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Posted: 03 Feb 2012, 00:35
Hi, Re-Volt game is a problem if you submit the Turkish translations to the person carrying out this project?
Re-Volt Turkey.
Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 08:53
.RV 1.1 crashes every time i try to start a race with a Force FeedBack joystick, and the only way of getting the game to work is disabling FFB with -noforce.
.You were planning to add a handbrake function, right? I'd suggest a normal brake function for full stop, instead of stopping and going backwards with the reverse function.
Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 11:45
Good idea.
Also, the mouse control and enjoyment of the game on two floors of the same computer I get a double play.
Re-Volt Türkiye
Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 11:46
You know, that would be cool. I have wished for a normal/hand brake myself.
Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 20:46
gdfsgdfg @ Jan 30 2012, 09:50 PM wrote: Of course you ip ban people for no reason on rvl (aka me) I expect you to have the humor of a donkey.
Don't start. Get back on topic.
Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 01:06
Hello, not sure if this is the right place/time to ask but , is it possible to activate credits MP3 and win/lose cup ones [standard names must be given of course]?
Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 01:48
KDL @ Feb 4 2012, 08:36 PM wrote: Hello, not sure if this is the right place/time to ask but , is it possible to activate credits MP3 and win/lose cup ones [standard names must be given of course]?
Nope only works with iso/or re-volt cd if you have one.
Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 16:33
Of course I know that
I was thinking about a custom code for loading MP3 on load cup and lose cup, using the same method as 'mp3 track player' and loaded upon 'win cup function or class' and 'lose cup' one
edit: by the way, it's Daniel's idea
Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 20:19
Well, please NO handbrakes! I'm sorry cat, but I don't like handbrakes. Just keep the controls like as it is, and please don't change any behavior. I like how as it is, and, when theres a handbrake function, the times on timetrial might change ALOT and that is not what I want.
Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 20:31
I'm with r6te in this. I believe adding a handbrake to the game would change the whole gameplay of Re-Volt (not to mention that normal rc cars dont have a handbrake too, at least the ones I know).
So I would prefer that such a thing wont be added to the game

Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 21:09
+1 with R6 and Kenny
Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 21:41
Pranav wrote:I have a small suggestion.
Custom features are introduced for tracks. How about adding this type of support for cars too? I mean we can have our own custom aerials, custom wavs etc. We could add those custom things in a folder called "custom" as we can do it for tracks. This feature isn't much needed but why car makers should be left? Track makers can enjoy custom things for their tracks but car makers cannot. Its a small suggestion but its up to you to add it.
The car models are already fully customizable through the Parameters file. This includes the aerials too - you can just place a custom aerial in the car's folder (rather than misc folder) and use it. Custom engine and other car sounds is planned, but not any time soon though.
Dave wrote:So, in multiplayer, one of the players who was with us had CHANGELING as his name. When we got to the game, we started on Toys in the Hood 1. The host, mmud, got a "cannot load track parameters error", everyone else got a whole load of errors, and I got massive slowdown , an all-blue screen, and the MPH meter was going haywire. It was something like this.
I'm going to try reproduce this wicked bug in LAN soon. I hope I'm successful...
Urne wrote:Kenny wrote:I found another bug with this track that I didnt have with others (at least not with stock and the 3-4's I tried)
When you want to play the track in Clockwork Carnage mode he begins loading the track but comes up with 3-4 errors like "Couldnt create player "playername" " and then Re-Volt quits.
AFAIK this is usually due to a limit in the number of maximum objects on the track. I believe the object limit is something around 128 but not exactly sure.
True.. the animated objects limit is now increased to 256.
Pranav wrote:Game crashing while changing the resolution.
My game started lagging a lot so i decided to change the resolution but whenever i select the desired resolution and press Esc, the game crashes.
I am using the latest alpha.
Fixed it a week ago when my game looked crappy and I decided to increase the resolution.
KDL wrote:Hello, not sure if this is the right place/time to ask but, is it possible to activate credits MP3 and win/lose cup ones [standard names must be given of course]?
Hmm, we have decided to keep the MP3 feature to "one music per custom track" only. We're limiting music for credits and win/lose sequences, along with the "jukebox" feature to Redbook - which is currently available only from the CD. But in the future we'd probably provide Redbook support from the local hard-drive too.
Cat wrote:RV 1.1 crashes every time i try to start a race with a Force FeedBack joystick, and the only way of getting the game to work is disabling FFB with -noforce.
I'll probably send you a test build soon that would show some message prompts after the race is started. Then we'd be able to track down where exactly the crash occurs and hopefully it would be fixable.
Cat wrote:You were planning to add a handbrake function, right? I'd suggest a normal brake function for full stop, instead of stopping and going backwards with the reverse function.
Yep, we'd be interested in trying handbrakes, fullbrakes and even multiple gears in the future. The first 2 have already been tried by the original devs, and I think it can be noticed that most of what we introduce in v1.2 are from exploring, improving and finalizing disabled and unfinished original ideas.
R6TE wrote:Well, please NO handbrakes! I'm sorry cat, but I don't like handbrakes. Just keep the controls like as it is, and please don't change any behavior. I like how as it is, and, when theres a handbrake function, the times on timetrial might change ALOT and that is not what I want.
Of course, we're fully aware of how such changes would affect the gameplay. Which is why we're pushing them to far away in the future.

