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Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 01:49
miromiro wrote:BossVolter wrote: 3. Add demo, dev, PSX cars in final version
I can't see why can't you just add those cars yourself.
he probably meant to add them as stock cars/tracks (which I already suggested earlier). that would mean more pretty car boxes that you can see in the menu
but seriously, ReVolt would feel more complete for me if they were added as stock cars/tracks (I always felt like something was missing after playing dreamcast version)
I would try to do that myself if I had access to source but for now I can just hope that they will be implemented someday...
Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 02:39
miromiro @ Dec 1 2011, 06:28 PM wrote: BossVolter @ Dec 1 2011, 10:39 AM wrote: 3. Add demo, dev, PSX cars in final version
I can't see why can't you just add those cars yourself.
Pfea good luck playing online when the others see you as the crappy ghost car
Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 23:38
Yep you're right Kenny.
I suggested only dev, demo and PSX because nobody suggested them only DC cars.
DC cars are very important for me and Rooftops too.
They are very pretty and will be prettier when they will be added in final version.
Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 23:59
gdfsgdfg @ Dec 2 2011, 12:09 AM wrote: miromiro @ Dec 1 2011, 06:28 PM wrote: BossVolter @ Dec 1 2011, 10:39 AM wrote: 3. Add demo, dev, PSX cars in final version
I can't see why can't you just add those cars yourself.
Pfea good luck playing online when the others see you as the crappy ghost car
And who on earth plays online with those crap cars? If it'd really be a custom car races, we'd take REAL custom cars.
Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 22:36
bumping the good ol' suggestion thread.
What would you guys think about a feature in 1.2 (maybe in the .inf file) that would force the track to use the camera nodes you've set up? (like running
Canyon Of The Wolves in WolfR4?)
Posted: 02 Jan 2012, 01:38
Yes, this one should eventually be added. As far as I'm concerned though, I feel that the audio in this mode needs to be tweaked to so that we keep hearing what's next to the player's car instead of the camera, most important being the car's engine of course, otherwise the almost total lack of sound make the race quite boring... For info, I already tried once with a quick hack in the code and it looked promising.
And happy new year to all Re-Volters...

Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 00:58
can you add a playlist support ?
1) a track playlist (custom championship, online month tracks, ...)
2) a mp3 playlist (sometime i become crazy with only 1 song/track)

Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 02:15
I dunno bout you but i hate driving with music.
Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 02:34
gdfsgdfg @ Jan 10 2012, 04:45 PM wrote: I dunno bout you but i hate driving with music.
shut it off then.
Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 03:04
Adamodell wrote:I also have to throw in the "Hide HUD" request. Make it a key that does it. And heck, make it a "two press" option, the "second press" being "hide pause menu". And to go along with that, make "TVTIME" an on/off option in Game Settings. Then there's the perfect way to take a snapshot of a car while paused.
I am going to second this request. I am absolutlely loving the fact that the game now pauses at the car you select instead of jumping right into the race selection screen. It would be enormously helpful however, if we could either move the pause menu to the top of the screen so it's not right on top of the car, or even better as Adamodell suggests it would be nice to be able to hide the menu altogether.
Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 03:23
MythicMonkey wrote:I am going to second this request. I am absolutlely loving the fact that the game now pauses at the car you select instead of jumping right into the race selection screen. It would be enormously helpful however, if we could either move the pause menu to the top of the screen so it's not right on top of the car, or even better as Adamodell suggests it would be nice to be able to hide the menu altogether.
You may be suprised to find out that it's already been done. See
this post:
huki at RVL wrote:With TVTIME cheat, you can also use Shift + F5 (to hide/unhide the HUD) and press and hold Shift + Space to hide the menu. So generally you'd hold Shift and Space right before you want to take the screen and then press Print Screen along with it.
Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 03:47
I'm not exactly sure if you meant something like this but I'll suggest this anyway:
It would be nice to have some kind of camera or photo mode for the game so you can capture cool events of one race. or simply make nice screenshots.
for example you could pause the race and by pressing a special key you go into camrea mode where you can freely look and move around in the world and save the current camera picture in a file.
a more complex and professional suggestion would be to greatly improve the replay system.
like being able to save the replay, not in a video (the replay files would be too big and the processing time too long) but in a custom formatted file from where Re-Volt can exactly reproduce the race/replay (that would give us the possibility to effectively share our replays).
then in the replay mode you could do many more things that are now possible, not only more view options (that are not switching randomly!) but also the ability to pause the replay, rewind or forward it (with different speed options like super slow-motion/slow motion/normal/fast/faster/ultrafast).
also a time bar would be nice where you could immediately jump to a certain point of the replay. not to mention the ability to freely move around with the camera or stick to a certain car.
ultimately it would be nice to have something like in TrackMania United if you know that game

