki wrote:With TVTIME cheat, you can also use Shift + F5 (to hide/unhide the HUD) and press and hold Shift + Space to hide the menu. So generally you'd hold Shift and Space right before you want to take the screen and then press Print Screen along with it.
Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 13:28
Add Dust Shark Car From Stock List
If You Dont Seen Dust Shark Car Picture
Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 20:59
Dave-o-rama @ Dec 28 2012, 12:17 AM wrote: It's weird, but if I remember correctly it's been like that since 1.1 and it doesn't do any harm to anything. It's more amusing than anything, if you ask me.
I can confirm that, for some reason I didn't notice it myself until the 1.2 alphas (maybe because I wasn't on "bughunt" before

Phantom wrote:It would be even cooler (but more difficult to pull off, I think) if there was some way to have a day/night cycle on the tracks. It would be really cool for longer races.
Even though that would be a very nice feature to have I fear this will be very difficult if not impossible to implement.
If the day/night difference would only rely on the skymaps then there could be the option to make an "aminated" sky that jumps to the next frame within a certain time (and even that would require some work to do, not only for the trackmakers).
But since that's not the case (there is also the complete track lighting atmosphere (not only the lighting files but also the brightness of certain track textures) to modify/change for each "timecycle") this feature is not going to happen (at least not with this engine).
Platform wrote:Add Day And Night Settings From Settings Menu!
Note:(You Need Required Rooftops's Cloud.bmp biggrin.gif)
Have you actually ever tried to race Toys in the Hood with Rooftops with your "suggested" setup? It looks nothing like what it's supposed to be!
Also please stop spamming this thread with suggestions that have already been made a couple of times (or will obviously never going to happen like your last one

Posted: 29 Dec 2012, 00:14
Pranav @ Dec 28 2012, 02:05 AM wrote: Cat @ Dec 28 2012, 07:53 AM wrote: Already suggested but just a reminder: a "freeze gameplay" command, like the pause key, but without HUD and menu, for taking screenshots. Or is there something like that already?
Also putting car drivetrain detection back to it's original way rather than using the Trans value, because it shows wrong drivetrain in old cars.
There is already a feature present for this.
By huki ar RVL:
huki wrote:With TVTIME cheat, you can also use Shift + F5 (to hide/unhide the HUD) and press and hold Shift + Space to hide the menu. So generally you'd hold Shift and Space right before you want to take the screen and then press Print Screen along with it.
Thanks, just that i needed the key combinations, so that makes the deal.
Posted: 29 Dec 2012, 00:38
So, you want them to add a car that's nothing to do with the original game as a stock car? D'you even know how this works?
Posted: 29 Dec 2012, 06:41
Posted: 29 Dec 2012, 14:35
What are you smoking? We don't even have the proper dreamcast cars -.-
Posted: 29 Dec 2012, 16:50
[Dev mode only] Quickly convert .fan (ai nodes), pan (pos nodes) (and maybe .taz) to reverse for reversed mode. That could be possible just by pushing button combination on their own edit modes, ofcourse it would work only if they're connected first. Main reason for this is to automatically reverse connected line (from normal to reverse), which i know its impossible to do (unless?), only by doing it manually. This would save alot of time doing reversed tracks.
We talked about it more there.
Posted: 29 Dec 2012, 18:35
VaiDuX461 @ Dec 29 2012, 12:20 PM wrote: [Dev mode only] Quickly convert .fan (ai nodes), pan (pos nodes) (and maybe .taz) to reverse for reversed mode. That could be possible just by pushing button combination on their own edit modes, ofcourse it would work only if they're connected first. Main reason for this is to automatically reverse connected line (from normal to reverse), which i know its impossible to do (unless?), only by doing it manually. This would save alot of time doing reversed tracks.
We talked about it more there.
It's should be a great idea. I agreed, you?
Posted: 30 Dec 2012, 08:19
VaiDuX461 @ Dec 29 2012, 08:20 AM wrote: [Dev mode only] Quickly convert .fan (ai nodes), pan (pos nodes) (and maybe .taz) to reverse for reversed mode. That could be possible just by pushing button combination on their own edit modes, ofcourse it would work only if they're connected first. Main reason for this is to automatically reverse connected line (from normal to reverse), which i know its impossible to do (unless?), only by doing it manually. This would save alot of time doing reversed tracks.
We talked about it more there.
I Totally Agree!
Posted: 30 Dec 2012, 18:56
VaiDuX461 @ Dec 29 2012, 01:20 PM wrote: [Dev mode only] Quickly convert .fan (ai nodes), pan (pos nodes) (and maybe .taz) to reverse for reversed mode.
I just find out that this feature already exists! Just press
Shift + R at selected *ball* and it will reverse connected line. Works for AI and Pos nodes.
Although, I don't know for .taz, probably doesn't exist, so it's still a suggestion for that.
For no double post...
Option to disable dev game versions to join in room (it could be placed in "Network Settings" for example, because there's only 2 options now). Why you ask? To stop for bad guys like Abc, AKA "admin" ruining the fun and trying to take over the world (...I mean rooms

