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Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 04:19
simply make Obtain method -1 ?
I write this here since I dont want to waste too much space for this offtopic:
what about using CARNEVAL? works at least for me alright.
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 04:28
Kenny @ Jan 8 2012, 11:49 PM wrote: simply make Obtain method -1 ?
Yea but then i cannot select it. :l
Kenny @ Jan 8 2012, 11:49 PM wrote:edit:
I write this here since I dont want to waste too much space for this offtopic:
what about using CARNIVAL? works at least for me alright.
I guess that works too but still would be nice to have as an option.
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 19:55
Juicy J
Juicy J @ Jan 8 2012, 07:10 PM wrote: I'm not sure if this problem has been discussed yet - sorry, I'm too lazy to read this all. I installed the newest patch and all I get is "can't set display mode 640 x 480 x something" error when I'm trying to launch.

Yes, I just quoted myself.
It worked yesterday with VaiDuX461 fix, today I have the same problem. I guess it might be connected with the fact that my RV isn't installed, it's just a full folder I downloaded. What can I do?
EDIT/ nvm, I'm getting rid of this crap version :-)
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 20:40
gdfsgdfg @ Jan 8 2012, 06:58 PM wrote: Kenny @ Jan 8 2012, 11:49 PM wrote: simply make Obtain method -1 ?
Yea but then i cannot select it. :l
make the rating parameter 4. Works for me.
EDIT: but be warned that you won't be able to race normally, you know, with 12 different cars. It will only be 2 different cars repeated over and over. (Huki, maybe you should make it an option to allow some cars to be selectable by the player, but not the AI

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 20:52
Dave-o-rama @ Jan 9 2012, 05:10 PM wrote: gdfsgdfg @ Jan 8 2012, 06:58 PM wrote: Kenny @ Jan 8 2012, 11:49 PM wrote: simply make Obtain method -1 ?
Yea but then i cannot select it. :l
make the rating parameter 4. Works for me.
EDIT: but be warned that you won't be able to race normally, you know, with 12 different cars. It will only be 2 different cars repeated over and over. (Huki, maybe you should make it an option to allow some cars to be selectable by the player, but not the AI

If this gets implemented than you must also implement the good AI on / off option.
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 23:33
i installed the latest build and everything worked fine.
until i unlocked the clockwork carnage mode.
Now i cannot start any single race, time trial does work
custom cars/tracks or stock cars/tracks, Re-Volt just crashes as soon as i have selected a level and press enter to start loading for the race.
I get the following message in my windows log viewer:
(sorry it's dutch

