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Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 20:17
I see. I did download the newest version. Sadly, I forgot to put it in my Re-Volt folder. Thanks for reminding me.

Posted: 07 Mar 2011, 04:01
New update with more changes to multiplayer stuff.
Changelog wrote:------------------------
Beta 11.0306:
New Features|
- Re-Volt displays a message when connecting to a lobby session. Previously,
the only way to cancel a lobby connection was to kill the revolt process.
Now it is possible to cancel a lobby connection and quit at any time by
pressing Esc key.
- Using new intro images, refined intro slides to be compatible with all
graphics cards, disabled "outro" and other slides.
- Set TCP/IP as the default connection type for Multiplayer.
- Show player names over car in multiplayer only after countdown has started.
- Scan levels and cars only after connecting to lobby session.
Bug Fixes|
- Fixed local player name not propogated to all players sometimes.
Posted: 07 Mar 2011, 04:40
Nice one.
Anyway, I noticed that the bug "using TVTIME (F6) while in Replay mode" isn't really fixed. I tried it, pressed F6- and after I moved around for a while, it skipped back to F5 view, after a light blue (skybox?) screen. I tried again, and the same thing happened, only that after the blue screen, it crashed.
Posted: 07 Mar 2011, 06:36
I had no such problems here. Which track was this, and was this a saved replay? (of an online/offline race using Wolf). Also, did you press F6 once (freeform camera) or twice (camera follows car)?
Posted: 07 Mar 2011, 12:53
I tried 3 times.
The first 2 times were with custom cars in custom tracks.
The 3rd one was with RC Bandit in Toys in the Hood 1.
It was offline, and the replay was just the one you can watch after a race.
I tried both F6 pressed twice and once.
Pressed twice and everything was OK- and same goes to pressed once. The problem appears when I move the camera (not with the mouse).
Edit: I could record. This time I used Rotor in Botanical Garden. There was no light blue screen this time, and neither it crashed. But it kept switching to F5 view.
Click here to watch the video.
Could it be a bug from the newest nightly build (rv1.2b11.0306)?
Posted: 07 Mar 2011, 22:15
Ah, you used the W key. That explains the blue screen and possible crash. During replay the W key slows down the time and gives a strange effect that we haven't figured out yet. Just use the mouse controls to move during replay.
As for the automatically switching back to F5 view, that happens when using the attached camera (pressing F6 twice). It is advisable to use only the freeform camera (pressing F6 once) during replay.
Posted: 08 Mar 2011, 00:34
i found why first revolt levels scan was longer than next ones ...
i cut revolt folder from xp disk, use defrag and paste it again ...
Posted: 08 Mar 2011, 18:03
Huki @ Mar 7 2011, 06:45 PM wrote: As for the automatically switching back to F5 view, that happens when using the attached camera (pressing F6 twice). It is advisable to use only the freeform camera (pressing F6 once) during replay.
Are you sure? AFAIK, this happened when I pressed F6 once (freeform camera) and started moving around... Maybe I'm wrong, I'll try again later and see if it's ok.
Anyway, will this get fixed (using W, A, S, D)?
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 01:51
only for fun

Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 06:17
That offtopic picture above includes a bug. The bertha ballistics car does not have its full name displayed.
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 15:35
it's not realy a bug because original revolt do exactly the same

Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 15:38
It's something that can be improved
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 15:44
Well, in that case do you have any suggestions to how it can be improved? ^^
Posted: 13 Mar 2011, 15:58
Yes, if 1.2 can display its full name. To me its not a problem and I know what car it is even if the last 2 letters isn't shown. But im sure everyone can agree that Ballistics is better than Ballisti.
Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 00:23
New update with more multiplayer features. If anyone finds anything else in the network system that needs work, don't hesitate to say.
Changelog wrote:------------------------
Beta 11.0312:
New Features|
- Much faster enumerating and updating list of sessions and joining a session
by direct IP connection. All connections are made in the background without
hanging up the game.
- Copy / Paste, Autorepeat and Delete key support for entering Host Computer
IP address in Re-Volt. Just place the selection at Host Computer and press
ctrl + V to paste from clipboard, press Delete to clear the entered IP.
- Disabled Windows Key when running Re-Volt in full screen.
- Added -forcesinglecore command line, which will force the main thread (only)
to a single cpu on multi-core processors. Use this if you experience tuxabug,
a rare form of timer bug, or fps drop in multiplayer.
Bug Fixes|
- Fixed glitches in replay mode when pressing W key.
- Detects corrupt surfaces and textures and restores them instantly. This will
prevent glitches with font and textures.
- Fixed crash when desktop resolution is changed while Re-Volt is running.
- Fixed bug when ctrl-alt-del is pressed while Re-Volt is running in full screen
(on Vista/7).
- Fixed possible flickering in Vista/7 when changing display mode in Re-Volt.
- Fixed bug with unable to join a multiplayer session by direct IP connection.
With a few more options such as Kick/Ban players, allow/block older versions from joining, the multiplayer system should be good to go. But things might go a bit slow in the coming days (as always