). As you know, in dev, you can easily cheat by entering joker cheat and changing cars in middle of race.
Yes, It would be simple, just not let him join in RVHouse, BUT he found efin debug mode which can show all connected users IP addresses and that way he can join just by entering IP in game.
Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 03:48
One another suggestion: Using mouse. This could be useful...
Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 05:13
aryo_adhi @ Jan 7 2013, 07:18 PM wrote: One another suggestion: Using mouse. This could be useful...
For driving? Seconded, though analog inputs in RV rarely confort me, at least with the 1.1 cameras.
Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 10:16
Add Select Car Screen To Clockwork Carnage I Want Clockwork Wun And Clockwork Too Even Clockwork Tree
Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 21:34
VaiDuX461 @ Dec 30 2012, 02:26 PM wrote: VaiDuX461 @ Dec 29 2012, 01:20 PM wrote: [Dev mode only] Quickly convert .fan (ai nodes), pan (pos nodes) (and maybe .taz) to reverse for reversed mode.
I just find out that this feature already exists! Just press
Shift + R at selected *ball* and it will reverse connected line. Works for AI and Pos nodes.
Although, I don't know for .taz, probably doesn't exist, so it's still a suggestion for that.
For no double post...
Option to disable dev game versions to join in room (it could be placed in "Network Settings" for example, because there's only 2 options now). Why you ask? To stop for bad guys like Abc, AKA "admin" ruining the fun and trying to take over the world (...I mean rooms

). As you know, in dev, you can easily cheat by entering joker cheat and changing cars in middle of race.
Yes, It would be simple, just not let him join in RVHouse, BUT he found efin debug mode which can show all connected users IP addresses and that way he can join just by entering IP in game.
You can use Normal TAZ for reverse ...
on normal race you'll go from Box ID0 to ID255 (or less)
and on reverse from ID255 (or less) to ID0
was working on rv1.1, I hope it still true on rv1.2

(I think my reverse patches work like that)
Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 21:39
Platform @ Jan 8 2013, 05:46 AM wrote: Add Select Car Screen To Clockwork Carnage I Want Clockwork Wun And Clockwork Too Even Clockwork Tree
Put clockwork one (or two) files in clockwork three folder
don't forget to edit Parameters.txt like this :
Code: Select all
; Clockwork
Name "Clockwork"
; Model Filenames
MODEL 0 "cars\wincar4\body.prm"
MODEL 1 "cars\wincar4\wheelfl.prm"
MODEL 2 "cars\wincar4\wheelfr.prm"
MODEL 3 "cars\wincar4\wheelbl.prm"
MODEL 4 "cars\wincar4\wheelbr.prm"
MODEL 17 "cars\misc\Aerial.m"
MODEL 18 "cars\misc\AerialT.m"
TPAGE "cars\wincar4\Toyecatx2.bmp"
COLL "cars\wincar4\hull.hul"
EnvRGB 200 200 200
Posted: 09 Jan 2013, 17:44
Dolo @ Dec 27 2012, 08:14 PM wrote: I've a suggestion : Remove this fu powerfull 1.2 impacts (rocket, water balls, etc...) thks ! Remember v1.1 !
Seconded. They're too damn powerful in 1.2.
Posted: 09 Jan 2013, 18:17
Driving with mouse has a specific disadvantage over driving with other controllers (including keyboard) – the mouse has no self-centering. Keyboard driving centers the steering when left-right keys are released, gamepads have self-centering sticks or they self-centre like keyboards (when buttons are released), and of course joysticks and steering wheels have self-centering. How do you center the steering with mouse, to run straight on a straight track-section? You need a very steady hand for manual centering because Re-Volt is very unforgiving for imprecise steering, or the mouse needs to self-center with software, i.e. the cursor needs to return to centre as soon as you stop moving it (and then you need a very wide mousepad for long curves). And anyway the mouse cursor needs to be visible and with manual centering the center needs to be marked on the screen as well, so you have at least _some_ feedback in case you inadvertently move your mouse before the race starts or in case you need to move the mouse before the start (e.g. to steer past the slower opponents at the start line). Where do you put those indicators so that they are in your field of vision but don’t clutter the HUD and don’t disturb the view of the track?
And I didn’t even touch acceleration/brakes yet.
Naturally, there’s the option of just assigning mouse buttons to either steering or acc/brakes or both but that defeats the purpose of mouse steering (analogue controls instead of digital), right? And if you implement analogue acc/brakes with mouse movement as well, then you need vertical indicators in addition to horizontal. More clutter.
This needs a very good design to come out the right way.
Just my 22 cents to think about.
Posted: 10 Jan 2013, 15:23
Cat wrote:For driving? Seconded, though analog inputs in RV rarely confort me, at least with the 1.1 cameras.
Citywalker wrote:Driving with mouse has a specific disadvantage over driving with other controllers (including keyboard) – the mouse has no self-centering. Keyboard driving centers the steering when left-right keys are released, gamepads have self-centering sticks or they self-centre like keyboards (when buttons are released), and...
No, I mean for menu selection, not in-game use...

