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Posted: 24 Oct 2010, 17:09
I don't want to make any pressure on Me&me nor Manmountain, but you should strongly consider whether or not we need someone else around here as well, who can take care of activations and such. I have a bad feeling that members will be waiting for activation or anything similar. It could also be nice with some news & events that could keep everyone around here, before everything gets too serious and Developement oriented.
I believe you know how to adminstrate a forum better than I, but as a member I hope I can catch your attention anyways.
Best Regards,
Posted: 24 Oct 2010, 17:34
I agree that a new active admin would be nice since me&me and mm are busy.. if not atleast enabling automatic activation of new members should do it. Then I could happily ask everyone to report bugs/suggestions for
Re-Volt 1.2 in ORP, instead of by email.
Posted: 25 Oct 2010, 01:34
And who other admin do you expect?
All the old school dudes left. Admins did too.
Dead Admins = Dead Forum.
Look around, Manmountain came here last time on Jun 20 2010, over 4 months ago.
TheMeandMe came back because of the Validation request made by Jigebren on 29 Aug 2010. And that's the last time TheMeandMe came.
Things are dead.
Posted: 25 Oct 2010, 02:31
Activation of new members is a real problem. It's hard to say to people to come here when they have to wait so long to be able to post... Automatic activation could be a solution, indeed. Not the best, but at least new members would have a chance to get thet account activated in a reasonable delay. We could still report troublesome members to admins if needed.
And several minor stuff still have to be fixed for months, like the date filtering in "The Snug" section. Unfortunately, this can't be done without admins' help...
Maybe with winter, Manmountain or TheMeandMe will come back.
For now, I wonder how long we'll have to wait before they just read this topic...

Posted: 25 Oct 2010, 17:47
Jigebren, what do you mean about The Snug? Where's the problem?
Manmountain told me in the past that his winter holidays start on October and finish in the early March, next year. I guess same goes for TheMeandMe too...
Posted: 25 Oct 2010, 18:01
miromiro @ Oct 25 2010, 01:17 PM wrote:Jigebren, what do you mean about The Snug? Where's the problem?
Topics are filtered by default to show only the last 60 days... I'm quite sure it was not the case one year ago, but this setting has changed one day, don't know why. See also
this topic.
Posted: 27 Oct 2010, 02:46
I think we only need a single new admin, no one else. I don't want this forum to be saturated with random people with random powers.
This forum is kinda dead-ish, but that's only because RVL for some reason appeals to the younger folk... so anyone new coming never ends up here. I'm sure the lack of account approval isn't helping this forum's lack of activity. But straight up calling this forum dead is a bit off... there still is at least a new message every week, if not more.
I have buttloads of free time, I could be an administrator, Urne could be an administrator, a lot of people could be. If Huki has enough time to be an admin I think he'd be a great choice. I personally have so much time that there's no question I could do it... but people still have this unconditional distaste for me, one I find quite humorous. Probably because I type good... and how sometimes I take a holier-than-thou "I'm right, you're wrong, shut up!" sort of stance on some things.
I vote for Huki, Jigebren, or myself. Urne also, but isn't he already admin at Re-Volt Forum?
*you know you want to troll me with some offhanded remark*
Posted: 27 Oct 2010, 12:43
I agree with Adam that only one new admin is required. Someone who is in the mood of creating events & topics in order to keep this forum around. What we need in my opinion is an admin with experience, which I tho right now can't see who have. If a poll has started, I would definitely choose between Jigebren, Huki & Adam tho. They all appeal to me in their own ways, Jigebren & Huki for their knowledge and daily activity & Adam for his straight-out way to tell his opinion and judge by himself. Myself, I'm under-aged (you had to be 18, didn't ya?) and too afraid of becoming an arrogant looser if promoted to such a high post like that.
Posted: 31 Oct 2010, 04:03
I don't think the lack of admins posting and creating new topics will kill this forum. An admin that is going to post new, random topics just to say 'woo! here's a new topic' is not needed. Topics should be new findings/questions within Re-Volt or regarding the game...tracks/cars/track editing/tools and kits/programs (which is usually found out by the members(admin included) of the community), not including off topic..because it's a free for all LOL. That's why members can create new topics and not just admins.
Is activation still a problem? How long is the wait for activation? I don't know what's going on with this because i already have an account and i'm not creating another to check....
now if it is set to automatic validation then we will be complaining next week when there are 5 new accounts everyday that's spamming. We won't just be complaining to the admin then, it'll be the moderators for not checking new posts?
calm down miro dude, this forum isn't dead!
um i totally had something else to post but b/c of my mind wandering ways...
Posted: 31 Oct 2010, 12:45
The problem is, I can't ask people to come here to post their questions/tool suggestions/asking help with bugs/etc. because they just don't get activated...

Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 11:07
I agree. We need a new administrator and/or make the validation automatic, not manual.
Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 00:59
Validation was set to Manual after a series of spam bots registered for this forum i dont know how long ago.
Also, I'm sincerely sorry I didnt find any time to manage or post or create or anything really.
I'm working fulltime now, spending my days in front of a a computer screen (well, two screens, actually) and am not that motivated to spend my freetime in front of one as well.
I hope we can all agree that the new Admin (GWC) is the perfect choice for this job.
Say hi.
Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 02:52
2 screens? I guess no one about Re-Volt.

Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 03:02
TheMeandMe @ Nov 16 2010, 08:29 PM wrote: I hope we can all agree that the new Admin (GWC) is the perfect choice for this job.
Say hi.
you've been long with us, so the track record is very good indeed.
Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 03:15
Great choice indeed. Hello GWC.

Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 03:44
'ey GWC, I hope you're doing good. Happy creating, managing and posting!

Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 18:28
Happy banning!

Posted: 18 Nov 2010, 00:18
jigebren @ Oct 25 2010, 02:31 PM wrote: miromiro @ Oct 25 2010, 01:17 PM wrote:Jigebren, what do you mean about The Snug? Where's the problem?
Topics are filtered by default to show only the last 60 days... I'm quite sure it was not the case one year ago, but this setting has changed one day, don't know why. See also
this topic.
sorry i didnt catch that yesterday!
thanks for the hint, have no idea what happenend there!
Posted: 18 Nov 2010, 01:13
Good to see GWC being a new admin.
Glad to see the "Snug" section finally fixed... Thanks.
Nice to see you here from time to time.

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 00:41
I started with RV when the demo came out in June 1999 - that was when I got my 1st PC (P3, W98); they (the comp and game) have grown up together and are great friends, still working well together. I joined the old RV forum in early 2000, and I have released a few lego tracks and a couple of car repaints (including a re-sized Adeon). I stopped working on new RV stuff 6 years ago, following a health scare.
As you may have already noticed, I like a quiet life - I'm not going to get excited about the the occasional o/t post, or threads in the wrong bar. But I will not tolerate personal attacks on anyone.
I visit ORP (almost) every day, so there shouldn't be long waits to join the pub.
Oh, yes - Miro, don't tempt me

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 08:08
huh? i thought GWC was an admin long ago. didn't we voted on it or something?
Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 19:41
You're talking about the Moderator Voting, not admin.
Look at
this topic, you were even nominated jaseaka!

Posted: 04 Dec 2010, 02:09
why not set it so your members can auto active themselves by email verification? seems to work good for me.
Posted: 18 Dec 2010, 02:06
Seems like the problem is solved.