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Posted: 12 Jun 2011, 15:08
Re-Volt v1.2 has been updated.
16 Players in Multi-Player
Added support for up to 16 connections in multiplayer. A maximum of 12 players can be active, while the others can spectate the race. Players can choose to either Join Game or Spectate when the room is open. If the session becomes full, the Join Game option will be disabled and a Room Full text will be shown in its place. Host can set the "Number Of Cars" option between 2 and 12, to limit the number of active players.
Higher Texture Sizes
Added support for any texture size up to 8192x8192 and up to 10 mip-maps. For compatibility with older versions, it is possible to keep a 256x256 mipmap in the .bmp file and name the higher res textures upwards, such as .bmo, .bmn, .bmm, etc. This way, older versions will still load your track or car properly with the 256 size bmp, while v1.2 will use the highest res file as the main texture and load the rest as mipmaps. Of course, this renaming need to be done only when you are ready to release and want your track to load correctly in older versions.
For example, if your track has 1024x1024 textures, you'll work with .bmp files of 1024x1024 size. Create mipmaps in steps down to 128x128, naming them .bmq (512x512) .bmr (256x256) and .bms (128x128). Then when you're ready to release you'd just have to change the last letter of the file extensions backwards, so that the 256x256 mipmap comes under .bmp name. The final names would be .bmn (1024x1024) .bmo (512x512) .bmp (256x256) and .bmq (128x128).
Note: All mipmaps should be in order: you can't have a .bmp texture and then a .bmr mipmap without a .bmq inbetween!
So you've followed the previous steps, brushed up your knowledge of english alphabets on the way, and successfully released your first track with 1024 size textures. What if some users don't have enough GPU memory to load those textures? Re-Volt finds the optimum texture size to use for loading each texture set (level set, car set, fx set) successfully and uses mipmaps of that size as the main texture. With the example track from above, if your gfx card cannot load ten 1024x1024 (.bmn) textures of the level set, but can load the 512x512 (.bmo) version successfully, it will be loaded as the main texture. This will ensure that your track works across a wide range of systems.
Note: You can run re-volt with -texinfo command line to see the maximum supported texture size in your pc, for each texture set.
Re-Volt used to load textures only in your gfx card's dedicated video memory. If this memory is full, loading more textures will fail. We have now enabled the use of shared video memory when dedicated memory is full.
Other New Stuff
- Show directional arrows only in first person camera modes.
This will avoid situations when the arrows point to a wrong direction because the camera is not looking forward.
- Ship1 star bug fix disabled when multiplayer compatibility is on.
Since the purpose of the network compatibility option is to allow consistent gameplay with old versions, we have decided to keep the star enabled when playing with compatibility on. Be sure to turn compatibility off from Network Settings if you want the star bug to be fixed.
- In-game cheats such as JOKER are disabled in multiplayer.
Name cheats are still allowed.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash when loading user tracks with a level / object sfx.
- Fixed crash after podium lose sequence.
- Fixed bomb transfer during podium lose sequence.
- Fix crash when sending zone position from different track.
- Misc. fixes.
Download the new release 11.0610
Posted: 12 Jun 2011, 22:47
I was pretty excited to try out the new update (besides the fact that I dislike these "features" which delete the star "bug" in Toytanic 1 and the JOKER cheat in multiplayer). However, I barely reached the car select screen and found a bug with the custom cars' carboxes.
Check this
video out (I hope you don't mind the low FPS). As you can see, occasionally, the custom carboxes disappear.
I hope this gets fixed ASAP.

