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Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 01:22
I'll keep this thread updated and add your suggestions. Last updates in blue.
[Edit by Vaid]: Since the post hasn't been updated by the original topic creator for a while, I took some time to do it instead. My ticks are in purple, instead of green.
- Rooftops track has a lot of nice ambience sounds in the DC version (police siren, traffic noise, sat dishes beeping and humming,...) ✔ (RVGL with DC Pack)
- Add the music tracks from the N64 version (remixes) as alternative music to be played (The Project64 emulator has a WAV dump option and with in-game SFX turned to 0, you can save music only).
- Fix FWD/RWD captions of the cars! DC version correct? ✔
- In Practice Mode, after acquiring a star, move it to the top right corner, like in the Dreamcast version. ✔
- Fix some car names according to DC version (e.g. "Clockwork Wun") ✔
- Fix Toytanic 1 star bug ✔
- AI should use Rotor
- AI should use certain cars (Sprinter XL, Pest Control,...) better, instead of always losing ✔ (Improved AI)
- Better racing line AI to avoid mass crashes at the start ✔ (Improved AI)
- Number of pick-ups seems to be related to the number of cars and capped ? (I think this was changed, unsure)
- Fix semi-transparent polygon bug
- Fix battery/electric pulse effect to wrap around the whole car ✔
- Fix "21th, 22th and 23th" strings in clockwork carnage mode ✔
- Track editor Windows 7 compatibility ✔
- Knock-out race mode (car in last place gets knocked-out after a certain time)
- Soccer mode (score goals; Nhood1 battle + basketball + BigVolt)
- Team racing mode
- Shootout-modes:
--Multiplayer shoot-out mode with weapons (reach x hits, deathmatch/team deathmatch style)
no auto-aim; projectiles go in a straight line; only reflections!!
+2 hits: rockets, clone, transfer bomb
+1 hit: shockwave (flipped cars), electro, star, balloons, oil
0 hits: battery, ball bearing
-1 hit: bomb (self-destruct)
--Shoot-out race mode (X lives --> X hits --> out)
- Sprint races from A to B
- Overtaking game mode: score points for passing cars
- Driving missions
- 3 lap battle
- 1 lap magic
- Most laps in a set time
- Add and adapt single player game modes (championship, time trial, practice, stunt, clockwork) in multi player!
- Capture The Flag mode
- Random car select (use Mystery model in menu)
- "Guess my car" (random and/or secret car select, Mystery model in-game)
- Make "repaint" cars from DC selectable after unlocking by pressing up/down at car select screen
- Give "repaint" cars from DC a better (different) AI?
- Car headlights and working brake lights (-->there was an old headlights mod)
- Jump/flip button (the one from Battle Tag mode) optional for all game modes
- Ability to compile custom championships with tracks (stock and/or custom) and variants (normal/reverse/mirrored/mirrored-reverse) and bonus stuff to unlock by winning it (custom cars/tracks)
- Add most favourite community maps (PetroVolt, Quake, Venice,...) as a "Community Championship"
- Ability to play a mix of online and local (splitscreen) multiplayer
- Instead of the '???', add bars corresponding to the car's the real parameters ✔
- Remove the 'CHT' tag if a car is not unlocked (see below)
- Ability to join a session in play, and wait in the lobby to join next race ✔
- Ability to use custom skins online (PNG for smaller file size to auto-upload to everyone)
- Ability to use custom honk sounds online (duration limited; OGG for smaller file size to auto-upload to everyone)
- Ability to completely hide all HUD elements. ✔
- Ability to hide multiplayer names
- Multiple ghosts (in single player)
- Mouse for car selection (pop out on mouseover)
- Per-car sounds (custom sounds for custom cars)
- More camera options/positions (rigid camera, custom positions, CarFixCopter features,...)
