Posted: 18 Dec 2011, 11:54
<Dave_o_rama> the new AI drives like I do... it tries to cut the corners ridiculously close but misses and it gets a face full of wall.
Highly informative and interactive forum for the R/C Racing Sim PC game Re-Volt by Acclaim.
<Dave_o_rama> the new AI drives like I do... it tries to cut the corners ridiculously close but misses and it gets a face full of wall.
Very good!Phantom @ Dec 18 2011, 07:24 AM wrote:<Dave_o_rama> the new AI drives like I do... it tries to cut the corners ridiculously close but misses and it gets a face full of wall.
<hilaire9> drive carefully, this is a Christian country and it's the Saviour's birthday. Practically everybody you see will be drunk
Fat_Bertha with larger-than-life BBox wrote:holy jesus mosus christ
Code: Select all
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<Dave_o_rama> damn
<Dave_o_rama> only sort of works
<Dave_o_rama> and now...
<Mop> stop that
<Dave_o_rama> ok
* SimpleM has entered
<SimpleM> who wants to play a game
* lino83 has exited
<jaseaka> " i want to play a game "
<SimpleM> ill start up a game
* New room created (LETS GO)
<jaseaka> i'm not playing. i was qouting jigsaw
Code: Select all
<burner94> gonna make ASCII KMA especially for Dolo :)
<burner94> _ _______ _______
| \ /\( )( ___ )
| \ / /| () () || ( ) |
| (_/ / | || || || (___) |
| _ ( | |(_)| || ___ |
| ( \ \ | | | || ( ) |
| / \ \| ) ( || ) ( |
|_/ \/|/ \||/ \|
<burner94> pooh
<92.??.??.138> Feel like spamming Dario?
<miromiro> Feel like spamming Dario?
<burner94> no, i was just trying to put here an ASCII KMA
<burner94> lol
<burner94> but rvh fucks it up for no reason
<burner94> maybe due to window width
<miromiro> Lies
<burner94> lol xD
* eufrasio_f est entré
* Nouvelle salle créée (pepin)
* Salle fermée (pepin)
* leffoti est entré
* Nouvelle salle créée (pepin)
* Salle fermée (pepin)
<burner94> if i felt like spamming, i'd have started headsmashing
<burner94> i.e. saying gdfsgdfg
<burner94> :)
* Nouvelle salle créée (cc)
* Salle fermée (cc)
* Salle fermée (test)
<leffoti> maricones
_ _______ _______
| \ /\( )( ___ )
| \ / /| () () || ( ) |
| (_/ / | || || || (___) |
| _ ( | |(_)| || ___ |
| ( \ \ | | | || ( ) |
| / \ \| ) ( || ) ( |
|_/ \/|/ \||/ \|
<burner94> gah
<burner94> not doing that anymore.
<burner94> bbl.
* New room created (let's Race.)
<Rakey> no one want to play ?? -.-
<Rakey> :TROLOLOL:
<Mop> i am playing already
<Mop> with my wife
<Dr_Kaj> lol
<Phantom> lol
* New room created (amateur and advanced (stocks + dc))
<jackieben> fuuuuuullroom.
<dani9tm1990> want me to exit ?
<jackieben> nah
<jackieben> play
<jackieben> sziiiaaadaaaniiiiii
<benvoliosaythat> Amateur & Advanced cars '' ll dominate the world
<benvoliosaythat> and Toyeca will be forget
<benvoliosaythat> damn
<huki> what is toyeca?
<benvoliosaythat> lol look you already forget it
<jackieben> its some kind of food I guess
<benvoliosaythat> it was an old fast car
<SR_> oh
<benvoliosaythat> but now only Dolo use it
<jackieben> ask your grandparents about it
<huki> lol
<jackieben> or Dolo
<benvoliosaythat> lol
Code: Select all
* Mop est entré
<Drangian> from?
<Mop> earth
<Mop> hi all
<Nero> planet earth
<Nero> nice to meet you
<Mop> :-)
<Drangian> Nice to meet you too!
