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Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 23:55
Another bug this happened just right now online.
First map was nhood1 and after restart my hud and textures were like that.
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 23:59
not a new bug gdfsgdfg, that happen to me sometime since a long time ...
but I don't know how to reproduce it ...
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 00:03
That bug has never happened to me ever looks like huki just brought back some of the worst bugs ever.
I just noticed they also turned off objects (ex. the trolleys in supermarked2) online why?
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 00:31
gdfsgdfg wrote:Weird is it me or the sound is fucked again?
I mean in any level when there are no sounds I hear a constant "p.p.p.p.p.p" sound also sometimes the firework,turbo or electro sounds or litterally any sound somehow are able to change or not play at all at random times.
ex. in nhood1 my turbo sound changed to a really awesome charge sound not sure how it happened.
The scratchy sound could be caused if you're using a new version of Miles dll, although it doesn't seem likely since the v1.2 installer should place the original dll used by v1.1. What is the size of the mss32.dll file in your re-volt folder?
If sounds change or stop, your SFX Channels setting (in Options -> Audio Settings) could be too low. What value was it set to?
gdfsgdfg wrote:Another bug this happened just right now online.
First map was nhood1 and after restart my hud and textures were like that.
That's a rare issue with some (usually crappy) gfx cards. It's probably just a coincidence that you're getting it today...
gdfsgdfg wrote:I just noticed they also turned off objects (ex. the trolleys in supermarked2) online why?
Weren't those objects already turned off in previous versions? (trolleys, wine bottles, cans) I remember we enabled them sometime in v1.2, then disabled them again as they were taking too much unnecessary bandwidth even when they are standing still at one corner (the same reason the original devs disabled them). But I'm sure we disabled them long before this release.
Skarma wrote:Is there an option to make certain cars non selectable for the AI?
Not yet, but we'll add that for the next release.
Kenny wrote:- Updated the behavior of Flippable cars such as Rotor. These cars were considerably slower and less stable upside down, both issues are now fixed. The speed and handling of these cars are now identical whether they are upright or upside down. These cars are now properly driven by the AI.
wait that was a bug?
I always thought thats supposed to be, some kind of "realism" where the car gets slowed down because its antenna is grinding on the ground.
I thought so too, but in fact, it turned out to be the result of faulty physics (and collision) calculations that made the car slower and less stable. I can assure you that it was not intended by the developers.
Kenny wrote:and does this mean that the AI now actually choses the car in offline races or that it is simply supported?
Like Dave said, it's simply supported (Rotor AI was unable to turn when upside down and that was fixed). I think Rotor and Panga belong to a special category of cars so we don't want to change make it selectable by AI. If BigVolt and BossVolt are integrated into the game, they'll probably not be selectable by AI either. But we're likely not to hard code this behavior, and use the feature Skarma suggested (it'll only be a parameter entry preventing them from being selectable by AI). So it can be modified by users if required.
Kenny wrote:also are you still working on the track editor or did you completely abandon it? because I have two or three things I would like to see fixed/changed.
Well, the program is already made with very old DirectX version, and if you didn't know already, the source code we have for it is very outdated, it's also written in weird MFC. So to summarize, we have no hope of compiling even an outdated version of an old program. We're better off writing a new Track Editor one day...
Dave wrote:Definitely this. Even if you guys aren't working on it, could you be so kind as to at least put it back in the main menu?
While we're actively working on re-volt, we can't even touch the track editor (for reasons mentioned above), so it made sense to remove any link to it from the re-volt executable. That's not to say though that we're abandoning this tool, I agree it's very helpful for beginners, and even and advanced track makers. I just wonder if there is any problem manually running the trackedit.exe. People could create a shortcut to it on the desktop, run it in windowed mode, they have more options now (the same -window command line would work for track editor too).
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 00:38
Huki @ Apr 7 2012, 08:01 PM wrote:
The scratchy sound could be caused if you're using a new version of Miles dll, although it doesn't seem likely since the v1.2 installer should place the original dll used by v1.1. What is the size of the mss32.dll file in your re-volt folder?
If sounds change or stop, your SFX Channels setting (in Options -> Audio Settings) could be too low. What value was it set to?
Mss32.dll - 320 KB
SFX is set to 32 (the default 16 screwed up the custom sounds in rooftops for me)
I started the game again now and weiiird the sound problem fixed itself now.
Also what happens if i set the channels to max 64? Would it get rid of the sounds not playing problem completely?
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 00:53
Huki @ Apr 7 2012, 08:01 PM wrote: That's not to say though that we're abandoning this tool, I agree it's very helpful for beginners, and even and advanced track makers. But I wonder if there is any problem manually running the trackedit.exe. People could create a shortcut to it on the desktop, run it in windowed mode, they have more options now (the same -window command line would work for track editor too).
Well since beginners probably dont know that there even is a track editor unless they look into the folder "editor", I doubt that they will ever find it.
So I would suggest to either add an option in the patch installer to create an optional shortcut for the track editor (probably the easiest way) or simply make a track editor menu selection like before but this time you notify the user that Re-Volt will quit and the track editor will start.
I dont think it should be that hard to simply execute the .exe of the track editor within Re-Volt and then close it.
And once the user closes the track editor he has to manually restart it (unlike before).
ps: pm sent

