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Posted: 08 Oct 2013, 09:04
RacerBG @ Oct 4 2013, 08:09 AM wrote: At all they haven't any rights to sell Re-Volt. Let's not talk about selling it with patch 1.2!
Of course they don't.
What surprises me like always is the amount of people that didn't took the time to look for the game properly in all these years. And now they see this as "the new re-volt made by gog" lol.
About the money, the
$5.99 may not be a bad number, but first of all I wouldn't pay for the game I already got and which can be found for free all across the internet. But in case I had to do it, I'd like to see that money going directly to Huki & Jig who are the only ones that really deserve it.
Posted: 08 Oct 2013, 14:03
urnemanden @ Oct 4 2013, 06:59 AM wrote: Thiev @ GOG Staff wrote:
We used the build supplied by publisher...
So that literally means that they took the 1.2 patch, slapped their names on it and start selling it? Complete bastards...
Posted: 08 Oct 2013, 16:58
Phantom @ Oct 8 2013, 04:34 AM wrote: What surprises me like always is the amount of people that didn't took the time to look for the game properly in all these years. And now they see this as "the new re-volt made by gog" lol.
Keep in mind that We Go Interactive sold GOG a license to sell Re-Volt through H2 Interactive and GOG has never claimed to have "made" the game themselves. GOG is merely a distributor like Steam. They sell whatever they get from the publisher, H2 Interactive / We Go Interactive.
Posted: 09 Oct 2013, 10:04
Sure, I agree on that.
The complete bastards here are We Go Interactive / H2 Interactive or however it's called.
GOG should have investigated a little more though, and I doubt they will stop charging for the game. So I still don't buy they are completely innocent in this story.
Posted: 23 Oct 2013, 16:20
I underlined and bolded your english mistakes. It is important to fix them if you want them to understand. See you.
We have a trouble with your work :
"Late join player" was a good thing, thx for that BUT since 1 YEAR, a lot of players dont like some aspects of the game .. for exemple : gameplay changed, weapon effect changed.
It's impossible to keep on like this, why ?
- Because some players want to quit the game cause "new versions" used by all players change completely the expérience of their game.
- Because we need to adapt our gameplay every time that version is changed.
Why the work of Huki and Jigebren isnt more shared with all players ? why too many people "feel" that they arent listened ?
I take an example : its now possible to play revolt at 2 players on same screen, same computer, this feature causes me a lot of trouble .. cause i must change my controler (impossible to misk numpad and normal keyboard). Do anybody use that feature ? is it really useful ?
- i think a developer needs to play the game developed .. why ? cause if u play you know also what the game needs or doesn't need, its important.
- i think you must be more in contact with us ... Dolo, Kostya, Mmud, Phantom, Stingox, Cosmo_Kramer, me .. a lot of player are bored to be not listen .. ITS OUR GAME ^^, NOT only YOURS.
HUKI and JIGEBREN made "very good work", everyone knows you are important for community and everybody knows your work is important .. but listen to us more.
If Huki or Jigebren dont adapt their behaviour/conduct, we ll choose 1 version (by democratic vote).. and we'll forbid all others versions for all competitions on line .. ( possible to change depending development )
Why ? .. i m just bored, i have a job and a family and i dont want to loose my time to talk in the empty space WHEN some old players and community divide themselves around that.
Maybe we said wrong things in the past, but it has been too long time since the community is ignoring his OWN trouble .. there is a trouble .. and .. at least ^^, we need to talk CLEVERLY about that.
Posted: 23 Oct 2013, 19:35
Re-Volt was changed for good. The split screen feature is very nice if you have one friend nearby.

The changes between the versions are mainly bug fixes. Of course here and there we have some new features but they are not changing the gameplay.
My only complain is that the development nowadays seems to be slow.
Posted: 23 Oct 2013, 22:54
All opinions are good and welcome .. i just want we talk about that .. cause i have too much complaint about versions .. then keep on talking and PLZ, dont be afraid to tell what you think ^^ and we ll take a decision depending that.
Posted: 24 Oct 2013, 00:40
Before 6 november .. we ll organise a vote .. and we choose a version ..
after that all times or screenshoot which have a different version will not accept .. in B3L, B4L, MONTH, and LEAGUE.
I can't be more clear.
If one day a version better is proposed we can accept it, cause we ll talk with player and vote again, cause we arent closed like person. ^^
Posted: 24 Oct 2013, 02:29
benvoliosaythat @ Oct 23 2013, 08:10 PM wrote: Before 6 november .. we ll organise a vote .. and we choose a version ..
after that all times or screenshoot which have a different version will not accept .. in B3L, B4L, MONTH, and LEAGUE.
