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Posted: 11 Jul 2011, 02:11
huki wrote:Well, I was thinking about just increasing this limit from 12 to 16, but it would be nicer to show all 20 characters.

Posted: 12 Jul 2011, 20:02
New update!
Per-Rating Time-Trial
The time-trial mode has been expanded to use separate split times for each car rating (Rookie / Amateur / Advanced / Semi-Pro / Pro). Each rating of cars has it's own ghost opponent and record times. Each ghost file (LapLocal and LapDownload) is saved in a separate folder. If you're sharing your ghost with someone as a LapDownload file, be sure to keep the folder paths intact!
Note: Your old records and split times of each track will be moved to the new paths when loading the track in time-trial mode for the first time in v1.2.
User Tracks in Practice Mode
User tracks are now selectable in Practice mode and Practice star can be included for these tracks. Note that only one practice star is supported per track, and the progress will not be saved after catching this star. This issue will be fixed in a future release.
Other New Stuff
- Re-Volt can store up to 12 minutes of ghost car data in its buffer.
- The big rotating star that appears in practice mode after catching the star will be moved to the top-left corner of the screen after some time.
- Maximum number of pickups generated during play is increased to 4 per player.
- Reject ghost data if not suitable (ex. if user copies a Normal ghost into Mirror folder).
- Ghost data is reset if the player changes his car with cheat code.
- Long car and level names are shown completely, by reducing the width of each character to fit in the available space.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed game starting immediately with a GO sign if loading takes a long time.
- Fixed a collision glitch in Museum 1 level.
- Fixed conflict between the names of two Key cars.
- Fixed glitches in multiplayer if player keeps re-volt minimized.
- Fixed inconsistencies with ghost opponent's position shown in radar.
- Fixed ghost car disappearing is some user tracks.
Download the new release 11.0710
here. With fixed German translations from MarvTheM!
Posted: 12 Jul 2011, 23:41
Great update, tested out and it work perfectly, you both done a great job, keep it up!

Posted: 13 Jul 2011, 11:55
Amazing release, lot of new features together.
I tested the new Time Trial mode with many different cars and custom tracks. Works perfectly.
I have to say it:
No bugs found yet.
Maybe a suggestion:
After a minute, I found the key to change ratings in Best Times section (ENTER). I noticed that it wasn't included in the readme file btw.
This key only allows to change in one direction, so maybe you can add a more suitable key set for the future, like AvPag/RePag.
And one more thing: it would be cool to be able to change ratings when in track too. At the moment, it's only possible to see the best times of 1 rating when in track.
Thankyou very much for the Practice Mode bro, it's a request I made u last month and it's already here.
I have a question for you: Are track makers allowed to edit their tracks and add the Star and Record Times already? If yes, we'd love to know how.
Oh, and last thing: I experienced a funny thing in Amco Bitume when choosing Practice Mode.
After loading the track, I saw a big rotating star moving to the top-left corner of the screen and is still there. I've no idea why is that but it seems I got the star without start searching.

If somebody see this too, please comment it.
Posted: 13 Jul 2011, 16:18
Phantom @ Jul 13 2011, 09:25 AM wrote:After loading the track, I saw a big rotating star moving to the top-left corner of the screen and is still there. I've no idea why is that but it seems I got the star without start searching.
If somebody see this too, please comment it.
I think that's because there's not set practice star anywhere in makeitgood on a custom track.
Posted: 13 Jul 2011, 23:16
in makeitgood you have the star [object mode] and can set it as "Global Weapon" (normal race) or " Practice Star" (stunt arena and practice mode)
for time-trial you can add special trigger called "Split" who can told you split time ... like in stock tracks
Phantom wrote:Oh, and last thing: I experienced a funny thing in Amco Bitume when choosing Practice Mode.
After loading the track, I saw a big rotating star moving to the top-left corner of the screen and is still there. I've no idea why is that but it seems I got the star without start searching. laugh.gif
If somebody see this too, please comment it.
strainge bug, i didn't see it ... i'm sure that no Practice Star where added on this track (i'm one of the french creator team of this track) where did you download it ? (istill have original package)
Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 00:22
Remember that the practice star progress is not saved / retrieved for user tracks yet. The value you get is random - some tracks will show "star found" and others "not found", and it is different in each PC.
I've fixed some minor glitches and reuploaded the 710 release.
- Pause menu keypress sounds not heard in multiplayer.
- Odd positioning of the text in race results.
- Finished car name shown at the bottom of the screen was still limited to 15 chars.
Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 18:30
The new release is very stable and I have only managed to find one bug during Time Trial. After you win over all the challenge times in normal mode, the challenge time is set to "beaten" as it should. However, you are also being told this when the same track is selected in reversed mode and all other modes where the challenge time hasn't actually been beaten yet.
Also, another minor thing. When you reset the progress table you are asked "Really or Pretend?". At first I thought Pretend would only have a temporary effect, but it seem to mean "no" in this case. Is "Pretend" really the best word to use in this situation?
huki wrote:Remember that the practice star progress is not saved / retrieved for user tracks yet.
So this is possibly something you consider adding in the future? I had a thought of one "simple" way to implement it, something
along these lines. Simply put, Re-Volt shows in percentage how far you've come overall in the game and it includes the progress on all custom tracks currently installed. It might not tell you very precisely how many tracks there is left to find the star on or how many time trials there is left to win, but it does give you a good idea about it after you have completed the game itself. Excuse the poor image editing in the link by the way, I did it in a rush!
11.0710 is just fine otherwise here! I have yet to spot anything important that needs your attention.

