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Posted: 31 Dec 2011, 18:59
Posted: 31 Dec 2011, 23:10
I found another bug in this recent 1.2 alpha release...
If you choose any track with custom MP3 and an glow engine car (Nebula Girl i will use as my example), disable In-game tracks, restart the race, then enable again, instead of the car sound, the music will play, changing pitch and speed acording with the car one (just like Re-Volt does with PETROL.WAV)
Test-it by yourself, its funny sometimes.
Posted: 01 Jan 2012, 12:24
This is interesting, but I realized the error. Sadist cheat I would like to remove the game, some friends are able to cheat in races.
Posted: 02 Jan 2012, 01:30
Three problems in the rv1.2a11.1215!
First: Some cars drive in "Simulatuion" wavy lines if they are computer-controlled.
Second: The collected Stars from the stunt arena are not displayed on the progress table.
Third: Clockwork Carnage can not be unlocked.
Posted: 02 Jan 2012, 02:12
RV_Passion @ Jan 1 2012, 09:00 PM wrote: Second: The collected Stars from the stunt arena are not displayed on the progress table.
I assume the Stars are not saved either (so you have to collect the collected again after restarting the track)? Or did you not check?
Also I got something new about my audio problem (if someone remembers

). I dont know if it is because I'm using the files from my notebook where the sound is working or if I just didnt correctly installed the 1207 patch but I got definitely sound when I use the 1207 .exe.
If I use the beta or alpha patch however the sound is gone. If you need some information about my hardware or something just say so in the meantime I'll do (once again) a fresh install of ReVolt and only apply the 1207 patch to see if it is working.
edit: ok, after installing a new Re-Volt in a seperate directory and applying one patch after another (with doing a check every time) it works.
edit2: apparently it has nothing to do with the files but rather with the location of them. for some reason the game doesnt like to be in the Program Files folder but shouldnt it also work there?
Especially if you have full access rights for your windows account in the Acclaim Folder there.
But the really strange thing is that once I launch Re-Volt from Program Files the sound is gone forever, even if I move the files to another place where it worked previously the sound is still missing

(except when I insert the CD of course).
The only thing I can do then is to use other game files (from a fresh installation for example).
edit3: ok this is getting ridiculous. I honestly have no idea whats causing it and how to fix it, I insert the CD and put it out again - no sound. I put in some custom .mp3 and change a soundname - no sound. I add a new parameter to the exe - no sound.
And even if I delete the all of the game files that were in the folder, the sound is still missing when I paste fresh files in the same directory (didnt check every location I have used so far though).
For now I am using C:\ReVolt as my game folder and I have sound so far. If that changes again I will post it here.
Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 03:17
Minor bug:
[Loads random (crap) textures instead of loadlevel2.bmp and loadlevel3.bmp when restarting Botanical Garden level]
Yup the title describes everything, oh it also happens when starting/restarting a replay.
EDIT: Oh, btw this was fixed in a ancient times.
Posted: 04 Jan 2012, 05:22
quick bug report:
probably some of you know that if you give up the championship with 0 tries left, the winners are presented on the podest afterwards and your car gets thrown on the ground with the bomb activated (and then it explodes).
however either the game changes too quickly back to the main menu or something but the explosion shaking doesnt stop so that earthquake effect persists until you start a new track or quit the game...
its actually quite funny but still a bug, also I dont know since when it exists as I just recently rediscovered this "easter egg" of Re-Volt (I mean honestly, who ever surrendered in a championship?

