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Posted: 01 Apr 2010, 18:44
Within the last month I haven't been able to launch Re-Volt under any circumstances with this error. Seeing I never play online, it's a real slap in the face that the game wants to crash out because of it. I'm amazed the game even starts up the object right at launch- that is really stupid behavior. Someone should like permanently link up the command switches list on Google Docs as well. Like, top of the forum redirect material. Because I can't ever find this list without asking someone for it. It might have some sort of DirectPlay ignore switch... then again I don't remember one.
Just, if you have any ideas or solutions. please give.
Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 01:21
Revolt register itself to the lobby stuff at each run, that probably during this procedure that you get your error message.
Just to be sure, have you at least once tried to run WolfR4 on your system?
And if you're using version 1207 (only!), you could try this, it won't prevent the error message, but re-volt will not quit after:
With an hexadecimal editor, check revolt.exe at offset $7C809 (509961 in decimal). You should have the value 01. In the latter case, remplace it with value 00 and save the modification (don't forget to have a backup).
It may work, but obviously I can't test it as I don't have this error.
But of course it would be more interesting to know why this error occurs on your system...
Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 03:03
jigebren @ Apr 1 2010, 08:51 PM wrote: Revolt register itself to the lobby stuff at each run, that probably during this procedure that you get your error message.
Just to be sure, have you at least once tried to run WolfR4 on your system?
And if you're using version 1207 (only!), you could try this, it won't prevent the error message, but re-volt will not quit after:
With an hexadecimal editor, check revolt.exe at offset $7C809 (509961 in decimal). You should have the value 01. In the latter case, remplace it with value 00 and save the modification (don't forget to have a backup).
It may work, but obviously I can't test it as I don't have this error.
But of course it would be more interesting to know why this error occurs on your system...
Never ran Wolf.
I even did oddball things like installing DirectX 6.1 (I challenged Kay on this, but he said do it).
Nothing fixes anything. I might mess with what you said, haha.
I hexed it and it still errored. :x
Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 04:51
Adamodell @ Apr 1 2010, 10:33 PM wrote:I even did oddball things like installing DirectX 6.1 (I challenged Kay on this, but he said do it).
I think you know now what you have to do.
It begins with 'reinstall' and it finishes by 'windows'.
Oh well, maybe you should try to use the DirectX Eradicator tool to clean up your direct X install before reinstalling a recent version.
I hexed it and it still errored. :x
I said that it won't prevent error, but I was hoping it would have prevent revolt from quiting. Too bad.
Posted: 02 Apr 2010, 04:55
jigebren @ Apr 2 2010, 12:21 AM wrote: Adamodell @ Apr 1 2010, 10:33 PM wrote:I even did oddball things like installing DirectX 6.1 (I challenged Kay on this, but he said do it).
I think you know now what you have to do.
It begins with
'reinstall' and it finishes by 'windows'.
Yeah, easiest fix for everything, but what's the fun in that? Thanks for the recommendation though. I might try it later on.
Posted: 04 Apr 2010, 04:54
Double post but honestly I'm not feeling particularly noobish by doing this.
DirectX Eradicator apparently doesn't work for Vista. Just saying.
I'm losing faith here. Might as well not worry about it, huh. Just that... every other game I have on here runs fine, and they all use DirectX. Re-Volt got its panties in a twist over nothing at all. I think DirectX is fine. DirectPlay MAY be at fault, but no one has a clue how to fix this error for some unknown reason. We have people in this community that can build their own programs, hack things nearly unimaginable, people who are genuinely smarter than me at some things. And yet, only one steps out. Only one person even notices. I have a feeling someone knows something...
Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 18:25
Hi, you crabbing king...
I think you don't get a lot of help for the simple reason that nobody have an idea about what to do. This issue is of course fairly disabling, but you seems to be the first and only one to have it.
Adamodell @ Apr 4 2010, 12:24 AM wrote:Double post but honestly I'm not feeling particularly noobish by doing this.
I personally don't see any problem in double-posting in itself as long as you bring supplementary information.
DirectX Eradicator apparently doesn't work for Vista.
Well, that's true. But I didn't know you have Vista.