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 03:23
other 610 bug :
on the top Speedy Truck and Taxi Driver with beta 525
at the botom the same cars with beta 610 ...
here are the original cars bmp :
speedy truck
Taxi Driver
I found why they didn't work with last beta Speedy Truck bmp =
and Taxi Driver bmp = 799x799 ... all resized to 256x256 and now it's ok
Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 07:00
sebr @ Jun 12 2011, 10:53 PM wrote:I found why they didn't work with last beta Speedy Truck bmp = 255x256
Yep, due to recent modification to allow any texture size,
only square textures should be supported as for now.
After a quick look at your video the bug was not so obvious to me... In case if it could have anything to do with texture load failing, then you should first make sure that all your carboxes are using square texture (and rather power of 2 values, like eg. 128x128, 256x256 or 512x512).
Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 07:24
we can have the same bug on gfx track screen who don't match with 256x256 ...
RickyD track and some Hil's ons too
but now we know why

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 09:41
@sebr: As jigebren said, only square textures with power-of-2 size like 128x128 256x256 are supported. Older versions support only a 256x256 texture and any odd bitmap is automatically squeezed to fit into this space. Since v1.2 now is not restricted to just one standard size, odd bitmaps are directly rejected.
So you should resize the 255x256 bitmap to 256x256, and the 799x799 bitmap to 512x512.
@urban: Well, sorry, I can't find anything wrong in that video. Can you explain what's wrong with the carboxes?
About the star, it was really a bug, I'm not trying to be funny.

The star is just where it should be:

But there was a bug that made re-volt think the car which is far away at the starting grid has actually come in contact with it.
As for JOKER, that wasn't a bug, but I'm sure it has been bugging a lot of people..

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 13:00
Basically, with the new patch, the custom carboxes don't show.

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 15:54
^ That.
After I press left/right, that bug doesn't really appear anymore.
However, I can't believe you don't see anything wrong in the video.
First off, in the previous version, the carboxes worked perfect. I didn't change a thing - they have the right size.
Second, take a closer look at the video. You may notice that the carbox images keep repeating sometimes (the right pics/carboxes don't show up - instead, they are *replaced* by the previous carbox). In other words, the custom carboxes don't fit with the car's name.
Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 16:01
Ok, now I understand the problem: some car's box textures are not loaded, so either you see no texture or previous car's texture. I saw the video again and also nero's screenshot, and noticed that all the faulty carboxes belong to adam's dreamcast cars release. I quickly download the pack and noticed that all carbox textures were of 85x85 size. So, as jig said, this should be resized to use a power-of-2 size. 128x128 is best for this case.
And well, the "power-of-2" limit is enforced in directx / gfx card, so we can't do anything about it. This pack works in old versions because, as I said in my previous post, these bitmaps are stretched badly into 256x256 size in those versions. So you'll notice that the textures are pixelated. In the current v1.2 release, we are supporting any texture which is square and has power-of-2 dimensions, and any bitmap failing these conditions will be rejected without any error message.
Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 22:04
You do know this that all this bmomgwtf-stuff will cause a lot of issues in the future regarding carboxes.
Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 23:12
I tested a 16 connections race last night and it worked wonderfully!
This is awesome, now we can have a crowd of people racing and spectators watching at same time. And I found it very useful because when a player quits, somebody can take that place inmediately so we can continue with a 12 players race.
This project is making huge steps guys!
It will certainly give Re-Volt a long long life.
I didn't have any problem with this so far, but I'll keep testing.
PS: I am glad that you don't give us any reasons to use older RV versions, but you still allow compatibility with them. I think this will be the key of RV 1.2 succes.
Posted: 14 Jun 2011, 03:11
@Huki: I still don't understand why this Dreamcast pack's wrong-sized carbox images ruins other custom carboxes too.
Posted: 14 Jun 2011, 07:21
UrbanR @ Jun 14 2011, 03:11 AM wrote: I still don't understand why this Dreamcast pack's wrong-sized carbox images ruins other custom carboxes too.
I don't see any other car with a wrong carbox in that video. Do you?
@Phantom: Hey, thanks for the feedback. I didn't expect the 16 player feature to be tested so quickly.

Posted: 14 Jun 2011, 09:19
Your welcome.

By the way, Re-Volt now allows more than 12 connections in a room while RV House still doesn't. So I'd appreciate an update for RVH in the future in order to match this new feature, because I have to ask some people to join by IP, which is always the worst part.
I have more important things that I want to tell you but it's late now and I'm too sleepy, so I'll keep it for a future post.
Seeyou tomorrow and thanks for everything. Byes!
Posted: 14 Jun 2011, 18:32
Huki @ Jun 14 2011, 03:51 AM wrote: I don't see any other car with a wrong carbox in that video. Do you?
I don't see either any other car either. Please, excuse me for not paying attention.
Anyway, thank you. I will re-size the carboxes now.

