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Posted: 22 May 2014, 21:05
O jogo funciona de maravilha(5 estrelas) mas falta-lhe ajustar algumas arestas:
-Quando se saí modo contra-relogio aparece uma mensagens que diz "failed to create record file" mas depois ao reentrar ele da como superada se superarmos o tempo previsto não sei se deve funcionar assim ou não.
-Não consegui reparar se no fim de cada taça passa o video dos festejos do podio, pode só ser erro meu
-falta vos 1 ficheiro dll (d3drm.dl na pasta do editor) para aceder ao editor de pistas e posso mandar-vos por e-mail se quizerem claro.
Mas se já tudo tratado desculpem o incomodo.
Posted: 23 May 2014, 21:06
Oi Tiago, você não está usando a versão mais recente do jogo. Eu recomendo que você baixe e instale o seguinte: ... _setup.exe
Você não deve ter erro d3drm e 'Failed to create record' após a instalação.
Ah, quase esqueci, não dê ouvidos aos meninos listados abaixo.
Posted: 23 May 2014, 22:40
no habla banana, senora
Posted: 24 May 2014, 08:30
nao fala portuges aki, inglesh por favor
Posted: 08 Jun 2014, 19:56
Hi again, I've run into a problem. I have 2 xbox controllers. I start them before running Re-Volt. But in controller settings there's only one xbox controller to choose and it's the second one i start. I'm not sure what the cause is. Hope you would do something about it. Thanks in advance.
Posted: 10 Jun 2014, 09:08
Nevermind, the problem fixed itself. Just changed the batteries in the first controller.
Posted: 10 Jun 2014, 21:03
Actually no, it's not recognizing the first controller now. I really don't know what's happening.
Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 07:28
Do you have the Microsoft drivers installed properly?
Are they wired or wireless? (if they are wireless you need the receiver and it allows up to 4 controllers to hook, and with DirectInput it can cause very odd situations.
ps: Huki & jig, why not add XInput support? it will make life easier to everyone.
Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 14:26
They are wireless and I have the receiver. They work on other games, but when it comes to Re-Volt something randomly stops working.
Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 10:58
coNNecTT @ Jun 13 2014, 05:56 AM wrote: They are wireless and I have the receiver. They work on other games, but when it comes to Re-Volt something randomly stops working.
every time you access to the Controller settings it refreshes controller devices
try using one controller at one time, also make sure it doesnt disconnect (light turns off)
plus, try restarting the game
i'm going to check with the controllers and try to reproduce what you're saying, which i doubt if its reproducible.
also, have you checked if theres "duplicate" entries of the controller? (the game may confuse itself and pick the first one, even if its the 2nd)
ps: mod/admin, move this convo to a new topic please?

Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 12:19
I tested Re-Volt again just now and everything was working fine this time, still not sure what causes it not to recognize one controller (either first one or second one). Here's what my drivers and printers screen looks like:
EDIT: fixed picture link
Posted: 05 Jul 2014, 14:52
When is the next release?
Posted: 05 Jul 2014, 21:54
There won't be any other I presume. You may start considering 1.2 alpha 0820 as the last patch.
Posted: 05 Jul 2014, 23:29
Well we haven't heard an official statement regarding the project so far.
I mean jigebren was moreless pretty clear when he said that he had enough but huki has only been inactive since the last patch without any mentioning of leaving the project (at least as far as I know), though I guess the silence speaks for itself.
Also technically rv1.2a14.0208 is the latest official patch from them, its up to the user to decide/inform himself what version he wants (though to give a little overview, I covered the most important versions
Posted: 06 Jul 2014, 22:10
the latest patches are:
14.0314 (build h)
14.0306 (build g)
and 13.0820
beta: 11.0208
Acclaim: 1207 1.10
EDIT: Oh and WolfR4 + 1207
that's all we have in traffic.
oh, whats that usb joystick?
i dont really know, xbox 360 is a little b****, on fifa 07 i have to start the game and then enable the controller, otherwise i end up with two controllers "Controller" and the xbox 360. (fifa 07 uses XInput tho, re-volt uses directinput)
Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 00:32
Abc @ Jul 6 2014, 05:40 PM wrote: the latest patches are:
14.0314 (build h)
14.0306 (build g)
These two were WIP patches solely for testing different settings in the network code, so they shouldn't be viewed as "official".
Not to mention that they were only posted somewhere here in the forum so if you really want them, you need to do some digging.
Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 01:02
Official or not, those 2 "un-official" patches are widely more used than the last "official" patch 14.0208 wich nobody uses. The last 'official' patch was also an experiment merely done to test a new time trial transformation which ended up in failure. Apart from the bad time trial system transformation, it is still the same as 13.0820. I really hope it gets removed from the site as soon as possible to prevent more confusion for new players.
According to the players I asked there are only 2 versions being used in RV House nowadays: 13.0820 and 14.0306 (aka build g) which also has popular acceptance. Races are being hosted in these 2 versions only so I'll still consider 13.0820 as the latest 'good' official patch.
Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 01:18
Well, there's also the redbook feature added in 14.0208 so I think that might be an interesting feature for some users who don't want use their (virtual) cd each time to listen to the soundtrack while playing.
And I assume the new time trial format and rebook feature are not included in 14.0306 (build g)?
Either way I'll keep my list as it is, more different patches to consider just means (a lot) more confusion for any newcomers.
Posted: 16 Jul 2014, 18:33
Kenny @ Jul 6 2014, 04:02 PM wrote: Abc @ Jul 6 2014, 05:40 PM wrote: the latest patches are:
14.0314 (build h)
14.0306 (build g)
These two were WIP patches solely for testing different settings in the network code, so they shouldn't be viewed as "official".
Not to mention that they were only posted somewhere here in the forum so if you really want them, you need to do some digging.
btw i have them, i downloaded them as they were available, currently i have all these versions except 1.2 betas... betas and older releases contain the automatic directplay registration on launch.
Kenny @ Jul 6 2014, 04:48 PM wrote:Well, there's also the redbook feature added in 14.0208 so I think that might be an interesting feature for some users who don't want use their (virtual) cd each time to listen to the soundtrack while playing.
And I assume the new time trial format and rebook feature are not included in 14.0306 (build g)?
Either way I'll keep my list as it is, more different patches to consider just means (a lot) more confusion for any newcomers.
There should be a guide that outlines the following: 1)install base game 2) upgrade to beta 0208 and run it (registration) 3) (there should be a zip or installer that bundles the most used executables) upgrade to current release and extract the exes from the older but current releases
EDIT: actually, its either the said adove or just make a installer that fulfills everything and tell the users that they must rename or automatize that too (by not using revolt.exe and using symblinks or whatever and/or by using some sort of trick to edit the exe name in directplay entry xD (but i guess that wont work easily) )
the use of the automatic thing is because RVHouse pops the revolt not installed message if the directplay entry for revolt doesnt exist
most noobs find it too hard, but its painlessly easy...! (something similiar happens with fifa 07, most use unpatched version or mods. when you ask them to upgrade to the official patch, they just refuse)
Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 06:40
Same thing happens in GameRanger and Tunngle. More than 90% of the players have the Beta 0208 because they have the GOG version installed. If you ask them to upgrade they'd rather kick you out or simply refuse like abc said. Most people don't even know that there are different versions of re-volt out there. Nobody wants to waste time upgrading specially when none of them ever heard about re-volt 1.2. This our community is more unknown to everybody outside these little forums than what we may think. But the good thing is that there still are _a_lot_ of people interested to play this game out there.
Posted: 19 Jul 2014, 10:51
Well, just gonna leave here that if another update to this come,
I'm still waiting for my Brazilian Portuguese Language Files to be in the game.
I might update them, but it is good as it is right now.
The track editor text is also there (as it is on all string files, but not used for some reason, assuming the text in the Track Editor is hard coded)
Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 16:30
Hey ho,
Newest alpha: The inf files do not seem to overwrite my OGG soundtrack that I put in the music folder. Does it work differently than it used to?
Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 17:55
MarvTheM @ Aug 11 2014, 01:00 PM wrote:Hey ho,
Newest alpha: The inf files do not seem to overwrite my OGG soundtrack that I put in the music folder. Does it work differently than it used to?
You should be able to do it only if you run a14.0208 by typing
Code: Select all
MP3 'levels\trackname\filename.ogg
trackname is the name of the track,
filename is the name of the file.
It does not work in any other release (Re-Volt tries to read the ogg file as though it was a renamed .mp3 file). Those releases need the file to be .mp3.
Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 20:05
I am aware of that. I'm just saying that the 0208 build prioritizes the soundtrack in the /music folder, no matter if any mp3 is given in the .inf file of any track.