(so you would be actually able to make your own movies)
but since accomplishing something like that would be way to much work anyway, I just suggested these things for now.
Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 04:04
Dave-o-rama wrote:You may be suprised to find out that it's already been done.
Thanks for that. I have actually never used that cheat before...and I'll be honest and say that I would rather not have to.
I'm with Kenny on this regarding the desire to expand the capabilities of the replays. Even when I am not trying to get screenshots for carboxes or checking textures that I've modified, I really like watching the replays, personally.
My number one desire would be to be able to get rid of that menu while paused during a regular race without using any special cheat codes, but I too strongly crave a more robust replay system.
Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 04:15
@Mythic: Hiding the HUD and Menu is possible in -dev mode too (the same mode that allows to pause indefinitely at the car preview screen). The option is just also accessible through TVTIME cheat for people who prefer not to use -dev mode.
Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 07:50
Sweet, thanks Huki. Personally I think in a perfect world it would be a toggleable state, but I can make that work since I'm already using -dev mode.

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 14:44
Probably sound weird:
Adding a Free Mode (or in NFSU2 called Free Run)
Here you can explore a track or Frontend in pace or you can do a Outrun with a opponent.
Question: K.O. Mode and Football mode (with BigVolt) will be added in next versions?

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 14:47
Custom Track list is a very good idea. If u want to play, customs, or a few stocks. U can add tracks to a list, whoch will be played in that order.
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 17:36
[Track folder/group support]
It would be useful, if you have more than 100 tracks, you could find your track easily, by looking through groups.
How it would look like in frontend? Just after car selected, you come to tv screen which shows tracks but before that it would shown tracks groups and a picture of it, that you could select it.
[Main Menu<Game Type Selection<Mode Selection<Type Name<Car selection<Track group selection<Track Selection].
Filesystem: when you create new folder, rename it to short name like car or track folder, in that empty folder the file like "folder or group.inf" should be in it to work and picture with [foldername].bmp (or in gfx folder). And put track folders in your folder. If track isn't in group folder, the track would be shown near track groups in a game.
In Inf file could be set a name, dir of picture, some description or author name and difficulty.
The game could also show a number of tracks (read automatically) of that group/folder when looking track groups.
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 20:09
Add like in DC version at last lap the message "FINAL LAP"
Posted: 31 Jan 2012, 14:53
Coming back to the replay improvements suggestion:
As I said I would very much like an own file format where Re-Volt can reproduce the race and therefore enable replay sharing without actually needing to record it and making it much bigger than it has to be.
So I just thought that the ghost car actually gives us everything we need. The space needed is minimal (>10kb on normal levels) and from the file Re-Volt can reproduce almost everything the car driver did in the race.
Now we just need to adjust this to multiple ghost cars for one session so all racers get "recorded". We could also make it optional to select whether we want to record the next race or not.
Then all the ghost car's details of every racer get stored in one file that probably wouldn't be bigger than 100kb.
Furthermore we would need to make some kind of "special viewing mod" for Re-Volt that is explicitly for spectating a race. That mode is activated when the replay file gets executed with Re-Volt. First it checks if even the level is existing and then it launches the game but directly gets to the level loading (if the level doesnt exist then we can immediately exit before even starting Re-Volt).
In that mode you would also be free to use any viewing mode that currently exist, so no random switching of the camera after a few seconds.
A last modficiation would be to remove the ghost effect from the cars so they dont have a glowing or "flashing" effect.
I think that this is a realistic possibility to greatly improve the replay system without making big changes to the game or add much code to it
edit: one thing I forgot here is that the weapons used in the race are not included with the ghost car
well either we need to still add that to the ghost cars system (which would probably be some work...) or we just let it be without weapons.
Then maybe some cars are thrown into the air without any reason in the replay but its still better than having to record everything with an external program and spending much time converting/editing/uploading imho