Posted: 14 Jun 2011, 22:04
UrbanR @ Jun 14 2011, 02:02 PM wrote: Huki @ Jun 14 2011, 03:51 AM wrote: I don't see any other car with a wrong carbox in that video. Do you?
I don't see either any other car either. Please, excuse me for not paying attention.
Anyway, thank you. I will re-size the carboxes now.
@Huki Thanks for the crash fixes on lost championship screen, and just out of curiosity, do those new texture features actually affect any currently existing track, or does it mean that NOW tracks are going to get better textures if our GFX allows that?
Slight offtopic @ quoted post: Could you upload those resized boxes once you are done?

Posted: 14 Jun 2011, 22:12
@urban: Ah that's nice to hear. Don't know if you've already finished resizing them, but if not, I'd suggest resizing them to 128x128. That way you can keep the texture close to it's original size and also save space (as they belong to a big pack).
@Phantom: Yeah, I have to tell arto to support 16 players in rvhouse room. I was just waiting for some initial test results, so now, I'll tell him soon.
@Elven: The new texture feature is fully backward compatible. Existing user tracks won't be affected, and new tracks / cars using hi-res textures will work fine in old re-volt versions, if the track / car maker follows the instructions in the first post of this page.
Posted: 15 Jun 2011, 08:15
Huki wrote:@Phantom: Yeah, I have to tell arto to support 16 players in rvhouse room. I was just waiting for some initial test results, so now, I'll tell him soon.
Great! That makes me happy.
I continued the testing today and, again, everything is working very well in RV1.2.
There is only one little issue that has been a problem, but as I know about the game options I could solve it quickly. I think this can be improved so I decided to explain it to you so you can apply the adjustment:
When Compatibility is turned OFF in Network Settings, everything works absolutely perfect because all the options inside the Multiplayer Menu can be seen and modified right before the race.
But when I set it ON, the maximum connections option becomes disabled (grey) and shows a value that will limit the number of possible connections.
It turns out that this value is actually the last number of cars that the Host had set in offline Game Settings before creating the multiplayer game.
If you use RV House to start an online game the problem can be solved inmediately by modifying the number of players in Rooms Settings, but if you want to play on a Local Network at home it gets a little bit more complicated.
For example, if the Host had set 2 players in offline Game Settings and starts a Multiplayer Game with Compatibility On, the Number of connections is limited to 2,
allowing only 1 more player to join the race. And this can't be modified in the multiplayer menu because the "Number of Cars" option is disabled.