Posted: 04 Jan 2012, 11:42
Champion at the right word for word. Returning user knows, is not original with the original section by changing the section championship game, would have collapsed gone. But, I'm so glad this issue is resolved.
Posted: 05 Jan 2012, 04:15
Today i has just gotten a star at beginning in toytanic but i think the room was using the ALL option so i'm unsure.
Posted: 05 Jan 2012, 07:28
hilaire9 @ Dec 30 2011, 11:02 AM wrote:Huki, I'm not sure what you mean by 'obstacles in the node path'. If you mean the space between the red and green nodes solid things will not cause a problem. The AI cars should follow the Racing Line not the nodes. If the advanced look-ahead is looking for nodes that will always be a problem.
The car will follow the Racing Line, but not like a train on rails. Although it will "target" the direction of the racing line, it is allowed to flow freely inside the "node path" (yes, I mean the space between the red and green nodes).
The car targets the racing line by looking at a point on the line a certain distance ahead of the car. If this distance is far away, the AI can predict the layout and focus on the big picture. If the distance is too small, the car will try to drive exactly on the racing line but this is not possible because of the game's physics engine.
Recently we were working on automatically cutting the distance short at bends and turns, and this will allow the AI to properly follow the racing line. So now that the racing line is properly followed, the chances of crashing into an obstacle placed between the green and red nodes is lessened (just like old versions), but for future tracks it is recommended to exclude obstacles from the node path. This is done in, for example, Floating World, as you can see in the screenshot:
And note that tracks won't get "broken" if this rule is not followed. They will keep working the way they already were in old versions: decent when racing alone, sucky with a little bit of competition.

Posted: 05 Jan 2012, 12:06
Good idea to play a better quality bots. I loved the idea.
Posted: 06 Jan 2012, 01:36
I love what you guys did.
I send a thank-you note to rvzt mail, hope you guys read it.

Posted: 06 Jan 2012, 12:30
I'm sorry, but I do not know. But, I hope you've seen interest in bring our requests.
Posted: 06 Jan 2012, 15:20
There's a small problem with the flying feature for cars. You can't steer in air like the UFO in re-volt. Was this intentional?
This is really annoying to me as the car with the flying feature always crash on the walls.

Posted: 06 Jan 2012, 16:18
Yes, I did not know of this problem.
Posted: 06 Jan 2012, 18:16
Pranav @ Jan 6 2012, 10:50 AM wrote:There's a small problem with the flying feature for cars. You can't steer in air like the UFO in re-volt. Was this intentional?
Are you sure you've properly set them the parameters up as stated in the
last changelog, section "Better User Cars Support:" ?
rvtr wrote:Yes, I did not know of this problem.
What is the goal of this post?
I mean, unless you aim at artificially raising your post count, please refrain from posting useless comment.
Matsilagi @ Dec 31 2011, 06:40 PM wrote:I found another bug in this recent 1.2 alpha release...
If you choose any track with custom MP3 and an glow engine car (Nebula Girl i will use as my example), disable In-game tracks, restart the race, then enable again, instead of the car sound, the music will play, changing pitch and speed acording with the car one (just like Re-Volt does with PETROL.WAV)
Test-it by yourself, its funny sometimes.
This bug is fixed. Thanks for the report.
Posted: 06 Jan 2012, 20:52
jigebren @ Jan 6 2012, 06:16 PM wrote: Pranav @ Jan 6 2012, 10:50 AM wrote:There's a small problem with the flying feature for cars. You can't steer in air like the UFO in re-volt. Was this intentional?
Are you sure you've properly set them the parameters up as stated in the
last changelog, section "Better User Cars Support:" ?
I referred to the last changelog and as it said, i added the necessary lines to the parameters.
The car flies but does not steer. I mean, the UFO could steer at a very fast rate but the cars don't. Do i need to do some param changes?
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 01:36
Pranav @ Jan 6 2012, 03:20 PM wrote: There's a small problem with the flying feature for cars. You can't steer in air like the UFO in re-volt. Was this intentional?
This is really annoying to me as the car with the flying feature always crash on the walls.
Wasn't this addressed in the other forum? I'm quoting below for consistency.
"In fact normal cars can steer while flying too, but slower than UFO. It's probably some changes in UFO's parameters that makes it steer quicker." I'm not sure which parameters, but try comparing UFO's params with a normal car.
All reported bugs should have been fixed by now.
EDIT: This includes the crash when late-joining and spectating.

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 03:06
^ Me Gusta
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 08:44
Huki @ Jan 7 2012, 01:36 AM wrote: Pranav @ Jan 6 2012, 03:20 PM wrote: There's a small problem with the flying feature for cars. You can't steer in air like the UFO in re-volt. Was this intentional?
This is really annoying to me as the car with the flying feature always crash on the walls.
Wasn't this addressed in the other forum? I'm quoting below for consistency.
"In fact normal cars can steer while flying too, but slower than UFO. It's probably some changes in UFO's parameters that makes it steer quicker." I'm not sure which parameters, but try comparing UFO's params with a normal car.
All reported bugs should have been fixed by now.
EDIT: This includes the crash when late-joining and spectating.
Oh yes, but i posted my question here before you posted a reply at RVL.
But i thought it would be better to continue the discussion here because this would be a common problem to new people so if they refer this topic they could get a solution.

