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Posted: 21 Jan 2006, 06:36
Well, it looks like it has come this far.
I'm not doing much woth revolt anymore,
but I still love the game.
But my attention now goes to drawing and all,
I live for it.
So, you won't be seeing me here anymore,
only to the replies on this message, but then it's really time.
RV has been a succes for many years, but everything has an end.
And other things will start, like my future I have to work on.
Feel free to send an email if there's anything you still wish to ask.(
Well then, then this is my goodbye, it was great to be here.

Posted: 21 Jan 2006, 07:10
Sorry, who are you again ?
He He

OK OK so you wish to move on with your life, good! but you don't have to completly leave this community or stop ever playing the game.
There is no binding contract that says you have to leave if you don't participate, just call in from time to time.
Just so we know what your claim to fame in Revolt was, please list what you did no matter what name you submitted it in.
Thanks for your input, please call again soon.
Posted: 21 Jan 2006, 17:35
Well, it's just that I don't really have time anymore for RV stuff.
If you want to know, I'm preparing to get to the art college,
so I will get it busy.
I'm mostly drawing, don't really play many games anymore.
(Am I growing up or something?

Posted: 21 Jan 2006, 18:48
The_noik @ Jan 21 2006, 01:05 PM wrote:I'm mostly drawing, don't really play many games anymore.
(Am I growing up or something? )
Come on! a real man would know that us boys never really grow up, we just find better toys to play with,
With a community such as this, you'll be back....

Posted: 21 Jan 2006, 23:48
Still though, I'm thinking, maybe I should make one last car...
Maybe with some co-operation with someone else.
Someone makes the model and I make the textures?
(I can't model....

Posted: 22 Jan 2006, 17:54
Manmountain @ Jan 21 2006, 03:40 AM wrote: There is no binding contract that says you have to leave if you don't participate, just call in from time to time.
well said, chap.
100% agreed.

Posted: 27 Jan 2006, 12:29
YO I aint done nuffink for RV in a while and I aint gone lol.
I have moments where i just need to sit back and let the game develop for the new guys.
I am noticing that Lego tracks are back with us in force and this is a great thing as the experence of going from lego to Extreme track making is a real nice learning curve for all the begginers out there.
I shall be back when you lesed expect it MWAHAHAHAHAHhhhhhaaaaa!!!!!