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Posted: 28 May 2011, 01:31
Here's the next (un)timely Alpha update to re-volt from jig and huk.. and other anonymous developers.
32bit Texture Support: Added support for 32-bit bitmaps with 8-bit alpha channel. This can be used to achieve a lot of transparency effects including fully anti-aliased sprites. Colorkeying is disabled for these bitmaps, allowing the use of pure black color. See a comparison below:
Re-Volt logo with colorkeying
Re-Volt logo with alpha channel
Note that alpha channel is only supported for 32bit BMP textures. If you are running re-volt in 16bit texture mode, re-volt will fall back to pure black colorkeying.
This feature will allow conversion of textures from other games using ARGB textures easier. For example, re-volt Dreamcast version uses PVR textures with alpha channel. Now it is enough to just convert these textures to 32bit bitmap format for use with re-volt v1.2, running in 32bit texture mode (can be set in Video Settings).
If the designer wants compatibility with the legacy 16bit texture mode or with older re-volt versions, he / she would also have to implement pure black colorkeying. With this extra step, it is not necessary to provide a separate 24bit BMP for use with older versions.
What else is new in this release?
- New re-volt icon with Windows Vista / 7 support.
- Added hi-res re-volt logo in frontend, loading, demo mode.
- Improved and more robust spectating support.
- Force full track reload in MAKEITGOOD edit mode and Dev Mode. A simple track restart is enough to reload all level files.
Bug fixes
- Fixed flip-repo-flip bug. [I didn't want to explain this well known bug, but here goes] When upside-down car is flipped and repositioned at the same time, the next car flip resets you to the last car flip position.
- Fixed repeated water splash bug when there are 2 or more water boxes.
- Fixed the Ship1 star bug (where player gets the star pick-up right from the beginning of the race). Note that old re-volt versions can still get star pickup at the start. If you want a fair race, host 1.2-only.
Note: The star in Ship1 will now be found in the same place as in Ship2.
Download the new release 11.0525
here. And help us test this build to beta perfection.
With this release, there are some more entries to translate: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Swedish.
Select Player
Room Full!
Manage Players
Set As Host
Set As Spectator
You Are Now Hosting This Game!
Set As Player
Posted: 28 May 2011, 02:28
Select Player: Kies een Speler
Room Full!: Kamer is vol!
Manage Players: Spelers Beheren
Kick: Trap eruit
Set As Host: Stel in als Host
Set As Spectator: Stel in als toeschouwer
Spectator: toeschouwer
You Are Now Hosting This Game!: U host dit spel nu!
Set As Player: Stel in als Speler
No thanks for translating
keep up the good work!
Posted: 28 May 2011, 03:43
Select Player : Choisir le joueur
Room Full! : Salle pleine!
Manage Players : Gestion des joueurs
Kick : Bannir
Set As Host : Définir comme Host
Set As Spectator : Définir comme spectateur
Spectator : Spectateur
You Are Now Hosting This Game! : Vous êtes le nouveau Host !
Set As Player : définir comme joueur
Posted: 28 May 2011, 08:14
Select Player: Seleccionar Jugador
Room Full!: Sala Llena!
Manage Players: Administrar Jugadores
Kick: Patear
Set As Host: Establecer* Como Host
Set As Spectator: Establecer* Como Espectador
Spectator: Espectador
You Are Now Hosting This Game!: Ya Estas Hosteando Este Juego!
Set As Player: Establecer* Como Jugador
*Establecido if we are talking about past.
Posted: 28 May 2011, 15:16
Great work guys! Thanks a lot!
Select Player: Seleziona Giocatore
Room Full!: Sala Piena!
Manage Players: Amministra Giocatori
Kick: Espelli
Set As Host: Imposta* come Host
Set As Spectator: Imposta* come Spettatore
Spectator: Spettatore
You Are Now Hosting This Game!: Ora sei tu l' Host del gioco!
Set As Player: Imposta* come Giocatore
Impostato if we are talking about past.