or we just make the whole thing for no pickup races...
Posted: 31 Jan 2012, 15:26
@Kenny: Start v1.2 with the
-dev command line, play a race, press Esc when finished and select
Save Replay. Go back to main menu, select
Start Race -> Load Replay. Also search in your Re-Volt folder for a Replay.rpl file once you're done with the above.
And then get back to us.

Posted: 31 Jan 2012, 16:26

omg I had no idea
but as far as I can tell this only works for one Replay so you always have to rename it if you want to watch a specific one (correct me if I am wrong)
not to mention that you have to use -dev if you want to record(/watch?) replays so I think its not possible for online playing or? (because you cant play online with -dev?)
besides, the camera view is still randomly switching when I press nothing
still, I think there are some improvements possible with the "making" of the recordings like enabeling this also for normal mode so no more -dev is needed (and I still would like to associate the .rpl file with revolt so it only takes a (double) click to watch the replay).
Posted: 02 Feb 2012, 15:10
I think those are some really good suggestions, Kenny. I too, would like a more robust replay system. For one thing, I find myself wanting to include some 'sample' replays for some of the vehicles I am working on right now. As for recording just your car or others, perhaps that could be something we could choose on the track selection screen, just before each race starts.
Just some things to maybe think about for future updates.

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 12:53
Add the option to enable UFO sfx on a car
Add the Training pick-ups, no laps.... just you and AI
Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 13:55
1. That's been implemented already.
2. Just turn pick-ups off and play a 20 lap race. Believe me, you will get bored.
Posted: 19 Apr 2012, 14:08
Huki wrote:Till now re-volt uses the name of the car to identify it for multiplayer, etc., and this is not very consistent (we should use folder names instead, like the way levels are indentified). To make this change we have to set some limit to the car folder name[b/] and we picked the same limit as level folder names (which is also 15).
Personally I would prefer that this didn't happen. Right now all you have to do in order to change the name that shows up on the selection screen is change some text in the parameter file and resave. If you make it so it's pulling the car name from the folder name then we'll have to not only change the folder name, but all the lines in the param file that point to it. If you want to be consistent, how about making the levels take the name from the .inf file? That sounds like a much better solution to me.
Posted: 19 Apr 2012, 15:28
MythicMonkey @ Apr 19 2012, 02:08 PM wrote: Personally I would prefer that this didn't happen. Right now all you have to do in order to change the name that shows up on the selection screen is change some text in the parameter file and resave.
Ah no.. the real car name is of course taken from the parameter file (and track name from .inf file). Folder names are considered to, for example, select the correct track/car in multiplayer, save the last played track/car to your profile, etc. You know.. how we
internally identify each installed car or track. If the multiplayer host picks "Toys in the Hood 1", the folder name "nhood1" will be sent to all clients and we can be assured that everyone will run that track.
On the other hand, if we send the real track's name to everyone, not only could it be long, if the client has two tracks with the same name in the .inf file we could end up picking the wrong one.. the same with cars. The folder names, on the other hand are unique and small too (15 chars) and can be safely used to identify and pick the correct track/car to use.
Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 01:49
Hi there,
I'm reposting some of my old suggestions I made before this new forum section was created and some new ones. So, here we go...
Cars & Tracks in ZIP files or equivalent
I noticed that my unmodded Re-Volt folder has something like more than 2000 different files inside which, in my opinion, is a bit too much. Such thing, in fact, causes quite a slowdown while moving the folder (when, for example, putting RV on a USB flash drive) besides being messy. So I suggest that we replaces the folders in the cars and levels directory with zip files or something equivalent in order to reduce the number of files. This may also help when downloading and installing new stuff as we wouldn't need to unpack anything
Has anyone of you ever played TrackMania? In that game, it is possible to add a locator to every custom car/tracks. A locator is basically a plaint text file, which contains a URL to download that custom item from, whose purpose is to reduce the bandwidth traffic of the host who doesn't have to upload that car skin to the clients. I know that this host->clients "share-on-the-fly" feature doesn't exist yet but a good starting point would be implementing locators to avoid people seeing mystery cars online.
Customizable pickups number in multiplayer races
I noticed that not all pickups placed on track spawn during an online races. I asked about this on this very forum and I was told that pickups are spawned according to the number of players. I don't like this feature very much and so I'm proposing a new system. Maybe something like an option like this:
Pickups number: Players|25%|50%|75%|100%
Players: normally spawn pickups depending on players
Percentages: spawn the chosen percentage of pickups randomly around the track
Track Editor Win 7 Compatibility
Not very much to say here. Just try to make the Ed work flawlessly on modern computer when high priorities have been sorted out
What do you think? Is anything of these possible?
Thanks for the great work you're doing
PS. Sorry if I sound a bit formal when writing but I'm preparing a IELTS exam and I to practice anytime I can

Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 17:30
More restrictions. How about being able to restrict the Rating that people could use? This would prevent retarded and ignorant people joining in a Rookie race with Toyeca.
Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 17:49
Random cars should be able to let the Ai pick any car for example if I was rookie the ai can pick anything and any class type car.
Repeated cars should be able to let the user choose what car to be repeated too.
Posted: 20 Apr 2012, 18:42
- Cars & Tracks in ZIP files or equivalent
sounds like a good idea to me but then it would probably get to longer preview/loading screens since Re-Volt would need to extract those files first.
its not a big tragedy with todays hardware but still probably noticeable.
- Track Editor Win 7 Compatibility
even though I would support fixes/improvements for the text editor I think that it works just fine with Windows 7, not even compatibility mode or admin rights needed.
If you want to run it in a window you need to start it with the -window parameter, trying to change the program display while it is running leads to crashes (like pressing alt+enter or f2 and change something there).
-Random cars should be able to let the Ai pick any car for example if I was rookie the ai can pick anything and any class type car.
that would end in a totally unbalanced game but whatever. I would rather vote for a whole new sub-menu called "AI Car Customization" or something like that where you have multiple options available:
- random cars:
if on, the ai gets random cars that are in the same class are as the one that the user selected (like it is normally, this would be activated by default)
if off then all ai cars are the same as the one that the user selected
- surprise me:
if on, a random car is selected for the user. as an addition this could randomly decide whether the random cars option is enabled or not but that would be only a bonus for me
- set manually:
this would bring up a new window where all ai players are listed (depending on how many players are set of course) and the user can actually set for each player its car.
if there is a thing like "ai skill" that is randomly set on start then it would be cool if one could also set the ai's player skill here (remember, for each player individually).
I believe the possible improvements in that section are great and very important, not only for the normal offline racer but also for car creators and training purposes.
Posted: 03 May 2012, 00:37
We had some no-pickup races today, and the crowd was really disturbing. A no-collision option would be really good, like the C! command in the WolfR4. This would make b3l/b4l races a lot more comfortable.
Posted: 04 May 2012, 11:48
I've noticed that even when using an analog controller the wheels don't turn faster than what the car params allows. So my suggestion is an option to anulate the SteerRate value when using an analog controller so the speed at which the wheel turns depends on the player's input.
Posted: 13 May 2012, 03:24
Another suggestion: VCR-like controls for the replay mode like those found in Papyrus's simulators (play/still, fast forward, rewind, cut, save/load replay file, etc).
Posted: 14 May 2012, 18:27
Balint12 @ May 2 2012, 08:07 PM wrote: We had some no-pickup races today, and the crowd was really disturbing. A no-collision option would be really good, like the C! command in the WolfR4. This would make b3l/b4l races a lot more comfortable.
Pretty please with a cherry on top.
Posted: 15 May 2012, 22:24
I would love to see the DC Frontend, and then you can add custom cars in the boxes. Though this would be useless for anyone that don't have any custom cars. I hope its not bad of a suggestion...
Posted: 25 May 2012, 01:25
"Pause" key: Would work like the Esc key but without the window, allowing players to take full pics.
Posted: 27 May 2012, 01:39
Hello !
For some time by observing the AI driving, I noticed something curious.
When the AI is in the last places (generally eleventh or last), the car which the AI drives accelerates faster and sees its maximal speed increased. I do not know if it is because of a former(ancient) update of RV 1.2.
Here is the problem from this "bonus" which receive the last cars of the race : The AI drives its car extremely badly, I am understandable, the car does not almost turn(shoot) in certain bend, its handiness seems to have become bad, the "bonus" of speed and acceleration is of no use in the final.
You can try to see it yourself in the replay of a race ! Cars in the last places sometimes miss the bends the easiest ! (Ghost Town 1) For an unknown reason, it does not arrive all the time, or then it is just an impression.