Posted: 15 Jul 2011, 07:29
Huki @ Jul 13 2011, 03:52 PM wrote: Remember that the practice star progress is not saved / retrieved for user tracks yet. The value you get is random - some tracks will show "star found" and others "not found", and it is different in each PC.
Yes, you are right. It's because the value is random.
I tested in other PCs and I get "star found" on different tracks.
That is why Seb doesn't see it in his PC.
About the bug that Urne mentioned, I happens to me too.
When you beat Normal records, the reverse mode records are shown as "Beaten" before starting to beat them.
Posted: 16 Jul 2011, 02:08
Hi. Two bugs found (were in the previous release too):
"Amplified star" bug: Sometimes the star (it happens with electro pulse, too) will take her effect for more time than normal. This bug for now is affecting just one player that is on win 7 64 bit and uses a WASD configuration to play. It could be this?
"Random tracks bug" When the same track is sorted twice in a random tracks (and cars) game the system freezes heavily during te loading of that track, the only solution is restart system or disconnect user.
Posted: 17 Jul 2011, 06:45
I finally tested a 1.2 release on its own (without Wolf) recently, and I just gotta throw this out there, its awesome

. Except for this one odd bug I found.
Normally, when I play Re-Volt, I don't use the default music, just play my own music thru Windows media Player. My laptop has a few extra Fn keys that let me change tracks in WMP without having to leave Re-Volt. and I also use an XBOX 360 controller for racing. Whenever I use my laptop's Fn keys for changing tracks, I got into the pause menu, and now my controller doesn't work with the menus! still works in-game though, and using the keyboard works for menus all the time. but it's still strange...
Posted: 17 Jul 2011, 14:48
I hate the bargarama shitface while editing in editing mode (makeitgood)
its watering me off, its staring at me. Can you delete it huki? I want to murder that guy :@
Posted: 17 Jul 2011, 16:24
The Time Trial Beaten and Same Random Track Twice bugs will be fixed, thanks for finding them.
Re: Amplified star bug: I don't have this problem, even with a WASD configuration. Maybe he was trying to type something in chat? Character keys like WASD will be disabled for in-game controls when chat is on. The controls will start working again only when chat is closed (with Enter / Esc / F12).
@Dave: I tried changing tracks in WMP running in background (with my multimedia keyboard) and it didn't pause the game. Maybe your function key is configured as the pause button? You should try configuring the controller after plugging it in, and make sure no keyboard keys are used for game controls.
And make sure capslock / numlock / scroll-lock are all off before starting re-volt. These keys seem to confuse DirectInput into thinking they are always pressed. Also, which function keys are used to control WMP? Is it outside the F1-F12 range?
@r6te: That guy is watching you to make sure you don't get to any mischief editing the stock tracks and cheating against his carefully crafted AIs..
Posted: 17 Jul 2011, 18:54
changing tracks in wmp doesnt pause the game for me either, and all my keys are mapped to my controller, nothing on the fn key. for me, fn+home is pause, fn+pg up is stop, fn+pg down is previous track, and fn+end is next track. I didn't think of caps lock, though...
Posted: 17 Jul 2011, 21:32
Hey, just discovered this new version of one of my favorite car games! And I think it's really great! Keep up with the good work!

