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Posted: 17 Jul 2010, 14:36
Hi, I upgraded my OS to windows 7 and run revolt successfully, but now all the screenshot I take are black! I tried several software and the printscrenn/paint combination, disabled antialiasing, aero and visual themes too, but nothing fix this annoying bug!
My graphic card is a nvidia geforce 9500 gt (512 MB ddr2 memory)
can anyone help me?
Thanks a lot
Posted: 17 Jul 2010, 15:04
Got an Nvidia graphics card here as well and I have the bug, when setting anti-alias to anything higher than x2. I also wrote an article about the issue,
here. How does your settings inside the Control Panel look like?
Posted: 17 Jul 2010, 16:02
thanks for help Urnemanden! Now It seems to be fixed, with this settings below:
Before this customization re-volt graphics setting were under global settings:
I just activated antialiasing and put to 2x like you suggested. thanks again!
Posted: 17 Jul 2010, 23:23
How does anti aliasing solve the problem? I'm confused
I have Windows7 + nvidia card. I had run revolt in all possible settings in the past, including no AA, to 16x AA.. such a problem has never occured.
Also, you chose to "enhance the application settings" instead of "override". I don't think the "enhance" setting affects the quality at all. If i run at "enhance AA 16x", it's just the same as without AA. I always choose "override".
Posted: 18 Jul 2010, 00:59
...I' m confused too, I just tried to change these three values to put AA 2x and the problem just disappeared... but I cant explain "how"...

Posted: 18 Jul 2010, 01:14
Don't waste your time with Windows 7. Just downgrade to XP.
Posted: 18 Jul 2010, 01:54
nero @ Jul 18 2010, 01:14 AM wrote: Don't waste your time with Windows 7. Just downgrade to XP.
You have already said this enough times in enough posts. Are you working for some anti-microsoft advertising company?

Posted: 18 Jul 2010, 02:54
7 and Vista has too many problems.
Posted: 18 Jul 2010, 03:04
Huki wrote:How does anti aliasing solve the problem? I'm confused
I am not sure that it is the anti-aliasing itself that solves the problem. I actually always thought it was the transperancy and anti-aliasing mode that did it. I think I need to test that further when I get the time. (:
Posted: 27 Aug 2010, 07:56
that black screen is not much to worry

it always happens even with aero glass on
and why aero thumbail of revolt is just "nothing"?