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Posted: 14 Sep 2012, 18:42
gdfsgdfg @ Sep 13 2012, 11:55 PM wrote: I wonder what it takes for a steam greenlight release.
I doubt it makes a Steam Greenlight release. Re-Volt isn't a well known game. And it would cost $100 US dollars to at least post it on Greenlight. I don't think its worth the money and time to invest something like that. It sure'll be nice though.

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 05:04
Would love to see this on Steam, btw this game is dead....
even on GameSpy

it's abandonware officially
Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 21:36
Yeah, there should be a way to attract new members to the community. Any news about the splitscreen function? In a month I will buy a projector, I will make a few videos about it too! I hope splitscreen looks good in 1280x720... I am afraid it will not, yet i can't afford a full HD projector...
And yeah, what about the controllers? I planned to buy three controllers and a steering wheel, how to adapt the controls so that everybody got their own controls?
Thanks in advance,
Posted: 17 Sep 2012, 05:08
r6turboextreme @ Sep 16 2012, 05:06 PM wrote:Any news about the splitscreen function?
Not much. I made a pause after having to leave for holidays in august, and since I'm back the redrawn of font.bmp / fxpage2.bmp as well as the Blender plugin have taken most of my time, so I haven't really worked again on the v1.2 code yet. I've not been in touch with Huki recently so I don't know about him...
And yeah, what about the controllers?
As I said previously, each player can have its own joystick, each with its own settings. So I don't know what still sounds unclear to you....

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 18:32
Thanks jigebren. Everything is now clear to me. I just asked that because i dont want to have a 'cat in the bag'. Thanks anyway!
Posted: 21 Sep 2012, 17:19
Who said new members? Here I am!

This project is really awesome and Im very inpatient to see what will be the next changelog for it. I hope that someday we will not need from RV House to play online.

Posted: 08 Oct 2012, 00:12
For those waiting for the Split-screen support, it's almost complete. Here's a screenshot showing the updated HUD. It should be readable now even in low resolutions.
You can also see the redrawn font from jigebren.
VaiDuX461 @ Aug 29 2012, 05:47 PM wrote:Found another level (arena), that crashes on latest 0815 build, but it works on older - 0802. This time, track has .taz file (not 4 bytes) and game crashes in middle of loading bar. As I checked, .fan file makes it crash, but why? It didn't crashed on older version. I know, arenas shouldn't have ai nodes, but if it crashes now, that means something is wrong. (I didn't modified .fan file and it already came with archive)
Here's that arena --->
Battle Platform by ZAGames
Ok, that one is fixed.
Posted: 08 Oct 2012, 01:29
Huki @ Oct 7 2012, 09:42 PM wrote:You can also see the redrawn font from jigebren.

Wow, that new font looks great and it's much more clearer.
Split-screen looks cool too, but only thing I miss is radar distance number between cars.
[Edit]: I was.
Posted: 08 Oct 2012, 03:14
VaiDuX461 @ Oct 8 2012, 01:29 AM wrote: only thing I miss is radar distance number between cars.
Wasn't really sure about adding it since the HUD would start to take too much space, but I tried it now and it isn't bad as I thought (in fact it's now closer to the single-player modes in the Dreamcast version). I've updated the screenshot in my last post.
Posted: 08 Oct 2012, 04:13
You should add the music with this patch, I want to hear the credits song on a daily basis! What I find interesting is the fact all the music and probably other stuff is hidden in the iso/nrg image somehow.
Posted: 08 Oct 2012, 06:02
gdfsgdfg @ Oct 7 2012, 07:43 PM wrote: You should add the music with this patch, I want to hear the credits song on a daily basis! What I find interesting is the fact all the music and probably other stuff is hidden in the iso/nrg image somehow.
Huki said he will compile the music into an installer including the patch when the 1.2 project is finished. Though, I hope it will be co-compatible with the CD version too.
And it's not hidden, it's just the way that Mixed-Mode CDs (Data separated from Audio) work.
Smooth fonts jig, very nice job.
Posted: 12 Oct 2012, 03:42
Sorry for double post, but can you pleeeeeeaaase don't compress the Patch installer inside a .zip next time?
My brain is going to explode anytime soon explaining new guys that the Installer is Inside the .zip they download.
I waste too much time fixing their errors when updating. Absolutely noone so far installed the Patch correctly alone.
Posted: 13 Oct 2012, 17:31
Phantom @ Oct 11 2012, 11:12 PM wrote: 'don't compress the Patch installer inside a .zip next time?'
i think not, let huki decide.. I suggest add readme files for more guide (so new downloader don't complains again).
Posted: 13 Oct 2012, 18:38
aryo_adhi @ Oct 13 2012, 09:01 AM wrote: I suggest add readme files for more guide (so new downloader don't complains again).
Only the people with enough time and lot of interest read the Readmes, that has been proved over the years. And we'll have a languages problem again.
The public expect an easy-to-use thing, or they leave for another game, or at least less complicated than it already is. We are losing too many players for small things that could be optimized...
Posted: 14 Oct 2012, 09:29
Phantom @ Oct 13 2012, 02:08 PM wrote: 'Only the people with enough time and lot of interest read the Readmes,...'
Nah, how to attract someone to read the readme file?
OR people can look instruction in 1.2 update site...
Posted: 14 Oct 2012, 12:55
aryo_adhi, I'm guessing that you haven't helped that many new people get set up to play multiplayer online. There are many people who don't take the time to even look for the information on how to do even the most basic things. The simpler it is, the more people will stay and play. I know exactly what Phantom is talking about.
Posted: 14 Oct 2012, 18:08
mmudshark @ Oct 14 2012, 08:25 AM wrote: The simpler it is, the more people will stay and play.
Okay, i agreed it.
Posted: 17 Oct 2012, 19:16
Huki @ Oct 7 2012, 07:42 PM wrote:
Will there be options for vertical and horizontal 2-player splitscreen?
How will the FOV look in those cases?
Will we see more in the vertical and horizontal directions respectively?
Or will the image be cropped?
How will 3-player splitscreen look?
Posted: 17 Oct 2012, 19:42
Also, I read about Steam and Greenlight.
I'm quite sure that this is not possible, as there is no such thing as abandonware.
Copyrights and publishing rights don't simply cease to exist just because the holder goes bankrupt (like Acclaim).
Copying/pirating an abandoned game are still unlawful, the chances that anybody cares are nearly zero though.
But re-releasing an "abandoned" game on Steam is definitely a no-go.
The current owner seems to be We Go Interactive Co.,Ltd, who bought all IP rights from Throwback Entertainment.
They released an iPhone version and announced and Android version. ... 98862?mt=8
Or have there been developments that I don't know of?
Have Huki and jigebren been officially hired?