- Option to hide HUD ✔
- Add a toggle option for TVTIME in the game settings
- Custom MP3 options:
--Add music folder for custom MP3s; also parse links to MP3s elsewhere
--Play random tracks if not defined in custom INF
--Override custom MP3 folder if MP3 is defined in INF
- Allow env on wheels and spinners to make shiny wheels
- 2 speeds for fast cars; automatic and manual transmission
- Add global ambient light for "spot light" effect
- Add HUD info about top 4 players in a race
- Smart pick-up algorithm: give useful for specific places, penalize leader,...
- New pick-up: projectile that aims and tracks on the leader
- Add the "Next Track" option to the single race pause menu
- Increase number of bitmaps, solid surfaces, objects,...
- Manual selection of opponent cars
- "Stocks only" option
- Additional car classes, e.g. below Rookie, above Pro,...
- Level playlist for playing multiple or randomized tracks
- Option for host to go back to front-end ✔
- Allow to enter lap numbers in a text box instead of only scrolling
- Compress car folders into ZIP/7zip archives
- Downloaded user files management: grouping, show/hide, download locations,...
- Option to quickly change mirrored/reversed tracks from pause menu in multiplayer ✔
- Increase 12-character car name limit during races
- Allow AI to use custom cars when the human player uses one
- Option to randomize only the player's car
- Ability to disable sound in track editor
- Save data in some folder instead of Windows registry ✔
- Ability to press letters to jump directly to tracks/cars in the selection screens ✔
- In-game search bar for finding cars and tracks ✔
- Include demo/template tracks in the track edtior
- Add end-of-race camera to single player to view remaining cars still racing ✔
- Ability to add AI in multiplayer
- Custom honks sounds and options
- Single-player spectate mode to watch a grid of AI cars
- Option to toggle rubberband function of AI
- Upload function of times to RVR
- Per track sky maps for custom tracks ✔
- Detailed car view on car selection screen
- Disable CHANGELING during random races
- Host transfer
- Ability to force custom camera nodes
- Replay sytem with replay files with added UTC time and date stamp
- Folder/sub-folder system for tracks and cars
- Add a "Final Lap" message
- Ability to restrict car classes
UNLOCKS (progress table needs to be adapted):
- Beat challenge times in bronze/silver/gold/platinum tracks --> unlock rookie/amateur/semi-pro/pro "repaint" cars from DC ✔ (RVGL with DC Pack)
- Beat clockwork Carnage mode on all stock tracks --> unlock "Rooftops" track from DC
- Win single race in 1st place on "Rooftops" --> unlock BigVolt car from DC
- Find star in Practice mode on "Rooftops" --> unlock Bossvolt car from DC
- Beat all challenge times in all tracks (stock + "Rooftops") in all variants (normal/reverse/mirrored/mirrored-reverse) --> unlock UFO, Mystery & Trolley
Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 01:36
Very, very interesting idea.
If we're still going so far, I may also add that the "???" on custom (or other cars like Panga and UFO) cars' details shall be deleted and replaced with the bars (and probably the "CHT" shall be deleted too, except when in multi-player).
Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 03:16
UrbanR @ Feb 11 2011, 09:06 PM wrote: Very, very interesting idea.
If we're still going so far, I may also add that the "???" on custom (or other cars like Panga and UFO) cars' details shall be deleted and replaced with the bars (and probably the "CHT" shall be deleted too, except when in multi-player).
Yeah, I was thinking about that too.
Although, once all the secret cars are unlockable, the 'CHT' tag is only necessary if a cheat code is used.
Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 03:21
Although, once all the secret cars are unlockable, the 'CHT' tag is only necessary if a cheat code is used.
Indeed. Forgot to mention that.
Well, I like the list. Let's see if at least most of them will reach into RV 1.2.
Remove the '???' for secret cars and add the bars corresponding to the car's the real parameters
For secret cars
and custom cars.

Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 18:41
bonz @ Feb 11 2011, 08:52 PM wrote: I've compiled a few suggestions for Re-Volt 1.2 that came to my mind at 4 in the morning.
Let's add some more! I'll keep this thread updated and add your suggestions.
- Rooftops track has a lot of nice ambience sounds in the DC version (police siren, traffic noise, sat dishes beeping and humming,...)
- Fix FWD/RWD captions of the cars! DC version correct?
