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Posted: 04 Aug 2012, 05:40
Darn, it looks like the AI is still confused when it comes to the chicanes from the Track Editor.
Posted: 04 Aug 2012, 14:26
pawer126 @ Aug 4 2012, 03:10 AM wrote:Darn, it looks like the AI is still confused when it comes to the chicanes from the Track Editor.
Ehh, AI was always sh*t in tracks made with track editor.
About new build... I don't have any problems with it, yet
[Edit:] mmudshark @ Aug 5 2012, 04:10 AM wrote:I'm using the latest update.
I ran into problems on 3 custom tracks today. Racing with online players, and then testing offline racing against AI gave me the same results.
Oh, custom tracks... I had problems with some of them.
Anyway, on "Cliffside" I got X too for no whatever reason, i was on road. I don't know if this a track or v1.2 problem though.
Posted: 05 Aug 2012, 06:40
VaiDuX461 @ Aug 4 2012, 09:56 AM wrote:About new build... I don't have any problems with it, yet
I'm using the latest update.
I ran into problems on 3 custom tracks today. Racing with online players, and then testing offline racing against AI gave me the same results.
Going up the ramp from the garage on At Home, I now get an X. That has never happened before on any previous version of Revolt. (Getting an X by going too close to the trees or the garbage cans is normal, but not up the ramp.)
NHood Grim was another problem with getting an X. I can do infinite laps and the X never goes away no matter which path I try.
Canyon Run was a problem for me, but not for all racers so I don't know what's going on with that. I would get the X when using the shortcuts, and I also had it when following the obvious path. I wouldn't get the X every lap when following the normal route though.
Posted: 05 Aug 2012, 15:17
Legit Question: Has anything been changed regarding car collisions, hulls or springs in the parameters? Since I updated, some of my cars have been behaving a little strange and I haven't made any parameter changes to anything since I updated. Some now have the common problem of coming to a total standstill after making a jump, others go abit bonkers after hitting a jump/ramp. I can try getting a video of this if needs be.
On a plus note, the AI is definitely a step up. Before, I would've had to make a few tweaks to make some cars a little competitive, now I won't even have to do that. Ultimately, I guess the end result would've ended up differently but you guys probably saved me a boat loada work.
EDIT: There must be some kind've difference, I had a few unrefined cars that scraped the ground due to an improper hull. They don't do this anymore...
Posted: 06 Aug 2012, 02:15
Skarma @ Aug 5 2012, 10:47 AM wrote: Legit Question: Has anything been changed regarding car collisions, hulls or springs in the parameters?
Nothing that we remember for now. Don't hesitate to compare with a previous release to be sure it was actually introduced in this one.
The red X was introduced by a recent modification. This modification will likely be removed in next release.
Floating water in garden 1 doesn't seem to be reproducible...
Posted: 06 Aug 2012, 02:55
I haven't tried the new one yet, but that 'problem' with the collisions/hulls actually showed up in the last release...and yeah, it's not just you, Skarma.
Prior to the last release I had several cars I was working on that were, before the release, right on the edge where they would almost, but -not quite- scrape on the ground and create sparks. After the last release however, those that were on the edge seemed to now be a bit closer and were now scraping all the time. It was a clear difference...before they drove fine and after they were scraping along shooting off showers of sparks.
So I do believe there is something a little off with maybe the way the hulls are being calculated or perhaps positioned.
You know, thinking about this...I believe I do have a car that I never fixed...just moved out of the cars folder for the being...that did work before and now sparks like a maniac if you wanted to test it out in different builds. Eh...I'll be back...I'll just zip it up and post a link.
EDIT2: ya go. You can see if you experience the same thing. Oh, and just so we're on the same page...this started with the release just prior to this latest one.
<< Download ZondaF by MOH >>
And to everyone else...I don't think I've done anything else to this, but I did make a carbox for it. So if you don't have one for this car already, help yourself.
Posted: 06 Aug 2012, 10:53
MythicMonkey @ Aug 5 2012, 09:25 PM wrote:Prior to the last release I had several cars I was working on that were, before the release, right on the edge where they would almost, but -not quite- scrape on the ground and create sparks. After the last release however, those that were on the edge seemed to now be a bit closer and were now scraping all the time. It was a clear difference...before they drove fine and after they were scraping along shooting off showers of sparks.
So I do believe there is something a little off with maybe the way the hulls are being calculated or perhaps positioned.
Both my Roush Mustang and BSR Velance SST used to do this after I upgraded to a certain version (can't remember which) and now that I upgraded to the newest one, the Mustang hardly does it but the Velance does it even more.
@Jig, I have several cars I can adress for this. I'll just list a few. I believe all of these cars I'll list are ones that remain unreleased by myself as of yet with the exception of the Audi 200 DTM. I'd just like to say that all these cars were working properly and normally as intended like they should've been (at least for the moment) before the upgrade, even the non refined ones. Also, again with the exception of the 200 and 850CSi, all these problems have arisen in the latest version.
BMW 540i - Sometimes drops to 0 MPH after touching a ramp or landing a jump.
