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Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 11:12
Re-volt: v1.10 1207 patch (actually I tried every possible version)
Compatibility modes, latest dx, wolfr4, latest c++ runtimes, disabling Agnitum Outpost Firewall - all that doesn't help.
I think the problem is connected with Revolt Extender that I used once long time ago.
Anyone knows how to fix revolt from this?
Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 15:24
run as administrator
Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 15:28
This depends of where you got Re-Volt from.
If you downloaded - what site.
If you have it - what DVD/CD, etc.
Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 18:58
miromiro @ Mar 14 2010, 10:58 AM wrote: This depends of where you got Re-Volt from.
If you downloaded - what site.
If you have it - what DVD/CD, etc.
I tried a lot of re-volt versions. I sent one of them to my friend and it worked for him perfectly. for ex. -
Running as administrator doesn't help.
Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 22:51
Can you just try this:
Open your registry with 'regedit'.
Delete the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Acclaim
Run and quit re-volt and see if it has change something.
Check in the registry (in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Acclaim) which keys/values have been written:
- If you have no key at all, it could be a question of admin rights, etc.
- If you only have this key:
it means that revolt crashes before the setting are saved to the registry.
Posted: 15 Mar 2010, 01:06
CracK @ Mar 14 2010, 02:28 PM wrote:miromiro @ Mar 14 2010, 10:58 AM wrote: This depends of where you got Re-Volt from.
If you downloaded - what site.
If you have it - what DVD/CD, etc.
I tried a lot of re-volt versions. I sent one of them to my friend and it worked for him perfectly. for ex. -
Running as administrator doesn't help.
When I first played Re-Volt, I played on a copy of the original CD. I was annoyed that I couldn't save. I had no internet to search for CARNIVAL or TRACKER.
However, I recommend to download Re-Volt from Abandonia, or the other sites that are made by the guys from the community.

Posted: 15 Mar 2010, 14:28
jigebren @ Mar 14 2010, 06:21 PM wrote: Can you just try this:
Open your registry with 'regedit'.
Delete the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Acclaim
Run and quit re-volt and see if it has change something.
Check in the registry (in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Acclaim) which keys/values have been written:
- If you have no key at all, it could be a question of admin rights, etc.
- If you only have this key:
it means that revolt crashes before the setting are saved to the registry.
Exactly! Only Version is saved
Posted: 16 Mar 2010, 06:33
Can you just confirm that you have really deleted completely the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Acclaim key before running revolt again, as I told you above?
If it's not a question of admin rights, it likely that revolt doesn't exit normaly. Don't you get an error message from revolt or from Windows when you quit?
I'm not sure it will help, but you can also try to tke a look at the last lines of your 'revolt.log' file (in your %TEMP% directory).
Posted: 16 Mar 2010, 14:46
jigebren @ Mar 16 2010, 02:03 AM wrote:Can you just confirm that you have really deleted completely the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Acclaim key before running revolt again, as I told you above?
Yes I deleted completely the key. After running and quitting re-volt I only see Version = v1.10.
I don't have any errors from windows or re-volt, it just quits normally and saves nothing except version key.
Also, nothing bad in log file actually... You can look at it here -
Posted: 18 Mar 2010, 06:19
Sorry, but for my part, I have no other idea (instead of a windows reinstall, or course).
I think (but not sure) that revolt crashes when exiting before it saves the value to the registry.
As a last attempt, maybe you could try to rename the 'revolt.exe' file. Also you could try to disable sound (with command line -nosound).
Posted: 18 Mar 2010, 16:52
Oh my god. Thanks a ton. Everything is OK with -nosound !
But can this be fixed without it? I tried installing different AC97 drivers, but no success.
Posted: 18 Mar 2010, 18:11
Cool =)
What/How many sound drivers/devices do you have? What do you use as standard?
Posted: 18 Mar 2010, 18:32
Glad to see it helps.

It's funny to see how the last idea can be the good one...
So it means that the bug occurs in the procedure used to release sounds.
Now, just try to use
-noeax -no3Dsound instead of
Posted: 18 Mar 2010, 19:51
I have inbuilt ALC655, driver AC97 3.51(I don't exactly remember) and nothing else
Unfortunately only -nosound helps
P.S. Completed all the cups already without sound

Posted: 30 Oct 2010, 11:53
Now that the settings are saved with -nosound and all registry entries exist, try starting re-volt without -nosound and see if the already saved entries are read properly.
Also, wolf should save settings like number of laps, automatically when you quit re-volt. So,
- With re-volt without wolf try changing number of laps and quit revolt correctly (using quit menu option). Check if the NLaps registry key is updated.
- With re-volt + wolf try changing number of laps and quit using alt-f4. See if the NLaps key is updated.
Since -nosound solved the problem this won't make much sense, but check the registry key permissions anyway. In Win7 you right click the key,(hklm\software\acclaim\re-volt\1.0) and select Permissions. Should be something like that in winxp.
Also, my firewall doesn't like the mss32.dll supplied with re-volt. Re-Volt used to freeze after sometime unless -nosound is used. I found that updating to mss32.dll v6.0m (from jigebren's website or rv1.2 download) solves the problem.
EDIT: You can also try this:
Change some settings in frontend, start a track and see if the settings are saved in registry. Then quit re-volt and check for any changes in registry.
You can also try the Safer Settings Autosave option in Wolf (Options tab->Advanced) and see if the settings are saved after you start any track.
Posted: 30 Oct 2010, 12:51
Hm.. Interesting, but I think Permissions made it work. And without -nosound
Why only this game needs this..
Thank you!