- In Practice Mode, after acquiring a star, move it to the top right corner, like in the Dreamcast version.
- Fix some car names according to DC version (e.g. "Clockwork Wun")
- Knock-out race mode (car in last place gets knocked-out after a certain time)
- Soccer mode (score goals; Nhood1 battle + basketball + BigVolt)
- Shootout-modes:
--Multiplayer shoot-out mode with weapons (reach x hits, deathmatch/team deathmatch style)
no auto-aim; projectiles go in a straight line; only reflections!!
+2 hits: rockets, clone, transfer bomb
+1 hit: shockwave (flipped cars), electro, star, balloons, oil
0 hits: battery, ball bearing
-1 hit: bomb (self-destruct)
--Shoot-out race mode (X lives --> X hits --> out)
- Random car select (use Mystery model in menu)
- "Guess my car" (random and/or secret car select, Mystery model in-game)
- Make "repaint" cars from DC selectable after unlocking by pressing up/down at car select screen
- Give "repaint" cars from DC a better (different) AI?
- Car headlights and working brake lights (-->there was an old headlights mod)
- Jump/flip button (the one from Battle Tag mode) optional for all game modes
- Ability to compile custom championships with tracks (stock and/or custom) and variants (normal/reverse/mirrored/mirrored-reverse) and bonus stuff to unlock by winning it (custom cars/tracks)
- Add most favourite community maps (PetroVolt, Quake, Venice,...) as a "Community Championship"
- Ability to play a mix of online and local (splitscreen) multiplayer
- Instead of the '???', add bars corresponding to the car's the real parameters
- Remove the 'CHT' tag if a car is not unlocked (see below)
UNLOCKS (progress table needs to be adapted):
- Beat challenge times in bronze/silver/gold/platinum tracks --> unlock rookie/amateur/semi-pro/pro "repaint" cars from DC
- Beat clockwork Carnage mode on all stock tracks --> unlock "Rooftops" track from DC
- Win single race in 1st place on "Rooftops" --> unlock BigVolt car from DC
- Find star in Practice mode on "Rooftops" --> unlock Bossvolt car from DC
- Beat all challenge times in all tracks (stock + "Rooftops") in all variants (normal/reverse/mirrored/mirrored-reverse) --> unlock UFO, Mystery & Trolley
My suggestion would be to keep the gameplay features the same other than adding a team mode (which I hear is on the way).
I think that what needs attention is the multiplayer system. For example the ability to join a session that is in play, and then wait in the lobby to join the next race.
Also re-volt obviously hates wi-fi connections, presumably because the game predates them!
Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 18:23
what about that team mode huki,were you serious when said makin it ?

i think we need somethin new in rv house and team fight could do it,we definetley need change..
it would be good if you could change toyeca we all dont drive the same cars..and changing multiplayer single player race in championship mode so that computer could count points which would make a game more interesting....
oh and i love the idea of lights on cars!there is some very dark tracks,especialy toy 2.
oh and 1 stupid idea.what do you think if you can lets say in sound affetcs pick you cars honk sound
i found some cool sounds that would fit just like that in ghost town track.The six sound from the bottom,page 1,that would fit.and sound named "wolf-howl".And that one is 8 from the bottom,page 2!sound named "ghost" ... files.html
also,go on the first page.I like that second sound.the aplouse sound.Would do you think if we put that sound for a player who wins?or for for the drivers that would finish in top 3 position? its a small aplouse and i think people would like that.if someone has better sounds please post it

Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 22:15
Cosmo_Kramer @ Feb 15 2011, 01:53 PM wrote: what about that team mode huki,were you serious when said makin it ?