There's really no need to show concern at this point... we'll talk about it when we're actually announcing any such changes.
Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 21:42
In regard to the handbrake, if you can map it to any key you those who don't want to use it can just ignore it...and it's disabled for multi-player(?) then I'm not sure how it's going to hurt anyone to have it in there.
I guess you were posting yours as I was posting mine, Huki.
Huki wrote:The car models are already fully customizable through the Parameters file. This includes the aerials too - you can just place a custom aerial in the car's folder (rather than misc folder) and use it. Custom engine and other car sounds is planned, but not any time soon though.
<smacks forehead> Why didn't I think of that?!? <instructs Minion to make relevant changes, wait...strike that...there are an awful lot of parameter files that would need changing...hmmm, makes note instead for future reference...>
As for the custom car sounds...I am going to put my vote in the hat for that one. I would love a 'horn' button or whatever that you could attach a custom .wav to. Just wanted to throw that in there while we're talking about it.
Thanks, Huki! Sometimes the simplest things just slip past you. I think I will go ahead and think about including the aerial along with everything else for future vehicles...I'll just be sure to note credit to Iron Bob in the readme.

Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 22:14
Huki @ Feb 5 2012, 12:11 PM wrote: Dave wrote:So, in multiplayer, one of the players who was with us had CHANGELING as his name. When we got to the game, we started on Toys in the Hood 1. The host, mmud, got a "cannot load track parameters error", everyone else got a whole load of errors, and I got massive slowdown , an all-blue screen, and the MPH meter was going haywire. It was something like this.
I'm going to try reproduce this wicked bug in LAN soon. I hope I'm successful...
lol... good luck with that. If for some reason you can't, I'll see if I can get some
lab rats guys in RV House to help me out in recreating it and I'll report it.
MythicMonkey wrote:In regard to the handbrake, if you can map it to any key you those who don't want to use it can just ignore it...and it's disabled for multi-player(?) then I'm not sure how it's going to hurt anyone to have it in there.
So much this. But that would involve somehow letting the handbrake work like a handbrake while keeping the plain old brake as it's always been. Not sure how this would work out, though...
Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 00:08
r6turboextreme @ Feb 5 2012, 11:49 AM wrote: Well, please NO handbrakes! I'm sorry cat, but I don't like handbrakes. Just keep the controls like as it is, and please don't change any behavior. I like how as it is, and, when theres a handbrake function, the times on timetrial might change ALOT and that is not what I want.
I forgot to say that handbrake in a RC game sounds dull. Yeah, i know there's people looking for real-life cars, but RV lacks certain features that real-life cars have.
EDIT: so what i'm suggesting instead is a normal brake key, since you can't do a full-stop with the reverse key.
Posted: 06 Feb 2012, 10:27
All those new things (handbrakes, gears, etc.) should be optional, switch on-off somewhere. Otherwise there'll be a lot of people who stop at a certain version of the game and never upgrade further.
Just my 2 cents <tosses those in the air to catch them. Fails

