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Posted: 26 Jan 2006, 18:19
How can i make my own surroudings for my tracks? And how can i make my own objects?
Please give me a short answer but think i'm not a computer freak
(I'm sorry about my english but I'm German)

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 06:18
Steven @ Jan 26 2006, 01:49 PM wrote:How can i make my own surroudings for my tracks?
If you mean Instances/prm files, then you need to use a 3D modelling program if you wish to make them from scratch.
Then use the '
MAKEITGOOD' name cheat to access the Instance edit mode.
Steven @ Jan 26 2006, 01:49 PM wrote: And how can i make my own objects?
Please give me a short answer but think i'm not a computer freak
Again, using a 3D modelling program, then swap the models with the in game models in the models folder.
Steven @ Jan 26 2006, 01:49 PM wrote:(I'm sorry about my english but I'm German)

Well, no ones perfect

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 16:15
Thank you for your answer. But which3D modelling program should i use?

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 19:07
id recommend Zmodeler 1.05...
works best with RV in my opinion.
on further note, check out for some tutorials as to how to convert meshes from zmod to rv without them being transparent or black...

Posted: 28 Jan 2006, 01:13
Thank you for your answer.
But how can i play the thing in my track?

Posted: 28 Jan 2006, 01:34
Not sure what you mean ?
Do you know about the 'MAKEITGOOD' name cheat code and how to access all the individaul edit modes ?
Posted: 28 Jan 2006, 23:58
I think when when i save my objekt as a .prm data re-volt can't load it. I make a objekt and then i save it with the ending .prm/.w but then re-volt can't load the objekt.

Posted: 29 Jan 2006, 00:50
Did you put your .prm in a track folder, then enter
MAKEITGOOD Instance edit mode, insert your
.prm and Save? Is the .bmp where the .prm is mapped
inside the track folder? What is the name of the
track folder you are using?
Posted: 29 Jan 2006, 16:03
The folder is USER023. But when i put the objekt with name Objekt1.prm in the folder re-volt can't load it.
How can i make a .bmp for the objekt?
Posted: 29 Jan 2006, 17:29
I understand that there may be a slight language barrier, but we need to clarify a few things so that we can fully understand your problem and where you might be going wrong.
Please answer just yes/no or the briefest answer possible to the following questions.
1) Do you know about the '
MAKEITGOOD' name cheat code and how to access all the individaul edit modes ? particularly the Instance edit mode ?
2) Are you using ZModler version1.? to create your object/prm file ?
3) Have you read the model creation/conversion tutorials at RVA ? Found here :
Tutorials @ ReVolt Archive
4) What object/model are you trying to create ? as there are a lot of models already out there that may suit your needs.
Thank you.
I hope that we or at least one of us here might be able to help you.
Posted: 30 Jan 2006, 00:13
Posted: 30 Jan 2006, 05:56
You can ? How ?
What was it that you were doing wrong ?
If you give a brief explanation as to what you have done and how you did it , plus where you were going wrong, then may be somone else can benifit from your experience.

Posted: 30 Jan 2006, 16:35
Posted: 03 Feb 2006, 18:00
But I cann't make my areals because i must have a filter for .w data. Where is the filter?

Posted: 05 Feb 2006, 00:01

My new track: The crazy village by Steven and 04
highspeed with toyeca: 43 mph
time: 1,05 sec
best time: 0,55 sec
Please write a comment or write a grade voting

Posted: 05 Feb 2006, 10:13
Only Zmodeler 1 can be used for making re-volt .prm files.
As only version 1 has the required export filter to make .prm files.
You place your new .prm in the level folder of the track that you want to edit.
Then use the makeitgood code selecting instance mode.
Then select your track.
Read this tutorial at RVA ... tance.html
Posted: 05 Feb 2006, 15:23
Thank you for your answer.

But when i use zmodeler 1 and i make a objekt and want it export as a Re-volt Meshes data then i see the question:Unkown level of detail:... .

Posted: 05 Feb 2006, 16:10
Unkown level of detail.
This is easy to fixe.
It is due to the prm exporter.
Always add a 0 to you model part name before export. 0 = zero.
Say you wanted to export something and it's part name is called,
mymodel then make sure it says mymodel0 before you export.
Posted: 16 Feb 2006, 23:12
Thanks for your answer. Sorry but i haven't see this answer earlier.
But now i have a new problem: RVGlue don't work on my computer
Do you think it's because i have windows xp professionel se2?
Posted: 17 Feb 2006, 05:26
RvGlue should work on XP, it just needs to be executed properly with a defined shortcut, I think.
I don't really know as I don't have XP, but I have heard this problem before and it has been easily solved.
Anyone know the proper way to execute RvGlue in XP ?
Posted: 19 Feb 2006, 17:26
Please give me an answer!
Posted: 20 Feb 2006, 19:31
I think all you need to do is make sure the exe file in the directory as the other files, I will test tonight and post.
Posted: 22 Feb 2006, 18:36
Thank you for your answer but i must RVGlue start with kompatibilitäts modus 98

Posted: 23 Feb 2006, 00:16
For people who aren't now everything about Re-volt and speak German:
Posted: 03 Mar 2006, 20:18
I have zmodeler and i have made a few test files but, when i exported it to my desktop it wasnt a .prm file can you help me?
Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 21:29
You must use Zmodeler 1 and then you can save it as a Re-volt .prm by export.