<Drangian> I'm from Mars Planet
<Mop> noway
<Drangian> I come from a distant galaxy
<Mop> damn alien
<Nero> omg
<Drangian> I visited many areas ...
<Drangian> And now I sit here in front of the PC
<Mop> you coming from a insane house
* Kosztya est entré
* Kosztya est parti
* Drannor est entré
* Drannor est parti
<Drangian> And there is not enough HIPOTHERESTHEKVANTUMHASHKOVALSK to breathe
<Drangian> :(
* Drangian est parti
<Mop> you come off of a madhouse
<Mop> oops to late
RV House chat wrote:<zappa> everynight few noobs
<zappa> newcomers
<mmud> which is a good thing
<mmud> revolt will carry on
<hilaire9> all with routers
<hilaire9> that they cant configure
<Cosmo_Kramer> but noone get s in the room
<Cosmo_Kramer> too compilcated
<zappa> yes
<hilaire9> they come, they go, never to return
<Cosmo_Kramer> that is big problem, if there was easier way to join house would be full
Judging by the way he wrote "version" and his name i can bet he is argentinian. RV_repaint maybe?.Dave-o-rama @ Jun 24 2012, 04:17 PM wrote: 1.3 must be real...
Code: Select all
* 8170 est entré
<r6turboextreme> yo
<r6turboextreme> i know your pin code!
* 8170 est parti
<r6turboextreme> lol i scared him off
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<Speedfreak2049> hey
<Speedfreak2049> guys
<Speedfreak2049> hello
<Nieger33> hi
<79.???.??.124> hi
<Speedfreak2049> yeah i stil couldnt figure out wut to do Phantom
<Speedfreak2049> ???
<Phantom> i asked pepper to write step by step instructions
<Speedfreak2049> on the pub?
<Phantom> yes, in the pub.
<Speedfreak2049> well i dont have an mp3
<Phantom> tho i think it's just about pasting the files in your revot directory and write the name of the songs in the .inf files of each track.
<Phantom> but not sure.
<Speedfreak2049> i could try that.
<Phantom> the mp3s are inside pepper's pack
* tavi_96 est entré
<Phantom> every track has a line in the .inf file that says MP3
<Speedfreak2049> k
<Phantom> check any custom track's inf file to catch the idea
<SebR> MP3 'nhood1.mp3'
<Phantom> yup
* bzhdu35 est entré
<Phantom> if u put an MP3 file called nhood inside revolt folder, it will play that when u race in Hood1
* bzhdu35 est parti
<SebR> or MP3 'nhood1\nhood1.mp3'
* Phantom est parti
* Phantom est entré
<SebR> if you put mp3 in nhood 1 folder
<Phantom> yeah, that would be more organized
* zeeshan est entré
<SebR> still have sound bug phantom ?
<Speedfreak2049> hold on im gonna etst
* zeeshan est parti
<Phantom> ye, still the same
<Speedfreak2049> if music work
<Phantom> just tested downgrading to 1.10
<VaiDuX461> tried on v1.1 with wolf r4, phan?
<VaiDuX461> tried on v1.1 with wolf r4, phan?
<VaiDuX461> oh
<VaiDuX461> oh
<VaiDuX461> oh
<VaiDuX461> nvm
<VaiDuX461> nvm
<Phantom> now i have no music at all lol
<VaiDuX461> set in wolf r4
<VaiDuX461> set in wolf r4
<Phantom> neither in frontend
<SebR> you'll need Mp3dec.asi speedfreak;-)
<SebR> ...
<Phantom> i'm wondering if Mss32.dll is incompatile with 64-bit systems
<SebR> good win 7 pooh phantom
<VaiDuX461> maybe
<VaiDuX461> maybe
<181.??.???.186> mine is win7 home premium 64-bit
<181.??.???.186> mine is win7 home premium 64-bit
* VaiDuX461 est parti
* Salle fermée (B3L)
<VaiDuX461> but 64bit can emulate 32bit, so...
