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Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 00:42
Is it possible to make MAX_TEXANIMS a higher number (#define MAX_TEXANIMS 16 [world.h])
I have just found about about multiframes and currently making a GUI and tracks basing on it.
Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 19:04
Skitch2 @ Jun 22 2011, 11:14 PM wrote: ok I have mad a track using WolfR4 and its very cool..
But I am now thinking of re mapping it with higher res textures.
I have a custom model and a fixed camera setting that is very important and i would like it if the camera was set as standard rather than the user having to move it about.
I also love the loading screen option in Wolf. My question is this... More of you seem to be using 1.2 than WolfR4 due to the Online fixes so what will i be losing from my track by switching to 1.2 rather than Wolf??
I would love to read the topics from the begining but i am bloody useless when it come to tech talk so it dont mean alot to me ':)
I would rather hold onto this track untill 1.2 can do the same as Wolf but with the lego nation that Re-Volt has turned into it is a shame to to find a way to get it to you all.
1.2 currently has very minimal customization support, so by switching to 1.2 (or 1.0 in that case) you'll lose pretty much any track feature that you set through WolfR4 custom.ini. We don't have any plans to hastily dump Wolf's custom features in the new update, so please don't hold back your track because of this update.. You'd just have to mention in the readme that "this track only works with WolfR4" or "this track is WolfR4-enabled, please download this program <link> to play the track properly, blah blah", so even if people use 1.2 or 1.0 or whatever, they'll know to download and use Wolf to play your track with it's full effects...
@Kay: Yeah, good idea. But we are not going to start messing with fixed limitations till all WolfR4 features and the like are finished, and 1.2 is well documented. Till then, i think 16 slots are more than enough. In fact, jig's Blender plugin also currently works assuming original re-volt's limitations, so this is probably not a good time to change them.
Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 20:30
I would like to know why with all the years work with Wolf and 1.2 there is a slow down on combining them? I mean in order to push the game as we have been trying to do over the years would surely be to utilise all available tools? I just get the jist of Wolf and find out that members arent going to want to race them online due to the lack of bug fixes. Excuse my sharpness but as an editor it P****s me off somewhat lol. I know that there are not many extreme editors out there but please dont cut off the ones that are!
I can only go on what feedback i have been getting and it is so far that online fixes out do track customisation and that realy is a shame.
I love what you have done with what i see in 1.2 it is smooth as silk. ,many thanks to you.
Posted: 24 Jun 2011, 04:04
Skitch2 @ Jun 23 2011, 04:00 PM wrote:I would like to know why with all the years work with Wolf and 1.2 there is a slow down on combining them? I mean in order to push the game as we have been trying to do over the years would surely be to utilise all available tools?
I had wrote a complete and detailled answer about this, when I suddenly get a f*cking blue screen of death...

