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Posted: 25 Nov 2012, 18:26
@Dave : SADIST cheat unusable? Strange...
Dave-o-Rama wrote:I use a laptop, but the keyboard is fully laid out (like a
desktop computer), so there wouldn't be any issues
Confirmed. Retrying SADIST cheat.
EDIT : SADIST cheat still works.
Posted: 30 Nov 2012, 00:19
Just download
this track, play and you will see

Yeah track sucks, but bug also happens on other track, don't remember which (some one (skarma?) made a video of it).
From few track places screen just goes completely black (hud is still visible). You must restart stage again to play, but that happens again on similar place, so its "unfinishable". Also, fps goes extremely low during that black moment.
BTW, it DOESN'T happen on v1.1.
[Another bug]:
Game crashes when trying to load longer than (about) 700metres lego tracks (for example
at track zone edit mode. As I checked, it crashes on v1.1, v1.2 beta and alpha. Doesn't happen on shorter tracks. Of course, track works normally, but not on Track Zones edit mode. Hmm.. when I looked other one about 620m long (game loaded it) and found lots of track zone boxes (had 99), maybe game crashes because it can't load more and has some sort of *show* limit? Or is just my slow pc?
Btw, it was exported from track editor (tdf file), so it shouldn't be track related.
[3rd bug]:
Crashes on custom track
Opera House without any reason.
Works on v1.1
Posted: 30 Nov 2012, 17:11
VaiDuX461 @ Nov 29 2012, 07:49 PM wrote: [Bug]:
Just download
this track, play and you will see

Game crashed on me after a short time racing it (directly after the part where you can jump on the tunnel).
However when I play it with Re-Volt in window mode I have no problems whatsoever (perhaps a lower framerate than usual but not sure about that since its still quite high).
Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 01:37
Which was the commandline to make a certain re-volt.exe the default to be launched in RV House?
It was " -reg
some other word" but I can't remember, do you? Thx.
Is anyone still alive on this forum? Cuz it's sort of emergency here.

Posted: 07 Dec 2012, 02:34
Today we are having a series of repetitive
crashes because the game tries to load some files
in the middle of the online race. The amount of errors is many, one after the other. They are so many that the only way to close the game is by Task Manager.
I took a screenshot of one of them:
The people started thinking that maybe when someone joined with a custom car triggered the bug, situation that generated sort of histeria in RV House trying to find who's the guilty one. Many rooms crashed without distinguish the host: Hil's, Kosztya's, Touriga's, also halo_one's battle, all were crashed by the same person.
If this is changeling cheat, some action should be taken to prevent the crash or the error messages, because it's not fair that any race can be pranked so easily like this.
Posted: 07 Dec 2012, 02:37
That's not a bug but CHANGELING cheat,
Yes, we have a cheater at RV House, I've been affected by this, my game crashed 13 times today
EDIT: we have found the cheater: it's RST
Posted: 07 Dec 2012, 05:47
He probably used a custom parameter to crash the game on purpose and maybe also edited revolt.exe so it doesn't show as CHT.
I missed the fun dammit.
Posted: 07 Dec 2012, 06:07
Re-Volt should have more "check" for cars too, like it does on tracks
it should check and see if car exists before loading ingame (changeling)
Posted: 07 Dec 2012, 10:08
Abc @ Dec 6 2012, 10:07 PM wrote:That's not a bug but CHANGELING cheat,
You mean someone else was doing the same sh*t that you did to screw up so many races before Abc?
Posted: 07 Dec 2012, 18:15
That 'bug' is known to me, and I have a simple solution for it:
Don't let Abc in your game room, and make sure he doesn't get your IP either. Ignore him on sight!
Posted: 07 Dec 2012, 22:19
You mean someone else was doing the same sh*t that you did to screw up so many races before Abc?
Both are equally irritating nuisances that you'd just want to smash their heads with a bed of nails.
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 16:57
Phantom @ Dec 3 2012, 05:07 PM wrote: Which was the commandline to make a certain re-volt.exe the default to be launched in RV House?
It was " -reg
some other word" but I can't remember, do you? Thx.
Is anyone still alive on this forum? Cuz it's sort of emergency here.
Can I has an answer?
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 17:06
Phantom @ Dec 3 2012, 05:07 PM wrote:Is anyone still alive on this forum? Cuz it's sort of emergency here.
Well, duh.
Phantom @ Dec 8 2012, 02:27 PM wrote:Phantom @ Dec 3 2012, 05:07 PM wrote: Which was the commandline to make a certain re-volt.exe the default to be launched in RV House?
It was " -reg some other word" but I can't remember, do you? Thx.
Can I has an answer?
[put *Please* pic here]
Should be this - "-lobbyregister".
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 17:25
VaiDuX461 @ Dec 8 2012, 08:36 AM wrote: Should be this - "-lobbyregister".
Code: Select all
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt\revolt.exe" -lobbyregister
Ugh.. weirdly it didn't work. But thanks anyway Vaid !
RV House still tries to load my other revolt installation which is v1.1, so if I want to have a race I have to join by IP from 1102 which is annoying.
Seriously, RV House should have a way to select where to launch Re-Volt from, like GameRanger has.
Now I understand why some track makers who use 1.1 side by side with 1.2 have problems to join online races.

Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 19:13
"-lobbyregister" command line switch doesn't seem to exist anymore. You could give "-postinstall" a try, but that's one modification of Huki's, so I can't promise it'll give the expected result.
You can still do it by hand though. Just open regedit and jump to the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Applications\Re-Volt". Here you can edit the path and everything else...
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 19:54
"-formatC:\" also works.
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 21:03
Skarma @ Dec 8 2012, 04:24 PM wrote: "-formatC:\" also works.
Nope doesn't work, tested. Maybe a typo?
Those overused "format C:\" jokes aren't funny anymore

Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 22:13
jigebren @ Dec 8 2012, 10:43 AM wrote: You could give "-postinstall" a try
-postinstall did the job. RV House launches 1102 now. Thanks jig.
But I instist that the best solution to fix this kind of situations would be:
Phantom wrote:Seriously, RV House should have a way to select where to launch Re-Volt from, like GameRanger has.
Posted: 09 Dec 2012, 03:20
Skarma @ Dec 8 2012, 03:24 PM wrote: "-formatC:\" also works.
You're so funni

Posted: 10 Dec 2012, 15:57
gdfsgdfg @ Dec 8 2012, 10:50 PM wrote: Skarma @ Dec 8 2012, 03:24 PM wrote: "-formatC:\" also works.
You're so funni
No he's not. Its annoying and its getting old

Posted: 11 Dec 2012, 02:03
jigebren @ Dec 8 2012, 10:43 AM wrote: "-lobbyregister" command line switch doesn't seem to exist anymore. You could give "-postinstall" a try, but that's one modification of Huki's, so I can't promise it'll give the expected result.
You can still do it by hand though. Just open regedit and jump to the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Applications\Re-Volt". Here you can edit the path and everything else...
or you can replace 1.2 with 1.1 and put 1.2 where you launched 1.1 (must be same dir)
i have developed a batch:
@echo off
ren revolt.exe revoltexe
ren revolt-.exe revolt.exe
revolt -sli -alpharef 1
ren revolt.exe revolt-.exe
ren revoltexe revolt.exe
(that's how i "installed" revolt when i reinstalled)
Posted: 15 Dec 2012, 22:28
I don't know if I should be happy or sad for the following, but please watch this:
If you look at bottom-right corner it clearly says v1.2 Beta.
WeGoInteractive stealing v1.2 Patch to integrate it into their "Re-Volt 2012"?
I'm sorry, but I can't be happy if they're trying to make money with other people's work, Huki's and Jigebren's in this case, and all the people who collaborated with suggestions or fixes. At least they could have hired Huki & Jig or something to continuing the progress together.
Posted: 15 Dec 2012, 22:40
1) How did you get to that video (and what makes you think it's coming from them)?
2) It doesn't necessarily mean that they are really using the current 1.2 beta (maybe they just used the same version name (I know that's unlikely but still...)) or maybe they are just using it temporarily for a showcase.
3) Even if they used the beta, as long as they don't have the source code from the beta, they can't continue on their own.
4) To me it just wouldn't make sense if they really decided to use the beta/alphas, they have the game's rights and even developers to work on the source so why not fixing the bugs from the original one themselves?
I mean of course huki/jigebren fixed quite a few bugs and even added some great stuff but to be honest, most of that stuff shouldn't be difficult to do (or even take long) for guys who do that for living and not in their free time for fun.
Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 12:46
How did I get that video and what makes me think it's coming from them?
Well, first of all it got to my YouTube feed today because I'm suscribed to that channel.
I'm not saying that the video is coming from them,
but the gameplay (probably uploaded by a korean player)
shows a Re-Volt version which first loadscreen is clearly modified:
Sorry but I'm not so naive to think that a common user from Korea would edit the BMPs loadscreens and write © 2012 WE GO INTERACTIVE CO., LTD. What's the point?
I'd believe if that gameplay was recorded from a Re-Volt version distributed in Korea or from an ad.
And moreover, when it reaches the cars selection it says something in korean about 42.
If you remember well ,
42 is the total number of cars containing in the iOS release made by WeGo. This is clearly some sort of advertising.
With all these coincidences I still have to say that the video has nothing related with WeGo? C'mon. What kind of weird game is this ppl?
If they want to make a release for PC, they need the Beta at least or a brand new version, because the Re-Volt left by Acclaim which they legally own is useless for re-release for being incompatible with newer operative systems.
The use of the 1.2 Patch would be an easy-go for them at this moment,
unless they're making a top secret new version that will amaze us all, but that's pretty much unlikely according to what we saw from the iOS release (just a DreamCast port to iPad/iPhone without major improvements).
On another hand, according to an article from a german site I found,
WeGo is cooperating with the korean electronics LG to make Re-Volt an app for LG's Smart TVs: ... age/120107
Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 14:29
Any koreans around here to translate those *signs* ?
Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 15:15
Phantom wrote:And moreover, when it reaches the cars selection it says something in korean about 42.
If you remember well , 42 is the total number of cars containing in the iOS release made by WeGo. This is clearly some sort of advertising.
But in the video there are still the usual 28 carboxes to see. Why would they advertise for 42 cars when there are clearly some cars missing? My guess is that they show off the "community version" and announce what they will be improving in "their version" but some things are still unlear to me.
Phantom wrote:With all these coincidences I still have to say that the video has nothing related with WeGo? C'mon. What kind of weird game is this ppl?