Naam van toepassing met fout: revolt.exe, versie:, tijdstempel: 0x4f08ae79
Naam van module met fout: revolt.exe, versie:, tijdstempel: 0x4f08ae79
Uitzonderingscode: 0xc0000005
Foutoffset: 0x00050414
Id van proces met fout: 0xec4
Starttijd van toepassing met fout: 0x01cccef882cfb4fe
Pad naar toepassing met fout: E:\Games\Re-Volt\revolt.exe
Pad naar module met fout: E:\Games\Re-Volt\revolt.exe
Rapport-id: cd3b607c-3aeb-11e1-915c-002421f3c298
Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 06:07
A crash after changing the Video Settings reported by Phantom is now fixed.
With the alpha versions, there are some custom car textures (which i accidentally saved into OS/2 BMP format instead of Windows BMP) which now appears as transparent, although they loaded fine with the beta (rv1.2b11.0208) version.
Yep, only standard Windows Bitmaps are supported now. If you've saved in a different format, it's easy to fix just by opening and resaving in Paint.
For a little background: different bitmap formats were no problem when 256x256 was the only supported texture size. In this case the bitmap can just be passed through Windows and loaded into a preset 256x256 buffer (big textures shrinked and small textures stretched). Now with any texture size support we need to know the bitmap dimensions in advance. We also need to ensure the dimensions are correct (square and in powers of 2, such as 128x128, 256x256, 512x512). This is required for mipmapping support, and also for loading a lower-res texture set if there is not enough space in the gfx card memory to load the hi-res set. After noticing that all the textures used are standard Windows Bitmaps, and any other format is obsolete anyway, we decided to read the dimensions directly from an offset in the file, and this would differ from format to format.
One thing i dislike is that, when you finish a race, the up and down arrows change your view for spectating your opponents. i think this should be changed to some other keys [...] actually the view always changes to "TV camera" the moment you finish a race. i think the view should not change until you press any of the "spectate" keys.
We used standard menu Up / Down buttons for switching players so it would be easy to spectate using the Joystick and other controllers. Keeping the Accelerate / Reverse keys pressed is no problem as this input will be ignored.
The switch to "replay camera" after race is finished instead of rotating around the car was taken from the DreamCast version. In case you wanted the old close-up view of your car, it is already possible to toggle between the old and new finish cameras using the F1 key. As this is not very intuitive, in the next release the rotating camera will also be used when the game is paused.
completely removing the shaking effect when the car exploded when you lost the championship seems a little "radical" to me but I can live with it
It should be the same in any previous release or v1.1.
btw I just noticed that we could also maybe add a difficulties option for the stunts arena?
The difference is only in car-to-car collision, so the option is not useful for single-car games. Also, Stunt Arena always runs in Arcade mode so picking a low-speed Junior R/C mode previously will not affect this mode.
- will the flying cars (Ufo included) ever be driveable by the AI? or are you planning on doing so?
- what about Rotor-like cars? will they ever be driveable by the AI?
Aren't they already drivable? For example Rotor AI can drive upside down.. although at a lower speed because of the antenna scrapping the floor. Anyway,
gfsdgfdg wrote:Make a parameter value or whatever that makes the ai not use that car
This option will be implemented in the future.
I'm not sure if this problem has been discussed yet - sorry, I'm too lazy to read this all. I installed the newest patch and all I get is "can't set display mode 640 x 480 x something" error when I'm trying to launch.
Sounds like your gfx card doesn't support 640x480 resolution (I've already heard the issue from someone else a long time ago). The fix Vaidux sent you should work (it changes your resolution to 1280x1024). Are you sure you didn't change it back to 640x480 later on?
i installed the latest build and everything worked fine.
until i unlocked the clockwork carnage mode.
Now i cannot start any single race, time trial does work
custom cars/tracks or stock cars/tracks, Re-Volt just crashes as soon as i have selected a level and press enter to start loading for the race.
Hmm, there is just no relation between unlocking clockwork mode and crashing in single race. Are you sure it isn't something else? Could you try temporarily removing all the custom cars you have installed? Would be nice if you mention the v1.2 build number you're using (12.0107 is the latest).
Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 14:37
i found it out.
It was the car "Pulse 4.6" that caused my problem.
When i selected it myself, the car was completely transparent and had no wheels/springs whatsoever.
Just the floating main body
But it worked before i installed the latest build though
Removed it and RV works fine again
thanks for your answer!
(goes back to play rv again...)
Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 15:17
synasthesia @ Jan 10 2012, 02:37 PM wrote: i found it out.
It was the car "Pulse 4.6" that caused my problem.
When i selected it myself, the car was completely transparent and had no wheels/springs whatsoever.
Just the floating main body
But it worked before i installed the latest build though
Removed it and RV works fine again
thanks for your answer!
(goes back to play rv again...)
The car had no wheels and the body because of the unsupported bmp.
The author saved the bmp as OS/2 24-bit format, so just open the bmp in paint and save it again as bmp because re-volt supports 24-bit Windows bitmaps.
Also, the car could not be the reason which makes your game crash, it must be something else because it gave me no errors and did not crash when i installed this car.

