Behold the largest post in Re-Volt history...
Arcade Collision bug: Fixed now. For info, There was always a slight imperfection with collisions in Arcade or lesser modes though, even in old versions (this is most noticeable with Phat Slug). This is normal.
AI cutting corners: Will be fixed in the next release, as long as "walls" are placed properly. Walls are the green and red rectangles that are placed in AI Nodes edit mode using the 7 and 8 keys. The picture below shows the use of walls.
If walls are placed at tight turns, the AI will properly follow the racing line instead of trying to cut he corner. I think most track makers are aware of this feature (at least all of hil's tracks use them properly). Note that it is not necessary to set walls on both sides, it's enough to cover the inner edge of the turn alone (the picture above marks these places with a yellow arrow).
@hil: You can use the same method to prevent the AI from crashing into a rock placed inside the node path. Just cover the inner edge of the turn with walls.
Misc AI feedback: CW and Phantom wrote:Don’t change the route-taking, just make the cars more intelligent at handling weapon impacts and crashes.
Kenny wrote:I also noticed on museum 2 that pretty much ever car tries to take the "shortcut" after the planetarium. its great that the AI takes now paths that were unused before but for me it looks like they are "forced" to take it now.
Believe me, we really haven't messed with the route taking. A bug was fixed that prevented the AI from taking an alternate route at all. This bug is most noticeable in, for example, Market2, when the AI tries to switch aisles. You'd notice that it gets confused, alternatively steers to either aisle and crashes inbetween.
The same bug forced all cars to take the shortcut over the curb in NHood1 (where they usually crash into the wall), instead of the normal route. Now that it's fixed, I wonder who's idea was that strategically placed traffic cone..
Kenny wrote:besides these facts I like the new AI and at least the races with the rookie cars on stock tracks are now for me much more interesting (I had already two very awesome races )
For people who weren't in the mood to read the long reply to Citywalker above, our goal with the new AI can be summarized in one easy line: to get the racing behavior on-par with the current recovery behavior. Re-Volt's physics engine is so wacky that once a specialized AI to suit these conditions is built, getting a different, interesting race each time is no difficulty at all. Recently I've even seen a car balancing on it's 2 left-side wheels for a few seconds.
Pranav wrote:That is cool. By the way, is the AI improvement only for SprinterXL?
Improvement is for all cars whose parameters are updated to make use of the improvements. We would update the stock cars. Custom car authors can set the parameters in any way they are comfortable with.
Pranav wrote:Also, when doing races, how will the Sprinter recover when it gets unbalanced in the ice region due to attack by other opponents or any other reason?
Good question. This is very tricky as cars are always set to steer at full speed (when it's facing the wrong way). Note that we don't specifically detect ice surface and drive differently for it, the implementation is general. We also don't want to compromise behavior on normal surfaces, by slowing down steering for correction. The current idea (not yet implemented) is to,
- wait till the car is facing the correct direction again.
- Check if the car is still moving fastly sidewise.
- If so, reduce speed and steer a bit to the opposing direction till the sidewise movement comes to a halt.
The amount of speed reduction and opposing steering, should be set per-car as, for example, "throttle factor" and "steer factor". This is because some cars do not need this special handling in ice. Don't know if default values should be used for legacy cars..
MythicMonkey wrote:As for that video...yep, I'm interested. All of that looks real good. So does that represent the current state of the AI, and is that different that what was just released?
Yep, it's the current AI state, different from the last release.
Pos Nodes bug: @Dave - I still haven't checked the Pos Nodes bug. I guess we'll keep that for later as it only occurs in that specific edit mode and only when spectating another car.
Profiles feature: Jigebren and I decided against a single-file format after quite a long discussion.
Phantom wrote:I actually thought about implementing a .SAV file or any single-file system to make it easier to port it to other PC and meet the nowadays standards.
Not nowaday's standards but commercial, packed format, which we are against as far as re-volt is concerned. Other than that, there are some very good reasons why we picked a multi-file system, which I'll try to explain below.
