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Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 20:29
Different weather would be quite neat, museum maps at day would be cool.
@Phantom you are right, the beta had no changes to the collision and car behavior. But still huki could at least fix big cars like panga having such a big collision near the wheels i think.That bug has been there since day one.
Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 22:29
Don't feel like digging through the back to see if my requests are repeats or not, but here goes:
Easier request- Replace "Give Up Try" in the first race of a championship with a normal Restart, because a try is totally unimportant during the first race, there's no compelling reason to give up a try when you can just quit and restart the championship. Having a regular restart for the first race would at least make it easier to do a proper championship restart. I know of other games that do it this way, as well.
Hard request- Implement DC mode and race specific loading screens, and also open up the standard so anyone can make a loading screen for their track just like it (via exposing it in a new track parameter).
Posted: 22 Oct 2012, 09:38
Should Add Progress For Botanical Garden 2!
EDIT By Mod: Do NOT Quote The Entire Post In Your Reply, Use the ADD REPLY Button Instead!
Posted: 22 Oct 2012, 14:13
@platform : i think added unlockable Twin Mill... haha
(back to topic)
nice idea, bonz. i think add too car mastery to unlock special repaint/skill (exp like)...
Posted: 22 Oct 2012, 16:15
I just tried the cgw demo and oh snap it actually shows that there was a garden 2 in development why acclaim why. Its also mentioned in the pcgamer demo.
Posted: 22 Oct 2012, 17:02
A little discussion about the following suggestion added to the list: Smart pick-up algorithm: give useful for specific places, penalize leader,...
I strongly disagree with this idea for several reasons.
First being that 1.2 developers team already mentioned that they will not change the basic system and physics of the game when they started working with the 1.2.
This suggestion only means give less advantage to players who are in top positions during a race.
This is completly unfair because if you drive better, you deserve a better position.
In addition there is already an existing feature in the game that helps the losing players to easier get to catch up with the top racers.
The global pulse pickup aka the star, can only be obtained by the last players.
That means if there are 8 players racing, only 5th to 8th have the chance to get the star with the chance seemingly being greater if the player is at worse positions.
There is only an exception of one track and one spot where the pickup only once by chance can give the top players a star pickup.
Posted: 23 Oct 2012, 00:31
This is more like a request...
Please add the ability to play Credits, Championship Won and Championship Lost without having a CD Audio and adding DC Cars and Rooftops as a stock part.
Posted: 24 Oct 2012, 19:44
Hi bonz Rooftops Track Done? Want It!
EDIT By Mod: Do NOT Quote The Entire Post In Your Reply, Use the ADD REPLY Button Instead!
Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 05:59
Sorry Double Post!

U Rooftops Track Done? (Really)
Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 02:32

(nothing more to say here)
this was suggested at the ReVolt Live forum by ElectricBee ( ... topic=2589)
I was looking in the \strings directory, and there seems to be no easy means for adding languages. This came about from finding a Brasil string in the mods section (German.txt, as it's called). I feel certain if there was a section in \strings where the available languages are very easily defined, say, strings.txt, or languages.txt or whatever, that many more languages can be added into the game come the future, since if there's a new language, all people have to do is paste the corresponding string and add the filename to the string list.
Also, it could be a good place to add a parameter to always select a language, and never prompt again. Here's a possible configuration for the sake of concept:
; Languages
title English
loc "strings\english.txt"
title Spanis
loc "strings\spanish.txt"
title German
loc "strings\german.txt"
title Piratespeak
loc "strings\urapirate.txt"
; Profile selections
; profile is profile location
; loadstring auto-loads a language and never prompts in the future
profile "Profiles\watsyerfaec"
loadstring "strings\English.txt"
profile "Profiles\watsherfaec"
loadstring "strings\urapirate.txt"
Obviously not final, but something to work with.
+1 for that (otherwise I wouldn't have posted it here (even though I don't need that feature)