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 21:24
Aren't they already drivable? For example Rotor AI can drive upside down.. although at a lower speed because of the antenna scrapping the floor
ok maybe driveable wasn't the proper word. more like "a challenging enemy".
I assume the AI doesn't recognize if a car like Rotor is upside down? I could imagine that it works like "as long as I can drive and get forward, I will do that".
if it's more sophisticated than that then why does the AI never select Rotor as an opponent? Or Ufo/Mystery if you make them accessible in the parameters file.
Anyway my point is that it would be nice to see also a Rotor in the offline races and championships
And is the "select which custom car you want to race with" feature planned for the next view versions? So that you can actually select a car that everybody gets and not only a random car.
Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 22:25
New version seems to be working fine so far. There's a slight, I think, issue when cars collide with their... edges? As in, Front Left edge, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear right. The cars 'sink' into each other there a bit and then pop out. Its visible when after a race ends cars are very close and are 'sliding' towards each other(due to track's shape).
That was tested on Arcade Mode, with both custom and stock cars(custom-custom collisions, stock-custom, stock-stock).
And the first time I started RV after this update, the picture for "Museum 2" didn't load (track select screen). Then I played a different track (Supermarket 2) and next time I selected Museum 2 the picture appeared just fine.
Other than that its really good.
The AI works fine, except that it absolutely CAN'T handle Sprinter XL(and similar) cars on ice tracks. (Example: Arctic Air. They keep losing their tail and zigzagging.)
EDIT: Offtopic but...does anyone have some full custom(or as custom as they can get) '1.2 compatible' tracks?
Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 04:01
uh I believe there are at least 2+ tracks with custom content in the top rated list of ReVolt Zone (I haven't checked all of them).
especially Municipal Waste is a track where you will immediately notice a difference to usual tracks, if you dont know it already.
but I believe there isn't a track yet where really every possible thing is custom (for example the pickups could also be done custom), if there is one please someone post a link or a name here

the best I have seen so far are nebula girl and municipal waste.
now that I notice it it would be nice to either have an own section for the "improved" tracks that are done for the Alpha version or make some kind of filter option for that.
as well for the carboxes of the cars.
that would make searching a lot easier on RVZ

Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 08:56
@Kenny:- You could check out this one:- ... inter+Town
It uses some of the custom features of the latest alpha.

Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 12:49
The recent release with custom features introduced the support for adding a
Cloth Effect for custom cars, similar to the Mystery car, by adding a new entry "ClothFx TRUE" in the Parameters file. There is in fact more tweaking involved to get this working.
A special ClothFx property needs to be set for all polygons that are supposed to be animated. This is mostly the edge polys of the cloth model as seen in the picture below. AFAIK, Blender is currently the only program that can set this property (other than the HEX editor, of course

). You can get the Re-Volt plugin for Blender from
For a bit more details, Mystery car has 2 parts, the top cover and the underside, the edge polys of both parts are marked with the ClothFx property. You can see the underside in the picture below, with all ClothFx polys selected.
Of course, the top and bottom body parts need to be single-sided and oriented correctly in opposite directions as seen in the picture below. I think it's also possible to create clothed cars with just a cover (no underside), this time using the Double-sided property for the cover.

Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 17:17
Pranav @ Jan 10 2012, 10:47 AM wrote: synasthesia @ Jan 10 2012, 02:37 PM wrote: i found it out.
It was the car "Pulse 4.6" that caused my problem.
When i selected it myself, the car was completely transparent and had no wheels/springs whatsoever.
Just the floating main body
But it worked before i installed the latest build though
Removed it and RV works fine again
thanks for your answer!
(goes back to play rv again...)
The car had no wheels and the body because of the unsupported bmp.
The author saved the bmp as OS/2 24-bit format, so just open the bmp in paint and save it again as bmp because re-volt supports 24-bit Windows bitmaps.
Also, the car could not be the reason which makes your game crash, it must be something else because it gave me no errors and did not crash when i installed this car.
hmm... that is pretty weird, i already tested putting back the Pulse 4.6 car and the game started crashing again.
Will try it again with an supported windows bitmap
Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 17:46
@synasthesia: From what I understand, the crash occurs as soon as the screen fades to black after you press Enter at the track selection screen (before any files are actually loaded). So I don't think any specific car or track is to blame. It could be a problem with the opponent car selection code (old versions used to crash here with more than 64 custom cars installed), although it looks clean to me. Can you find many custom cars you have?
Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 20:50
Huki @ Jan 11 2012, 01:16 PM wrote: @synasthesia: From what I understand, the crash occurs as soon as the screen fades to black after you press Enter at the track selection screen (before any files are actually loaded). So I don't think any specific car or track is to blame. It could be a problem with the opponent car selection code (old versions used to crash here with more than 64 custom cars installed), although it looks clean to me. Can you find many custom cars you have?
yes, exactly at that point the crash happened
i only have 7 custom cars, and 1 custom track atm as i just reïnstalled everything.
When the game started crashing i removed all of the custom cars and the track, then the game worked again.
After that i started placing back my track, and then the cars i had, the only one that gave me the problems is the pulse 4.6
When i get home i will change the bmp as mentioned above and try again
I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium x64 and all of my drivers are up-to-date
Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 21:31
Anyways just like miro said we need an option for the old ai just found out like literally all cars get stuck at some point on rooftops.
And a reminder custom difficulty for custom tracks (using the INF file)... example:
Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 23:55
I installed the newest Alpha edition and when a race starts the game crash!
Also when I try to modiffy the graphics to be better the game again crash!
The tracks who cause a game crash are : Supermarket 2, Ghost Town 1, Toy World 1 and 2 and Toytanic 1 and 2.
What can I do.
P.S.: This happend at all Alpha versions from 0710 to newest.
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 01:21
Juicy J
It seems like Huki's newest patch is not compatible with this version -->
I had 1001 errors after Acclaim screens while trying to run it, "can't load levels and everything RV is usually loading at the beginning".
Can somebody pass me a link to the best, lightest version of Re-Volt needed only to play on stocks online and compatible with 1.2. Thanks in advance.
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 01:47
- snipped -
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 01:51
BossVolter wrote:I installed the newest Alpha edition and when a race starts the game crash!
Also when I try to modiffy the graphics to be better the game again crash!
The tracks who cause a game crash are : Supermarket 1, Ghost Town 1, Toy World 1 and 2 and Toytanic 1 and 2.
Jucy J wrote:I had 1001 errors after Acclaim screens while trying to run it, "can't load levels and everything RV is usually loading at the beginning".
and you both dont get any clear error messages? simply a "Re-Volt stopped working..." or what? (that is actually also a specific error message)
or were you just too lazy to post them here so we could maybe help you solve the initial problem

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 02:00
Message: Revolt.exe stop working
two solutons: Close the program or Close the program and find a solution online
And the storry about CrashVille ends here.
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 02:03
Juicy J
Kenny @ Jan 11 2012, 09:21 PM wrote: and you both dont get any clear error messages? simply a "Re-Volt stopped working..." or what? (that is actually also a specific error message)
or were you just too lazy to post them here so we could maybe help you solve the initial problem