<VaiDuX461> probably not that prob
* Phantom est parti
<Phantom> and my second guess is that it's a drivers related problem
<VaiDuX461> can be
<Speedfreak2049> i have a 32 bit computer
<SebR> realy crazy bug
<Phantom> gonna pass Driver Genius in the afternoon
<SebR> directX update befor bug?
<Phantom> maybe
<Phantom> also thought that
* himanshu12 est parti
<Phantom> maybe my installation of directx got corrupted
<Phantom> but fixing that.. im not sure how to do it
<SebR> run dxdiag
<Speedfreak2049> wut is this direct x
<Phantom> microsoft windows component to run any 3dgraphics in your pc
<SebR> graphic, sound and midi keyboards
* Nieger33 est parti
* tavi_96 est parti
* VaiDuX461 est parti
* Speedfreak2049 est parti
* VitoRoR est parti
* VaiDuX461 est entré
* Nieger33 est entré
* VitoRoR est entré
* tavi_96 est entré
* Speedfreak2049 est entré
* Phantom est entré
<Phantom> why you want that?
<Phantom> we're not talking about N64 music anymore
<Phantom> doing the initial scan in dxdiag right now
<181.??.???.186> doing the initial scan in dxdiag right now
<SebR> is your brazil.inf look like this ?
;Revolt .INF file structure
NAME 'Brazil'
STARTPOS 8008 -363 -19020
MIRRORS 0 0.75 0 256
ENVSTILL 'levels\brazil\brazilk.bmp'
;Revolt .INF file structure
NAME 'Brazil'
STARTPOS 8008 -363 -19020
MIRRORS 0 0.75 0 256
ENVSTILL 'levels\brazil\brazilk.bmp'
<VaiDuX461> mine doesn't have redbook at all
<VaiDuX461> i mean line
<Phantom> oh
<Phantom> look at that
<Phantom> mine doesnt have redbook too
<SebR> no redbook = no music cd on this track;-)
<VaiDuX461> yes
<Phantom> but i just downloaded it from RVZT
<VaiDuX461> did u add "REDBOOK 2 2" by urself, sebr?
<Phantom> u edited the inf file?
<Phantom> lol same askimg
<SebR> don't remember ...
* himanshu12 est entré
<VaiDuX461> because 2 2 is not comon
<VaiDuX461> in tracks
<SebR> i check my zip fil
<SebR> file
<Phantom> u have music in brazil Vaid?
* himanshu12 est parti
<VaiDuX461> no
<Phantom> can u check if GFX sound play?
<VaiDuX461> *sfx?
<Phantom> yup
<VaiDuX461> works ofcourse
<SebR> i add redbook later ...
<VaiDuX461> yup sfx works 4 me
<SebR> nothing in zip file 2006 old
<SebR> try to remove mss16.dll and mssb16.tsk phantom
<Phantom> DAFUQ!!!!!!
<Phantom> no need
<Phantom> it's fixed!
<SebR> ???
<Phantom> just by adding redbook line
<SebR> lol
<Phantom> that mfer line did the trick
<Phantom> lol
<SebR> music and sfx ??
<Phantom> music, and also dfx came bak
<Phantom> cyea
<Phantom> now my toyeca is vruuming
<Phantom> lol
<Phantom> car lot isnt fixed yet
<Phantom> so im gonna do the same in inf file
<Phantom> and check
<Phantom> this will confirm the fixing method
<Phantom> and will confirm that my revolt.exe isnt reading .inf files correctly or something
<SebR> i don't have redbook on carlot
<Phantom> gonna add;)
<tavi_96> hi guys
* VitoRoR est parti
<SebR> i disabled redbook on brazil and toyeca still vruuming without music;-)
* Speedfreak2049 est parti
* Speedfreak2049 est entré
<Nieger33> slt Tavi
<Phantom> It's FIXED!!!!!!!!!!
<Nieger33> Ce Faci?
<Phantom> confirmed
<Speedfreak2049> wuts fixed
<Phantom> addin the redbook like fixes the bug
<SebR> adding redbook fix your bug ?