BMW 750i, Dolphins World - The cars jump into the air and sometimes do a 360 - 720 whilst airbourne.
BMW 850i CSi VIP - Due to an improper hull, the car sometimes went absolutely -mental- but I haven't seen it do this since the upgrade though it is pretty rare and random. See 3:10 in
this video and
this video for an idea of what I'm waffling on about. I did and probably still do have cars that react like this but I'd need only list one example as they all do they same thing, it's not normal but it's hilariously funny when it happens. Just like setting a stupidly high value in the 'Hardness' setting in the param file. Obviously the simple fix is to just create a new proper hull but I thought I'd point it out anyway.
BSR Velance SST, Roush Mustang - As mentioned above, both of these cars started to scrape the ground due to improper hulls. After the upgrade, the Mustang doesn't do it as much but the Velance still does.
Audi 200 DTM - I couldn't figure exactly what was causing the problem with this one. I had this even before I upgraded, touching almost anything with this car causes it to become unstable about 80% of the time. In the new version, the problem hasn't gone away.
Thats it for the moment, I haven't driven alot of cars since the upgrade so I'll investigate this some more a little later.
Posted: 06 Aug 2012, 13:42
I have a collision issue too, which I think Dolo mentioned months ago, so I think it was 'implemented' in 0405 (I was using the 0107 til now).
On toy world 1 when I hit the ground after the jump at the end, my car often slips out, doing a 180° turn. That never happened before (at least not with Toyeca) and now seems to be quite frequent.
Posted: 06 Aug 2012, 18:58
Actually, I did see some random cars spin out every time they landed after the TW1 jumps.
BTW, 0802 increased collision polygons limit by a lot from a relatively low number to 65536...that's a big change right? Does that mean enormous tracks can be made now?
Oh and...
I don't want to point any fingers, but I think something broke the "RWD/FWD/4WD" thing again. My RWD Silvia(checked several times, two front wheels IsPowered FALSE, two rear wheels IsPowered TRUE) is "4WD" in frontend, another car that's supposed to be RWD is FWD in frontend(Volken Carbon R) and some other cars are RWD when they should be FWD.
On top of that, the already reported random collisions with stuff and weird behavior of cars. Miromiro GT1 hit invisible 'walls' on Arctic Air while sliding on the roof, AND while driving the proper way.
Posted: 06 Aug 2012, 20:39
ElvenAvenger @ Aug 6 2012, 02:28 PM wrote: Actually, I did see some random cars spin out every time they landed after the TW1 jumps.
Heh I've had that happen online with toyeca 2 times and i think it was on the previous alpha too. I thought it had something do with the way i was positioned.
Posted: 06 Aug 2012, 20:40
ElvenAvenger @ Aug 6 2012, 01:28 PM wrote: I don't want to point any fingers, but I think something broke the "RWD/FWD/4WD" thing again. My RWD Silvia(checked several times, two front wheels IsPowered FALSE, two rear wheels IsPowered TRUE) is "4WD" in frontend...
If you're talking about the one I did for you, thats a mistake by me. That value is not determined by the 'IsPowered' lines but by 'Trans' under the Frontend section. It has a value of 0 which denotes 4WD, it should be 2 for RWD.
Posted: 06 Aug 2012, 20:40
@Mythic: Hmm, I don't see any sparks or scraping with the car you linked to - I checked with 0802 and 1207. Maybe it only occurs on a specific track?
@Skarma: Can you send all those cars? We have a better chance at finding anything if we are able to try the car ourselves.
And a quick question to both of you: have you actually checked these cars in 1207 lately? Maybe you two should try comparing the 0802 behavior directly with v1.1, rather than with a previous 1.2 build..
@ElvenAvenger: The RWD/FWD/4WD displayed in frontend depends on the Trans value in the "stuff for frontend display" section of the parameter file.
ElvenAvenger wrote:Miromiro GT1 hit invisible 'walls' on Arctic Air while sliding on the roof, AND while driving the proper way.
Isn't that a problem with the track collision? (Many tracks have invisible walls don't they?)
Posted: 07 Aug 2012, 01:05
Lol...I've got a lot of other things going so I was kinda hoping to be able to just drop that off and get back to it. <grins> But I'll try to find some time to look into that further. No guarantees it will be right away, though. <laughs> Maybe we can get some other cars uploaded for you to do more comprehensive testing with.
Posted: 07 Aug 2012, 20:54
Skarma @ Aug 6 2012, 04:10 PM wrote: ElvenAvenger @ Aug 6 2012, 01:28 PM wrote: I don't want to point any fingers, but I think something broke the "RWD/FWD/4WD" thing again. My RWD Silvia(checked several times, two front wheels IsPowered FALSE, two rear wheels IsPowered TRUE) is "4WD" in frontend...
If you're talking about the one I did for you, thats a mistake by me. That value is not determined by the 'IsPowered' lines but by 'Trans' under the Frontend section. It has a value of 0 which denotes 4WD, it should be 2 for RWD.
No, it's not your Silvia. It's the one by Aeon.
@the RWD/FWD/4WD thing, I think the game started using the 'Trans' value to show the drivetrain in frontend. It even says (calculate in game anyway...), and that's what it did until now.
The Volken Carbon R was based on Volken Turbo, and the 'trans' value was not modified when the parameters were done. It wasn't a problem earlier, so it changed with 0802. By the looks of it, the game actually uses that value now instead of 'calculating it in game'. It was never an issue for me in any RV version(except for the non 1.2 versions that had "FWD/RWD" mixed up)
I'm quite sure it wasn't a problem in the previous version, I would definitely notice something was wrong.
It's not a big issue, but fixing the 'Trans' value manually is not a comfortable solution