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 01:23
Custom Shadows! i was looking forward to this! Thanks!
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 01:30
Huki @ Apr 7 2012, 08:01 PM wrote: If BigVolt and BossVolt are integrated into the game, they'll probably not be selectable by AI either.
The AI drives them in the DC version.
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 01:54
Your... Your update, it is perfect !
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 03:20
Huki @ Apr 7 2012, 03:01 PM wrote: I just wonder if there is any problem manually running the trackedit.exe.
The answer to that question would be no. I can't say whether or not that applies to window mode, because until today I didn't even know you could run it in window mode

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 03:42
Dave-o-rama @ Apr 7 2012, 10:50 PM wrote: Huki @ Apr 7 2012, 03:01 PM wrote: I just wonder if there is any problem manually running the trackedit.exe.
The answer to that question would be no. I can't say whether or not that applies to window mode, because until today I didn't even know you could run it in window mode
There is no window mode for the trackeditor or am I missing something here?
The usual combination that would let you toggle fullscreen/window in most programs is alt+enter which also seems to be recognized once you press it and even the window appears but the exe crashes once he tries to draw something in the window.
The same goes for different resolutions which you can select by pressing f2. I didnt go through all possible options but I believe that none of these work, every one I tried ended up with the same result - trackedit.exe has stopped working...
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 06:39
After calculating car stats (in dev mode), the parameters.txt file is overwritten with the newly calculated stats, and some new lines are added, such as "Statistics" or "SHADOWINDEX".
Some of those lines are missing the ";)" symbols at the beginning of the line, so if you later use the car with old versions of revolt, you get errors.
Those lines are the following:
Also, i've realised there are also some lines in the AI section:

OverFront 0.000000

OverRear 0.000000

OverAccMax 1.500000

OverThrotThresh 1.000000

OverThrotMinVel 5000.000000

OverThrotSteer 1.000000

OverThrotAcc 1.000000
What are they for?
And out of curiosity what's going on with the AI? my cars now have some problems taking sharp turns...
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 08:53
Huki @ Apr 8 2012, 12:31 AM wrote: That's a rare issue with some (usually crappy) gfx cards. It's probably just a coincidence that you're getting it today...
Me too got the same bug today when i was in the edit mode. I had my Re-volt minimized. When i re-opened it, i saw pickups transparent.
Here's a screen:-
I did not ever encountered this bug in the previous patches or maybe it is because i set the Shininess level to Full.
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 09:58
Kenny wrote:
and does this mean that the AI now actually choses the car in offline races or that it is simply supported?
Like Dave said, it's simply supported (Rotor AI was unable to turn when upside down and that was fixed). I think Rotor and Panga belong to a special category of cars so we don't want to change make it selectable by AI. If BigVolt and BossVolt are integrated into the game, they'll probably not be selectable by AI either. But we're likely not to hard code this behavior, and use the feature Skarma suggested (it'll only be a parameter entry preventing them from being selectable by AI). So it can be modified by users if required.
It wouldn't be completely stock, but you could conceivably just copy those cars and rename them. They would be 'custom user' cars with the CHT, but at least the AI should pick them for races if you want to see them in-game.
Kenny wrote:There is no window mode for the trackeditor or am I missing something here?
Huki said the same switches that work for the game should work for the track editor as well.