I can't be more clear.
If one day a version better is proposed we can accept it, cause we ll talk with player and vote again, cause we arent closed like person. ^^
I think if someone posts a screenshot (of B3L or anything else), you can't see which version was being used.
Also if only 1 version is considered acceptable on RVR, that means that the screenshots which are not made that version should be deleted (so almost all of the times made earlier - as they are made with many different versions).
So, you said we shouldn't be afraid to tell our opinions. My opinion regarding this question is, that if you decide to consider only one version (any of them) of the game acceptable for RVR that makes RVR complete total literal BULLSHIT.
(I can't be more clear ^^)
Posted: 24 Oct 2013, 07:02
OK Bal ^^ y ou think its bad .. but can you tell why exactly ? Is it only cause no possible to identify version ?
About that i think its possible : 1. Some version are incompatible 2. Police seems to be different
3. Risk to be unvalidate.
I précise something .. its to have a democratic choice .. it mean also community can vote for actual version .. or for unlimited version
Posted: 24 Oct 2013, 07:43
Ben's first post reached to my soul. I agree with almost every word.
Huki and Jig, nobody will ever doubt you are the most important people in revolt history. So think about it, think about all the love that people gave to you few years ago, remember all the good moments of the Beta stage, when the 1.2 patch brought life to a dead game. And everyone was happy with it.
All that is gone now.. and i don't know when it happened. The game changed dramatically and we didn't realize when this happened or we let it happen, probably it's our fault for not coming here before and tell you the negative changes one by one, or probably it was a lack of communication beween players and devs.
Today we just know it's not the same game anymore. And it's sad sometimes. We see people losing their interest in the game, and we see people with no interest to tell you the things we dislike about the 1.2, we players sometimes don't tell you the things that affect our gamplay because we don't want to hurt your feelings. And that is truth, nobody wants to hurt your feelings because it's your free work and your passion, so people here know that we prefer to shut up. But shutting up and trying to co-exist with these changes is not working. It frustrates us, irritates us.
I feel the same as Ben, tired. I see people losing interest in online racing because the fights are the same every day, the gameplay being different and all the dilemma. But people are not crazy you know, people are not inventing irreal situations here. Re-Volt 1.2 Alpha Online is different, and the good features like late joining and other important bug fixes are not included in our good old beta game. What a sad situation, isn't it?
@Ben: The only thing I dislike of your proposal is the idea of changing RVR regulation. We must help Huki & Jig to open eyes and fix the problem or provide us with a better version for online racing, we should not change the other websites' regulations because of this. People are already affected by this problem Ben, we cannot make it worse by reducing their freedom of choice.
Posted: 24 Oct 2013, 09:54
Don't make to harder the admins' work on RVR
We have very beautiful posted screenshots already

and more and more by newbies
Posted: 24 Oct 2013, 23:15
benvoliosaythat @ Oct 24 2013, 02:32 AM wrote: OK Bal ^^ y ou think its bad .. but can you tell why exactly ? Is it only cause no possible to identify version ?
Hmm, I thought I was clear.
No, my problem with this is not only the inability to see which version the players are using (though this would be quite unsolvable too, if you made that rule).
The other problem is: let's say RVR decides to accept only times made with the beta 11.0208 version (just for example). That means that I don't have the right to make times with - for example - the newest alpha (or any other version), yeah? But other people earlier HAD the right to make times with that version. What if it's actually easier to get good times with another version, than with which is considered acceptable? Then you can play no more with that easier (so, for making records - better) version? But others have times with that version on the site already accepted! Does this sound fair?
Btw, this is getting awfully offtopic... this has nothing to do with the development of 1.2, it should be discussed in a topic about RVR.
Posted: 24 Oct 2013, 23:35
i didn't think ( if you said true ) the situation was bad like this .. how is it possible we let do that at RE-VOLT .. possible to make better time ?? .. only cause developper took this direction .. i didn't know that, its make me afraid .. i think at Arto or Sjampo and their times .. ya its maybe a solution to delete all time with others version and i am going to think about
( i am not serious at end .. but if i could Balint, i ll find this normal .. to delete all times in B3L and B4L by respect for old player like Arto and Sjampo )
but maybe things change, Revolt also, and maybe its good things change with time.. i dunno
Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 00:35
- MacLaden said me, " dont change version, it will cause more pooh to happen "
- Giaco ask me " when vote will be organise " => its more debate for moment
- "1 old player" said me , B3L maybe must no be in debate .. cause new version don't really affect it... if i have well understood
personally i just participate at debate and i am not close .. maybe better to try to explain at developper .. to explain what we need
in this order Dolo and Mmud said me, new patch work better with 3-4 players .. apparently its the managment of lag which is a disaster in new patch
- "1 other old player, not the same" said me
x " Not everyone is unhappy with the way revolt is now. The Offline people seem to like it and not all the online racers are having problems "
x " I think it is only the faster racers who notice the collision differences and other little things "
- another player said me : Huki and J don't listen us, you just need to change version on champ rvr .. more easy
- another player : there is player on forum who dont play and who dont care about trouble of version and there is others, players who are active.
