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Posted: 01 Nov 2010, 12:10
What exactly did the VPU Recover error say? I'm sure this is a graphics card issue. Probably your gfx card was not responding.
Here you can see a similar problem happing in only one game: which gets worser as the game's quality settings is reduced. ... did=112037
Also you should look at this:
Can you try to reproduce it in original re-volt? (best choice is to try online).
Posted: 01 Nov 2010, 14:51
I believe it was not the usual "Graphics card doesn't respond" error.. I may be wrong though
I have a feeling that I had that problem because there was one more directx application running when playing re-volt..
Posted: 01 Nov 2010, 16:05
Well yes, the error could occur if another directx app obtained exclusive access to your gfx card and deleted re-volt's surfaces. For now i think i'll wait till you try original revolt under the same conditions and see what happens..
Also, can you think of any quick way to reproduce this problem? Like changing the display mode when re-volt is running, etc. During beta it would be a good idea to silently reload the entire track if such an error occurs, so reproducing this problem can help test that out.
Posted: 01 Nov 2010, 16:12
I haven't told you, but I have already tried loading all the stock tracks in online mode one by one for I think 5 times and it haven't crashed (RV1.2 of course)
If it will happen again in rv1.2 without another dx app, I'll test original revolt
Posted: 02 Nov 2010, 01:31
A minor suggestion from me.
In Youtube videos you often don't have a clue who is actually driving. So perhaps if the players own name was shown at the during the countdown and slowly faded out before GO! it could add that little detail which perhaps will help Youtube surfers understanding who is racing against who.

Posted: 02 Nov 2010, 16:15
I would like to ask if the source code is open source? If yes, what is the license (GPL, BSD, public domain, etc.) ? I might be able to ask around some game development or open source programming community forums if they are interested in developing this project.
Also, does this project have a homepage? Or should I just direct them to this thread? Can anyone also provide more info about this project, like it's history? This is the only page/article that I found that talks about this project's origins:
Posted: 03 Nov 2010, 04:08
Well, I don't know what is Huki's point of view about that, but in fact, the current status is a bit unclear, as for a lot of abandonwares. For example, does someone still own some rights about this code? Acclaim Ent. does not exist anymore, ThrowBucks Ent. probably owns the Re-Volt name, the franchise, call it what you want, but not the code we're using, we're not using the M$ code for the xbox version, which was never released by the way...
Also, thanks for the recruiting proposition but as you may expect, because of the unclear status, I just don't know what to answer for now. Well, if some people are really interested by this project, they can still try to contact us.
The homepage is in construction, and could be available soon (Huki can tell better than me). It will probably be just a simple showcase to let the compiled files available, and to write some news, etc.
Well, feel free to correct anything I said here it it's no ok for you...
Posted: 07 Nov 2010, 20:13
About the source code, what jigebren said is true. I don't think i have anything else to add... But I'll give some information about the project/source's history in the website.
I think the website will be up in a week max, and the first 1.2 beta build will be officially released. For now you can download an unofficial version of the first 1.2 beta build from the first post.
Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 19:45
Huki @ Oct 24 2010, 01:25 PM wrote: Not many testers flowing through here.. come on guys, i can assure you that the new patch won't blow up your computers..
We need all Windows XP users to test this in their systems since two xp users reported that it crashed right at the beginning, while it worked fine for 4 xp users. Even if you don't have time, just launch this patch and make sure it loads and report back.. that shouldn't take more than 2 minutes.
Also, Zach has agreed to host our releases and also a webpage which he would help design too! (thanks zach). If you have any suggestions on how the webpage should be structured, tell us. For now the idea is to do a wolf-like page (with a little more eye candy from zach and adx

Thanks in advance guys and gals.
PS: If you are just registered in ORP and are waiting for activation, you can contact me by email instead (address in first post).
beta 10.1155 works on XP for me without win 98 compatibility
some bugs :
- on race mode we can chose custom battle and custom stunt
- the secoud bug is an original revolt bug, see the
video it apears 2 times and end on it
tell exactly all the differences of revolt and your beta and i'll test them ...
at the first time this beta crash at the track loading but it was because I hade too much tracks and cars on revolt folder ... (WolfR4 fault lol

Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 21:41
Thanks for the report seb, letme clarify some things..
- on race mode we can chose custom battle and custom stunt
Isn't that normal? Custom battle and stunts are new Wolf features, and without wolf even original re-volt should allow selecting them in race mode? So, are you sure this doesn't happen in v1.1 without wolf?
- the secoud bug is an original revolt bug, see the video it apears 2 times and end on it
I see the car being repositioned twice. Is that the bug? If so and it happens in original re-volt, maybe it's a bug in the track itself? It could also be a wolf bug, so if you can tell the name of the track, we can test it..
Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 22:27
- on race mode we can chose custom battle and custom stunt
Isn't that normal? Custom battle and stunts are new Wolf features, and without wolf even original re-volt should allow selecting them in race mode? So, are you sure this doesn't happen in v1.1 without wolf?
you're right it's happen in v1.1 ...
- the secoud bug is an original revolt bug, see the video it apears 2 times and end on it
I see the car being repositioned twice. Is that the bug? If so and it happens in original re-volt, maybe it's a bug in the track itself? It could also be a wolf bug, so if you can tell the name of the track, we can test it..
you found the bug
here is
the track
I sow it randomly on custom tracks ... hope you can fix it

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 00:25
unfortunately i couldn't reproduce it here.. did the reposition happen automatically, or did you manually reposition using the reposition key, when the bug occured? If you pressed reposition key and it happened twice, maybe the key on the keyboard is loose.. heh.
Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 01:02
i didn't use reposition key, only arrow keys
i try again with/without win98 compatibility and full screen/windowed ... i still have this bug and it's the same with other custom track like Metrovolt
Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 15:28
OK, I got the bug here! A very strange bug since it happens only in Fullscreen in Timetrial. It is a bug with Auto-Reposition in custom tracks. Wolf already has an option to avoid this bug (Options -> Track/Car Makers -> Disable auto car repositioning for new user tracks).
I think we will port this option into 1.2. Are all track makers ok with this? Then if anyone wants to implement auto-repositioning in their tracks they would just have to use the reposition Trigger. Or is anyone in favor of re-volt's auto-repos. when player goes out of a zone/node? Existing tracks like Palm Marsh which depend on re-volt's auto-repos. instead of triggers in certain places, would have to be updated...
Anyway, I did manage to fix this bug without disabling the auto-reposition. Maybe I'll send sebr a test version later to test it. I also found another original bug in makeitgood edit modes. When F4 key is used while the car is being repositioned you get a black screen. This was also fixed in 1.2.
Posted: 13 Nov 2010, 23:13
Re-Volt v1.2 Webpage is up and the first beta build is officially released!
Check the first post for more info.
Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 01:24
Is this a patch or something? Or you're redoing the whole game?
Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 02:14
i'm ok for test ;-)
i've got this bug in windowed mode too ...
Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 02:40
thank you for taking care of the website. I really couldn't finish it.. some problems here. I hope I see more releases soon! And good work!
Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 03:39
@miromiro: To simply and directly answer your question, we already finished redoing the whole game. During Alpha stage we re-created an exact replica of the v1.1 0916 re-volt. Now in Beta, we have the game's complete source code which we can edit without any limitations.
@sebr: The double-reposition bug was fixed in the Official Beta 10.1112 (check the Features page in our website). You can download it from our website and test the fix out.
@ADX: No problem and don't worry. Just take care of your problems now.

Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 03:45
just tested beta 10.1112 ...
time trial only for stock track
Auto-Reposition works on time trial, not on original re-volt
win XP, full screen and windowed, with/without compatibility win98
Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 04:25
Ah, my bad. Time trial and Practice are still disabled in this release. Soon I'll pm you with a test version with user track time trial enabled..
Well, I've added some time saving commandlines along with some WolfR4 ports.
Changelog wrote:
Beta 10.1113 (fixed):
*Unofficial Beta release.
Add: Support for silent loading. -sload
Re-Volt v1.1 sometimes crashes when loading some tracks like
nhood1, ghost2 and battle tag tracks, if win98 compatibility mode
is not turned on. Disabling the load screen using -sload commandline
could have solved this problem. (Still needs to be tested).
Add: Support for skipping intro. -nointro
Commandlines -nointro and -sload can be used together for
superfast loading.
Add: Commandline for cdcheck. -checkcd
CD Music will automatically play if Re-Volt CD is inserted before
starting Re-Volt.
Using -checkcd commandline will enable the cd prompt in addition.
Mod: Enabled CD Redbook and MP3.
MP3 Player was a disabled feature in Re-Volt, now enabled.
Mod: Sound system init. to 44.1kHz instead of 22kHz.
Initializing the sound system to 44.1kHz instead of 22kHz avoids
any lose of sound/mp3 quality.
The unofficial release was sent to registered beta-testers for testing.
Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 15:10
Huki @ Nov 14 2010, 04:25 AM wrote:Soon I'll pm you with a test version with user track time trial enabled..
I get very forgetful on saturdays
Custom tracks can already be selected in Time Trial and Practice using the
Dev Mode Cheat Code. The cheat code is only for beta-testers, so I can send information about it if you're registered as a beta-tester.
And I was thinking the "registration" process is clear enough, but if you don't understand how to "register as a beta-tester", it is simple:
just contact me or jigebren in any way and give your email address. Then we can start sending updates, and helpful info on testing, etc.
Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 18:01
PM send ...
Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 19:57
Huki @ Nov 13 2010, 11:55 PM wrote:Well, I've added some time saving commandlines along with some WolfR4 ports.
Changelog wrote:Add: Support for silent loading. -sload
Re-Volt v1.1 sometimes crashes when loading some tracks like
nhood1, ghost2 and battle tag tracks, if win98 compatibility mode
is not turned on. Disabling the load screen using -sload commandline
could have solved this problem. (Still needs to be tested).
In fact, I don't think it's the better way to fix this issue (I'd be quite surprised it it worked at all, but why not). For now, I can't remember exactly how I did it in WolfR4, but I'll check my notes when I'll start porting all WolfR4 bugfixes to v1.2.
But this -sload option could still be usefull anyway...
Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 21:16
Yep, it was not meant as a "loading crash bugfix", it was just a "speed up" commandline for people complaining about 20sec loading time, etc. Eventually we can allow such a "quick restart" option when something bad happens with track/car, textures, etc..
Anyway, I thought it would be interesting to know if this feature actually fixes a crash. I can't reproduce the nhood1 and ghost2 crashes here even after a lot of tries, so I will leave that to someone else.
Disabling load screen does not fix battle tag, stunt arena crashes. They are caused by empty fan files. But interestingly, it does not happen with win98 comp., doesn't happen when started under debugger, and also not in market2, garden battles.
Fortunately, it happens when revolt is started alone and then attached to debugger. And just like your annotation in the source, it happens because pZone->Count has a garbage value. When the garbage value is Negative, the if block is skipped and there are no crashes. If the garbage value is Positive, boom..
Looks like it is always Negative under win95/98 or under debugger so Acclaim devs didn't worry about it..
EDIT: I would rather say it's a track zone taz file bug and not a fan file bug. Deleting the .taz file from nhood_battle fixed the crashes, without compatibility. Putting it back caused crash..
Posted: 15 Nov 2010, 01:01
bug time trial fixed in beta 10.1112 and 10.1113b
Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 03:13
Five more Wolf bugfixes were ported over, and also greatly improved.
Changelog wrote:
Beta 10.1116:
*Unofficial Beta release.
Fix: Battle/Stunt loading crash without win98 compatibility.
It was caused by Track Zone files being processed incorrectly when
there are empty AI node files. It was fixed.
Fix: Host Restart Same Track bug.
The bug did not exist in 1.2 in the first place. It has been fixed for
compatibility with older versions too. Now the same track is restarted
properly even if the host is using an old version with or without Wolf.
Fix: Host Started Game With Unknown Track bug.
When host restarts an unknown track, players can still join for the
next race without the green warning messages flashing across the screen.
Also, there were some nasty bugs when the first started track is unknown,