I'm so excited to see what's going to be done next! ^^
Posted: 19 Jul 2011, 21:54
Nothing much this time, but some minor bugs and inconsistencies were fixed, mainly in 1.2-only special features. I'm glad people have started widely using this mode, as these bugs would never have been found otherwise.
Other than that, the
Multiplayer race finish camera and
Practice star found animation now closely resemble the Dreamcast version.
Download the new release
Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 13:07
Hi huki, I didn't even change stock tracks at all. When I do AI nodes of my track, then this face comes in ball bearings, and glossiness surface property, and pickups also xD
But i can't find this face anywhere in the files, its scary.
Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 18:52
Well i have to say that for an "Alpha" update its rather stable

Posted: 21 Jul 2011, 19:31
Using trolley in any map crashes the game (with the newest alpha release)
And if you don't know how to use trolley here's what you do:
copy trolley.bmp + trolley.bmq from levels/market1 to cars/trolley
on parameter edit: TPAGE "cars\trolley\trolley.bmp"
and obtain 0
Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 01:57
No problems here. Does it crash while loading or while playing? Online or offline? Which game mode, single race / championship / ... ? Does it crash with older Alpha builds and the official Beta? Tried with v1.1 in the same re-volt installation?
Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 04:17
Nevermind it works in all versions i forgot that i changed 12 cars to 30 i thought i had random cars on (it doesn't remember it for some reason try to see if you guys can fix it)
I used a tool to change 12 cars to 30 but it crashes if i don't use random cars on.
Here's some screens for proof that i ain't lying (note* only 29 cars was possible in the rv1.2b11.0208 ver and the hud textures and different map textures would get all replaced with the current car texture before i found out that you guys also made multiple alpha releases i used your newest one and awesomely it works somewhat)
64 cars haha i'd do love to see that happen
Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 18:08
Maybe you should start the game as admin? At least for me the game only saves the settings when I run it as admin, otherwise the default settings and saves appear.
Also I dont think that 64 cars are a good idea. Its not only difficult to realize it (you would have to extend mutliple limits of the engine and it would run a lot slower on old PC's) but its also not practicable. Various default maps are not built for 64 cars (imagine the long queue of cars

) to spawn and you would need to check every track that was built with the track editor if 64 can even spawn.
Besides that, its takes long enough with 30 cars to get to 1st place (at least for me

), now imagine how long it will take you from 64th place to 1st!
Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 18:40
Kenny @ Jul 23 2011, 01:38 PM wrote: Maybe you should start the game as admin? At least for me the game only saves the settings when I run it as admin, otherwise the default settings and saves appear.
Also I dont think that 64 cars are a good idea. Its not only difficult to realize it (you would have to extend mutliple limits of the engine and it would run a lot slower on old PC's) but its also not practicable. Various default maps are not built for 64 cars (imagine the long queue of cars

) to spawn and you would need to check every track that was built with the track editor if 64 can even spawn.
Besides that, its takes long enough with 30 cars to get to 1st place (at least for me

), now imagine how long it will take you from 64th place to 1st!
Administrator mode does not exist on windows xp
And getting 1st is easy.
Cars could spawn on top of each other
Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 22:56
Damn, just imagine 30-player races with different cars! Would be madness for sure, and I would get my intrest towards this game back.

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 03:20
nero @ Jul 23 2011, 06:26 PM wrote: Damn, just imagine 30-player races with different cars! Would be madness for sure, and I would get my intrest towards this game back.
Yea if only we had more players rv house has no people sometimes.
Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 04:27
It would be good for single-player too, would be more of a challenge.
Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 21:04
Administrator mode does not exist on windows xp
Oh, didnt know that you have XP.
And getting 1st is easy.
It might be easy but it takes you some time. For example I dont always win at Clockwork Carnage in Toyworld with 3 rounds, highest difficulty and pickups on, simply because I cant get that far in this short time.
Cars could spawn on top of each other
I lol'd