I don't say it has nothing to do with them, I'm just saying we shouldn't make any premature assumptions before accusing them to be using a community made patch for their advertising.
Besides the video looks overall very cheap, it's practically plain game footage with some after edited (asian) video text, you can even see the fraps watermark on top.
Phantom wrote:If they want to make a release for PC, they need the Beta at least or a brand new version, because the Re-Volt left by Acclaim which they legally own is useless for re-release for being incompatible with newer operative systems. The use of the 1.2 Patch would be an easy-go for them at this moment..
Why would they need the beta? The release they have isn't useless (unless they only have the console source(s) and not any PC source), it just requires a few (easy) modifications to make it compatible again with nowadays systems (and they would end up with the same footage as seen in the trailer).
Phantom wrote:..but that's pretty much unlikely according to what we saw from the iOS release (just a DreamCast port to iPad/iPhone without major improvements).
Doing a port isn't an easy thing to do but considering it took them almost more than 2 years for that (not exactly sure when they started porting) it's true that they didn't accomplish much.
[offtopic]Btw did you hear about the recent patch for the iOS version? In-app purchases for instant unlocking cars/tracks and clockwork mode, so basically they charge you for using cheats

Phantom wrote:On another hand, according to an article from a german site I found, WeGo is cooperating with the korean electronics LG to make Re-Volt an app for LG's Smart TVs
That actually doesn't surprise me as they announced it some time ago on RVL (I think) and Smart TV's seem to be pretty popular in that part of the world so why not?
Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 18:13
Balint12 @ Dec 16 2012, 02:29 PM wrote: Any koreans around here to translate those *signs* ?
dnj? I think he is a Korean but the problem is he can't speak English well.
Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 22:55
Interesting how we can have different perspectives from the same situation heh. It's funny.
Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 19:28
Pranav @ Dec 16 2012, 01:43 PM wrote: Balint12 @ Dec 16 2012, 02:29 PM wrote: Any koreans around here to translate those *signs* ?
dnj? I think he is a Korean but the problem is he can't speak English well.
Besides that, I don't think he's with us anymore. Btw, I meant a Korean who can speak english too

Posted: 23 Dec 2012, 10:01
Anyone here can confirm if Re-Volt 1.2 will be fully compatible with Windows 8? or it will need a hotfix to make it compatible?
Posted: 23 Dec 2012, 16:51
Phantom @ Dec 23 2012, 05:31 AM wrote: Anyone here can confirm if Re-Volt 1.2 will be fully compatible with Windows 8? or it will need a hotfix to make it compatible?
with the same computer today i play revolt with 30fps under win 8 and with linux more than 85 fps
I think it's more a intel core I(3,5,7) bug with win 8. Who use internal graphic chips insted of nvidia graphic card

Posted: 23 Dec 2012, 21:56
sebr @ Dec 23 2012, 01:21 PM wrote:I think it's more a intel core I(3,5,7) bug with win 8. Who use internal graphic chips insted of nvidia graphic card

