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Posted: 09 Feb 2011, 07:56
These are dedicated to the real-life/realistic car parameter makers
Gears/shifts: certain RC's have them, it would also give some essence to the engine noise because of the revving. At least Low and High gears like OutRun.
Car (head/tail)lights: no headlights doesn't looks good in tracks like Museum, MOH's Touge Drift, RC Dream Enduro, etc. But it would require implementing dummies (like NFS3/4) to RV's engine, i think. Also, some electric RC's have lights.
I need your opinion.
Posted: 09 Feb 2011, 12:43
Some of the suggestions sounds to me like rather big changes if not just an alternative/new feature for car makers. I would love to see functioning headlights and such on the cars myself, but changing gears? Doesn't exactly sound like Re-Volt to me
On the other hand, I'm neither a fan of real-life/realistic looking cars for Re-Volt, so that might why I can't follow that idea.
Posted: 09 Feb 2011, 12:47
Ha. I said basically (almost) the same thing 1/1 year and a half ago. The replies were "It's impossible, *blah blah blah*, it would take too much, *blah blah blah*".
Well, of course it
is possible. Tell me why not? I believe this is virtual world? Or do I get confused, and this is actually reality, where not almost everything is possible?
Anyway, the point is that I wanted this kind of stuff for Re-Volt since a long time ago. I just kept my mouth shut, as nobody was willing to help - to find out how to add 'em into Re-Volt.
These are dedicated to the real-life/realistic car parameter makers
I would also add handbrake, drifting/sliding and, additionally, N2O. I talked about these three on RVL.
Edit: By the way, Happy Birthday!
Posted: 09 Feb 2011, 21:36
Happy b-day Cat.
Well, I've (secretly) planned headlights and gears in re-volt already; it's just not top priority in the todo list.. but maybe handbrake will come to re-volt soon?

Posted: 09 Feb 2011, 22:06
I can give you a suggestion for not implementing Gear Ratios:
<Gear> <gear maximum speed (beyond this number the car will upshift)>
limiter=TRUE (if true, the car won't exceed the 6th gear's maximum speed and won't jump to a 7th gear)
So this will split the car's powerband. Should go in the parameters.
This is just a simplistic example.
300th post!
Posted: 09 Feb 2011, 22:12
Re: Huki
"Re-Volt 2.x - Design Anything"
Re: headlights
As Huki and Jig said something about possibly taking all the model slots of parameters.txt into use someday, headlights would then easily become possible as additional models with light sources (light sources are already used in the Re-Volt code anyway, dynamic as in powerups and static as track elements).
Re: handbrake and manually shiftable gears
Wouldn't that require a complete redesign of the engine code and thus the parameters.txt?
Re: drifting-sliding and N2O
This is already possible with some clever parameter effects. UrbanR, the Nissy is already a half-drifter, and MOH has made drifters. And someone somewhere said something about N2O having been done before, if I remember correctly (and one of the WIP Concepts2 vehicles has a sort of permanent nitro effect).
Re: impossible
"Impossible just takes a little longer." I used to think Unibike was impossible.
Posted: 09 Feb 2011, 23:11
Turbo Battery = N20
Just replace the battery icon with a N20 canister and the turbo.wav with a psssssssshhhhht
Posted: 10 Feb 2011, 01:02
Citywalker wrote:Re: headlights
As Huki and Jig said something about possibly taking all the model slots of parameters.txt into use someday, headlights would then easily become possible as additional models with light sources (light sources are already used in the Re-Volt code anyway, dynamic as in powerups and static as track elements).
I belive most if not all of the lighting in Re-Volt is done through vertex colors, so the result might vary a bit depending on the amount of vertexes near your car. I would love to see headlights as "real" lighting in the same as nowadays games, but I would not expect such a feature right away neither.
Posted: 10 Feb 2011, 02:29
I'd like to see in the community related to Re-Volt more people. What good at having a cool game if no one plays it?
Posted: 10 Feb 2011, 03:47
Cat @ Feb 9 2011, 07:41 PM wrote: Turbo Battery = N20
Just replace the battery icon with a N20 canister and the turbo.wav with a psssssssshhhhht
That is true. Very true, and a slightly good idea.
But as far as I know, you don't get nitrous through pick-ups, right?
What I mean is that a car has a limited amount of N2O. Once it's all out, you can't use it again (or you may, whatever).
Let's hope those stuff won't stay as a 'dream'.
Posted: 11 Feb 2011, 00:18
Many years ago, LaserBeams created a headlight model, which could be added to models. There were 4 or 5 cars released with it; you can see them at RVA car repaints, page 12, on 'On Road Car' by hades.
Although they looked good in certain circumstances, and were even useful, they were ridiculous in others and I eventually deleted them from all cars that had them. Though I may still have the original headlights download lurking in some dark, dank corner of an old abandoned computer, I don't intend to search for it. The fact that RVA doesn't have the download probably means that they predate RVA.
Posted: 11 Feb 2011, 13:46
I remember those headlights from a car picture! Only I never got around to try them in-game...
