5th December 2010 wrote:
<Waker> hei
<Waker> can some1 help me with something?
<Waker> how the hell do they do those awesome re-volt tracks?!
<80.?.???.23> with skill
* Skarma has entered
* ankit has entered
<188.??.??.224> lol
<Waker> lol
<Waker> thanks skarma
<Waker> -.-"
<Waker> what about the program?
<huki> they use a program in which you press cool buttons and the computer will make awesome tracks for you
<Skarma> sometimes you clickthe mouse too
<Waker> thank u huki
<Skarma> lol
<Waker> now can u tell me the name of it?
<Waker> -.-"
<huki> Cool Track Maker Pro 2010
<huki> it has free trial version too
<Skarma> better get it
<Skarma> cus it expires on December 31st
<Skarma> o_O
<Skarma> and then you'llhave to wait for Cool Track Maker Pro 2011
* sjampo has entered
<188.??.??.224> sjampo
<Waker> sjampo
<Waker> can u help me?
<Waker> Skarma and Huki are just nonsense...
<sjampo> damn indians
<Waker> how can i make cool tracks
<sjampo> dunno
<Waker> O.O
<Waker> ok :x
<Waker> at least u don't say its a program called "Cool Track Maker Pro 2010"
<Waker> -.-"
<huki> skarma, you are an indian!
<Skarma> Sorry, I was laughing at sjampo there
<Skarma> xDD
<sjampo> you can talk to r6
<Balint12> if he isnt drunk lol
<Balint12> at most of the time he is, i guess
* DavidZipper has exited
<sjampo> so am i
<Skarma> he isnt drunk
<Skarma> he is just insane
* DavidZipper has entered
<188.??.??.224> lololol
<Waker> lololol
<Waker> can some1 tell me WTF is the "irc-hispano.org."??
<sjampo> no
<CGT_T> Something Spanish
<Balint12> i thought one of the humankind cant be so insane without alcohol

<Skarma> first
<Skarma> there is someone whos drunk
<Balint12> but it seems i was wrong
<Skarma> then there someone whos insane
<Skarma> then someone whos insane and drunk...
<Skarma> THEEN
<Skarma> there is R6TE
<Skarma> O_O
<Balint12> LOL
<CGT_T> like sangria

<Skarma> and
<Skarma> if you REALLY want to go the whole way
<Skarma> there is miromiro
<Skarma> o_O
<Waker> like
<188.??.??.224> like
<Waker> i want some re-volt tools
<Waker> but them all say
<Balint12> hehe i dont know him
* foxy7 has entered
<sjampo> lucky you
<foxy7> hi all
<CGT_T> Hey there foxxy lady
* Room closed (FR - Month Tracks)
<188.??.??.224> u'r funny huki
<Waker> u'r funny huki
<Waker> how about being urself
<Waker> and help me?
<Waker> -.-"
<huki> ok
<foxy7> WHAT
<foxy7> LADY
<huki> i'm myself now
http://revolt.wikia.com/wiki/File:Phoen ... oading.png
<foxy7> I AM A BOY
<foxy7> BOY
<huki> back to my old self
<Skarma> FOX
<Skarma> FOX
<huki> time to help waker
<Waker> thank u
<Waker> -.-"
<Balint12> oh another insane guy
<Waker> CGT
* New room created (race)
<foxy7> so
<Waker> i have ridden that website
<Waker> but it says
<Waker> if i want to download it
<Waker> i need to join the IRC hispano.org
<Waker> or smtnhg
<CGT_T> Join the kingdom of RST
<huki> here is the all-in-one re-volt tools download link
http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&rl ... =&gs_rfai=
<Balint12> LOL
<huki> also comes with free pass to irc-hispano
<Balint12> thats nice
<188.??.??.224> huki
<Waker> huki
<Waker> i'm getting sick of that "you"
<Waker> u used to be nice
<Waker> helped people
<Waker> wtf?! now u'r just being stupid with them
<Waker> -.-"
* Bletsov has exited
<CGT_T> After a while age takes it toll
<CGT_T> it's*
<Waker> ...
<Waker> probably
<Waker> ...
<foxy7> Waker what is the problem
<foxy7> I dont understand
<Waker> i want
<Waker> to make costum tracks
* Room closed (race)
<Balint12> costume tracks

<Waker> but now with the sucky revolt track editor
<Waker> with some great program
<foxy7> ooooh i dont know
<foxy7> just using MAKITGOOD
<huki> did you try Some Great Program?
* ankit has exited
<huki> it's free actually
<Balint12> hahaha
<Waker> lol
<Waker> huki
<Waker> please
<Waker> ...
<Waker> i'm getting tired of your child like person
<Waker> -.-"
<Balint12> i gotta go guys
<Balint12> cya all
<foxy7> bye
<huki> cya
* Balint12 has exited
<foxy7> so...
<foxy7> race?