Posted: 17 Oct 2012, 20:45
bonz @ Oct 17 2012, 02:46 PM wrote: How will 3-player splitscreen look?
i think this :
Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 00:34
bonz @ Oct 17 2012, 07:16 PM wrote:Will there be options for vertical and horizontal 2-player splitscreen?
Yep.. by default the screen split is decided automatically for 2-players but you'll also be able to choose manually.
How will the FOV look in those cases?
Will we see more in the vertical and horizontal directions respectively?
Or will the image be cropped?
You'll mostly see extra geometry but we might resort to a little bit of cropping too if things looks weird.
How will 3-player splitscreen look?
Similar to 4-player, the 4th camera will show the leading player in "replay view" like in mario kart.
You can expect it to be released sometime next week. We're also bringing the look-back feature from the Dreamcast version.

Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 00:40
@bonz I am waiting for the android version so I can rip a few textures heh. I think it would look nice in a new 1.2 update.
Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 01:46
gdfsgdfg @ Oct 17 2012, 10:10 PM wrote:I am waiting for the android version so I can rip a few textures heh. I think it would look nice in a new 1.2 update.
[offtopic]I already riped textures from iOS version, nothing special. There are some improvements like: skybox, font, some frontend textures, few upgraded particles.[/offtopic]
Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 10:07
VaiDuX461 @ Oct 17 2012, 05:16 PM wrote: gdfsgdfg @ Oct 17 2012, 10:10 PM wrote:I am waiting for the android version so I can rip a few textures heh. I think it would look nice in a new 1.2 update.
I already riped textures from iOS version, nothing special. There are some improvements like: skybox, font, some frontend textures, few upgraded particles.
Yes, there are very nice clouds skyboxes for Rooftops in 512x512, and Toys In The Hood 1 and the Toytanics in 1024x1024. They look nice.
bonz wrote:The current owner seems to be We Go Interactive Co.,Ltd, who bought all IP rights from Throwback Entertainment.
I doubt that WeGoInteractive will be re-releasing Re-Volt for PC anytime soon, they bought the rights for the Patch 1207 and 0916, so the Revolt that they own is not compatible at all with any modern version of Windows.
Only if they try to
steal extract some useful content for them from Re-Volt 1.2 project. *fingers crossed for this not to happen*
At the moment, they'll just be making money from Re-Volt for iOS.
mmudshark wrote:There are many people who don't take the time to even look for the information on how to do even the most basic things. The simpler it is, the more people will stay and play. I know exactly what Phantom is talking about.
Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 16:03
Phantom @ Oct 18 2012, 05:37 AM wrote: I doubt that WeGoInteractive will be re-releasing Re-Volt for PC anytime soon, they bought the rights for the Patch 1207 and 0916, so the Revolt that they own is not compatible at all with any modern version of Windows.
First, +1. Even i don't know it, they should develop the game update theirself, because they
NOT BUYING RIGHTS of 1.2 update. Because 1.2 update is free, they need rights to produce money from revolt (with 1.2 update) to huki and jigebren (and other devs)... I think they (huki and jigebren) wont give it...