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 23:37
Anyone else having any problems with the game running very fast? Like 4x the speed of normal?
When in a race the timer goes up at a normal speed, but the game is running insanely fast, far too fast to be drivable, even on the Junior RC setting.
EDIT: Appears to be a problem with the game running on a dual core computer, if i go into task manager and tell it to run REVOLT.exe with 1 core instead of 2, it runs fine.
Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 00:57
@Dreedo: That is an expected timer bug in some rare processors. But we've never seen one in reality till now. What is your processor make and model, and what OS are you running? Also, can you launch WolfR4, go to the Log tab and get the Frequency of the high-resolution performance counter value?
Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 16:21
EDIT: Ignore this post, all this stuff is for the 11.0710 alpha, just realized there was a new one to try out
I'm not sure if anyone was aware of this, but running calculate car stats mode in dev mode just doesn't work. Whenever I use it,
this happens.
@huki: On a (MUCH) better note, I managed to find a workaround for my windows media player problems. Just hitting alt+tab to back out of Re-Volt, then going back in fixes everything (no convenient keys for dave...)
Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 16:39
The processor is a AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+, a very common processor.
I am running Windows XP Professional SP3.
I do not have WolfR4 installed.
EDIT: Just tried it again and it's working fine, must have been a weird set of circumstances which caused it to speed up.
Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 17:57
Dave-o-rama @ Jul 25 2011, 11:51 AM wrote:I'm not sure if anyone was aware of this, but running calculate car stats mode in dev mode just doesn't work. Whenever I use it,
this happens.
Hmm, just to say that this is the regular behavior of the Calculate Car Stats mode, no matter which version you're using. This mode is not intended to be playable.
Dreedo @ Jul 25 2011, 12:09 PM wrote:I do not have WolfR4 installed.
You could quickly download it from
here and directly run it, though you'll get a warning message the Tab info will be availalbe.
Or you could also use a little tool Arto once wrote to test timers, which can be found in
this topic. Run it and note the "PC Frequency" value...
Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 02:21
Guys, I just want to say that I love the new Multiplayer camera so much. Now I can see my car after finishing a race!

The high view in Toytanic 2 is wonderful.
By the way, did you notice that the new camera only works in stock tracks?
When racing on custom tracks online, it shows the normal/classic revolt camera.
And I'd like to make a request: deleting the normal/classic camera forever from revolt would be a real pity.

Is it possible to make this new dreamcast style camera the "default" one and allowing people to switch to the classic camera by pressing F1 key?
I'll be really happy if this can be done because I can take better screenshots with the classic camera where you can see the car from a closer perspective.
EDIT: I found out that this was one of the reasons why some players didn't want to update to v1.2.
It is sort of a "rule" that the car must be clearly visible to post screenshots in some websites.
Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 06:35
sometimes, when playing in multiplayer (in the latest alpha this time), sometimes I get unnatural amounts of stars just by picking up regular pickups. is it luck? or is it something in the code? I dunno...
Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 07:42
Dave-o-rama wrote:sometimes, when playing in multiplayer (in the latest alpha this time), sometimes I get unnatural amounts of stars just by picking up regular pickups. is it luck? or is it something in the code? I dunno...
I think it's just because you are a lucky driver.

Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 14:45
Dave-o-rama @ Jul 26 2011, 02:05 AM wrote: sometimes, when playing in multiplayer (in the latest alpha this time), sometimes I get unnatural amounts of stars just by picking up regular pickups. is it luck? or is it something in the code? I dunno...
I wouldn't be complaining.

Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 15:24
Probably putting this in the wrong place but hey..
Does anyone have any info on the lit polies like the piano in toylite?
That is one effect that i could realy use lol. but i would need to be able to shape and control the effect.
It can obviously be done but how???
Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 16:29
Skitch2 @ Jul 28 2011, 12:54 PM wrote:Probably putting this in the wrong place but hey..
Does anyone have any info on the lit polies like the piano in toylite?
That is one effect that i could realy use lol. but i would need to be able to shape and control the effect.
It can obviously be done but how???
I searched everywhere in MAKEITGOOD and I found only Trigger, which dont do anything interesting

, maybe effect is in world file or other, just re-volt can't show it in MAKEITGOOD

Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 17:30
maybe cut the piano part out of toylite itself and see where that gets you?
Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 23:14
Skitch2 @ Jul 28 2011, 10:54 AM wrote: Probably putting this in the wrong place but hey..
Does anyone have any info on the lit polies like the piano in toylite?
That is one effect that i could realy use lol. but i would need to be able to shape and control the effect.
It can obviously be done but how???
all you need is
on rvtt forum but in french

look at the last post ...
(RVU = revolt unity)
FlagHigh = time of colour appearing
FlagLow = time of colour disappearing
Posted: 31 Jul 2011, 16:31
Killer Wheels
Hi there,
Good to see there's still some talented people working on RV
Good luck to all of you.
@Skitch2 : the piano effect can be used in custom tracks, but you have to place your track so that the piano will be in the same place as the original one. The trigger can be placed anywhere, but the effect will appear at the same place. Hope this is clear. A way to fix this would be to add an extra line in the *.inf file... just an idea for talented coders

Posted: 31 Jul 2011, 23:46
lil weasel
Is there a way to make the user car to move even after the race is finished? Please.
Also, could you please increase the number of opponents to 20? Only 12 are boring. Or even 30 if possible.