Posted: 28 May 2011, 22:26
I got the latest alpha and for some reason looked at the progress table. Finding a big gaping hole of red X's, I did some time trial races. Every time I exited a track there is an error message saying "Error: Failed to create record file." I don't know if this bug occurs in the beta, but it's keeping me from racing my ghost.
Posted: 28 May 2011, 23:18
pawer126 @ May 28 2011, 01:56 PM wrote: Every time I exited a track there is an error message saying "Error: Failed to create record file." I don't know if this bug occurs in the beta, but it's keeping me from racing my ghost.
Go to your RV Dir and make a folder called 'Times'.
Go into the Times folder and create 4 new folders. Name them as follows.
Posted: 28 May 2011, 23:41
Thank you Cat! Another problem solved.
I found another bug, this time in Clockwork Carnage. If you are or finished in 21st, 22nd, or 23rd, Re-volt reports these places as 21th, 22th, and 23th.
Posted: 29 May 2011, 01:27
God has finally heard my prayers.
Posted: 29 May 2011, 03:55
pawer126 @ May 28 2011, 07:11 PM wrote: Thank you Cat! Another problem solved.
I found another bug, this time in Clockwork Carnage. If you are or finished in 21st, 22nd, or 23rd, Re-volt reports these places as 21th, 22th, and 23th.
can't have this bug ...
how many laps ? custom or stock track ? with or without bonus ?
Posted: 29 May 2011, 04:33
Triggers triggered early?
I think I've found a minor issue which may be a serious one for new players. On particular tracks like Ghost Town 1, a trigger is positioned at the very start. And while the trigger is shown at the right time (after 3, 2, 1, GO!) in Single Player mode, the trigger is immediately shown in Multi-Player. As you can see on the picture below the results certainly is a bit confusing for the driver. In some cases this could result in the driver taking a visit at Phi Pens Chinese Laundry instead of the default route.
Suggestion: Option to turn off JOKER
We've been driving customs this night, but have had a few bad moments due to someone using the JOKER cheat. Could you in a future release make it possible to disable this cheat before or during the race? Completely disabling it might not be necessary, but in case the cheat is overused I think it should be temporarily turned off.
Posted: 29 May 2011, 07:05
Thanks for the speedy translations.
pawer wrote:I found another bug, this time in Clockwork Carnage. If you are or finished in 21st, 22nd, or 23rd, Re-volt reports these places as 21th, 22th, and 23th.
Well, the only place you get this bug is in Clockwork Carnage, and that mode has some funny names already...
Re: Triggers triggered early?
You're right, winning the race is much more important than having clean clothes.. I'm thinking of showing direction arrows only when the player is in one of the first person (F1) cameras. Then re-volt will wait till the trailer camera is done before showing the arrows.
Re: Option to turn off JOKER
If we have such an option to disable cheats, I don't think there would be any reason to turn it off. Maybe we should just disable all cheats (including name cheats) in multiplayer, or at least move it to Dev mode.
Fixed: Crash in user tracks with 3d sounds
User tracks having level specific 3d sfx or objects using such 3d sounds (like the toy world 2 train) could crash as these level specific sounds are not loaded for user tracks (unless the track uses wolfR4 custom sounds feature). This mostly happens after a stock track like nhood1 is loaded previously. Don't know why this bug was never mentioned before, but it's now fixed.
Posted: 29 May 2011, 16:10
Re:Option to turn off Joker
Turning the cheats off makes me think of something, hmm. Wouldn't it be logical if all stock cars and tracks by default is unlocked in Multi-Player mode? At least by doing so, you could practically disable all cheat codes in multi-player. Perhaps even a "stock cars only" option would do it then.
The original reason to that I suggested the cheats not completely removed from multi-player was because I was afraid some might miss them later. So far there hasn't been anyone complaining though, so I guess it doesn't matter then.
Re: Triggers triggered early?
That would be great, this is also exactly what Re-Volt does now in Single-Player mode. I have only noticed what you see in the screenshot during multi-player mode.
Posted: 29 May 2011, 16:14
About the star in toytanic1, has been disabled? Is possible to make an option in game sttings to reintroduce it?