they were fixed too.
Fix: Crash when quiting from lobby session.
Players can quit a lobby session without problems.
Fix: Crash when alt-f4 from lobby session.
When alt-f4 is used to close re-volt running in lobby mode, the process
is still left in memory. Now it is fixed.
Help us test everything out, guys. Just send me your email and I'll add you to the beta testers list..
Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 09:09
Umm... just my 2 cents into this: could you make the game use alphabetical order for user cars as well, just like it does for user tracks? It's a necessary element of tidyness, if it already does that for tracks
Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 13:21
Would that include Stock Cars, Citywalker?
Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 22:47
The original Re-Volt displays stock cars in a separate, internally coded order (of appearance in the game?). So that should probably be left alone. Just user cars should be ordered alphabetically.
Posted: 18 Nov 2010, 00:32
cw wrote:The original Re-Volt displays stock cars in a separate, internally coded order..
Yes, and also it won't look very nice if we change that..
About sorting user cars in order, do you think it is better to sort them in ascending order of class (rookie/amateur/...), and then sort cars of each class alphabetically? Then all custom rookies will appear first in ab order, then all amateur in ab order and so on..
But well, first I think we are going to fix the cars limit (and this time probably all of the installed cars can be selected for AIs, not just the first 128). Maybe fix the tracks limit too..
Posted: 18 Nov 2010, 03:26
Huki @ Nov 17 2010, 08:02 PM wrote: cw wrote:The original Re-Volt displays stock cars in a separate, internally coded order..
Yes, and also it won't look very nice if we change that..
About sorting user cars in order, do you think it is better to sort them in ascending order of class (rookie/amateur/...), and then sort cars of each class alphabetically? Then all custom rookies will appear first in ab order, then all amateur in ab order and so on..
Indeed, agreed.
But well, first I think we are going to fix the cars limit (and this time probably all of the installed cars can be selected for AIs, not just the first 128). Maybe fix the tracks limit too..
Agreed, indeed.
Great work with the new RV version huki and jiggy! The future of the game looks quite brighter now I must say.
Posted: 18 Nov 2010, 04:56
Thanks arto.
I think both car and track limits are fixed now, and cars are sorted alphabetically (but not sorted by class yet).
But we really need someone with more than 256 cars and/or tracks to test this. Any volunteers, please give your email and I can send the test build.
Posted: 18 Nov 2010, 19:30
I'm currently adding
carbox support for user cars to v1.2, ie. something like in the image below (yep, it's quite already working, it's not an edited image...):
But I'm facing several uncertainties...
1) For now, I'm using a file with a fixed name "carbox.bmb" that has to be placed in the car directory.
2) To be closer to the way re-volt uses to work, I should rather add a line in the parameters.txt file, something like <TCARBOX "cars\T-Bucket\carbox.bmp">, but it would break compatibility with original re-volt version (v1.1 or v0916, v1207), as a message is displayed each time an unkown key is found in parameters.txt (thus it prevents us from adding anything to this file...).
3) I may have found a workaround: I think it's possible to add new entries outside the { } section in the parameters.txt file, and it should not trigger error message from v1.1 version.
So I'm wondering what way I should use, 1), 2) or 3), or even something else?
By the way, is it ok for you that we implement this feature right now?
4) There is also another solution. We could use a special escape character beginning by ";" for any added v1.2 entry. The ";" being considered as a comment, v1.1 should not complain, while v1.2 could detect that ";#" (for example) is actually a real entry.
Posted: 18 Nov 2010, 20:49
jig wrote:By the way, is it ok for you that we implement this feature right now?
Sure you can implement any new feature you like.. we can update/modify the added features later if needed, since you always nicely annotate all additions.
About backward compatibility, how about something like this?
MODEL 17 "cars\misc\Aerial.m"
MODEL 18 "cars\misc\AerialT.m"
TPAGE "cars\Adeon\car.bmp"
;Begin Addition
;TCARBOX "cars\Adeon\carbox.bmp"
;End Addition
COLL "cars\Adeon\hull.hul"
EnvRGB 200 200 200
I think that would do, atleast for now. I don't even know if the
final 1.2 release's file structure will be fully compatible with old versions.. I mean, an 1.2 user can still play online against an older version user perfectly, but about file structures, I don't know for sure..
But well, that's a long way into the future, so let's try to aim for backward compatibility as much as we can.
To car designers who plan to use this new feature: it would be nice to see some creativity instead of plain ingame screenshots for carboxes. It should be easy to create the fading car name text on a plain white background in photoshop, etc. Position the car at a good angle in your modeler like 3dsmax, cast it's shadow and render with the created fading text background.

