<Skarma> hey jack
<Skarma> you aint gonna believe what mezz just did on TVGP
<Skarma> xD
<jackripperv2> ...
<jackripperv2> i never pass under 1:27
<jackripperv2> omg
<Skarma> lol
<Skarma> mezz just did 1:23
<Skarma> xD
<jackripperv2> g_force gets furious now
* miromiro has entered
<miromiro> Hi again you all.
<Skarma> I bet he will

<kajeuter> hey miro
<Skarma> hey miro, drunk yet?
<miromiro> More or less.
<jackripperv2> omg
<miromiro> I think I'm good, for now.
<Skarma> I see
<Skarma> the night is still young

<miromiro> Heh.
* Juice has entered
<miromiro> Hey Juicemane..
<Juice> hey all
<Skarma> yo juicy J
<kajeuter> hi
* anguila has entered
<anguila> hi all
<kajeuter> hey
<miromiro> Hey man. First time, eh?
<kajeuter> first time??
<miromiro> Your mind is corrupted!
<kajeuter> WTF
<miromiro> I meant first time here, you saxobeat!
<kajeuter> u have a fish in ur head
<kajeuter> NO
<kajeuter> Im here for 2 months now
<miromiro> Facepalm! I didn't mean you. I meant anguila.
<kajeuter> lol
<miromiro> Hehe, this community is funny. Need to hang around more because I've felt sad lately.
<kajeuter> hes here long too
<kajeuter> ah
<miromiro> Than he's not a virgin.
<kajeuter> WTF
<miromiro> :O
<miromiro> I mean newbie.
<anguila> eh?
<anguila> me? what?
<kajeuter> ur no virgin
<kajeuter> LOL
<anguila> wtf??
<anguila> me?
<miromiro> Yes.
<kajeuter> ne he isnt
<anguila> i'm m in rv 6 months ago
<kajeuter> i raced a few times with him
<miromiro> Good.


<miromiro> Welcome, though.

<kajeuter> LOL
<anguila> where r u from?
<kajeuter> but ur never on rvhouse?
<miromiro> Romania.
<anguila> k
<miromiro> The country of everything!
<miromiro> I mean really, everything.
<kajeuter> meh
<Skarma> that includes nuclear waffles!
<miromiro> Dreaming of New York, Canada, Germany or Denmark.
<kajeuter> agree LOL
<anguila> hahaç
<miromiro> 100% true. ^
<kajeuter> ever been in the netherlands miro?
<miromiro> Never got out my country.
<miromiro> I'd have wished to.

<miromiro> Do I look corrupted?
<Skarma> yes

<miromiro> This is because of 15 years non-stop in Romania!
<kajeuter> ive been in: belgium, france, turkey, italy, germany
<Skarma> turkey, huh?
<Skarma> where in turkey?
<miromiro> On Earth.
<kajeuter> how do u spell it
<kajeuter> turkey
<kajeuter> not the bird
<kajeuter> the land
<kajeuter> XD
<miromiro> I thought you we're flying with a turkey. Roflmao!
<Skarma> i knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww
<Skarma> i mean
<Skarma> where in Turkey did you gooooooooooooooo
<Skarma> lol
<kajeuter> uuhhh
<kajeuter> antalya
<Skarma> orly
<kajeuter> ye
<Skarma> my family lives there
<Skarma> lol
<kajeuter> was really nice

<Skarma> I've only been there once and that was like... 11 years ago
<miromiro> Bleh, Google Translate says that Turkey is a country. God!
<kajeuter> i want to visit egypt if i can
<miromiro> DON'T!
<kajeuter> ah
<miromiro> Nor Libya.
<Skarma> egypt is a very interesting place
<kajeuter> me twice there
<Skarma> nah
<Skarma> lets go
<Skarma> romania

<kajeuter> nah
<miromiro> Stay away.
<Skarma> you dont like romanian chicks? :O
<miromiro> We're corrupted!
<kajeuter> yesss
<miromiro> I hate our chicks.
<kajeuter> with nice chest
<kajeuter> where u from skarm?
<miromiro> Letonia.
<Skarma> im from the UK
<kajeuter> .......
<miromiro> As far as I know.
<kajeuter> ah
<Skarma> lol
<miromiro> You lied!
<kajeuter> Ive been in London 1x
<Skarma> nice chest... indeed

