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Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 07:31
gdfsgdfg @ Mar 1 2012, 12:16 AM wrote:Oh and telling us to use simulator mode is not the answer either no one likes that mode.
Just Wrong...
gdfsgdfg wrote:Also i noticed something with the boost overlay [...]
Was that on purpose?
Yep. The new one works with all (ie. non-convex) body shapes. Check in the changelog for the two entries about "Env effects" for more infos.
Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 10:44
Huki i still think you gotta work on the collision fix for arcade mode so its exactly like 1.0 (I noticed that the cars somehow "suck" themselves especially on ai resulting in you dancing up and the other car not being pushed at all).
I'll give one more check to compare <1.1 vs 1.2 Arcade mode, but I can't believe there is any difference at all.

you try comparing both versions in Arcade mode?
And FYI, there was always some invisible / bigger collision in this mode even in 1.0, most noticeable in Phat Slug. This is after all the difference between Arcade and Simulation mode (less realistic collisions in arcade), so if you don't like the invisible collisions, telling you to use sim mode is indeed the answer.
So as you can see I started rv1.0 to make that screen, on another folder and now deleted that folder and ran 1.2 now then opened rvhouse and tried to launch the game i get the error "Could not launch Re-Volt".
You ran v1.0 from an installation and then deleted it. Rv house would still try to launch the deleted version (because that's where the DirectPlay key is pointing to in registry). With v1.2, you should just forget the concept of "running re-volt offline once" (doing so does not update the registry keys anymore). You should use the v1.2 installer instead.
Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 16:23
jigebren @ Mar 1 2012, 03:01 AM wrote: gdfsgdfg @ Mar 1 2012, 12:16 AM wrote:Oh and telling us to use simulator mode is not the answer either no one likes that mode.
Just Wrong...
Nope you guys haven't played online have you? Everyone hates simulator just cause of the perfect collision and the speed is even faster. (just ask anyone on rvhouse)
Its even worse in single player where the ai doesn't care and just bumps into each other.
Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 17:07
Uhhh... gdf, this is _highly_ subjective. Some people want simple racing (you and others), some people want realistic racing (me and others).
I, personally, am _always_ using Simulation mode, and even tried to increase the realism/difficulty a bit.
Bottom line: don't speak for everyone if you don't know everyone.
Make a poll if you don't believe me.
<off to vent her head after that>
Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 17:32
Well personally I think the collision in Arcade,Console,JuniorRC should in a type of box for them big cars kinda like this
Also I'm working on a vid to show you how weird the cars act when you touch them.
Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 22:11
I wasn't going to bother adding my thoughts, but it seems reality needs to rear it's head a bit. For me personally, I've never...even once...played anything but simulation mode. I might give it a try someday, but yeah...don't speak for others.

Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 22:31
I always play simulation too.
I only use arcade for B3L and Month tracks and not at each time...
Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 22:38
When I was a kid I always played Junior RC because I couldn't handle the speed
But when I got better with games, I always selected Simulation, never even looked at the two other difficulties (and I would approve to delete one of the middle difficulties, I never saw any real difference between those. or like I already suggested once, make one game mode for improved ai and the others stay with old ai).
Though I dont know how it is in Multiplayer but I would probably play only Simulation there too...
Posted: 02 Mar 2012, 08:56
gdf, in your picture, this is because the wheels are actually spheres in Re-Volt. Big wheels = big spheres = wider collision.
Posted: 02 Mar 2012, 15:14
^ Ohh didn't know that but still it needs fixed though
Posted: 04 Mar 2012, 22:44
Probably most of you are aware of (and annoyed by) the hexagonal low level-of-detail wheels that appear when viewing cars from a distance. It seemed that the devs had done this on purpose because of hardware limitations of that time - and had no choice but to release the game with hexagonal wheels showing up. So we've always considered this LoD feature as legacy and eventually something to remove for v1.2.
But now it appears that the devs had not intended this effect after all. The LoD feature is in fact a very nice optimization, designed only to use a low-poly model when there's really no reason to use a more complex model (i.e., when the object is too far away - when any LoD model is going to appear with the same detail on the screen anyway).
It's just one simple bug that makes the game sometimes use a low LoD model too early. The calculation tries to find the correct LoD to use based on the camera distance from the object (obviously). But this fails to account for zoom (the lens zooms in when using the Replay cameras). The picture below shows the hexagonal wheels problem.
It could be hard to notice, but the camera is in fact very far away from the car and is zooming in. The next picture shows the real distance of the camera (same position, zoom disabled). The low LoD (hexagonal wheels) was calculated assuming this distance, and as you can see, it's actually the correct LoD to use for this distance.
If we're able to update the LoD calculation to account for zoom too, the problem will be solved while keeping the LoD optimization intact. Then we can actually encourage people to include multiple levels of detail in their models.