), as I plan to update the UI to support pop-up menus, etc. But with the coming Blender plugin project, I'm sure no one is going to get bored..

Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 09:24
How did you guys get the source code of Re-Volt?
Anyway, I tried the new version but couldn't start it. As soon as I choose the language, the game crashes and windows gives an error message saying this program has stopped working... I am using Vista.
Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 12:59
Prads, are you sure that you installed the Official Beta before installing any nightly builds? The nightly builds does not include all files that the official beta does, hence why it crashes after language selection (string files not updated).
So, first install 11.0208 and then you can mess around with the nightly builds if you want the latest features and all that stuff.

Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 19:35
It looks like many users just update the "revolt.exe" file and ignore the other files in the archive. Let me make this clear once and for all: extract all the files and folders in the archive to your re-volt folder and over-write the old files.
Posted: 15 Mar 2011, 22:04
The official beta? I will search for it...
EDIT: Now that the strings files are updated, it works.
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 14:32
jigebren @ Mar 20 2011, 07:57 AM wrote:Sorry for being offtopic, but isn't there a bug in the display of names in the following Urne's screenshots?
on G-Force name
on Stingox name
Looking at the font rendering, I think you were using v1.2, right? Maybe it's a regular bug I don't know, I just thought it should be mentioned...
Aah, it took me over a minute to realize what's wrong with those pictures. How do you find all these minor glitches? Yep, it's a regular bug which Acclaim probably didn't bother about, because, well, it's such a minor glitch.

It should be fixed now.
We are currently re-organizing and adding menu items for the new planned features (unfortunately, I don't have enough time right now to explain the features). It would be nice if you can translate the following entries, in French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch..
Press Spacebar To Show Player List
Searching for Players...
Advanced Options
Full Screen
Window Resolution
Window Size
Aspect Ratio (this will allow user to enter a custom aspect ratio)
CPU Cores
Network Settings
Bandwidth Usage
Profile Settings
Enable Profiles
Load Settings
Save Settings
Please Wait
Feel free to ask if the use of any entry is un-clear.
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 19:05
@Huki : It would be nice if you can translate the following entries, in French...
Barre d'espace pour afficher la liste des joueurs (afficher ou rafraichir)
Recherche des joueurs...
Options avancés
Plein écran
Résolution écran
Taille de l’écran
Format d'image (permet à l'utilisateur d'utiliser un format d'image personnalisé)
Noyaux CPU
Paramètres réseau
Bande passante d'utilisation
Configuration du profile
Activer les profils
Charger la configuration
Enregistrer la configuration
Mot de passe
veuillez patienter
if I'm right
Window Resolution=> 1024x768, 1440x900 ....
Window Size=> 15 inch, 17inch, 22inch...
Aspect Ratio=> 4/3, 16/9, 16/10 ...
[OFFTOPIC] thx for revolt dreamcast image file link, now i can play it on my computer

Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 21:37
here is a video with some online bugs =>
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 23:27
In both races in the video, your car seems to start earlier than all the others. Is this true? What is your connection speed by the way?
As for the other bugs in the video (the floating car and the invisible wall, i can't notice anything else), i'll just have to say it was caused by the bertha player (or his re-volt). Is he using an older version?
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 23:42
I start earlier only when I upload video on youtube in the same time ...
I don't know about Fat Bertha ... EDIT : Beta 208
And what about the end of the race who only half of players finish the race

Posted: 21 Mar 2011, 00:11
@huki: Italian translation
Premere spazio per mostrare la lista dei giocatori
Ricerca dei giocatori in corso...
Opzioni avanzate
Modalità schermo intero
Risoluzione finestra
Dimensione finestra
Aspect Ratio (permette di impostare un formato video personalizzato)
Nuclei CPU
Impostazioni di rete
Utilizzo banda
Impostazioni profilo
Abilita profili
Carica impostazioni
Salva impostazioni
Attendere prego
Posted: 23 Mar 2011, 20:44
I stumbled across this intresting bug...
Basically, I tuned one of my cars out of boredom for it to reach uber-high speeds. I only tuned ONE car. Yet, when I went with that specific car to any track, some of the cars became super-fast too.

