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Posted: 27 Jul 2011, 06:12
Kenny wrote:I also thought about saving stuff of the game. Wouldnt it be better if we save all settings in files instead of the registry?
Phantom wrote:In the ThingsToDo List, there's an idea about allowing multiple profiles saved to local folder instead of a single profile in registry.
Huki is already working on it, along with the profile support, so it may come quite soon now.
Posted: 27 Jul 2011, 10:32
Excellent! Glad to hear that jig.
@Kenny: Marv told me that will fix the translation issues that you found.
I think it'll be ready for next release.
Posted: 27 Jul 2011, 11:41
Phantom @ Jul 26 2011, 08:48 PM wrote: When Re-Volt 1.2 development is completely finished, there will be made an installer that includes the patch and the original music in MP3 format, but not now.
As long as it will work just like you would have the CD inserted (like playing everytime the same music when you enter main menu or ghost town and certain music for certain tracks), Im fine with that
three other suggestions:
- fix the star bug in toytanic (its so easy with the star to win there)
- every time I start the game, he asks me for my desired language, thats kind of annoying. I would rather have that the first time I launch the game and never again or want to be able to change it in the options menu (would be better imo)
- include the missing cars and the track from the Dreamcast version

I know, most of them are just repaints and I guess it wont be easy to add visual boxes to those in the menu (that are actually there and show the parameters) but it would be really cool.
Also you would have to add the missing track "Rooftops" as a stock track (so you have 4 advanced tracks instead of 3 and you have to play them all in the silver cup, can collect the star in it and make time trial to unlock more cars).
I want the Dreamcast things because it makes the Dreamcast version kind of special and I always feel like "something is missing" in the PC version (although I only play the PC version, simply the knowledge that there could be more things is enough for me to want it

edit: @Phantom: awesome, thx
Posted: 27 Jul 2011, 13:01
jigebren @ Jul 27 2011, 03:42 AM wrote:Huki is already working on it, along with the profile support, so it may come quite soon now.
Hey! Good news, the profile support will be very usefull

Kenny @ Jul 26 2011, 06:45 PM wrote:And what be totally cool is if you could make an own folder in the Re-Volt folder where you put in the music tracks from the CD (in a mp3 format or wav, rip the files off the CD) and he plays them in the game just like he would do if the CD is inserted.
That way you dont need the CD at all to play the full original game! (of course you could swap the music files with custom ones but I rather want to play the game like I did the first time - pure original). If you need the music files, I have them on my PC already or I could get them from the CD again.
I made patch it works good, but one track can use only one mp3 file, so this patch is unfinished, but I'm using myself even when playing multi-player

. You can download
here. Please backup all stock tracks .inf files, before use. There are all ripped tracks from re-volt iso image also there three unusable tracks included: Championship Won, lost and credits, these re-volt cannot use right now.
Kenny @ Jul 27 2011, 09:11 AM wrote:- fix the star bug in toytanic (its so easy with the star to win there)
It already fixed on never alpha versions, but it works only when playing on v1.2 only servers.
Kenny wrote:- include the missing cars and the track from the Dreamcast version
Yeah it would be nice, but you can download them,
cars: (by Adamodell),
also download carbox fix for newer rv v1.2 alpha versions (for Adamodell pack): (by UrbanR),
Rooftops track: ... e=Rooftops (by Santa clause)
Posted: 27 Jul 2011, 13:31
I made patch it works good, but one track can use only one mp3 file, so this patch is unfinished, but I'm using myself even when playing multi-player smile.gif. You can download here. Please backup all stock tracks .inf files, before use.
Thx but I rather have it in a single package, different patches can cause all kinds of troubles (some even overwrite files that other patches need)
It already fixed on never alpha versions, but it works only when playing on v1.2 only servers.
Oh ok, I never checked the track since then
Yeah it would be nice, but you can download them,
I know the cars and the track are downloadable and integrable but they would appear as custom tracks and cars and thats not what I would like it to be. I know it would be difficult to realize (you would have to reorganize the boxes in the car selection menu too) but it would be very great to have a "full version" of Re-Volt
whats that fix for?
Posted: 27 Jul 2011, 13:41
Kenny @ Jul 27 2011, 11:01 AM wrote:whats that fix for?
It fixes car box textures for Adamodell pack, because newer rv v1.2 alpha versions got bigger texture size support and witchout this fix, carbox'es will not show, just hole.
Posted: 27 Jul 2011, 16:48
VaiDuX461 @ Jul 27 2011, 08:31 AM wrote: I made patch it works good, but one track can use only one mp3 file, so this patch is unfinished, but I'm using myself even when playing multi-player