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 20:24
I just wondered myself:
- will the flying cars (Ufo included) ever be driveable by the AI? or are you planning on doing so?
- what about Rotor-like cars? will they ever be driveable by the AI?
I always found it sad that the car is pretty much useless in Re-Volt, nobody drives it because of its poor parameters (cant handle sharp turns well and it has a wide body) and not even the AI is able to drive it so its actually never used by anyone. but the car model itself is actually nice and different (compared to the other ones).
of course I can imagine that there are problems with the AI dectecting whether the car is flipped or not but I'm sure we can think of some way to make it work, right?
- what about the car's parameter bars ingame? will they ever be included for custom cars? we could add some optional parameters for them or simply calculate their length by getting the necessary parameters from the single car.
or a mix of both where when there are no bars found in the parameters file, he automatically generates them (so it would only be necessary to do that one time) and an additional parameter that indicates whether you even want to use the bars or not (and if it is not found, its automatically set to 'no' (or 'false')).
and if you would like to refresh the bars (because you changed some parameters) you would simply need to manually delete the previously generated bars and let the game calculate them again.
Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 04:08
Re-Volt v1.2 has been updated.
This release fixes all of the reported bugs since the last release. Multiplayer should be more stable. Work on the AI is still unfinished, but it should also be more stable than the previous release, so the improvements are already quite noticeable.
Download the new Alpha release 12.0107
~ Huki & Jigebren
Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 04:56

that was unexpected, thx for the quick release.
I just took a quick look into it so I couldnt test it thoroughly. completely removing the shaking effect when the car exploded when you lost the championship seems a little "radical" to me but I can live with it
also nice to see the stunt arena stars are now properly saved.
btw I just noticed that we could also maybe add a difficulties option for the stunts arena?
I mean I dont know if it was intentional to remove it only for that game mode but so far you could only get all stars if you previously had set the difficulty to "Simulation".
and if you were a player who prefered to drive slower and had all the time "Junior RC" selected, you never had to chance to collect all the stars you didnt even know why.
again maybe the ReVolt devs did that on purpose so the player had to find out that trick and since no one here has/had a problem with it so far its nothing important, just a suggestion.
I will see how much the AI has changed tomorrow

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 08:12
Oh quick.
Thanks for the update Huki and Jig!

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 15:04
Thanks for the update and all the bug fixes! The cars seem to have a "normal size" now, so that was well fixed! Concerning the AI I haven't had time to really look at it yet!

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 16:52
well as Huki said, the AI changes are not big but one thing I immediately noticed is that Humma has become somewhat challenging again (compared to the previous release). Cars like Cougar and PolePoz are still horrible for the AI but that will get probably fixed in future versions too

(couldnt see AWM in Action so far though)
I also got the strange feeling that the AI has become far more agressive since the AI updates. Maybe this is because there is always another car behind/in front/near me but I crash now far more often into other cars than before. Also it seems to me that the AI likes to attack me more often then other cars.
Of course this could also be a false estimation but most of the time I come up to the next car he has a little surprise for me like the "flipper" thing or some rockets just like he waited all the time for me to fire his pickup.
The conclusion of these two observations is that in almost every race the AI is split in two parts, the ones who drive decent and hold me back

and the ones who drive insanely good and lead the race in a big distance (that part consist of 1-2 cars). so you actually only have a real chance to win the race if you manage to get off the first part in the beginning of the race. then you need to battle with the second part which is really hard because they almost never make a fault (in stock tracks).
I'm just wondering how this all turns out when every car drives at its best

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 17:08
Quick is better :3
Hmm is it me or bigger cars still have collision problems?
Also used shockwave on a batteried dust mite he didn't roll at all.
Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 18:24
Thanks for a quick update Huki and Jigebren!
I see now a nice improvement in the AI from the previous version