At least not for me.
About the invisible walls, I believe I put it the wrong way. I hit those 'walls' while driving on the actual race path. The car got stuck on something, and then kept on driving. I'm going to give the track a few more runs with different type cars now.
Posted: 10 Aug 2012, 16:48
Hello, I want to hear more about splitscreen function! What about kb on 4 players, and gamepad? I want to buy a projector, for splitscreen game play.
Posted: 10 Aug 2012, 20:17
r6turboextreme @ Aug 10 2012, 12:18 PM wrote:Hello, I want to hear more about splitscreen function! What about kb on 4 players, and gamepad? I want to buy a projector, for splitscreen game play.
Well, it's nicely progressing. Just yesterday I've been racing several tracks with a friend and despite of several not-fixed-yet glitches it was actually playable.
To give a bit more details about the planned features:
- Up to 4 local players.
- Controllers: each player can use its own gamepad, the keyboard can be shared among all players.
- Split-screen modes: mosaic (as in the screenshot above- for more than 2 players), horizontal & vertical.
Of course quite high resolutions will likely be needed to keep font readable, at least in some split-screen modes.
PS: Just as a note I'll be away next week so don't expect this to be released in the coming days anyhow...
Posted: 10 Aug 2012, 21:29
Oh thanks, is 1280x720 enough, as i can't afford a full HD projector?
Can't we have bigger text to choose as an option?, just because i dont have a high resolution screen on my laptop etc.
And erm... what about lag? What if I play with 4 players on splitscreen... Will there be 4 renders?
And about the three players splitscreen, maybe do a camera node on the 4th screen, i meant replay cameras like f3!
This is what mario kart has too