. You can download here. Please backup all stock tracks .inf files, before use. There are all ripped tracks from re-volt iso image also there three unusable tracks included: Championship Won, lost and credits, these re-volt cannot use right now.
Credits track song already in use on
"The Mines of Alderon" and some other custom tracks i don't remember ...
You must play revolt with cd and enjoy
use :
REDBOOK 13 13 (in track's inf file)
REDBOOK 11 11 and
REDBOOK 12 12 play Championship Won or lost
REDBOOK 11 13 will play Championship Won, lost and credits

Posted: 27 Jul 2011, 17:07
sebr @ Jul 27 2011, 02:18 PM wrote:Credits track song already in use on
"The Mines of Alderon" and some other custom tracks i don't remember ...
I meant about mp3 files. The Championship Won, lost and credits mp3 connot be played on re-volt, with levels it works, because you can set it, but if you want to hear credits.mp3 ON Credits (from options, without REDBOOK) you can't, because you can't set it, same with Championship Won/lost. I hope you now understand

. Too much [Off topic].
Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 00:49
How about making your cars a little bit faster when having the bomb powerup? A tiny bit faster makes it easyer to pass it.
also a powerup that moves to the first player (like blue shell in mairo kart) could also be a good idea. what do u think huki?
Posted: 04 Aug 2011, 01:35
How about increasing the chance of a bomb for people in 1st place, and reducing chance of bomb for people in last place? Or remove the bomb as it is?
Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 16:31
Would be nice if, on the track selection screen, we could just press a letter and go to the first track beginning with that letter -- to save all of that noisy flipping through the tracks.
Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 19:00
One more suggestion, to deal with port forwarding. I notice on my hub that there are a bunch of pre-sets that you just have to activate to forward the ports - like for quake etc.
If hubs generally have the popular pre-sets like mine does, then can't revolt just use the ports of another popular game to make things easier for newbies?
Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 19:14
FYI the ports Re-Volt use is already the same as Age of Empires, Age of Kings, Age of Wonders, BattleCom, Close Combat, Combat Flight Simulator 2 and Starfleet Command just to mention a few pre-sets available on my router with 47624 TCP and 2300-2400 TCP/UDP.
Perhaps the ports Re-Volt use is a standard for the version of Directplay it uses? I don't think they can be changed that easily unfortunately.
Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 20:10
How about in future 1.2 release we include a few pre-made lego tracks to load in the editor, like the PSX version? We could show people the do's and don'ts of track editor tracks, and they could use them as bases for their own work... and I could put them together rather easily.