But I still see that cars have big collision, than It should be.
Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 18:56
VaiDuX461 @ Jan 8 2012, 01:54 PM wrote: Thanks for a quick update Huki and Jigebren!
I see now a nice improvement in the AI from the previous version

But I still see that cars have big collision, than It should be and
also this:
VaiDuX461 @ Jan 3 2012, 12:47 AM wrote:Minor bug:
[Loads random (crap) textures instead of loadlevel2.bmp and loadlevel3.bmp when restarting Botanical Garden level]
Yup the title describes everything, oh it also happens when starting/restarting a replay.
I just wrote this again to let you know

That actually never happens to me I would recommend doing a reinstall.
get a good re-volt version apply patch 1207 then beta version of 1.2 and then the newest alpha version.
Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 19:04
That actually never happens to me I would recommend doing a reinstall.
I also never experienced anything like that. maybe you could post a screenshot before trying to reinstall? I just want to see what you mean
And I did a check on the collision problem now (checked only aracade mode). The normal cars seem to have a collision model just like in simulation, at least I didnt notice any big difference when driving.
The only car that seemed unusual to me was Bertha Ballsitics, it's collision model looked indeed larger to me. I didnt check all cars but so far Bertha Ballistics still seems to have that problem
Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 19:26
With the alpha versions, there are some custom car textures (which i accidentally saved into OS/2 BMP format instead of Windows BMP) which now appears as transparent, although they loaded fine with the beta (rv1.2b11.0208) version.
Car AI is better than the previous alpha, although some stock cars still zigzag too much in dirt/grass surfaces (and also in the more slippery ones)
One thing i dislike is that, when you finish a race, the up and down arrows change your view for spectating your opponents. i think this should be changed to some other keys, because if you are still accelerating when you finish the race (and i think most people are) the view immediately changes.
EDIT: well, actually the view always changes to "TV camera" the moment you finish a race. i think the view should not change until you press any of the "spectate" keys.
Anyway, aside from that key bindings, i love the feature for spectating the opponents in the main view. The race replays are now much more entertaining.
Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 19:31
Edit: You should ignore this post now

... heh

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 20:09
WOW !!!!
realy more chalanging AI
before only platinium cup was hard to win with PhatSlugg in simulation mode without pickups...
today the bronze cup is as hard as platinium cup was
thx a lot

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 21:06
@VaiDuX461: Did exactly what you said nope still no problems i'd say the custom stuff is your problem.
Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 21:16
I already posted my quote with screenshot link just click on "[Screenie]"
oh sry didnt realize that its a link

also just fyi, I tried what you said too just before my post, I even restarted the level like 5 times but still nothing.
as already suggested the best way to check it is with a really clean install, no custom stuff whatsoever. of course you can do a backup of your old Re-Volt installation but you did that probably already
@sebr: I believe the most difficult cup is now the gold cup. with the cars that you are able to have at that time its really difficult to compete against the other cars. also the levels are tricky, especially museum 1. but I managed to beat it on 3rd try with panga tc

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 22:52
gdfsgdfg @ Jan 8 2012, 06:36 PM wrote:@VaiDuX461: Did exactly what you said nope still no problems i'd say the custom stuff is your problem.
Probably yes, custom stuff should be a problem, I will try to do a clean install and try again.
Still I only added cars and tracks won't changed anything in system game files.
Edit: OK It fixed my problem thanks, but now searching why it happened

Edit2: I think some track by dave do this bug, checking...
Edit3: Nope not a dave track, still checking...
Edit4: Can't find it, but i still have backup folder that have bug, but for now i will surrender

Final Edit: That was my fault, because installer installed on wrong re-volt i had more than 1 game folders.
Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 23:40
Juicy J
I'm not sure if this problem has been discussed yet - sorry, I'm too lazy to read this all. I installed the newest patch and all I get is "can't set display mode 640 x 480 x something" error when I'm trying to launch.