yeah, that's still happen in WinXP, at least with Firefox. Of course I lost everything, and sorry but I don't feel like writing it again...
In a (big) nutshell:
The current situation is not something we've planned, it's only the result of a series of occurrences.
When I started working on WolfR4, there was no hope for v1.2. Then, when Huki started working on v1.2, I joined in, as updating the source code (ie. v1.2) gives us way more latitude than binary patching (ie. WolfR4) to fix any bug of bring new feature.
- Why can't we just combine them and use both WolfR4 and v1.2?
Because, being a memory patcher, WolfR4 can only work with the exact binary file it's designed for (ie. v1207). The offsets of memory used in v1.2 are likely to change each time a new version is compiled.
- Why all WolfR4 feature are not ported yet to v1.2?
Both in the way they work and in the way they are developped, WolfR4 and v1.2 have nothing in common. WolfR4 is a memory patcher, v1.2 is a new exe file compiled from source. WolfR4 is developed in PureBasic, v1.2 is developed in C++.
We also have to plan and think about each modif we bring, to minimize the chances we'll ever have to modify it eventually. Otherwise we're likely to get some complaint from user that "it's not working like before" (hmm, who said I'm thinking about the carbox feature...).
And last, custom was quite the main goal of WolfR4, while the goal of v1.2 is wider, and custom is not currently top of the list...
EDIT: Well, second BSOD while editing this post... It sounds like it's enough, but I feel lazy to try a full clean XP reinstall just for this as weirdly, it only occurs when I'm posting on ORP...
Posted: 24 Jun 2011, 08:42
[offtopic]Jigebren, NEVER EVER write anything big in a browser. It's not designed for that. Use Notepad etc., save often (I'm on a WinXP, I have experience...), and then do a quick trip to browser: open post, click reply, copy-paste your message, click send.
Just a bit of common (Windows) sense [/offtopic]
Posted: 25 Jun 2011, 15:43
Ghost Car in Time-Trial
Players can race against their own local ghost or someone else's downloaded ghost. A local ghost is saved in Re-Volt "times" folder as a
.LapLocal file, while a downloaded ghost should have
.LapDownload extension. A
LapDownload file is just someone else's renamed
LapLocal file. After placing a LapDownload file in your "times" folder, you can choose to use the Local or Downloaded ghost as opponent from Game Settings -> Split Times. It is also possible to optionally turn off the ghost car.
Note: A bug with ghost data generation was found and fixed. This is more noticeable now that the ghost car is actually visible. It is advisable to delete all files inside your "times" folder and start over after installing this update.
User Tracks in Time-Trial
User tracks are now enabled in Time-Trial mode. Many of these tracks were not playable in this mode because a small fall will reset the player back to the starting point. Some tracks also use reposition triggers to mimic teleportation (Hull Breach 2 for example). Now the reposition triggers don't send the car back to starting point anymore. Only manually pressing the reposition button does.
Other New Stuff
- Track times are saved even when quiting with Alt-F4. Previously the times were saved only when manually quiting or restarting from in-game menu.
- Hide player names in multiplayer when using the hide-HUD feature (Shift + F5).
- Alpha channel of a 32bit bitmap is now also available in 16bit texture mode (25% threshold). When running in 16bit mode, any alpha value below 64 will be fully transparent and above 64 will be fully opaque.
- Windows key is enabled by default, added -nowinkey command line to disable it.
Dev Mode
- After inserting a new AI node, the Red Node is now selected by default instead of the Green node.
- Pressing Right Shift + F9 in Edit or Dev mode will show the camera Look and Pos vectors.
Bug Fixes
- Re-Volt's support for different Env color for each World polygon was broken and the color values ended mixed-up. This was fixed. Further, now vertices sharing faces with different Env colors, will take the average Env color of all the faces.
- Fixed automatically switching to edit mode after saving an edit file.
- Fixed a bug with Ghost shadow rendering.
- Fixed ghost reposition bug.
- Misc. fixes.
Download the new release 11.0625
And here are some more entries to translate:
Continue Session
Quit Session
Legacy Compatibility
You Are Now Spectating This Game!
You Are Now An Active Player!
Show Ghost
Posted: 25 Jun 2011, 22:24
Continue Session= Doorgaan met de sessie
Quit Session= Sessie stoppen
Legacy Compatibility= Legacy compatibiliteit
You Are Now Spectating This Game!= U bent nu toeschouwer in dit spel!
You Are Now An Active Player!= U bent nu een active speler!
Show Ghost= Laat het spook zien
No thanks needed.
Huki check out my suggestion in the rv 1.2 suggestions thread.
Posted: 25 Jun 2011, 22:59
As in wolfr4 ghost car look like always replaced ...
Huki can you add Ai-Node loading in time trial mode to fix it please