It seems like TABOO here .. Huki and Jb are only some developper .. in history of revolt .. Arto, Irck, Rv League team with Piga and Cd develop also a lot of thing for revolt and me sometimes also.
Debate keep on..
Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 02:34
apparently debate concern only R-League .. cause in Month and B3L all people can choose his own version ( is it fair about time ?, just a question )
its not the good place Balint ? u mean only developer and old player inactive have right to change the game ?

or maybe i dont understand
Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 02:37
Can you stop to say bullshit Ben ?
B3L, months or R-league is not the topic for this...
You created an another debate in your own debate...
So come back to that :
ben wrote:I underlined and bolded your english mistakes. It is important to fix them if you want them to understand. See you.
We have a trouble with your work :
"Late join player" was a good thing, thx for that BUT since 1 YEAR, a lot of players dont like some aspects of the game .. for exemple : gameplay changed, weapon effect changed.
It's impossible to keep on like this, why ?
- Because some players want to quit the game cause "new versions" used by all players change completely the expérience of their game.
- Because we need to adapt our gameplay every time that version is changed.
Why the work of Huki and Jigebren isnt more shared with all players ? why too many people "feel" that they arent listened ?
I take an example : its now possible to play revolt at 2 players on same screen, same computer, this feature causes me a lot of trouble .. cause i must change my controler (impossible to misk numpad and normal keyboard). Do anybody use that feature ? is it really useful ?
- i think a developer needs to play the game developed .. why ? cause if u play you know also what the game needs or doesn't need, its important.
- i think you must be more in contact with us ... Dolo, Kostya, Mmud, Phantom, Stingox, Cosmo_Kramer, me .. a lot of player are bored to be not listen .. ITS OUR GAME ^^, NOT only YOURS.
HUKI and JIGEBREN made "very good work", everyone knows you are important for community and everybody knows your work is important .. but listen to us more.
If Huki or Jigebren dont adapt their behaviour/conduct, we ll choose 1 version (by democratic vote).. and we'll forbid all others versions for all competitions on line .. ( possible to change depending development )
Why ? .. i m just bored, i have a job and a family and i dont want to loose my time to talk in the empty space WHEN some old players and community divide themselves around that.
Maybe we said wrong things in the past, but it has been too long time since the community is ignoring his OWN trouble .. there is a trouble .. and .. at least ^^, we need to talk CLEVERLY about that.
Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 02:45
Ben, stop that.
My opinion is this:
1, For picks up race:
- The version what some player loves (something beta or older alpha)
2, For your R-League:
- Which version you want (you can decide that, not my business)
3, For B3L/B4L/Month Tracks Race:
- The recently alpha and the beta too, we can decide (it depends on host) that we use alpha or beta or both with 'all version' function
I agree with Balint, because we can't choose only 1 version for B3L/B4L/Month Tracks Race. We used what we wanted. I won't support that. If here will be just 1 version for Best laps and Month races, I won't accept times anymore, because it makes me more works, what I don't really need.. waste of time.
My opinion is that is this the best way.
Think it through.

Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 02:49
How about.... Just leave it as it is? If you dictate that a different version should be used for each and every race type or just on RV House in general, you will just create more and more grief ontop of the unnessacery bullshit complaining we already have. Don't do it.
Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 02:54
At first fix this fkin RVHouse issue.. it will be good for first step

Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 03:48
Skarma @ Oct 24 2013, 10:19 PM wrote: How about.... Just leave it as it is? If you dictate that a different version should be used for each and every race type or just on RV House in general, you will just create more and more grief ontop of the unnessacery bullshit complaining we already have. Don't do it.
You'll achieve the complete opposite if you try to force players to only allow one (or certain) versions. Sure, perhaps some hardcore Re-Volt players will join you with the forced version but you can almost be sure that many other players won't follow you and certainly not any newcomers (who will be more confused than anyone else because they have no idea what all the fuss is about).