i think we need somethin new in rv house and team fight could do it,we definetley need change..
it would be good if you could change toyeca we all dont drive the same cars..and changing multiplayer single player race in championship mode so that computer could count points which would make a game more interesting....
oh and i love the idea of lights on cars!there is some very dark tracks,especialy toy 2.
oh and 1 stupid idea.what do you think if you can lets say in sound affetcs pick you cars honk sound
i found some cool sounds that would fit just like that in ghost town track.The six sound from the bottom would fit.sound named "wolf-howl".And the one that is 8 from the bottom named "ghost" ... files.html
also,go on the first page.I like that second sound.the aplouse sound.Would do you think if we put that sound for a player who wins?or for for the drivers that would finish in top 3 position? its a small aplouse and i think people would like that.if someone has better sounds please post it
Cosmo can't you just change your honk .wav file to another one to do that?
Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 22:42
Or change your car skin
Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 22:56
yea but if i change skin on toyeca then every other car in multiplayer will have that skin so all cars will look the same ....again.
but im working on my honk
and what say we add this for a driver who ends up last
the sound is named "laugh2"
Posted: 17 Feb 2011, 02:04
I added your suggestions, Cosmo!
The use of custom skins is a great idea that'll allow for some visual variation and personality.
By using the PNG file format, it should be feasible to auto-upload the texture to every player in an online game that doesn't have it yet.
Such a feature was added in one of the beta updates for the game Worms Armageddon, where you can now use custom PNG color maps online, with auto-distribution to every client, even with crazy dimensions up 32000*32000.
In the case of Re-Volt, file sizes are limited by the dimension of the texture file, so not much bandwidth and loading time would occur.
The same goes for custom honk sounds, where either low bit rate, mono channel WAV files, limited to few seconds could be used to reduce file sizes, or the OGG file format for further compression.
(MP3 needs a license, so I guess this impossible.)
Posted: 17 Feb 2011, 05:31
bonz @ Feb 16 2011, 09:34 PM wrote: I added your suggestions, Cosmo!
The use of custom skins is a great idea that'll allow for some visual variation and personality.
By using the PNG file format, it should be feasible to auto-upload the texture to every player in an online game that doesn't have it yet.
Such a feature was added in one of the beta updates for the game Worms Armageddon, where you can now use custom PNG color maps online, with auto-distribution to every client, even with crazy dimensions up 32000*32000.
In the case of Re-Volt, file sizes are limited by the dimension of the texture file, so not much bandwidth and loading time would occur.
The same goes for custom honk sounds, where either low bit rate, mono channel WAV files, limited to few seconds could be used to reduce file sizes, or the OGG file format for further compression.
(MP3 needs a license, so I guess this impossible.)
hmm, so if someone uses a custom car, and you have that custom car in the right folder, it shows up on your screen as that custom car, right? Surely that's good enough.
As far as I know one can't customize their horn .wav to go with their custom car. That would be a nice feature. You could record insults! As long as they are willing to download your custom car.
Posted: 17 Feb 2011, 17:16
bonz @ Feb 16 2011, 09:34 PM wrote: I added your suggestions, Cosmo!
The use of custom skins is a great idea that'll allow for some visual variation and personality.
By using the PNG file format, it should be feasible to auto-upload the texture to every player in an online game that doesn't have it yet.
Such a feature was added in one of the beta updates for the game Worms Armageddon, where you can now use custom PNG color maps online, with auto-distribution to every client, even with crazy dimensions up 32000*32000.
In the case of Re-Volt, file sizes are limited by the dimension of the texture file, so not much bandwidth and loading time would occur.
The same goes for custom honk sounds, where either low bit rate, mono channel WAV files, limited to few seconds could be used to reduce file sizes, or the OGG file format for further compression.
(MP3 needs a license, so I guess this impossible.)
Im so in for the change of skins and sure that people gonna love that .. hm...but..just thinking..arent you afraid that people with new horns will honk like complete
and i guess we gonna skip the "winning applause" ?

if we gonna skip it in single mode ,how about putting it in a team mode?applause if two players in same team earn points.
and i see this elimination mode racing.It would be cool for that player who is last and eliminated gets the "laugh" sound
and please dont skip the champion points.we need that badly!i think people will more rarely abandon races beacuse if there s gonna be points drvers will fight for 3d 5th or even 9th position.
and may i ask what is your name in rv house?i dont recall bonz hm..