) however I would prefer it to store them in the settings.ini rather than creating a whole new file that manages it (create a new [languages] section and put all the language .txt locations there).
Also another suggestion from me would be to seperate the windowed and fullscreen resolutions (so each mode has its own value stored which can also be done in the settings.ini).
Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 05:10
U Rly?
Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 11:49
Platform @ Oct 28 2012, 02:40 AM wrote:U Rly?
What a useful reply.
Can't wait for ban hammer.
About that language thing... It's okay, but in my opinion it would best if game could read additional strings automatically (like custom cars, tracks). Sounds simpler solution.
Game doesn't ask for language anymore if you had created profile (v1.2).
[Edit]: @Phantom: Yup, I knew. I just talked about his suggestion.
Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 12:51
Vaid's point sounds simple and nice. It would even allow to personalize text more easily if player wants to.
VaiDuX461 @ Oct 28 2012, 03:19 AM wrote: Game doesn't ask for language anymore if you had created profile (v1.2).
You can set it from Game Options even after creating the profile. But I think you know this already.
Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 03:14
About language addition... i think +1.
It may helps other players that need a translation (except some languages), but it,s hard to implemented...
Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 17:05
Should Add Track Editor In Menu On Re-Volt 1.2
Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 17:27
Platform @ Oct 31 2012, 02:35 PM wrote:Should Add Track Editor In Menu On Re-Volt 1.2
Please, kill me!
It was written many flying pigs ago, that track editor was removed in game menu, bacause it's not supported by v1.2 devs... *u-u-u-ultra facepalm*
Posted: 07 Nov 2012, 20:04
About the new rigid cameras, there's missing the zoom setting. Look at 1:00 of this video for an example:
Posted: 07 Nov 2012, 20:07
Umm... That's the default camera view? Why would you want zoom anyway? Depending on the camera angle can make racing difficult.
Posted: 09 Nov 2012, 23:19
Kenny wrote:@aryo: I don't exactly know how RV House internally works but I believe it would be best to integrate that feature in there because afaik you need to restart Re-Volt if you want newly obtained cars to be recognized ingame (I think tracks don't have that problem but I'm not sure).
That means you first connect to the game session via RV House, the game starts, he get's the cars and then he needs to restart and reconnect again.
And if you integrate it in RV House you just connect to the session, it gets the cars/tracks and you can immediately join the game.
Besides that I think this is a little offtopic here and would be better suited for the Suggestions thread.
Correct Kenny, it would be better to implement it in RV House.
We had a program called Re-Volt Track Manager in 2006 that allowed to make a list of custom tracks and everyone in the room could easily get them before starting the race.
But the server is dead now so that feature got deleted.
Another suggestion that I personally see as very handy is to make it possible to install custom tracks without quiting the game. So in the middle of a multiplayer race the host can install the missing tracks and we all don't need to quit. We just wait until he's ready and we can go to the next track more quickly.
Posted: 10 Nov 2012, 07:00
Posted: 10 Nov 2012, 12:10
Phantom @ Nov 9 2012, 06:49 PM wrote: Another suggestion that I personally see as very handy is to make it possible to install custom tracks without quiting the game. So in the middle of a multiplayer race the host can install the missing tracks and we all don't need to quit. We just wait until he's ready and we can go to the next track more quickly.
This is that should be added to re-volt.
Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 06:22
Add Name Tag Required! Like A 3D RC Racers Traxxas Edition

Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 12:56
Platform @ Nov 11 2012, 01:52 AM wrote: Add Name Tag Required! Like A 3D RC Racers Traxxas Edition
You'll names that tag twin mill?
Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 13:22
Aryo, please shut up with those twin mill jokes. Platform is doing his best.
Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 13:47
r6turboextreme @ Nov 11 2012, 08:52 AM wrote: Aryo, please shut up with those twin mill jokes. Platform is doing his best.
To be fair, he could be doing better
Anyway, my suggestion is since watertracks don't seem to work very good (or at all) and a few of the community already tried to make "waterboat tracks", to improve the waterbox.
I don't really know what could be improved since I have no clue how the waterbox works but I'm sure there are possibilities
Oh and I actually wanted to suggest this a long time ago but totally forgot to do it:
Firmly integrate
Bob's Aerials into the game.
They don't change the original game, some custom cars require them and they are a nifty feature ingame (perhaps they will be used more when they are at hand).
Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 15:15
Oh yeah, watertracks & boats was hell of a good idea.
If something could be done about it, would be too great to be true.
Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 18:25
Kenny and Phantom wrote:Waterboats
The only thing stopping that whole concept from working beautifully is that the AI didn't even bother to try controlling the cars while they were in-air (Which they technically were on the waterboat tracks). If huki and jig could just put something in that lets the AI try to control the cars in mid-air, we'd be all set to go.
And that would even benefit for non-waterboat tracks as well, seeing as how it will be useless for regular cars, and non-UFO cars might have a better chance of winning as AI.
Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 19:44
Even if the AI could race "in the air" the whole experience would be far away from what I would call a water race.
Maybe even a new surface material would do the trick, kind of like the ones you (Dave) already showed in the additional nonexisting surfaces video -> (surfaces 32 and 33)
With the only difference that the new surface get's firmly integrated in the game and you can actually race on it (which means you sink into the ground a little bit but you are still able to drive). Then you can also do water sprites that fly away when you accelerate.
The only difficulties for making a "natural" water are:
- the waves (for sake of simplicity I recommend we do only constant waves (so we don't need to have waves when a car hits the surface or when a wave hits a wall, etc)) and their hit detection with the car (a plain flat water surface like we know it from Re-Volt isn't really natural and kind of destroys the atmosphere)
- the drop effect when a car falls from high ground into the water (this can be simulated with facre fields but you will end up again being "in the air" which is not what we should go for)
Btw since I'm talking about new surfaces, why don't we add a "snow" surface that throws away some snow sprites? I already saw someone doing snow sprites but he had to replace some material to use it.
Posted: 11 Nov 2012, 21:17
Kenny; Phantom and Dave wrote:waterboats
I find this an extremely good idea, already talked about it with Phantom on RVHouse.
Phantom, it's possible to put that effect on custom tracks, I found a track which has it (barbattle battle track)
I think it would be a really nice addition to the game, and I don't think the AI not being able to do it is such a great problem, at least we could play it online. After all AI can not play battle tag either, and that's a part of the game too.
If the waves were possible too it would increase the awesomeness by much.
Posted: 12 Nov 2012, 10:55
And DC Editor Add In Menu? (Should Like In Re-Volt DC Edition)
Posted: 12 Nov 2012, 16:16
R6TurboExtreme wrote:Aryo, please shut up with those twin mill jokes. Platform is doing his best
Maybe platform's idea is good, i apreciate it.
Posted: 12 Nov 2012, 18:18
Platform @ Nov 12 2012, 08:25 AM wrote:And DC Editor Add In Menu? (Should Like In Re-Volt DC Edition)
Same Editor In Re-Volt PC Edition Exists But Textures Not Same
Menu Removed In v1.2 But Its Not Supported
Can Be Found In "Editor" Folder But Not In Game Menu
English Please Learn!
Posted: 13 Nov 2012, 01:27
As I've said a few times, the in-car cam seems too spongy to use now. We really need a rigid mode for that camera. To test this, I tried to set up a rigid cam in the same place as the re-volt in-car cam, and it was really nice to drive. I made a video showing the view:
It doesn't only look different, but the controls are way firmer too. I think that this would make the in-car cam more popular.
Posted: 13 Nov 2012, 09:37
You Should Add Remove Give Up Try Instead Of Normal Restart!

(Like In Room Zoom Game) I Edited Post
Posted: 13 Nov 2012, 20:12
Platform @ Nov 13 2012, 07:07 AM wrote:You Should Add Remove Give Up Try Instead Of Normal Restart!
Platform @ Nov 13 2012, 07:07 AM wrote:You Should Add Remove Give Up...
Platform @ Nov 13 2012, 07:07 AM wrote:...Add Remove...
Wut? You can only select
one word
or none of these lol, choose wisely. Everything depends on you.
Posted: 13 Nov 2012, 21:20
Platform wrote:Normal Restart...
at first track on EVERY cups.
Posted: 18 Nov 2012, 07:35
You Should Add Options With Windowed And Fullscreen Switch!
Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 18:33
I am very thankful for the fact that you didn't compress the Patch Installer this time, so as I see this is going in the right direction I'll go back with an old issue that many of us seem to agree like described deeply in Page 4 and 5.
I want to prevent situations of incorrect Patch Installations like the following example:
RV House wrote:* quadroman1 ha entrado
<quadroman1> Woah
<quadroman1> people still play this game