<Speedfreak2049> cool
<Phantom> now i have music AND SFX in Car Lot;)
<Speedfreak2049> wut
* tavi_96 est parti
<SebR> so this is a win7 revolt bug !!!!
<Phantom> yes
<Phantom> yes
* DrPepper est entré
<Speedfreak2049> i only haveSFX
<Phantom> must tell this to huki
<Speedfreak2049> no Music
<Nieger33> hey Pepperoni
<SebR> yes YOU MUST lol
<DrPepper> heya all :D
<Phantom> but im happy i finally have music
<Phantom> hey Pepper! :D
<181.??.???.186> hey Pepper! :D
<Speedfreak2049> damn i want music
<SebR> happy phantom;-)
<DrPepper> I just finished putting up the tutorial as you said :)
<Phantom> ye ^.^
<Phantom> thankyou
<181.??.???.186> thankyou
<DrPepper> no problem
<Phantom> SF go to Pub now
<Speedfreak2049> k
<Speedfreak2049> im reading it
<Speedfreak2049> i dont understand
<DrPepper> D:
<Phantom> lol
<DrPepper> lol
<DrPepper> well darn lol
<Speedfreak2049> i dont think i have .ini file
<DrPepper> the .inf file should be in a track folder
<Speedfreak2049> i dont see it
<Phantom> inf / ini, whatever
<DrPepper> what track folder are you doing?
<Speedfreak2049> nhood1
<Phantom> it looks like a text file
<DrPepper> yeah
<Speedfreak2049> yeah i dont see it
<Phantom> lol
<Speedfreak2049> i might not have it
<Phantom> every track must have one
<Phantom> or it doesnt work at all
<Phantom> text file called nhood.ini
<DrPepper> yeah
<Speedfreak2049> i dont see it
<Speedfreak2049> i have checked like 10 ties
<DrPepper> did you delete? D:
<Speedfreak2049> *times*
<DrPepper> *it
<Speedfreak2049> i dont delete anything in folders
<Phantom> go to another track folder then
<Phantom> try market2
<SebR> phantom try to add "Mp3dec.asi" in revolt folder if you don't already have it
<181.??.???.186> it was there all the time, it's installed when installing 1.2
<Phantom> it was there all the time, it's installed when installing 1.2
<Speedfreak2049> still dont see it
<Speedfreak2049> in market 2
<VaiDuX461> phan, i wanted to told you earlier to add redbook line in .inf file and u didn't tried that earlier lol
<SebR> crazy phantom's bug lololol
<Phantom> :P
<DrPepper> SF, look for a file 'Market2.inf'
<Speedfreak2049> i did
<Speedfreak2049> its not their
<Phantom> it must
<DrPepper> it has too D:
<Phantom> or u wouldnt be able to race market then
<Speedfreak2049> i dont see it
<SebR> MP3 'Little Toy Carz.mp3'
<Phantom> where are u checking ?
<181.??.???.186> where are u checking ?
<SebR> on market2.inf ...
<Phantom> go to REVOLT foler
<Phantom> folder*
<Phantom> enter in LEVELS
<Speedfreak2049> I DID
<Phantom> and inside market2
<Speedfreak2049> ITS NOT THEIR
<Phantom> no need for caps :P
<DrPepper> lol
<Speedfreak2049> phantom
<SebR> look at market2.inf !!!
<Speedfreak2049> you can check for yourself
<Phantom> how many files u have inside market2 folder?
<DrPepper> Im still trying to figure out how you do not have this
<Phantom> pepper how many files u have?
<Speedfreak2049> 81
<DrPepper> let me see..
<Phantom> i have 80
<Speedfreak2049> ???
<DrPepper> 86
<SebR> 83 lol
<Phantom> dafuq?