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 01:29
RE: Carbox Art Support
I would say either number (4 or (1 as they seem most backwards compatible and most obvious to me. But hey, I'm no car maker so my own opinion might not be as much worth.
Also, from the picture Jigebren supplied I couldn't judge whether or whether not inserting a car image with white background would make the carbox itself totally seemles. I like the idea about making it look like the stock car boxes since it makes them a bit more Re-Voltish to me.
Huki wrote:I think that would do, atleast for now. I don't even know if the final 1.2 release's file structure will be fully compatible with old versions.. I mean, an 1.2 user can still play online against an older version user perfectly, but about file structures, I don't know for sure..
But well, that's a long way into the future, so let's try to aim for backward compatibility as much as we can.

Agreed, I would definitely prefer backwards compatibility as even if 1.2 will become standard, users who haven't patched yet either because of principles or ingorance should have the right to be able to enjoy custom content as much as the rest. Bugs related to custom content could also be easier tested on older versions in order to see if it isn't only 1.2 related.
Huki wrote:To car designers who plan to use this new feature: [...] Position the car at a good angle in your modeler like 3dsmax, cast it's shadow and render with the created fading text background.
You can also use the Re-Volt Engine in order to get more vertex-style lightning. Create a huge plane assigned to a pure white texture and export it to a level for use in Re-Volt. Load your car in MAKEITGOOD lights mode (number of cars: 1) and experiment with the lightning after own taste. I did some car screenshots for Irck, one of them is the picture below here:

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 02:56
Of course my image above was just a test, I didn't mean it should be used that way, and I hope it won't.

And to answer Urne, it's looking nice and seamless with a pure white background. For example, with the Adeon screenshot:
It's not finished yet, but I think it will soon work properly...
Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 03:01
That's looking very nice I must say, looking forward to see this feature implemented into 1.2!

Posted: 19 Nov 2010, 03:41
The carbox art support looks great already.
A new build was released for beta-testers.
Changelog wrote:
Beta 10.1118:
*Unofficial Beta release.
Mod: Number of Tracks limit.
The number of tracks which can be installed was limited to 256. Now
Re-Volt supports virtually unlimited number of tracks.
Fix: Crash when more cars are added.
Re-Volt will crash in Single Race when more than 35 cars of the same
class (like Pro, Semi-Pro) are added. Now Re-Volt supports virtually
unlimited number of cars, and all of these cars can be selected for AI.
Fix: Crash when last selected car is deleted.
When the last selected custom car before quitting game is uninstalled,
Re-Volt will crash. The bug is fixed.
Add: Alphabetical sorting for cars.
Cars are now sorted in alphabetical order, ascending and case insensitive.
Mod: Allow SADIST in Multiplayer Dev Mode.
SADIST cheat code was disabled in Multiplayer. Now it is enabled, but only
in Dev Mode. It can be used to test Bomb crash fix.
Mod: No Pause when inactive.
Re-Volt will not be paused when minimized or when the window becomes inactive,
if Left Shift + F9 key is used in Dev Mode.
Fix: Bomb crash and Object Duplication fix.
Re-Volt should not crash anymore during bomb transfer. Also some object id
bugs were fixed, and there shouldn't be duplicate objects (like trafficcone)
Posted: 20 Nov 2010, 07:24
bad luck on this beta :
167 cars (including stuck ones)
281 tracks (including frontend, stock tracks/stunt/battles)
single race with 12 cars, random tracks, 4 laps, DEV MODE and I get this message
<img src=' revolt.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image'>
and only stock track stunt and battle are shoosen

