Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 20:54
Hi, all Our Re-volt Pub users!
I have created tool called "WorlDO" (Older name "Edit Good").
This tool allows you to edit your tracks much easer and publish them.
Now it is version 1.5 and last realise on 2010 year 10 june.
♦ Projects saving and opening;
♦ Re-volt Glue command easy maker;
♦ In game parameters editor (e.g. Track name);
♦ Level folder renamer and copier;
♦ Manage bitmaps (wiever, soon will be updated)
♦ Publishing:
♦ Readme maker;
♦ Publisher ( Internet browser );
♦ Downloads:
1st, 2nd Track Editor, Re-volt Glue full installer and Installer only for WorlDo tool, full pack Re-volt GLue pack, Paint.NET 3.5 and Irfanview.
Some pictures:
Picture made by Kriss (me):
Icon for program made by Kriss (me):

Hope you will like this tool!
Download here: ... ownloads-1

I have created tool called "WorlDO" (Older name "Edit Good").
This tool allows you to edit your tracks much easer and publish them.
Now it is version 1.5 and last realise on 2010 year 10 june.
♦ Projects saving and opening;
♦ Re-volt Glue command easy maker;
♦ In game parameters editor (e.g. Track name);
♦ Level folder renamer and copier;
♦ Manage bitmaps (wiever, soon will be updated)
♦ Publishing:
♦ Readme maker;
♦ Publisher ( Internet browser );
♦ Downloads:
1st, 2nd Track Editor, Re-volt Glue full installer and Installer only for WorlDo tool, full pack Re-volt GLue pack, Paint.NET 3.5 and Irfanview.
Some pictures:
Picture made by Kriss (me):
Icon for program made by Kriss (me):

Hope you will like this tool!
Download here: ... ownloads-1