<Speedfreak2049> i have alpha
<DrPepper> LOL
<Phantom> why me less :((
<Speedfreak2049> well newest 1.2
<DrPepper> I think its counting reserved
<DrPepper> yeah it did
<DrPepper> :P
<Speedfreak2049> i am
<SebR> oups minus on "custom" folder => 82
<Speedfreak2049> uhh\
<Speedfreak2049> i will never understand this stuff -__-
<Phantom> ok.......
<DrPepper> its very simple
<VaiDuX461> 82 here (without reversed folder)
<Phantom> teamviewer time
<181.??.???.186> teamviewer time
<Phantom> gimme id
<Phantom> nao
<Speedfreak2049> k
;Revolt .INF file structure
NAME 'Supermarket 2';The name of the level as seen in-game
STARTPOS -500 -12 285;Start position of the car
STARTPOSREV 1154 -12 -897 ;Start position of the car
STARTROT 0.25 ;Start rotation of the car (0 - 1)
STARTROTREV 0.75 ;Start rotation of the car (0 - 1)
FARCLIP 20000 ;Far clipping distance (draw distance)
FOGSTART 18000 ;Fog start (slightly less than FARCLIP)
FOGCOLOR 80 144 192 ;Fog and background color
VERTFOGSTART 0 ;Vertical fog start (as in rooftops)
VERTFOGEND 0 ;Vertical fog end (as in rooftops)
WORLDRGBPER 100 ;RGB percent of original world gouraud
MODELRGBPER 60 ;RGB percent of original model gouraud
MIRRORS 0 0.85 0 512;Type - mix - intensity start - distance
MP3 'Little Toy Carz.mp3'
<SebR> find THIS !!
<VaiDuX461> he can't find .inf file?
<Phantom> exactly
<DrPepper> yeah that seems to be the problem
<VaiDuX461> LOL
<SebR> lol
<Phantom> says its not in tracks's folder
<VaiDuX461> then track would be *locked
<VaiDuX461> *
<SebR> so he cant play it
<Speedfreak2049> id:785371059 Pass:rv2y42
<Phantom> thats what I sais
<VaiDuX461> <Speedfreak2049> id:785371059 Pass:rv2y42 <----OMG pass, going to hack now B)
<SebR> tell him to look for Market2
<VaiDuX461> jk
<SebR> and not Market2.inf ...
<Phantom> done
<Phantom> i found it.
<Speedfreak2049> oh
<Speedfreak2049> but the music dont play in it
<Speedfreak2049> thats wut im stuck on
<Speedfreak2049> sfx do though
<DrPepper> oh sfx
<DrPepper> everyone is having that problem
<DrPepper> I think
<Phantom> put any mp3 file inside revol folder
<Phantom> and name it Little Toy Carz
<Phantom> and u will see if it works or not
<Speedfreak2049> inside the inf file?
<Phantom> put any mp3 file inside revol folder
<Speedfreak2049> like extract it to it
<Phantom> no
<Phantom> juat get any music u have in your pc
<Phantom> and paste it inside your revolt folder
<Speedfreak2049> i have all n64 songs in revolt folder.
<Phantom> understand ?
<VaiDuX461> any mp3 file won't work
<Speedfreak2049> no
<Phantom> well... a 128Kbit
<VaiDuX461> not that
<VaiDuX461> gonna check
<SebR> every mp3 work !
<Phantom> as soon as its 128, it work
<Speedfreak2049> ...
<SebR> abr 192kbit work fine;-)
<Speedfreak2049> I dont get it..
<Phantom> u can put happy birthday song, and it will work
<Phantom> :-)
<VaiDuX461> some types don't work, tried when converted from cd
<DrPepper> 192kbit work? I have to cehck that
<DrPepper> *check
<SebR> only need to give it the right file name ...
<Phantom> not much difference tho
<Speedfreak2049> so you have music now Phantom?
<SebR> only id3 tag can be a bad think in revolt VaiD;-)
<SebR> yes he have
<Speedfreak2049> well the why dont I?
<Phantom> yes i have now
<Phantom> but..