And again, what about of a bonus management section in game options with several tweaks, for example ability to select only one kind of bonus or to give just one bonus or a star at the beginning of each track...
Posted: 29 May 2011, 21:34
Why do you want that retarded bug back again?
Posted: 30 May 2011, 02:05
Re:Option to turn off Joker
Ah, i forgot about the much used 'carnival'. Maybe we can only disable the in-game cheats, and look about name cheats and advanced options later. It's better than automatically unlocking everything, IMO. Anyway, I'm going to miss joker..
anto wrote:About the star in toytanic1, has been disabled? Is possible to make an option in game sttings to reintroduce it?
There was actually a nasty bug that led re-volt in thinking cars have touched the star. Acclaim devs probably found it too funny and left it in. We haven't actually "disabled" any star, we've just fixed the bug.
I think you're worried because there are still quite some people using old versions who can get a star while you don't. At first I was thinking of enabling the bugfix only in 1.2-only races, so you can still get the star in mixed-version races. But that bug is just too serious for me, heh.
But fortunately, most people use 1.2 for online anyway. A few stars from old versions can just be taken as what makes the game special: frustration.

Posted: 30 May 2011, 04:18
thanks for the explanation! I wasn't worried, most people I play with are using 1.2 version eheh

. It's also ok for me to fix the bug definitely.
Posted: 30 May 2011, 10:53
Is there a way to have some kind of memory in random cars race. Like if we already raced as rcsan that the game isnt choosing that car again when restart?
Posted: 31 May 2011, 04:36
sebr @ May 28 2011, 11:25 PM wrote: pawer126 @ May 28 2011, 07:11 PM wrote: Thank you Cat! Another problem solved.
I found another bug, this time in Clockwork Carnage. If you are or finished in 21st, 22nd, or 23rd, Re-volt reports these places as 21th, 22th, and 23th.
can't have this bug ...
how many laps ? custom or stock track ? with or without bonus ?
Clockwork Carnage has 30 cars. It happens quite easily, as your steering isn't very good in Clockwork Carnage.
Posted: 31 May 2011, 05:02
I was making a track in Track Editor the other day, and I noticed it looked terrible due to the 640x480x16 resolution on my 16:10 monitor. So I hit F2 and changed the resolution to the Acer-recommended 1440x900. The screen went all black except for the cursor. The only way I could get the desktop back was to put my computer on standby and wake it back up. Windows gave me an error message afterwards, the usual one with 'don't send' in the bottom right corner. Can this be fixed?
Posted: 31 May 2011, 09:33
kaj wrote:Is there a way to have some kind of memory in random cars race. Like if we already raced as rcsan that the game isnt choosing that car again when restart?
Note that the feature is called "Random Cars" and not "Different Car Race". Same car appearing twice is normal and part of the randomness.
@pawer: Track Editor is not supported anymore. It is "runable" but buggy in Vista / 7. You should either keep it at whatever resolution it starts with, or run it in windowed mode (by starting it from a windowed re-volt). Another obvious workaround is to use WinXP..
Posted: 31 May 2011, 23:38
I got a problem.
RV crashes whenever the championship lost screen ends.
The car drops down, explodes, and as RV is about to go into main menu, it just hangs there with a 'send/don't send' error.
Using newest 1.2 alpha version, and a cd image to play music. No custom content other than cars and tracks.
By the way, are there any plans to do a "clockwork carnage" mode with possibility of selecting your car before starting?
I just think a 30 RC Bandit race on Simulation mode would Especially on a track like Ghost Town 1 or Toy World 1.
EDIT: Also the 'beach ball' on Toy World 1 (and Toy World 2, and custom tracks that feature said ball) has a slight texture mess up on it for some reason. And i didnt touch the Toy world files anyhow. Only one 'color' on it is a mess of pixellated spots, every other is fine. No texture glitches other than that, thank god. Its not much of an issue really, but still its there which means something is wrong, somewhere.
