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Posted: 20 Mar 2010, 18:33
in my track sometimes the collision of the slider model stops working so you can drive straight through it. is this a common bug?
Posted: 20 Mar 2010, 18:41
Dave-o-rama happens, just not often. Try renaming the slider.m model to a .prm file and running it thru prm2ncp and see if that works
Posted: 20 Mar 2010, 19:49
it always happens when i insert it to a custom track, very annoying.
Posted: 20 Mar 2010, 21:56
Maybe it's a bug in either the matching .hul file (location cordinates doesn't match?)or in the Re-Volt code itself (Movement limitations?). I experienced this as well, but only when the slider was rotated, so you could drive on it and not collide into it.
Posted: 20 Mar 2010, 22:14
As Urne said, it's a bug. But you can go through it only if you drive exactly through the middle of it. If you drive from sides you will crash in it.
I don't use it, but I know it.
Posted: 23 Mar 2010, 01:09
it only happens to me if im going full speed and get a rocket up my a$$

otherwise i dont notice it. im pretty sure acclaim just failed at making the ncp for that model.
Posted: 31 Mar 2010, 09:55

I have seen this like only if the slider is in the flat position
then you can fall through.
If it is in the vertical position you will hit it.
I think this is a software prob. or bug.
The ncp file for the slider seems to be short on the flat side.
I think the full ncp duz not rotate with the slider this would
make cents to me. So I would say software problem.
Re-volt is a bug that got me RVN1 THE VIRUS AAAHHAAHHAH