Now I see a bunch of .levels files together with a .ini file which should be "zipped completely" I guess? I have only 122 tracks, but Dave has 425. That ain't good.
What needs to be packed, is only a single folder (for example "Phantom"). Number of files inside the folder is irrelevant.
Having so many files there makes this content vulnerable to be renamed / modified / deleted easily for an unexperienced user which could corrupt the game. Again, a single-file system would prevent this situation completely.
This is what we thought at first. But funny enough, it's exactly the opposite. Let's see,
- Deleting, renaming, modifying a single file would only reset the progress for that specific track. A single file containing the entire progress is what makes it vulnerable to corruption.
- Even when using a single big file, that file needs to be fully loaded and fully saved, head to tail, every time - even when the progress to save belongs to a one track only.
- Only the default game progress (stock tracks and stunt arena) are loaded at game start. A specific user track progress is loaded only when actually needed. This greatly speeds up game with as much as 500 tracks.
- If there is some kind of problem saving progress, only one file is affected. Imagine the entire progress of a thousand tracks in a single file getting screwed when saving one user track progress.
- Settings being in a separate .ini file can be modified easily (for advanced users).
- If user needs to uninstalls tracks, it's easy to manage it's specific progress. In a single file, there is just no way to prevent garbage accumulation (progress for tracks that just don't exist).
About the auto-formatting of profile names, remember that the purpose of a Profiles menu is to let multiple users interact. I'd say it's better to keep the menu clean this way. If you need an all-caps abbreviation, leave space between each letter (such as G W C). You could also just use your real name.
About separating Profile name and Player name, it is to allow changing the in-game name at any time. A profile, once created, cannot be renamed for security reasons (ah, I'm bored to go into details right now..).
No sound In-Game: @Kenny - Are you sure the music started playing immediately after you inserted the CD? That's impossible, as both the sound and music details are refreshed only when (1) going back from the Audio Settings, or (2) loading / restarting a track. Anyway, the sound system is handled by a very outdated version of an external tool, Miles. Overwritting the mss32.dll with a newer version (from some other game) may work (although it may produce side-effects). Other than trying that workaround, you're pretty much struck with any sound problems till we update to DirectSound.. and that will happen only when we decided to update the entire multimedia set.
Car Transmission Type:
ThomasMink wrote:Not sure if this means anything or not, but it seems like transmission type is no longer 'calculated in game anyway' with this latest release.. at least for the frontend display.
We are only loading the needed data of all cars at game start (previously the entire contents of the parameter file was loaded right at the game start). So we don't have the wheel data available anymore and cannot calculate transmission. It's upto the car author to set it correctly.
Championship Points Bug: @Skarma - Well, I tried but failed to reproduce this one. I'll fix it when I manage to get it here. Meanwhile, do you remember a few details..
- Which release did you get this in?
- Was it the first race since game start?
- If you had played anything else before this championship, do you remember if the Number of Cars was set above 8?
Skarma wrote:Also, when joining a lobby ingame, alot of the time half the players just disappear and I'm unable to race.
This would be a connection problem, so there's nothing we can do. But I think it's a problem between you and host, so you might be able to prevent it by joining a different host.
Car folder length limit: joelcool51 wrote:I play the new update and I noticed that the Halogaland car `: Extreme Bizzarreries dont load the param end send error of loading the parameters and i have some repaint that dont load the color of them. Do you have idea about that.
Dave wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you guys shortened the maximum length allowed for names for car folders. In previous versions, car folders like "the_jesters_ride" would read in Re-Volt with no issues. But in the new version, I get an error with that same car that says "Can't load cars/the_jesters_rid/Parameters.txt". Then Re-Volt crashes...
The car folder name length was reduced from 260 to 16 characters, just like the track folders. This is because in the future, we plan to identify a car by it's folder name instead of the actual car's name like it is now. It's mainly important for Skins and Variants support, and also to send the folder name in online sessions.
@Dave: But the crash is fixed now.