<Phantom> u dont have for a different reason
<Speedfreak2049> k
<Phantom> I have music because I have the Revolt Cd
<Speedfreak2049> I dont have revolt cd
<Phantom> so thats why i have music and u dont
<Phantom> music is inside revolt cd
<Speedfreak2049> oh so i can never get music
<Phantom> not installed by installer
<Phantom> yes u can, because revolt has an option to add a MP3 song to every track
<Phantom> so thats the alternative method
<Speedfreak2049> okay
<Phantom> and that is what Pepper has kindly explained in his reply
<Speedfreak2049> how would i do that then?
<Phantom> ^
<DrPepper> check my post;)
<174.??.???.31> check my post;)
<DrPepper> you will see
<Speedfreak2049> okay
<Phantom> now that u found the .ini file, coninue the steps
<Speedfreak2049> oh
<Speedfreak2049> okay let me test
<DrPepper> hope it works out for ya :)
<Speedfreak2049> which song is the one that sound like if you dont win youll die?
<Speedfreak2049> I LOVEEEEEEE that one
<Phantom> championship lost
<Speedfreak2049> the song that is used in actuall racing
<DrPepper> I dont get what you trying to say?
<Phantom> never heard a song that makes u die if u font win
<Phantom> lol
<DrPepper> lol me either
<Speedfreak2049> wheels of steel
<DrPepper> oh that
<Speedfreak2049> t wont let me paste
<DrPepper> it should
<Phantom> admin
<Phantom> settings
<DrPepper> oh yeah I forgot about admin
<Phantom> damn windows7
<DrPepper> lol xD
<DrPepper> pretty much
<Speedfreak2049> i have XP
<Phantom> LOL
<DrPepper> wha!?
* VitoRoR est entré
<DrPepper> :O
<Phantom> then no reason to not let u paste
<Speedfreak2049> hmm...
<Speedfreak2049> it wont let me
<DrPepper> did you copy the name?
<Phantom> Ctrl C, Ctrl V
<Speedfreak2049> i copied the sountrack that you gave me link for
<Speedfreak2049> and i copied wheels of steel
<Speedfreak2049> soundtrack
<Phantom> and pasted it where?
<Speedfreak2049> i tried to paste it in inf file
* VitoRoR est parti
<Speedfreak2049> ...
<Speedfreak2049> im stuck
<Speedfreak2049> AGAIN
<Speedfreak2049> like alwasy -___-
<VaiDuX461> *FACEPALM*
<DrPepper> LOL
<VaiDuX461> its impossible to paste text from some file
<VaiDuX461> *any
<VaiDuX461> u have to write it urself
<Speedfreak2049> i dont understand
<VaiDuX461> and pur file near .inf file
<VaiDuX461> i thought u know sth about computers...i guess not
<Speedfreak2049> Pepper when i get to step 5 thats where it wont let me do anything else
<Speedfreak2049> in the inf file it says this;--------------------------
;Revolt .INF file structure
NAME 'Toys in the Hood';The name of the level as seen in-game
STARTPOS -14974. 88. 20489 ;Start position of the car
STARTPOSREV -13311. 37. 18925 ;Start position of the car
STARTROT 0.25 ;Start rotation of the car (0 - 1)
STARTROTREV 0.75 ;Start rotation of the car (0 - 1)
FARCLIP 24000 ;Far clipping distance (draw distance)
FOGSTART 23000 ;Fog start (slightly less than FARCLIP)
FOGCOLOR 80 144 192 ;Fog and background color
VERTFOGSTART 0 ;Vertical fog start (as in rooftops)
VERTFOGEND 0 ;Vertical fog end (as in rooftops)
WORLDRGBPER 100 ;RGB percent of original world gouraud
MODELRGBPER 100 ;RGB percent of original model gouraud
INSTANCERGBPER 100 ;RGB percent of original instance gouraud
MIRRORS 0 0.75 0 256;Type - mix - intensity start - distance
MP3 'nhood1.mp3'
<DrPepper> you should be able to copy the name of the file
<DrPepper> oh
<Speedfreak2049> see mp3
<DrPepper> just replace 'nhood1.mp3' with 'WHEELS_OF_STEEL N64.mp3'
<Speedfreak2049> i tried that it wont owrk
<DrPepper> Oh!!
