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Posted: 23 Apr 2010, 04:14
New monster truck at RVLZ.
I made this one from the T-truck.
See what you think? 
Posted: 23 Apr 2010, 17:22
I like them
Great job Ricky and nice paintjobs

Posted: 24 Apr 2010, 04:40
Thanks, rickyd.
I have tested it on Amco TT and Reville tracks.
It's nicely done. The handling is good, all parameters seems quite realistic. It found it has a little tendency to make extra long jump, but nothing really serious though.
The blue/black painting coud be more exciting. It looks very sober, but it's clean, I haven't noticed any imperfection.
Also, I don't think I knew this website, but it seems to have interesting content. For example, the dreamcast version cars...

Posted: 24 Apr 2010, 06:27

Thanks guys!
That is my little web site.
I made it to keep my tracks and all the
stuff I like for re-volt.
I have made a sit for tools and re-volt stuff.
You can see it here.
I wanted the people to send there tools and
textures tutorials and what ever they have
for re-volt to me so I could post it there.
But I dont get much.
Thanks for the kind words.