Posted: 04 Mar 2012, 23:32
Nice find, Huki.
Is LoD usable on objects and instances too? Does the world file happen to support this feature? Or would it in your opinion only make sense to use on cars?
Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 00:26
Oh nice huki I noticed that lod thing on

's wheels from adamodell's DC pack.
Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 05:52
Huki @ Mar 4 2012, 06:14 PM wrote:So we've always considered this LoD feature as legacy and eventually something to remove for v1.2.
Well, as far as I'm concerned I haven't.

LoD is a nice feature. But I have to say that I can't remember having ever noticed that the current code failed in some cases...
To answer Urne, off the top of my head as I'm still not able to work again on the source, LoD is disabled for Instances, though there should have been plans to support it as eg. some ToyWorld PRM models actually feature several LoD. I remember having once re-enabled LoD support but the models' lower LoD were too badly designed and they just looked noticeably ugly.
Anyway, I think that we should eventually re-enable this support for Instances, which implies nevertheless that we'll have to supply updated stock models as well.
I can't remember if LoD is supported for objects other than cars. For world, there can't be several LoD as the .w file format doesn't support it.
Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 12:48
A option to get rid of the lods and obviously use the best quality model would be nice tho.
My pc can take it for sure.
Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 02:08
MOP found a bug on last Alpha 11.1215 and 12.0107
with track
game crash during loading track at ABCblock.m and look for ABCbloch.ncp who was never needed before... with 11.0825 and above the track work fine
I don't found this bug on others custom tracks using ABCblock
Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 16:06
@sebr: The loading screen shows the last file re-volt tried to open, but it doesn't mean that particular file caused the crash (for info, re-volt only looks for a model .ncp if .hul file is not found.. do you have the ABCblock.hul file in your models folder?).
Anyway, I tried the track and the problem is with an object thrower in the track. It's trying to throw a Planet object. Objects like these which require additional flags (in this case, which planet?) are not supported. Only simple objects like Basketball that do not take any flags can be thrown. Old versions would crash when you reach the place where the trigger is setup, but as you know, we are now pre-loading the thrown objects so you get the crash right at the level load.
Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 23:44
Crash while playing Isola verde.
At this point in the above picture, if you go towards the black arrow exits but if i go to the left arrow, it works fine. What's making the game crash when i go towards the black arrow path? I am using the latest patch and i have moved the custom things in the "custom" folder. Anybody else facing this problem?
Posted: 13 Mar 2012, 02:22
got the same pb ... it's ai-nodes pb : "AI node has DOUBLE FORWARD & DOUBLE BACK links !!!"
in fact ai-node on the right way aren't linked to others... delet them or link them and everything shood be ok
Posted: 17 Mar 2012, 20:58
I'm not sure if this a bug or normal but I went into DEV mode earlier today and when I ran Re-Volt normally afterwards it had wiped my progress table so all tracks and cars are locked again.
Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 17:29
Skarma @ Mar 17 2012, 08:58 PM wrote:I'm not sure if this a bug or normal but I went into DEV mode earlier today and when I ran Re-Volt normally afterwards it had wiped my progress table so all tracks and cars are locked again.
Eh, that's not normal. I've been switching between normal and dev mode myself and never had this problem. In either case, the correct progress should be loaded once you select your name from the Profile menu. In dev mode, the loaded data is ignored and everything is forced available, but the correct progress should still be saved when you quit. If you upload your Profiles folder I could check what went wrong.
Dolo @ Feb 27 2012, 11:49 PM wrote:The turning degree is a little shorter in single-player with my wheel on 11.0825 in single player and mutli (like original game i think), bounces on the walls are also little differents in multiplayer but i did not my test with 12.0107 in all version mode. i don't know for the fireworks, i did not advanced test for that, it was just a notice.
Can you try running a few laps in Practice mode with the 0825 and 0107 builds and check for any difference?
Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 20:27
here for my profile folder.
Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 01:27
@sebr and Dolo: Ok from what I understand, the sensitivity is very low for small and medium steering ranges and it increases very quickly at the end. If this is correct, it sounds like the behavior of Non-linear Steering (you'll find that option in Controller Settings). But this setting should be On by default in all versions, so it's strange that you experience it only in the latest release. Anyway, can you check if you get back the old behavior by turning Non-linear Steering off? And you should probably also test v1.1 (the 1207 patch).
@Skarma: Well yes, all the stock tracks and stunt arena progress is wiped out, but the custom tracks progress is still there. I can't find any possible explanation why it could have happened. You could import your old progress from the registry though, by deleting the Skarma\Skarma.ini file inside the Profiles folder and starting re-volt (it would prompt you to create a new profile where you'd give the same name Skarma). And then can you check again if the same problem occurs?
Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 04:40
Pause button (configurable button) doesn't work in Replay mode guys.