You might know it already, but it seems that Vista needs directX 9 runtimes to make old games work, even if directX 10 is present. AFAIK directx 9 runtimes are installed by default, but may that part get corrupted, and needs a reinstall.
Isn't there in vista a 'dxdiag' stuff to check that your directX install is ok?
You could also try to check that your network components are ok.
And don't you remember what changes you could have made before re-volt start to complain? (hardware modification, new driver, windows update, new software, etc.)
Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 21:10
Does the registry have all the necessary DirectPlay folders, so Re-Volt is able to register itself there? Where is it located?
Posted: 13 Apr 2010, 03:10
How am I supposed to know if a key's missing? There isn't any obvious way. You guys are treating me like I don't know what I'm doing or something. I do know what I'm doing. I've tried about everything anyone in this community would think of. I trust someone knows more about DirectPlay and the problems that can occur with it. I was also hoping some guy would pull out and figure out how to get RV to just shut the hell up about it. RV doesn't even really have a use for DP during most of the game.
Oh, and for the record, I did try reinstalling DX9. No avail.
And, Jiggy, I haven't done anything but updated my system. The game just stopped working on its own accord. Does RVHouse touch any of these values?
1. This is improper. I believe in dynamic loading. The fact the game dumps this to memory when it isn't needed just seems inefficient to me. Unless it has to work that way.
2. Oh, in addition, the game is hardcoded to quit if there's a DP error. This is even sillier, because DP isn't mandatory to the game's valid run.
Read the source, if you don't believe me:
Code: Select all
00072 // play GUID
00074 GUID DP_GUID = {0x6bb78285, 0x71df, 0x11d2, 0xb4, 0x6c, 0xc, 0x78, 0xc, 0xc1, 0x8, 0x40};
00077 // register for lobby support //
00080 void LobbyRegister(void)
00081 {
00082 HRESULT r;
00084 char dir[256];
00086 // create lobby object
00088 r = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectPlayLobby, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDirectPlayLobby3A, (void**)&Lobby);
00089 if (r != DP_OK)
00090 {
00091 ErrorDX(r, "Can't create DirectPlay Lobby object");
00092 QuitGame = TRUE;
00093 return;
00094 }
It dumps the bucket right when you launch the game, I was surprised to see it was within the first few routines.
Posted: 13 Apr 2010, 05:43
adamodell wrote:Oh, and for the record, I did try reinstalling DX9. No avail.
jigebren wrote:Isn't there in vista a 'dxdiag' stuff to check that your directX install is ok?
About the source snippet you quote, the patch procedure I gave you is precisely canceling the 'QuitGame = TRUE' statement. But it is likely that if the DirectPlay 'object' is not initialized, re-volt will simply crash afterwards when trying to access to this object. In this case, skipping the error message would not be enough, and skipping DP registration should not be possible, unless maybe by hacking the whole re-volt binary file... which of course I won't try.
The fact that you're still the only one to get this bug can lead us to think that re-volt is not really in fault.
For your information: to have the lobby stuff working, re-volt has to be registered
before it is lanched by a lobby client, with the proper directory, etc. So the simpler way to be sure the informations are up to date is to do it each time re-volt is run. I think that's why it was done that way. Maybe there is some other reasons too, but I don't know nothing more about all DirectPlay stuff.
Posted: 13 Apr 2010, 06:03
Ok, this is my last attemp:
Same patching procedure than above (revolt version 1207 only!):
With an hexadecimal editor, check revolt.exe at offset $53026 (340006 in decimal).
You should have the value:
E8 A5
Only in the latter case (otherwise someting is wrong), remplace this 2 bytes with:
EB 03
and save the modification (don't forget to have a backup). That should do it...
Posted: 13 Apr 2010, 06:25
Re-Volt is definitely not of fault. I know this. I'm just saying, Re-Volt shouldn't be so heavily dependent on it. Anyway, you know MS is phasing out DirectPlay eventually and... MS does a good job of eventually killing things off completely.
Thanks for your input. I'll try it. I won't get mad at you at all if it doesn't work. I just don't feel like reinstalling my OS over something so simple, you know?
Okay, edited as you said. Had your previous value as you said. Changed it to the value said to change it to. Same error. This game's error handling is way too training wheeled. Let the game reach crash point man.