The mp3 line in the inf files do not work at all for me anymore.
Posted: 12 Aug 2014, 07:51
As far as I remember this is intentional and Re-Volt should handle stock tracks and custom tracks in different ways. Stock tracks would read redbook (ogg) before no matter what is set in your MP3 line. Custom tracks, on the other hand, priorize MP3 line. To make stock tracks play your custom music you are supposed to "remove the cd" or remove the music folder.
Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 14:13
I really wonder why if Huki was here two days ago he couldn't leave at least 1 reply here. Seriously, I don't get this strange behaviour from huki and jigebren and I'm starting to think there is a legal threat behind all this.
Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 15:38
Phantom @ Aug 26 2014, 09:43 AM wrote: Seriously, I don't get this strange behaviour from huki and jigebren and I'm starting to think there is a legal threat behind all this.
Even if thats the case, it should be possible to leave at least one reply (be it public or private, I'm sure a bunch of people already wrote some PMs to them regarding this topic) to clarify what status the project is in.
It wouldn't even be necessary to explain why nothing has happened over the past few months and why everything went silent all of a sudden, a simple "This project is alive/dead." would be enough for me (perhaps with the addition of "The source will (not) be shared.").
If it turns out that the project is dead and no one gets to have the source (even without giving an explanation) I would be okay with that, at least it would give some clarification about the future of the project instead of lingering around in this limbo state.
Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 16:15
Kenny @ Aug 26 2014, 10:08 AM wrote: If it turns out that the project is dead and no one gets to have the source (even without giving an explanation) I would be okay with that, at least it would give some clarification about the future of the project instead of lingering around in this limbo state.
Agreed. We need closure if this is the case.
Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 16:35
People, calm down. Everything's gonna be fine.
Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 18:41
Phantom @ Aug 26 2014, 02:13 PM wrote: I really wonder why if Huki was here two days ago he couldn't leave at least 1 reply here. Seriously, I don't get this strange behaviour from huki and jigebren and I'm starting to think there is a legal threat behind all this.
Hmm I came here 2 days ago as I heard someone was offering Cheap Kitchen Units and I badly needed some...
Well, sorry about the inactivity on my side, in fact the development was stalled and we were in the middle of reshaping the entire project. Add to that some ongoing discussion with WeGo (which was fruitless as usual), I didn't want to make any public comment for the time being. I'll be making an announcement shortly though.
You can read the announcement here: Future of v1.2.
Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 22:00
I'm happy to see you here again Huki

Posted: 01 Sep 2014, 09:57
Hi, we've just discovered a new bug with the guys playing online and we thought we should report it. Since you're not going to fix anything else on the current 1.2 this may not be relevant to you anymore but I'll leave it here anyway as future reference.
Version used: 1.2 Alpha 0820.
Situation: I was hosting 9 players room and my net wasn't stable at the moment. There was lag in some moments and I think this caused an automatic Host migration without me quitting me out of the game. In other words, another player (scracer) became second host of the game while I was still host and while I was still racing. There were suddenly 2 players hosting the same game. We both had the hosting menu allowing both of us to change track. Then scracer leaves out the room and mmud becomes new host automatically and I was still host of the game aswell. mmud tries to change track from toys in the hood 1 to supermarket 2. Problem is that when loading the track, there is a loop and the game keeps restarting the same track like forever. All players seem to get the same issue and I suppose this is because of 2 hosts. Only way to get rid of the loop was by opening task manager and killing revolt.exe manually.
I'll take the chance to ask for a modification in how the host migration works. Instead of automatic host migration it would be excellent to choose who you give the host to. It sometimes ends up in hands of new players that don't know how to change to next track. And it would be nice if the "You are hosting this game" window was less intrusive and doesn't pop up in the middle of your race. I've lost quite a few races because of it. Then I finally realized I had to press Esc to quit it.
Rememer this is just as future reference and I know you probably don't care about this stuff anymore.
Posted: 01 Sep 2014, 10:34
Phantom @ Sep 1 2014, 01:27 AM wrote: Hi, we've just discovered a new bug with the guys playing online and we thought we should report it. Since you're not going to fix anything else on the current 1.2 this may not be relevant to you anymore but I'll leave it here anyway as future reference.
Version used: 1.2 Alpha 0820.
