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Posted: 28 Nov 2010, 07:28
50/50 weight distribution
(for the Z value of the CoM)

It must be relative to the distance bewtween the front and rear wheels.

Do this calculation: front wheels Z value - rear wheels Z value, then divide by 2.

Example: 39.250000 - 29.500000 = 9,75 / 2 = 4,875

Reducing understeer

As i know there are 4 ways:

.Reducing the Y value of the CoM (lowering the center of mass). Not too much or the camera will go downwards.
.Reducing the Z value of the CoM (sending weight towards the front).
.Increasing the wheels Static & Kinetic Friction.
.Playing with the spring details.

Making the car more stable

The rear wheels Static & Kinetic Friction must be a bit higher than the front wheels (but not too much).


Front wheels
StaticFriction 2.300000
KineticFriction 2.250000

Rear wheels
StaticFriction 2.500000
KineticFriction 2.450000

Also be sure that the rear wheels don't have less grip as the front ones (found on AMW).

Will be adding more

Posted: 07 Apr 2011, 22:42
Good work Cat!
Found another thing I was looking for here :lol:
Guess if I search out all the Our Revolt Pub I will find everything I need to know about modeling and repainting cars...