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 23:53
640 x 480 x something
whats "something"? or is that really standing there?
and what's your desktop/monitor resolution?
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 00:02
Juicy J
another, smaller number
1280 x 1024
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 00:18
cool managed to host 12 players and no crash
you can't have 16 racers right? i thought the support was increased or something
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 00:26
Juicy J @ Jan 8 2012, 09:10 PM wrote: I'm not sure if this problem has been discussed yet - sorry, I'm too lazy to read this all. I installed the newest patch and all I get is "can't set display mode 640 x 480 x something" error when I'm trying to launch.
Try this: ... (Yup I deleted link, why ? Because It doesn't need anymore + I deleted it from my account)
copy profiles to main rv dir.
Hope it helps

Edit: This problem is now "fixed" and it worked for him.
Also this post is now useless, please ignored it, thank you

Oh btw you can actually see my (not working link anymore) you just need to find other post with quote, (Not mine, not mine) but I think you will not look it for now, because It's... just... useless. (Thanks for reading this cr*p, Thank you again, <span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'> if you readed it.)</span>
I also like small fonts
So i think that's all for this edit.
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 00:31
Kenny,Jan 8 2012, 04:46 PM wrote:
@sebr: I believe the most difficult cup is now the gold cup. with the cars that you are able to have at that time its really difficult to compete against the other cars. also the levels are tricky, especially museum 1. but I managed to beat it on 3rd try with panga tc
no panga tc
only Phat Slugg
i try custom stunt and battle without any bug

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 00:31
Still requesting 60-64 ai clockwork carnage optional with names from this forum xD
would be hilarious
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 00:44
gdfsgdfg @ Jan 8 2012, 03:01 PM wrote: Still requesting 60-64 ai clockwork carnage optional with names from this forum xD
would be hilarious
...or maybe a setting that allows you to change exactly how many cars you get to use in clockwork carnage. And it would be quite hilarious.
Also, I got a bug report for you guys:
You know the way the camera sweeps before the race in stock tracks? Well, in multiplayer in Museum 1, the camera sweep works, except for the fact that the screen goes black for about half a second before the camera finally settles on your car. This has been an issue since the 1215 build, and i was going to report it, but you guys put out a new alpha before I got the chance
I'll make a video of this bug next time i'm racing online.
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 00:47
sebr @ Jan 8 2012, 08:01 PM wrote: no panga tc
only Phat Slugg
i try custom stunt and battle without any bug
well its your choice but I seriously doubt that its possible to finish gold/platinum cup with the new AI changes (or at least with the latest one) because the cars fully use their advantages now (speed handling, etc).
if you do however make it (without using cheats/glitches or bugs of course) then I'm really impressed (I have already seen the phat slug video with default AI so be sure to capture every try

and at least the collected stars are saved, didnt check if you are finally able to unlock clockwork carnage or not though.
@Juicy J: you could also try starting Re-Volt with the parameter "-window"
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 01:01
Quick reply to Vaidux: like I mentioned, all reported bugs were fixed in the last release, this includes the level loading images glitch. Sorry if you had to spend time hunting for it again.
Quick reply to Dave: The sweep camera glitch has been existing from at least the old February Beta. Not sure if it occurs in v1.1 though..
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 01:13

I wasn't installed new patch, i had more than 1 revolt installed so installer ignored my default, that was all my fault, wasted my life for some small thing.
At least that's good it's fixed now.
Edit: To Huki - yeah I already knew about browse button in installer, just forgot to use it

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 01:19
VaiDuX461 @ Jan 9 2012, 01:13 AM wrote: I wasn't installed new patch, i had more than 1 revolt installed so installer ignored my default,
You can change the path using the Browse button, if the installer is detecting a wrong directory.
Oh, and quick reply to about "Bigger collision in Arcade mode": for some cars like Bertha and Phat, it has always been the case even in old versions. Don't think we can do anything about it. Just use Simulation if you require precise collision.

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 02:06
Juicy J
VaiDuX461 @ Jan 8 2012, 07:56 PM wrote: Juicy J @ Jan 8 2012, 09:10 PM wrote: I'm not sure if this problem has been discussed yet - sorry, I'm too lazy to read this all. I installed the newest patch and all I get is "can't set display mode 640 x 480 x something" error when I'm trying to launch.
Try this:
copy profiles to main rv dir.
Hope it helps

It helped, thanks.
Btw, awesome polish translation, I want to know who did it and why it wasn't me? lol
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 04:02
And another request:
Make a parameter value or whatever that makes the ai not use that car
example I have the alpha probe from the dev/demo pack but i hate when the ai uses it.