Invisible User Cars: miromiro wrote:Some cars have a problem loading 32bit textures, and that's why they keep on showing transparent. Is there a way to fix this? I know I've been suggested somewhere in this topic about how to fix it but it doesn't seem to work. Any help?
A 32-bit texture should have alpha transparency data. But some 32-bit textures have zeroes where the alpha data should be, so this is taken to be fully transparent. Resave it in 24-bit format to fix these textures.
Car Sunk Underground: stoney1918 wrote:yay, a new bug! Ok, on some custom cars when they appear in the frontend or in a race, their main bodies are too low, i was able to fix one of the cars by setting the second value under body offset to -8, I don't understand why only some cars do it but, anyway here's a screen shot of it:
I checked the same car, it was just fine. No idea why you get it. Latest build?
Mysterious Game Crashes: kajeuter wrote:Not a keeper for me. Too much game crashes. Ill stick up with 825.
We believe these crashes to be caused under the influence of a Martian spaceship that has recently landed in your area. Please report to the local authorities as quickly as possible.
Multi-Player Name Height: Cosmo_Kramer wrote:all i can say is im so worried about new driver letters,they are standing too high,couldnt fall a sleep cause of those letters,so deconcentrating,they are making me nevous!hope you will change it back.
Ya, it's fixed now. It only happened in Arcade mode, not Simulation.. and we only checked it in Sim before releasing.
And Then The Rest:
- No sound after getting an error message will be fixed soon.
Kenny wrote:I found a new bug (although I'm not sure if it was already in previous versions):
collecting all 20 stars in stunt arena (or is it neighbourhoods arena? dont remember that name...) doenst unlock clockwork carnage.
also the stars you already collected arent saved that means you have to collect all of them again once you go back into main menu.
I still haven't checked this, but soon we will..
Kenny wrote:and another thing I noticed: on toytanic 2 one texture seems missing (I have seen it in other videos, I wonder why no one spotted that yet?) which is in toytanic definitely there, screenshot:
also just before that area of the track is a light placed near the wall. for some reason that light appears now (after the last update) red instead of white, if you want more info about that I can upload a comparison picture.
White untextured part already existed in old versions - it's a problem with the track's files. But we will check the red light bug soon.
Skarma wrote:Something else I noticed that is kind've odd. There are times when cars bunch up together like at the very start of a race and in very narrow sections of a track. The cars dont seem to even touch each other when they "touch" each other... if that makes any sense? (Pick a track with long straights and choose a slow car and try to get a faster car to push from behind then you'll see what I'm talking about.)
Cosmo_Kramer wrote:yea i noticed that too,cars are not touching each other but still u bump into other car
gdfsgdfg wrote:Don't ask me what happened but everyone's collision is "bigger" than supposed to be. Try getting past someone you can't.
Pyves wrote:Yeah, cars are definitely bigger than they should as we can see in gdfsgdfg's video! Just tested on Botanical garden!
This is the same collision bug Strix reported, it's now fixed.
Cosmo_Kramer wrote:since driving this patch i noticed that bomb transferd every time,is that something u worked on or coincidence
Also caused by the same collision bug.
I know how it is, some new guy shows up and starts throwing around his opinions. For my part let me say that my only interest lies in helping to make Re-Volt into an even better game than it already is.
All feedback is welcome, feel free to throw around your opinions.. and glad to know we share a common goal.
During the course of this journey I have read posts dating back approx. 7 years, I think. Though it was not really my intent, the result was that I almost came to know a number of you who have been with this game from the beginning.
Hmm, I wonder what kind of embarrassing posts of mine you managed to find..
I'm fairly decent with graphics and modeling, and I've gotten pretty good at tweaking parameters so if there is a need then perhaps I can pitch in.
Currently all we're doing is updating the executable, but well, we have no idea how things will change in the future. The whole development period so far could be comparable to the game's AI: focus a few meters ahead of you and just keep going. We'll remember to let you know if we need anything.
Oh yeah, and thanks for the translations, guys.
Pyves wrote:Merry Christmas to all of you!
Merry Merry.