Situation: I was hosting 9 players room and my net wasn't stable at the moment. There was lag in some moments and I think this caused an automatic Host migration without me quitting me out of the game. In other words, another player (scracer) became second host of the game while I was still host and while I was still racing. There were suddenly 2 players hosting the same game. We both had the hosting menu allowing both of us to change track. Then scracer leaves out the room and mmud becomes new host automatically and I was still host of the game aswell. mmud tries to change track from toys in the hood 1 to supermarket 2. Problem is that when loading the track, there is a loop and the game keeps restarting the same track like forever. All players seem to get the same issue and I suppose this is because of 2 hosts. Only way to get rid of the loop was by opening task manager and killing revolt.exe manually.
I'll take the chance to ask for a modification in how the host migration works. Instead of automatic host migration it would be excellent to choose who you give the host to. It sometimes ends up in hands of new players that don't know how to change to next track. And it would be nice if the "You are hosting this game" window was less intrusive and doesn't pop up in the middle of your race. I've lost quite a few races because of it. Then I finally realized I had to press Esc to quit it.
Rememer this is just as future reference and I know you probably don't care about this stuff anymore.
besides to what phantom said, im giving my version
i was participating, it seems that because phantom was warping, and having highly unstable internet it may caused revolt to detect a quit and give host away (fake quit it seems)
SC changed track to Unknown (i suspect he picked a custom track), he left and mmud got the host (ovbiously due to SC)
then we had the loop loading bug when mmud changed to SM2.
i ended up Alt+F4'ing.
This bug has proven that the game is prone to glitch and mess up with unstable connections.
also, it means that revolt is still in need for improvement.
ps: please give away the source code or release a last version that compiles ALL fixes, with source code release, marking the begin of open source status for revolt.
Posted: 03 Sep 2014, 21:10
If I may make a request:
Can the max. resolution easily be set higher in order to support 1440p?
More and more people are getting so huge res monitors.
Not that I have one, just saying for future compatibility's sake.
Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 22:27
Phantom @ Sep 1 2014, 09:57 AM wrote:Hi, we've just discovered a new bug with the guys playing online and we thought we should report it. Since you're not going to fix anything else on the current 1.2 this may not be relevant to you anymore but I'll leave it here anyway as future reference.
Sure, everyone can keep the bug reports / suggestions going. If there are high priority bugs (or stuff to revert) I'll incorporate them in a 1.2 update, otherwise I'll look at it after the porting.
I'll take the chance to ask for a modification in how the host migration works. Instead of automatic host migration it would be excellent to choose who you give the host to. It sometimes ends up in hands of new players that don't know how to change to next track.
DirectPlay decides when and how to migrate the host, I'm sorry but I have no control over it right now. But I know this bug and there was an attempt to workaround it. The idea was that if there happened to be 2 hosts in the game, the first host to restart the track will "stick" and the other host will give up host status. I wonder why it's not working properly anymore, and instead there is endless restarts. I'll look at it, but meanwhile just a hint: if it happens again, you can use Alt-F4 and wait a bit - no need to use task manager.
And it would be nice if the "You are hosting this game" window was less intrusive and doesn't pop up in the middle of your race. I've lost quite a few races because of it. Then I finally realized I had to press Esc to quit it.
You can press Enter or Esc, also the corresponding joystick buttons are supported (Fire button, etc). I guess the message should be made to disappear automatically, but I'll only consider it for future..
Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 22:30
MarvTheM @ Sep 3 2014, 09:10 PM wrote: If I may make a request:
Can the max. resolution easily be set higher in order to support 1440p?
More and more people are getting so huge res monitors.
Not that I have one, just saying for future compatibility's sake.
Of course.. the current limit of 2048x2048 is caused by DirectX, so the limit is all set to go away.

Posted: 06 Sep 2014, 16:06
Can you remove for the next future 1.2 release, all optimisations, all changes about connection management, to restore exactly the same than on beta 11.0208 ?
Even this :
Alpha 11.0416
Mod [Multi]
- More efficient management of available bandwidth.
I'm convinced that on the alphas, more the ping of player is good from the host and the others players, more the gameplay is different for him... I mean about impact, collisions, etc... It's like it was too much optimize, too many things affect the players with too good ping...
And conversely, more the ping of player is bad from the host and the other players, more the gameplay is closer to "a normal gameplay" about impact, collisions. (like i experienced with the gameplay 1.1 or beta 1.2 with a good ping)
So the races in multiplayer can become totally unfair and unplayable for some players with very good ping...