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 20:20
urnemanden @ Aug 7 2011, 02:44 PM wrote: FYI the ports Re-Volt use is already the same as Age of Empires, Age of Kings, Age of Wonders, BattleCom, Close Combat, Combat Flight Simulator 2 and Starfleet Command just to mention a few pre-sets available on my router with 47624 TCP and 2300-2400 TCP/UDP.
AH ok thanks. More people should know this if it makes port forwarding easier.
Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 18:21
Iron Bob
Would be nice if, on the track selection screen, we could just press a letter and go to the first track beginning with that letter -- to save all of that noisy flipping through the tracks.
I second that idea.
Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 20:17
Iron Bob @ Aug 9 2011, 03:51 PM wrote: Would be nice if, on the track selection screen, we could just press a letter and go to the first track beginning with that letter -- to save all of that noisy flipping through the tracks.
I second that idea.
I third that.
Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 20:37
miromiro @ Aug 9 2011, 08:17 PM wrote:Iron Bob @ Aug 9 2011, 03:51 PM wrote: law wrote:Would be nice if, on the track selection screen, we could just press a letter and go to the first track beginning with that letter -- to save all of that noisy flipping through the tracks.
I second that idea.
I third that.
I go forth with that idea.
Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 23:27
Battery/Electric Pulses around the car
Is there any chance we can make the um... i dont know what you'd call it... but the "wrapping" around the car when its using the battery or electric pulse wrap around the WHOLE car instead of just the body? It looks kind of awkward now IMO...
End-Of-Race camera in Single Player
Also, can we add the camera that allows you to view the cars still racing into single-player races, instead of just in multiplayer?
Posted: 10 Aug 2011, 01:03
custom tracks selection
arows become quickly boring when you have more than 50 tracks...
can you have alphabetic key for selection (like in windows explorer) using "d" (for exemple) select directly first track with name : DAYTOYA
hit the same key second time select second track with name starting with that letter Dirt Valley
(if it's work why don't using this for custom cars too ?)
can you add a new skymap called "local" : who use sky bmp directly stored on the track folder. this way each custom track could have different sky
Posted: 10 Aug 2011, 01:24
Perhaps by pressing Space, an entire search bar could pop up that would instantly search as you typed. We do have a couple of thousand tracks on rvzt afterall..
Anyways, I think allowing keyboard input like that would be nice, definitely.
Posted: 10 Aug 2011, 01:27
i think MUST hav it for multi-player

Posted: 10 Aug 2011, 01:42
sebr @ Aug 9 2011, 03:33 PM wrote: MAKEITGOOD skymap
can you add a new skymap called "local" : who use sky bmp directly stored on the track folder. this way each custom track could have different sky
I second that notion. So much so that I even third it

Posted: 10 Aug 2011, 01:56
Dave-o-rama @ Aug 9 2011, 11:12 PM wrote: sebr @ Aug 9 2011, 03:33 PM wrote: MAKEITGOOD skymap
can you add a new skymap called "local" : who use sky bmp directly stored on the track folder. this way each custom track could have different sky
I second that notion. So much so that I even third it
I third that.
Posted: 14 Aug 2011, 09:08
Just a quick question:
Are some of the features that were in WolfR4 (like custom.ini's and trackmania-like collison) going to be ported into 1.2 at some point? More so than the fixes-my-sound-and-doesn't-give-me-any-1.2-stuff way we use Wolf and 1.2 now?
@miro: So we both third it?