Posted: 25 Jun 2011, 23:43
Awesome update, Thanks Huki!
Continue Session= Continua Sessione
Quit Session= Abbandona Sessione
Legacy Compatibility= Compatibilità Legacy
You Are Now Spectating This Game!= Ora Sei In Modalità Spettatore!
You Are Now An Active Player!= Ora Sei Un Giocatore Attivo!
Show Ghost= Mostra Fantasma
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 17:43
I've tested the latest features of 11.0625 resulting in mostly suggestions and questions, fortunately. To me, this version feels quite stable and comfortable like most alpha builds released do - no issues yet here at least!
Ghost Time Trial Mode
I'm glad to see the ghost car in Re-Volt again; one question though. As Re-Volt supports downloadable times, should custom cars be allowed in Time Trial Mode?
I was playing around for 2 minutes and 12 seconds and saw that some of the the ghost car from that lap didn't appear the first 38 seconds. I assume this is due to the 1kb/157kb limit all the times seem to have? Perhaps it's another file limit which we will have to wait with breaking in order to keep compatibility with 1207, eh.
Also, I am a bit curious about something: When pausing the game, the ghost animation of the ghost car continues - I've only seen similar with multi-frame, so I was wondering if the ghost animation work in a similar way?
A couple of other thoughts I had while testing the time trial mode:
- If the user does not have the folder "times" and all it's subfolders, you will receive an error saying "failed to create record file". Is it up to the user to create these folders him/herself or could 1.2 possible automatically create a new "times" folder, when such is missing? I am aware of that this is not a problem if you install Re-Volt from its original CD though.
- When you change track or reverse/mirror mode while inside Best Trial Times at Frontend, you also affect the track chosen and the Reverse/Mirror mode at the track selection. The same thing happens in 1.1 and I wonder what the thought behind this design was. What's your guess?
- Right now there doesn't seem to be a way to "delete" a certain time in Re-Volt or from the saved times file itself (I haven't looked much into particularly this though). Perhaps this could be made possible under Pause Menu -> Best Trial Times -> Up/Down arrow to select -> Delete to remove the time selected?
Suggestion: Making a track only visible in DEV mode?
During some spring cleaning I found various levels I only use in dev mode. Is there some way to make them only visible in dev mode as well? This could prevent Re-Volt from crash during Random Tracks mode, if the Random Tracks mode ever will support custom tracks in the future and furthermore it could even save me some seconds in multi-player and single-player when I am going through the track list. (;
I am primarily requesting this feature for organizing purposes though as I find it convenient to have the raceable tracks divided from the tracks I'm only able to load in dev mode anyway. What do you think?
Posted: 27 Jun 2011, 02:18
@Best Trial Times guess,
I think the only reason is for convenience. When you browse, you notice you need to improve your time on Toytanic 2 Reverse Mirrored. Then you go, quickly select your car and Toytanic 2 RM is already selected for you.
Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 14:59
Re: Ghost Time Trial Mode
Yes, there is always a file size limit. As 1.5 minutes sounds too little, I might look into increasing it to 5 minutes. And if the player takes more than 5 minutes to complete a lap, we could either leave it as how it is now (only the last 5 minutes of the ghost car will be played), or we can just not create a ghost car in this case. What do you suggest?
About the folders, they should be created by the re-volt installer. I don't think we need to make re-volt manually create those folders. If the user manually deletes any files or folders and gets a problem, he should just reinstall re-volt.
Urne wrote:When you change track or reverse/mirror mode while inside Best Trial Times at Frontend, you also affect the track chosen and the Reverse/Mirror mode at the track selection.
Yep, it was for convenience sake. Well, I don't know about user convenience, but it sure was convenient for the devs, to use the same space to store both selections..
Re: Suggestion: Making a track only visible in DEV mode?
Yes, that would be useful. I think this can work the same way as having battle, stunt, etc. levels - a new entry in the track inf to pick the type of track. So we'll keep it pending till we work on that part..
Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 18:24
Re: Ghost Trial Mode
I think 5 minutes sounds like a good and wide limit, any time above this should not be valid IMO. We will most likely not see tracks that long in near future anyway. If I remember right, this was also once what Re-Volt had as Challenge Time by default on tracks with no Challenge Time.
Which leads me another suggestion. Could track makers possibly be given the ability to set a Challenge Time on their tracks for users to beat? It could make Time Trial on custom tracks a little bit more common and fun, especially if the Challenge Times isn't impossible to beat but is on line with the stock tracks. But perhaps something like that is already possible by including a time of your own together with the track?
Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 12:53
Hello, I'm new around here so I'll be brief in order not to say stupid things

I downloaded the 1.2b patch yesterday and I find it awesome. I started playing to see how stable the new version was and I found a couple of things:
Bug Found: Can't disable CD Music // Music volume useless
Since I'm using a BIN/CUE image of Re-Volt, I'm listening to the Redbook music but I saw that it can't be disabled. In fact, If I go to the audio options and turn the music off, the music just stops for a moment and then starts again. Plus, modifying the music volume didn't have any effect of any kind.
Bug Found: Random Crashes
This is something you're problably already aware of but I'll write it anyway. The game keeps on crashing sometimes. This happened while I was playing a series of time trials. Every 2/3 races the game crashed while loading the level.
Little suggestion: New Icon
I also have a little suggestion. You should update Re-Volt's main exe icon because that's a bit too old in my opinion.

There are many around the Internet but this is the one I like the most: ... n-81454117
Re-Volt Download link not working
I noticed that the Re-Volt download link in the 1.2 patch website is not working anymore. This is a great torrent I've found and it is totally safe. Consider putting this on your website also because it also has the audio tracks included (Redbook)
Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 13:42
The main download you see in our website is the February release. Lot has changed since then, and you can find the latest June 25 release in the Alpha Builds section under the main download. That should take care of your problems and also has a new hi-res 3D icon.
About the CD music issues, the option in Audio Settings only turns off the In-Game music. You'll still hear the music in frontend, credits and championship podium. And yes, changing the music volume doesn't work, but that's an issue with Miles. So we'd only fix it when switching to DirectSound.
About the Re-Volt download link, the site is just temporarily down. Hopefully it will be back up soon...
Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 16:28
Oh, ok... my bad! Didn't know about the alpha releases. I thought they were for beta testers only. However, everything seems smoother now, thanks!
I still have to figure out how the mp3 player works because I have made a custom track (SupSpeed_xtrm). I put a mp3 file inside the track's folder named SupSpeed_xtrm.mp3 and then I added this line in the INF file (MP3 'SupSpeed_xtrm.mp3') but still nothing plays. Can you help me out? I don't know where to ask for help