At least you actually care and try. You're one of my favorite members. Even I don't care as much as you haha. I've failed you and I give up. Vista is not the OS for this game, man. It just isn't. I think an update messed up my DirectPlay. Because I didn't touch it.
Posted: 13 Apr 2010, 06:54
Same error? Do you mean you still got this message: "Can't create DirectPlay Lobby object"?
That's would be quite weird.
Posted: 13 Apr 2010, 07:52
jigebren @ Apr 13 2010, 02:24 AM wrote: Same error? Do you mean you still got this message: "Can't create DirectPlay Lobby object"?
That's would be quite weird.
Yes. I even used Hex Workshop, most overloved hex editor ever. I started at the beginning of the file, used "Go to..", set it to decimal mode, used your value, ended up on the same hex value you described, changed it to the hex value you described, saved, launched, "Can't create...", blah.
Posted: 13 Apr 2010, 18:44
Ok, so my last attempt was not the last.

Here is a new one (
all value are hexadecimal values):
offset $59460
You should have: 8B
patch with: C3
offset $7C7D0
You should have: 81
patch with: C3
With the 2 patches above, you shouldn't get the "Can't create DirectPlay Lobby object" message. Or else something is really, really weird.
Posted: 13 Apr 2010, 20:14
Well, I'm at school right now. I'll try this later when I get home. If this defeats the lobby inspection and crash- I do know this doesn't fix the problem with my DirectPlay. But why would the game have any reason to try to access DirectPlay unless I went into multiplayer mode? We might find out something new about how this game handles stuff, haha.
Posted: 14 Apr 2010, 02:47
It works, but I think something's going on here. Hex Workshop I don't think was truthfully saving the files as it should be. I opened the file I edited and saved and saved it, and I realized the file I apparently edited and saved didn't have its modified date changed. Something was fishy here. So I went, Save As, saved it somewhere else, then copied the file over and it worked. Either the Thinstall being gay, or Windows doing what it does best- holding your hand. For some reason I have a gut feeling that your old hex hack may have worked if it properly saved as well.
Major detail: game runs fine. Proof that DirectPlay is not a requirement for the base game to run. Thank you.
Posted: 14 Apr 2010, 02:55
Glad to see it works at the end.
I don't think was truthfully saving the files as it should be
I was beginning to have real doubt about this point.
For some reason I have a gut feeling that your old hex hack may have worked if it properly saved as well.
I have the same feeling, or may I call it a 'certitude'...
That way, you can choose between the patches the one you prefer, ahah. But don't take the first, it's the less efficient.
Posted: 14 Apr 2010, 04:16
Good job though. You don't realize how much it means to me.
Off-topic- but I really like this tiny, minimalist hex editor. I used it when I was a kid.
Posted: 14 Apr 2010, 10:29
Just to say, you should run dxdiag and see if it sees any problem in your DirectLobby or whatever it was.
Posted: 14 Apr 2010, 18:21
Adamodell @ Apr 13 2010, 11:46 PM wrote:Good job though. You don't realize how much it means to me.
Oh yes, I do... because I know the time I had to spent on it.
Off-topic- but I really like this tiny, minimalist hex editor. I used it when I was a kid.
That's true. It looks good, though a bit old, but it's not a problem in itself.
To be honest, I have never found a perfect hex editor, neither freeware nor proprietary. All that have tried either lacks features, or are bugged (and even well-known proprietary ones are).
Back to the subject, trying
dxdiag may indeed give you a clue about your issue. Why don't you try it?
Posted: 15 Apr 2010, 02:41
Unless there is some magical mushroom button I'm looking for, or a magical tab, I don't find any instance of DirectPlay in DXDIAG, either 32 or 64-bit versions.
All the tabs that are there have no problems found for each of them as a result. Display and sound (and input as well).
Well, if anyone wants to look at the nitty gritty from the "Save All Information" option, I have both the export from the 32-bit version of dxdiag as well as the 64-bit version.
Adam's DXDIAG Results
Posted: 15 Apr 2010, 04:07
DirectPlay is in 'network' tab on windows XP (directx9.c). But it has probably been removed in vista. And as in vista, several directx versions seem to cohabit, maybe dxdiag only tests the version 11 (in which directPlay could be removed) without testing version 9.