Re-Volt simply couldn't load any single file at the starting blue loading screen. It's pointless to write them all.
From what I know, abandonia version is messed up.
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 02:06
I use a Abandonia version...
Can be this the problem at my problem?
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 02:09
BossVolter @ Jan 11 2012, 09:36 PM wrote: I use a Abandonia version...
Can be this the problem at my problem?
pooh i forgot to tell you, download it again and patch it with 1027
then download the beta 1.2 and then the alpha 1.2.
I don't know that's what i did and it works like butter for me.
Anyways I can't find any bugs to report other than the game missing the mp3's.
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 02:22
The problem with graphics setting is fixed
but the problem with mp3 persist
When I put MP3 some of tracks crash: Supermarket 2, Ghost Town 1, Toy World 1 and 2 and Toytanic 1 and 2 and Rooftops.
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 02:32
BossVolter @ Jan 11 2012, 09:52 PM wrote: The problem with graphics setting is fixed
but the problem with mp3 persist
When I put MP3 some of tracks crash: Supermarket 2, Ghost Town 1, Toy World 1 and 2 and Toytanic 1 and 2 and Rooftops.
I noticed that bug managed to fix it by opening the song in goldwave and saving it.
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 02:34
What is it?
Give me some informations about it.
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 02:38
synasthesia @ Jan 11 2012, 08:50 PM wrote: yes, exactly at that point the crash happened
i only have 7 custom cars, and 1 custom track atm as i just reïnstalled everything.
When the game started crashing i removed all of the custom cars and the track, then the game worked again.
After that i started placing back my track, and then the cars i had, the only one that gave me the problems is the pulse 4.6
When i get home i will change the bmp as mentioned above and try again
I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium x64 and all of my drivers are up-to-date
Hmm, I still can't understand how one car (and that too a texture) could crash the game when no files are being loaded. But I guess, we have nothing else to proceed on, so let us know what happens after you've fixed the bmp.
@Juice: Ok, this is going to sound stupid (really), but uh.. did you install v1.2 patch at some random location where you don't have re-volt installed?
@Bossvolter: Bad MP3 files make re-volt sad. Fix 'em please.
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 02:49
What can be the problem?
On Beta version MP3 works fine for every track.
And how to fix?

Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 02:51
v nevermind just do what i said with that v
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 02:53
If anyone else happens to have the same problem as bossvolter,
here's Goldwave.
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 02:56
Juicy J
Huki @ Jan 11 2012, 10:08 PM wrote: @Juice: Ok, this is going to sound stupid (really), but uh.. did you install v1.2 patch at some random location where you don't have re-volt installed?
No, it doesn't sound stupid to me, finally someone is trying to help me