Posted: 23 Mar 2011, 21:23
Re-volt doesn't share parameters between cars. This couldn't have happened, unless those other cars were in-fact the same car. Anyway, what was the car you had modified, and what speed value did you use?
Posted: 23 Mar 2011, 21:36
Huki @ Mar 20 2011, 06:02 AM wrote:Press Spacebar To Show Player List
Searching for Players...
Advanced Options
Full Screen
Window Resolution
Window Size
Aspect Ratio (this will allow user to enter a custom aspect ratio)
CPU Cores
Network Settings
Bandwidth Usage
Profile Settings
Enable Profiles
Load Settings
Save Settings
Please Wait
Presiona la barra espaciadora para mostrar la lista de jugadores
Buscando jugadores...
Opciones avanzadas
Pantalla completa
Tamaño de la ventana
Relación de aspecto
Núcleos de CPU
Configuración de la red
Uso de ancho de banda
Ajustes de perfil
Habilitar perfiles
Cargar ajustes
Guardar ajustes
Por favor espera
Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 04:05
Thanks for the translation guys. Only the German translation is still pending, good time for Citywalker to grow a new hand..
The new release will have an option to utilize more bandwidth for multiplayer, with 4 levels of bandwidth usage: very low (for 64k or lower connection) / low (128k) / medium (256k) and high (512k or faster connection). Currently re-volt uses lesser bandwidth than the planned "very low" setting, which explains the lack of smooth gameplay even with high speed connections.
There will also be some improvements and optimizaions for lag / latency (for example, the opponent cars always seemed to start half a second late, and then catch up, which shouldn't happen any more). Reactions to weapon / object hits should also appear almost immediately.
Of course, all this depends on the available bandwidth, and all players should be using the new 1.2 release.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, the upcoming release will include Swedish language support, translated by
Fredrik Karlsson. But ah well, I don't think there is anyone from Sweden here..
Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 08:56
Okay, I just looked, and the new hand is growing well

It just needed a bit of watering <laughs>
Anyway, I'll see about the translations soon.
Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 09:06
Huki @ Mar 23 2011, 11:35 PM wrote: The new release will have an option to utilize more bandwidth for multiplayer, with 4 levels of bandwidth usage: very low (for 64k or lower connection) / low (128k) / medium (256k) and high (512k or faster connection). Currently re-volt uses lesser bandwidth than the planned "very low" setting, which explains the lack of smooth gameplay even with high speed connections.
There will also be some improvements and optimizaions for lag / latency (for example, the opponent cars always seemed to start half a second late, and then catch up, which shouldn't happen any more). Reactions to weapon / object hits should also appear almost immediately.
Of course, all this depends on the available bandwidth, and all players should be using the new 1.2 release.
Great stuff!
Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 20:48
Huki @ Mar 23 2011, 04:53 PM wrote: Re-volt doesn't share parameters between cars. This couldn't have happened, unless those other cars were in-fact the same car. Anyway, what was the car you had modified, and what speed value did you use?
I tuned my Nissan GT-R.
Code: Select all
EngineRatio, Acc, TopSpeed, EngineSpeed (for wheels)
For the love of god, I didn't tune any other car.
As for the languages, I think it's time to make a Hungarian one.
Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 00:55
Ok, the speed and all other values have a limit, above which you will have unexpected results. I heard you used a number with *a lot* of 9's. Using such values, especially above 2 billion is not safe. Actually, the game should have crashed, but well, what do you know.. maybe 1.2 is crash resistant..

Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 09:19
Okay, here's the next harvest of German:
Press Spacebar To Show Player List - Die Leertaste drücken, um die Spieler-Liste zu zeigen
Searching for Players... - Die Suche von Spielern läuft…
Advanced Options - Zusatzfunktionen
Full Screen - Vollbild
Window Resolution - Bildauflösung
Window Size - Bildgröβe
Aspect Ratio (this will allow user to enter a custom aspect ratio) - Bildformat (damit wird der Spieler ein selbst-gewähltes Bildformat angeben können)
CPU Cores - Prozessorkerne
Network Settings - Netzwerkeinstellungen
Bandwidth Usage - Bandbreitennutzung
Compatibility - Kompatibilität
Profile Settings - Profileinstellungen
Enable Profiles - Profilen aktivieren
Load Settings - Einstellungen laden
Save Settings - Einstellungen speichern
Password - Passwort
Please Wait - Bitte warten
<goes off to water the next hand, just in case