So ultimatively you'll end up with a shattered community where less and less players are going to compete with each other.
My point of view:
- this is going completely offtopic, do a seperate topic for this, this one is already populated enough
- let huki & jigebren give their statement about this, they haven't said anything about it yet (besides the fact that they haven't been active for a while)
Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 07:27
I m sorry Dolo i think seriously its the good place ..
what is alive in revolt ??? its B3L, Month and R League .. then .. like we are alone to play .. why we cant participe to build the game we played !
I dream or we played 1.2 ? I dream also or this topic is about 1.2 ?
I dream or phantom, kostya, you, cosmo ect ect .. didnt like some features of 1.2 ?
For me 1.2 its ok, i complaint 1 time in the past but i have actually 0 trouble .. all is perfect .. but at least 5 or 6 players complaints about this version .. i heard that .. and i am here to know :
1. Whats is wrong with 1.2
2. Who say true, who say wrong, i see for moment a big disorder ..
3. Why developer dont listen more player .. (if its case)
I am not a robot dolo .. i want understand before to do something.. and for moment i dont understand ..
1. Its not very logical all people choose his own version to make time in B3L .. this tournament i created is serious .. its not a circus .. and i would like to know if actually its more easy to do best time .. i ll ask at Irck Point of vue about that. Maybe no trouble but i want to be sure.
2. Why R League only concern by trouble of version .. cause player cant choose their version, i can understand ok .. its a strange way of mind but why not .. cause new patch fail since 3 players ... if i understand like patch is bad since 3 players we must put all version ( with no random pos at start ) only for that ?? is it reality or i dream .. all version forbidden random pos at start, true ? it can be a way.
3. Also what is the trouble with 1.2 .. no trouble its just game change depending players ( and their lag ) ? why this thing not happen with original game ?
3. Why all these complaints about games ? .. and when i decide to do something all people seems afraid .. cause if we do something will be worst ? .. cause we must be hide to do something ? ..
My purpose is very clear .. Game is ok for me .. i do that ONLY for players who complaints .. then if i understand what the player want .. maybe we ll choose a version .. maybe we ll give a way to Huki et J... after .. if i dont understand .. all stay like this for moment.
Its also possible to put instead of me , Phantom or a player who know better all this "desorder" versions charabia ..

.. i m not against
Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 09:57
Ben, don't change anything on RVR races.
You not play Best Laps and Months, but me yes. I say: don't change anything on RVR races. Free version decision is good since 2007!

Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 10:37
Mais tu vas la fermer ta bouche ben et arrête de perdre ton temps, t'arrives après la bataille, qu'est-ce que tu espères, tu te prends pour qui ? Tu crois que tu peux venir une fois et ouvrir ta gueule et faire changer les choses sur un forum complètement déconnecter de rvhouse, ca n'est pas l'endroit pour en parler, tu fais tout à l'envers comme je l'ai dit... Ta league ce n'est pas une finalité, sauf que tu piges pas... Si on amorce un changement de version par l'intermédiaire de ta league, c'est pour qu'après ce soit beaucoup plus facile de bouger le gros cul de cet américain de Hil... Donc arrête de faire une fixette sur les b3l ou ta league... Tu soules plus qu'autre chose là... Le but c'est juste de satisfaire le plus de monde niveau gameplay en multijoueurs en trouvant un compromis avec une version antérieure, et c'est pas le cas pour le moment avec les dernieres alphas et ça tu le sais très bien...
Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 16:48
well, again some opinion and i ll organise a vote in 2 week :
part 1 : will be a resume of argument about version ( pro and against )
part 2 : a vote : do you want a version fixed for R-League ( yes / no ) *
*apparently will give freedom for the rest : B3L, B4L, Month
part 3 : a vote : ( if yes won ) : what version do you want in R-League.
After that i hope debate will be close, and less complaint cause the choice ll be democratic.
nota : the process of this vote must be confirm by phantom / dolo / Mmud / Kipy and me.
some comments :
- my purpose is to defend rights of players .. in reality we have no choice about this version of us game .. some host get automatically the more recent version .. and like Huki and J.. dont talk very much with us .. the both have a consequence, player have no choice .. you folow or you stop to play .. i don't like that .. and i tell him .. without animosity.
- i think i have legitimity for that .. i develop the first revoltrace .. i passed 1500 hours of my time for on line competition ( B3L , CUP and now R-League ) .. i know and i talk with Arto, Irck .. i talked with first developer of Rv-League .. and what i want is not bad .. i just want player ( who complaint a lot ) have choice.