Posted: 31 Jul 2011, 23:52
lil weasel @ Jul 31 2011, 07:16 PM wrote: Is there a way to make the user car to move even after the race is finished? Please.
Also, could you please increase the number of opponents to 20? Only 12 are boring. Or even 30 if possible.
Heh that''s what i said too but i want 64 cars :3
Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 01:18
lil weasel @ Jul 31 2011, 02:16 PM wrote: Is there a way to make the user car to move even after the race is finished? Please.
Also, could you please increase the number of opponents to 20? Only 12 are boring. Or even 30 if possible.
Re-Volt's engine can only handle 12 different cars at one time, so that probably won't happen in the near future.
But THIS should tide you over until then.
Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 02:08
Killer Wheels @ Jul 31 2011, 04:31 PM wrote: The piano effect can be used in custom tracks, but you have to place your track so that the piano will be in the same place as the original one. The trigger can be placed anywhere, but the effect will appear at the same place. Hope this is clear. A way to fix this would be to add an extra line in the *.inf file.
Thanks for the info kw. About support in 1.2, instead of adding a new .inf entry maybe we can calculate the correct position based on the position where the trigger is placed. That's surely something to try in the future.
weasel wrote:Is there a way to make the user car to move even after the race is finished?
Can you say why you want to move your car after race?
A new release should be coming soon with improvements to spectating support, and something new for track makers to try..

Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 05:41
[impatience engage]
Huki @ Jul 31 2011, 04:38 PM wrote: and something new for track makers to try..
any willingness to spill a detail or two, or am I going to have to continue to rack my brain in an attempt to figure out what it may be?
Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 21:23
lil weasel
Huki @ Jul 31 2011, 09:38 PM wrote: Killer Wheels @ Jul 31 2011, 04:31 PM wrote: The piano effect can be used in custom tracks, but you have to place your track so that the piano will be in the same place as the original one. The trigger can be placed anywhere, but the effect will appear at the same place. Hope this is clear. A way to fix this would be to add an extra line in the *.inf file.
Thanks for the info kw. About support in 1.2, instead of adding a new .inf entry maybe we can calculate the correct position based on the position where the trigger is placed. That's surely something to try in the future.
weasel wrote:Is there a way to make the user car to move even after the race is finished?
Can you say why you want to move your car after race?
A new release should be coming soon with improvements to spectating support, and something new for track makers to try..
Well, I usually do 20 lap races, and I always like to wait for the opponents to end the race too. But there are cars like TAXI 2 or Inferno who simply get stuck, so I thought that if I'm able to move the car even after the race, I could help them to finish. Please Huki, if it's possible do it!
If it's not, at least a feature to see the others how far they are. For instance, if I finish the race, I usually overlap all the other, and while I'm waiting for them, the either push me or just shoot at me, moving the user car. While others come, the usually stop behind me, blocking me to see how far is the other player. Do you understand?
Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 21:35
lil weasel @ Aug 1 2011, 11:53 AM wrote: If it's not, at least a feature to see the others how far they are. For instance, if I finish the race, I usually overlap all the other, and while I'm waiting for them, the either push me or just shoot at me, moving the user car. While others come, the usually stop behind me, blocking me to see how far is the other player. Do you understand?
You can use the MAKEITGOOD cheat, go into erm, nothing to see mode, hit F4 and then move around until you see the other cars
also, I dunno if this is an intended feature or an accident, but hitting F10 makes
this happen.
Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 22:25
@weasel: 1.2 allows switching on F3 camera after race is finished. Then you can use F4 to cycle through all players. The next release will let you cycle through only the players still racing.
@dave: Yep, pressing F10 in dev mode will reset the car and drop it down. Constantly pressing F10 before the car has fully dropped will keep increasing the dropping height. It's one of the reasons why enabling dev mode shows (CHT) next to your car..

Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 22:25
lil weasel
I know mate, but it's kind of pointless, and it'd just make me angry to see that the other are stuck. I need to move the car.