For me and with some tests in support, I think the gameplay of the beta remains constant regardless of the ping with that we play ...
That's why it's important to keep this stability management of the connection from the beta... Thx
Posted: 09 Sep 2014, 22:45

, I would like to know if it is possible to increase the amount of cars up to 20 or 30 for online races. This would make the online races more fun, we could organize championships online, tournaments and marathons, and enjoy races with more than 12 drivers which is sometimes not enough, some players are left out of the game and they have to wait until somebody leaves the room. I'm already aware that the main reason is that re-volt can only handle 12 slots for different cars per time. I've been told about this. But the thing is, we hardly ever use more than 2 or 3 different cars online. So can't the WolfR4 feature be ported to online races with at least 1 or 2 different slots allowed for 30 cars races?
Thanks a lot for your time. We online players would be really thankful if this limit is increased.
Posted: 09 Sep 2014, 22:53
I've even a better idea, if you want to release a final version 1.2 and if you have relatively the time, why you are not working on two final versions ... A final version based on the 14.0306 designed for players who are attracted for the offline game with all new features added until day, and with always the option to play online... And an another version primarily intended for online players. Version which would be based on the official beta and in which you'll add only the news features related to the online game, for example the late joining, the host switch, etc ...
All players who racing during an online game don't need many things to play good..
Even we can help about this version... Help to decide what is important or not...
Players like Phantom, Sting, SCracer, Mmudshark, Dr. Pepper, Cosmo_Kramer, Sonkite, Sjampo, Sebr, Mezza, Touriga, Nic_Giz, ABC, CityWalker, me and more, i'm sure, could help...
I am convinced that by doing a poll, it would fill many people...
Posted: 09 Sep 2014, 23:11
I support the idea.
Posted: 09 Sep 2014, 23:52
Ceduu's idea is ok (if it is possible, there is no reason to not support it), but what's the point on wanting two parallel final versions to be developed? Are any new features a nuisance when playing online?
EDIT: nvm, I've been explained about it.
Posted: 10 Sep 2014, 13:43
Wow, impressive support!
Thanks Dolo for mentioning me
Just wondering, Why i'm being ignored? (even trough some people like some of the ideas i post and kinda silently and privately agree and reply me)
I'm happy to help and knowing the bits of the game really helps.
(hacking really taught me valuable lessons and made me a better person, also, i thank my hacking for learning new stuff about the game. I'm not proud of what i have done.. but if i wouldn't done such thing i would never learn such stuff or figure stuff in a different and maybe hard way)
I agree with ceduu's ideas and beyond, cmon guys, we can keep the original game spirit, the game itself is still very fun, we could even do more with it.
Technically the game does need improvements but it doesn't have to be really opensourced, in fact i think that being opensource may take away the spirit of the game because it would feel different.
Huki, please hear us and give us a version that may be fully fixed, name it classic and keep us happy!
Yes, I'm the ABC block and you can find me in Toy World 1 ;-)
ps: why nobody bothered updating some sites such as RVH and 1.2 sites? (yeah sure, download links are updated but the informational content is not)
Posted: 11 Sep 2014, 15:38
Dolo @ Sep 9 2014, 05:23 PM wrote: I've even a better idea, if you want to release a final version 1.2 and if you have relatively the time, why you are not working on two final versions ... A final version based on the 14.0306 designed for players who are attracted for the offline game with all new features added until day, and with always the option to play online... And an another version primarily intended for online players.
The last thing this community needs right now is more bickering about versions. The next patch (not patches) needs to please everyone.
Posted: 11 Sep 2014, 16:03
While I agree with ceduu's idea, I think it should have no priority at the moment. 12 player races can already be very laggy (Hil even sets a limit of 10 most of the time), I think the problems with the lag management need to be dealt with first.
Having 2 *final* versions, as Dolo puts it... I think it's not a good idea. It may not be bad as a short term solution to satisfy the online players, but as a long term plan... It would put the regular online players, and the offline players - who can be potential online players too in the future - even further away.
Posted: 11 Sep 2014, 16:37
To be honest, I don't really see what all the fuss is about with the planned changes for the new version and the desire to "fix" the current version before the new one is done.
I mean sure, I realize that people may be worried about differences in controls, new bugs/glitches and maybe even different behaviour in the new version but fact is, we don't know how the new version will end up (in fact, if its done properly it should be the exact same experience with some (major) improvements/fixes).