- ya Dolo i understand now why u think B3L and Month not the question
Maybe democratia isnt usual for some player .. it going to be usual .. you can count on me for that.
Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 17:01
Just create a new topic about this, geez. You went too far here.
As for RVR *standart version* - whatever, I don't mind if it's last alpha or it's beta version. I don't have that much hate for v1.2 alpha versions, I actually prefer them feature-wise. Though, latest two builds sucked with reverted network limit changes, IMO.
Posted: 25 Oct 2013, 17:05
Ya vote will be on other place .. in other forum.
Posted: 26 Oct 2013, 06:23
benvoliosaythat @ Oct 23 2013, 11:50 AM wrote: If Huki or Jigebren dont adapt their behaviour/conduct, we ll choose 1 version (by democratic vote).. and we'll forbid all others versions for all competitions on line .. ( possible to change depending development )
Probably the most arrogant and ignorant pile of crap I've ever read on this forum. Anyone who has an iota of sanity and common sense will oppose this.
And if it still goes forward and you
do ban every single version of the game except the one... you have absolutely no idea what the consequences might be.
Like I've said again, again and again, the only way forward is them two
sharing that bloody source code finally.
Posted: 26 Oct 2013, 15:36
I am not here to get friend Nero ^^ .. i don't care ; i m not here also to ask allow at some elite of revolt i don't care ; and finally i m here to make changement .. and sorry if i break dream of your small inactive community : " source code isnt share ; maybe between developper you mean "
Here we have concret trouble in present. And i m not going wait 10 years of an inactive community

.. if some are chocked, was the purpose to wake up you.
Posted: 26 Oct 2013, 17:17
Les développeurs font fausse route depuis quelques temps malheureusement.
Certes ils ont ajouté de nouvelles fonctionnalités comme la compatibilité avec les nouveaux OS, ajouter le late joining et quelques autres...
Cependant ils ont voulu fixer/changer/modifier beaucoup trop de choses. Il faut savoir que le jeu était presque parfait avec le Re-Volt Original. Les bugs était minimes.
Ils se sont égarés et ils ont oublié le moteur de la communauté = le mode multijoueurs en ligne.
Quand ces même joueurs se sont aperçus de la direction que prenait Re-Volt, il était déjà trop tard..
L'intérêt d'un nouveau Re-volt réside uniquement dans l'ajout de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Un championnat en mode en ligne aurait du être un des premières priorités par exemple. Donner une longévité au mode online, c'est donné une longévité au jeu dans son ensemble, à la communauté tout entière et à RvHouse....
Les circuits et les cars customs ne viennent qu'en second plan que ça vous plaise ou non... Il est temps que les joueurs décident ce qui est mieux pour eux lorsqu'ils jouent entre eux, et qu'ils n'aient pas à subir ce que ces chers développeurs ont choisi de faire de ce nouveau revolt, volontairement ou involontairement...
Developers are wrong since some times unfortunately.
Certainly, they added new features such as compatibility with the news OS , the late joining and some many others for offline mode...
However they changed / modify / fix too many things . You should know that the game was almost perfect with the Re -Volt Original. The bugs were minimal.
They lost and they forgot the engine community = the online multiplayer mode .
When these same players have found the new direction in which Re -Volt , it was too late ..
The value of a new Re-Volt lies only in the addition of new features . A championship in online mode should have been a top priority for example. Give life to the online mode, it is given a lifetime to the game as a whole, the entire community and RVHouse ....
Tracks and customs cars come only in second place whether you like it or not ... It is time for the players to decide what is best for them when they play together, and they do not have to go through what these dear developers chose to make of this new revolt , voluntarily or involuntarily ...
Posted: 26 Oct 2013, 20:52
I'm pretty satisfied with the latest patch.
Posted: 26 Oct 2013, 22:17
Dolo (translated) wrote:Tracks and customs cars come only in second place whether you like it or not ...
Thats not true and you know it (hopefully).
Re-Volt has always been about custom content, its a big part of the game that makes it so great and unforgettable compared to other games.
Try to imagine if custom track/car creation wouldn't be possible, it would still be a great game but I can imagine that even a great game looses the fun value content wise after almost 15 years if nothing new gets added to it (even if it has multiplayer).
I do believe that the bigger part of Re-Volt players consists of offline players, you just don't know about them because they either are not active in the community or just don't want to play online.
Besides, if you take a look at the changelog you'll notice that a good part of changes and fixes involve the multiplayer since the beta so you cannot deny that they dont care for the multiplayer part.
Probably most of the changes involve things that you don't immediately notice when playing the game so you don't feel like there's much progress in that direction but thats not the case.