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 18:52
Phantom @ Mar 20 2012, 04:40 AM wrote: Pause button (configurable button) doesn't work in Replay mode guys.
Good catch, it's fixed now.
Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 20:55
Huki @ Mar 19 2012, 07:57 PM wrote: @Skarma: Well yes, all the stock tracks and stunt arena progress is wiped out, but the custom tracks progress is still there. I can't find any possible explanation why it could have happened. You could import your old progress from the registry though, by deleting the Skarma\Skarma.ini file inside the Profiles folder and starting re-volt (it would prompt you to create a new profile where you'd give the same name Skarma). And then can you check again if the same problem occurs?
From what I can tell, it doesn't seem to wipe the progress anymore when I switch between the two modes, however it only kept Toyeca, AMW and Panga unlocked which is odd. Still, I'm not complaining about that.
Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 03:43
Twice I had revolt.exe crash after I won the Special Cup and the credits loaded. Then I have to do the cup all over again, which is extremely hard due to Ghost Town 2 and Museum 1 (M) being my severe weakness tracks. I really don't want to to have to keep beating the Special Cup several times.
Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 10:38
NJMike wrote:Twice I had revolt.exe crash after I won the Special Cup and the credits loaded. Then I have to do the cup all over again, which is extremely hard due to Ghost Town 2 and Museum 1 (M) being my severe weakness tracks. I really don't want to to have to keep beating the Special Cup several times.
Are you sure you have the latest 1.2 version? (12.0107)
It never crashes for me.
Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 10:40
nero @ Mar 26 2012, 01:08 AM wrote: NJMike wrote:Twice I had revolt.exe crash after I won the Special Cup and the credits loaded. Then I have to do the cup all over again, which is extremely hard due to Ghost Town 2 and Museum 1 (M) being my severe weakness tracks. I really don't want to to have to keep beating the Special Cup several times.
Are you sure you have the latest 1.2 version? (12.0107)
It never crashes for me.
No I have version 1.00. I guess that solves it.
Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 18:00
NJMike @ Mar 26 2012, 02:10 AM wrote: nero @ Mar 26 2012, 01:08 AM wrote: NJMike wrote:Twice I had revolt.exe crash after I won the Special Cup and the credits loaded. Then I have to do the cup all over again, which is extremely hard due to Ghost Town 2 and Museum 1 (M) being my severe weakness tracks. I really don't want to to have to keep beating the Special Cup several times.
Are you sure you have the latest 1.2 version? (12.0107)
It never crashes for me.
No I have version 1.00. I guess that solves it.
I suppose you're using Windows XP.
Then yes,
Re-Volt v1.2 solves the crash after loading credits.
Alternative solution is applying win98 compatibility mode on revolt.exe.
But updating is your best option in my opinion.
Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 20:10
I use winxp sp3 and I can confirm that running the latest version of v1.2 (as of this writing)
without win98 compatibility mode works just fine.

Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 01:53
Phantom @ Mar 26 2012, 08:30 AM wrote:
I suppose you're using Windows XP.
Then yes,
Re-Volt v1.2 solves the crash after loading credits.
Alternative solution is applying win98 compatibility mode on revolt.exe.
But updating is your best option in my opinion.
Thanks; I just got it set up last night, and the game works fine in the new version, I see I have box art now, too. Cool.
And yes, I use Windows XP Home SP3
Now, I'm going to try Special Cup again. Pray that it doesn't crash after credits

It's very difficult to beat that cup due to how ridiculously hard the computer AI can be at times.
Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 02:19
NJMike @ Mar 26 2012, 08:23 PM wrote: Now, I'm going to try Special Cup again. Pray that it doesn't crash after credits

It's very difficult to beat that cup due to how ridiculously hard the computer AI can be at times.
'Nerf em.
Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 03:02
Personally when i found out that you had to use win98 compability to play online before 1.2 was even released made me sick the sound was horrible.
Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 12:33
Hi all, you have a suggestion. Car system, a slight change in the game is not bad at all. Each car is 1 box file, the patch will provide convenience to friends. What is your opinion?
Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 14:05
rvtr @ Mar 27 2012, 07:03 AM wrote: Hi all, you have a suggestion. Car system, a slight change in the game is not bad at all. Each car is 1 box file, the patch will provide convenience to friends. What is your opinion?
Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 14:36
rvtr @ Mar 27 2012, 08:03 AM wrote: Hi all, you have a suggestion. Car system, a slight change in the game is not bad at all. Each car is 1 box file, the patch will provide convenience to friends. What is your opinion?
Lol i read 3 times and i still can't undersand.
We must decipher the code.
Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 18:53
Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 22:40
as for now it could be nice that each new bug report use it's own topic.
It's just impossible to properly monitor solved / pending bugs in one single thread, and it makes ongoing discussions quite hard to follow...
Can you duplicate your last post in a new topic (I'll take care to remove the old post then). Thanks.

Posted: 28 Mar 2012, 00:32
Hi all, Re-Volt Turkish translated %75.I submit to you should end up writing within 1 month. After making the required setting. In the meantime, Huki (ðüýçöü) must include letters of the word. Otherwise, the game will not show up correctly in my conversion.
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 19:12
Re-Volt v1.2 has been updated.
Custom Car Shadows
Added support for custom car shadows. Each car can have it's own shadow map, or it can use one of the preset stock shadows (useful for default car repaints). This release also comes with improved shadows for the stock cars. For more info on generating and setting up a Re-Volt car shadow,
click here.
Stats For User Cars
Custom cars can now show the Speed / Acceleration / Weight bars in the car selection screen. Refer to the change log for more info on using this feature.
You can try a recently released custom car Stealth XB from hi-ban, updated to reflect these features, by clicking on the image below.
Improved Car Preview
- The way carbox and cars are presented was tweaked to be more consistent.
- Doesn't display the carbox animation when the current car is already on the floor.
- Doesn't load the car unnecessarily if user presses Esc after selecting car.
- The old car on the floor is properly removed when user picks a different car and quickly skips the preview screen.
- Disabled the automatic skip forward in car preview screen (previously this was a DEV-only feature).
Extended User Track Limits
- Added support for unlimited number of texture animation slots in the level world. Note that old versions only support upto 16 animation slots, so if you want your track to be backward compatible, use the custom support to include two world files.
- Updated the conveyor effect (such as in Museum 2) so that the direction of movement is according to each polygon orientation, rather than being hard coded. This makes it much more easier to utlize conveyor effects in custom tracks.
- Increased animated objects limit from 128 to 256.
- Allow to associate several Object Throwers per Trigger.
Updated Special Cars Support
We've fixed and updated the car Spinner effects (for cars like Panga). Refer to the change log for documentation on the parameter entries to use.
We've also updated the behavior of Flippable cars such as Rotor. These cars were considerably slower and less stable upside down, both issues are now fixed. The speed and handling of these cars are now identical whether they are upright or upside down. These cars are now properly driven by the AI.
Other Features
- When the race is finished, the view changes to replay camera. Now you can pause the game if you'd like switch to the close-up camera rotating around the car.
- In TVTIME and DEV modes, you can now zoom in or zoom out the lens in Freedom (F6) camera. Use Z/C key or mouse wheel to zoom in/out, X key or mouse middle button to reset the lens.
- Skid marks fade in and out gradually, oil marks lose thickness as the oily time increases.
- Use slide-out animation when going back from Gallery.
Bug Fixes
- By pressing Enter key with the right timing after Name Enter, we were able to directly reach the Car Preview screen with no car selected. This issue is fixed.
- Fixed some cars sliding back into the wall in frontend car preview screen.
- Fixed inability to change the local camera (F1) after quitting the race during sweep camera and starting a game mode without sweep camera (like Time Trial).
- Avoided possible crash in single-race when some custom car is using a bad Rating value.
- Fixed Lens zoom not reset when switching from Replay to Freedom camera in TVTIME mode.
- Fixed objects using bad Level of Detail in high resolutions and when camera is zooming in. This problem was most visible in the car wheels in Replay mode.
- Fix the Texture Animation glitch on triangle polygons in Mirrored mode (Toy World 2).
These are just the major features, so be sure to read the complete change log by clicking here. Download the new Alpha release 12.0405
~ Huki & Jigebren
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 20:35
Wow nice, I already wondered when the next update would come
I quickly went through the features, there is some nice stuff in it - my favourite:
Stats For User Cars:
- Custom cars can now show the Speed / Acceleration / Weight bars in the car selection
Finally! (@burner/nero: would you like to update now the dc cars with the stats?

