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Posted: 30 Dec 2010, 04:01
Good to hear it's fixed. But it is strange that it only happened to you.
Can you also test this?
Enter dev mode, go to Start Race -> Edit Mode: Objects, and start a race. Then press F4 after the race has started. You should see a mouse pointer. Do you see any glitches/problems in the mouse pointer?
You should test this with the build 10.1223 from the email newsletter, and with the intro_fix exe i posted above.
Posted: 31 Dec 2010, 01:13
I make your test and nothing ... (win XP) (track TunnelZ 2)
beta 10.1213 :
beta 10.1223 :
beta 10.1223 fix :
On win vista (same computer) I never have intro bug...
but i have many others bugs, and revolt allways crash in dev mode (or with MAKEITGOOD) ... I don't have time today, but i'll test original revolt and give you a full list of bug
today i've this message with beta 1213, 1223 and 1223fix on vista (did'nt test anny other beta...) :
Can't register for lobby support" and allways back to first start revolt settings ...
Posted: 31 Dec 2010, 01:29
Ok, to finally clear up your intro problem: can you test this exe on your pc? (same computer/operating system where the intro bug occured).
Download here..
About your other bugs and dev mode crashes, i'll wait till you give the full list.
Can't register for lobby support" and allways back to first start revolt settings ...
This happens in v1.1 too. Re-Volt doesn't have permission to access the registry. You should run re-volt as administrator to solve this problem.
Posted: 31 Dec 2010, 02:28
revolt_introfix_new.exe = 2 bug
first :
second :

Posted: 31 Dec 2010, 02:48
Hmm, so the intro bug isn't fixed. We'll look into it.
Second bug is just because you are using an old font.bmp. We will release the new one soon..
Posted: 31 Dec 2010, 04:55
Hi there!
I use Hungarian keyboard layout, and some of the characters are isn't really produces as I want.
Eg.: ? or :
Can you check it Huki?
ps: I had a strange error. When I upgraded to the beta patch, it has been stopped when I started a race. I fixed it, as I deleted the DirectPlay registry entries of ReVolt.
(Before I put -sli into the commandline field)
Posted: 31 Dec 2010, 05:27
Hey djpety,
All keyboard layouts are now supported as you can see
from here..
So ? and : will work on hungarian keyboards too. The new build will be released soon..
Posted: 31 Dec 2010, 06:30
BTW here are all the supported chars in the upcoming release:
- Regular ASCII chars:
[a-z] and
- Regular ASCII symbols:
- All ASCII diacritics variations:
- And the following extended ASCII symbols:
It's probably more than needed for regular chat.
Don't know if we could/should allow more than the regular upper case chars for player's name btw?
Notice: @UrbanR
ş Ş ţ Ţ can't be supported as AFAIK they are not regular ASCII.
Posted: 31 Dec 2010, 06:33
What about Øø? Is it a part of ASCII? That's the only character left before the danish keyboard is full functioning

Posted: 02 Jan 2011, 21:52
Happy New Year !
Huki @ Dec 30 2010, 08:59 PM wrote: About your other bugs and dev mode crashes, i'll wait till you give the full list.
Can't register for lobby support" and allways back to first start revolt settings ...
This happens in v1.1 too. Re-Volt doesn't have permission to access the registry. You should run re-volt as administrator to solve this problem.
I hate vista
I run revolt as administrator and no more bug

Posted: 09 Jan 2011, 09:36
Any chance of the bonnet view appearing, at least in Re-Volt 1.2 if not in WolfR4?
Posted: 10 Jan 2011, 23:43
bonnet view is on the last wolfr4 realease
since today

Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 11:23
Saw, tested, commented. Thanks!
Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 19:19
Killer Wheels
Hi everyone,
I have not played Re-Volt for a looong time, and I just saw the huge amount of work you did. I tried the Wolf R4 program and I have to admit it's just awesome to play against 29 opponents !
I tried the 1.2 version on an XP system and everything worked. Amazing job, thank you so much !
The only thing I can point out actually is that the 3D world is rendered a bit "flatty" on a widescreen.
I know you don't want to do more than a bugless version of the original Re-Volt for now, so here's what I think that would be cool :
Playing against 29 differents opponents, even in multiplayer ?
Using different opponents when using the "random car" setting.
As an extra, using a custom list of cars or tracks for Random modes could be an interresting feature, for offline and online races
Also I noticed you added custom frontend boxes support for new cars, and planned to add custom shadow support too. I think you should use only ONE image to add everything. There's no need for a 256*256 bitmap file only for frontend boxes, you could use a part for the box, a part for the shadow... and there's some more free space to add some extra things.
Last but not least... Some kind of "Hardcore mode" with super good AI opponents...
Now as I see there's so much talented coders out there, an usefull tool for track creation would be something to make easily multiframe lists... But it could be very tricky to do.
Greetings to you all !
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 02:56
Hey killer.
As you can see from this screenshot, things don't look Flatty in wide-screen anymore.
Re-Volt v1.2 has full support for wide-screen resolutions, starting from release 10.1213, which you can find
Globally, I agree with all of your requests.

But I have to say that supporting 30 players in multiplayer is not a good idea, mainly because Re-Volt's network code is just not robust enough to be stable with a high amount of players. We experience lags even with more than 8 players. Also, I'm sure it will be clumsy with 30 players in such small tracks.
About car customization support, yes, I think we will allow designers to either use different textures (for high-def cars) or parts of a single texture.
And it's my dream for Re-Volt to see really re-volting AI's, and a fully documented development environment. I hope that day comes soon.

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 05:00
Killer Wheels
Thanks for the info.
It crashed !
I was about to load Human's track "Metrovolt" in Mirror mode, and it just stuck for some time before I had the classic WinXP error message.
When I started the game again, I had 2 messages : "Can't find any level directories" and "Can't find any car directories".
Then I started again and had no error message. I tried to launch another track in normal mode, and it crashed again. I had no error message when restarting the game.
It's always when you're near the end that problems arise !

Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 05:57
owwy, that sounds bad.. can you say which build gave you all these crashes? (you can find build number in bottom-left corner in main menu). Also, can you check if the same bugs happen in 1207 (without Wolf)? Also check if setting win98 compatibility solves the problem.
Just for info, the "loading crashes" sound like an existing v1.1 bug (which is supposed to be fixed in the latest release). But the "can't find cars/levels" error is really weird (and afaik, it only occurs when there is no cars/levels folder in re-volt directory).
kw wrote:It's always when you're near the end that problems arise !
Oh yes.. stuff like this has been pushing the next official release farther and farther..
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 18:20
Killer Wheels
Hi again,
Don't panic ! My apologies, the problem is solved
I was using Wolf R4 with 30 cars, and when launching the new 1.2 exe it kept the 30 opponents... So now everything is working really fine, good aspect ratio, no more crashes... But no more 30 opponents
I used the beta 10.1213.
Posted: 18 Jan 2011, 05:46
Ahah that's good news. Note that many bad registry entries (not only number of cars) can crash game. But well, for now we're making sure that atleast the new registry entries we add are corruption-proof.
Hopefully a new release will be coming soon, with the website updated to cover all features.
kw wrote:no more crashes... But no more 30 opponents
Heh, looks like both wolf and 1.2 have some unique features right now. But fortunately, it is easy to switch between wolf and 1.2 with a press of a button (in Wolf, Options -> Advanced -> Online -> Register WolfR4 for lobby launchers - on/off).
Posted: 19 Jan 2011, 04:17
Killer Wheels
Yes, that's a very great work, both jigebren and you. thank you for your time

Posted: 08 Feb 2011, 10:50
Let me just drop by and confirm that the project isn't dead yet..
There has been a bunch of new features such as the ability to change resolution and other settings on-the-fly, and from anywhere in the game (from in-game, multiplayer waiting room, ..), faster booting, and detecting CD while game is running. Also some bugs such as "shockwave disappearing quickly", "crash when F6 pressed during replay" and "clone pickup not working in Muse1" were fixed.
Everything including the new website is ready for uploading right away, but we just want to double check a few stuff before release. I've also planned a html newsletter this time (which is finished too). So let's hope everything works out well..
Posted: 08 Feb 2011, 23:51
Thanks Huki and jigebren; I'm having more fun than ever with Re-volt!
I just wanted to voice my appreciation to you both for the upgrades to this classic game and the consideration for my triple monitor setup and wheel.
Re-Volt ROCKS and so do you!
Posted: 09 Feb 2011, 00:30
nuc wrote:(...) my triple monitor setup and wheel.
*writes the wish list for Christmas*
And yeah, nuc's totally right. I have so much fun with Re-Volt too lately.
Re-Volt ROCKS and so do you!
Posted: 09 Feb 2011, 18:05

Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 00:20
Re-Volt v1.2 has been updated with the next official release. Visit
our website for more info and download. The website covers all Features, FAQ and more info about the new release. You will also find the newlsetter accompanying this release in the home page.
PS: If you've received our newsletter by email, say here if it is displayed correctly.
Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 21:09
100% correct.
Posted: 13 Feb 2011, 04:37
Huki I notice there seems to be some sort of avi recorder in the source. Any chance of getting this going?
Posted: 13 Feb 2011, 06:02
I can say the "avi recorder" is working after some fixes (so is the screenshot grabber). But here are the reasons why it was disabled:
1) Saves each induvidual frame as a 32bit bitmap, inside an "avi" folder.
2) Highly efficient recording - as fast as one frame per second!
It didn't blow up my pc though..
Posted: 15 Feb 2011, 04:28
Hi guys, I'm new to the PC version of this game, and just downloaded this patch, and even though I don't know much about what it does it fixed the problem I was having, so it's great, the problem I was having was that the screen was sideways, but it corrected itself after I installed the patch!
Posted: 22 Feb 2011, 02:25
Posted: 22 Feb 2011, 05:58
Nice video Seb.
A new beta-testers' release
rv1.2b11.0222 is here and we would like everyone to test the new features and report back.
Click here and you can find the new release under the
Nightly Builds section.
Changelog wrote:-------------
Beta 11.0222:
*Unofficial Beta release.
New Features|
Multi-Core Support: Re-Volt now supports running on multiple CPU's without
------------------ any problems. Till the previous release, we had forced
Re-Volt to run on a single processor only, due to crashes and instabilities.
All these instabilities are fixed and you're ready to take advantage of
the game's Multi-Threading capatibilities. You'll notice faster and smoother
loading, and most importantly - no crashes!
. Removed -useallcpu command line.
Faster Multiplayer sync: With this release, all network messages are sent
----------------------- asynchronously (in the background) without hanging
the game! This, along with the multiple processor support (see above) will
result in faster and steady online games.
Increased Env Range: Shininess does not disappear after a short distance.
------------------- It can be seen as long as the object is visible. You
can control the Env range from Render Settings -> Shininess: Off/Medium/
Full. Although the range should be set to Full by default, you might find
it at medium if you already had Re-Volt installed. Be sure to set this to
Full after installing this update!
HUD on Top: The game HUD elements are now drawn on top of all game cameras.
---------- This way the Rearview (F2) and Follow-Player (F3) cameras won't
hide the multi-player chat messages anymore.
Bug Fixes|
- Fixed freezes during multiplayer session (before each race starts), especially
when some players crash.
- Fixed false "Waiting For: Player" messages even when all players have loaded
and are ready.
- Fixed crashes while loading when running on multiple processors/cores.
- Fixed freeze/crash and corruption of data in large multiplayer races - mainly
related to weapons/bombs.
- Fixed bug in screen capture (F8 key in Dev Mode).
- Fixed trouble maximizing after minimizing re-volt in Windows Vista/7.
- Fixed extra dot showing up on european letters based on i (new Font file
Dev Mode|
- Added "Shift + R" binding for Multiplayer to show all players' ready status.
We need the beta-testers to confirm that this release runs fine on multi-core cpu's (without any crashes while loading).
Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 05:42
no crash for me ...
but since my intro bug revolt loading is longer than with 1207... in fact i get a black screen about 10s before 1st intro picture, befor it was less than 1s...
Posted: 24 Feb 2011, 22:01
How many custom cars/tracks do you have installed? And does it take that long to start up even with -nointro command line?
Posted: 24 Feb 2011, 22:05
Newest mail with rv12 updates shows all beta-testers names and e-mails once again