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 02:46
Yeah, handbrake and other new additions should be optional.
As for custom car content...well, custom engine sounds for each car would be great, custom horn..sure, why not. We already have a basic horn there, so I think it would be about as much work as a custom car specific engine sound.
Offtopic(probably): Do you plan to make it possible to use UFO's/Clockwork's engine sound on any car?
Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 02:55
I would also like a "off" option for the engine sound boats with electric sounds doesn't work.
Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 23:02
Here is a glimpse of the upcoming custom shadows support. Using a custom shadow map or one of the stock shadows should both be possible.
The shadow map in the above picture was generated with Blender.
Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 23:40
Looks really good Huki, I look forward to try it out in a future release! I hope you will give more details about how exactly the user is supposed to add a custom car shadow later.
Oh, and here is something I stumbled upon in my mind. Is it possible to assign a color to the shadow? This could be useful as most shadows are a shade of dark blue (under outside conditions at least and mostly at the edges). In some cases the vehicle's colors are also reflected in the shadow by a tiny bit.
I bet the custom car shadows aren't much more advanced than the stock cars though which is everything I want! The above suggestion only round up in truly minor details anyway. ^^
Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 00:01
Wow, can't wait for the next release now.
...I'm gonna need some help with all the cars I have that need a custom shadow.
If we will be able to change the shadows color then someone is bound to make a 2F2F Skyline with a blue shadow.

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 02:33
Roughly, for the custom shadow support, you'll have to provide a 64x64 bmp shadow texture in the car folder, and point to it in the parameters.txt file.
The shadow position will be set by Left, Right, Front, Back and Height values in the parameters file as well.
There will be also other subtleties, like the possibility to use one of the stock cars shadow...
Just a word here about it: I've added several functionalities to help casting the shadow from an imported car in my Blender addon. We've tested it with Huki and it seems promising already... This should make the task quite easy and accurate.
Now, about the shadow color, it's actually possible. The shadow texture is stored as a negative image (take a look at the current "gfx\shadow.bmp" file), so you would just have to open it in an image editor, negate it, adjust the color settings, for example turning it blue, negate it again and save... The in-game shadow would then look bluish.
Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 03:21
Thats great. I expected something difficult like using any graphics related software more complicated than MS paint. But parameters.txt, I can handle. Eventually I'll finish updating my car folder

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 04:19
That's great news about the custom shadows. I have been eye-ing that ugly rectangular thing for the past week while working on my new cars. And I won't's been buggin' me. I'm sure that statement will make you laugh when you see the vehicles I'm working on, but it's true nonetheless, lol. And I just got Blender 2.61 installed along with your plugin, jigebren. I haven't done much beyond importing a single model yet, but it's working great so far.
Can I just pipe in here with a note about shadow color...
I'm afraid shadows do not have color. Shadows are quite simply the absence of light. Think about that...there will be nothing but black...or basically, a darker version of whatever color happens to be underneath it at the time. And even if you had a blue light shining on something, then all you would experience is the absence of blue light. You might see some of the blue reflecting off of other surfaces, but that would all only be influencing the shadow second-hand, so to speak.

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 05:19
MythicMonkey @ Feb 8 2012, 11:49 PM wrote:I'm afraid shadows do not have color. Shadows are quite simply the absence of light. [...]
Ok, let's digress a little...
It's actually a common painter trick to add shade of blue in the shadows of an outside scene to make them look more realistic... But why?
As far as I know, there's indeed a valid reason: The light source is the sun, but as you may or may not know the blue rays of lights are more scattered than the red (that's why the sky is blue, and a sunset, red...).
The shadow casted in the red range of light is the sharp projection of the object's shape on the ground, according to the sun position. But in the blue range, the light is way more diffuse (it does not come straight from the sun), which gives a very soft shadow (or even no shadow at all). It means that more blue light reaches the ground below the object.
So when you combine both shadows, the
absence of red is greater than the
absence of blue... which mean the shadow does have a color.
Now, back to Re-Volt. Is it worth the pain to turn the car shadow bluer? I can't really tell... It's obviously not mandatory, but it may look nice in tracks like NHood where the light source is the sun in a clear sky...
Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 18:36
jigebren wrote:[...] Now, back to Re-Volt. Is it worth the pain to turn the car shadow bluer? I can't really tell... It's obviously not mandatory, but it may look nice in tracks like NHood where the light source is the sun in a clear sky...
Well, this is not a subject that I feel strongly enough about to start any kind of argument, so I will simply voice my personal preference for a non-colored shadow. For me, if I can actually see blue in a shadow, that's going to distract and annoy me far more than seeing one that is the 'proper' color, but a little off in shape. Just my thoughts.
And besides, if this is going to work off an image file...I can personally desaturate it to whatever level I desire. So I guess I can just leave it up to popular opinion and the preference of individual car makers.