do the stats bars have values for its own so a user could actually modify the bars length or do they really depend on certain values?
oh and installation and everything went smoothless, no problems there.
custom shadow seems nice though I never really looked at those things anyway.
and how/where can you re-activate the automatic skip after the carbox selection?
also are you still working on the track editor or did you completely abandon it? because I have two or three things I would like to see fixed/changed.
if you dont work on it anymore, I'll send you a pm
- Updated the behavior of Flippable cars such as Rotor. These cars were considerably
slower and less stable upside down, both issues are now fixed. The speed and handling
of these cars are now identical whether they are upright or upside down. These cars
are now properly driven by the AI.
wait that was a bug?
I always thought thats supposed to be, some kind of "realism" where the car gets slowed down because its antenna is grinding on the ground.
and does this mean that the AI now actually choses the car in offline races or that it is simply supported?
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 21:34
Kenny @ Apr 7 2012, 11:05 AM wrote: do the stats bars have values for its own so a user could actually modify the bars length or do they really depend on certain values?
The Speed bar depends on the car's TopEnd, the Accel bar depends on a parameter I'll let you guess yourself

, and the weight is the Weight param in the frontend stuff or the Mass in the body stuff.. Not sure which.
Kenny wrote:also are you still working on the track editor or did you completely abandon it? because I have two or three things I would like to see fixed/changed.
Definitely this. Even if you guys aren't working on it, could you be so kind as to at least put it back in the main menu? Seeing as how the track editor is available in every version of Re-Volt, and how it lays the seeds for budding track editors (like I was) to go on to make awesome custom tracks, which benefits the community because everyone loves custom tracks

. And I see the track editor as just a big part of the game as the tracks themselves, or the cars, or anything else that would make Re-Volt feel lacking without...
Kenny wrote:and does this mean that the AI now actually choses the car in offline races or that it is simply supported?
Just supported.
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 22:13
Kenny @ Apr 7 2012, 04:05 PM wrote: Finally! (@burner/nero: would you like to update now the dc cars with the stats?

That's the first thing I did when I noticed the new patch. Here's what RV Loco's stats look like:
Inviting, isn't it?

Also, we'll put in custom shadows for the cars too.
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 22:15
Oh nice that means the dc car needs to be fixed now.
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 22:42
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 23:03
nero @ Apr 7 2012, 10:42 PM wrote: -nvm-
Hmm, I just caught that question and was about to reply to it. You'd have to set the offsets and height of the shadow manually using SHADOWTABLE parameter. Anyway, I think we'll post the offsets used for stock cars soon if it'd save time for stock repaints...
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 23:13
nero @ Apr 7 2012, 05:43 PM wrote: Kenny @ Apr 7 2012, 04:05 PM wrote: Finally! (@burner/nero: would you like to update now the dc cars with the stats?

That's the first thing I did when I noticed the new patch. Here's how RV Loco's stats look like:
Inviting, isn't it?

Also, we'll put in custom shadows for the cars too.
we can't do it for Panga or it will be a CHT car

Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 23:28
Weird is it me or the sound is fucked again?
I mean in any level when there are no sounds I hear a constant "p.p.p.p.p.p" sound also sometimes the firework,turbo or electro sounds or litterally any sound somehow are able to change or not play at all at random times.
ex. in nhood1 my turbo sound changed to a really awesome charge sound not sure how it happened.
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 23:33
Is there an option to make certain cars non selectable for the AI?