If your hardware has more than 1 video device, game should let you to choose it in video options (near resolution). If not, then try to set (nvidia card) as default for all games in Windows and/or nvidia control panel options.
Posted: 23 Dec 2012, 22:25
sebr @ Dec 23 2012, 08:21 AM wrote: with the same computer today i play revolt with 30fps under win 8 and with linux more than 85 fps
I heard exactly the same from other people testing in Windows 8. "Re-Volt works but very low fps".
I know Abc made some tricks as ussual to finally make it work but first he claimed that it was too slow for a few weeks.
Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 04:53
Im using windows 8
and revolt runs ~90fps in ~800x~600 window
on 1366x768 fullscreen it runs 25-30fps
Confirmed, revolt WORKS on windows 8
Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 08:51
Thanks for all the feedback. I've taken care of most of the reported issues so I'm already releasing a new update. Download the new Alpha release 12.1225
here (
The controller limitations for split-screen were removed, so you'll be able to assign the Keyboard to players 3 and 4 too (but note that they won't take predefined keys, you'll have to configure them manually).
the_law @ Nov 3 2012, 04:47 AM wrote:Gamepad and wheel users can't use f1 to change cams. We had to set that function to a button on the controller.
That one's fixed too.
Dave wrote:Has anyone noticed that the SADIST cheat no longer works in the new 1.2 alpha?
I noticed it doesn't work if you have the Right Shift key already configured for your (Player 1) controls.
VaiDuX461 @ Nov 30 2012, 12:19 AM wrote:[Bug]:
Just download
this track, play and you will see

Yeah track sucks, but bug also happens on other track, don't remember which (some one (skarma?) made a video of it).
From few track places screen just goes completely black (hud is still visible). You must restart stage again to play, but that happens again on similar place, so its "unfinishable". Also, fps goes extremely low during that black moment.
BTW, it DOESN'T happen on v1.1.
That usually happens when some of the objects in the track have bad values and it breaks the code (not sure why it doesn't happen in v1.1). In this case there was a toy copter object with it's range set to zero. Anyway, I've updated the copter code now to handle these cases so it shouldn't freeze / crash with the latest release.
Vaid wrote:[Another bug]:
Game crashes when trying to load longer than (about) 700metres lego tracks (for example
at track zone edit mode. As I checked, it crashes on v1.1, v1.2 beta and alpha. Doesn't happen on shorter tracks. Of course, track works normally, but not on Track Zones edit mode. Hmm.. when I looked other one about 620m long (game loaded it) and found lots of track zone boxes (had 99), maybe game crashes because it can't load more and has some sort of *show* limit? Or is just my slow pc?
Btw, it was exported from track editor (tdf file), so it shouldn't be track related.
Yep, there is a limit.. re-volt can't handle more than 128 zones in edit mode (there is no limit in normal mode though). I've increased the limit now.
Vaid wrote:[3rd bug]:
Crashes on custom track
Opera House without any reason.
Works on v1.1
I've fixed the crash, but there was actually a problem with the track's AI nodes. I'll post the fixed files in the custom track issues thread.
Phantom wrote:Today we are having a series of repetitive crashes because the game tries to load some files in the middle of the online race. [...] If this is changeling cheat, some action should be taken to prevent the crash or the error messages, because it's not fair that any race can be pranked so easily like this.
I see.. yes the Changeling / Joker cheats were never safe to use with custom cars. The latest release will simply use Mystery car if a rogue player changes to a custom car. Of course, it's still recommended to keep Abc away from your room.

Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 10:12
Huki @ Dec 24 2012, 12:21 AM wrote: The latest release will simply use Mystery car if a rogue player changes to a custom car. Of course, it's still recommended to keep Abc away from your room.

Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 10:30
Thanks God huki for improving car loading,
what about improving even more the carloading: put different colors for players which have same car (we usually ride toyeca so we can race 16 cars) and remove aditional loading for same cars
and what about sharing .inf file data like revolt does with parameters(cars)?
Edit: can please post
all -dev secrets? (key combos, what gets turned on, what not, etc) (and also anything hidden in normal revolt)
Edit2: since use -dev, i been experiencing "car started after finish line" dialog, that makes me lose time, remove it huki? (not all tracks have this issue, but many, majority.) (it's related with pos nodes, it's pos 0 and start pos in inf)
so either fix pos or remove

Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 14:39
Hi huki,
What's the deal with the miles.dll and mssmp3.asi in this (and I believe in the last?) release?
Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 16:16
Abc @ Dec 24 2012, 07:00 AM wrote:since use -dev, i been experiencing "car started after finish line" dialog, that makes me lose time, remove it huki? (not all tracks have this issue, but many, majority.) (it's related with pos nodes, it's pos 0 and start pos in inf)
so either fix pos or remove