(uh yeah, there's an issue so there is something wrong. gotta love the logic)
Posted: 01 Jun 2011, 04:25
Huki @ May 31 2011, 05:03 AM wrote: Another obvious workaround is to use WinXP..
That's all I have.
Posted: 01 Jun 2011, 07:33
pawer126 @ Jun 1 2011, 04:25 AM wrote:Huki @ May 31 2011, 05:03 AM wrote:Another obvious workaround is to use WinXP..
That's all I have.
See what I mean by "Track Editor not supported anymore" ? Even developers forget what OS it runs on.

Should work fine on Win95..
Thanks for the report. The championship crash will be fixed in next release. There was also some cases where the falling car can tranfer it's bomb to first place car. That will be fixed too.
About beachball texture glitch, I can't find anything wrong. Can you take a screenshot?
About big cars in Carnage, not anytime soon. But it is already possible with the program WolfR4. It needs v1.1 1207 patch, but it's easy to have both patches installed with different names, and telling Wolf to launch the 1207 re-volt. You can find more info on v1.2 website FAQ.
Posted: 01 Jun 2011, 12:03
Huki @ May 31 2011, 05:03 AM wrote:
@pawer: Track Editor is not supported anymore. It is "runable" but buggy in Vista / 7. You should either keep it at whatever resolution it starts with, or run it in windowed mode (by starting it from a windowed re-volt). Another obvious workaround is to use WinXP..
i'm running Win7 x64
and been using track editor all night long yesterday without any single problem
Posted: 01 Jun 2011, 20:18
Huki @ Jun 1 2011, 03:03 AM wrote:pawer126 @ Jun 1 2011, 04:25 AM wrote:Huki @ May 31 2011, 05:03 AM wrote:Another obvious workaround is to use WinXP..
That's all I have.
See what I mean by "Track Editor not supported anymore" ? Even developers forget what OS it runs on.

Should work fine on Win95..
Thanks for the report. The championship crash will be fixed in next release. There was also some cases where the falling car can tranfer it's bomb to first place car. That will be fixed too.
About beachball texture glitch, I can't find anything wrong. Can you take a screenshot?
About big cars in Carnage, not anytime soon. But it is already possible with the program WolfR4. That tool only runs with v1.1 1207 patch, but it's easy to have both patches installed with different names, and telling Wolf to launch the 1207 re-volt. More info on v1.2 website FAQ.. ... txbug.jpg/
Here is the screenshot.
(for some reason it deemed that extension wrong. Even though its only 92 kb, so i couldnt make it appear in the post itself)
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 02:46
@Elven: Can you check if the same glitch appears with older versions? You can just copy the revolt.exe from CD, place it in the same re-volt directory and run it.
@syn: Yep, the editor runs fine, but we won't be fixing any bugs you might find in there. Main reason is that it uses a version of directx that was strongly depracated even back in 1999. Looks like Acclaim wasn't very eager to work on their other creation.

So I'll have to ask everyone to use the Track Editor and Dev Mode at your own risk.. till we start working on those parts..
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 14:33
Huki @ Jun 1 2011, 10:16 PM wrote: @Elven: Can you check if the same glitch appears with older versions? You can just copy the revolt.exe from CD, place it in the same re-volt directory and run it.
i've got the same, but i cannot remember not having it... lol
even had it before i discovered RV1.2 and this forum
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 15:51
Hi huki, I tested the host migrating feature with some dudes using hamachi.
All works fine but I have some questions:
When host left the game appears on screen a "set as player" window, Does it mean I can change my "state" and set as host or spectate or host will be assigned randomly?
We noticed that the game on the new host take his current game settings, is there a way to keep settings of previous host?
Thanks again for the great work!
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 16:38
synasthesia @ Jun 2 2011, 02:33 PM wrote:Huki @ Jun 1 2011, 10:16 PM wrote: @Elven: Can you check if the same glitch appears with older versions? You can just copy the revolt.exe from CD, place it in the same re-volt directory and run it.
i've got the same, but i cannot remember not having it... lol
even had it before i discovered RV1.2 and this forum
So, now we know the glitch is not new. Well, since I can't reproduce it here, I don't know if this is a bug or just corrupt files. Maybe one of you could do a clean separate installation of re-volt using the CD installer. Also, a little info about your video settings would help - resolution, fullscreen / windowed, texture mode (16bit or 32bit), and in render settings - texture filter and mipmap level.