Concerning the "bonus" in itself, I find it useless, but it is a personal opinion. If the problem is real, I suggest removing this "bonus".
Well, now, let us pass in the other thing. A suggestion taken out of my imagination
Here is my simple proposal : integrate by new codes of obtaining for cars.
When I repaints a car, sometimes, I shall like that it is a new method of obtaining there at least, because 4 codes of obtaining for me, it is little
Of new codes of obtainings be going to give more challenges in Offline game.
Small reminder of the existing current codes :
0 => Available car from the creation of a profile
-1 => Special car ;P Obtained only via the cheat code CARNIVAL
1 => Win a championship (according to the class of the car)
2 => Beat the record of origin of every tracks officials (according to the class of the car)
3 => Obtain the star of every tracks officials in the mode practice (according to the class of the car)
4 => Finish first one in every tracks officials in the mode single race (according to the class of the car)
Here are the codes which I propose :
11 => Win a championship by arriving first in every tracks. (according to the class of the car)
44 => Finish first one in every officials tracks in reverse mode in mode Single Race (according to the class of the car)
31 => Finish first in a official track with the car "Pest Control" with 7 opponents minimum.
41 => Finish first in a official track with the car "AMW" with 7 opponents minimum.
25 => Obtain 5 stars in the Stunt Arena
50 => Obtain 10 stars in the Stunt Arena
75 => Obtain 15 stars in the Stunt Arena
100 => Obtain all stars in the Stunt Arena
30 => Finish first in all the tracks officials in the mode "Clockwork Carnage"
650 => Finish the Progress Table
numbers are inspired, they are not set at random! Suggestion finishes :3
Posted: 01 Jun 2012, 00:01
Support for R5G6B5 16-bit textures, not just R5G5B5X1. No point in letting the one bit go to waste!
Posted: 02 Jun 2012, 12:26
I noticed that if I finish a race and start spectating other players in Pickup races, the symbol that indicates that it is a Pickups race isn't there, so there's no easy way to differenciate Pickups races from Non-Pickups races (unless you press F1).
My suggestion is to fix this situation soon by adding the weapons indicator in spectating because some players could easily post these results pretending to be Non-Pickups races like B3L/B4L/Month Tracks. Thx very much.
Posted: 10 Jun 2012, 19:35
I think this suggestion has already been made (probably even by me) but I'll post it again, this time with pictures to show how possible solutions would look like.
So the suggestion is to include a sort of additional sorting into the car selection. My intial idea is to reduce the number of carboxes for repainted cars with the same body but I guess this could also be possible for any other car.
I think it is just a huge waste of space (on the disk and ingame) to have basically the same car body multiple times where only some parameters and the body texture are different.
So instead of storing all in different folders why dont we store it in the folder of the original car (mostly stock cars)?
Ingame we would only have to browse to the original car and if it has multiple textures/parameters available we could switch to those with the "up" and "down" arrows.
This would greatly reduce the number of carboxes to go through (if you have many repaints) and you would immediately know where to find certain cars.
Instead of searching for a single "parameters.txt" we get all "*.txt" files in the folder and check which ones are in a proper parameters format (where the parameters.txt would be the original car).
The original car would be displayed first and once the user presses the up/down arrow the game switches to the next .txt stored in the list and its parameters/carbox would be loaded and displayed on the screen.
How would it look like visually?
Well I have thought about 3 different ways to solve this:
1) Display the normal car selection.
This is certainly not a good idea since the user wouldn't know if there are multiple cars available or not but no additional drawing needs to be done here.
2) If there are mutliple cars available, preview their carboxes.
Perhaps this would look pretty but it wouldn't only take more screen space, it would also lead to longer loading times of the carboxes since 3 carboxes would need to be loaded.
It would probably look something like this:
3) The (imo) most elegant solution would be to simply display arrows in the car info screen if there are mutliple cars available. Here are possible locations shown (I would prefer location 1 or 2):
Any opinions about this idea?
PS: a thing I just noticed when I took the pictures:
Is there a reason why the colour of the menu border changes at random selections? I never even noticed that it changed

