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Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 01:31
Thanks a lot

Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 08:54
Huki wrote:So I assume your friend had already run a previous version on that PC before updating to 13.0815?
Ok I'll ask him and let you know. Thanks.
If you are keeping multiple re-volt installations, you'll have to manage the lobby registration yourself.
Some of us do want -and need- to keep 2 re-volt installations. So I accept -and want- to manage the lobby registration by myself, and that is what I've been doing until the -postinstall command line was removed.
Having one for the alpha, and a separate one for the beta or 1.1 is very helpful for many reasons. Playing in GameRanger being my main one at this moment.
You can read latest
Rexreynolds's message and
RockLee's post to understand some examples, without counting the players that deliberately prefer to play with the Beta.
Some people would just stick to the Beta forever, but they are forced to use the Alpha when they play in RV House. Opposite thing occurs to me. I would just stick to the Alpha but I am forced to use the Beta when I play in GameRanger.
And leaving GameRanger is not even an option for many of us since our dear RV House requires the darn ports to play online.
- Run the 1.2 installer again to do the registration for you.
Running the 1.2 installer again is not so bad idea but I may have custom gfx files in my re-volt folders that would be replaced when reinstalled the patch.
That is why the -postinstall cmd line was good, it made the same job but without installing any files. I won't reinstall the patch 3 times per day, no way this can be a solution sorry.
- Use a .reg file like this: (update the path, remember to use double backslash)
Touch the registry? Seriously? Come on. Let's face it. Nobody will ever touch the registry for this. That is like basic chinese or worse for a normal user.
Having to use a commandline to switch through versions was already complicated enough, but it was sort of simple and effective in comparison to what you are proposing to me.
People do need an easy way to stablish the alpha again for default lobby launcher.
And the -postinstall command line made this job quite well.
Nobody requested it to be removed, i don't understand why being it so useful.
Please I'm begging you to put it back. It can't be harmful at all.
So how about replacing your email address, wherever it is published, with a link to the forum instead?
You don't speak spanish nor portuguese as far as I know. That is why.

And there are far more re-volt players that do not speak english than you think, so a link to this forum wouldn't be a help at all.
That will have to wait until a multilanguage help section is done someday.
And getting the emails is not a problem for me in any way. It never was and never will. It is a pleasure for me If I can help other people with their problems.
The real problem is not the emails, it is the game when it doesn't facilitate things for users to sort out this type of problems by themselves.
Posted: 15 Aug 2013, 18:04
Phantom @ Aug 15 2013, 04:24 AM wrote: If you are keeping multiple re-volt installations, you'll have to manage the lobby registration yourself.
Some of us do want -and need- to keep 2 re-volt installations. So I accept -and want- to manage the lobby registration by myself, and that is what I've been doing until the -postinstall command line was removed.
Having one for the alpha, and a separate one for the beta or 1.1 is very helpful for many reasons. Playing in GameRanger being my main one at this moment.
You can read latest
Rexreynolds's message and
RockLee's post to understand some examples, without counting the players that deliberately prefer to play with the Beta.
Some people would just stick to the Beta forever, but they are forced to use the Alpha when they play in RV House. Opposite thing occurs to me. I would just stick to the Alpha but I am forced to use the Beta when I play in GameRanger.
And leaving GameRanger is not even an option for many of us since our dear RV House requires the darn ports to play online.
- Run the 1.2 installer again to do the registration for you.
Running the 1.2 installer again is not so bad idea but I may have custom gfx files in my re-volt folders that would be replaced when reinstalled the patch.
That is why the -postinstall cmd line was good, it made the same job but without installing any files. I won't reinstall the patch 3 times per day, no way this can be a solution sorry.
- Use a .reg file like this: (update the path, remember to use double backslash)
Touch the registry? Seriously? Come on. Let's face it. Nobody will ever touch the registry for this. That is like basic chinese or worse for a normal user.
Having to use a commandline to switch through versions was already complicated enough, but it was sort of simple and effective in comparison to what you are proposing to me.
People do need an easy way to stablish the alpha again for default lobby launcher.
And the -postinstall command line made this job quite well.
Nobody requested it to be removed, i don't understand why being it so useful.
Please I'm begging you to put it back. It can't be harmful at all.
I use revolt the same way as you Phantom
I always have "Re-Volt 1207", "Re-Volt beta" and "Re-Volt Alpha" as 3 différent folder on my computer ...
The only thing i have to do is to rename the revolt folder i wish to use as "Re-Volt"
Like this lobby support is always the same