Posted: 17 Feb 2011, 17:34
It's nice to have those suggestions, but according to Huki, those suggestions will have to wait for another version (total remake of Re-Volt)
For now, version 1.2 as a top priority goal has to fix all the bugs (known bugs) and integrate WolfR4's effects inside Re-Volt itself.
There are possible suggestions and impossible suggestions and useless (sorry to use a such word)
For example:
Did you know that 16384*16384 bitmap may crash your pc (it depends on your graphic card: the texture's resolution) [my ATI Radeon 3650HD - 2008 supports up to 8192x8192, one pixel more and the game will crash]
as for png, it's a good deal, myself I've always been a PNG supporter
You can dump the audio and use MP3 tag in Track's information file
To be edited later
Posted: 17 Feb 2011, 18:29
ofcourse there is useless suggestions,not all suggestion can be good
ok but tell me,is the sound suggestion good or bad or usseles ?

im talking about sound helping to make enviorement look better?for example is it a good idea to add a cash register sound on supermatket?
Posted: 17 Feb 2011, 21:13
The supermarket is empty in the stock tracks, it's after-hours. Cash register sound would be out of place...
Posted: 17 Feb 2011, 21:44
Cosmo_Kramer @ Feb 17 2011, 01:59 PM wrote: ofcourse there is useless suggestions,not all suggestion can be good
ok but tell me,is the sound suggestion good or bad or usseles ?

im talking about sound helping to make enviorement look better?for example is it a good idea to add a cash register sound on supermatket?
Problem is re-volt is kind of sacred to a lot of people. It's easy to understand the conservative approach that people are taking when they modify the game.
Still I think that since we are already able to create new cars and maps, it should be ok to add to the customizability. For example your custom car could have its own custom horn sound.
I think the focus should be integrating wolf (which they are doing), and also working on the netcode and multiplayer system. These really need improvement to get new players.
Posted: 17 Feb 2011, 23:08
Citywalker @ Feb 17 2011, 04:43 PM wrote: The supermarket is empty in the stock tracks, it's after-hours. Cash register sound would be out of place...
ok but sound for ghost town i suggested would fit for example
and speaking of bugs,i think the map on toy wolrd 2 is corrupt ...
Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 01:49
Meh, I had ideas I posted here, then I gave it about 30 thoughts and realized how hard it'd be, haha.
Well, real time reflections is the most likely of my ideas. Instead of using the canned environment map- all instances of this "env" are performed by a real time reflection.
Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 23:43
Realtime reflections! I wonder what your other hard suggestions were.
Are you talking about real reflection instead of "shiny surface"? Well, I don't know how much computation it's going to take, raytracing and all. And considering re-volt does all 3D calculations manually using CPU..
Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 21:09
Huki @ Feb 19 2011, 07:13 PM wrote: Realtime reflections! I wonder what your other hard suggestions were.
Are you talking about real reflection instead of "shiny surface"? Well, I don't know how much computation it's going to take, raytracing and all. And considering re-volt does all 3D calculations manually using CPU..
Huki what do you mean all 3d calculations are done by the CPU? Do you mean it doesn't use "shaders"? I don't think it's right to say that all 3d calculations are done by the CPU.
Posted: 21 Feb 2011, 07:41
the_law @ Feb 20 2011, 04:39 PM wrote:Huki what do you mean all 3d calculations are done by the CPU? Do you mean it doesn't use "shaders"? I don't think it's right to say that all 3d calculations are done by the CPU.
No, it doesn't use shaders AFAIK. I don't even think DirectX 6 or 7 allow shaders by the way.
And yes, in re-volt, all 3D calculations are done by the cpu, except the rendering of course. The vertices coordinates computation (as seen by the current camera) and the lighting are done by the CPU, then the result is sent to the GPU for rendering.
For info, re-volt developers have assessed that it would be faster that way, at least when re-volt was released. It would quite certainly not be true anymore today.
Posted: 21 Feb 2011, 08:45
It would quite certainly not be true anymore today.
...and before you ask, guys, it would definitely NOT be easy to re-code into GPU calculations, AFAIK.
Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 17:56
I used to make machinimas before, especially with Trackmania. If I could do it in Re-Volt too (I'm filled with ideas), it'd be awesome.
1. A. Hide HUD: This should hide absolutely every single HUD in the gameplay (weapons, arrow, track length, etc.);
B. Hide multiplayer names: This should hide the player names shown above the cars, so making machinima in multiplayer would be easier.
2. Multiple ghosts (in single player): See Trackmania. You could record many, many ghosts (10-20 max ghost is enough for me) with 0% transparency, and load or unload them anytime. This would be extremely useful.
Posted: 24 Feb 2011, 01:11
Related to shaders: If I'm right, we are referring to lights and shadows at this point? If that is the case, I just wanted to raise my own opinion about that. Personally I find the vertex lights & shadows that Re-Volt uses charming plus it also gives an additional area for track- & car makers to work with. And I do enjoy playing with lights a lot.
Reflections, animated shadows for objects (and cars) & blur - I am more open towards such effects and I am sure that they can give Re-Volt the boost required to attract users from other community bases.

Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 02:42
-it would be nice to be able to use the mouse for car selection screen -- cars could pop out on mouseover
-per-car sounds, so that when you make a custom car you can have custom sounds too.
Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 05:30
For WolfR4 & V1.2
I have a little complain about the bonnet camera:
Is it possible to make the camera totally rigid?
And if its possible to make the second camera ( ) look like this:
Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 08:25
I'm answering for at least WolfR4.
About the rigid bonnet camera, I don't know if it's possible and unfortunately I have no time to check it now (because of Blender plugin development). Anyway, are you sure it would be that comfortable? Not really kidding, I'm afraid too fast camear rotations soon make you feel nauseous...
About second camera, you want to alter the camera position, don't you? (not sure I really get what you asked for). Well, it should be possible with WolfR4, with the help of a Global custom.ini file:
In the [camera] section, you can modify the second camera position and looking direction with the "cam_follow_1_look" and "cam_follow_1_pos" entries.
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 04:42
Would it be possible to include the camera features from the CarFixCopter found here?
Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 18:08
may we know what featurs are you gonna applay and what will be rejected from here..... ...and what features are u working on this momment,just curious what can we expect next

Posted: 07 May 2011, 00:48
I also have to throw in the "Hide HUD" request. Make it a key that does it. And heck, make it a "two press" option, the "second press" being "hide pause menu". And to go along with that, make "TVTIME" an on/off option in Game Settings. Then there's the perfect way to take a snapshot of a car while paused. Right now, to take a moving shot at full screen res I have to:
MAKEITGOOD Erm, there's nothing to see here
Get on track, have a cool idea for a shot, plot it out, pause game (for action shots like jumps or riding on walls that can't be "maintained" when the game is unpaused)
Hit F4
Use the nasty key movements in MAKEITGOOD and slow mouse movements
Finally, when I got a position- hide the mouse cursor in an invisible area of the screen
Don't twitch the mouse accidentally, while in the pause menu, choose something- then in that "tiny" window of time "nothing" is on the screen, printscreen
As you can imagine, it takes a few tries, it ain't a hassle, but I'd love TVTIME as an option and some keys (maybe F-keys) that hide the HUD and pause menu or both.
Posted: 07 May 2011, 16:34
The Toytanic 1 star bug has to be fixed.
Posted: 08 May 2011, 04:45
Posted: 11 May 2011, 06:10
Another, what I believe to be valid, request. While mp3 playback via Mp3dec.asi is welcomed- it brings a few annoyances as well.
Tracks without a defined song won't play any music at all. At least this seems to be the behavior.
A lot of tracks have a pretty copy-pasted inf file that just points to "nhood1.mp3" which leads to a lot of redundancy. I have a plan. It'd be far less redundant, that's for sure.
I'd like an option, in the sound settings for sure- to ignore the called mp3 in the inf, and instead play any mp3 inside of a folder (say, Re-Volt\music would be a very proper folder for that) in random playback order. Kinda like how some PC games handle custom soundtracks- but also- how about a couple suboptions too?