Posted: 11 Aug 2012, 14:34
r6turboextreme @ Aug 10 2012, 06:59 PM wrote:Is 1280x720 enough, as i can't afford a full HD projector?
If you can't afford better that means it will be enough

, if really - yes it will be enough.
r6turboextreme @ Aug 10 2012, 06:59 PM wrote:And erm... what about lag? What if I play with 4 players on splitscreen... Will there be 4 renders?
There's no way, that 4 screens (or less) could be only 1 render. Should be similar like f2, and f3 additional cameras, of course speed (lag) depends on how many people (2-4) would play. If less players then less renders and "lag", if more then more.
My PC could hardly run split screen hehe, even f2 mirror removes half fps...
r6turboextreme @ Aug 10 2012, 06:59 PM wrote:And about the three players splitscreen, maybe do a camera node on the 4th screen, i meant replay cameras like f3!
This is what mario kart has too
I think, at first it would be best to recreate split screen, like in console versions (N64, DC) and then add something new, but yeah that would be better than black square.
@jig, Are we will see split screen at next alpha build?
Posted: 12 Aug 2012, 03:40
hi, i have several problems/iusses/features:
1) do switching to free cam look in replay still crashes? (i can confirm this on every revolt older than 1207 including 1207.
2) where i can find dev mode key binds?
3) how i save a replay? (there's no such option)
4) Multiplayer still lags much
5) 1 player mode? 0 laps? user tracks in Random tracks? (some wolf features)
6) i can't press f2 or f3 when race is done, even multiplayer.
7) it's not easy to go back to Player after spectating ( only using free cam and switching to f5)
8) should the game ship with aerial pack? (includes modified fxpage)
(i prefer to have enabled the following: tvtime, carnival(only on multiplayer), tracker(when i host), sadist (multiplayer: Disables Bomb auto-fire)
Posted: 12 Aug 2012, 19:24
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:1) do switching to free cam look in replay still crashes?
Nope. You can try yourself before asking these kind of questions...
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:2) where i can find dev mode key binds?
If you're talking about that -
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:3) how i save a replay? (there's no such option)
Use v1.1 with wolfr4 for now.
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:4) Multiplayer still lags much
Not for me. That's probably your shitty internet.
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:5) 1 player mode?
We have
Time Trial and
Practice modes already.
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:0 laps?
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:user tracks in Random tracks?
Yeah, that thing isn't in v1.2 yet.
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:6) i can't press f2 or f3 when race is done, even multiplayer.
Why you need that? You can spectate and change cameras when looking at player.
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:7) it's not easy to go back to Player after spectating ( only using free cam and switching to f5)
Press pause button and then resume game or don't spectate.
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:8) should the game ship with aerial pack? (includes modified fxpage)
No, that's game mod and NO GAME MODS for v1.2 patches (i mean, included in patch installation)
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:(i prefer to have enabled the following: tvtime
I agree. Btw, its already in my suggestions,
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote: carnival(only on multiplayer), tracker(when i host)
Oh you silly, can't you complete a game or download a FULL save?
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:sadist (multiplayer: Disables Bomb auto-fire)
Nope, because: 1st - That's cheat and it lets you to change weapons,
2nd - It will CHANGE gameplay,
3rd - It will be no point for bomb, like...i got bomb and say -"oh no! i don't want to blow up, hehe... i will just won't use any weapon...", so i wouldn't use on WHOLE race and that WOULD NOT DO BAD for me.
Sorry for
weird post. I had to answer half bad/useless/stupid questions and ideas...

Posted: 12 Aug 2012, 23:18
VaiDuX461 @ Aug 11 2012, 10:04 AM wrote:@jig, Are we will see split screen at next alpha build?
Maybe, maybe not. I think it'll mostly depends on how difficult it'll be to make it work online. And if there's other kind of improvements / bugfixes we could also have to release another alpha before split-screen it actually supported.
And thanks for helpfully answering this pile of questions BTW.

Posted: 13 Aug 2012, 01:00
@Vaidux: In fact, I thought about a short "bugfix release" within a few days (to take care of the red X in some custom tracks for example). So you'll probably see split-screen only in the next-next release...
As for minimum resolution supported, it depends on the number of players and the split-screen layout. With 4 players for example, any decent resolution should be ok in
Mosaic mode (when the screen is divided both horizontally and vertically like you see in jigebren's screenshots).
R6TE wrote:And about the three players splitscreen, maybe do a camera node on the 4th screen, i meant replay cameras like f3!
Sounds good, we'll consider it.

Posted: 13 Aug 2012, 02:45
VaiDuX461 @ Aug 12 2012, 04:54 PM wrote:Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:3) how i save a replay? (there's no such option)
Use v1.1 with wolfr4 for now.
Actually v1.2 devmode have that feature, but "half". I found "Load Replay" at start race, but I couldn't find "Save Replay" anywhere, or I'm doing sth wrong? When I had wolfr4, I could find it after race.
[Edit]: It shows now, probably fixed in 0815 build.
jigebren @ Aug 12 2012, 08:48 PM wrote:VaiDuX461 @ Aug 11 2012, 10:04 AM wrote:@jig, Are we will see split screen at next alpha build?
Maybe, maybe not. I think it'll mostly depends on how difficult it'll be to make it work online. could disable it for mp and make it for only offline (if it will be lots of problems with mp of course). You (or Huki) made that with spectate support (it was greyed out).
jigebren @ Aug 12 2012, 08:48 PM wrote:And thanks for helpfully answering this pile of questions BTW.