I quickly figured out that if I go to offline game settings to increase the number of cars, the number of connections in multiplayer would also increase.
Succes! But I had to abort the multiplayer game in order to do this.
So my suggestions would be (you choose):
A - Enable the "Number of cars" option in Game Settings Menu when you go to Multiplayer > Start Game > Single Race (just in the same way as Number of Laps is enabled).
B - Make 12 the default number of cars for multiplayer games when Compatibility is turned on and 16 when Compatibility is turned off.
C - Add a "Number of cars" option inside Multiplayer > Options > Game Settings (above the Rearview mirror and Speed units options).
(These 2 are alternative solutions that came to my mind but I prefer the first one because it is simpler as all the options are together in one single menu and can be easily modified by the host before the race).
Why IN the online game? To aboid the fastidious process of aborting the Multiplayer Game only to go back to Options, Game Settings to increase the number of cars.
This is not a problem for you or me cuz we know where the options are located, but it will be a headache for new players who don't know how to change these options.
Well, hope this little thing helps to improve the multiplayer experience.
Hope to see you soon. Greetings.
Posted: 15 Jun 2011, 23:07
Could you fix the carbox issue in the future? I'm not going to fix carboxes cause of this, it's not my fault they gone haywire.
If I do fix the carbox, who will update it on RVZT? ZR can only approve, not update. So it will take at least a month till Zach comes and updates the car so it has a damn working carbox. No... just no.
Fix it.
Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 01:21
The new update is looking good huki, the ability to use textures of even higher resolution now will surely make Re-Volt one step more interesting when it comes to track- and car making. One issue left: File sizes.
Also, thanks for all the bug fixes! Only issue I am experiencing myself is the water box splash bug which should be fixed in WolfR4. Nothing important though.
EDIT: bad assumptions, no bug to report here.
A little note on the carbox issue: You can't keep huki or zipper responsible for the problem. IMO it's the car author's area.
Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 07:52
>> Could you fix the carbox issue in the future?
>> I'm not going to fix carboxes cause of this.
You don't have to, Urban's doing it.
>> It's not my fault they gone haywire.
It's the car author's fault.
>> If I do fix the carbox, who will update it on RVZT?
The car(s) we are talking about belong to Adam's Dreamcast pack which is still unfinished. I'm quoting Adam: "I still believe everything is right now. If it isn't, that's what updates are for".
The water splash bug is supposed to be fixed. Which track do you still have the bug in, and where exactly?
When you turn Network Compatibility ON, you can expect Multiplayer in 1.2 to work close to the original version. In 1.1 you had to set Number Of Cars in offline Game Settings, and then it was not possible to change it after starting a session. Changing this in 1.2 will break backward compatibility. Also when compatibility is on, the Maximum Connections and Number Of Cars option both do the same thing, so the new Maximum Connections option is disabled and it will show the same value set in Number Of Cars.
So well, to summarize, "changing the maximum cars in multiplayer after starting the session" is a new feature in 1.2, only available when Network Compatibility is OFF.
Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 10:17
I understood perfectly what you mean.
Then modifying the Number of Cars option before the race in v1.2 with Compatibility on is not possible! (sorry for those who asked!).
I use RV House and GameRanger to play online and both let me modify the number of players in Room Settings before launching the game,
so the problem is solved for me.
And I'm not going to play Re-Volt on local network very much, so I won't bother you more with this issue and let's continue with something more important tomorrow.
Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 11:35
If you have the release 11.0610 or higher and the Dreamcast pack by Adamodell, please download this carbox fix:
Mirror #1
Mirror #2
Mirror #3
Installation: Drop the files inside the .zip into your Re-Volt folder.

Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 12:55
>> Could you fix the carbox issue in the future?
You could implement late join, you could set up 16 connections, you could increase the bitmap resolution, you could make RV compatible with all Windows operating systems... but you can't fix this? Nonsense.
>> It's not my fault they gone haywire.
It's the car author's fault.
It is YOUR fault, because we thought that carboxes could be in any resolution, until this update came.
>> If I do fix the carbox, who will update it on RVZT?
The car(s) we are talking about belong to Adam's Dreamcast pack which is still unfinished. I'm quoting Adam: "I still believe everything is right now. If it isn't, that's what updates are for".
Thing is, my car is also affected, and if I do just pop in a link to the new carbox, people will just ignore it and carry on complaining that there is a carbox missing.
Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 13:35
Nero wrote:>> Could you fix the carbox issue in the future?
You could implement late join, you could set up 16 connections, you could increase the bitmap resolution, you could make RV compatible with all Windows operating systems... but you can't fix this? Nonsense.
>> It's not my fault they gone haywire.
It's the car author's fault.
It is YOUR fault, because we thought that carboxes could be in any resolution, until this update came.
He would be able to fix it, but,
AFAIK, that would require him to get rid of the
Higher Texture Sizes feature.
I would like him
not to get rid of that just because there's a simple carbox bug.
Nero wrote:>> If I do fix the carbox, who will update it on RVZT?
The car(s) we are talking about belong to Adam's Dreamcast pack which is still unfinished. I'm quoting Adam: "I still believe everything is right now. If it isn't, that's what updates are for".
Thing is, my car is also affected, and if I do just pop in a link to the new carbox,
people will just ignore it and carry on complaining that there is a carbox missing.
You are wrong by saying "people". The only ones that would do that are what we call newbies/noobs.
Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 13:46
Fine, your right. I just had wishful thinking that... somehow Huki could make sure that the alphabetic-stuff could just be ignored with carboxes, but after carefully thinking, I saw it was not possible (well it would, but it would be even more work for him). So, I'll end the argument right here.
Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 19:17
Hmm, I was pretty sure it was a well known fact that 256x256 was the only texture size supported by re-volt till now. This was also mentioned in our website in the custom carbox feature description (see
here). Now, I can understand that some people tried some other unsupported sizes and they accidentally worked (which is not the case most of the time.. there is a good chance for transparency issues, nasty stretching, and so on). But as Urban said, rejecting these non-standard sizes once and for all is crucial for a stable implementation of higher / lower
standard texture sizes support. And in 11 years time, there has been, what, twenty or so non-standard textures? I think we can stop here.. now it should be clear for any track / car maker that all these strange textures are just awkwardly sized up to fit 256x256 size, and that re-volt doesn't magically support just any weird array of pixels.
Anyway, thanks for understanding Nero. I'm sure it would be worth it to fix your textures manually instead of letting re-volt resize them like a 5 year old with ms-paint.
Oh, and while I'm at it, TC12 is missing in your fixed carbox pack, Urban. The rest are working fine..
Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 03:13
Fixed version (includes TC12):
Mirror #1
Mirror #2
Mirror #3
Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 03:26
I don't feel like ranting like my usual- here's how it came to be.
3x3 carbox maps use 256x256 maps. 255x255 of these pixels are actually used, oriented at the top left. Each "car square" is 85x85. I raised the brightness of only the black pixels and split them all up. To be as pure as possible, I left it at that resolution. I know it's very fringe, very awkward of a resolution. But it worked at the time. Filtering wasn't great- but filesizes on disc were, and some I believe were even save-able as 8-bit with no loss. It was a space and data accuracy thing. I didn't want to hard upscale the files. And like I said, they worked. Perhaps hardscaling would look better, but not by enough to warrant the filesize increase. Now that this doesn't work, do it as you wish. If it didn't work when I released the pack, I probably would've went with 128x128 like UR did anyway.
Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 15:26
Here's a
very high-poly car that uses a 256x256 texture:
Click the pic to see the first version, which looks less smooth.
Horrible, isn't it? I couldn't understand a thing - that's why I got the car outta my Re-Volt folder.
However, it didn't took much (actually, just a few months

). I was pretty enthusiastic when I found out that you - Huki - included the
Higher Texture Sizes feature.
So here's what the car looks like now:
Its texture is now 2048x2048. It's huge. It takes 0.5 - 1.5 seconds more to load when at the car selection screen.
Impressive, isn't it?
Please ignore the wheels, I realized they're wrong just after I made the pics.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
See how much detail? You didn't use to see that into Re-Volt.
Image 4
^ Yeah... the author didn't put much effort for the inside, but it still looks quite good for Re-Volt.
Image 5
^ This is the way wheels should have looked. Brilliant.
Huki... Thank you. You did so much for the community - words cannot describe it.
Now, I have a question: Is it possible to make the shininess appear on high-poly cars? If
Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 20:05
"Championship Won" bug
The game crashes before the "new cars available" screen. I'm using the 0610 patch.
Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 21:27
nero @ Jun 17 2011, 03:35 PM wrote: "Championship Won" bug
The game crashes before the "new cars available" screen. I'm using the 0610 patch.

First it was Championship Lost screen, now its the Won screen.
Anyway, 2048x2048 textures seem huge(at least compared to 256x256 used on most cars)
That means you can go ballistic with details as long as your PC can handle it
I hope people will actually use that feature. I'd love to see some HQ textured cars/tracks.
Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 21:46
UR wrote:Huki... Thank you.
You're welcome. And don't forget Jigebren, who although lurking in the background, has put equal effort in this project, and especially this feature.
UR wrote:Is it possible to make the shininess appear on high-poly cars?
Are you talking about the Env-Poly limit which causes, for example, the battery glow to be only visible on some polies? We haven't looked into this yet, and we will, soon. But there are a bit more things to take care of first. For now, can you send that high-poly car so we can test?
@Nero: Aha, I probably introduced that bug when fixing the Lost bug.

It will be fixed in the next release.
Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 23:54
Huki wrote:You're welcome. And don't forget Jigebren, who although lurking in the background, has put equal effort in this project, and especially this feature.