About the "set as player" window, there is actually a line missing in the current release's non-english string files. You should actually see "You Are Now Hosting This Game!". When current host leaves, a random player is picked as host. It's not my idea, but it's the only way DirectPlay works. Anyway, I think it should be enough.
About new host taking his own game settings, ah I didn't think of that. I'll fix it in the next release so new host takes up the current game settings left by the old host.
We are currently working on support for maximum 16 connections in multiplayer, out of which up to 12 players can race while others can spectate. The host will be able to limit the "number of cars" to, for example, 8 so that there can be 8 active players and slots for up to 8 more spectators. Players can adjust among themselves to decide who will be active, and also switch between playing <-> spectating inbetween races. In case people don't like being polite, the host still has the option to force players into spectating or playing mode.

Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 16:47
I am quite curious as to how this would work together with RV House and lobby launching. Currently each room only supports up to 12 players and apart from that only those who connect fastest to the host have a chance to be one of the players. To me it sounds like spectating either has to go through IP or relying on RV House somehow. What is your plan related to this, huki?
About the beachball glitch, I also remember having this texture bug myself years ago. The computer I saw it on is forever gone now though, so I can't reproduce it here myself. This was before I got my hands on a Re-Volt CD so it could sure have been because of a corrupt installer.
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 20:01
It was installed from a CD image, not my own, because i reinstalled while trying to get full music working(and still need help with that, because while making a .nrg image from my own CD works, the CD itself is not necessarily in good state, and the .nrg fails to play some tracks. And i want to play every single one

But the first time around i used 1.2 was after installing from a pre-patched 1207 installer from ZR's website, and still had the glitch with textures.
Settings are all max, highest, ON. I think you get it, if not ill screenshot. Everything is simply highest possible, 1280x1024 resolution.
Months ago when i downloaded a random .rar with RV and some custom cars/tracks inside, which was the 1207 version, i didn't have this glitch. That was on the same PC i have now.
EDIT: Out of game settings:
1280x1024 32bit, playing it fullscreen. No compatibility modes used, only the newest(or it was newest 3 weeks ago..

) alpha 1.2, and some tracks/cars. Nothing that mods Toy World textures.
Previously also used newest beta 1.2 and it still had that bug.
Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 16:13
@Elven: Can you say the exact date modified, size and dimensions of the Fxpage1.bmp texture located in gfx folder? Also, check if the texture glitch exists on the beachball in Toytanic 1 too, over the pool. The newest alpha is about a week old by the way (build 11.0525).
@Urne: Yes, RVHouse currently supports only 12 maximum connections in a room, but that can always be changed with an update. Till then, of course, it will be required to join by IP to test this feature.
About who gets to play, as you know, there is a new menu before waiting room where you choose either to Join Game or Spectate. The first 8 players (if host has "number of cars" set at 8) to select the Join Game option make it in and any more players will see a greyed out Room Full! text instead of Join Game.
As planned, I've changed that when the host quits the game after the races have started, the new host takes up the current game settings left by the old host. But when host quits while at frontend even before the game has started, it will switch to new host's current settings. This makes the implementation simpler, but let us know if anyone thinks this is a bad idea.
Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 21:39
About disabling cheats... Can we at least keep TVTIME? I love this cheat and I even utilise it during multiplayer. As it doesnt do anything that can actually be considered real cheating I dont see why it should be disabled. If not, is it possible to integrate it as a usual feature in 1.2?
EDIT - Another thing I thought of is the lesser known DRINKME cheat which makes all cars smaller. Is it possible to integrate this too? I'm sure some of us -might- possibly want to mess around with this... Just for a laugh or two.
EDIT 2 - I've also seen a cheat called GOATIE but everytime I have entered it nothing happens. What is this one supposed to do? Or is it only a console specific cheat?
Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 21:44
Skarma @ Jun 3 2011, 05:09 PM wrote: About disabling cheats... Can we at least keep TVTIME? I love this cheat and I even utilise it during multiplayer. As it doesnt do anything that can actually be considered real cheating I dont see why it should be disabled. If not, is it possible to integrate it as a usual feature in 1.2?
EDIT - Another thing I thought of is the lesser known DRINKME cheat which makes all cars smaller. Is it possible to integrate this too? I'm sure some of us -might- possibly want to mess around with this... Just for a laugh or two.
But u dont even use 1.2 skarma.
Posted: 03 Jun 2011, 21:51
That doesnt mean I cant suggest things for 1.2.
Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 01:21
Huki @ Jun 3 2011, 11:43 AM wrote: @Elven: Can you say the exact date modified, size and dimensions of the Fxpage1.bmp texture located in gfx folder? Also, check if the texture glitch exists on the beachball in Toytanic 1 too, over the pool. The newest alpha is about a week old by the way (build 11.0525).
@Urne: Yes, RVHouse currently supports only 12 maximum connections in a room, but that can always be changed with an update. Till then, of course, it will be required to join by IP to test this feature.
About who gets to play, as you know, there is a new menu before waiting room where you choose either to Join Game or Spectate. The first 8 players (if host has "number of cars" set at 8) to select the Join Game option make it in and any more players will see a greyed out Room Full! text instead of Join Game.
As planned, I've changed that when the host quits the game after the races have started, the new host takes up the current game settings left by the old host. But when host quits while at frontend even before the game has started, it will switch to new host's current settings. This makes the implementation simpler, but let us know if anyone thinks this is a bad idea.
31st December, 2002
256x256, 192 KB
I found this date odd, it means the file was modified post RV's release, but the date itself doesn't say anything to me. Im pretty sure it wasn't 1.2's release date though
Does this mean it could have been modified at some point? I did install a ton of custom tracks, but i don't remember any replacing that file (although due to the amount of those tracks, i wouldnt really think anyone could remember)
Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 03:20
aah, I think I remember what could cause this bug now. The reason to what you see should be because of IronBob's aerial pack. Do you have that installed?
Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 04:55
BTW, to properly display your screenshot in the forum, use the following code:
Code: Select all
Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 14:54
Huki @ Jun 3 2011, 11:43 AM wrote: ...But when host quits while at frontend even before the game has started, it will switch to new host's current settings. This makes the implementation simpler, but let us know if anyone thinks this is a bad idea.
thanks huki, the most important thing is to keep settings throughout the game, so it isnt a bad idea!
Another suggestion, can you set the lap number limit from 20 up to 255 laps?
It will be very useful for endurance races.

Posted: 04 Jun 2011, 18:16
urnemanden @ Jun 3 2011, 10:50 PM wrote: aah, I think I remember what could cause this bug now. The reason to what you see should be because of IronBob's aerial pack. Do you have that installed?
Yes i do have it.
Gee, looks like im going to have to find the cars that use it now.
EDIT: Can someone give me the original misc folder?
Oh, and probably the FXpage1.bmp too.
Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 01:44
Iron Bob
Heh, the beach ball bug. I haven't heard anyone complain about that one in awhile. Yes, the beach ball model is textured to the same area on the FXpage1.bmp as the aerials. I suppose I could have adjusted the beach ball model and replaced that to. But I just didn't find it necessary.
Posted: 05 Jun 2011, 01:59
So i need the original FXpage1.bmp?
Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 13:24
@Skarma: We have only disabled the 3 in-game cheats. I agree name cheats can be useful at times, and if the host doesn't like it, he can easily find who is using the cheat and kick them. So the name cheats are still allowed. About GOATIE, yep, it is only available in consoles. It is used to edit the progress table, much like using re-volt extender.
@Elven: If the files on your CD is corrupt, you can download 1207 patched re-volt from our website (which redirects to ReVoltrace where you'll need to register). Well, you could just go to, but we want you to visit our website first!