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 00:37
@jig Now, back to Re-Volt. Is it worth the pain to turn the car shadow bluer? I can't really tell... It's obviously not mandatory, but it may look nice in tracks like NHood where the light source is the sun in a clear sky...
Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 16:54
Urne wrote:Is it possible to assign a color to the shadow? This could be useful as most shadows are a shade of dark blue (under outside conditions at least and mostly at the edges). In some cases the vehicle's colors are also reflected in the shadow by a tiny bit.
FYI, it will be possible to achieve this effect when generating the shadow map in Blender using jigebren's plugin. Here's an enlarged view of the generated RC Bandit shadow (note that the image is not negated on purpose.. it would need to be before using it in re-volt).
You can also notice that blur is automatically applied, and it's thicker and rounder at the edges (wheels are bigger for example), than when manually applying blur from your image editor. And this produces very good results in-game, as you can see from this screenshot.
But there is still one issue with the plugin support, that the generated shadow creates an ugly border at the edges when looking at close-up (enlarge and see picture below).
As of now, there's not really any way of fixing it, although there is an available work around (i.e., you can choose to render a Sharp Shadow instead of a Soft one, and apply blur and anti-aliasing manually).
So the added support in Blender does not give the same results as the original stock car shadows, and this is understandable (as you know, it's pretty easy to set up a camera and render the car's top view in orthographic mode if you ever need the old type shadow).
EDIT: And here's a comparison between the old and new types of shadow.
By the way, the current (unreleased) Blender plugin is also able to automatically calculate the optimal offset (and perhaps soon, the height) of the shadow to use. Everything will be explained in detail during the upcoming release, but for the basic user, it would take only a few minutes to add shadow to a car.
Mythic wrote:I have been eye-ing that ugly rectangular thing for the past week while working on my new cars. And I won't's been buggin' me. I'm sure that statement will make you laugh when you see the vehicles I'm working on, but it's true nonetheless, lol.
Haha, buggy buggies were in fact the starting point of this custom shadows support...
Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 00:40
^So we can actually 'upgrade' shadows of stock cars?
Thats pretty cool too. When this is added, we could make a ReVolt HD texture mod with high quality textures for everything in the game and higher quality shadows and so on.
Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 02:19
Minor Visual Bug Report of the day map: nhood battle,nhood1 and maybe other maps
Part of skybox kept popping out in that corner.
Happens on any car i think.
Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 04:37
^^ That's been happening since 1.1, regardless of the car.
Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 05:25
Yep, for info we're aware of this bug since quite the beginning of v1.2 - with Huki we're calling it the "blue triangle bug" - but so far we couldn't fix it definitely. It's likely not really a Re-Volt bug, it rather seems to be related to DX and the gfx card, maybe a DX bug? (but it sounds weird). Well, maybe the implementation in Re-Volt has some flaws...
Anyway, we've already spent quite some time on it, and given that it's quite a minor issue we've decided to put it aside to work on other more important stuff.
Posted: 13 Feb 2012, 15:18
@About the blue triangle of Death (BToD)
I think it's NearValue of camera problem (camera project problem)
Or it's because camera doesn't collide?
Posted: 13 Feb 2012, 23:28
I remember earlier in 2011 jig and I were discussing this bug over a long period of time. We finally concluded it's a bug with DirectX 6's Viewport Clipping. I have no hope of searching for our old findings now (it was a conversation with jig spanning over months, and I can't even find the original email). But I'll try to summarize from memory:
- Re-Volt does the world and projection transformations manually, but the viewport transformation and clipping is performed by Direct3D. I believe this creates a conflict and there are some problems introduced during this viewport clipping.
- A polygon disappears when (1) all the vertices are outside the viewport but the poly itself is visible, (2) it intersect the Near Clipping plane, and (3) the viewport's top-left coordinate is NOT (0,0). When all these cases are true, the poly inappropriately gets culled, when it should in fact only be clipped to viewport edges.
- The bug gets fixed by disabling D3D clipping. Of course, with clipping disabled, the polys intersecting the near-plane would glitch everything up on most PCs, but luckily it worked on Jigebren's PC and we were able to test the results. I think his gfx card has some kind of safety feature that properly clips the near-polys. It is also recommended in MSDN that for best performance, if an application manually transforms vertices, it should also manually clip them (and disable clipping in D3D). This is a valuable solution that I'd like to try in the future - writing optimal clipping code for re-volt's engine needs putting in a lot of thought though.
- There are significant changes in the viewports and clipping in DirectX9, so I believe merely switching to D3D9 will fix this bug. Either way, I'm looking forward for this switch to happen soon.
Could you remove that huge screenshot and post a link or thumbnail instead?
Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 01:49
Huki wrote:@gdfsgdfg:
Could you remove that huge screenshot and post a link or thumbnail instead?
I will kindly second that request. I have to zoom that pic out every time I open this page just to get all the text back in my browser window. Thanks!