Posted: 16 Aug 2013, 01:15
I've discovered a funny little bug in the -gazzasaicar mode. If you switch between the cars before the race starts, they'll start racing before the countdown has finished. Rather amusing.
Also, some AI cars seem to just stop at random points during the race and won't move anymore.
Posted: 16 Aug 2013, 01:39
Also, some AI cars seem to just stop at random points during the race and won't move anymore.
They can move after some switch between the cars.. but a bug is a bug

Posted: 18 Aug 2013, 17:53
I've only one question for developpers...
Do you really think that the last patch is similar to the beta about the gameplay ? (i don't talk about code, just your feelings when u play...)
May be i have a better question...
Do you play with the beta and with the last patch to try understand us ? or you just compare the code between the two versions ???
May be i have a better question...
Do you play Re-volt sometimes ?
Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 22:47
Another short update...
Download the new Alpha release 13.0820
here (
- Re-enabled the AI "rubberbanding" effect, with some slight improvements.
- Fixes bugs reported in
gazzasaicar mode.
- Added a
-registerlobby command line on Phantom's request.
And don't know if anyone remembers the Acclaim-Probe animated intro sequence that was in the works during re-volt development but never completed. Recently while talking to Kenny, I decided to look into it again and was able to get it fully working. I'm not sure about enabling the entire thing, but I think the Probe part of the sequence fits very well with the existing intro slides, so I've enabled it in this release.
Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 00:31
Thanks a lot, I can start testing and etc..

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 01:09
I tested -dev -gazzasaicar again, and I found a new interesting thing:
The car - what I choosed from carboxes - is faster than the other ones, I mean I tested it with same abilities Dust Mites and this car was faster than the other ones, why?