Don't worry, I didn't forget.

Thank you both - especially you, Jig.
Huki wrote:Are you talking about the Env-Poly limit which causes, for example, the battery glow to be only visible on some polies?
If this would be fixed, there would be nothing else to complain about high-poly cars anymore, besides the fact that they don't have this old/classic

Posted: 18 Jun 2011, 06:00
nero @ Jun 17 2011, 11:35 AM wrote: "Championship Won" bug
The game crashes before the "new cars available" screen. I'm using the 0610 patch.
Yea, I've just checked that out and I also get the crash after the podium, before loading frontend.
I also noticed the following bug fixes Huki. I'm not sure if these are new or not but thanks a lot for solving them!:
A - You know that in some systems, when you minimize Re-Volt and load it back, it was impossible to keep playing because of a continuous blinking of the screen.
I still had this annoying bug in my old S3 Savage4 graphic card even with the increased compatibility of 1207 and 1.2 0208.
Well, today I can say that the bug has been finally fixed!

I couldn't believe that there was not blinking after minimizing! Thankyou!
B - I also noticed that the delay at starting the Replay Mode has been fixed (or attempted to fix it). I don't know why, but I still get some little delay after 3,2,1,GO!, though it's shorter than before.
And Thankyou Urban for the carboxes! They look perfect now. Great quality & no transparency problems.

Posted: 18 Jun 2011, 16:01
I have a bug.
If i load a car, everything goes ok. When I load a track, then I get error for some cars.
TEXT: Can't create dest mipmap surfaces "toyeca/toyecatx.bmp"
And then a new error comes;
text: Can't create dest mipmap surfaces "cougar/car.bmp".
I think this has something to do with the .bmq's? (and other resolutions too)
Posted: 18 Jun 2011, 16:29
Phantom @ Jun 18 2011, 06:00 AM wrote: A - You know that in some systems, when you minimize Re-Volt and load it back, it was impossible to keep playing because of a continuous blinking of the screen.
I still had this annoying bug in my old S3 Savage4 graphic card even with the increased compatibility of 1207 and 1.2 0208.
Yep, problems after minimizing re-volt was fixed in some build after 0208.
Phantom wrote:B - I also noticed that the delay at starting the Replay Mode has been fixed (or attempted to fix it). I don't know why, but I still get some little delay after 3,2,1,GO!, though it's shorter than before.
There is actually a glitch at the start of every replay - after a second the replay starts over. I haven't really attempted any fix so far, but it's in the big list of ToDos.
@r6te: What track were you loading? Was the track or any installed car come with hi-res textures? How much video memory do you have? (you can check from Start -> Run -> Dxdiag -> Display tab). Did this bug occur in earlier versions? Also, can you run re-volt (latest build) with -texinfo command line and get me the values?
Posted: 19 Jun 2011, 10:46
I have a problem with using v1.2 over LAN with Windows 7 on both computers. Before there used to be an option called IPX.... that I would select for LAN games. Now that option is not there. I tried the TCP/IP, but it hung there at the joining computer. I could escape out, but there was no way to find the game. I tried even inputing the local IP address ( into the field host computer, and it still didnt work (froze at searching games). I tried switching the roles of the computers (host and joining pc) and same result. I tried searching these forums but couldnt find anything about it. I already have exceptions for revolt on firewalls of both computers. Anybody have some suggestions? Thanks a lot in advance.
Posted: 19 Jun 2011, 18:07
1.2 keeps searching for games in background. So if no games were found, you'll keep seeing a "searching for games" message till you press Esc and go back. And about the IPX, it was removed in Vista and 7, which is why you don't see it.
It looks like there is something blocking the connection between both PCs, but in LAN this is strange. Assuming your router and firewall are alright, check the Network Settings in re-volt. Is DirectPlay Protocol enabled on both PCs? Is Network Compatibility on or off? If it is off for the host, both PC's need latest 1.2 build (11.0610) installed.
Posted: 19 Jun 2011, 19:27
I also suggest that you run Re-Volt in windowed mode (using the -win command line switches) when you're having trouble with online settings, as messages from your firewall can be hidden in fullscreen mode.
For example, first time I try to play Re-Volt online, I'm asked to allow/block Re-Volt. But in fullscreen I can't see this mesage, and if I blindly press Enter, Re-Volt is blocked by default. And I don't even notice I have just modifed a firewall setting...
Don't you have the message "Can't init DirectPlay connection" by the way?
Posted: 19 Jun 2011, 23:47
Huki @ Jun 18 2011, 11:59 AM wrote: @r6te: What track were you loading? Was the track or any installed car come with hi-res textures? How much video memory do you have? (you can check from Start -> Run -> Dxdiag -> Display tab). Did this bug occur in earlier versions? Also, can you run re-volt (latest build) with -texinfo command line and get me the values?
Hay huki, yes, it was with a car that come with hi-res tex (My own Original car. For some reason I saw it was loading .bmk(8192x8192)I think. I deleted every hi-res tex, it works now. And it was on nhood1 track.
Video memory :128 mb. shamwow it sucks!
-texinfo command:
first 2 = 1024
last one=1024
Posted: 19 Jun 2011, 23:49
@jigebren and @Huki
Thanks for the replies. I already got the message for allowing revolt through the firewall when I alt-tabbed out. So that could not have been the problem. I did not get the "Cant init Directplay connection", but on one of the computers I got "Can't enum sessions." I'm not sure what that means, I remember seeing that back in the day when we used to play but I dont know what I did at that time to fix it.
To isolate the issue, I also diabled firewalls completely on both PCs, and disabled the antivirus completely. But the results were the same and the game could not be found on either pc.
Both PCs have the build a11.0510, network compatibility is off, and directplay is enabled on both PCs.
I'm not sure where else to go after here. My router doesnt seem to be the problem because I can play revolt when I boot into windows XP on both PCs. But my router is a Linksys WRT54g running DD-WRT.
Thanks a lot again. I hope I can start playing again soon.
Posted: 20 Jun 2011, 00:12
Ok I finally got it to work! I used a different router and updated to the latest build and it works perfectly so far. Thanks a lot guys for trying to help me out. v1.2 is awesome. Is there any way to donate? I appreciate all the efforts.
Posted: 20 Jun 2011, 07:36
@r6te: Oh hmm, although you see .bmk loading in the load screen and revolt log, it was actually loading the 1024 version (bmn), as your PC doesn't support any higher size than that. So the problem could have been some other very hi-res car or track that didn't come with mipmaps. If you're sure the problem was from your car, can you send it to me?
@nyknicks: Good to know you were able to fix your problem. We don't accept donations, but hey, it's the thought that counts.