Hehe np, i wanted to answer as fast as i could. You know, sometimes, if their questions are ignored, they will start to spam topic

, of course I wanted to help too. [Offtopic]We could create some sort of FAQ's section for newbies... :/ ? I can't find any all in 1.[/Offtopic]
Huki @ Aug 12 2012, 10:30 PM wrote:I thought about a short "bugfix release"...
Did you look at my post
here? I don't want to advertise or anything, but there's some "mini bugs" that could be fixed in next "bugfix release", if you could do that

. I don't say "fix them all, NOW!!" no.
Posted: 13 Aug 2012, 19:14
mmudshark @ Aug 5 2012, 02:10 AM wrote: VaiDuX461 @ Aug 4 2012, 09:56 AM wrote:About new build... I don't have any problems with it, yet
I'm using the latest update.
I ran into problems on 3 custom tracks today. Racing with online players, and then testing offline racing against AI gave me the same results.
Going up the ramp from the garage on At Home, I now get an X. That has never happened before on any previous version of Revolt. (Getting an X by going too close to the trees or the garbage cans is normal, but not up the ramp.)
NHood Grim was another problem with getting an X. I can do infinite laps and the X never goes away no matter which path I try.
Canyon Run was a problem for me, but not for all racers so I don't know what's going on with that. I would get the X when using the shortcuts, and I also had it when following the obvious path. I wouldn't get the X every lap when following the normal route though.
I found the bug : who is not realy one ...
It's POSE NODE bad link pb ... only a little makeitgood (less than 2min) and everything ok [Nhood Grimm and The Catacomb ok ]
working on At Home (never get red X)

some sceenshot woold be helpfull
and on Canyon run shortcuts were never set (but i can add it if you wish)

I'll add track fix download later

Here !
Skarma @ Aug 13 2012, 04:52 PM wrote: Quake! has been affected by the patch too now...
Nice find Skarma : it's a track zone missing ... And now I can say that the last build introduce a new bug => we can't have 2 track zone with the same ID, the first work the secound not even if it linked to the first

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 05:37
VaiDuX461 @ Aug 12 2012, 02:54 PM wrote:Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:2) where i can find dev mode key binds?
If you're talking about that -
hmm, that's makeitgood stuff, im talking about 1.2 -dev
VaiDuX461 @ Aug 12 2012, 02:54 PM wrote:Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:3) how i save a replay? (there's no such option)
Use v1.1 with wolfr4 for now.
it's in -dev mode, should this be in normal? <--Huki
VaiDuX461 @ Aug 12 2012, 02:54 PM wrote:Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:4) Multiplayer still lags much
Not for me. That's probably your shitty internet.
I have 39mb of internet speed.
VaiDuX461 @ Aug 12 2012, 02:54 PM wrote:Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:5) 1 player mode?
We have
Time Trial and
Practice modes already.
Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:0 laps?

WolfR4 haves the ability to: choose 1 player, and choose 0 laps to 255, the 1p thing = no ai in singleplayer... (anyway dev haves feature of everytrack available.) there should be an option for enabling dev ondemand or at least make every track allowed
VaiDuX461 @ Aug 12 2012, 02:54 PM wrote:Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:user tracks in Random tracks?
Yeah, that thing isn't in v1.2 yet.
and what about including it?
VaiDuX461 @ Aug 12 2012, 02:54 PM wrote:Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:8) should the game ship with aerial pack? (includes modified fxpage)
No, that's game mod and NO GAME MODS for v1.2 patches (i mean, included in patch installation)
it's useful.... so less ppl complaing about antenna....
VaiDuX461 @ Aug 12 2012, 02:54 PM wrote:Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:(i prefer to have enabled the following: tvtime
I agree. Btw, its already in my suggestions,
and carnival and tracker automatically on when Looby mode or instead: making an option that enables full progress table and restore state on demand (carnival and tracker) bug in tracker: you need to go to track screen to make sure it's enabled...
VaiDuX461 @ Aug 12 2012, 02:54 PM wrote:Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote: carnival(only on multiplayer), tracker(when i host)
Oh you silly, can't you complete a game or download a FULL save?
Refer above
EDIT: Fixed the QUOTE tags, learn to use them properly next time...
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 15:18
Abc @ Aug 14 2012, 03:07 AM wrote:VaiDuX461 @ Aug 12 2012, 02:54 PM wrote:Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:2) where i can find dev mode key binds?
If you're talking about that -
hmm, that's makeitgood stuff, im talking about 1.2 -dev
That's SAME thing. If you talking about new key combinations introduced in v1.2 dev - Ctrl + P, Shift + F5...etc. Check "v1.2A Readme.txt" file for more things.
Abc @ Aug 14 2012, 03:07 AM wrote:VaiDuX461 @ Aug 12 2012, 02:54 PM wrote:Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:4) Multiplayer still lags much
Not for me. That's probably your shitty internet.
I have 39mb of internet speed.
So what? I have much *slower* internet than you and i don't have any lag problems (except with 2 or 3 same guys). Check settings, that's should be your problem, not game. (of course some ppl will lag, because of crappy internet)
Abc @ Aug 14 2012, 03:07 AM wrote:WolfR4 haves the ability to: choose 1 player... the 1p thing = no ai in singleplayer
Yes, there's no 1 player only in OFFLINE at race modes, if you want to play like "forever alone" just select multiplayer, single race and you will race alone.
Abc @ Aug 14 2012, 03:07 AM wrote:choose 0 laps to 255
What are you mumbling about? You can't select 0 laps (that would be stupid), only from 1 to 255.
If you wanna more laps you wouldn't need that, quoting some1: "you will get bored" so yea. I would recommend to high lap limit only on dev mode.
Abc @ Aug 14 2012, 03:07 AM wrote:there should be an option for enabling dev ondemand or at least make every track allowed
Why you need that

