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Posted: 26 Jan 2006, 08:54
Well I'm new at this whole thing but i've been playing RV for a long time. I wanted to put my own rc car into revolt(Xray m18 18th scale rc) but all i was doing was reskinning the "cheerio's" model because it was the best thing i could find but it had no spoiler like mine does. I was hoping that i could find someone to help me make it and or point me in the right direction... i have read some of the posts on here so i dl'd zmod... but i have no idea how to use the darn'd thing... just hope that someone out there doesn know and is willing to help me out

heres the very rough reskin of the car and an actual photo of my rc,thank you! ... age3lk.jpg
(ps the pic my rc is a lil dark but i painted that body myself)

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 06:40
Have you tried to use the
'Race car kit' which includes a rear spoiler/wing ?
You can download it here :
That would be a quicker and easier solution rather than starting to learn 3D modelling.

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 06:59
Oh cool thanks for bring'n that to my attention

yeah i use art programs but the only 3d modeler i've used befor was milkshape... but for me it would be easier to have someone show rather than read a tut... but thank you i'll dl that car kit and give it a try plus i'll post the results

thanks again!
Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 07:27
No problem, glad to help.
If you slighty adjust the bitmap of the bonet area of the car, where the spoiler is mapped you should get a nice effect that should look something similar to your real RC car.
To help with bitmap mapping on to prm/model files, I use the Texture Mesh Viewer utility, download it here :
Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 08:51
yo MM that spoiler pack is cool but the doc inside is really bland on it's intructions... do you know a place that might have more info on how to add another part to an rc? what I did just to try was importing the body model into zmod then the same with the spoiler then just ajusting the spoiler to where i wanted it and then exported it out as one prm file and then just pasted it over the cars original body file but whe i loaded it in the game the body looked like a translucent plastic body but with no spoiler.. not sure what happened there... lol oh well thanks again!
Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 19:06
exporting it as a .prm wont make the model itself one .prm
you need to make use of the unify tool in ZMod.
Select both .prms, and then unify em to one.
after that, id recommend to read the NFS2RV tutorial on for proper exporting stuff from Zmod to re-volt.
god that racekit is so bland, lol... should make a new one someday.

Posted: 28 Jan 2006, 00:29
I had a go at using the Rearwing from the race kit, I just resized it and placed it the best I could. I copied your paint scheme as close as I could to help get the effect, here is what I finally came up with :

Posted: 28 Jan 2006, 07:11
Oh heck!!!! thats pretty darn close there MM. yeah TMAM I saw the feature on zmod and tryed it. Well yeah MM that spoiler is pretty bland but it's a start none the less... i just need to know how to model in zmod because i'm sure if I knew the basics i could model the spoiler the correct way. My main problem was figure'n out how the bitmap mesh worked so i could fit the paintscheme on ther right you got all the placements right... could you send me the file you have so i can work mine based off yours?? I also gort the spoiler imported in and the just resized it too. then i fallowed what TMAM said. but anyways thanks again for your help

What would be cool is if i could get Iron Bob to make the model down to the T, then that way i could scale them diff and make one the normal 1/10th size and then make one close to the smaller 1/18th size. Thats my ultimate goal is to get some real rc cars into the game. Another game i play that use's real life rc's is called virtual rc and right now it only deals with on road gas powered rc cars but they're make'n a eletric carpet track version too
ooops i almost forgot to mention that i made the windows transparent too that way when i really get good at doing this i can make it look like theres electronics inside... kinda like iron bob's mini-champ model.
Posted: 28 Jan 2006, 08:18
If you want the bitmap/skin I made then just drop me a line
Posted: 28 Jan 2006, 14:31
Are there any editing tools for the virtual rc cars so you can turn them into a 3ds mesh?
Posted: 29 Jan 2006, 01:46
As for virtual rc no there isn't... but they are saying that in future releases they are gonna put an option into the game to allow ppl to make there own custom skins. but as far as a way to put custom models in yourself that won't happen ever.
Posted: 30 Jan 2006, 02:00
Iron Bob
Hey Zatoichi
I recieved your e-mail and sent a reply, If you'd have said you used milkshape before I could have told you that I use milkshape to make all my cars. then I just export them to 3ds and load them into zmodeler to export to prm.
Posted: 31 Jan 2006, 11:32
LOL I just replyed to your e-mail... I haven't had my internet for a while(a day or so) Anywho i've had very lil time use'n milkshape though with very poor results ;( but yeah I haven't messed with it some time.
Posted: 30 May 2006, 23:04
Posted: 31 May 2006, 02:11
this is the zmod2 or one???????''''