Of course, that's just ideas, I'm very far from a directX expert.
And looking at your report file, nothing looks wrong, but you have no information about directplay in it (which is pretty logical), while we can find it in directx9 report (I have tried it). For example I can find in it a list of 'DirectPlay Service Providers', 'DirectPlay Adapters' and 'DirectPlay Lobbyable Apps' (in which I can see revolt).
Well, I know it's not very helpful, but about vista, I can't do more...
Posted: 15 Apr 2010, 05:54
Well, as I said, DirectPlay is phased out to an extent already. It's going to be completely phased out soon, I guarantee, and this hack you just did on this thread might be of importance to EVERYONE. I believe you on DXDIAG probably just not showing DX9 info because I'm at 11 now.
Posted: 15 Apr 2010, 08:40
Adam. It's not that we didn't care, it's more because we don't know anything about it. Fortunately for you Jig is around.
Posted: 16 Apr 2010, 23:23
the patching procedure is used to ignore the error and start re-volt anyway. So, can you play online from rvhouse now? Also, re-volt's directplay reg key should be at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Directplay\Applications\Re-Volt. Check if it is there and if re-volt is allowed to modify it.
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 03:59
I have "DirectPlay8" not "DirectPlay". I have only the "Default" (not set) entry under the Applications key of DirectPlay8. No instance of revolt.exe in the Applications list or anything that it needs to be able to access, haha.
As for RVHouse, I guarantee online access won't/can't work in this state. I don't have RVHouse right now to test, and I don't feel like testing RVHouse until I can get a non-hacked RV to boot.
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 05:24
A directplay error is not supposed to crash re-volt. If you run revolt in a non-admin user account, re-volt cannot access the registry and it wil give "can't initiate directplay session". Clicking OK, re-volt will run fine unlike in your case.
Try copying the following code to Notepad, save it with extension .reg and open it.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Games\\Acclaim Entertainment\\Re-Volt"
"CurrentDirectory"="C:\\Program Files\\Games\\Acclaim Entertainment\\Re-Volt"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Lobby Providers]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay\Address Types]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay\Address Types\{C4A54DA0-E0AF-11cf-9C4E-00A0C905425E}]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\Modem Connection For DirectPlay]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\Modem Connection For DirectPlay\Address Types]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\Modem Connection For DirectPlay\Address Types\{78EC89A0-E0AF-11cf-9C4E-00A0C905425E}]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\Serial Connection For DirectPlay]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\Serial Connection For DirectPlay\Address Types]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectPlay\Service Providers\Serial Connection For DirectPlay\Address Types\{F2F0CE00-E0AF-11cf-9C4E-00A0C905425E}]
"Description"="WinSock TCP Connection For DirectPlay"
"Description"="Modem Connection For DirectPlay"
If that doesnt work, save this code to something.reg and open it
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Games\\Acclaim Entertainment\\Re-Volt"
"CurrentDirectory"="C:\\Program Files\\Games\\Acclaim Entertainment\\Re-Volt"
That will write the Directplay registry key to registry. You should just double click the .reg files and windows should add the registry keys..if not, you have some access problem.. try it.
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 05:33
Okay, I'll go try this in a bit. And for the record- I never had to run the game in administrator to get DirectPlay to work, at least to my knowledge. Then again, I did change a crapload of settings to gain some control over my account again.
I'll do a few tests, then I'll try your registry entry. And, my path does not have "Games" in it, so I'll have to cut that out before I add it, of course. My path is C:\Program Files\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt\.
Fixed paths. Tried both registry entries. Still isn't working.
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 05:51
Oh yes you have to change the path lol
One more thing.. I saw the directplay code snippet you posted here.
00086 // create lobby object
00088 r = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectPlayLobby, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDirectPlayLobby3A, (void**)&Lobby);
00089 if (r != DP_OK)
00090 {
00091 ErrorDX(r, "Can't create DirectPlay Lobby object");
00092 QuitGame = TRUE;
00093 return;
00094 }
The problem is that CoCreateInstance fails.. i did a little search on google.. all the results i found point to one thing.. bad driver files, bad old files, bad bla bla files. So the problem is just some bad old file (You said you tried lot of odd things, installed dp6 etc..).. So since when do you have this problem? It is surely after you installed or changed something
Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 06:16
Huki @ Apr 17 2010, 01:21 AM wrote: Oh yes you have to change the path lol
One more thing.. I saw the directplay code snippet you posted here.