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 01:15
Nice update Huki!
The Intro Sequence fits really well in game.
Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 06:46
possible bug sighting w/ 13.0820, when exiting the demo mode I see the Re-volt logo, acclaim logo screen, acclaim studios screen, then black screen w/ a windows message 'Re-volt has stopped working' check online & close program/ close program. have not checked to see if one can skip the logo screens.
running win7 (x64) home premium sp1.
Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 07:49
Same situation than rex here. I recorded it in case u can't reproduce it.
Pressing Esc key when the first loadscreen appears doesn't skip the video Intro.
If the player presses Esc key it's because he wants to reach to the game as fast as possible and not seeing the Intro. Pressing Esc key twice is not the desired choice by the user, so I think pressing the Esc key during the first loadscreen should also avoid seeing this video.
The Intro itself is nice, it's goodlooking and elegant, but don't you think the 3 image loadscreens plus this video is too long? I thought that would be one or the other.
In my humble opinion, I would suggest to remove 1 of the 3 loadscreens if you're planning to keep this video Intro. Probably the third loadscreen would be the suitable choice to be removed since it's smaller than the first 2 and it never fit with the new logos very well. Just my op.
I won't comment about the rubberbanding thing mentioned by Kipy yet, because I haven't tested it enough. I just don't understand the reason of this kind of changes when the original behaviour always seemed to work okay and i don't remember anyone in particular reporting this as a bug.
Btw Thank You for the -registerlobby command.
Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 13:38
Rexreynolds @ Aug 21 2013, 02:16 AM wrote: possible bug sighting w/ 13.0820, when exiting the demo mode I see the Re-volt logo, acclaim logo screen, acclaim studios screen, then black screen w/ a windows message 'Re-volt has stopped working' check online & close program/ close program. have not checked to see if one can skip the logo screens.
running win7 (x64) home premium sp1.
I saw the logo, it's worked on XP
Posted: 22 Aug 2013, 00:00
Rexreynolds @ Aug 21 2013, 06:46 AM wrote:possible bug sighting w/ 13.0820, when exiting the demo mode I see the Re-volt logo, acclaim logo screen, acclaim studios screen, then black screen w/ a windows message 'Re-volt has stopped working' check online & close program/ close program. have not checked to see if one can skip the logo screens.
running win7 (x64) home premium sp1.
I was able to reproduce it (wait for a minute at the main menu, then wait once more till the demo ends), it's fixed now.
Kipy wrote:I tested -dev -gazzasaicar again, and I found a new interesting thing:
The car - what I choosed from carboxes - is faster than the other ones, I mean I tested it with same abilities Dust Mites and this car was faster than the other ones, why?
That's actually normal behavior.. depending on whether the AI car is winning or losing, it can be a tad bit slower or faster than the player car.
@Phantom: I'll think about the Esc key suggestion. About removing one of the intro slides, I'd like to keep the iguana, perhaps we can remove the first Acclaim screen instead.
About the AI, it has always been on our agenda to improve the AI difficulty - there was even a long suggestions thread about it. While it's not a top priority for now, I've explained in
this post why we'll have to improve the difficulty and why it was not an issue in v1.1. And maybe you are getting the wrong impression when we talk about improving the rubberbanding, but the cars are no more faster in the current release than they already were...
Posted: 22 Aug 2013, 00:07
I would say remove the Re-Volt screen instead of the Acclaim one, because it's the first thing you see which obviously means you KNOW you're going to be playing Re-Volt so you really don't need the game to tell/show you. Most games seem to have their developer's logos in the intros, plus, isn't the Re-Volt logo on the main menu enough? You really don't need to see it twice. That's my train of thought...
Posted: 22 Aug 2013, 01:24
Skarma @ Aug 21 2013, 07:37 PM wrote: Most games seem to have their developer's logos in the intros, plus, isn't the Re-Volt logo on the main menu enough? You really don't need to see it twice. That's my train of thought...
Or just start the game with the "-nointro" parameter and get directly to the loading screen...
As for the intro discussion I would suggest to make an extra parameter like "-oldintro" which shows the intro sequence instead of the 2 first logos.
Because there is no reason to force users into showing the sequence now but people who know about it and want to see it permanently would have the option to do it that way.
Btw thats not the whole intro, the first part is cut out and the Iguana logo was never part of the sequence. But I guess Huki has his reasons to cut it...
Posted: 22 Aug 2013, 22:28
That's actually normal behavior.. depending on whether the AI car is winning or losing, it can be a tad bit slower or faster than the player car.
I mean.. I'm faster than the AI cars.. its normal.. but when it is in spectating mode, the choosed car (choosed from carboxes) is faster than the other ones
Posted: 23 Aug 2013, 17:13
i use this "-nointro" command in multi-player command text because my revolt was slow in the intro when play multi-player
Posted: 27 Aug 2013, 18:33
Not entirely sure if this is a bug but I've noticed this one many times for a while now but haven't bothered reporting it until now because it's beginning to irritate me a little...
The "car" that you see in the F3 camera is the same as the one shown on the radar. It seems to render parts of the track invisible if you're nowhere near them. This seems to happen mostly in dev mode and I certainly don't remember seeing this happen before on earlier versions...
Posted: 28 Aug 2013, 01:02
I was unable to reproduce this issue with the latest Alpha (tried a custom track "Pipelyne" and Toys in the Hood 2 in dev mode). The only thing I noticed while playing with the F3 camera is that in the custom track sometimes a polygon of the track disappeared but only when it was almost outside the camera view.
And this seemed to happen on a random basis, not related to your distance to that point in the world.
What parameters are you using to start the game, it looks like you are in window mode?
Oh and while trying to reproduce this issue I noticed the "ingame car switch" in the dev mode seems to be bugged. Because sometimes when I switch to a different car in the race, the car I switched to behaves different to what it should.
I think for some reason the game only applies a few parameters of the switched car instead of all, the most noticable one is UFO because if you start with a non flyable car and switch to it then UFO is a non flyable car.
It seems that a race restart or racing twice and doing this in both races triggers this (though I'm not sure its worth looking into since it's not a feature that should be open to the common user anyway).
Btw Skarma what car is that? I really like it

(looks like a Lamborghini to me but I couldn't find one like this on RVZ)
Posted: 28 Aug 2013, 03:00
revolt -window -dev -nointro
It's a Lamborghini Countach GT1, converted by me and it remains unreleased at the moment.
Posted: 28 Aug 2013, 16:20
Huki @ Aug 20 2013, 11:17 PM wrote: And don't know if anyone remembers the Acclaim-Probe animated intro sequence that was in the works during re-volt development but never completed. Recently while talking to Kenny, I decided to look into it again and was able to get it fully working. I'm not sure about enabling the entire thing, but I think the Probe part of the sequence fits very well with the existing intro slides, so I've enabled it in this release.
The Probe intro is cool, but it looks like some cool sound is missed in it...
Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 20:47
Kipy @ Aug 22 2013, 05:58 PM wrote: That's actually normal behavior.. depending on whether the AI car is winning or losing, it can be a tad bit slower or faster than the player car.
I mean.. I'm faster than the AI cars.. its normal.. but when it is in spectating mode, the choosed car (choosed from carboxes) is faster than the other ones
I said it wrong..?

