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Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 07:31
aryo_adhi @ Nov 6 2012, 03:40 AM wrote:@Huki : here is the detailed list.
First : I can’t use default buttons on my controllers. i mean those available before i set it again.
Second : Are digital buttons (d-pad) useable?
Third : I can’t set control of my controller(s) if the first player (or second) uses keyboard. The next player can’t set button.
Take example. Player 1 uses joystick (me). I can sets the button to my joystick. if the second player uses keyboard, then the third player that uses joystick can’t set buttons. that are valid too if first player uses keyboard (second too, maybe), the next player (2nd, 3rd, 4th) that uses joystick can’t set their buttons. But, if both 1st and 2nd player uses joystick they can sets the buttons (maybe 3rd and 4th too).
I see what you mean now. It was a bug in re-volt, not your controller. After a Keyboard player, the other player controllers were not read properly. I think it's the same reason why the default (d-pad) controls didn't work in-game either.
.zip]this patch and try your controller again in the Player 3 slot. And does the d-pad work ingame now?
Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 08:27
Minor annoyance on Time Trial, but still a bug:
The old
Radar bug still persists, and it seems it enjoys appearing in
Supermarket 2. Probably it's very hardcoded or something cuz I remember you tried to fix it alread.
I get it 3-4 times per session. Appears randomly, dissappears after starting the nxt lap.
Recorded here: ... -25-17.mp4
Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 10:56
Perhaps the oversteer threshold is too low that makes the car unable to turn (remember we disabled the "intelligent oversteer" feature earlier). I'll do some tests when I find time and let you know in the other thread - meanwhile, try a higher OverThresh value.
• It’s not too low for V1.1, it’s specifically determined to be the lowest where the car runs smoothly.
• But it’s too low for V1.2, so there’s something different in v1.2.
• Intelligent oversteer was one major difference, thanks for removing that, but there’s still something else.
• And trying higher Threshes is not a good option – that would mean re-tuning the Expert AI Stocks, and the Expert AI Dreamcast Pack, and the Expert AI Dev&Demo Pack, and everything else in the future. The point is that people could AI-tune their cars once and have them run on both versions. Nobody will want to tune twice, so either V1.1 or V1.2 would lose out.
• And thanks in advance for testing!
Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 14:57
@Huki : thanks, it works! altough d-pad button doesn’t works. nevermind i use dual stick controller, that uses axis X, Y, Z, and R.
Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 15:10
DC Car Will Soon On Next Update? (If Rooftops Track Released)
Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 15:24
Platform @ Nov 6 2012, 12:40 PM wrote:DC Car Will Soon On Next Update? (If Rooftops Track Released)
Of course not.
Sorry for short post...
Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 15:34
Platform @ Nov 6 2012, 10:40 AM wrote: DC Car Will Soon On Next Update? (If Rooftops Track Released)
Yes, if Twin Mill available as stock car...

Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 22:33
Just discovered a very minor glitch.
In the audio settings, if you set the sound FX volume to 10% and try the FX test, it doesn't play any of the sounds.
Posted: 07 Nov 2012, 02:39
I made a custom toyeca with the camera where the traditional driver-view cam is.
It's brilliant, I love it.
The problem is that it's a custom car. I think that as a new feature we should be able to make stock cams rigid at press of a button, or in menus.
Posted: 07 Nov 2012, 10:48
There is a default rigid view, in the middle and looking a bit down. The game uses this if no camera parameters are added, i.e. for stock cars. Try it.
Posted: 07 Nov 2012, 17:33
Citywalker @ Nov 7 2012, 06:18 AM wrote: There is a default rigid view, in the middle and looking a bit down. The game uses this if no camera parameters are added, i.e. for stock cars. Try it.
Do you mean the new one? Yes I know about that. It's not bad at all. I suppose I really want a rigid version of the driver view cam that I normally use. In driver view you can't see the car body, so the camera movements create a feeling of less responsive control.
Posted: 07 Nov 2012, 20:24
Thanks for the splitscreen action! The cars feel a bit different too. ...
A quite non-exciting video - just I wanted to show you how splitscreen with a 120" projector looks like.
Posted: 08 Nov 2012, 04:22
Phantom @ Nov 6 2012, 08:27 AM wrote:Minor annoyance on Time Trial, but still a bug:
The old
Radar bug still persists, and it seems it enjoys appearing in
Supermarket 2. Probably it's very hardcoded or something cuz I remember you tried to fix it alread.
I get it 3-4 times per session. Appears randomly, dissappears after starting the nxt lap.
Recorded here: ... -25-17.mp4
I tried time trial in market2 a few laps and couldn't reproduce your radar issue, but I discovered other issues with the distance code - both new and old. This time I think I've fixed everything for good. Can you try
.zip]this patch?
Skarma wrote:In the audio settings, if you set the sound FX volume to 10% and try the FX test, it doesn't play any of the sounds.
Ah ok, fixed that one too.
Posted: 08 Nov 2012, 04:33
r6turboextreme @ Nov 7 2012, 08:24 PM wrote: Thanks for the splitscreen action! The cars feel a bit different too. ...
A quite non-exciting video - just I wanted to show you how splitscreen with a 120" projector looks like.
Looks nice on such a big screen, thanks for sharing.

Now I can only hope to see an actual race on it, and probably a less shaky recording..
gdfsgdfg wrote:Current Status of Rooftops:
Camera Nodes Files still broken I was expecting them to be magically fixed in this update sad.gif (look into this further please)
Er, I was going to release a fixed Rooftop cam file (for v1.2) after the previous release (sometime in August). I guess I forgot... I'll upload it this week.
Posted: 08 Nov 2012, 06:08

don't forget the reversed one.
Posted: 08 Nov 2012, 11:55
report for minor bug. at older 1.2 update (first profile system added) the profile selection shows more than 1 names (if you have more than 1), but after updating to latest 1.2 update (1102) profile selection only shows one name, but can be changed as normal.
Posted: 08 Nov 2012, 12:50
Thanks Huki. Yes I will put a better video. When a friend comes I will do a race with him, you choose the track! Btw is it possible to have AI cars turned on in that race? This I because I don't have enough competition.
Posted: 08 Nov 2012, 13:21
r6turboextreme @ Nov 8 2012, 12:50 PM wrote: Btw is it possible to have AI cars turned on in that race? This I because I don't have enough competition.
Yes, it is possible. Go to Option>Game Settings>Multiplayer CPU, set it to On.
Posted: 08 Nov 2012, 14:27
I hope im in the right topic for this.
Im getting a wierd error message when i try search for online games direktly in re-volt, it says "Can't enum Season"
i checked the readme, i might need to check it again, as i was sure that with the new patch, we dont have to use rvhouse for online play.
Meybe i was wrong.