Posted: 10 Jun 2012, 20:48
Kenny @ Jun 10 2012, 03:05 PM wrote: PS: a thing I just noticed when I took the pictures:
Is there a reason why the colour of the menu border changes at random selections? I never even noticed that it changed
work like that since first original revolt realease

Posted: 10 Jun 2012, 21:32
Kenny, i too have suggested the same thing some time ago.
Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 03:46
Key always down, driver problem
Hello, I've recently bought a new joypad and there comes the problem.
It keeps telling me that button 8 (RT) is always 'down' I checked the hardware (screwdrivers and tests) and it seemed fine, it's a software problem.
In the other games, they just ignore the button but Re-Volt has another word . by setting controls, button 8 impose itself and so ruining the other controls.
by unplugging the joypad, normally Re-Volt is going to ignore the joypad events but this didn't happen (and alt+f4 to close re-volt, I couldn't use keyboard)
This button which is 'softwarely' (driver problems) always down should be ignored
I believe I can fix it using my profile.ini well, hex but I can fix it somehow but I would like a better solution: ignore the button that's always down from intro to frontend loading (I believe it's possible to record keystrokes) just like for instance PES 2012.
[offtopic]now I understand the reason of the discount[/offtopic]
Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 18:51
Camera Nodes out of bounds
As reported by Dave_o_rama, any camera node which its X, Y or Z out of range -32768..32767 will not be taken care of.
The problems actually comes from camera's structure itself
for example, editcam.cpp
Code: Select all
fnode.x = (long)(EditCamNode[i].Pos.v[X] * 65536);
fnode.y = (long)(EditCamNode[i].Pos.v[Y] * 65536);
fnode.z = (long)(EditCamNode[i].Pos.v[Z] * 65536);
where x, y, z are long
the stored values are ironically high and long can be easily passed.
The solution is simple, a new type of file that supports 'Float' instead of 'long'
for example, before reading the cameras in
camera.cpp (this code)
Code: Select all
// Read in the number of nodes
nRead = fread(&nNodes, sizeof(long), 1, fp);
My proposition: a new header 3 characters "1.2"
pseudo code
Code: Select all
if ( str == "1.2")
{ read long, then read NEW_CAMNODE which uses float instead of long}
else {
... the normal routine
Editcam.cpp should store the header 1.2
Thanks for reading!
Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 19:14
KDL @ Jun 12 2012, 09:21 AM wrote: Camera Nodes using VEC
As reported by Dave_o_rama, any camera node which its X, Y or Z out of range -32768..32767 will not be taken care of.
The problems actually comes from camera's structure itself
Here's my initial report if anyone's interested. Not that it covers anything Kay already hasn't.
EDIT (While I'm here):
Me wrote:What would you guys think about a feature in 1.2 (maybe in the .inf file) that would force the track to use the camera nodes you've set up? (like running
Canyon Of The Wolves in WolfR4?)