Then tell me, WHY DA F**K YOU USE DEV MODE? Dev mode is
ONLY for developers,
not for normal play.
Kenny @ Dec 24 2012, 11:09 AM wrote:What's the deal with the miles.dll and mssmp3.asi in this (and I believe in the last?) release?
Yeah, I noticed too, why u (huki) didn't told us about that?
Btw, file version is 7.2 which was impossible to read for revolt before... I think.
Patch works perfectly, all my said tracks with bugs are fixed. I managed to fix track zones finally

Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 16:23
Hey huki some people have said the game has a limit for bitmaps that can be loaded can you increase that limit from 26 to i dunno 255?
Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 16:32
Does the Replay Mode has a lenght limit or something? Cuz If I want to watch a 4 laps rookie race sometimes the replay doesn't start from the beginning. And if I want to record something that happened in the beginning then I can't do it. Don't you think it would be good to break this limit?
Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 19:13
Phantom @ Dec 24 2012, 12:02 PM wrote: Does the Replay Mode has a lenght limit or something? Cuz If I want to watch a 4 laps rookie race sometimes the replay doesn't start from the beginning. And if I want to record something that happened in the beginning then I can't do it. Don't you think it would be good to break this limit?
it's a rv1.1 limit
i think revolt only use ram memory to store replay
Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 21:31
He may have a reason for -dev. I am forced to use it, too, because the combination of my computer + windowed mode + freaky integrated video card + freaky mouse drivers is impossible to play otherwise.
Mileage varies sometimes.
Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 21:38
Since Abc essentially is asking for the removal of a quite useful feature (trackmaking-wise), I would still agree with Vaidux though. no matter what it is used for, -dev mode is not intended for the pure purpose of racing, at least this is my opinion.
Posted: 25 Dec 2012, 07:55
I Check Probe UFO Has Bug (You Should Remove CHT Tag)
You Should Edit Probe UFO Parameters
Probe UFO
Model 0 "cars\UFO\Body.prm"
Model 1 "NONE" (Without Wheelfl.prm)
Model 2 "NONE" (Without Wheelfr.prm)
Model 3 "NONE" (Without Wheelbl.prm)
Model 4 "NONE" (Without Wheelbr.prm)
You Should Fix Probe UFO Bug!
Posted: 25 Dec 2012, 10:31
Not that I want to agree with Platform, but the CHT symbol that you guys accidentally added to Probe UFO some releases ago should definitely be removed some time in the future.
Posted: 25 Dec 2012, 10:49
Platform wrote:Code: Select all
Model 0 "cars\UFO\Body.prm"
Model 1 "NONE" (Without Wheelfl.prm)
Model 2 "NONE" (Without Wheelfr.prm)
Model 3 "NONE" (Without Wheelbl.prm)
Model 4 "NONE" (Without Wheelbr.prm
Dunno, but it's usually used for cars that have invisible wheel (similar probe ufo, mystery, etc.).
Phantom wrote:Not that I want to agree with Platform, but the CHT symbol that you guys accidentally added to Probe UFO some releases ago should definitely be removed some time in the future.
Another update:
1.2 Changelog 1225 wrote:- Fixed crash in multiplayer when a remote player changes car using cheats. If the player
changes to a custom car, mystery car is used instead.
Uploaded with
Posted: 26 Dec 2012, 06:39
You Should Add Sprint Race Mode!
Posted: 26 Dec 2012, 08:14
Huki, please add carboxes for q,ufo and wincars, make parameters have no cht with shadow and carbox and the current models,, btw why wheels for ufo?
also maybe add DC cars and demo ones to Stock list? (btw, they should be included in Random)
i use dev for "Studying", i don't always cheat with dev, for example, i need dev in demo, cuz tvtime LOL
Please post Source code? (compatible with vs2012?)
we should add custom champ mode, and more modes to multiplayer
would be awesome if cooperative play exists
well, the dialog is annoying, there should be an option
make a -dev only "DEV settings" menu entry in options and put there ALL dev things, including rendering things
and while in frontend, custom loading? (fob, taz, ai nodes, tri,lit ,etc) for example to see how's the track without fob or lit, whatever
what you guys think?
also options for warnings

Posted: 26 Dec 2012, 09:24
Abc @ Dec 26 2012, 03:44 AM wrote: Huki, please add carboxes for q,ufo and wincars, make parameters have no cht with shadow and carbox and the current models,, ...
Looks offtopic, post this in
Re-Volt 1.2 Suggestion topic, okay?