00086 // create lobby object
00088 r = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectPlayLobby, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDirectPlayLobby3A, (void**)&Lobby);
00089 if (r != DP_OK)
00090 {
00091 ErrorDX(r, "Can't create DirectPlay Lobby object");
00092 QuitGame = TRUE;
00093 return;
00094 }
The problem is that CoCreateInstance fails.. i did a little search on google.. all the results i found point to one thing.. bad driver files, bad old files, bad bla bla files. So the problem is just some bad old file (You said you tried lot of odd things, installed dp6 etc..).. So since when do you have this problem? It is surely after you installed or changed something
I can't really attribute any change I made that would've caused this error. And I've installed the Feb. 2010 DX9 again from the huuuge package, haha. The error occurred way before I started messing with DX. I installed DX6 to see if it'd fix the problem (installing DX6 didn't break a thing haha).
I don't know what I did.
Posted: 28 May 2010, 02:34
I hate bringing this topic back up:
But this happens when I launch RVHouse, I didn't install it to play online (because remember what this topic was originally about... I installed it to talk to some people that have no other way of being contacted), but RVHouse checks for correctness right at start so I didn't get to - which confirms my DirectPlay is beyond jacked. It's definitely not the fault of Re-Volt or Vista in any sense. I'm amazed Microsoft hasn't made a repair utility because I'm not a dumb computer user and this still managed to happen. I'm sure DX oddities like this happened to other people as well...
If this gives anyone a more specific insight to my problems, I'll be glad to take ideas.
Posted: 28 May 2010, 04:01
From what I quickly read about people with CoCreateInstance issue in Vista, they were able to get some info in the event log. Maybe you should check your event log when running re-volt (without the patch I indicated you), perhaps you could know more precisely what is wrong (but maybe there is several levels of "verbosity" in the event log).
Also, I'm wondering: haven't you used one day some tweaking tools? you know, the kind of tool to enforce the computer security in one click...
And for example, you said
Adamodell wrote:Then again, I did change a crapload of settings to gain some control over my account again
why did you have to do that, can you remember?
And honestly, Adam, I think the best you have to do is a fresh Windows reinstall. I know it getting more and more boring to reinstall Windows (at least for me. Lately, I have moved my hardrive from my old computer to the one I'm using now without reinstalling XP.

I wouldn't have done such a thing some years ago, but now windows constant re-installation is boring me so much...). Because you're loosing time with this issue, and I think nobody can really help you, now, it's a bit too specific...
Posted: 28 May 2010, 06:28
If only you knew how well set I was in music making (it's a LOT to back up, VSTi instruments, VSTs, songs, programs). You must understand why I'm not happy with the idea of reinstalling Windows for something so minute. This makes me look like I made a mistake or something- but I'm not so sure. I'll check the event log when I launch RVHouse or Re-Volt. I never used tweaking tools. To gain control over my account- hmm, I disabled scanning for driver signatures if I remember right, I turned UAC off- and I may have done a few other things, but nothing pertaining to DirectX functions. I don't remember always running DX11- and I think this problem occurred some time around the time of getting this problem.
Posted: 28 May 2010, 08:18
Adamodell @ May 27 2010, 10:04 PM wrote: But this happens when I launch RVHouse, I didn't install it to play online (because remember what this topic was originally about... I installed it to talk to some people that have no other way of being contacted),
Use Linux, silly man!
Posted: 28 May 2010, 09:15
I know RVHouse for Linux was more widely intended for just the talk function. I don't have a Linux VM around nor a dual boot install up here at least. I have Xubuntu on the crappy downstairs computer- but I don't feel like going down there.
I have RVHouse on my XP VM and it runs fine. I'll only use that for the talking of course, as VirtualBox keeps breaking and adjusting their D3D support (and I guarantee it wouldn't run a 6.1 app anyway).