Posted: 24 Feb 2011, 22:44
Too bad email clients don't come with an undo button after sending..
Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 19:49
Huki @ Feb 24 2011, 06:14 PM wrote: Too bad email clients don't come with an undo button after sending..
Downloaded the latest....
impressive list of improvements but it crashes on my system (so did the last build of 1.2 that I tried).
When loading into the race it complains that it can't load some car .prms and then crashes when it tries to enter the race.
I'm on windows 7 btw.
Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 21:22
Try removing any custom cars you might have installed. And does this bug occur only in 1.2?
Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 00:31
Thanks huki it's working now, after I replaced the cars directory with the original.
Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 22:48
sebr @ Feb 23 2011, 01:12 AM wrote: no crash for me ...
but since my intro bug revolt loading is longer than with 1207... in fact i get a black screen about 10s before 1st intro picture, befor it was less than 1s...
ok I try revolt with only stock tracks and it start faster ...
New bug found on beta 224 =>
see the cup bug
now fixed by Huki

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 23:19
Yep, thanks for reporting that bug. It was an unexpected bug introduced by the "HUD on Top" feature (doesn't make any sense, does it?

New release 11.0226 with some more multiplayer related fixes, and of course, the cup bug. I think we're done with multiplayer inconsistencies now, but if anyone finds anything still wrong in online games (like any remaining bad sync/ bad starts), don't hesitate to report it.
You can find the release in
our website as usual.
PS: I've fixed the cup bug (reported by sebr) only after sending the newsletter, and re-uploaded the 11.0226 release. So if you've received the last newsletter, you should download the release again.
Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 02:32
I noticed a strange bug, only in the 110226 built:
When I play revolt (in fullscreen and with -nointro) and return to desktop with alt+tab or microsoft button the system freezes. This bug disappears if I remove the -nointro command (I did not try with other commands)
Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 02:45
It's strange indeed. But don't panic..

the system does not freeze, you're just unable to move the mouse. I'll look into it.
Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 02:49
i don't have this bug ...
Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 02:56
Huki @ Feb 26 2011, 10:15 PM wrote: It's strange indeed. But don't panic..

the system does not freeze, you're just unable to move the mouse. I'll look into it.
Yeah I saw, I made a little and inaccurate explaining!
And I forgot to mention that I use win 7 ultimate 32-bit .
Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 23:04
Ok, the "mouse freeze" bug is fixed.
Here is the new release 11.0227. Some new features were introduced too..
Changelog wrote:------------------------
Beta 11.0227:
*Unofficial Beta release.
New Features|
- Launching the game with a command line from lobby launchers such as RVHouse
was not possible as the command line entries were erased from registry after
each start. Now Re-Volt does not overwrite the DirectPlay registry entries
if already found. In case you've messed with the registry entries, you can
force the game to re-register using -lobbyregister command line.
Bug Fixes|
- Fixed Re-Volt taking full CPU usage when the game is minimized/inactive.
- Fixed app active state not detected properly in windowed mode.
Posted: 27 Feb 2011, 23:50
I've updated the 11.0227 download link with a minor fix. If you've already downloaded, download again..

Posted: 02 Mar 2011, 13:49
awesome work, download the latest official release last weekend and it runs better than "official" Re-Volt on my Win7 laptop
can i subscribe to beta-testing through here?
Posted: 02 Mar 2011, 23:29
synasthesia @ Mar 2 2011, 01:49 PM wrote:can i subscribe to beta-testing through here?
Sure, we just need your email address.
We are still working on network related features for the next release. Our plans for now is,
- A multiplayer "compatibility" option which will disable all new features/options which are incompatible with older versions (if compatibility is turned off, clients with older versions will not be able to join the session).
- Setting password for a session.
- Ability to kick/disconnect players from a session.
These might seem to be basic and un-needed features, but they are required for any future development in the multiplayer side (such as adding new game modes, and allowing more options for the host).
Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 17:02
I found a bug that I never had before on 1.1.
Occasionally, in championship mode:
When a race starts, there's a "Press any key" at the bottom of the screen (like when you finish the race), and when you press any key, it simply appears like you already finished the race. Even if the race didn't even start.
Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 19:13
sebr @ Feb 26 2011, 06:18 PM wrote: [...]
New bug found on beta 224 =>
see the cup bug
now fixed by Huki
look at this video UrbanR :
if it's the same bug,it's normaly fixed since beta 227