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Posted: 27 Oct 2012, 10:48
Hey, my favourite racing view
What are you using for the camera coordinates (especially height)?
Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 01:24
the_law @ Oct 27 2012, 04:00 AM wrote:I wonder what it would be like if the camera was fixed rigidly to the car...
It certainly has a sim feeling to it.. especially nice with buggies and light-weight cars on muddy ground.
Here's a short video showing the bonnet view in ghost town.
City wrote:What are you using for the camera coordinates (especially height)?
Right on top of the car bounding box.. and looking down a bit rather than straight ahead. You might notice you can't see too far ahead with the default look angle, but it should be configurable per car if needed..
Phantom wrote:Try in RV Temple, it's enough to know what I mean.
Or the track is wrongly-created or it's in re-volt, one of two.
I just tested on 11.0825 (my fav patch) and the difference was still there. So it was not added in newer patches.
The positions are same in RV Temple too. I also checked the code now and yes, the car is placed correctly at the same position whether you restart or press repo - as you said that was how it was intended to work.
Maybe you were trying in some other mode than Time Trial?
Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 04:12
Huki @ Oct 27 2012, 08:54 PM wrote: It certainly has a sim feeling to it.. especially nice with buggies and light-weight cars on muddy ground.
Here's a short video showing the bonnet view in ghost town.
Wow, that looks cool. You can see all the bumps. I really look forward to frapsing an online race using that camera.
Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 06:50
Thanks for adding the rigid bonnet/roof camera, it's nice to see how the suspension works through bumps and corners, but maybe you should raise the angle a bit.
Posted: 29 Oct 2012, 12:02
You might notice you can't see too far ahead with the default look angle, but it should be configurable per car if needed..
Per car?! Great!
Well, it’s going to be a compromise between more view of the track or more view of the car then, to each their own preference.
Posted: 30 Oct 2012, 13:57
the_law @ Oct 27 2012, 11:42 PM wrote: Wow, that looks cool. You can see all the bumps. I really look forward to frapsing an online race using that camera.
^ That
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 02:27
Re-Volt v1.2 has been updated.
This release brings support for 2 to 4 player split-screen multiplayer mode. Other features include a new bonnet / roof camera view and the rear-view button from the console versions.
Also Includes a new hi-res font with a clear, modern typeface.
Be sure to read the complete change log by clicking here. Download the new Alpha release 12.1102
Help us translate these entries to your language (French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Swedish):
Multi Type: [[Split-Screen, LAN or Internet]]
Paused [[as in "Player 1 Paused the game"]]
Kick Player
Remove From Game
Add To Game
You Have Been Removed From The Game!
You Have Been Added To The Game!
Controller Slot:
Flip / Rear View
Multiplayer CPU
~ Huki & jigebren
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 02:39
Huki @ Nov 2 2012, 09:57 PM wrote: Re-Volt v1.2 has been updated.
Nice to hear that, Huki and jigebren! Paul Phippen should be proud to you.
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 02:57
New Update Smell YAYUH
Current Status of Rooftops:
Camera Nodes Files still broken I was expecting them to be magically fixed in this update