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 06:28
The upcoming v1.2 release (11.0327) will have a Network Compatibility option, which can be used to maintain compatibility with old re-volt versions. You can find this setting in Start Game -> Multiplayer -> Network Settings menu. We will call this setting as NetComp to avoid confusion with the Windows Compatibility Mode option.
- Multiplayer and lobby games created with NetComp on will allow players running any version of re-volt to join. New features incompatible with old versions will not be available when NetComp is on.
- Games created with NetComp off will only allow players running RV 1.2 (the upcoming release or above) to join. If you want to play any of the new re-volt game modes or try the new features, you will have to turn NetComp off.
As of now, the default setting is to keep compatibility with older versions and disable incompatible features (NetComp on). This might change in the future when we start phasing out older versions, but that is still a long way to go.
Note: Only the host of a multiplayer game needs to set the Compatibility option. It does not matter whether the other players have compatibility on or off.
Integration with RVHouse: The latest version of RV House can automatically force NetComp on or off from the Room Settings (for that run only). This way, it will not be required to open up re-volt everytime to change the compatibility option between games. If you are opening an "1.2 Only" game in rvhouse, be sure to mention so, in the room's name.
RV House can also launch re-volt with command lines now. Access this option from Edit -> Settings -> Advanced menu. This makes it possible to launch re-volt in windowed mode, etc. for lobby games without any fuss.
Posted: 27 Mar 2011, 20:40
Re-Volt v1.2 has been updated. You can find and download release 11.0327 from the
Downloads section of our website, under
Nightly Builds.
Important Notice: Initially, I had planned to release 11.0325 and even uploaded to the server, but due to some strange bugs and freezes, we had to cancel it. I noticed that many users have already downloaded the 0325 build. If you're one of them, you must install the new 0327 release now! Or, well, before your next online race..

0327 is the minimum build supported for "1.2 Only" races.
Simulation Mode in Multiplayer: Instead of forcing Arcade mode, you will now be able to pick the difficulty level in online games. Use simulation mode for realistic driving and collision. This option is available only in "1.2 Only" races. For more info on picking the re-volt versions to allow or block in your game, see the post above.
Other than that, the new release also comes with fixes and optimizations for latency and bandwidth consumption. Bandwidth Usage is set to "Highest" by default, and it should be fine, even for slow connections. Of course, the only way to notice the full improvement in online gameplay is to make sure all players have the latest v1.2 release. That's not going to be any trouble, is it?
Change log wrote:------------------------
Beta 11.0327:
New Features|
- Reorganized multiplayer menu, new network settings added.
- Added "Network Compatibility" option and ability to block older versions from
joining. Turn compatibility off to allow 1.2 clients only, turn it on to allow
all versions. New features incompatible with older versions are disabled when
compatibility is on.
- Added -netcomp 1 or -netcomp 0 command line to quickly force Network Compatibility
on or off. Use it for quick access when launching from a Lobby application. In
RV House, you can just use the Version option in the Room Settings. If you are
using the "RV 1.2 Only" option, be sure to mention so, in the room name.
- Added optimizations to utilize higher bandwidth when available. 5 levels of
bandwidth usage are provided (very low / low / medium / high / very high).
Default is to optimize for Very High bandwidth usage (as available).
- New language: Swedish.
- Ability to select difficulty mode for multiplayer races (Simulation / Arcade /
Console / Junior RC). This is a "1.2 only" feature, only available if Network
Compatibility is turned off (or when launching with "-netcomp 0" command line).
- Multiplayer chat length increased to 48 characters, limited to 40 characters
if compatibility is on.
- Multiplayer session list shows host game version. List of players in session
shown in pop-up menu. Increased maximum number of sessions listed to 18.
Bug Fixes|
- Fixed bug with transparency disabled in 3D Player names displayed over cars.
- Fixed instability in propogating some data in multiplayer race (player finish
time, sync message, etc).
- Fixed high latency at the start of a multiplayer race (cars starting slowly and
then catch up). All players should be using latest v1.2 release for this fix to
- Fixed crash when host restarts race while re-volt is minimized.
Posted: 27 Mar 2011, 21:32
Thanks a bunch huki, looking forward to the first 1.2 only race, if not tonight then in the next few days!
There is one thing I would like clarified though.
huki wrote:- Multiplayer session list shows host game version. List of players in session
shown in pop-up menu. Increased maximum number of sessions listed to 18.
What effect does increasing maximum number of sessions to 18 have? Is someone going to open a huge internet café with up to 200 players playing over LAN at the same time or something? I would certainly love to support that idea!