Posted: 20 Nov 2010, 08:01
"Object out of bounds" message only occurs when you use DEV mode, so don't keep this mode activated with no precise reason.
and only stock track stunt and battle are chosen
Hey, this is not WolfR4...
Huki has added support for virtually an unlimited number of cars and levels, it doesn't mean at all that user cars of tracks will be selected in random mode (both option are clearly distinct).
Posted: 20 Nov 2010, 18:56
"Allow user cars/tracks for random selection" feature in wolf is not yet ported over to 1.2. So of course only stock cars and tracks will be selected for random selection. Check the features section in our website, and the beta-testers changelog to see which features are ported over and which are not
About "objects going out of bounds", it happens all the time. If cars go out of bounds they are repositioned and in case of objects they are destroyed (in your case, someone threw a water balloon far out of the muse2 world). The warning messages show only in Dev Mode, so, as jig pointed out, you have nothing to worry about..
Posted: 20 Nov 2010, 19:12
ok i made a mistake ...
about carbox :
why don't use the same way as tracks?
put the carbox.bmp in GFX folder with <car folder name>.bmp as it already done for tracks ... or create a "GFX like" folder for cars called CARBOX ???
rv1.1 will don't care about it and still fully compatible.
Posted: 20 Nov 2010, 20:39
sebr @ Nov 20 2010, 02:42 PM wrote:about carbox :
why don't use the same way as tracks?
put the carbox.bmp in GFX folder with <car folder name>.bmp as it already done for tracks ... or create a "GFX like" folder for cars called CARBOX ???
rv1.1 will don't care about it and still fully compatible.
That would have been a good alternative, indeed. But I made it work with a new TCARBOX entry in parameters.txt, like for the car texture file (TPAGE).
By using the ";)" chars compound, comment char ";" is escaped in v1.2 and the line is actually read (while it will be skipped in v1.1).
So it should look like that:
Code: Select all
TPAGE "cars\T-Bucket\car.bmp"
;) TCARBOX "cars\T-Bucket\carbox.bmp" <-- this line is read by v1.2, but skipped by v1.1
COLL "cars\T-Bucket\hull.hul"
By the way, I have finished "per car carbox" support now, so it should be available as soon as Huki release a new beta version.
FYI, I'm now working on adding support for all screen ratio (ie. mostly widescreens). It should probably be working soon...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
By the way, next time you post a screenshot, could you please use a thumbnail instead of a big image directly, for example using this code:
Code: Select all
Well, I know that's no big deal, it just helps to keep a good readability, and fast page loading... 
Posted: 20 Nov 2010, 21:02
Yes it is better to use thumbnails, and
Imageshack automatically provides thumbnail size images, so no extra work is involved.
About carbox, it would be easy to just make everyone add a "carbox.bmp" in the car folder instead of allowing a new command in parameters.txt, but we decided to make it work "just the way original re-volt works".

Also, now that the "compatibility character" (can we call it winkie?

) is done, there should be no problem adding new car commands to parameters.txt.
Note that 1.2 can read a new car parameter command even without the winkie, but then older versions give an error message. So it is always recommended to use the winkie when using new parameter commands.
About aspect ratio feature, I think some input would be nice (especially from Nuc

Do you think we should leave the menus and HUD stretched and only implement aspect ratio on the actual world? I noticed that after all this time, some text are still out of place with wolf's aspect ratio patch. I don't think It would be possible to go through each aspect-patched text and correctly position them at the center..
Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 01:00
>>Do you think we should leave the menus and HUD stretched and only implement aspect ratio on the actual world?
Depends on how you program where the HUD is located on the screen? Is it for example possible to do it percentage-wise like in HTML/CSS? And how is the current screen ratio patcher working? I wouldn't mind if the Menu's for example wasn't centered as long as there isn't any blurry stretch applied. Especially on very wide screens this might look awkward. Also, what ratio's are you going to support? My laptop's screen's ratio is at 683:384 which I doubt is "normal", hehe. It looks just fine using the existing patch tho.
Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 03:04
In fact, all screen ratios should be supported (ie. lower or higher than 4:3), as long as the used resolution is supported by the graphic card (even in windowed mode, the used resolution has to be actually available).
I'm trying to keep the current alignment of all displayed items, ie bottom/right aligned items will remains at bottom/right, centered should remain centered, etc.
But I'm also thinking about eventually add an option to keep the HUD more centered in case of very wide screen (ie. triple-screen), though I can't promise anything for now...
And I can't tell yet when it will be finished, there is so much entries to modify that it will take quite some time to complete.
Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 03:40
I don't know if it was said in this topic, but it's not compatible with WolfR4 as I see. Because it keeps on crashing. Without Wolf, my game will always crash!
Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 03:59
Miro, can you explain which bugfix in Wolf solves your "game always crashes" problem? Then we can bring it into 1.2..
About aspect ratio patch, good luck jig, especially in aligning all elements correctly..
jig wrote:I'm trying to keep the current alignment of all displayed items, ie bottom/right aligned items will remains at bottom/right, centered should remain centered, etc.
Yep, we should finish this first, and worry about centered HUD later..
Posted: 21 Nov 2010, 04:07
I don't really know. After I selected a track to play it crashes without any error.
I think the feature that it's like TMMCC...