Posted: 09 Sep 2013, 07:04
Huki @ Aug 20 2013, 02:17 PM wrote: - Added a -registerlobby command line on Phantom's request.
Your commandline doesn't work. It doesn't have any effect on my revolt 0820 and also for my friend Max who has the same problem. RV House keeps launching the Beta even after applying -registerlobby to alpha's shortcut and launching the game once; and even after reinstalling 0820.
This means the 0820 installation doesnt create any registry entry (bad thing) and the -registerlobby commandline isn't working.
Only solution was to manually reinstall 12.1225 -who does create a registry line on the installation- and then we could launch the alpha again in RV House.
Posted: 12 Sep 2013, 00:52
Kipy @ Sep 2 2013, 08:47 PM wrote: Kipy @ Aug 22 2013, 05:58 PM wrote: That's actually normal behavior.. depending on whether the AI car is winning or losing, it can be a tad bit slower or faster than the player car.
I mean.. I'm faster than the AI cars.. its normal.. but when it is in spectating mode, the choosed car (choosed from carboxes) is faster than the other ones
I said it wrong..?
No, you're right about that behavior... will be fixed for the next release.
Phantom wrote:Your commandline doesn't work. It doesn't have any effect on my revolt 0820 and also for my friend Max who has the same problem. RV House keeps launching the Beta even after applying -registerlobby to alpha's shortcut and launching the game once; and even after reinstalling 0820.
I named the command line
-lobbyregister by mistake. The next release will use the correct name
-registerlobby. As for the 0820 installer itself, I'll check that and let you know.
Posted: 12 Sep 2013, 01:02
Huki @ Sep 11 2013, 08:22 PM wrote: Kipy @ Sep 2 2013, 08:47 PM wrote: Kipy @ Aug 22 2013, 05:58 PM wrote:
I mean.. I'm faster than the AI cars.. its normal.. but when it is in spectating mode, the choosed car (choosed from carboxes) is faster than the other ones
I said it wrong..?
No, you're right about that behavior... will be fixed for the next release.
Phantom wrote:Your commandline doesn't work. It doesn't have any effect on my revolt 0820 and also for my friend Max who has the same problem. RV House keeps launching the Beta even after applying -registerlobby to alpha's shortcut and launching the game once; and even after reinstalling 0820.
I named the command line
-lobbyregister by mistake. The next release will use the correct name
-registerlobby. As for the 0820 installer itself, I'll check that and let you know.
Thanks a lot, huki!

Posted: 12 Sep 2013, 06:47
Huki @ Sep 11 2013, 04:22 PM wrote: I named the command line -lobbyregister by mistake. The next release will use the correct name -registerlobby. As for the 0820 installer itself, I'll check that and let you know.
Oh, great to know. Thanks.
Edit: Max sends you greetings, he says you're a genius and that it works now for him.
We can play in Gameranger and RV House side-by-side.

Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 00:28
Toujours la même rengaine, toujours la même musique...
Collisions toujours aussi foireuses, rockets qui sont de pire en pire, si c'était du patinage artistique, on obtiendrait la note maximale en figure imposée sans déconner...
Merci d'avoir ruiner le gameplay en réseau, franchement mille merci.
C'est du pire égoïsme je sais mais osef... J'en ai ras le cul de devoir subir ce gameplay de merde depuis pas loin de 2 ans.
Je vous proposerai bien de désactiver ou de carrément virer le support multijoueurs en réseau dans vos patchs ou encore mieux de passer vos versions en mode payant pour que personne de l'achète parce que là... En tout cas merci encore !
Je sais que vous me détestez et que vous allez encore plus me haïr mais comme je suis sûrement la personne qui déteste le plus votre travail, c'est de bonne guerre !
A bon entendeur !
Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 14:36
Toujours en francais...
Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 21:44
It's better than this post is only in French such it is not really cool