Posted: 11 Jan 2013, 20:30
Just one suggestion had arrived in my mind: Maybe in the near future it will be better if we can join in MP games directly through the game without any external programs or even without configuring ports. In this way it will be faster to start a MP race and easier because you would not need to:
1. Configure ports.
2. Download & install additional programs.
3. Run 2 programs at once (the program and the game).
Have a nice new year and I hope to see even more new Alpha releases and maybe new Beta releases who knows...

Posted: 11 Jan 2013, 21:39
RacerBG @ Jan 11 2013, 04:00 PM wrote: Just one suggestion had arrived in my mind: Maybe in the near future it will be better if we can join in MP games directly through the game without any external programs or even without configuring ports. In this way it will be faster to start a MP race and easier because you would not need to:
1. Configure ports.
2. Download & install additional programs.
3. Run 2 programs at once (the program and the game).
Have a nice new year and I hope to see even more new Alpha releases and maybe new Beta releases who knows...
I dont see a reason to eliminate the use of rvhouse. It's a simple program, easy to use, and people can chat/ask for help there. Yes, it would indeed be nice to find a way for MP which doesnt need ports to be forwarded.
Though what you say is possible, you can join people by IP, but thats definitely not faster and easier than RVHouse, I think. There are people here who know this much better than me, so I wont try to explain it.
Anyway, you need a place where you can organise races, dont you? People wont figure out from themselves, where to join.
Posted: 12 Jan 2013, 15:43
Balint12 @ Jan 11 2013, 07:09 PM wrote: RacerBG @ Jan 11 2013, 04:00 PM wrote: Just one suggestion had arrived in my mind: Maybe in the near future it will be better if we can join in MP games directly through the game without any external programs or even without configuring ports. In this way it will be faster to start a MP race and easier because you would not need to:
1. Configure ports.
2. Download & install additional programs.
3. Run 2 programs at once (the program and the game).
Have a nice new year and I hope to see even more new Alpha releases and maybe new Beta releases who knows...
I dont see a reason to eliminate the use of rvhouse. It's a simple program, easy to use, and people can chat/ask for help there. Yes, it would indeed be nice to find a way for MP which doesnt need ports to be forwarded.
Though what you say is possible, you can join people by IP, but thats definitely not faster and easier than RVHouse, I think. There are people here who know this much better than me, so I wont try to explain it.
Anyway, you need a place where you can organise races, dont you? People wont figure out from themselves, where to join.
I have no problems with that. Just a suggestion. For example most of the modern racing games have in game chat & lobby. It will be good if Revolt have too.
Posted: 12 Jan 2013, 18:10
Re-Volt has in-game chat already, for the racers. It will be a mess if it had worldwide chat. Just imagine people that are downlaoding the game for the first time in their lives entering in a chat with so many powerful racers like RVHouse.
Re-Volt is not an online-based game mainly, like for example Counter Strike is, so it might be better for new players to meet the online scene
only when they want to search for it, or when they feel ready to do it. This is why people (most commonly after completing the game offline), search for
"re-volt online" when they feel ready to play online, and they find
I'm also against the elimination of RVHouse for an inside-online platform as replacement mainly because the purpose of this program, I mean the functions of RV House, are much more than just playing online: It's a place to meet other fantastic people, chat, have fun, exchange information, be tuned with news and things from the community, organize the races, events, etc. and it's also the best place to advertise the 1.2 Patch itself.
Changing topic, this on the ToDo list:
RV1.2 TODO - Long-term Plans wrote:- A better network connection based on Winsock, for compatibility with routers and wireless adapters.
The Winsock system will allow us to play online without the need of opening ports, so it will be very user-friendly when this is integrated.
Players joining RVHouse will easily enter the races without the problems we have now.
Posted: 12 Jan 2013, 20:45
So you mean that when this is introduced I can remove the 2 ports? Great!