Posted: 14 Aug 2011, 15:36
According to the
TODO list all the WolfR4 features should be ported into 1.2 at some point. I'm not sure exactly how the custom track features will be implemented though. Still under discussion I suppose.
Short-term Plans wrote:
Our plans for the Beta stage is to port all the features of the launcher tool WolfR4 into Re-Volt v1.2.[..]
Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 21:33
Game modes suggestions from singleplayer to multiplayer:
1. Championship - Same as sp only "give up a try" disabled.
2. Time Trial - Collision disabled, who get fastest lap per given time tho's will win (would option to disable player cars and names at game) (would be 100% copy of Trackmania game Time Trial mode)
3. Practice (name would different) - Who's get first a star tho's will win (statistics would show how many stars players collected on all tracks, not time) also collision would disabled (or not), (Problem, practice has only one star per one track, maybe it should show single stars too, that would make 2 two stars to search for)
4. Stunt Arena - 2 Ideas:
1st Who's get most score doing tricks, tho's will win (would hard to code this type of mode)
2nd Free, just chat and showing tricks to other players in Stunt Arena track (Free Zone) (Would also suport all tracks from all modes).
5.Clockwork Carnage - Same as sp (30 connected players O.O)
Other suggestions:
1. Add Stunt Arena track to Battle Tag mode.
2. On Battle Tag you could select custom (Battle Tag) tracks. (Single Race supports custom tracks selection)
3. Custom reversed tracks support for Single Race mode.
4. Capable to add AI's in Multi Player, Single Race mode.
Some of suggestions should be already here, but it's (All in 1 post)
[EDIT]: If you still reading this, two things 2 and 3 are in newer v1.2 patch builds (Other suggestions).
Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 23:03
Single-Player spectate mode? I know it's a little pointless, but it could help the track makers to see how the AI plays and something like this. And since it's possible in Multi-Player, I think it wouldn't be big deal to create something similar for Single Player as well.
Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 10:35
I second that.
Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 21:08
You guys know how when you connect to a multiplayer game in RV House, and you get a "Can't join lobby session" message? Can you include the option to just quit Re-Volt from that screen, instead of having to put up with Re-Volt starting up anyway every time?
Posted: 21 Aug 2011, 04:10
what about few diffrent honks that you can change in game settings,volume settings example,that is not hard,right?
Posted: 21 Aug 2011, 08:12
I wonder if anyone would like an option to switch off / on the rubberband function of the AI, at least in simulation mode.
Maybe in a hyper-realistic (hard-core?

) mode, you know, ResMod 1 and no rubberbanding.
Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 13:36
I have a superior idea for a battle team tag track.
I would create two teams on opposite sides,
The first team gets the position in STARTPOS in the inf file
The second team gets the position in STARTPOSREV in the inf file
I would like it this way, so you got a battle tag track,
That is like [-team1-] [track] [-team2-]
That they're on the opposite of each other, and the star is in the middle of the track
I would really really like it if you implement that.
Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 19:24
I have a feeling that this would be a pain in the a** to get working, but wouldn't it be great (and convenient) to upload your times in a B3L/B4L race straight to RVR from Re-Volt? Instead of the fairly long posting process we have now...
Posted: 30 Aug 2011, 15:38
r6turboextreme @ Aug 22 2011, 09:06 AM wrote: I have a superior idea for a battle team tag track.
I would create two teams on opposite sides,
The first team gets the position in STARTPOS in the inf file
The second team gets the position in STARTPOSREV in the inf file
I would like it this way, so you got a battle tag track,
That is like [-team1-] [track] [-team2-]
That they're on the opposite of each other, and the star is in the middle of the track
I would really really like it if you implement that.
Hey huki&jigebren, please give answer to this suggestion
I don't want it to be ignored.
Posted: 30 Aug 2011, 20:48
another pain in the a** incoming: how about a capture the flag mode? Where getting hit with a pickup makes you drop the flag? Just an idea...
Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 01:22
Maybe it's time to resolve the long-nagging issue of the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd positions in clockwork carnage showing up as 21th, 22th, and 23th?
Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 01:50
Can you add a spectating mode before finishing the race? I mean, even from the start.
Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 16:13
Detailed car view
Would do same thing when selecting a car, you just could move camera around the car with arrow keys (key could be "space" to select that preview at selected car box, and that way default viewing would be disabled (when selecting car and instantly go to track select screen without car default preview))
Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 22:59
Window Mode - Game To Carry On
I mean, there should be a way to play Re-Volt in Windows Mode - the best way would be to set that in the Options Menu. So, you play on Window Mode. Is there a way to let the game carry on even if you're on another main Window? For instance, the race finished, and you want to access Internet. Although the Re-Volt Window won't be on top anymore, the game should continue, and not let the Pause Menu appear - just like it happens in Multi-Player.
Posted: 13 Oct 2011, 04:09
Difficulty Settings-
Include multiple parameter files for each car so that they can be adjusted to different difficulty settings. Then if the regular Aquasonic isn't tough enough for your Dust Mute, you can beef him up a little by setting the game to hard mode and then Aquasonic could use its faster parameters file to provide a little more challenge. Ideally the changes would be fairly minor such as improvements to grip and acceleration. The player would never drive these other parameters, they are simply to provide more challenge from an otherwise incompetent AI.
parameters.txt - player params
parameters-AI1.txt - easy mode
parameters-AI2.txt - normal mode
parameters-AI3.txt - hard mode
parameters-AI4.txt - really hard mode
If only parameters.txt is provided, the AI will default to driving that.
Posted: 15 Oct 2011, 19:04
Is there any chance that you guys can make custom tracks that are playable in reverse mode selectable without going all the way to the stock tracks, hitting down, then going back to your track? It really sucks wanting to select one track in reverse when you have a whole bunch of custom tracks.