Posted: 27 Mar 2011, 23:03
Yep. My second computer is unfortunately unusable for now, but I would be really curious to test the new bandwidth settings in LAN directly.
If only I had more time to race, I think I would come to RvHouse from time to time (but I would have to practice a lot before

), at least to enjoy the new features...
And nice to see the Simulation Mode (the only mode I've ever used) now available in Multiplayer...

Great job.
Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 00:24
Apparently, higher bandwidth usage seems to hang up the game. I have no idea where this bug comes from, or even if this is a re-volt bug. Till we manage to find a way around this problem, everyone should set the bandwidth usage to "Lowest".
Just open re-volt: Start Game -> Multiplayer -> Network Settings and set the Bandwidth Usage to Lowest. If we are unable to find out what's wrong, I'll try to disable the bandwidth feature and release another update soon..
Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 06:53
Ok, I have disabled the bandwidth feature for now. There should be no more freezes or problems. You can download the new release 11.0328
here. With the other network optimizations and fixes, the current limited bandwidth usage should be more than enough for a smooth gameplay. Again (and hopefully for the last time), 0328 is the minimum supported release for "1.2 Only" games..
Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 06:59
Nice work huki. So all this time we were playing in arcade? How noticeable will the difference be?
Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 13:10
Some suggestions for the German translation.
(Please don't consider this as an affront. Also, I'm a native speaker from Austria.)
Citywalker @ Mar 25 2011, 04:49 AM wrote:Advanced Options - Zusatzfunktionen
I'd call that "Erweiterte Funktionen", since "erweitert" is the common term used everywhere in the German version of Windows as long as I can remember.
Citywalker @ Mar 25 2011, 04:49 AM wrote:Enable Profiles - Profilen aktivieren
The plural is "Profile". The 'N' probably a typo.
Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 13:18
Thanks huki, installing right away.
law wrote:Nice work huki. So all this time we were playing in arcade? How noticeable will the difference be?
With simulation mode the car-to-car collision is way more intense, whereas with arcade mode you can barely touch each other. Bad news for Humma eh!
Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 18:14
Bonz, thanks for correcting! I'm not a native speaker of German, I just saw that nobody else was up to the German translations, and decided to lend a hand. If you have time, please review also my earlier contributions of German with your native eye.
Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 19:38
urnemanden @ Mar 28 2011, 08:48 AM wrote: With simulation mode the car-to-car collision is way more intense, whereas with arcade mode you can barely touch each other. Bad news for Humma eh!
I've compared simulation and arcade offline....basically with simulation the beginnings will be a nightmare for some cars. Should be interesting.
Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 20:50
Thanks bonz. I'll use the fixed translations for the next release (for the current release, those options are not used anyway).
CW wrote:I'm not a native speaker of German, ...
Oh, I didn't know that, thanks for taking the trouble then.
Urne is right about the simulation. Should be interesting to try it indeed. Just remember that the latency across the network (the ping) can be nearly 250ms, so the hit reactions can take upto quarter a sec to show up. Or don't know, maybe re-volt processes and shows the reactions in your pc till the network packet arrives..
Posted: 28 Mar 2011, 20:54
urnemanden @ Mar 28 2011, 08:48 AM wrote: law wrote:Nice work huki. So all this time we were playing in arcade? How noticeable will the difference be?
With simulation mode the car-to-car collision is way more intense, whereas with arcade mode you can barely touch each other. Bad news for Humma eh!
Sounds like it would suck with all the lag in online races.
Ghost mode + simulation could work.
Posted: 29 Mar 2011, 21:01
urnemanden @ Mar 28 2011, 08:48 AM wrote: Thanks huki, installing right away.
law wrote:Nice work huki. So all this time we were playing in arcade? How noticeable will the difference be?
With simulation mode the car-to-car collision is way more intense, whereas with arcade mode you can barely touch each other. Bad news for Humma eh!
Lol why bad news for humma I think its good news cause it can recover fast from collisions and slides, crashes

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 00:30
We just found a memory leak in the previous release (re-volt's memory usage could keep increasing). It's now fixed. Download release 11.0329
Posted: 31 Mar 2011, 14:24
great,i hope that i could push people in simulation mode,for example,would love to soak damn animal in pool in toytanic