Nero wrote:Like I've said again, again and again, the only way forward is them two sharing that bloody source code finally.
As much as I would like to take a look at their source code I don't think this will be the "ultimate" solution either.
Most people will only take a quick look at it if it gets released and those more serious about it will probably look out for their own features and/or do stuff that other users don't appreciate (we already have countless discussions on this forum whether some things should be implemented or not).
Worst case would be that various custom versions of Re-Volt pop up with different features and goals.
But again, I wouldn't have anything against them sharing the source
Nero wrote:I'm pretty satisfied with the latest patch.
Tbh I can't say I'm satisfied with the patch but on the other side I don't feel the need to start a revolution about it.
Posted: 27 Oct 2013, 01:03
@Ben: What I said about these "faster times with different versions" was just an example, a theory. I don't say it's easier to make better times with one version, than another, but it is possible. I think it varies individually (for example Dolo makes better times with beta, and Famous made his insane records with the new alpha...)
@Ben: I don't know why don't you see this is totally not the right place for this. This topic is about suggestions about what should be added/fixed, etc. to Re-Volt 1.2. It has nothing to do with R-League, and RVR and whatever versions are accpeted by these too.
I agree with Skarma, leave everything as it is. You can choose a version for R-League if you want (in another topic preferrably), but I don't see why is it necessary either. You think that with different versions players have advantages or disadvantages in the races, thus making the game unfair? I don't think the difference would be so drastic. Also it makes it even more complicated for newbies, if they just wanna race, and they immediately get the question "What version do you have? It's not good go download another one. But install this over that blablabla..." It won't work...
And please Ben... Stop these petitions, and stuff. It's not making any good.
Posted: 27 Oct 2013, 04:06
Ya Balint i respect your point of vue... and thx for explanations about time .. i feel better. About split time also .. i understand better, its normal to think at single mode.
About "not good place" .. i got this place to debate .. cause i think " we are not enought listen by developper " .. ( maybe i m wrong )
And to show, its important to listen us ( online gamers ), we exist, we are here, and we will not leave .. and we ll decide depending what we think :-)
Posted: 27 Oct 2013, 17:54
Kenny @ Oct 26 2013, 01:47 PM wrote: Dolo (translated) wrote:Tracks and customs cars come only in second place whether you like it or not ...
Thats not true and you know it (hopefully). Re-Volt has always been about custom content..
You should also know that there are players who don't give 5 cents for custom content. There are people -specially online players- that prefer the game as original as possible with 0 add-ons, 0 extra content or modifications. The only 'accepted' custom content that some of them regularly play used to be a small bunch of good custom tracks known as multiplayer classics existing since the 2000's (venice, quake, re-ville, etc) or the modern 'month tracks' competition, but nothing else.
Everything related to the other aspects of custom content such as cars, mods, tools or the track creation process itself has always been irrelevant or tabú content for the average online player.
I think you will understand this (hopefully). And this is why what you said "
Re-Volt has always been about custom content" sounds very strange and almost reaching to the point of incoherence for some of us, including Dolo, Stingox, Cosmo, etc.
As an online player myself, I have to agree with Dolo's post. There are online features that could have been top priority like the Multiplayer championship mode with score system, or the Knockout game mode, or adding AI Bots in online races, or adding a system for direct transfer of custom tracks between the players, or switching to Winsock/NATP or whatever it's called so people don't have to read 3 manuals about port forwarding to get the game working.
Kenny wrote:I do believe that the bigger part of Re-Volt players consists of offline players
I actually think the opposite situation. The majority are the online players for me, you probably don't know them because you don't spend your whole day in rv house. And because many of them are inactive now aswell that is true, mainly because the only program we have to play online is a
disaster in comparison to any other game's lobby launcher, it is outdated, has bugs, lacks of many features, and requires Router Manual Configuration (jesus christ..). Oh wait, and now we even can't login because it doesn't have a server.
So yeah, we could be a lot of more players. But unfortunately with the situation nowadays (or since a few years actually) many people do prefer to leave rv house and go for other online games. With this scenario as it is, I do understand when the online players complain.
At least it is interesting to see how different opinions the community can have about the same game. Probably this is the ethernal dilemma between track&car makers and online players, always wondering about what part is the most important for re-volt and we hope the Re-Volt 1.2 to represent that part as much as possible.
And I strongly second these 2 sentences:
Dolo wrote:You should know that the game was almost perfect with the Re -Volt Original.
Dolo wrote:Give life to the online mode, it is give a lifetime to the game as a whole, the entire community and RVHouse ....