<miromiro> Where?
<Skarma> wish i knew
<Skarma> lol...
<kajeuter> romania
<Skarma> yeah, romanian girls are O_O
<miromiro> Romania = chest. :/
<kajeuter> some Uk girls are ugly
<miromiro> Some.
<Mop> hairy girls
<kajeuter> i prefer dutch girls
<kajeuter> lol
<kajeuter> mop thats dirty
<kajeuter> most UK girls are too fat
<miromiro> That's America!
<Skarma> LOLOLOLOL @ Mop
<kajeuter> ah
<miromiro> No insult.
<Skarma> most english girls are just chavzzzzzzzzzz
<kajeuter> i was in Canterbury 1x, nice girls there
<miromiro> Mezza & WIZZ are the only cool dutch girls!
<Skarma> um... Mezz is male?
<kajeuter> Mezza is no girl
<Skarma> LOL
<kajeuter> LOL
<miromiro> ?
<miromiro> Mezza is girl.
<kajeuter> mezza=man,boy,guy,dude
<miromiro> So kaje, you visit different countries just to see how hot the chicks are?
<Skarma> WHY NOT?
<kajeuter> uhhh
<kajeuter> yes
<Skarma> thats why guys go on "holiday"

<miromiro> Neah, just wondering.
<kajeuter> lol if u dont, then ur a nerd, autism or gay
<miromiro> A faggot?
<Skarma> awwwwwwww
<Skarma> kaj
<kajeuter> lol
<Skarma> that is just sinking low
<Skarma> autism... lol
<kajeuter> what?
<kajeuter> XD
<Skarma> hahahaha
<kajeuter> my best friend has autism
<miromiro> love off, I didn't insult you.
<kajeuter> i dont care
<kajeuter> LOL
<Skarma> ohhh shitttt
<kajeuter> u have fun skarma? XD
<Skarma> have fun?
<anguila> hahahha
<Skarma> dude
<Skarma> this is cosmo_kramer quality stuff here
<Skarma> bloody hilarious
<Skarma> xD
<kajeuter> lol
<kajeuter> ever saw the quoto of the day? im in it a few times
* Patrick02 has entered
<Skarma> yeee i noticed
<Skarma> only a few of the things in there are actully funny though
<kajeuter> yes
<Skarma> like cosmo saying huki could make 1.2 work on a washing machine
<Skarma> that just blew me away...
<kajeuter> lol XD
<kajeuter> some are pretended to be funny
<Skarma> lol
<miromiro> Hope this conversation won't get posted in the forums. It's highly private.
<kajeuter> but they arnt
<kajeuter> why? are u Nerd, Autism or Gay miro?
<Skarma> oooooo
<Skarma> i eagerly await miro's answer on that one
<Patrick02> lol why that violence?
<Skarma> xD
<miromiro> Look dude. I'm no one of the above. love the hell off, I didn't call you any of them.
<Skarma> awww
<Skarma> kaj, you gotta add more qualities
<kajeuter> XD
<Patrick02> right, why that violence? no need.
<Skarma> loool
<kajeuter> Lol
<kajeuter> patrick
<kajeuter> it isnt st. patricks day
<Patrick02> lol and he continues..
<Skarma> it can be st.kajeuter day
<kajeuter> i was in a conversation with Skarma and Miro man
<kajeuter> its everyday Kajeuter day
<Skarma> lol
<Skarma> fat bertha day
<kajeuter> ye
<miromiro> I think he just means that we should stop swearing. If that's it, than no.
<kajeuter> lol
<kajeuter> poor him
<miromiro> Yeah that.
<kajeuter> maybe more luck on st patricks day patrick
<miromiro> Yeah, good luck!
<kajeuter> LOL
<Skarma> damn...
<Skarma> shame april fools day has already passed
<kajeuter> ah
<kajeuter> i love that day
<Skarma> me too
<Skarma> classic joke.. to brick someone's door up
<miromiro> Me loves pancake day.
<kajeuter> lol
<kajeuter> or a bucket with water on the door
<kajeuter> but the bucket of steel hurts as hell
<Skarma> its steel
<Skarma> what d'you expect?
<Skarma> to be tickled?
<Skarma> lol
<kajeuter> ye
<Skarma> LOL
<miromiro> Or replaces someone's beer with... pee.
<kajeuter> ghehe
<Skarma> lol it wouldnt matter, if you were drunk you couldn't tell the difference
<miromiro> Haha, yeah.