Re: N2O as a pickup
Well, that depends on how realistic you want to get. If you still keep the other pickups around, then I see no problem in calling the Turbo Battery an N2O canister. Well, apart from the fact that it affects the steering as well and it’s not what N2O does (and I personally don’t like that steering effect in the RC version either – it throws the entire feeling of the car out of whack, so I consider it rather a negative pickup. But I digress.).
Posted: 11 Feb 2011, 17:12
@GWC: Cat may refer to headlights/tail lights that may be turned on/off (probably while racing).
@City: Indeed. I usually use the battery only in straight lines when using certain cars. If I would get battery in a track full of curves, it would be mostly a negative pick up (as you mentioned), and it may result in certain loss of control.
Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 05:49
In never-never land, I would like to see:
Upgradable cars. Have a shop with different parts that you can throw onto your cars. This works with RC or RL cars. Purchase wheels/tires, batteries/engines, suspensions, spoilers and so forth, then see how your car fares with the new equipment. Re-Volt could be so disgustingly customizable with something like this.
I would also like some decent or customizable power-ups. Re-Volt's current power-ups/weapons kind of suck so I turn them off.
And some decent AI. Current AI can't handle the slippery Re-Volt physics. Alternatively I wouldn't mind an AI that, if allowed, can cheat with boosted car parameters. If the AI can't handle slippery cars, boost the AI's grip until it can handle it.
Split-screen multi-player mode. I can't have friends over and race them on my computer because Re-Volt only handles one player and I'm not setup to play online.
Track campaigns. Strings of tracks where the points for all participating cars are recorded through the whole campaign, with little winner scenes and everything. Wolf R4 allows this, sort of.
Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 08:52
Re: AI
Aeon, if you have some time on your hands, experiment with the AI tutorial that I posted in the Master Class subforum. I'm sure you can "breed" (:)) an AI that handles ice well.
That's the point of the tutorial -- information for people. Use it.
Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 17:06
I like the idea of the headlights, as long as it won't change the outcome of a race.
I remember huki once said that the idea of 1.2 was to improve revolt without changing its basic structure.
N2O, replacing it with turbo battery, because of whatever reason means changing revolt.
This is revolt and not need for speed so the idea of N2O and customizing cars is too much for me.
Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 19:43
Re: revolt and not need for speed
At least such fundamental changes should be made optional somehow. Some people will always want them and some people will always reject them. (e.g. I have no need for gears <pun intended> and the usual brakes work pretty well when handled with brains)
Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 21:03
Citywalker @ Feb 12 2011, 04:13 PM wrote: Re: revolt and not need for speed
At least such fundamental changes should be made optional somehow. Some people will always want them and some people will always reject them. (e.g. I have no need for gears <pun intended> and the usual brakes work pretty well when handled with brains)
Or some people accept them and keep the original(s).
For example, I have Re-Volt installed twice on my PC. One without any modification at all, one with all sorts of modifications. And I play the non-modded one a lot.
We could "transform" Re-Volt to "Need for Speed". It's not like nobody will play the original again. Actually, most people here will keep playing the original, and I assure you that.
Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 07:25
Improving a car via Parameters editing gives more freedom than the Upgrades way.
Another 2 things that popped into my mind are Flaps/pop-up spoilers (like NASCAR, Mitsubishi HSR-II, Mclaren F1, Ford GT90, Bugatti Veyron) and moving fenders (Plymouth Prowler, Caterham 7, Panoz AIV), bu that's too much and unnecesary.
Off-topic: Does somebody still plays the oldschool and REAL NFS? (TNFS to NFS5PU)
Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 08:31
Improving a car via Parameters editing gives more freedom than the Upgrades way.
Oh yes! Just not everybody can do it, and certainly not in-game.
Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 13:35
Off-topic: Does somebody still plays the oldschool and REAL NFS? (TNFS to NFS5PU)
Me. NFS5PU. Though I just did a format on my PC, so I have to re-install it.[/offtopic]
Posted: 21 Mar 2011, 06:09
My input:
1) With headlights, there need to also be brake lights, haha. It's not as important, as far fewer real R/Cs would dare have working brake lights (they usually just stay on if there are lights back there), and in all honesty they'd function more like reverse lights anyway (if possible implement some real time lighting)
2) Break the collision polygon limit if possible- it'd greatly help track makers
3) Deprecate the hul- use ncp files for car collision (I bet this is a little easier than how hard it sounds), ncp is better, it's polygon accurate and it can be made with extreme ease- that, or add a portion to autocalculate an ncp or whatever for cars that don't have it (obviously at the time all of them)
Oh, also on NFS- maybe I'm weird, but I feel NFSHP2 is a weird turning point for NFS, I wouldn't call it "fake NFS" yet. NFSHP2 still seems pretty right to me, and the game's soundtrack ain't even gay, it's mostly just rock and grunge and techno that sounds like NFSIII stuff. I think Underground was the first move I didn't like, the soundtrack went to crap and the game obviously cashed in on something Tokyo Xtreme Racer and its foreign variants have been doing years prior- as well as Midnight Club. I blame "The Fast and the Furious" for the years-long trend of night-time boring street racers.