Posted: 24 Sep 2013, 23:14
Soit vous faites preuve d'un minimum de "professionnalisme" malgré que vous fassiez ça sur votre temps libre et vous revenez à la beta pour comprendre le problème afin d'éventuellement le résoudre ou soit vous arrêtez direct le massacre !
J'ai posté une vidéo sur youtube qui parle d'elle-même, c'est juste du grand n'importe quoi...
Jugez par vous-même mais si quelqu'un me dit que c'est normal et que ça vient pas de la 1.2 je vais certainement pas être très sympa...
Toy World 2
Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 05:50
It's useless Dolo, give up. They will say that the video is "completely normal", even if it's clear in your video that the race is crazy. Re-Volt is broken we know it, but it cannot be fixed; nobody knows when the crazyness started and nobody knows how to fix it. And judging by the inactivity here nobody has time to fix it.
Just get used to this new re-volt experience.
Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 14:28
Since I don't play online I can't really tell whats a "good" and a "bad" race regarding car behaviour and physics.
So don't get mad at me when I'm saying that I don't see much wrong with it (or at least some things that could as well be because of a bad connection).
I'm not trying to say that there isn't anything wrong with the game and that you are incorrect but could you perhaps point out certain points in the video and tell me what you think is wrong and how you would expect it to happen in a "correct" game so I (and the people who might disagree with you) get a better understanding of your point of view?
Or perhaps do a video of a race where you think everything is the way it should be?
Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 14:56
Kenny @ Sep 25 2013, 09:58 AM wrote: Since I don't play online I can't really tell whats a "good" and a "bad" race regarding car behaviour and physics.
So don't get mad at me when I'm saying that I don't see much wrong with it (or at least some things that could as well be because of a bad connection).
I'm not trying to say that there isn't anything wrong with the game and that you are incorrect but could you perhaps point out certain points in the video and tell me what you think is wrong and how you would expect it to happen in a "correct" game so I (and the people who might disagree with you) get a better understanding of your point of view?
Or perhaps do a video of a race where you think everything is the way it should be?
I second Kenny's request.
Posted: 27 Sep 2013, 14:05
I third ken's request, btw nice rear view camera: I like to use it only with the exact opposite normal camera.
My revolt isn't saving the render settings, for example mipmaps:linear or point or none, I select none cause it looks better but after closing the game it comes back to linear. Also in multi-player split screen, although I change my camera it comes back to the original after restarting the races, and thanks for all this game is really getting bigger.
Yey huki about the intro a friend told me (I don't believe him) that some boys were playing with their cars and then somebody (an alien) came and challenged them for a race
Posted: 27 Sep 2013, 17:17
revolting @ Sep 27 2013, 09:35 AM wrote: My revolt isn't saving the render settings, for example mipmaps
Thats correct but it seems mipmaps is the only one that isn't saved. It automatically gets set to Linear because Re-Volt automatically sets the option when starting up the game depending whether your graphics card is capable of the setting or not (which is about every graphics card nowadays).
I don't care about this option since Linear is the best setting for me anyway but it surprises me that they didn't fix this yet since the Texture filter option had the same problem in the original version but they made that one saveable so I wonder why they left the MipMap option out.
Posted: 29 Sep 2013, 16:31
Phantom @ Sep 25 2013, 01:20 AM wrote: It's useless Dolo, give up. They will say that the video is "completely normal", even if it's clear in your video that the race is crazy. Re-Volt is broken we know it, but it cannot be fixed; nobody knows when the crazyness started and nobody knows how to fix it. And judging by the inactivity here nobody has time to fix it.
Just get used to this new re-volt experience.
J'emmerde the new revolt experience !
They don't much time to fix it ??
OK, so they should give up this project and go back to the origin !
Posted: 03 Oct 2013, 20:17
Dolo, acting like a true Frenchman. An absolute *clears throat*...
Posted: 03 Oct 2013, 21:20
Posted: 03 Oct 2013, 21:28
Maybe someone should mention that
here or
Seems to be the 1.2 beta patch, we already saw that used in one of WeGo's "trailers" for Re-Volt.
edit: though I'm somewhat curious if the CD music works without CD, at least the soundtracks seem to be included...but I doubt it
Posted: 03 Oct 2013, 22:05
the GOG version runs on what seems to be "Beta Build 11.0208" basically has any and all mentions of acclaim replaced with WeGo. It also comes included with PRM2NCP.exe, and libraries for ogg and vorbis, despite re-volt using neither, hehe.
Posted: 04 Oct 2013, 00:40
I hate to say I told ya, but I told ya.
I can't believe how these companies have so little scruples to sell something they've not made. And how silly they are, saying that the game is compatible with Windows 8 when the Patch 11.0208 isn't compatible in most cases. They sell something that they don't have the slightest idea about. Even more, they're distributing an unfinished product which still contained bugs that were later fixed..
It's so sad to see when things are not done properly. And even sadder if Jig and Huki are not getting the credits for the 1.2B patch.
Posted: 04 Oct 2013, 02:33
Phantom wrote:It's so sad to see when things are not done properly. And even sadder if Jig and Huki are not getting the credits for the 1.2B patch.
Don't worry - Jigebren and Huki DO get credit for their work in the GOG version. I just tested and it clearly states Jigebren and Huki as the patch 1.2 developers inside the Re-Volt Credits.
That said, I hope GOG will realize that updating Re-Volt to the latest alpha and getting in touch with the Re-Volt 1.2 developers is the best thing to do.