@anto: Hmm, we could allow upto 255 laps, but I think it will be limited to multiplayer (think of the poor AIs). But this feature will have to wait for now. In the near future, we are thinking of a new game mode, much like the Time Trial but online, with all cars looking like ghost cars and car-car collision disabled. It's still just a basic sketch, but maybe once it is implemented successfully, normal races with 255 laps wouldn't be needed anymore.
Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 13:48
I agree huki, "the lap feature" in single player is non-sense he he. No problem to wait for me, for now if I need more than 20 lap I can set them easily with the side-by-side wolfr4.
And about the "ghost car feature", I think to make it available in offline time trials could be very useful too.
Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 14:10
antonius @ Jun 6 2011, 01:48 PM wrote:And about the ghost car, I think it could be useful in offline time trials too.
Oh yes, the ghost car will be enabled for offline time trial too. By the way, all WolfR4 features will eventually make it's way into v1.2.
Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 15:52
when host hosts and decides to exit, can he choose particular driver to pass the host or is it done randomly?
when hosts left the game yesterday i become host in middle of race and i was informed "YOU ARE NOW THE HOST" .It stood there in middle of screen till end of race,is it possible to clear that message,i suppose it is 'enter'but since thats my reposition button didnt wanna test it
1more small thing,is it possible to change that blue color when chatting,its so hard to read it,all revolt perverts agree about that
and damn i thought i was posting on 1.2 suggestions,my bad!
Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 19:12
Iron Bob
ElvenAvenger @ Jun 4 2011, 03:29 PM wrote:So i need the original FXpage1.bmp?
You can replace FXpage1.bmp with the original, and the beach ball bug will be gone, but then the colored aerials will not work.
Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 20:14
Huki @ Jun 6 2011, 08:54 AM wrote: @Skarma: We have only disabled the 3 in-game cheats. I agree name cheats can be useful at times, and if the host doesn't like it, he can easily find who is using the cheat and kick them. So the name cheats are still allowed. About GOATIE, yep, it is only available in consoles. It is used to edit the progress table, much like using re-volt extender.
@Elven: If the files on your CD is corrupt, you can download 1207 patched re-volt from our website (which redirects to ReVoltrace where you'll need to register). Well, you could just go to, but we want you to visit our website first!
@anto: Hmm, we could allow upto 255 laps, but I think it will be limited to multiplayer (think of the poor AIs). But this feature will have to wait for now. In the near future, we are thinking of a new game mode, much like the Time Trial but online, with all cars looking like ghost cars and car-car collision disabled. It's still just a basic sketch, but maybe once it is implemented successfully, normal races with 255 laps wouldn't be needed anymore.
My CD seems to be worn down so it doesnt play some songs - but aside from that, its somehow compressed (i dunno really) and the files arent there on display for taking

. But i got another one, downloaded and got the FXpage1.bmp. Beachball bug gone.
I got another question, can the game crash if there are too many high poly cars at once?
Sometimes it just crashes randomly ~half a second after i see my car, even before the countdown starts.
At first i thought it could be caused by a missing car file, wrong path or something but it would prevent the race from loading at all. It crashes after it loads and everything appears.
Aside from that it sometimes crashes on race results screen. I simply wait for the AI to finish and suddenly sound starts looping itself and it crashes.
Time Trial online? Sounds fun. It would allow us to see who is really the fastest.
As for more offline laps....its not needed now, but personally i think that once you are done with everything else you might as well toss that in.

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 07:23
@Cosmo: You can close the "new host" message by pressing Enter / Esc or their joystick equivalents. We've taken care there are no menu / controller conflicts, so pressing enter to close this message will not reposition your car. About the blue color, okay we'll lighten it up a bit.
@Elven: Sounds like some of your custom cars could be faulty. Before you report any more bugs here, I'd have to ask you to do a clean installation of re-volt. Then maybe you can put back your custom cars one by one to find which one is faulty, but that is irrelevant to this thread.
@IronBob: Is it really necessary to texture the aerials instead of just using vertex shading? If so, maybe we should try find some good place for custom aerial textures..