1) Random mp3 suboption 1: if mp3 defined in inf- play that instead, if undefined, play random
The next one is a more complex one:
2) Random mp3 suboption 2: if mp3 defined in custom (not stock) track inf, play it instead of random (but play random on all stocks)
The problem with option 2 is the decent amount of custom tracks that use pasted infs that still have "nhood1.mp3" defined- you could put in some sort of "ignore custom tracks that use recognized stock track mp3 names in infs" for option 2.
See, it sounds complex- I don't know how complex it would be to implement, but it'd be wonderful just to rip all the redbook, just dump it in there, and get random playback. And heck, anything else that fits. If I worded anything wrong or lost sense of myself in the middle anywhere, just ask- this confused me just to describe.
Also, editing in another request or two:
Allow env on wheels and spinners. Default off- of course, and with a backwards-compatible charactered command, to define it on. I'd like to see people use this to make "shiny rims" on their wheel models (of course, all TIRE polygons would have to have shine disabled, but everyone who knows how to make wheels could do that). Spinners just because. Spinners are sometimes used as a "backup" part in custom cars, and aren't used to "spin" at all. What makes them so obvious is the fact they don't shine like the body model does. It'd be great if you could play with that.
Posted: 13 May 2011, 01:00
There's an idea that popped in my head that would be useful with very fast cars: High & Low gears (like OutRun).
Somewhere in the params:
HighGear 43.000000 ; Speed at wich the car should upshift (or maximum speed for the first gear)
When manual, the player can decide if to keep a certain speed or upshift to go faster.
Also, certain real RC cars have 2 speeds.
Posted: 13 May 2011, 18:27
Cosmo_Kramer @ May 8 2011, 12:15 AM wrote: why
Because of the fact that before the 1.2-era came there was no star bug and now there is. It is a BUG and needs to be fixed, because I (and many others) despise it. It completely ruins the gameplay for me.
Posted: 13 May 2011, 21:28
nero @ May 13 2011, 01:57 PM wrote: Cosmo_Kramer @ May 8 2011, 12:15 AM wrote: why
Because of the fact that before the 1.2-era came there was no star bug and now there is. It is a BUG and needs to be fixed, because I (and many others) despise it. It completely ruins the gameplay for me.
I hate it when I dont have a star, and all other people do XD
Posted: 14 May 2011, 17:14
nero @ May 13 2011, 01:57 PM wrote: Cosmo_Kramer @ May 8 2011, 12:15 AM wrote: why
Because of the fact that before the 1.2-era came there was no star bug and now there is. It is a BUG and needs to be fixed, because I (and many others) despise it. It completely ruins the gameplay for me.
People who dont like star should simply not use it on toytanic,problem solved!
Posted: 14 May 2011, 17:42
Read better, Cosmo.
Posted: 16 May 2011, 15:13
i think in offline game you have a star when driving championship on toytanic and i kind a like it beacuse its only on one track,kind of special track...and i specially like it cause it s annoying to lots of people
I hope huki doesnt find a solution in 50 years!
anyway huki can we expect soon option that host can choose before race if there s going to be points added to players just like in offline championship
Posted: 16 May 2011, 18:24
Cosmo_Kramer @ May 16 2011, 10:43 AM wrote: anyway huki can we expect soon option that host can choose before race if there s going to be points added to players just like in offline championship
I asked him before, and he said that he will start working on it after a next release. he said a new release was nessesary.
Posted: 16 May 2011, 20:20
i have no idea if this is possible but here goes:
How about using the lighting system of the "spotlight" on the whole track? high poly cars look great under them but terrible in normal situations, so maybe forcing on huge spotlight that effects everthing on every track?
i can provide screenshots if you dont understand
edit: ... 1305663807
Posted: 17 May 2011, 05:20
MOH @ May 16 2011, 03:50 PM wrote: i have no idea if this is possible but here goes:
How about using the lighting system of the "spotlight" on the whole track? high poly cars look great under them but terrible in normal situations, so maybe forcing on huge spotlight that effects everthing on every track?
i can provide screenshots if you dont understand
I have a suggestions:
the possibility to race 2 to 30 DIFFERENT car in a single race its my only suggestion for the moment
great job for revolt 1.2
PS : I have a bad english because im french.