Posted: 08 Nov 2012, 16:16
not so all. you may play via LAN without rvhouse. look more options at multiplayer menu.
Posted: 08 Nov 2012, 18:01
I've found somthing else which I'm not sure if it's intentional or a glitch but it is kind've helpful.
With TVTIME turned on, if you turn on the F2 camera and switch to rear view cam then press F6, the F2 camera gets locked in the bonnet cam position even if you return to F1 view. It stays like this until you turn it off and back on again. Quite handy really.
Posted: 08 Nov 2012, 18:56
Thank you for the answer, Pranav!
Posted: 09 Nov 2012, 17:28
So this is part of the patch?
Posted: 09 Nov 2012, 18:24
RacerBG @ Nov 9 2012, 05:28 PM wrote:
So this is part of the patch?
No it's not part of the patch, gdf likes posting in the wrong thread
I've deleted gdf's post here to avoid confusion. You can find his repacked Rooftops
here along with other fixed custom tracks.
Posted: 09 Nov 2012, 20:18
Well, how about auto-downloading while play online for car and track that host use and we didn't have? This idea was dropped by urbanrocker at
here, but Electricbee suggest for DLC and RVZT Intergation that nearly-very-very-impossible-to-implemented.
Posted: 09 Nov 2012, 21:43
@aryo: I don't exactly know how RV House internally works but I believe it would be best to integrate that feature in there because afaik you need to restart Re-Volt if you want newly obtained cars to be recognized ingame (I think tracks don't have that problem but I'm not sure).
That means you first connect to the game session via RV House, the game starts, he get's the cars and then he needs to restart and reconnect again.
And if you integrate it in RV House you just connect to the session, it gets the cars/tracks and you can immediately join the game.
Besides that I think this is a little offtopic here and would be better suited for the Suggestions thread.
Posted: 10 Nov 2012, 19:31
I've a question about the non-linear steering : by default it's ON, but if i put it OFF and then i leave the game, when i relaunch revolt it's ON. That's normal ? Or is there a possibility that the game keep this setting OFF ?
Posted: 10 Nov 2012, 20:56
They probably forgot to store this setting in the profile.ini.
If thats the case then it's an easy fix.
Posted: 13 Nov 2012, 22:39
Hey Huki
I have a trouble, with new version i can use my controler " enter " like usually to replace car .. its disturb a lot .. i can't play like this .. can you do something ?
Posted: 14 Nov 2012, 01:37
Continuing about bens problem... ("Translation", better explanation)
He can't set (numpad!) ENTER key to reposition car for player 1 controls, yes we know that player 2 uses it for horn, but even if you change it, player 1 still can't select.
That also happens on ALL player 2 keys. For example, I just changed all p2 buttons to random letters and then i went to p1 controls to set any numpad keys, it doesn't work.
In short, NUMPAD keys (except Num Lock) are locked for Player 1, even if they're free.
I can confirm that.
Posted: 14 Nov 2012, 19:37
the more soon will be best, like i dont play cause that ..

Posted: 14 Nov 2012, 22:13
benvoliosaythat @ Nov 14 2012, 05:07 PM wrote:the more soon will be best, like i dont play cause that ..

Wow, you talk (write) better in RVHouse, BUT NOT HERE?
Anyway, there's a chance for
another hot fix (should be 4th now), it fixes very minor bugs (and they come quick). If huki will be here faster then maybe, maybe.
Posted: 15 Nov 2012, 23:34
One admin might have Huki's mail , to communicate better with him when trouble.
Thx to think at that.
Posted: 15 Nov 2012, 23:42
One admin might have Huki's mail , to communicate better with him when trouble.
Thx to think at that.
Posted: 16 Nov 2012, 03:40
benvoliosaythat @ Nov 15 2012, 07:12 PM wrote: One admin might have Huki's mail , to communicate better with him when trouble.
Thx to think at that.
lol ben, you can email huki by clicking E-mail....
plus, double post
such a fail
Posted: 16 Nov 2012, 03:40
benvoliosaythat @ Nov 15 2012, 07:12 PM wrote: One admin might have Huki's mail , to communicate better with him when trouble.
Thx to think at that.
lol ben, you can email huki by clicking E-mail....
plus, double post
such a fail
i have a problem: why sound is scratchy instead of playing music?
Posted: 16 Nov 2012, 17:20
Abc @ Nov 15 2012, 11:10 PM wrote:
plus, double post
such a fail
Haha, the irony...
Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 14:40
Just to be sure:
Do you mind that I "port" RV 1.2 to Mac?
The newest build are always available here: ... -volt-osx/
You can find the ReadMe-file here: ... 2.1102.rtf
Tell me if I should mention any further details in it.
Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 15:34
Should Add Windowed And Fullscreen In Options? I Want Windowed Options In This Game (Like In WolfR4)
Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 17:33
Just add -window to the shortcut target after the quotes, so it's like:
'"/bla/bla/bla/revolt.exe" -window'
or was it "windowed"? I don't know anymore.
correct me if i'm wrong
Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 18:33
Hey, does anyone have downloaded and know how to use RVL RV source code???
will it work on visual studio ultimate 2012?
i need someone to show me what i can do with it
revolt command lines are:
-sload: silent loading
-nointro: intro skip
-gamegauge: benchmark
-gogodemo: infinite demo race
-useallcpu: tries to use all cores
-window: Windowed mode
resolution specification:
-height <height>
-width <width>
-texmode <16/32>
-nosli: disables sli on 1.2
-sli: enables sli on 0916 and 1207
-dev: DEV mode for 1.2 only
Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 19:45
What source code are you talking about? The one that was included in the Xbox leak?
And any code will work on Visual Studio 2012, it just depends on how portable the code is, how much work you are willing to put in it and how good you are generally with coding.
If you really are talking about the Xbox source then you will have to put a lot of effort in it to make the source compilable (for PC, if you want to stay on Xbox you'll need the proper SDK and some other things). Like rewriting/reverting all of the network, sound and graphic display code.
Since most of the original code is only commented out it's not as hard as it sounds but you need to know what you are doing (which I somehow doubt, no offense).
And why are you listing some of Re-Volt's parameter options?
Anyway this goes more and more offtopic here so I'll just leave you with the advice not to spend time on trying to compile an outdated version of the game, it's only useful if you have the (somewhat) latest version.
Posted: 18 Nov 2012, 01:11
I just tested a new alpha, and I think it's pretty cool that you guys have implemented the split screen mode. Also thanx for the new cameras, it's awesome. But I have a few thoughts about this build:
can't set numpad! ENTER key to anything for Player1
- Imagine that I'm the one player and I just like to fire with NUM_ENTER (do you?
). So I propose you just let the player set the key he pressed and clear the field where it is currently used. I think it'll be more useful.
Then about the split screen:
- I like it, and I understand that there is not enough space for a speedometer. But can you put the scaled one on it?
About the split screen in general:
- It will be more useful if you implement the split screen as an option, which means it could be used in both Internet and LAN games, not as a standalone feature.
- The Screen Split option doesn't saves when you exit the options/game.
The next thing I observe is:
- the sound is "twitches" sometimes in a bonnet camera mode, mostly when I go into the skid. Also the music volume and the music on/off options doesn't work (in the 0815 build too; maybe in earlier ones too, I don't remember).
I hope this bugs will be fixed soon, and you will think about my proposals.