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 14:05
While offsetting the custom shadow for SNW35 in DEV mode, I noticed this really strange bug:
It looks like it was using the visiboxes at the part I was, instead of the car it's watching.
After re-opening RV, the bug was gone.
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 15:25
MythicMonkey @ Apr 8 2012, 05:28 AM wrote: Kenny wrote:There is no window mode for the trackeditor or am I missing something here?
Huki said the same switches that work for the game should work for the track editor as well.
Well like I said, its not working on my version here. Its always an instant crash once I try to change anything regarding the graphics (also tried with different compatibility settings and starting as admin).
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 17:59
Huki @ Apr 7 2012, 06:33 PM wrote: nero @ Apr 7 2012, 10:42 PM wrote: -nvm-
Hmm, I just caught that question and was about to reply to it. You'd have to set the offsets and height of the shadow manually using SHADOWTABLE parameter. Anyway, I think we'll post the offsets used for stock cars soon if it'd save time for stock repaints...
*Inpaciently waiting*
Kinda weird how those bugs that I've encountered fixed themselves eheheh
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 18:59
@Kenny: We're talking about the
-window command line switch that you add to the shortcut.
@Nero: Hmm what part of the track was it in the F3 cam?
@Pranav: In your case it's not just the pickups, it looks like a lot of textures failed to load. The fact that you kept re-volt minimized could give a clue, we'll check that part. What is your gfx card memory, by the way?
Some of those lines are missing the ";)" symbols at the beginning of the line, so if you later use the car with old versions of revolt, you get errors.
Thanks for the report, we'll update those lines.
Also, i've realised there are also some lines in the AI section:
What are they for?
We had added those for testing purposes in some earlier release. Now they're not used anymore so you don't have to worry about them. We'll remove them in the next release so they won't be written to the parameters file.
Meanwhile, it is recommended that for now you manually update the stat values instead of using the Write Car Info option. We still have to clear that part up, update the comments, etc., and it's not even a documented feature yet.
And out of curiosity what's going on with the AI? my cars now have some problems taking sharp turns...
Well, we're still trying different things with the steering correction. In this particular release, we've setup some generic correction that works for any car (the Under / Over values in the parameters file are not used). It has decent results most of the time, but it also makes certain sharp turns impossible (the same problem you've seen). Keep in mind that it's not finished yet.
By the next release, we'll decide whether to keep parameter based correction or detect instabilities and correct automatically, but for now you should use an older version to tweak the AI parameters...
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 19:08
Huki @ Apr 8 2012, 02:29 PM wrote: @Kenny: We're talking about the -window command line switch that you add to the shortcut.
I just realized that, stupid me
Still it would be nice if it would work in"game".
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 19:25
Pranav @ Apr 8 2012, 04:23 AM wrote: Huki @ Apr 8 2012, 12:31 AM wrote: That's a rare issue with some (usually crappy) gfx cards. It's probably just a coincidence that you're getting it today...
Me too got the same bug today when i was in the edit mode. I had my Re-volt minimized. When i re-opened it, i saw pickups transparent.
Here's a screen:-
I did not ever encountered this bug in the previous patches or maybe it is because i set the Shininess level to Full.
as far as i remember i get this bug sometimes (rarely) since alpha 825 ...
Nvidia GeForce 8400M GT gfx card memory 512MB
go back to frontend and this bug always gone
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 20:09
Huki @ Apr 8 2012, 06:59 PM wrote:@Pranav: In your case it's not just the pickups, it looks like a lot of textures failed to load. The fact that you kept re-volt minimized could give a clue, we'll check that part. What is your gfx card memory, by the way?