(what about creating a support forum?)
Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 16:51
Instead of simply
MP3 'SupSpeed_xtrm.mp3', try:
MP3 'levels\SupSpeed_xtrm\SupSpeed_xtrm.mp3'
You could also simply place the mp3 file inside the main directory of Re-Volt, although I personally find the first solution more convenient.
On a side-note we should definitely create some detailed documentation on all features of 1.2 later at some point. When the time comes, I'll gladly assist any way I can.
EDIT: As huki points out, the above is actually already documented, glad to hear that!
Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 17:21
Thanks urnemanden, now everything works fine

I'd also like to help with some documentation writing mainly because my programming skills are fairly low: I can only do some stuff with Visual Basic 2010 but that's all
EDIT: Thanks Huki, sorry for my blindness!

However, in my humble opinion, some examples should be provided to better explain the options. A quick way to do that could be setting up a dedicated support forum and/or a wiki. Think about that

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 18:00
Yep, you can find all the features of the last February beta documented in the Features section of your webpage.
Here is the MP3 doc. As you can see there,
The path should be relative to the main Re-Volt directory.
Re: Ghost Trial Mode
Hmm, I just gave a check in the code. In fact re-volt can store upto 12 minutes of ghost car data in its buffer. And once this buffer is full, more data will just not be written. So I'm surprised you say a part is missing, and even more, the
first 30 seconds or so is missing. Can you send me your LapLocal file?
Posted: 01 Jul 2011, 23:29
Ok, I checked your Sakura LapLocal file. The ghost data is just fine, but there seems to be a visibox bug in that track, causing the ghost car object to be not drawn in a certain area.
By the way, I found that old re-volt versions only allow 1.25 minutes of ghost data in it's buffer. Someone, probably the xbox guys, had changed this in the source to allow upto 12 minutes. So you might notice that LapLocal files created by old versions won't be loaded in 1.2, and those created by 1.2 won't be loaded in old versions. The next release will keep the 12 min improvement, but can also load ghost files created by old versions.
We are also working on supporting Per-Class Time Trial. Each group of cars (Rookie / Amateur / Advanced / Semi-Pro / Pro) will have it's own ghost, split-times and records.
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 02:37
Thanks for looking into it, huki!
The per-class time trial sounds very interesting and could be a nice refreshment compared to the usual Time Trial. Will track makers be given the ability to set a different challenge time for each class, perhaps?
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 11:19
Huki wrote:The next release will keep the 12 min improvement, but can also load ghost files created by old versions.
Wow magnificient. You are really taking care of compatibility bro. I'm glad to hear that.
Huki wrote:
We are also working on supporting Per-Class Time Trial. Each group of cars (Rookie / Amateur / Advanced / Semi-Pro / Pro) will have it's own ghost, split-times and records.
That is freaking awesome!
It would be a HUGE improvement for the Time Trial mode if all ratings can have its own ghost. I'm already loving it without testing it haha!
IMO, Acclaim made a really good job selecting the Records for stock tracks. The Bronze Tracks records are accorded with the Rookie cars abilities while Platinum records are accorded with the Semi-Pro cars abilities.
I wonder how it will be implemented in custom tracks?
Waiting for your words sir.

Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 14:51
RE: challenge times on custom tracks
I've been wondering about this too. Personally I could do with a simple entry in the *.inf file, but it could also be an actual time based on a lap the track maker drove himself. Or it could be calculated, but I'm not sure how accurate that will be.
My only concern is if these challenge times will become frustrating and too hard to beat. I can't see any real way to deal with this problem though, it's up to the track maker I suppose.
Something related to mirrored floors
I'm not quite sure how mirrored floor works, but some may be well aware of the "bugs" I'm going to mention. The bugs should appear in all versions of Re-Volt, so they are not 1.2 specific. I am however putting some of them here so you can decide if you want to write a fix up on the to-do list.
ENV is not mirrored. It's a very minor thing though.
The oil tracks does not appear on mirrored floor if the oil is placed on another surface. Applies only to user tracks,
stock tracks are fine.
Pickup's appearance is visible through the mirrored floor. Again, just a minor thing though.
Black moment at Museum 1 during Multi-player
A minor issue I am also having, is that often when we drive Museum 1, the screen turns completely black for a few seconds during the countdown/camera moving over to my car. I haven't been able to reproduce this in single-player though. Has anyone else had something similar to this on Museum 1?
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 14:54
@urnemanden yes i got the same. Before start it is.
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 15:02
urnemanden @ Jul 2 2011, 10:21 AM wrote: Black moment at Museum 1 during Multi-player
A minor issue I am also having, is that often when we drive Museum 1, the screen turns completely black for a few seconds during the countdown/camera moving over to my car. I haven't been able to reproduce this in single-player though. Has anyone else had something similar to this on Museum 1?
i have it too on championship if i use PhatSlugg
urnemanden @ Jul 2 2011, 10:21 AM wrote:- The oil tracks does not appear on mirrored floor if the oil is placed on another surface. Applies only to user tracks, stock tracks are fine.
first : on market2 there is only on surface (i'm not tolking about convayor ;-)
secound : if your pic come from quake oil is never visible on mirrored floor
third : oil never appear if ".w" floor is upper than ".ncp" floor on the same place...
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 15:08
Can Re-Volt 1.2 play the music where they were originally played in-game, if MP3 files are used (as if the CD is installed)? I already have the music from the Re-Volt CD in MP3 format. The name format of the MP3s is this: '01 Track 1.mp3', '02 Track 2.mp3', etc.
If yes, how do I point Re-Volt 1.2 to the folder containing MP3s I want to play?
The MP3 files I have came with a 'Music Patcher' I have in my Re-Volt software archives. Other files with the MP3s are _inmm.dll, _inmmcnf.exe, _inmmcnf.ini and _inmmserv.exe. I don't remember how to use this now, but I remember that this is used to patch Re-Volt to enable in-game music with MP3 files without the CD. The MP3s are inside a folder named ' Music'.
Edit: Nevermind the MP3 music issue. I just found, and then followed the instructions here: (patches Mss32.dll to transfer CD music calls to MP3 files instead, in a specified folder) and in-game music with MP3s now work fine without me having to edit any other thing in Re-Volt or edit or rename the MP3s I have. Any downsides with this method in Revolt 1.2?
Also, do I still need to install Patch 1207 before Revolt 1.2?
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 15:25
mp3 MUST be in revolt folder ...
look at nhood1.inf to know how to set mp3 path
mp3 must have DOS name and no id3 tag to work correctly
Code: Select all
;Revolt .INF file structure
NAME 'Toys in the Hood';The name of the level as seen in-game
MP3 'nhood1.mp3' -> mp3 in revolt folder
MP3 'nhood1\nhood1.mp3' -> mp3 in track folder
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 15:33
urnemanden @ Jul 2 2011, 10:21 AM wrote: Black moment at Museum 1 during Multi-player
A minor issue I am also having, is that often when we drive Museum 1, the screen turns completely black for a few seconds during the countdown/camera moving over to my car. I haven't been able to reproduce this in single-player though. Has anyone else had something similar to this on Museum 1?
I've got that too but not all the times
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 15:46
RaydenX @ Jul 2 2011, 11:03 AM wrote: urnemanden @ Jul 2 2011, 10:21 AM wrote: Black moment at Museum 1 during Multi-player
A minor issue I am also having, is that often when we drive Museum 1, the screen turns completely black for a few seconds during the countdown/camera moving over to my car. I haven't been able to reproduce this in single-player though. Has anyone else had something similar to this on Museum 1?
I've got that too but not all the times
i think it's when the camera go inside the car (phat slugg spoiler for exemple)
but i'm not sure
note :
Some video when Huki was looking for late joining bugs ... only for history

Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 19:25
re: something related to mirrored floors
SebR wrote:first : on market2 there is only on surface (i'm not tolking about convayor ;-)
secound : if your pic come from quake oil is never visible on mirrored floor
third : oil never appear if ".w" floor is upper than ".ncp" floor on the same place...
Thanks for the info Seb. I tested this on PetroVolt and Quake, but they were both affected by this problem. Your reply made me however download another track that features a mirrored floor, holiday camp, and I was unable to reproduce it there. So if your theory is right, the visuals and the collision in the first two tracks aren't matching? I wonder how that can be.
re: black moment on muse1
SebR wrote:i have it too on championship if i use PhatSlugg
Kajeuter wrote:@urnemanden yes i got the same. Before start it is.
RaydenX wrote:I've got that too but not all the times
ah, I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one. My own theory was that it only happens when Panga is in the races. It's at least as big as phat slug, but it never participates in Single Player races unless you choose it yourself. Choosing it does however not reproduce the bug here.
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 19:31
I don't think that it depends on Panga. If I remember correctly, I was racing with Col Moss with 11 opponents. Probably, since I started in the last position, the camera went behind the wall or something like that. I can't, however, reproduce the bug.
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 22:16
Re: Per-Rating Time Trial
Yes, track makers can set up to five different challenge times to cover cars of all ratings. It will be an entry in the .inf, Then it is going to be easily editable by cheaters, but that's no big deal for custom tracks in an offline time-trial mode.
Re: Mirrored Floors
The oil tracks or any skid marks in that case, do not appear in some user track mirror surfaces. I don't know, it could be w / ncp mismatch as Seb said; or it could be related to the parameters (the level of transparency, "polishedness", etc. used for the mirrors) used for those mirrors. I know this "bug" exists in the Dali track, so you should maybe ask hil if he used any different parameters for those mirrors..
Re: Muse1 Black Moment
This is another Visibox issue, AFAIK. Can everyone confirm this is not a multi-player specific issue? All (except Urne maybe) have seen this bug in offline races too? I can't reproduce this bug, even after moving around the camera all around this area. So I won't be able to do anything about it right away..
Re: In-Game Music
_inmm patches the Miles dll, so it should have the same effect in all re-volt versions. From what I remember with using it a long time ago, there would be no downsides with this method.
@galactic: No, you don't need to install any other patch before installing 1.2.
@Rayden: As long as 1.2 is still in development, we only provide basic documentation in the website for each official Beta, and absolutely no documentation for each Alpha.

Thing is, features introduced in Alpha / Beta stage are subject to change, so they are meant only for advanced users.
Posted: 03 Jul 2011, 04:03
Huki wrote:Re: Mirrored Floors
The oil tracks or any skid marks in that case, do not appear in some user track mirror surfaces. I don't know, it could be w / ncp mismatch as Seb said; or it could be related to the parameters (the level of transparency, "polishedness", etc. used for the mirrors) used for those mirrors. I know this "bug" exists in the Dali track, so you should maybe ask hil if he used any different parameters for those mirrors..
I found it on stock track : Toy World 1 on the reverse road (near the star)
the same surface on all the picture, not mirored ...
Look carefully on the toyeca's shadow ... each time we don't see it we don't see oil too
AND Toyeca's wheel seems to go under the floor.

i take a look on blender and .ncp is under .w
Posted: 03 Jul 2011, 11:05
Ah you're right, good find.

I also found the same issue in Dali ncp. Do you know what could have caused the ncp to go down? Maybe the track author moved the world mesh up after creating the ncp..
Posted: 03 Jul 2011, 14:37
maybe a tiny mystake and move up only some faces on texturing process ...
or a 3dsmax plugin bug or a rvgue bug ... i'm not track maker so i don't realy now how it's happen
About time trial i made a
big video who show you a all revolt versions bug
If you do best time directly after a previous best time the radar told you that you have 1 lap behind ghost and decrease quickly ... but it's not happend all time
I saw it on stock and custom tracks
the first one on the video is after secound lap and happend 3 or 4 time after
Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 03:30
@SebR, about
player/ghost distance bug (radar bug in time trial).
Thanks for finding and reporting this one.

I think I have identified the bug's reason now. In fact to trigger it, you only have to beat the ghost once, but when you cross the finish line, the ghost car should not already be in the last AI zone of the track.
For info, during my first tests I was trying with market2 and was never able to reproduce the bug. It's because market2 has a very basic track zones layout (only 5 big zones)... Whereas lego tracks (like foggy morning) usually have a lot of small track zones, making the bug far more likely to occur.
I just made a new attempt with market2 to verify. I purposely spent some time with the ghost car near the half of the track, and when I beat this ghost the radar bug occured.
I have emailed you an exe file with the bugfix. Can you please test it and report if it's ok now?
Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 06:06
after some tests : the bug is still there
on stock track : could'nt reproduce it on nhood1 and botanical garden

on custom : foggy morning (the video) the bug is the same
on indagoban the bug is inverted, appear in the same way but radar start from 0 to full track distance (on foggy it was full track distance to 0)
on Re-Ville : absolutely no bug and reposition triggers work fine (let you finish the track ) ... =Indagodan ... gy+Morning ... e=Re-Ville
Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 18:17
Hmm, it's rather weird... I've triple checked myself with foggy morning: I always get the bug with previous unfixed release, but the bug clearly disappears with the modified version I sent you.
Sorry for the stupid question

but can you confirm you've properly launched "Re-Volt - radar bugfix.exe" during your test and not the usual "revolt.exe" file or shortcut?
I also tried "indagoban" and there is indeed a bug with ghost in this track, but I'm not sure yet it's the same issue. The radar shows a weird value, but at the same time the ghost car seems to vanish in the ground (a bit after the starting line). I'll investigate this too...
Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 23:49
your "Re-Volt - radar bugfix.exe" don't agree with big level folder ...
so i made a new revolt folder on my computer (The 4th