Posted: 24 Nov 2012, 03:34
Has anyone noticed that the SADIST cheat no longer works in the new 1.2 alpha? It worked before, and I can't get it to work now. I tried it in both dev and normal mode. Nothing. I even cleared those keys of other commands in Re-Volt. Nothing. If you guys could take a look into it, you'd have a very happy banana on your hands

Posted: 24 Nov 2012, 04:59
Still works for me with right shift.
Posted: 24 Nov 2012, 12:53
gdfsgdfg @ Nov 24 2012, 12:29 AM wrote: Still works for me with right shift.
True, tested with me, too.
@Dave : Do you use note/netbook?
Posted: 24 Nov 2012, 17:16
So where is the AI Cars ON / OFF button? I can't find it in the Game Settings.
Posted: 24 Nov 2012, 19:45
Dave-o-rama @ Nov 24 2012, 01:04 AM wrote:Has anyone noticed that the SADIST cheat no longer works in the new 1.2 alpha?
It didn't worked for me too at first, but when I reset controller settings it worked (then also worked with my key configuration again), strange

miromiro @ Nov 24 2012, 02:46 PM wrote: So where is the AI Cars ON / OFF button? I can't find it in the Game Settings.
Multiplayer CPU...
Posted: 24 Nov 2012, 21:36
VaiDuX461 @ Nov 24 2012, 10:15 AM wrote: It didn't worked for me too at first, but when I reset controller settings it worked (then also worked with my key configuration again), strange

Yeah. I tried resetting the controller setting and it worked. Weird.
aryo_adhi wrote:Do you use note/netbook?
I use a laptop, but the keyboard is fully laid out (like a desktop computer), so there wouldn't be any issues there.
Posted: 24 Nov 2012, 22:13
Dave-o-rama @ Nov 23 2012, 10:04 PM wrote: Has anyone noticed that the SADIST cheat no longer works in the new 1.2 alpha?
It has never worked for me at all since I got this PC, even when I still used WolfR4.