<kajeuter> Or replace someones beer with Juice
<kajeuter> grape juice to be exact
* marauder2k9 has entered
<Skarma> i'm the kind've person to walk into a bar and ask for tea
<kajeuter> XD
<kajeuter> same here
<kajeuter> i like beer skarm?
<Skarma> oh your a tea maniac too hm?
<Skarma> ew
<Skarma> beer
<Skarma> i dont drink beer... only spirits
<Skarma> sometimes wine
<kajeuter> cuz most ppl of ur age (which is same as me) like beer
<Skarma> im 19
<kajeuter> oh
<Skarma> your 18
<Skarma> different ages
<kajeuter> yes

<kajeuter> for only 2 months
<Skarma> lol... i guess
<Skarma> but yes, that is true
<kajeuter> but were both from 1992
<Skarma> beer is too popular over here
<Skarma> yezzzzzzzzzzzzzz
* New room created (RATZZ)
<kajeuter> same here
* Phantom has entered
<kajeuter> i only drink Belgium Beer. Its with cherry
<Skarma> its funny how, we've lived in 2 different decades, centuries and milleniums
<Skarma> and we're not even 20 years old yet
<Skarma> lol
<kajeuter> haha yes
<kajeuter> hey Phan
<Phantom> yo all
<Skarma> i really dont like beer
<kajeuter> whats up dude
<Skarma> doesnt taste so good

<kajeuter> same here
<Phantom> sup?
<kajeuter> i love wine
* huki has entered
<Skarma> hey phan, we're talking about beer and romanian girls
<Skarma> join the convo

<kajeuter> ye
<Phantom> nice ;D
<Skarma> lol
<kajeuter> and i said to patrick it wasnt st patricks day
<Phantom> lul
<kajeuter> and i asked miro if he was a nerd, autism or gay
<Skarma> LOL
<miromiro> Huh? :O
<Phantom> hahaha
<Skarma> he noticed you
<Skarma> lol
<kajeuter> so?
<miromiro> I thought the Romanian chicks discussion ended!
<kajeuter> its the truth
<Skarma> miro
<Skarma> discussion about chicks NEVER end

<WIZZ> come on! ratzz race!
<kajeuter> but im a fat bertha
<kajeuter> no rat
<huki> come race
<Phantom> no
<Phantom> thnks
<kajeuter> i cant move my fat bottom in the room
<miromiro> But I've been away and missed the good points! Damn!
<kajeuter> can u help me
<miromiro> What.
<kajeuter> berthas stuck in the door to the ratzz room
<kajeuter> ask patrick
<Skarma> <kajeuter> berthas stuck in the door to the ratzz room
<kajeuter> XD
<Skarma> and then pay me £5,000,000,000,000

<Phantom> yup
<ilcignodz> ehi Phantom,have you seen? At the end Arto have reboot the server
<Phantom> yaa

<Phantom> centralized server working again
<ilcignodz> yep
<Phantom> we can now see our buddies hehe
<ilcignodz> he he true
<kajeuter> hi buddy
<miromiro> Man, there's nothing interesting happening.
<ilcignodz> here or in the world?
<kajeuter> join in then
<kajeuter> if ur bored
<ilcignodz> i go guys, bye all
<miromiro> Byes.
* ilcignodz has exited
<miromiro> Too bored to do ANYTHING!
<anguila> make a room and go
* New room created (Race)
<marauder2k9> nero? urne? anguila? Phantom mop yas all up for a race?
<anguila> no thanks maybe later
<Mop> no thx too
<miromiro> Stay silent. We try to sleep in here.
<anguila> ¬¬
<marauder2k9> ur trying to sleep?
<anguila> miromiro , how old are u?
<Mop> allmost
<marauder2k9> 5