) a copy of my revolt 1207 folder, add last V1.2 patch (beta 625) and rename your "Re-Volt - radar bugfix.exe" as revolt.exe (it's from beta 620)
about Indagoban other bug "I also tried "indagoban" and there is indeed a bug with ghost in this track, but I'm not sure yet it's the same issue. The radar shows a weird value, but at the same time the ghost car seems to vanish in the ground (a bit after the starting line). I'll investigate this too... "
look at Huki's Jul 1 2011, 06:59 PM post previous page
I saw it on some custom tracks ...
Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 01:49
@Jig : After testing jour secound bug fix. it don't work for me
but i noticed that only have this bug when i'm all time befor ghost during the new best lap ...
Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 03:01
@SebR, about
ghost radar bug:
Do you at least notice some improvements with my version in some cases, or do you see no difference at all?
By the way, don't hesitate to continue the discussion about this issue through email (and in french...) until we find something new, not to flood the topic.
EDIT: oh, you're right, I tried to always remain in front of the ghost, and I get the bug again (at least once...). Well, it shows you're actually a valuable beta tester.

I'm going to check that...
And I think I have now found the source of the
Indagoban ghost bug... it has nothing to to with the radar bug or with visiboxes, it's just the ghost car coordinates going out of range. For info, ghost position is saved using
signed short, so it has to remain within the range of −32,768 to 32,767. Unfortunately, I think the only way to fix that is to modify the track directly (the track should be translated closer to the center).
For example if you check in Blender, any area where the car is likely to go should remain in the range of -32 to -32 (because of the x1000 factor).
Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 19:07
Dear Revolt Team
I am very amazed by what you guys do, this game was one of my childhood games, and now it's beign updated!
And now onto suggestions
While creating a track, i noticed that if i place a pickup AKA Lightning on a bridge module it will only place one on top of the bridge, beneath the bridge it's impossible to have a pickup. Minor issue, i know, but a bug is a bug.
Exept for that, there are absolutely NO issues with the (non-modded) game
Also, i have 2 revolt game folders, one with original stuff and one modded with new cars and tracks.
If i try to play a new car on a new track, the game crashes (and probably vice-versa).
Some cars crash when simply sellecting them so i think that this issue is just because of the mods that were added.
Also, i am calling you the "revolt team" because, let's face it, no one cares about it anymore

copyrights were sold just so someone else can make a sequel or something...then you came up with the brilliant idea of restoring the best racing game in existence
Keep up the good work guys!
Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 19:36
Bug with nitro (battery) pickup
When you got battery pickup and someone uses star and when you stop, trying to use battery, it just disappears from your weapon inventory and you can't use it.
I dont know is this was on older versions can't test it.
EDIT: It's not a bug.
urnemanden @ Jul 2 2011, 12:21 PM wrote:Black moment at Museum 1 during Multi-player
A minor issue I am also having, is that often when we drive Museum 1, the screen turns completely black for a few seconds during the countdown/camera moving over to my car. I haven't been able to reproduce this in single-player though. Has anyone else had something similar to this on Museum 1?
I had one time when playing in multiplayer too, it was for 2 seconds, I started to race
on 9th place on 3,2,1, go.
Sorry for bad english.
[edit 2015]: thanks to Skarma for pointing out a grammatical mistake
no, I really needed
Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 22:13
VaiDuX461 @ Jul 7 2011, 03:06 PM wrote: Bug with nitro (battery) pickup
When you got battery pickup and someone uses star and when you stop, trying to use battery, it just disappears and do no effect.
I dont know is this was on older versions can't test it.
it's not a bug; in this case battery let you restart directly after star. if you don't use battery you need to wait about 5secound before race again
this is normal use since first official revolt release
note : ghost bug is now fixed with last jigebren bug fix, an another bug was found in the same time and may be fixed when Huki finish rewriting time trial mode ...
Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 18:44
There are some modules in the editor that should be implemented someday because the track editor is such an easy and quick way to make new tracks
First of all, the crossroad should have a "tunnel" variant, for when crossroading tunnels, it would be very interesting to see how everione crashes inside that tunnel.
Second, i would love it if i was able to put different modules on the bridge module. We all know that the bridge module is formed out of 2 straight modules, plain and boring.Well, i would love it if i could put, let's say, tunnel on the bottom and chicane on top, understand what i say?
Wait...i got a brilliant idea! In the options menu you can switch options like the existance of powerups, the number of cars, laps etc. well, i wonder if you guys could add the option for players to have automatically at all times a powerup, meaning that 5 seconds after one powerup is used, another automatically appears, i would love to see that!
=====SHORT VERSION======
1. Crossroad module should have tunnel variant in track editor.
2.Bridge should be able to be formed out of 2 separate modules (example tunnel on bottom and chicane on top)
3.The option to allways have a powerup on you, after you use it another one pops up in 5 seconds to avoid spam.
Posted: 09 Jul 2011, 15:54
[Bug] Wrong Clockwork car in Multi-player
When enter ''CARNIVAL'' cheat to unlock all cars and special ones, selecting clockwork white (There are 2 cars with the same name ''Clockwork'', one sluggish green and another speed white) and starting a race, you will still play with sluggish green clockwork. In frontend the car shown correct.
It only hapens on two multi-player modes. This bug is also on rv v1.1 1207 version.
How to fix it?
You need to change ''green one'' car name in Parameters.txt file at: game dir\cars\wincar and change it like: ''Clockwork Wun'' and save it.
This bug was fixed in Alpha 11.0710 release.
Posted: 09 Jul 2011, 15:58
[Bug] Changing stunt arena mode while playing in Single Race.
Launch game, go to options, point at View Gallery, come back, select Start Race/ Single Race, you can choose anything here, when level loaded press pause, go to options you should see that are nothing selected there, don't do anything just press enter and now you will see some weirdness