Posted: 04 Oct 2013, 02:54
You forget the fact that they are getting money for huki & jigebren's work. Its true that they own the rights for Re-Volt so they have every right to make money off of the original game.
But its also a fact that the beta update fixes and updates a bunch of stuff from the original game and every code part that was added/changed was not done by them.
And as far as we all know they never asked huki / jigebren for allowance to use the patch. Not to mention that there is no mentioning of this anywhere else.
Though I have no idea who "they" are in this case, who gets the money here (or a part of it)?
GOG probably for distributing the files but who is "H2 Interactive" (since they are listed as publisher) or how are they related to WeGoInteractive considering that they currently own the rights for Re-Volt?
Posted: 04 Oct 2013, 07:33
Kenny @ Oct 3 2013, 10:24 PM wrote: ..GOG probably for distributing the files but who is "H2 Interactive" (since they are listed as publisher) or how are they related to WeGoInteractive considering that they currently own the rights for Re-Volt?
Both companies are Korean, and do something gaming related, but apart from that i coulden't find any legal ties between one another.
Posted: 04 Oct 2013, 08:57
Kenny wrote: You forget the fact that they are getting money for huki & jigebren's work.
True, completely true.
Urne wrote:That said, I hope GOG will realize that updating Re-Volt to the latest alpha and getting in touch with the Re-Volt 1.2 developers is the best thing to do.
Let's cross fingers.
But after looking how these companies do stupid things after stupid things I don't expect anything good out of this. They haven't done 1% of the effort that the real developers did, there are no new stuff and the game is not even 100% compatible neither stable, so this only looks like another try to make money out of an unworked code, originally made by Acclaim and brought to life by Huki & Jig.
Posted: 04 Oct 2013, 10:44
Phantom wrote:But after looking how these companies do stupid things after stupid things I don't expect anything good out of this. They haven't done 1% of the effort that the real developers did, there are no new stuff and the game is not even 100% compatible neither stable, so this only looks like another try to make money out of an unworked code, originally made by Acclaim and brought to life by Huki & Jig.
Personally I am just happy that there now is a legal way to obtain Re-Volt again and that said legal way is DRM-free, not tied to any client and can be bought at a low cost (~5$). It's true though, that making Re-Volt compatible really hasn't been much of an effort on GOG's side - but I think "credit" for using the 1.2 patch without permission goes to We Go, not GOG. I believe WeGo are the ones responsible for plastering the intro screens with "We Go Interactive" pictures too. Anyway, these are just theories - maybe I am just too much of a fanboiii of GOG as online store.

Posted: 04 Oct 2013, 11:40
Ye probably you are such a fanboii, for me there's no difference between the legal or the illegal way of obtaining re-volt because the game is already spreaded all across the internet, and Re-Volt legal situation is very particular in comparison to other games. For me the only good side of this is that maybe new players will start playing the game, hopefully.
Posted: 04 Oct 2013, 12:29
I have some news in regards to the GOG situation:
Check this link or read it quoted below.
Thiev @ GOG Staff wrote:Stockpile wrote:The only thing which I think is a shame is that H2 Interactive / We Go Interactive / GOG is making money off someone else's work. Basically all they changed was the intro screens - making Re-Volt work on newer OS was taken care of by the 1.2 developers...But maybe the 1.2 developers will receive official support from GOG or We Go / H2 at some point!
I think they really deserve it for this badass patch.
We used the build supplied by publisher, but it looks like the situation is worth checking a bit more.
Can't make any promises, but I'll pass the info to our guys who, y'know, actually talk to people >.>
It's good I'm not one of them <.<
Now is the time for the GOG team to prove they are reasonable beings. Looking forward to see where this is going.

Posted: 04 Oct 2013, 16:39
At all they haven't any rights to sell Re-Volt. Let's not talk about selling it with patch 1.2!
Re-Volt must be free from now on and legal to obtain maybe from one main game site who knows. But for me the future is the free software.