<DrPepper> I bet its read-only
<Speedfreak2049> wut does that mean?
<DrPepper> means you can read the file only and you cannot write anything in it
<Speedfreak2049> oh
<DrPepper> easy fix though
<Speedfreak2049> k
<DrPepper> just right click the inf file and click properties
<DrPepper> now
<Speedfreak2049> k
<DrPepper> you should the attributes Read-only and Hidden
<DrPepper> untick Read-only
<Speedfreak2049> both of them are unclicked
<DrPepper> ...
<DrPepper> hmmm
<DrPepper> are you the admin of your computer?
<Speedfreak2049> wut like this is the only profile?
<DrPepper> uhh damn I havent used XP so I dont remember anything about the profile stuff there..
<DrPepper> I only know Vista and Win7
<DrPepper> sorry :(
<Speedfreak2049> oh..
<Speedfreak2049> anybody else use XP
<DrPepper> Its been ages since I used XP
<DrPepper> Im pretty sure you can do some goggling
<Speedfreak2049> k
<Speedfreak2049> wut should i put into google
<DrPepper> uh
<VaiDuX461> im on xp and what?
<Speedfreak2049> you use XP waid
<Speedfreak2049> vaid
<DrPepper> he needs help with profile stuff
<DrPepper> I asked him if he was the admin of his computer
<DrPepper> he doesnt know
<VaiDuX461> if theres no profile set then he will be admin
<VaiDuX461> only 1 i mean
<Speedfreak2049> well as soon as i start up windows it doesnt have me choose a profile
<VaiDuX461> he should write EXACT problem waht does it say when u try to save file?
<DrPepper> okay
<VaiDuX461> i can't solve any problems when people say "it can't save, load, export, import,load blabla..."
<Speedfreak2049> man if only some people here were xp i would understand.
<DrPepper> Vaid uses xp :P
<Speedfreak2049> yeah
<DrPepper> ^
<Speedfreak2049> i typed that into google
<DrPepper> nooo
<Speedfreak2049> it has nothing to do with revolt
<VaiDuX461> type TO ME
<Speedfreak2049> ???
<VaiDuX461> forget it
<VaiDuX461> i won't help u
<Speedfreak2049> :O
<Speedfreak2049> well im still a kid you know
<VaiDuX461> im still kid too
<Speedfreak2049> well
<Speedfreak2049> You are abviously smarter than me then
<VaiDuX461> did u ever used notepad?
<Speedfreak2049> im just confused
<Speedfreak2049> yeah
<VaiDuX461> edited any text file?
<Speedfreak2049> i no
<Speedfreak2049> no
<VaiDuX461> then it shouldn't be any problem
<Speedfreak2049> i kept the notepad for every track how it was
<VaiDuX461> create txt write sth and save
<VaiDuX461> very simple if u do this^^ u can set mp3 line in .inf file
<VaiDuX461> *u will learn how to save text file
<VaiDuX461> s
<VaiDuX461> good luck
<DrPepper> thanks vaid :D
<DrPepper> saved me from a headache xD
<Speedfreak2049> okay
<Speedfreak2049> so instead of copying the mp3 file i just write it?
<Speedfreak2049> i tried to do wut dp pepper wrote on the pub
<VaiDuX461> u can do too, its can be a bit easier than copy (u have to push some key combinations or find it with mouse keys)
<DrPepper> yeah there are some key combinations, I should put em in the tutorial
<Speedfreak2049> k
<VaiDuX461> like ctrl + c and ctrl + v
<Speedfreak2049> wut do those do?
<VaiDuX461> u have to hold ctrl and then push c
<VaiDuX461> copy pasta
<Speedfreak2049> in notepad?
<VaiDuX461> erm....nvm
<VaiDuX461> it will be too hard 4 you
<Speedfreak2049> i bet
<VaiDuX461> *facepalm*
<VaiDuX461> u have any lessons about using computers?