So why do people insist on still fixing things for the current version without knowing if the new version is going to be inferior/different to the current version? From my point of view this just leads to overall longer development times and worst case maybe even a complete hold.
Especially considering that a few of these requests would take a lot of time to implement, I mean some of them were already previously requested, including "fixing the multiplayer" and we all know how that ended up with jigebren.
Not to mention that a "fixed 1.2" would only be yet another version to choose from and thats just bad for the whole community.
My suggestion would be to let them work on the new version in peace and if it turns out to have some major issues/differences compared to the current version we can still revert back to older versions and/or request support for older versions.
Posted: 11 Sep 2014, 22:56
Kenny @ Sep 11 2014, 11:07 AM wrote: To be honest, I don't really see what all the fuss is about with the planned changes for the new version and the desire to "fix" the current version before the new one is done.
I mean sure, I realize that people may be worried about differences in controls, new bugs/glitches and maybe even different behaviour in the new version but fact is, we don't know how the new version will end up (in fact, if its done properly it should be the exact same experience with some (major) improvements/fixes).
So why do people insist on still fixing things for the current version without knowing if the new version is going to be inferior/different to the current version? From my point of view this just leads to overall longer development times and worst case maybe even a complete hold.
Especially considering that a few of these requests would take a lot of time to implement, I mean some of them were already previously requested, including "fixing the multiplayer" and we all know how that ended up with jigebren.
Not to mention that a "fixed 1.2" would only be yet another version to choose from and thats just bad for the whole community.
My suggestion would be to let them work on the new version in peace and if it turns out to have some major issues/differences compared to the current version we can still revert back to older versions and/or request support for older versions.
At this point all I'm asking for is
one new patch that will please everyone to some extent.
Posted: 11 Sep 2014, 22:59
Kenny @ Sep 11 2014, 08:07 AM wrote: To be honest, I don't really see what all the fuss is about with the planned changes for the new version and the desire to "fix" the current version before the new one is done.
I mean sure, I realize that people may be worried about differences in controls, new bugs/glitches and maybe even different behaviour in the new version but fact is, we don't know how the new version will end up (in fact, if its done properly it should be the exact same experience with some (major) improvements/fixes).
So why do people insist on still fixing things for the current version without knowing if the new version is going to be inferior/different to the current version? From my point of view this just leads to overall longer development times and worst case maybe even a complete hold.
Especially considering that a few of these requests would take a lot of time to implement, I mean some of them were already previously requested, including "fixing the multiplayer" and we all know how that ended up with jigebren.
Not to mention that a "fixed 1.2" would only be yet another version to choose from and thats just bad for the whole community.
My suggestion would be to let them work on the new version in peace and if it turns out to have some major issues/differences compared to the current version we can still revert back to older versions and/or request support for older versions.
No, definitely new version will feel different.
Bad suggestions, you don't believe in the game's spirit, right?
New version wont really please everyone.
EDIT: Yeah, Sure, we will wait for new version, but huki, at least make up something to keep us happy while we wait, as you have your code already there. (you suck if you deleted that source code)
Posted: 11 Sep 2014, 23:03
Hey guys, you have not understood a thing, if you are against, what interest finally to post something ???
The aim is to make everyone happy, if you want to play with the current gameplay, basically you'll choose the final 1.2 based on the lastest alpha ...
If you can not stand the current gameplay, that means you are a purist and therefore that you are respectful of the original gameplay... So you'll choose an intermediate version, the beta but with the addition of new features related to online mode ...
It's as simple as that ... And I take the bets that if this new beta is made a day, it's a great success assured ... But it's maybe that scares you ????
Posted: 11 Sep 2014, 23:04
Abc @ Sep 11 2014, 07:29 PM wrote:Everyone who is wishing to wait is a f****ing retarded guy.
If you do not want to wait, then develop Re-Volt yourself.
Posted: 11 Sep 2014, 23:11
nevermind @ Sep 11 2014, 02:34 PM wrote: Abc @ Sep 11 2014, 07:29 PM wrote:Everyone who is wishing to wait is a f****ing retarded guy.
If you do not want to wait, then develop Re-Volt yourself.
If there are programmers they cant develop it, Huki needs to give away the source code which i doubt if that will happen.
If there's anyone, its ripax, but he chosen to privatize his project so we are "doomed"
I can't code, and even if i was able to code i wouldnt be able unless huki releases the code.