Good luck with that, guys.
Posted: 27 Jan 2013, 02:16
- Allow use of the Right Shift key when using gamepads.
(Currently, you can only use this button for the SADIST cheat when you switch to the keyboard as the controller.)
- Allow to assign acceleration/reverse to BOTH an analog stick (+/- axes) AND buttons.
(Currently, you cannot use the menus when you have an analog stick assigned to accelerate/brake. You have to fall back to the keyboard and use Enter/Escape.)
Posted: 27 Jan 2013, 03:18
Any chance we can have JOKER cheat disabled anytime soon?
We have Abc hacking our rooms like a raging little monster and he has too much free time to stop by himself. PLS?

Posted: 30 Jan 2013, 12:36
You Should Add Zebra As Stock Car (If You Seen Zebra Car From Gallery Then Missing)
Posted: 30 Jan 2013, 17:53
As I said in another thread - add option for cyrillic letters.
After that it will be possible game translation on every language that uses the cyrillic alphabet.

Posted: 30 Jan 2013, 21:16
I'd like to suggest to make the Talk button that is set to F12 key by default selectable from Controller Settings because I've found a few new players that can't use this key cuz it's broken, damaged or it's configured to Turn the computer Off.
Posted: 31 Jan 2013, 14:10
Kaj suggest te remove JOKER.

Posted: 31 Jan 2013, 16:50
JOKER Cheat Cant Be Removed (Unless Using Random Car Settings)
Edit:Removed Image
Posted: 03 Feb 2013, 06:50
Sometimes when the host quits, there's no way to know who's next host because the color of his name doesn't change, like this:
So I'd like to suggest the addition of a color to this case too, so we can know who the host is.
Also I take the chance to suggest something I've been thinking it would be awesome, and it's the possibility to choose who will be the host when a player quits, this is could be introduced in an option called
Migrate Host To Player or
Switch Host To Player.
I hope there's no inconvenience in this feature, I find it very useful since usually the host is switched randomly and that person may not speak our language or doesn't know how to change tracks, etc.
Posted: 03 Feb 2013, 10:58
Phantom @ Feb 3 2013, 02:20 AM wrote: *cutting some Phantom's post
So I'd like to suggest the addition of a color to this case too, so we can know who the host is.
And yes, this one should be helpful, or else, give the tag (HOST) beside host's player name.
Posted: 03 Feb 2013, 21:09
Options To Add Battle Tag Mode (If No One Join Battle Tag Game) Appied Single Player Only
Posted: 03 Feb 2013, 21:23
Platform @ Feb 3 2013, 11:39 AM wrote: Asking for single-player Battle Tag in Engrish
As cool as I think this would be, I would think that it would be a total pain to make Re-Volt's AI to work for battle tag. The AI used for racing wouldn't really get it done, if you ask me...
Posted: 04 Feb 2013, 02:22
Dave-o-rama @ Feb 3 2013, 04:53 PM wrote: Platform @ Feb 3 2013, 11:39 AM wrote: Asking for single-player Battle Tag in Engrish
As cool as I think this would be, I would think that it would be a total pain to make Re-Volt's AI to work for battle tag. The AI used for racing wouldn't really get it done, if you ask me...
If anyone wants to play Battle Tag, I'm available!

Posted: 04 Feb 2013, 15:14
Balint12 @ Feb 3 2013, 08:52 PM wrote: If anyone wants to play Battle Tag, I'm available!
Completely offtopic.