Posted: 27 Oct 2013, 19:17
Phantom wrote:I think you will understand this (hopefully). And this is why what you said "Re-Volt has always been about custom content" sounds very strange and almost reaching to the point of incoherence for some of us, including Dolo, Stingox, Cosmo, etc.
I think you misunderstood me there.
When I said that I meant that it was great feature of the game to an extent that I haven't seen in many other games to this day and that this might be a reason why its still held precious by so many players.
I didn't mean that its the only thing that keeps Re-Volt alive or that you have to install custom content to enjoy it (which would mean as a result we only have to look out to extend this particular feature).
Phantom wrote:I actually think the opposite situation. The majority are the online players for me, you probably don't know them because you don't spend your whole day in rv house.
Its true, I rarely spend my time in RV House (or even play online) so I can't really estimate how popular it is.
However I think you will agree with me that no one can give a defintive statement about whats more popular or even keeping the game alive since there are no statistics available to back either side up.
Its a mere opinion of you and me and its a fact that both things (custom content and multiplayer) are greatly appreciated by many players.
As for why there hasn't been more development towards multiplayer features, that question can only be answered by huki & jigebren themselves.
Its their project, they decided to work on it, they decided to share it with us and they decided to (for the most part) listen to what we have to say about it.
I can't blame them if they want to work on some features more than others or if they do things that I don't appreciate so much.
Posted: 27 Oct 2013, 20:15
Kenny @ Oct 27 2013, 10:47 AM wrote: I think you will agree with me that no one can give a defintive statement about whats more popular or even keeping the game alive since there are no statistics available to back either side up.
Its a mere opinion of you and me and its a fact that both things (custom content and multiplayer) are greatly appreciated by many players.
Yeb, I agree.
Nevertheless, it would be good to know in which way Re-Volt 1.2 development will interpretate this, because a highly tuned-up re-volt is frequently incompatible with online players' desires which are expecting a re-volt as untouched as possible. Take the dc cars debate as the perfect example.
Posted: 27 Oct 2013, 21:56
@ Phantom
I am trying to do something about Virtual Server with Arto .. but it cost 8 euros by month it seems .. its another trouble but will found a solution. ^^
Posted: 28 Oct 2013, 00:02
Kenny @ Oct 26 2013, 05:47 PM wrote: I do believe that the bigger part of Re-Volt players consists of offline players, you just don't know about them because they either are not active in the community or just don't want to play online.
It's possible (and yes, if you ask me, likely) that more players are playing the game offline, without giving any signs here (or on any other forums/sites/etc.) that they are doing so. What I think about this, though, that these palyers don't play for too long with the game (like completing the championships, trying out a few custom tracks, and cars), because if they are really interested in Re-Volt, they are going to show up somewhere (either in online games, or forums).
I also think, that we (and the devs) should not care about these people's opinion at all. You can only guess what their opinion is anyway. If someone doesn't voice his/her opinion, it can not and should not be respected.
Posted: 16 Nov 2013, 17:53
I just like making pretty tracks

I do not race online.
i no longer play the game modes.
I personally think that while a game is in dev state you folks who race online should all stick to Re-Volt in its original state and allow the developers tick along with improving it.
The more you lot bitch and moan at the programmers the more they will stay quiet and secretive.
Let the process happen how it happens and get on with enjoying Re-Volt the way it always has been enjoyed.
Like i have said many times, i love the 1.2 versions because it lets me create tracks i couldn't have possibly has created before. Whether you people can race them or not is no longer my main focus because to be fair you are all way to fooking picky! "to easy,to hard, to many long bits needs more turns" and so on.
I sit at home when i have some free time from my music and potter about in max and if i get something cool ill post it but untill you lot sort yourselves out ill just float about in the background

Posted: 16 Nov 2013, 19:48
Skitch2 wrote: The more you lot bitch and moan at the programmers the more they will stay quiet and secretive.
*glances at Dolo*
Posted: 16 Nov 2013, 20:33
Skitch2 @ Nov 16 2013, 01:23 PM wrote:Like i have said many times, i love the 1.2 versions because it lets me create tracks i couldn't have possibly has created before.
Just the pleasure of making tracks for yourself... Interesting...
Huki and jigebren should make a revolt for only programmers, without the online mode in this case...
Posted: 16 Nov 2013, 21:19
Dolo @ Nov 16 2013, 04:03 PM wrote: Skitch2 @ Nov 16 2013, 01:23 PM wrote:Like i have said many times, i love the 1.2 versions because it lets me create tracks i couldn't have possibly has created before.