<anguila> hahahaa
<anguila> 5 1/3
<marauder2k9> o yea forget to carry the 1 lol
<anguila> lol
<marauder2k9> its simple equation IQ multiplied by 1 = age
<marauder2k9> well for him neway

<anguila> wtf !?!?! jajajajja
<marauder2k9> yea im just trying to start a bit of craic amongst ppl in here lol
<marauder2k9> get a good slagging match going

<marauder2k9> anybody know a good tool for making good sound effects?
<Mop> fruity loops
<marauder2k9> i av it i mean actual sound effects
<marauder2k9> lik sounds of stuff
<Mop> pppfff
<marauder2k9> fruity loops is good for making songs
<marauder2k9> i was using some adobe thing before it seemed quite good but bit crap at same time
<miromiro> I'm 15, you fool.
<marauder2k9> yea 5
<Nero> you all still talkin?
<marauder2k9> prove ur age on the track and join the room bitch

<anguila> jajajaja
<miromiro> Who do you call a bitch you faggot
<Nero> xD
<marauder2k9> oooo fysty lil bitch arent ya lol
<Nero> wtfish
<anguila> lol
<marauder2k9> o u feel that?
<marauder2k9> feels like sum1 dosnt know wat to say bak

<miromiro> Who.
<marauder2k9> u bitch
<marauder2k9> lol
<marauder2k9> ere bitchy bitchy bitchy

<miromiro> Heh, do you actually know what faggot means?
<marauder2k9> chopped up liver or a bundle of sticks
<marauder2k9> check the dictionary dick head

<miromiro> Faggot = homo, you bitche.
<marauder2k9> jus by ur response i can tell uve never read a dictionary in ur life
<Nero> lol
<Nero> isn't faggot sheep balls?
<miromiro> just by ur way of typin i can say you never wrote anything on teh net
<marauder2k9> no faggot is chopped up liver or a bundle of sticks as far as i know lol
<marauder2k9> ehh ive wrote plenty here does that count?
<miromiro> No.
<marauder2k9> plus like every1 in here ive a life outside of a pc

<Nero> aaah
<Nero> yes ur right

<marauder2k9> see

<Nero> my mind can't think properly, it's almost midnight here
<marauder2k9> miro miro wat the hell does that mean? bend over?
<miromiro> What.
<marauder2k9> or does it mean take take
<miromiro> What you're talking about.
<marauder2k9> is that what all the big boys in the prison say to u rite as they drop the soap?
<miromiro> Dude, as far as I know, "rite" ain't a word. So, your so called "dictionary" fails.
<marauder2k9> rite isnt in the dictionary
<marauder2k9> its txt talk duhh
<marauder2k9> use that 1 brain cell u av left
<Nero> for fucks sake this is the internet not a grammar school
<miromiro> Y u ar a mo th r f cke .
<marauder2k9> exactly nero

<marauder2k9> im a mother lover?
<miromiro> I didn't say that.
<marauder2k9> got news for u pal im ur dad

<miromiro> I just typed randomly.
<marauder2k9> smell ur ma meet ur da
<anguila> omg
<miromiro> Pervert.
<marauder2k9> *holds 2 fingers to screen"
<marauder2k9> lol
<marauder2k9> in my defence she came onto me
<marauder2k9> she love me long time
<miromiro> Bleh, who cares about fools.

<miromiro> Let's move on.
<marauder2k9> aww how mature of you
<marauder2k9> join the race

<miromiro> Thanks! <3
<anguila> wtf? they are fighting and he say "<3"
<miromiro> So what.
<miromiro> In case you didn't realized, it was a joke fight.
<anguila> do you are fighting with marauder?
<anguila> aaaaaaa
<anguila> jaja lol
<miromiro> Nope.
<anguila> aa ok
<miromiro> He's a good guy.

<miromiro> Wanted to fool some people around, and it worked!
<miromiro> Obviously.

<miromiro> Don't get mad, to all of us it happened once at least.

<Skarma> like the time you said bad things to me? xD
<Skarma> tom you utter git, you shouldn't pick fights with miro, not a good idea.