<Speedfreak2049> nope
<DrPepper> lol
<Speedfreak2049> only for internet
<VaiDuX461> ah...that makes sense
<DrPepper> whole ton of sense xD
<VaiDuX461> it learns these things at my school
<Speedfreak2049> oh
<Speedfreak2049> well im going to school for construction or law enforcment
<VaiDuX461> using microsoft office mostly
<VaiDuX461> learn^^
<Speedfreak2049> mostly construction
<VaiDuX461> but i knew almost everything they said in school lol
<VaiDuX461> earlier
<Speedfreak2049> so thiers no helping me?
<DrPepper> thats all I took while I was in middle and high school was computer classes :)
<DrPepper> and soon college :D
<VaiDuX461> most all stuff about computers i learned it by myself
<DrPepper> same here
<DrPepper> its trail and error hehe
<Speedfreak2049> well Phantom has helped me a lot
<Speedfreak2049> and STing
<Speedfreak2049> using teamviewer
<DrPepper> I dont have teamviewer so i cant help you tere
<Speedfreak2049> yeah
<DrPepper> *there
<Phantom> huki checking RVL
<DrPepper> :O
<DrPepper> hide!
<VaiDuX461> huki checking everything
<Phantom> he checks RVL more than ORP lately
<VaiDuX461> just lazy to post news
<Speedfreak2049> lol
<Phantom> it seems he fins it more interesting >:)
<VaiDuX461> half month and no news...
<DrPepper> pacourehe needs to post!! damn it lol
<DrPepper> Im going to bug him
<Phantom> lol
<DrPepper> xD
<Phantom> make another Y U NO POST
<Phantom> hehe
<DrPepper> haha
<Speedfreak2049> lol
<Phantom> btw, Pepper, i like your new avatr
<Speedfreak2049> i need avatar
<DrPepper> thanks :D I like it way better
<VaiDuX461> it looks a bit....updated
<Speedfreak2049> or profile pic
<DrPepper> yeah the old one was the 90's one :D
<Phantom> DrPepper has been successfully updated.
<Phantom> Thx.
<DrPepper> LOL
<DrPepper> I feel so different now
<Phantom> ye
<DrPepper> hehe :D
<Phantom> just 43 member to reach the 1thousand !!!
<Speedfreak2049> well i might as welll
<Speedfreak2049> give up
<Speedfreak2049> on music
<Speedfreak2049> for revolt
<Phantom> That will be hell of a party
<Speedfreak2049> I cant figure out wut to do
<DrPepper> oh my a thousand
<VaiDuX461> hmm...*release my latest work or not?*
While trying to get SF to use Daemon Tools correctly wrote:<Phantom> Open the program now
<Phantom> In the Daemon Tools window, find an icon that says "Device 0: No Disk"
<Phantom> it has a Disk image on it.
<Speedfreak2049> w8
<Phantom> found it?
<Speedfreak2049> it is not there
<Phantom> it must be in front of your nose by now..
<Speedfreak2049> hold on
<Speedfreak2049> i found it
<Speedfreak2049> do i open disc
<Speedfreak2049> ?
<Phantom> no, just right click it
<Phantom> and choose the option "Mount", and then select Re-Volt CD that I gave you.
<Speedfreak2049> okay
<Speedfreak2049> it wont let me right click disc now
<Phantom> oh god..
<Speedfreak2049> does the dick have a save type thingy on it?
<Speedfreak2049> disk* my bad, sorry
<Phantom> no it doesnt, mine not at least
<Speedfreak2049> XD
<Phantom> this is QOTD
<Phantom> for sure
<Phantom> nice job, you're improving
<Speedfreak2049> thx
<Speedfreak2049> okay well back to wut you were saying...
benvoliosaythat: i changed computer .. where can i Download RvHouse .. ? its really a big disorder here .. if nothing is done .. revolt will die
hilaire9 wrote:Revolt is like sex
You never forget how to do it