(look into this further please)
Waiting for you to add an .inf option to change the difficulty of the track. Ex.Medium instead of "Unknown".
And a question:
What is the legacy thing in the network settings?
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 03:27
gdfsgdfg @ Nov 2 2012, 09:27 PM wrote: What is the legacy thing in the network settings?
Compatibility with 1207. On = 1.2 only, off = 1207 players can join.
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 03:55
After a quick test, I can only describe this new Patch as
awesome. Many new little features that are useful.
First of all, the new Fonts are bloody charming. Really beautiful, Re-Volt looks like new game. And you didn't compress the Patch Installer. I love you for this.
About multiplayer collissions.... no idea what you guys've done, but in RV House we seem to agree that the impacts from attacks or car-per-car collission don't affect gameplay anymore.
Even Spectating mode feels less laggy according to some critics.
Btw, the screen goes darker after Pressing Pause key, also lovely feature.
The Splitscreen - simply magnificient.
Even if I wasn't expecting this so much, I have to say I'm surprised.
Now players can race together against AI cars. I can't imagine how many LAN players dreamt with this in the past.
And the F1 cameras & Lookback buttons can be easily configured from Game Settings.
For those that have gamepads, just have to set them from here.
Oh, I've now tested the In-Game Multiplayer interphase. God, the new changes are much smarter and user-friendly. The possibility to easily choose between Split-Screen, LAN, and Internet are damn nice changes!
No bugs found at the moment, only my old problem with custom tracks without Redbook line not having SFX sound persists, but I'll try to fix it other way. Probably reinstalling Re-Volt completely.
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 04:26
Good work ! The driving seems to be like the v1.1. The collisions seems to be better too. This last release is better for sure !
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 04:47
Thanks to the devs for their work. Most people seem very happy with it, so therefore I am happy with it. The new features are great.
I have to say though, I don't like the effect that the new physics seem to have had on steering and in general. It's very 1.1-esque. In driver view at least, it used to be more twitchy and fast. Was the physics timestep increased? It feels all damped out now.
The new view is cool. I might use it to make up for the less dynamic experience that I just mentioned in driver view.
One problem: gamepad and wheel users can't use f1 to change cams. We had to set that function to a button on the controller.
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 05:16
I have a small question about the multiplier AI.. Why not include the AI in LAN mode as well? Though i'm loving the split-screen! Probably come useful when I can get Re-Volt setup to the TV via Steam Big Picture..
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 06:03
I installed the update and got no sound (1.1 has).
Here i go with the spanish translation:
Multi Type: [[Split-Screen, LAN or Internet]]: Tipo Multiple
Paused [[as in "Player 1 Paused the game"]]: "En Pausa" or "Pausa Jugador 1".
Kick Player: Expulsar jugador.
Remove From Game: Remover del juego.
Add To Game: Añadir al juego.
You Have Been Removed From The Game! ¡Has sido removido del juego!
You Have Been Added To The Game! ¡Has sido añadido al juego!
Controller Slot: Ranura de control.
Flip / Rear View: Voltear / Vista trasera.
Multiplayer CPU: CPU en multijugador (i suggest using AI instead of CPU)
EDIT 2: "Partidos Tiempos" (split time) is wrong, it's "Tiempo dividido".
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 12:37
Hmm... New bugs!
When I/my friend reposition car, the camera doesn't fading. Is that valid?
@Huki : Maybe Indonesian translation should be added...

I will translate myself, but do you mind if you add one new language selection
And, as the_law said:
the_law wrote:One problem: gamepad and wheel users can't use f1 to change cams. We had to set that function to a button on the controller.
I agree, means +1.
EDIT : The car maker may needs their car to be updated, also me too.
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 14:39
Having a new ability to offset the hood camera is going to be a godamn awesome feature.

Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 15:29
New update is
great yes, the only thing i said about it, don't want to write novels... That new Hood camera is f**king awesome, also look back view is great alternative for f2 mirror (especially for crappy PC users like me).
Although few things bugs me a bit:
- I can't access to network settings at options when created room, that means i can't set maximum connections and compatibility without quitting my "server"/ room.
- Summary (thing before starting race) still shows only 2-4 racers (depends on players) even when multiplayer CPU is on (split-screen, single race). It should show CPU players quantity too.
- 4th screen in battle tag split-screen with 3 players, just "copy-pastes" Player 1 screen, but without hud. Maybe add standings (all player live place standings to see for everyone) or something like that?
Oh, also thanks for fixing .fan and .taz game crash issues.
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 15:35
Great to see the new update has arrived! Split-screen is very nice and fun.. Here's hoping that it will evolve into being possible to have several players from the same computer play online with others on RV House. (You're allowed to dream right?

Here's a video showcasing split-screen multi-player in action, in case anyone is curious: (160MB) (No sound)
I had 3 players playing on the same keyboard. Be aware that's actually only possible if the keyboard is mechanical and supports that many keypresses at the same time though. Oh, and you sit veeeery close to each other, so 3 different controllers might be a better idea (or 3 different keyboards).
This was tested in Arch Linux 64-bit over Wine btw - everything seems to be fine and dandy.

Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 16:48
VaiDuX461 @ Nov 3 2012, 10:59 AM wrote: 4th screen in battle tag split-screen with 3 players, just "copy-pastes" Player 1 screen, but without hud. Maybe add standings (all player live place standings to see for everyone) or something like that?
That'd be totally awesome, very good idea!! And it would also be good for spectators/finished players (or maybe even the ones in game with a button) to see the standings.
The new patch is great, I love the new features, but I only tested quickly, and didn't notice any changes in collision (and the changelog doesn't mention it either). Are there any?
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 17:33
Great update. The physics seems much more like the 1.1 of re-volt. I was able to pass bombs from behind which was previously impossible in later 1.2 versions. In a collision during yesterdays races I passed my bomb when crashing with Phantom, when he hit me from the side. I really was surprised that the bomb passed.
The handling also felt different but it's difficult to explain how, it just felt different. Probably more noticeable for people using wheels.
The other updates are also useful but I still find the original camera view to be the most useful.
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 18:54
I am so in love with this feature now. It could not have come at a better time, it's really going to be useful for making videos.
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 19:26
Thanks Huki and Jig for the update!
The only problem i see is that the game doesn't show who is ahead of whom and by how many seconds in the Battle Tag while playing using the Splitscreen feature. Everything rest is just perfect!
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 19:48
Translate for Swedish
Multi Type: [[Split-Screen, LAN or Internet]] = [[ Flerskärmigt, Lokalt nätverk or Internet]] Or = eller
Paused [[as in "Player 1 Paused the game"]] = Pausad [["Spelare 1 har pausat spelet"]] - "Paus" just means pause, and "pausad" is like paused/The game is Paused
Kick Player = Sparka spelare
Remove From Game = Ta bort från spelet
Add To Game = Lägg till spelet - Add To The Game = Lägg till i spelet (sounds much more correct)
You Have Been Removed From The Game! = Du har tagits bort från spelet!
You Have Been Added To The Game! = Du har lagts till i spelet!
Controller Slot: Styrenhets fack
Flip / Rear View: Vänd / bakre vy
Multiplayer CPU = flerspelarläge CPU
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 20:06
Nice, thanks for the update. The higher resolution font is definitely noticeable, I just hope for an update of the Fxpages someday
I didn't really test anything yet but I'll do that some time later.
German translation:
Multi Type: [[Split-Screen, LAN or Internet]]
Pausiert "[Spieler 1 pausierte das Spiel"]
Spieler rauswerfen
Vom Spiel entfernen
Zum Spiel hinzufügen
Du wurdest vom Spiel entfernt!
Du wurdest zum Spiel hinzugefügt!
Controller Slot:
Flip View = Ansicht umdrehen
Rear View = Rückansicht
Mehrspieler CPU
The words that I didn't translate can also be used in german.
edit: Actually I would rename "Multi Type" into "Connection Type", suits better imo (I mean Split-Screen is also some kind of connection type, right?).
Then it would be called
in german.
Or call it "Multiplayer Type", that's at least translatable (which would be "Mehrspieler Typ" in German).
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 22:39
Since when the drivetrain was set to the Trans value in the parameters.txt? It shows wrong values in old cars.
Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 00:47
I guess I found a bug (could also be intentional but I doubt it):
If you want to play with more than 2 players on the same PC neither Player 1 nor Player 2 can use a Controller/Gamepad, otherwise you can't assign the controls to Player 3 (and 4).
I plugged in my PS3 Controller and assigned it to Player 1, then I did the keyboard settings for Player 2 and wanted to also assign the keyboard to Player 3 but he didn't let me.
I think if you have a 2nd controller at hand then the whole situation is different again (both controllers to both player 1 and 2 are not allowed?) but I couldn't test that (don't have a 2nd controller).
Also I have another issue (which happened to me previously and then disappeared for some reason so I doubt it's a bug in the new release) where Re-Volt takes extremely long to start (> 1min).
But if I kill the started process of Re-Volt and launch it again he immediately starts the game.
Or if I "double launch" the executable he also immediately starts the game (but then I have 2 instances of Re-Volt running).
Maybe someone has the same issue or even a solution for this?
Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 01:36
Kenny @ Nov 3 2012, 10:17 PM wrote:I guess I found a bug (could also be intentional but I doubt it):
If you want to play with more than 2 players on the same PC neither Player 1 nor Player 2 can use a Controller/Gamepad, otherwise you can't assign the controls to Player 3 (and 4).
I plugged in my PS3 Controller and assigned it to Player 1, then I did the keyboard settings for Player 2 and wanted to also assign the keyboard to Player 3 but he didn't let me.
I can confirm that too, (found that earlier, couldn't explain...