Just the pleasure of making tracks for yourself... Interesting...
Huki and jigebren should make a revolt for only programmers, without the online mode in this case...
Err...he didn't say anywhere that he only makes tracks for
himself. Not to mention if he creates tracks and doesn't share them then it would be kind of pointless when he doesn't even play afterwards.
So if I were you I would be grateful for his work instead of questioning it.
Its simply the fact that you all got hyped up with "awesome new features" for each version that you ended up in the situation you are now.
You didn't think one second about the fact that most of these features were not even fully tested and are in fact experimental, hence the term
Posted: 17 Nov 2013, 02:08
Kenny @ Nov 16 2013, 04:49 PM wrote: Dolo @ Nov 16 2013, 04:03 PM wrote: Skitch2 @ Nov 16 2013, 01:23 PM wrote:Like i have said many times, i love the 1.2 versions because it lets me create tracks i couldn't have possibly has created before.
Just the pleasure of making tracks for yourself... Interesting...
Huki and jigebren should make a revolt for only programmers, without the online mode in this case...
Err...he didn't say anywhere that he only makes tracks for
himself. Not to mention if he creates tracks and doesn't share them then it would be kind of pointless when he doesn't even play afterwards.
So if I were you I would be grateful for his work instead of questioning it.
Its simply the fact that you all got hyped up with "awesome new features" for each version that you ended up in the situation you are now.
You didn't think one second about the fact that most of these features were not even fully tested and are in fact experimental, hence the term
If he prefers to make tracks with v1.2, it is not a question of sharing, but rather a question of technics/graphics possibilities, so more for the personal pleasure. I'm not against it, but if it is at the expense of changes in gameplay, I say no!
Posted: 17 Nov 2013, 02:33
Dolo @ Nov 16 2013, 08:38 PM wrote: ...but if it is at the expense of changes in gameplay, I say no!
See? That actually makes a lot of sense and something I whole heartedly agree with.
Posted: 17 Nov 2013, 03:00
Dolo @ Nov 16 2013, 08:38 PM wrote: blablabla
Bitching and moaning about the same thing over and over again isn't going to make Huki or Jig return any sooner to fix it.
Posted: 17 Nov 2013, 03:31
nero @ Nov 16 2013, 10:30 PM wrote: Dolo @ Nov 16 2013, 08:38 PM wrote: blablabla
Bitching and moaning about the same thing over and over again isn't going to make Huki or Jig return any sooner to fix it.
I know you love me very much neroob, but don't feel obligated to answer me... especially to write this kind of post...
Posted: 17 Nov 2013, 08:39
Hi Skitch, how have you been doing?
Skitch2 @ Nov 16 2013, 09:23 AM wrote: The more you lot bitch and moan at the programmers the more they will stay quiet and secretive.
This is something I've realised to be true. The more we complain, the more they stay quiet and secretive. And that is what has silenced me to say many things for some time..
Skitch2 wrote:I personally think that while a game is in dev state you folks who race online should all stick to Re-Volt in its original state and allow the developers tick along with improving it.
Damn, I agree here aswell. But this means we should rather use Re-Volt 1.1 or the betas, and believe me I would do it since it has better physics and it's the game we all loved for so many years, but it is also true that it is less stable and it crashes more often.
The situation as it is now doesn't make anyone happy. Programmers feel limited by the critics and we online players still see the lag/collission/physics/gameplay problems or whatever it's called there.
If only there were an update of the old Re-Volt with the random start positions included, late joining, with optimized lagg managment and a stable and fast performance like the alpha, but without the lag/collission/physics/gameplay issues that annoy people now, damn, online players would be really happy and would let the train of progress in the alphas to move on the way it wants.
We are not mean people.. we just want to enjoy the game like we always did, without feeling frustrated like now when our car touches other cars in the race.
I sit at home when i have some free time from my music and potter about in max and if i get something cool ill post
That sounds nice.

I hope you get something new soon enough to get back the community's interest in the game once again. We're all
-for different reasons- very unmotivated to care about the community like we used to do. The sad news like
re-volt 2 release and the way that
some korean company is trying to steal community content in such a shameless way has left us shocked, even programmers, and the situation above^ isn't heping to move on.
Anyway, it's always good to see you around.
Posted: 17 Nov 2013, 14:55
What if we discuss with developers about a Dropbox account where we can dl the new patches and versions?
I can understand why huki and jigebren did stop makin new patches, what WEGO did that is robbery.. shameful ppl

Posted: 17 Nov 2013, 14:56
I miss new patch anyway