Posted: 19 May 2011, 08:54
About the nhood1.mp3 redundancy, maybe it's a good idea to not place any mp3 files in main re-volt folder. Track designers can place their mp3's either in the track's folder, or in
wavs\music in case of shared mp3's. Later we would support having multiple mp3 entries in the track .inf and the listed files will be played in random order.
As for stocks, we're planning on supporting original CD music played from hard drive, requiring you to rip all the 14 music tracks in mp3 format to
Redbook folder in re-volt folder. But this feature will be delayed because first I want to get rid of Miles and just use MCI for music. This way, we can play any high quality mp3 (and VBR, etc.) without problems.
About the Env on wheels, you're talking about enabling Env on all wheel poly's in re-volt, and then manually letting the car designer disable env on tire poly's, right? Since this requires custom implementation for each car, maybe this should be managed as a car parameter?
I was thinking instead, of supporting repaints in re-volt (by using up / down in car selection screen to select different repaints of a car). Then different repaints can have different speeds and also different parts (bumpers, hoods) for variation.
Are you talking about ambient light (light that illuminates all objects in the scene, without casting any shadows)? This should be easily implemented if re-volt was using DirectX for lighting, but as I said earlier, all 3D calculations, transformations, lighting are custom coded using just the CPU. Maybe with a little more knowledge in lighting calculations, we would be able to manually implement abmient light in the engine too, but I'm not sure such calculations would run smoothly on the CPU.

So we might have to wait till we switch to DirectX 9 and use GPU shaders for calculation...
Posted: 19 May 2011, 19:38
Huki @ May 19 2011, 04:24 AM wrote: @Adam:
About the Env on wheels, you're talking about enabling Env on all wheel poly's in re-volt, and then manually letting the car designer disable env on tire poly's, right? Since this requires custom implementation for each car, maybe this should be managed as a car parameter?
That all works. Thanks- and yes- make it a parameter- but if the parameter string is missing (it'll obviously be a new one like TCARBOX was) leave the wheel/spinner ENV off (for obvious reason, you wouldn't want cars to show "unintended" behavior) And yes, if ENV was supported on wheels, I'd turn off env by the poly in an editor and leave the rim section shiny, most likely I think it could work pretty nice. As for spinners- I want ENV available on them mainly because spinners are used sometimes as a way to utilize add on parts- and for consistency they should be able to shine like the car body if needed. Of course, I'll probably never utilize a spinner for an add on part (I'd probably just attach it to the model), but it might be worth it for other people. Thanks though, you've really already done enough for us, I'm just being picky.
Posted: 21 May 2011, 19:02
when you pick race with random cars its a bit annoying that computer choose cars that are already used,is it possible to make that computer every race picks a different car

Posted: 23 May 2011, 14:49
Cosmo_Kramer @ May 21 2011, 02:32 PM wrote: when you pick race with random cars its a bit annoying that computer choose cars that are already used,is it possible to make that computer every race picks a different car
same for the tracks

Posted: 23 May 2011, 19:04
Why is my suggestion getting ignored?
Posted: 23 May 2011, 21:03
Huki @ May 19 2011, 12:24 AM wrote:@Cat:
I was thinking instead, of supporting repaints in re-volt (by using up / down in car selection screen to select different repaints of a car). Then different repaints can have different speeds and also different parts (bumpers, hoods) for variation.
I was suggesting gears for giving the cars a different essence when driving or listening to the engine, but it seems like i will have to deal with it.
Posted: 25 May 2011, 03:52
I have a suggestions:
the possibility to race 2 to 30 DIFFERENT car in a single race its my only suggestion for the moment
great job for revolt 1.2
PS : I have a bad english because im french.
Posted: 25 May 2011, 07:15
Don't post multiple times the same thing