? You want to play Clockwork Carnage in Supermarket Battle, which won't work correctly? Use stupid things in dev mode...
Abc @ Aug 14 2012, 03:07 AM wrote:VaiDuX461 @ Aug 12 2012, 02:54 PM wrote:Abc @ Aug 12 2012, 01:10 AM wrote:8) should the game ship with aerial pack? (includes modified fxpage)
No, that's game mod and NO GAME MODS for v1.2 patches (i mean, included in patch installation)
it's useful.... so less ppl complaing about antenna....
If ppl REALLY want it, they can install it manually. + it will introduce beach ball texture bug (if you're talking about
Abc @ Aug 14 2012, 03:07 AM wrote:i prefer to have enabled the following:... carnival and tracker automatically on when Looby mode
If really, its hard to decide if unlock or lock (if you're not yet unlocked). I actually thinking to leave disabled, because *newbies* should know if they want to play online with strangers (mostly on rvhouse are pro's) they should have to complete game first and get skills to play with *pro's*.
If newbies want to play with friends (completed progress table similar, that couldn't be problem, they could play with unlocked cars).
Btw, i also said there's FULL SAVE if you don't want to type "CARNIVAL" every time...
Abc @ Aug 14 2012, 03:07 AM wrote:or instead: making an option that enables full progress table and restore state on demand
LOL. That way, game unlocking features would been KILLED, there would be no point in playing offline and of course, newbies would pick that unlocking option instantly - 90% sure. Then it will be similar story like, my previous text above.
I didn't answered all questions, because I'm not developer, duh.
Also learn to use
I hope this will be last...
[Edit]: Wow huki, you had time to fix his post o.O?
>>(huki) Actually the problem was just one extra [ QUOTE ] tag at the beginning. The mistake was so glaring that I couldn't help but remove it.. 
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 15:55
LOL VaiDuX461
ok -> []
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 16:03
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 17:27
[offtopic]Ahem...<grins>...I do like your inner smile, Nieger33@. Of that there is no doubt. <smiles warmly> Please do try to make posts that are relevant to the topic at hand though, okay? <kind smile>
On a related note... <grins again>...I am sorry I have not had time to do it sooner my friend, but I am hoping to get a tutorial about how to do uv mapping done soon, so that will help you with your cars...alright, bud?
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 17:30
MythicMonkey @ Aug 14 2012, 02:57 PM wrote: Please do try to make posts that are relevant to the topic at hand though, okay? <kind smile>
Dream on.

Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 00:51
fail, and these stuff are mostly questions and suggestionsd to Huki
Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 01:54
Abc @ Aug 14 2012, 10:21 PM wrote:fail, and these stuff are mostly questions and suggestionsd to Huki
I'm sure most of them will be ignored by huki...
Ok, that was last answer from me, i will not answer any things from you anymore, i swear.
Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 22:54
VaiDuX461 @ Aug 14 2012, 09:24 PM wrote: Abc @ Aug 14 2012, 10:21 PM wrote:fail, and these stuff are mostly questions and suggestionsd to Huki
I'm sure most of them will be ignored by huki...
Ok, that was last answer from me, i will not answer any things from you anymore, i swear.
He's pretty much a nuisance to everyone.
Posted: 17 Aug 2012, 04:04
No split-screen yet, but we're already releasing a minor update in the meantime.
Increased range for camera nodes
Inital report from Dave and KDL wrote:Re-Volt won't save camera nodes placed outside the range of -32767 to 32768 on any axis properly, and they wind up relocated to within that range.
The problem was a limitation in the .cam file format. This range should be enough for most tracks, but as we have already noticed this issue crop up in some well known tracks (Rooftops, Jailhouse Rock, ..), and also to stay consistent with other data formats which do not face this limit (such as posnodes), we've now updated the .cam file format to support higher ranges.
Note for track makers: The new .cam files are only readable by v1.2, even if your camera nodes are within the usual range. Upon pressing Ctrl + F4 in Edit mode, you will be prompted on whether to save in the old or new format. If your nodes are placed within the 32768 range, it is recommended to pick the old format for compatibility. Even if your track is going to utilize the new format, you might want to place an old format .cam file in the track's main folder and the new format file inside the "custom" folder.
Bug Fixes
We have attempted a fix for the recently reported issues with car handling (sticking to walls, spinning out after jumps, scraping the floor). Of course, we can't be sure without having tested / reproduced the issue ourselves.
- Fixed glitches in some custom tracks introduced in the previous release.
- Some minor changes to the code that handles the AI parameters to stay more compatible with the old behavior.
- Fixed possible crash in multiplayer when track data is out of sync between players.
- Fixed lap count not updated when a remote player crosses the finish line while the local player has the game minimized (which results in bad distance displayed in radar).
Be sure to read the complete change log by clicking here. Download the new Alpha release 12.0815
~ Huki & Jigebren
Posted: 17 Aug 2012, 05:10
Cool, Huki! Thanks for the update!
And thanks also for the notes about the track cams, that should come in handy for those wanting to expand the size of their tracks a little bit.
Say, also...could you tell me
exactly which files the executable replaces
or installs during install?

Since you chose to change the format of the package to one that does not allow one to see -precisely- what is being installed on one's's hard to tell exactly where the problem might be coming from...if you know what I mean.
I don't think anyone should install this until it gets checked again for some kind of problem.
You see...I seem to be having this issue that I just can't figure out and I'm just wondering if it has something to do with the package that you uploaded. So I'm sure hoping it's not any kind of problem or anything...
In any case, I'm glad we are on our way to sorting things out in a Positive Fashion.
Posted: 17 Aug 2012, 13:19
Huki @ Aug 17 2012, 01:34 AM wrote:Increased range for camera nodes
Ahh... I faced that problem yesterday when creating cameras, thx for that and quick update

. Patch works.
@Mythic: If i understood correctly, you want check what files are changed? If you have WinRAR or 7-Zip, you can open some exe files (this installer can be opened). First extract from zip, then open installer exe and open "rvsetup.exe". To view files in exe: press right mouse button and choose "open with WinRAR" (7-Zip will be similar). It should shown all files that will be changed, also that way you could install patch manually. (Not recommend)
[Edit]: 12.0815 alpha build likes crashing (i mean crashes every time) in uncompleted tracks. It should be, because of missing or empty file, but which? I have 2 uncompleted tracks and both crash at end of loading "please wait" and that means, I don't know on what file. On 12.0802 worked.
[Edit2]: That was .taz file after all, will be fixed in next build.
Posted: 17 Aug 2012, 15:01
Great to hear about the new update. It works good, but cars like Toyeca still tend to slip out in some Months tracks, (Cliffside, Isola Verde, Brazil and some others)
About the splitscreen mode, I want to buy a 1024x768 DLP projector, but I really want to know if its enough, i don't want to waste my money on something that does not work.
Posted: 17 Aug 2012, 22:15
So, after a quick test I can confirm that the new car AI tuning tutorial works with this version. Thanks, Huki!
(Only the Copter doesn’t work yet, and the Hovercraft is a bit unstable in sharp corners due to different recovery code. Oversteerers and understeerers work very well.)
Posted: 17 Aug 2012, 23:59
I installed the latest patch today and found Rooftops has this weird bug. After a race, in Spectating mode, all I can see is a skybox.
After a few seconds (10+) Spectating mode goes back to normal until everyone finishes.
I'm using 12 cars, 2 laps, and only Rooftops and the DreamCast car pack as addons. I don't know if this bug exists in previous versions (I downloaded addons after the patch).
Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 00:03
pawer126 @ Aug 17 2012, 07:29 PM wrote: I installed the latest patch today and found Rooftops has this weird bug. After a race, in Spectating mode, all I can see is a skybox.
After a few seconds (10+) Spectating mode goes back to normal until everyone finishes.
I'm using 12 cars, 2 laps, and only Rooftops and the DreamCast car pack as addons. I don't know if this bug exists in previous versions (I downloaded addons after the patch).
Did you use my new version?
Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 00:14
I have now, and the problem persists. When I pause, the camera does the normal rotations around my car, but resuming brings the bug back.
EDIT: Nice fixes, my framerate went up ~50%, although I liked the brightness of the old version.
Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 00:18
Mythic & Co.

Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 01:56
@Mythic: I have yet to figure out what 'this' is.
My's system's all clean, or so says avast! I'd rather use AVG, but I'm not the admin of this machine.
Anyway, I reverted to 0802 and the Rooftops bug is still present.

Probably a track issue.
Before update to 0815
After update
Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 02:37
I am Absolutely Certain that this will result in a Positive Outcome for Everyone if we all just choose to make it so. <Mythic smiles, his gentle gaze filled with glowing laughter as Tickles waves heartily from his shoulder, grinning at you with warm delight while instilling in you visions of lush grandeur, and you see hordes of industrious Monkey Minions busily preparing pieces of the
>New Community Project< that is just getting started over at RVL. You find yourself surrounded by the lush and limitless jungles of the creatively rich environs of Mythic Island as visions of transcendent star drops rise to the skies and beyond...leaving you a lingering invitation of golden fun-filled expectation.>
You guys be sure to come join in on the FUN! Free Smiles For Everyone!
I am quite sure if we all choose to concentrate on a positive outcome then everything will work out favorably for the entire community. <Mythic smiles, his gentle gaze filled with glowing laughter as Tickles waves with wildly joyful abandon from his shoulder, grinning at you with radiant delight.>
I heartily encourage anyone looking to make >>Good Friends<< and wanting to have >>Good Times<< to join us! <Mythic beams with shining confidence.>
Mythic & Co.

Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 18:02
R6TE wrote:About the splitscreen mode, I want to buy a 1024x768 DLP projector, but I really want to know if its enough, i don't want to waste my money on something that does not work.
We can't say anything at this stage, but I can show you how the current WIP build looks like at 1024x768:
BTW, how big is the screen you'll use with the projector?
VaiduX wrote:12.0815 alpha build likes crashing (i mean crashes every time) in uncompleted tracks. It should be, because of missing or empty file, but which? I have 2 uncompleted tracks and both crash at end of loading "please wait" and that means, I don't know on what file. On 12.0802 worked.
I'll need the track to check.. can you upload it?
pawer wrote:I installed the latest patch today and found Rooftops has this weird bug. After a race, in Spectating mode, all I can see is a skybox.
It's a problem with the track files.. the Rooftops replay cameras never worked in any of the PC versions (except 1207 as it contains some leftover Dreamcast code). We should probably release a working camera file for that track soon..
About the chopper issue, go to the
levels\roof\custom folder and rename the
chopper1.m file to
copter1.m.. same with chopper2 and chopper3.
Mythic wrote:You see...I seem to be having this issue that I just can't figure out
I'm not sure how we can help without knowing what the problem is.. what exactly is going on? From the situation you're creating here it rather looks like you caught a biological virus.. o_O
Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 19:23
Just wanted to chime in and tell you that Re-Volt continues to work pretty much flawlessly on Linux. Read more in the
Test Results here if you want.
I have yet to test the latest features, but will do so soon.
Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 13:31
How big is the screen you will use with your projector?
Probably 100 to 125 inch, but i think that will work. And the DLP projector blends colors, so i think it'll be sharper, but a bit more blurry too.
Posted: 29 Aug 2012, 17:47
Found another level (arena), that crashes on latest 0815 build, but it works on older - 0802. This time, track has .taz file (not 4 bytes) and game crashes in middle of loading bar. As I checked, .fan file makes it crash, but why? It didn't crashed on older version. I know, arenas shouldn't have ai nodes, but if it crashes now, that means something is wrong. (I didn't modified .fan file and it already came with archive)
Here's that arena --->
Battle Platform by ZAGames
[Bug] Sometimes, when host goes from room, game doesn't give host *privileges*. (Actually, I don't know, but it doesn't show that someone is host in list of players window (tab key), no one is greyed out.) That way, it doesn't let you to continue game.
Maybe that could cause when you or someone is push tab key when game wants to give host *privileges* and it somehow cancels it? I do that very often when host quits.
Game gives host *privileges* to me often and maybe that would be my fault.
Any hints about next build?

Posted: 14 Sep 2012, 04:25
Huki you might wanna read a few comments here and there. On this blatant copycat. ... earchtext=
I wonder what it takes for a steam greenlight release.
And its really sad some people still haven't heard of version 1.2
The re-volt fanbase might be even bigger than we know.
Posted: 14 Sep 2012, 04:30
gdfsgdfg @ Sep 13 2012, 07:55 PM wrote: And its really sad some people still haven't heard of version 1.2
It should be mentioned in the side bar of RVZT, since many cars on the site require the 1.2 patch.