Posted: 20 Jun 2011, 15:21
hey huki. i deleted the mipmaps, cuz they took too much space, then i runned ccleaner which killed my litter bin lolol
Posted: 21 Jun 2011, 20:12
Hey Huki,
I'd like to suggest you splitscreen multiplayer gamemode like the one on the Nintendo64 version and I think it would be awesome. You are doing a great job with the updates so I hope it's also possible.

Posted: 21 Jun 2011, 23:30
Hey coNNecTT,
Yeah, splitscreen multiplayer support is in our planned list of To-Do's. But unfortunately, it is too complex to implement, and the current code is not so maintainable. So it would be quite some time before you can see splitscreen in re-volt, but it will be done one day.

Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 00:54
That's really nice and I'm sorry I missed that one in the To-Do's list.

Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 03:06
Yo huki nice job! U should take a look at my post in rv 1.2 suggestions. Maybe u can inplement that too
Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 23:14
ok I have mad a track using WolfR4 and its very cool..
But I am now thinking of re mapping it with higher res textures.
I have a custom model and a fixed camera setting that is very important and i would like it if the camera was set as standard rather than the user having to move it about.
I also love the loading screen option in Wolf. My question is this... More of you seem to be using 1.2 than WolfR4 due to the Online fixes so what will i be losing from my track by switching to 1.2 rather than Wolf??
I would love to read the topics from the begining but i am bloody useless when it come to tech talk so it dont mean alot to me

I would rather hold onto this track untill 1.2 can do the same as Wolf but with the lego nation that Re-Volt has turned into it is a shame to to find a way to get it to you all.