you should see 20 stunt arena stars at the top and you can write your name, select your car (press enter again to go next) and you should see stunt arena track stats like Stars: XX to XX *, you can't go next, come back to pause and resume the game (you can also collect 21 star in one track and when lock clockwork carnage mode again

*XX = Number
You can also change to practice mode.
Do same as with stunt arena except point at View Credits instead View Gallery, then loaded level and doing same you should see big star when picking star in practice mode.
This bug is only on newer rv v1.2 alpha builds because game settings in options apeared in pause menu (I think

This bug was fixed in Alpha 11.0710 release.
Sorry for double post. This post was same like my previous one. Thats why I'm edited it.
Posted: 09 Jul 2011, 19:42
Since you are speaking about some mirrors, oil slicks and all that surface stuff, Toys in the Hood 2. In that track, there is a moment right before a water hose where the collision clearly does not match the texture, so skidmarks, oil slicks etc appear 'above' the ground. Its not that much of a problem(it doesnt make the track unplayable or something) but maybe you could fix it.
And is it possible to do a 'separate' car select menu for Custom cars, selectable with Up/Down?
Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 19:32
TehTroll4ever @ Jul 7 2011, 07:07 PM wrote:While creating a track, i noticed that if i place a pickup AKA Lightning on a bridge module it will only place one on top of the bridge, beneath the bridge it's impossible to have a pickup. Minor issue, i know, but a bug is a bug.
Also, i have 2 revolt game folders, one with original stuff and one modded with new cars and tracks.
If i try to play a new car on a new track, the game crashes (and probably vice-versa).
Some cars crash when simply sellecting them so i think that this issue is just because of the mods that were added.
The Track Editor is a separate program which we won't be updating for now (don't worry, there will be a native replacement later). To add a pickup below the bridge (and to add more than 6 pickups), you can use the
hidden in-game editor.
About the crashes, yes it could be a problem with the cars / tracks themselves. You can confirm this by temporarily moving all custom content out of your re-volt folder and see if the game runs alright.
Welcome to the forum, by the way..
@VaiDuX461: Ok thanks, I'll fixed the clockwork conflict and the Options menu bug.
Re: Glitchy Collision
Yes, there are a few places in re-volt tracks that have problematic collisions. Hopefully when jigebren's Blender plugin is bug-free (which it already is AFAIK), we'd be fixing / regenerating these collision data.
Re: Car name limit in-game
Well, I was thinking about just increasing this limit from 12 to 16, but it would be nicer to show all 20 characters. The only issue would be the lack of space on screen. Now I'm thinking of making re-volt automatically detect the length of a string and reduce the width of each character to fit in the available space. It sounds promising as it would also be useful when showing lengthy track names.
I'll try to finish this soon so it can be included in the tonight's release. If not, there is always next release..

Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 21:54
Huki @ Jul 10 2011, 02:02 PM wrote:Re: Car name limit in-game