Posted: 15 Oct 2011, 20:41
Is it possible to play custom tracks in random races?
Posted: 15 Oct 2011, 23:11
Reverse support for user tracks should actually be added (in fact I though it was already the case, but it was only for WolfR4). I just can tell when... I can just say: When we'll have time.
Random user track should also be added, but probably later, as we will also have to add new menu option to support it.
Posted: 15 Oct 2011, 23:13
jigebren @ Oct 15 2011, 06:41 PM wrote: Random user track should also be added, but probably later, as we will also have to add new menu option to support it.
Okay jig.
But can you disable CHANGELING during random races?

Posted: 16 Oct 2011, 04:09
Redoing this suggestion because my last post sucked a bit:
I would like to remain as "host", but to hand off hosting duties (changing map, basically), like what happens when the host leaves. This could happen when the host goes into spectator mode.
The idea is to be able to act like a "sever", with the rvhouse room staying open.
Posted: 22 Nov 2011, 05:56
I thought I would share a few ideas for RV1.2
- An option to see your lap times (i.e.e 1st lap 2nd lap etc) on the side of the screen , say on the right
- An options to see split times between you and the rest of the racers/AI
- A "race" mode similar to battle tag but you get points for a weapon hitting other cars and maybe minus point for your own weapons hitting yourself, and a time limit say 4 to 10 minutes.( I think this may be too hard to do )
- Same as previous but you get points for placement at the end of a race and for weapon hits. For a set of races you could colate these points afterwards to find the winner. Loose points for a flip and a repo.
- How about this, all cars start at the same point i.e. no collision for the first 10 to 20 seconds of the race. This in the past was a bit of ba problem as the person starting in 8th place had a longer distance to travel.
- random start positions, or a number of start positions.
- In reply mode you do not see lap times and race time, so a feature to enable this would be nice.
- I have 2 monitors and while racing the second monitor is not used, so how about a rear/top/other car view in another window/monitor.
- An auto posting of race times (after logging in) to a blog/twitter/whatever is popular of race times/scores (see above)
- I have numbers for each track for flow and difficulty which are based on the fastest lap time and race time, perhaps a option to display/log these at the end of a track?? ( I will send the formula if anybody wants a go at this one)
well thats all I can think of at the moment.
Cheers and thx for all the work so far on RV1.2 ( the widescreen mode is the one I have wanted for RV for ages)
Last_Cuban (Niall)
Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 13:09
I have some suggestions for Re-Volt game:
1. Add boost at every car (like in Ignition game)
2. A radar like in NFS games
3. Add demo, dev, PSX cars in final version
Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 22:39
BossVolter @ Dec 1 2011, 08:39 AM wrote: Hello!
I have some suggestions for Re-Volt game:
1. Add boost at every car (like in Ignition game)
2. A radar like in NFS games
3. Add demo, dev, PSX cars in final version
A radar would work and the missing cars would be nice too but the boost idea is terrible we already got the battery.
The map from the DC version needs to be added too.
Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 22:58
BossVolter @ Dec 1 2011, 10:39 AM wrote: 3. Add demo, dev, PSX cars in final version
I can't see why can't you just add those cars yourself.