I checked the directory twice.
If I remember right it was H:/Program Files/Acclaim Entertainment/Re-Volt
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 21:31
Pending Features
Allow playing original music tracks from hard drive.
I want this in the next alpha :3
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 21:58
gdfsgdfg @ Jan 12 2012, 09:31 PM wrote: Pending Features
Allow playing original music tracks from hard drive.
I want this in the next alpha :3
What exactly do you mean?
You can copy the soundtracks into the Re-volt folder and you can hear the sound in game.
Posted: 12 Jan 2012, 22:01
Pranav @ Jan 12 2012, 05:28 PM wrote: gdfsgdfg @ Jan 12 2012, 09:31 PM wrote: Pending Features
Allow playing original music tracks from hard drive.
I want this in the next alpha :3
What exactly do you mean?
You can copy the soundtracks into the Re-volt folder and you can hear the sound in game.
Good luck hearing the music when you win/lose the championship or the credits song (damn i love that) also if you add the music in the levels folder it doesn't work without editing the inf file. So its not worth it.
You can only hear the songs correctly if you have the original iso... no thanks.
Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 18:43
Huki @ Jan 11 2012, 10:08 PM wrote:
Hmm, I still can't understand how one car (and that too a texture) could crash the game when no files are being loaded. But I guess, we have nothing else to proceed on, so let us know what happens after you've fixed the bmp.
@Juice: Ok, this is going to sound stupid (really), but uh.. did you install v1.2 patch at some random location where you don't have re-volt installed?
@Bossvolter: Bad MP3 files make re-volt sad. Fix 'em please.
i edited the bmp, still no result.
so as a test i have downloaded the car again and now it works fine.
don't have a clue what has happend to it, but the problem is solved
Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 05:15
And another request, ghost mode option to hosts B3L rooms + collision = bad.
Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 05:35
I should start stopping requesting and start doing your own requests yourself.
Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 23:32
Seems like tracks with 'suicide' sections like that Museum track don't like cars with underground CoM.
My car with 0/-5/-2 CoM can't complete the "Level_6" track by Dave-o-rama because it has a section through which you drive twice, first in one direction and the second time you turn around and drive through it again. After setting the CoM to 0/0/-2 I could complete it, except that my car's handling was useless.
Is it something you are going to try and 'fix'?
Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 02:45
ElvenAvenger @ Jan 14 2012, 02:02 PM wrote: Seems like tracks with 'suicide' sections like that Museum track don't like cars with underground CoM.
My car with 0/-5/-2 CoM can't complete the "Level_6" track by Dave-o-rama because it has a section through which you drive twice, first in one direction and the second time you turn around and drive through it again. After setting the CoM to 0/0/-2 I could complete it, except that my car's handling was useless.
Is it something you are going to try and 'fix'?
It might be a problem with the track, because the track zones, the things that keep cars from resetting, weren't low enough under the track to make cars like yours work, Elven. I remember Kenny was having the exact same problem...
this update I did for it, i lowered the track zones and hopefully it will work without breaking anyone's car collection.
Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 03:24
yes I had that problem with Bike from the dev car pack.
I also tried your update track (thx for the link) and I can drive through (using Bike) without problems. However either the normal cars have now that problem or the AI has difficulties with it:
they are stuck at the exact same section where the problem occured (only zipper made it through after a while).
I didnt test the track with a normal car though...
ps: I'm using the latest alpha.
Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 05:21
Kenny @ Jan 14 2012, 10:54 PM wrote: yes I had that problem with Bike from the dev car pack.
I also tried your update track (thx for the link) and I can drive through (using Bike) without problems. However either the normal cars have now that problem or the AI has difficulties with it:
they are stuck at the exact same section where the problem occured (only zipper made it through after a while).
I didnt test the track with a normal car though...
ps: I'm using the latest alpha.
I didn't try the update yet, but for me AI cars also get stuck in the area with transparent surface, on the second 'run' through it. Most of them anyway.
They also get stuck on Rooftops, both the 2011 version and another one on exact same spot, and usually only a single car finishes the race.
Looks like this will take some more time to completely fix, unless its a problem with AI.
EDIT: Update fixed the "CoM" problem, AI still gets stuck though. Im not sure if its a CoM problem for the AI cars, it would be quite strange if all of them happened to have unusual CoM values.
Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 15:17
Rooftops contains a spot where one very long Node sector is shared by 5 Zones.
This will not work properly in re-volt. A node sector can only be shared by upto 2 zones (i.e., to take the car from one zone to the next). Note that each "zone" is checkpoint the car
must pass through.
Also in this particular spot, I see no reason to have placed several small zone cubes instead of one large cube (see such long straights in NHood1 for example). I wonder if it's some sort of workaround to a Console issue.
So, could someone inform the guy who built this level so he can fix it?

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 16:02
Blame Dave he always does things wrong dammit!
Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 17:21
This AI glitch was in Rooftops 2011(Dave's track) and gdfsgdfg's version too.
So I guess all Rooftops track versions have that issue. Well, at least its not a problem with my cars

fixing so many cars would take ages.
Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 17:39
Huki @ Jan 15 2012, 10:47 AM wrote:
So, could someone inform the guy who built this level so he can fix it?
RST made the map so yea not possible just give us the old ai as an option...
here's the map anyway if someone wants.
Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 17:44
gdfsgdfg @ Jan 15 2012, 05:39 PM wrote: Huki @ Jan 15 2012, 10:47 AM wrote:
So, could someone inform the guy who built this level so he can fix it?
RST made the map so yea not possible just give us the old ai as an option...
Oh, I didn't know RST had worked for Acclaim.. especially in Re-Volt's Dreamcast unit..

Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 17:50
Aren't you RST's right hand Huki? How you dare to not know about it? I'll tell him!