<Phantom> yes we do
<quadroman1> Okay so how do i play the game and not the chat room lolz
<Phantom> RV House is chat+play program
<Phantom> you can play online here but also meet other fans from all over the world
<quadroman1> cool
<quadroman1> But I watched a video of this game on YouTube and it seemed very singleplayer
<Phantom> Re-Volt is single player too
<Phantom> just go to the revolt shortcut to play singleplayer
<quadroman1> I did
<quadroman1> and it didn't work, i have win7
<Phantom> you have to patch the game.
<quadroman1> How?
<Phantom> from downloads section, get the alpha 1102.
<quadroman1> OKAY
<quadroman1> uhn
<quadroman1> i patched it but now its saying it cant find any level or car directories
<Phantom> ah
<Phantom> you installed the patch incorrectly, like everyone
<Phantom> reinstall the patch but this time make sure to select the correct folder
<Phantom> when installing, dont just click next, next, next.
<Phantom> click on Browse and search for your revolt directory on the explorer.
<quadroman1> thanks!
Quoting the suggestions:
jackieben's suggestions @ Jun 16 2012, 12:32 PM wrote:- A feature which checks the installation directory which users entered/was detected automatically, and only let's you install if Re-volt is actually there, ie it checks for revolt.exe or so
Phantom's Tips for Making the Patch more user-friendly @ Jun 15 2012, 11:58 PM wrote:2. It would be wonderful to make the Patch Installer able to detect the proper Re-Volt directory instead of just offering the Default Path (C:\Program Files\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt) which is only useful for people that have installed the game from the CD.
The fact is that unfortunately only a small number of players install from the CD version while the mayority of players in the community download portable versions or use the Installer that all of you know ([url=]link[/url]), which installs the game in: C:\Program Files\Acclaim\ReVolt (different folder).
The consequence is usually a bunch of errors because the mayority of the players can't apply the Patch in the correct folder unless they manually change it during the installation (which hardly occurs without some general knowlegde of the game or RV House assistance).
A solution would be allowing the auto-detection of where the revolt.exe was last runned from -maybe in a similar way that RV House does to launch revolt online (by detecting the last path used offline no matter the folder it is) and display it in the setup wizard for a foolproof installation process.
Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 19:55
One could also simply provide a link for a zip/rar archive which contains all the files from the setup and then simply tell people to extract that archive in their game directory.
(I know the files can currently be simply extracted from the setup but I doubt people would want to do that).
Posted: 05 Dec 2012, 23:17
Add the ability to start from random places at the start grind not just from 12th. Like in PCGamer and CGW demos.
Posted: 06 Dec 2012, 10:18
CGW demo always had you starting in last...
Posted: 06 Dec 2012, 21:25
Skarma @ Dec 6 2012, 05:48 AM wrote: CGW demo always had you starting in last...
After some plays... I started on 1st place!
Posted: 07 Dec 2012, 01:01
Random starting position should be optional, then. I personally like the challenge of fighting past the AIs.
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 12:50
One did I want to see is pixel doubling. The resolution is keeped, but the picture was resized to half-sized from original resolution. So, if I have a monitor with resolution 1366x768, the display resolution will halved to 683x384, without changing original resolution (so we looking 683x384 pixels game from 1366x768 pixels monitor, and yes, resized to fit). This is effective for buggy cpus/note/netbooks because it can speed up fps.
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 15:34
aryo_adhi @ Dec 8 2012, 10:20 AM wrote:One did I want to see is pixel doubling. The resolution is keeped, but the picture was resized to half-sized from original resolution. So, if I have a monitor with resolution 1366x768, the display resolution will halved to 683x384, without changing original resolution (so we looking 683x384 pixels game from 1366x768 pixels monitor, and yes, resized to fit). This is effective for buggy cpus/note/netbooks because it can speed up fps.
I don't think it would be very useful. Why you can't just set lower resolution? If your netbook or other thing hardware can support lower than 683x384 resolution (for example) then add it as custom resolution and game would show it.
(How to do it? Google is your friend)
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 16:52
Kenny @ Dec 4 2012, 11:25 AM wrote: One could also simply provide a link for a zip/rar archive which contains all the files from the setup and then simply tell people to extract that archive in their game directory.
(I know the files can currently be simply extracted from the setup but I doubt people would want to do that).
The system we have now based on a .exe is already simplier than that.
The problem with .zips is that some people are not used to them. I've seen people that after downloading the old zipped patches they ask
what a hell is this?,
how do I open it?
This is why an installer is much more effective, because it's easy.
Specially when we're talking about a game that was made for children/teenagers but got the attention of adults too. Installing Re-Volt 1.2 has become sort of
mandatory update in Windows Vista and 7, so it should have
the easiest way possible to apply it if we don't want to lose players.
I am not requesting the game path detector as a personal interest because I don't need it, I'm doing it in the name of the many people that love this game but can't join the forums to speak about it.
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 19:57
VaiDuX461 @ Dec 8 2012, 11:04 AM wrote: I don't think it would be very useful. Why you can't just set lower resolution? If your netbook or other thing hardware can support lower than 683x384 resolution (for example) then add it as custom resolution and game would show it.
(How to do it? Google is your friend)
Exactly. Halving resolution is useful for me, but adding custom resolution is useless; the hardware didn't support.
EDIT : Instead using mipmapping, we can use pixel doubling. If we didn't use pixel doubling, the game should looks like this:

But, if we use, it should looks like this (halved by bicubic and doubled by nearest neighbor) :

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 01:41
Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 03:04
It would be nice for sure, but that would introduce problems with car starting positions. It works with clockworks, cuz they're small obviously. (Small (or even no) gaps between cars, some maybe would fall out from track instantly).
Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 04:50
Integrate a server browser into Re-Volt which connects to the RV House master server.