), so i done same as him, just different controller and it doesn't let you to choose keyboard for player 3 and 4, even if first 2 uses gamepads.
Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 03:16
Cat @ Nov 3 2012, 05:09 PM wrote: Since when the drivetrain was set to the Trans value in the parameters.txt?
Since forever?
Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 04:06
Kenny @ Nov 3 2012, 03:36 PM wrote:The higher resolution font is definitely noticeable, I just hope for an update of the Fxpages someday

The Fxpage2.bmp 512x512 update was already started some time ago, but it was so time-consuming I can't tell if it'll ever be finished one day. And I'm likely not going to have holidays anytime soon...
Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 05:58
Cat @ Nov 2 2012, 09:33 PM wrote: I installed the update and got no sound (1.1 has).
Inserted my RV cd and the sounds began to work only on levels with the REDBOOK line in their respective .inf files If it's absent in the choosen level, there's no sounds or music during the race, and mp3 files are not supported. Anyone with this problem?
Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 06:53
Cat @ Nov 4 2012, 05:58 AM wrote:Cat @ Nov 2 2012, 09:33 PM wrote: I installed the update and got no sound (1.1 has).
Inserted my RV cd and the sounds began to work only on levels with the REDBOOK line in their respective .inf files If it's absent in the choosen level, there's no sounds or music during the race, and mp3 files are not supported. Anyone with this problem?
Phantom happens to have the same problem. Can you give your system specs? Does it happen with old 1207 version too or only with v1.2?
here is Phantom's original report.. maybe we can continue the discussion over there to avoid cluttering up this topic.
Regarding controller config, currently there are 2 limitations:
1) The Keyboard is only available to Player 1 and 2, the other players will have to use an external controller. So Kenny, in your case you've set your only available controller for Player 1, that's why the 3 and 4 slots were disabled. You can simply let Player 1 and Player 2 use the Keyboard and then the controller will be available for Player 3.
2) When you're using an external controller you won't be able to use keyboard keys (you're limited to the axes and buttons on the controller itself, as law mentioned).
Both these limits were added to make controller config easier to manage for split-screen (we can easily set a good default configuration for keyboard players for example, and efficiently prevent key conflicts.. it lets us know what to expect).
The first limitation is probably not a big deal, but I'll see if something can be done about the 2nd one, since it could be needed to set keyboard keys if a joystick/wheel doesn't have enough buttons.. (how many buttons do most joysticks and wheels come with, btw?)
Kenny wrote:Also I have another issue (which happened to me previously and then disappeared for some reason so I doubt it's a bug in the new release) where Re-Volt takes extremely long to start (> 1min).
But if I kill the started process of Re-Volt and launch it again he immediately starts the game.
Or if I "double launch" the executable he also immediately starts the game (but then I have 2 instances of Re-Volt running).
Maybe someone has the same issue or even a solution for this?
Windows 7? I used to have the same issue (and still do) when I first switched to Win7 (I don't remember which version but v1.2 probably didn't exist back then). Anyway, after some tests I came to the conclusion the problem isn't coming from re-volt. To summarize:
- The hang usually happens during a cold start (i.e., when your pc is freshly booted up or re-volt was not recently launched).
- The hang happens inside ntdll.dll, even before re-volt's WinMain function is called. Sometimes it lasts for a minute as in your case, and other times forever.
- For me it never happens if I rename the revolt.exe to something else (revolt_test.exe for example). I was curious and I placed notepad in the re-volt folder and named it "revolt.exe". Upon rebooting Windows (to trigger a cold start), the fake revolt.exe hanged up too. o_O
I wasn't motivated to dig deeper into this issue, but at least one other Win7 user also has this problem and many others don't. (FYI, he had x64 while I use 32-bit).
Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 07:05
Huki @ Nov 3 2012, 10:23 PM wrote: Phantom happens to have the same problem. Can you give your system specs? Does it happen with old 1207 version too or only with v1.2?
1.2 only. 1207+WolfR4 works fine with "Enable MP3 music playback" and "Enable CD music from drive" (still without CD) activated.
Another thing to mention is that the sounds don't work if i disable "Enable CD music from drive" (may be related to the 1.2 problem).
System Information
Time of this report: 11/3/2012, 22:41:07
Machine name: JUAN-PC
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120830-0333)
Language: Spanish (Regional Setting: Spanish)
System Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
System Model: Satellite L505D
BIOS: InsydeH2O Version 1.10
Processor: AMD Turion™ II Dual-Core Mobile M520 (2 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
Memory: 4096MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 3836MB RAM
Page File: 2132MB used, 5538MB available
Windows Dir: C:\windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 09:25
Good job with this one guys!