Also that's true, if 0916 and 1207 patch (except 1207 with WolfR4 launcher) won't work on modern computers/PC's...
Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 16:53
@Phantom I am trying to update rooftops with the the ios version and I am bumped by a problem, the helicopter is in the wrong position and most of the ambient effects aren't loaded. Is there a way to edit fob files?
Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 17:40
gdfsgdfg @ Oct 18 2012, 12:23 PM wrote: @Phantom I am trying to update rooftops with the the ios version and I am bumped by a problem, the helicopter is in the wrong position and most of the ambient effects aren't loaded. Is there a way to edit fob files?
Rooftops iOS is a bit different... has a new texture which replaces the DC ROOFB.bmp... and all are 512x512 but have pure black pixels problem.... they are remade not just resized! Oh and the newer CLOUDS2 which is fully remade (High Definition Clouds and Moon).
About Chopper...I don't know...Huki should add this model in 1.2 or the track itself with all instances and ambience sounds.
Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 19:53
aryo_adhi @ Oct 18 2012, 11:33 AM wrote:First, +1. Even i don't know it, they should develop the game update theirself, because they
NOT BUYING RIGHTS of 1.2 update. Because 1.2 update is free, they need rights to produce money from revolt (with 1.2 update) to huki and jigebren (and other devs)... I think they (huki and jigebren) wont give it...

Actually, they bought all IP related to Re-Volt, so they indirectly bought the rights
even of the 1.2 update, since it derives from the original Re-Volt source code. Furthermore, according to the law, the 1.2 update is an
unauthorized modification and distribution of a part of Re-Volt, so, they could even file a lawsuit against Huki and jigebren for copyright violation, if they want to. Keep in mind that they already asked Abandonia to remove Re-Volt from their downloadable games list.
Note: I am not a lawyer, so I could be wrong.
Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 19:57
Okay updated rooftops!
And for those who are interested, here are the ios files.
Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 21:33
Sorry Gdf but you need to work more at Rooftops...
Some textures has transparency (pure black pixels) problem. Especially the textures from blocks. Please try to fix this...
Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 22:07
Yeah I noticed that its cause re-volt treats pure blacks as transparent and the ios version obviously is different, I fixed a few textures that I found, there might be a few more that I can't find but whatever.
The real problem is the fact re-volt currently can't read png files especially one's with transparency so I had to convert them to bmp. Huki write this down please!
Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 22:42
gdfsgdfg @ Oct 18 2012, 05:37 PM wrote: Yeah I noticed that its cause re-volt treats pure blacks as transparent and the ios version obviously is different, I fixed a few textures that I found, there might be a few more that I can't find but whatever.
The real problem is the fact re-volt currently can't read png files especially one's with transparency so I had to convert them to bmp. Huki write this down please!
More better,
I didn't see anymore bugs...but better try to fix all textures...
Also we still need a fixed
Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 22:52
Couldn't you you simply change all pure blacks (RGB0/0/0) by one step to the darkest gray (RGB1/1/1)?
That's what I did years ago when I first converted the additional Dreamcast vehicles.
Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 22:55
bonz @ Oct 18 2012, 06:22 PM wrote: Couldn't you you simply change all pure blacks (RGB0/0/0) by one step to the darkest gray (RGB1/1/1)?
That's what I did years ago when I first converted the additional Dreamcast vehicles.
I use Paint.NET please tell me from where I can change the RGB...
Posted: 19 Oct 2012, 02:15
Please excuse me. All this is very interesting, but isn't it too much offtopicness already?
Posted: 19 Oct 2012, 02:51
SuperSecret @ Oct 18 2012, 03:23 PM wrote: ...since it derives from the original Re-Volt source code.
Nah. I missed that.
Posted: 19 Oct 2012, 17:35
Re-Volt is now the Turkish language should support. What do you think guys?
Posted: 19 Oct 2012, 17:45
Phantom @ Oct 18 2012, 11:45 PM wrote:Please excuse me. All this is very interesting, but isn't it too much offtopicness already?
I agree, you can create new topic about something else (like rooftops gdfsgdfg version). This topic isn't the only one you can talk about these things, you're
free to create new topic, it won't cost any $.
[End of message]
Posted: 20 Oct 2012, 06:58
Knockout Mode Working? They Mode Stay Tuned?

Posted: 20 Oct 2012, 11:50
Platform wrote:Knockout Mode Working? They Mode Stay Tuned?

