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Posted: 04 Jan 2011, 07:41
I'm here to present to you... something my brother brought up in conversation. I'm not the one to credit here- but someone's leaked over 40GB of Acclaim work... work-in-progress stuff, models, textures and a whole lot more. As it's a whole lot to download- I don't know what's in there that could apply to Re-Volt's development path, but I'm sure it's of interest to all who like this kind of stuff. (Edit: from reading around, doesn't seem to be anything pertaining to Re-Volt, sadly).
As to not direct attention from the dumper though... ... 1598eb239d <-- Go there, and do as he says, haha. Bow before him for this awesomeness.
Posted: 04 Jan 2011, 14:34
Not anything related to Re-Volt? What a shame, I could really have used a high-res version of the Re-Volt logo in 300dpi. Thanks for sharing though, I might want to try download it.
Searching both forums shows that someone has/know someone who has the source code to Re-Volt. It might be useful to collect all this for the community.

Posted: 04 Jan 2011, 22:45
Thanks for sharing the info, Adam. Too bad there is nothing related to re-volt here, but it's exciting anyway.
BTW, how frustating it is to know that the re-volt source code or original models / sketches used during development are probably still sleeping somewhere...
Urne wrote:Searching both forums shows that someone has/know someone who has the source code to Re-Volt.
For sure? Any link to the info?
Posted: 04 Jan 2011, 23:45
It's probably what we all have now. What I'm on the lookout for is an "older" source or pre-planning materials. That would be neat. Documentation would be nice too.
Posted: 05 Jan 2011, 00:14
urnemanden ... ht=Re-Volt
First of all, it seems to be mostly related to Re-Volt for Xbox, but I still think it's interesting as they claim that the source code can be found on the CD too.
Posted: 05 Jan 2011, 19:21
Nice adam. Unfortunately the hidden-palace link doesn't work for me. I'll try again later. EDIT: Works now.
Yep, there is nothing re-volt/rc-revenge/xgr related there. But it's interesting all the same.
About urne's link, it looks like they are talking about a different CD. Maybe it is the same code we received in 2006..