Posted: 14 Feb 2012, 04:07
Huki @ Feb 13 2012, 06:58 PM wrote:
- There are significant changes in the viewports and clipping in DirectX9, so I believe merely switching to D3D9 will fix this bug. Either way, I'm looking forward for this switch to happen soon.
Does switching to DX9 mean requirements will go up?
Just curious. I've never seen something like this happen to a game.
Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 02:15
As long as it doesn't require shader model 2.0 i am fine with it (my crappy card has 1.4)
Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 17:02
huki make a RC18B2 shadow in BLENDER. There you will find ... ame=Rc18b2
greetings : Nieger33@
P.S : o wait, and make a Trophy 3.5 shadow ... Trophy+3.5
Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 18:23
ElvenAvenger @ Feb 14 2012, 04:07 AM wrote:Does switching to DX9 mean requirements will go up?
The requirements would remain same as it is now (OS / gfx card / ..). AFAIK, it was one of the goals of DirectX till version 9, to allow full backward and forward compatibility with existing and future gfx cards and drivers.
@Nieger33: Custom shadows support is not released yet...
Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 20:38
what???? The custom shadows is yet huki IS YET.
Re-greetings : nieger33@
Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 20:41
whoops!! you're right huki the custom shadow is not yet.
RE-re-greetings : Nieger33@
Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 20:43
^ Lol, when will da next update be?
Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 21:41
Nigga yo @ Feb 18 2012 @ 05:08 PM wrote: what???? The custom shadows is yet huki
Nigga yo @ Feb 18 2012, 05:11 PM wrote:
whoops!! you're right huki the custom shadow is not yet.

Posted: 19 Feb 2012, 02:44
Noobs, the worse their english is, the more retarded they look.
EDIT: Miro: replace "fast" with "quickly".
(big d'oh)
Posted: 19 Feb 2012, 03:05
Invalid Comment.
Posted: 22 Feb 2012, 01:54
Re-Volt's translation of the future will begin on Monday. Exiting the project developer will send a new version.
Posted: 23 Feb 2012, 05:57
don't worry. i will make custom shadows for all my cars when the update is released.
P.S: Can't wait till release day!

Posted: 28 Feb 2012, 01:03
I just noticed something weird when I'm in the air with toyeca and I hit a left/right wall the car somehow still manages to go forward while sticked to the wall when it should fall over.
(happened to me on toytanic and museum i think)
I am not sure if this happens on 1.0 since well its impossible to play online.
I'll try to see if i can manage to make a screen in the future.Happens quite rarely though.
Best way to do it is when you're boosted.
Oh yea and another not so important texture bug that i saw.
And a weird camera "stuck" glitch that happens at this point on toytanic
Boom your camera will confuse the crap outta you for few seconds.
Posted: 28 Feb 2012, 02:41
Probably track related.
Probably also track related, as the camera probably got stuck behind the wall going away from the car. Is there a way to fix this?

Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 04:46
Huki i still think you gotta work on the collision fix for arcade mode so its exactly like 1.0 (I noticed that the cars somehow "suck" themselves especially on ai resulting in you dancing up and the other car not being pushed at all)
Oh and telling us to use simulator mode is not the answer either no one likes that mode.
Best to fix this asap
Also i noticed something with the boost overlay
Was that on purpose?
Annoying bug report for rvhouse.
So as you can see I started rv1.0 to make that screen, on another folder and now deleted that folder and ran 1.2 now then opened rvhouse and tried to launch the game i get the error "Could not launch Re-Volt".
The only way to fix it was to go to regedit and find the folder directplay>applications>and then delete the folder re-volt, start revolt 1.2 again and then I wouldn't get the error ever again on rvhouse.