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 20:59
Huki @ Apr 8 2012, 06:59 PM wrote: Meanwhile, it is recommended that for now you manually update the stat values instead of using the Write Car Info option.
In case this confuses you or anyone else, Calc Car Stats mode is supposed to display the calculated values on screen. I just discovered the text is not displayed in fullscreen, it only shows up in windowed mode. Can someone confirm this?
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 23:21
Citywalker @ Mar 2 2012, 04:26 AM wrote: gdf, in your picture, this is because the wheels are actually spheres in Re-Volt. Big wheels = big spheres = wider collision.
I can't find any other annoying bugs other than the huge collision on ballistics for ex.
also the values show up in 1024x768 for me
oh crap saving the the values from the game is bad?
That explains a lot since i see that I'm missing shadows on trolley
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 23:32
Huki wrote:I just discovered the text is not displayed in fullscreen, it only shows up in windowed mode. Can someone confirm this?
Yes, it is the same for me. I tried calculating some stats before I saw your note and I just thought I was missing something. It took me into some kind of weird game mode where all I could do is accelerate and then I had to quit out of know, frankly I'm not sure exactly what happened because I only tried it once...but it sure didn't seem like it was working properly.
I did get some values to show up after inserting the required line in the param file...but I didn't do this before calculating and trying to save the car stats (which for me didn't seem to work)...I did it after. So I'm not entirely certain if the values that are being displayed are the ones that were calculated or if they are being taken from what was already in the param file...or if this line is required before calculating stats or not.
Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 23:41
Huki @ Apr 8 2012, 08:59 PM wrote: Huki @ Apr 8 2012, 06:59 PM wrote: Meanwhile, it is recommended that for now you manually update the stat values instead of using the Write Car Info option.
In case this confuses you or anyone else, Calc Car Stats mode is supposed to display the calculated values on screen. I just discovered the text is not displayed in fullscreen, it only shows up in windowed mode. Can someone confirm this?
It showed me two values at the end in the Calculate car stats mode. First value for Speed and the other for Acceleration. I was using Re-volt in fullscreen.
Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 00:29
13 different cars is now possible nice!
Still requesting this
Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 00:37
i see the values perfectly on fullscreen (honestly, i almost never use windowed mode)
Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 03:21
So there will be a "car not selectable by AI" line in next release?
Does that mean AI would start using Rotor, considering now it would be able to use it well?
Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 19:19
Ok, the text rendering in Calc Car Stats mode was in fact very unstable, it's fixed now. Ideally the calculated TopEnd and Acc values are displayed, and also the current values in the Parameters.txt file are shown in brackets, so it's easy to check if the values are any different from what is already set for the car.
@Mythic: The
Statistics parameter is only required to actually display the bars in frontend, you can use Calc Stats mode even without setting it.
Elven wrote:So there will be a "car not selectable by AI" line in next release?
Yes, there will be. Rotor and Panga will use this option, but occasionally you might catch their AI.. in random cars mode.

Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 19:29
Cool. I did it again and it did work. I just had no idea what was going on the first time I tried it. Is there any way to add weight (as seen by the game) to those stats?

Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 19:55
MythicMonkey @ Apr 10 2012, 07:29 PM wrote:Is there any way to add weight (as seen by the game) to those stats?

Changelog wrote:
To use this feature, calculate and fill in the TopEnd and Acc parameter values using Calc Car Stats option in DEV mode. Weight parameter takes the same value as the car mass.
Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 21:39
Duh. Thanks, Pranav.
<makes mental note to pay better attention>

Posted: 14 Apr 2012, 22:27
Is it possible to make rv1.2b11.0208 compatible with the last alpha ?? Because the players who don't want to play with the last alphas for some reasons can't play with a game hosted by alphas rv1.2a12.
I don't need this new bugged or different features in the gameplay and i prefer to wait the next stable release to update my 1.2. But for the moment, i would like to play with all players with 1.2 beta, is it possible ?? for example, a rv1.2b11.0208 with only the late joining ?
Posted: 02 May 2012, 20:27
Now that cars can fly like ufo is there anyway to use the ufo engine sounds too?
Oh and another request:
A online option for no collision (aka ghost mode). I'm pretty sure many racing games have it ex. trackmania
This would be perfect for "beat X laps" rooms.
Posted: 02 May 2012, 21:16
gdfsgdfg @ May 2 2012, 08:27 PM wrote: Now that cars can fly like ufo is there anyway to use the ufo engine sounds too?
I was gonna ask the same question.
I have two vehicles with the flying property and the sound which loops is really annoying when they are in the air.
Posted: 03 May 2012, 18:42
Quoting jigebren's answer since I've been moving posts around...
jigebren wrote:gdfsgdfg @ May 2 2012, 03:57 PM wrote:Now that cars can fly like ufo is there anyway to use the ufo engine sounds too?
Not possible for now. But I think we'll probably allow it in a next release.
The fact is that the entry in the parameters was rather used to separate glow/electric classes, it's not really for the engine sound directly, but I think we can add UFO and clockwork classes as well.
The no car-car collision mode should also be added eventually.
Posted: 07 May 2012, 17:17
Well i already said before the collision and car behavior is very weird.
An example would be in toy world 1 at the big jump when I hit the floor toyeca bounced back which made me end up lose some places online.
And it actually happened to me 2 times. On nero's big volt/bossvolt it happens kind of the same depending on the jump place and your position. I am not sure if that's because of the parameters or rv1.2 affecting it.
But like i said before bertha ballistics needs the wheels to be fixed the collision is gigantic than it normally should be on the other cars. (and this bug has always been present in 1.0 and dc version if i am right)
Posted: 08 May 2012, 17:20
yo huki,glad u still alive...
i know im annoying but...may i know when u plan to work on some visible modes for 1.2...all i see is always fixing bugs called 13.222817.8(QQ&$Q#q") and a bug called
Q?12Q5 1001018--dll,what about my championship mode for 1.2,you promised,i remmeber i was still youg when u said it will be done,yesteday i saw for the first time gray hair on my pubic area and that remind me how log has it been!
and hey i got good idea for fuse change, fuse changes are not new to you