The only thing I've noticed with the new font is that there is a bit of a glitch on the apostrophe on the lower left side, there are two little dots that look to be part of the "&" character, which is right next to the apostrophe in the Font.bmp file.
Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 12:55
Someone could validate this bug?
The game can't set control buttons (or controller confing) of a joystick, even i plugs it. I tests it with 4 players, 2 addon joysticks, and when I enters confingure controller menu (for joysticks), and selects action (like accelerate), the game won't changes the button even I pressed the button on joystick! Maybe bug or what?
Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 12:56
Does any one know, if its possible to put AI in battle tag?
Great update by the way :-D
Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 16:45
aryo_adhi @ Nov 4 2012, 10:25 AM wrote:Someone could validate this bug?
The game can't set control buttons (or controller confing) of a joystick, even i plugs it. I tests it with 4 players, 2 addon joysticks, and when I enters confingure controller menu (for joysticks), and selects action (like accelerate), the game won't changes the button even I pressed the button on joystick! Maybe bug or what?
I get same thing too, but i didn't went very deep, that can happen because i don't have drivers installed.
If your controller came with drivers cd, floppy, whatever, you must install them.
If not, then it can be bug. Also, you can test your controller in windows, if it works.
Vasja1st @ Nov 4 2012, 10:26 AM wrote:Does any one know, if its possible to put AI in battle tag?
Actually possible, but they won't work, because game can ONLY use
racing AI's.
In short, impossible to get them work, they need to be programmed first. They would need to use other ai *system*, which would be totally different than
racing. Racing AI's only follows road which is set in fan (ai nodes), while battle is
open world, cars must go everywhere. (I'm not a pro at this, people here can explain better.)
Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 19:45
VaiDuX461 @ Nov 4 2012, 12:15 PM wrote: If your controller came with drivers cd, floppy, whatever, you must install them.
If not, then it can be bug. Also, you can test your controller in windows, if it works.
Hm... The driver was vibration driver, that MEANS...
if I installs it, the game will crash IF the game sents vibration detection to my controllers, but my controllers vibration function doesn't works (since accidental falling that crashes vibration func.
That are conflicts, and I have two choices only :
1. As I said, look underlined word.
2. Not installing driver, BUT only applied max 2 players...
Maybe I should buy 2 controllers again? (what???)
Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 20:28
Thanks for the comments guys, I'll try to answer the rest of the questions..
aryo_adhi wrote:When I/my friend reposition car, the camera doesn't fading. Is that valid?
Yes, that was intended in split-screen.
Vaid wrote:I can't access to network settings at options when created room, that means i can't set maximum connections and compatibility without quitting my "server"/ room.
Also intended, Network Settings can't be changed without closing the current session.
I'll look into the summary screen and 4th screen in 3-player battle tag. Currently the 4th screen is supposed to show the leading player, but live standings is probably a better idea.
Pranav wrote:Thanks Huki and Jig for the update!
The only problem i see is that the game doesn't show who is ahead of whom and by how many seconds in the Battle Tag while playing using the Splitscreen feature. Everything rest is just perfect!
Oh right, the radar is shown but the values are never updated in battle tag mode. Will be fixed for the next release.
I can't say when, or if there will be AI and split-screen for online multiplayer, but we'll see in the future..
Phantom wrote:About multiplayer collissions.... no idea what you guys've done, but in RV House we seem to agree that the impacts from attacks or car-per-car collission don't affect gameplay anymore.
law wrote:I have to say though, I don't like the effect that the new physics seem to have had on steering and in general. It's very 1.1-esque. In driver view at least, it used to be more twitchy and fast. Was the physics timestep increased? It feels all damped out now.
I don't think we changed anything significant, but if things are back to normal it's good news. We'll see if the problem crops up again..
aryo_adhi wrote:Someone could validate this bug?
The game can't set control buttons (or controller confing) of a joystick, even i plugs it. I tests it with 4 players, 2 addon joysticks, and when I enters confingure controller menu (for joysticks), and selects action (like accelerate), the game won't changes the button even I pressed the button on joystick! Maybe bug or what?
Do the buttons work in-game? (I mean with the default controls). Did you try configuring the controls in 1207? You can also follow Vaid's suggestion: test your controller in Windows control panel and see if it works there.
Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 07:42
Ok just to make things public for all those asking why the bomb doesn't work, Huki confirmed it's a Bug.
Huki wrote:Thanks for the report, it's a bug in the latest release. When someone leaves the session, this could occasionally happen in the next race. I've fixed it now.. I'll be releasing a "hotfix" soon to take care of this and other reported issues.