Posted: 16 Jun 2012, 00:07
Just some thoughts which swept through my mind:
Have you guys experimented with compiling a 64-bit version of Re-Volt?
Also, would UPnP be an option for Re-Volt to use in, i.e. automatitizing the proces of port forwarding on routers which supports it?
Posted: 16 Jun 2012, 08:28
Tips for Making the Patch more user-friendly:
1. Please for next release don't compress the Patch into a .zip like this time. It gives me tons of headaches per day to have to explain to new users that the
Patch Installer is
inside the file they download. Thanks.
Oh, and thankyou for removing the TM symbol of the generated shortcut.
2. It would be wonderful to make the Patch Installer able to detect the proper Re-Volt directory instead of just offering the Default Path (
C:\Program Files\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt) which is only useful for people that have installed the game from the CD.
The fact is that unfortunately only a small number of players install from the CD version while the mayority of players in the community download
portable versions or use the
Installer that all of you know ([url=]link[/url]), which installs the game in:
C:\Program Files\Acclaim\ReVolt (different folder).
The consequence is usually a bunch of errors because the mayority of the players can't apply the Patch in the correct folder unless they manually change it during the installation (which hardly occurs without some general knowlegde of the game or RV House assistance).
A solution would be allowing the auto-detection of
where the revolt.exe was last runned from -maybe in a similar way that RV House does to launch revolt online (by detecting the last path used offline no matter the folder it is) and display it in the setup wizard for a foolproof installation process.
Posted: 16 Jun 2012, 12:17
Phantom wrote:2. It would be wonderful to make the Patch Installer able to detect the proper Re-Volt directory instead of just offering the Default Path (C:\Program Files\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt) which is only useful for people that have installed the game from the CD.
My experience is that the patch already detects the proper Re-Volt directory, provided that the installer leaves a trace of where the Re-Volt folder is in registry. If you do a clean install of Re-Volt, the patch installer should detect the path to the folder - this has at least been the case for me every single time I have re-installed Re-Volt - even using the downloaded installer you linked to. The installer not being able to find the Re-Volt directory may be a result of a bad install or lack of administrator rights I think but I am not sure.
Phantom wrote:The fact is that unfortunately only a small number of players install from the CD version while the mayority of players in the community download portable versions or use the Installer that all of you know (link), which installs the game in: C:\Program Files\Acclaim\ReVolt (different folder).
From a personal point of view I would rather have the installer to assume that the game has been installed from a legal and official installation medium, even though this might not be the case for the majority of users in this community. Perhaps it would be better to ask for changing the path of which the installer you link to install Re-Volt by default, than trying to make up for the wrong path through the Re-Volt 1.2 patch installer.
Posted: 16 Jun 2012, 12:56
From my experience I've experienced
problem_after_problem with new players and it's me who has to deal with them
If you do a clean install of Re-Volt, the patch installer should detect the path to the folder
No, it doesn't. The Patch always offers to install the files in
C:\Program Files\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt even if I make a clean install using the [url=]RVR Installer[/url]. Probably because it's a self-extraction executable modified.
Urnemanden wrote:From a personal point of view I would rather have the installer to assume that the game has been installed from a legal and official installation medium, even though this might not be the case for the majority of users in this community.
From my personal point of view I would rather prefer
compatibility with all the possible situations instead of assuming an unrealistic situation which might be against the player's expectations. The reality is that they have
problems, and the Re-Volt 1.2 installer is not providing
solutions to this situation yet.
One of our biggest faults is that we always assume that the community has a higher knowledge in computers than it actually has; excluding,
again, the mayority of the potential revolt players.