(in Your face)
If the fuse is burnning on you and u immidietly have a battery,would be cool that fuse cools off if you running more then idk 46mph,think ppl would like that change cause it happens extremly rarely(havin fuse and bat at same time),had that idea when was lookng at antena when going fast with battery,it s amirical how wind will not cool it of!
What am i saying?im saying that it would make sense.Why?Cause i make sesne,people would pay for my ideas!
Posted: 08 May 2012, 19:28
@Dolo: The collision problem discussion was moved into
it's own topic, so we can continue it there...
Posted: 08 May 2012, 20:43
gdfsgdfg @ May 7 2012, 12:47 PM wrote: Well i already said before the collision and car behavior is very weird.
I must agree. BigVolt spazzes out occasionally online. (I flew sky high when landed on the slope at Botanical Garden 1 that leads to the finish line; it flips three or four times at the first jump in the aforementioned track sometimes too)
I doubt this happens in the official patches. Remember when the collision boxes became bigger in 1215? When you shrunk those coll boxes to their normal level since 0107, you might have changed something.
Posted: 16 May 2012, 01:24
Ugh huki this weird invisible textures/hud problem still keeps happening to me randomly, its gone after the next map loading though but darn weird since It never happened to me before this update I think.
I am not sure if yahoo messenger is the cause. (but i think that might be it probably haltering the load rate)
Bug report
So i was fooling around with my infinite ammo cheat.
Have 3 fake pickups near each other get the first one and rapidly get the others they won't work and a fake bomb effect will appear each time you get another fake pick.
I have tried this in an older alpha version and bomb pickups always exploded me regardless if they were stacked up. (that means i would explore really high)
Now if i stack a lot of fake picks in one place only 1 bomb seems to activate.
Posted: 02 Jun 2012, 13:03
Dunno if this was mentioned before, but if I write CARNIVAL cheat to unlock all cars
after selecting random cars option, the cheat code
does not work.
I tried this the other day on a new computer and the only way to make CARNIVAL work was going back to game options menu, disabling random cars, writing carnival again to unlock the cars and finally enabling random cars again....
This should be optimized imo. Thx.

Posted: 03 Jun 2012, 07:11
Posted: 03 Jun 2012, 09:23
^Banhammer plz.
Posted: 03 Jun 2012, 13:27
There is a problem with the track editor. I do not know in which version the problem appeared nor if it was reported.
When I export a track, no file in the level folder is created, the exported track is not exported in fact =/
I do not find him in the computer, nevertheless, in the track editor, I can load the track.
Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 06:55
One of the coolest graphical bugs I've ever seen on Re-Volt 1.2:

I fixed it by minimizing the game by ALT+TAB and maximizing it again
twice. The 1st time didn't work.
Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 14:23
Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 23:17
Strix @ Jun 3 2012, 08:57 AM wrote: There is a problem with the track editor. I do not know in which version the problem appeared nor if it was reported.
When I export a track, no file in the level folder is created, the exported track is not exported in fact =/
I do not find him in the computer, nevertheless, in the track editor, I can load the track.
The track editor never got patched up since we don't have the (complete and latest) source (though I would like to see it updated).
I have never heard of this bug before, I can only recommend to check if the track really got successfully exported and if you are working in the correct folders.
Posted: 20 Jun 2012, 11:06
Has anybody else noticed that the music volume control in Re-Volt doesn't work anymore?
Posted: 20 Jun 2012, 11:47
stoney1918 @ Jun 20 2012, 08:36 AM wrote:Has anybody else noticed that the music volume control in Re-Volt doesn't work anymore?
hmm... it works for me.
Btw, cd music has much higher volume than mp3. For mp3 i set 70%, for cd 30%, to make it similar to sound effects.