Then, you want to try it with Twin Mill?

uhh... offtopic.
(back to topic)
Who makes this game back to popular (after acclaim bankrupt)?
Yes, huki and jigebren. So... if WeGoInteractive wants 1.2 update, they MUST credits huki and jigebren...
bonz wrote:Have Huki and jigebren been officially hired?
I think not.
Posted: 20 Oct 2012, 23:48
Maybe something similar to Worms Armageddon could happen.
The developer Team17 gave the source code to two hacker guys from the community, who have bug-fixed the game and updated it with many new features.
Recently the game with the new patch was released on Steam too.
Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 01:03
Can't beat em? tell em or join em.
Bug report: if you delete/rename the profiles folder re-volt doesn't create it automatically and obviously won't save anything
Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 04:20
bonz @ Oct 17 2012, 07:42 PM wrote:Also, I read about Steam and Greenlight.
I'm quite sure that this is not possible, as there is no such thing as abandonware.
Copyrights and publishing rights don't simply cease to exist just because the holder goes bankrupt (like Acclaim).
Copying/pirating an abandoned game are still unlawful, the chances that anybody cares are nearly zero though.
But re-releasing an "abandoned" game on Steam is definitely a no-go.
The current owner seems to be We Go Interactive Co.,Ltd, who bought all IP rights from Throwback Entertainment.
They released an iPhone version and announced and Android version. ... 98862?mt=8
Or have there been developments that I don't know of?
Have Huki and jigebren been officially hired?

Heh nope, we haven't worked with We Go. FYI, the iOS release is from BigBit (couple of Acclaim devs over there.. Nick Baynes, Greg Modern, not sure who else..).
As for an eventual PC release, even if we get into an agreement with We Go, I think jigebren and I would be more in favor of Their service hosts many of the notable games from the 90's as well as newer titles (1nsane, Flatout and Carma to name a few), so re-volt would fit pretty well in there.
Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 04:37
Here's a glimpse of another new feature: the Hood camera view.
It's quite polished (for example we've avoided near-clipping and other artifacts), the camera movement will also be a little bit different as you'll see. We'd probably add a few parameters to allow extra control for this and the rear view camera - although I don't think they will be made available for the upcoming release. Meanwhile the default settings already have good results with most cars..
Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 04:55
oh man the back view from the dreamcast version cool keep em rolling.
Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 06:05
There is a.. thing (don't know if call it "bug" but it's still very annoying so I report it) in Time Trial Mode.
The starting place after pressing Reposition key is always different than when you Restart the game. This clearly makes the lap times to depend a lot wheter you Restart the game or just press Repo key, so personally I'm restarting everytime to start in a better place but it's kind of annoying. It would be nice if Repo key can be as useful as restarting (I think this is why this option was made for actually). Just my thoughts.
Oh, and this can be easily noticed in most custom tracks, definitely not easy to notice in Toys In The Hood 1 for example.
I hope "Just start from the 2nd lap" is not an answer to skip this bug..
On a side note, the seems quite interesting.
Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 17:20
Huki @ Oct 25 2012, 12:07 AM wrote: Here's a glimpse of another new feature: the Hood camera view.
The new camera looks interesting. How far away is its position from the current
"driver view" camera. And you mentioned camera movement. The currrent driver view doesn't have any camera movement, am I right? Is movement really necessary for this new camera?
Posted: 26 Oct 2012, 23:31
the_law @ Oct 25 2012, 05:20 PM wrote: And you mentioned camera movement. The current driver view doesn't have any camera movement, am I right? Is movement really necessary for this new camera?
There isn't any additional camera effect. I'm talking about the way the camera moves along with the car. If you try the bonnet view option in WolfR4 (Options -> Track/Car Makers -> Don't hide the car in in-car camera mode), you'll notice the camera isn't fixed rigidly to the car's bonnet - the car is allowed to sway side to side and up and down. That has been tweaked in v1.2.
Phantom wrote:In Time Trial Mode, the starting place after pressing Reposition key is always different than when you Restart the game.
Hmm it's exactly same for me in several tracks I've tried (customs included). Where do you get this bug?
Posted: 27 Oct 2012, 03:28
Huki @ Oct 26 2012, 03:01 PM wrote: Phantom wrote:In Time Trial Mode, the starting place after pressing Reposition key is always different than when you Restart the game.
Hmm it's exactly same for me in several tracks I've tried (customs included). Where do you get this bug?
Try in RV Temple, it's enough to know what I mean.
Or the track is wrongly-created or it's in re-volt, one of two.
I just tested on 11.0825 (my fav patch) and the difference was still there. So it was not added in newer patches.
Posted: 27 Oct 2012, 04:00
Huki @ Oct 26 2012, 07:01 PM wrote: There isn't any additional camera effect. I'm talking about the way the camera moves along with the car.
Oh right. I didn't realize that there is camera movement for driver view since I can't
see the car body.
I wonder what it would be like if the camera was fixed rigidly to the car...