The video of the report:
Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 11:04
Well, this alpha is indeed much more like V1.1 handling. Almost perfectly, but still just a _little_ different, so the Expert AI Stocks are still not fully usable here. Yes, I do think that the AI difference comes fully from the handling difference. _Something_ is a bit wrong. Whether it’s the physics step as suggested or something else, but if you compare this
this Candy with tuned AI, then you can see that with V1.2 it doesn’t turn smoothly in the first grass patch of Neighbourhood 2 track (with the ramp kiosk in the middle and the car going left around it). It frets and fails to turn. With V1.1 it passes smoothly around the kiosk and through the gate. And the same thing is visible at the next grass patch – V1.1 makes an almost smooth right turn with a little tail-wiggling, but V1.2 goes too far off the race line and then corrects itself into a bad tail-swing.
Other than that – I love the new camera! Although the F1 key doesn’t work in -gazzasaicar mode…
Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 16:06
@Huki : all buttons works well, except one on another controller (dual stick imitated, however it’s same), because accidental falling...

And... i should set control because it’s not works and comfort to using the standard buttons...
Here is my controller description.
two sticks, 12 buttons, and 4 digital buttons. Can you figure the problem?
Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 18:45
Downloading and testing NOW!

Great work!
EDIT: The new camera is perfect but when the car is flipping the camera is not moving with the car. Anyway the other things are very good at least for me and for the people above me.

Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 18:47
I'm missing out on soooo much...
Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 19:42
Oh yeah, i forgot to asking here.
can i use custom battle tag / stunt arena level without changing the stock one?
Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 23:10
aryo_adhi @ Nov 5 2012, 05:12 PM wrote:Oh yeah, i forgot to asking here.
can i use custom battle tag / stunt arena level without changing the stock one?
Yes, that thing was added ages ago.
Will *bug fix* patch come soon?
Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 23:37
.zip]Here is the promised bugfix patch, apply it over the last 1102 release.
Change log
* Fixed bomb transfer bug.
* Fixed player position / radar display in split-screen battle mode.
aryo_adhi wrote:@Huki : all buttons works well, except one on another controller (dual stick imitated, however it’s same), because accidental falling... dry.gif
And... i should set control because it’s not works and comfort to using the standard buttons...
Here is my controller description.
two sticks, 12 buttons, and 4 digital buttons. Can you figure the problem?
Hmm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying (what works and what doesn't ... ). Maybe someone can translate for you?
aryo_adhi wrote:Oh yeah, i forgot to asking here.
can i use custom battle tag / stunt arena level without changing the stock one?
Yep, there is a new entry for the track .inf file to set the game type. For example,
GAMETYPE 2 ;Track type (1:battle, 2:stunt)
RacerBG wrote:The new camera is perfect but when the car is flipping the camera is not moving with the car. Anyway the other things are very good at least for me and for the people above me.
That was intended - otherwise the camera will go below the ground... Just imagine when the car flips over, the camera breaks away and lands nearby somewhere..
@Citywalker: Actually I'm pretty sure your AI steering problem doesn't have anything to do with the physics or handling. Perhaps the oversteer threshold is too low that makes the car unable to turn (remember we disabled the "intelligent oversteer" feature earlier). I'll do some tests when I find time and let you know in the other thread - meanwhile, try a higher OverThresh value.
Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 01:20
Question: do you ever read what i say

Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 01:35
Yeah, really an awesome release, thanks for all this amazing work!
With a friend of mine we've been trying to play in split-view for years, but never managed (with N64 emulators for instance), so that's really enjoyable!
BattleTag is also great! Why not include a point system? Each time you touch an opponent (with a rocket or plasma for instance), you get a certain amount of points! Well, have to think about that, just an idea!
Keep up with the good work!

Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 03:40
@Huki : here is the detailed list.
First : I can’t use default buttons on my controllers. i mean those available before i set it again.
Second : Are digital buttons (d-pad) useable?
Third : I can’t set control of my controller(s) if the first player (or second) uses keyboard. The next player can’t set button.
Take example. Player 1 uses joystick (me). I can sets the button to my joystick. if the second player uses keyboard, then the third player that uses joystick can’t set buttons. that are valid too if first player uses keyboard (second too, maybe), the next player (2nd, 3rd, 4th) that uses joystick can’t set their buttons. But, if both 1st and 2nd player uses joystick they can sets the buttons (maybe 3rd and 4th too).