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Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 20:28
I'm glad to say that OpenVolt project has begun. You can get it from GitHub. Completely open-sourced and cross-platform!
For those who don't know what is it, OpenVolt is the cross-platform open-source alternative to the actual proprietary Re-Volt engine.
Was your dream to play Re-Volt on Linux, Mac OSX, or even on PSP? Can't play Re-Volt on Windows because of your hardware? It's the game buggy for you? OpenVolt is the proposed solution to all these problems. Open to all. Just for entertainment and the enjoyment of all the community.
All developers must check it out.
I'm using:
SDL (windowing, audio, input...)
OpenGL (3D)
CMake (for cross-compiling)
Remember to check out the RVDev forums ( for more info.
There's still nothing done. Only basic windowing. I'm currently working on the scripts for the successful cross-compiling task.
Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 22:01
Not being a developers, I think I can't help much, but it's sound interesting (as everything in touch with re-volt

Well, maybe I can help for other thing, like specific info about the current (v1207) binary exe, but in a first time, I think that mainly developers are needed.
Are you itent on rewritting all the collision engine and everything?
Won't you use an existing engine like, for example, I don't really know, OGRE or Irrlicht?
And is it the continuation of the RVDev project? I mean, you're not working on fixing the available source code anymore?
Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 22:12
Sounds good ADX!
Because I can't really help I wish you for now only good luck

Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 22:50
The idea is to "update" the actual source, get it into OpenGL and make it free and available to the world. We own the most important thing here, the original source code.
I don't think that it'll be difficult to re-implement the collision engine and so, because we can follow the steps from the sources.
We mainly need a group of developers.
Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 01:56
The GameDev topic was never finished, could you eventually PM me with a reply, so I can continue on it? It could perhaps attract some developers.
Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 07:33
I'm so sorry urne

Send me an email and I will give you an answer.
Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 03:01
Very nice... it's certainly a lot of work to do, but I hope it comes out fine. Don't forget us wheel racers when you're doing it

Posted: 14 Jul 2011, 03:48
Any news to the project? Or is it already dead? Because the link to the project is dead.
It would be a shame because I'd love to see this game running on linux natively. If it is dead then I hope the current source code of revolt goes soon public (not that I could port it but maybe in the future or by someone else who wants to port it)

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 16:18
I'm very interesting in this type of thing, but I don't even know where to get a basic working source code for re-volt. Can anyone tell me?
Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 13:36
Hi there.
Actually, the project is not dead. However, it's not active.
I hope I can start programming after summer. And I still like the idea, and want to keep on it.
A complete rewrite taking into account the actual sources would be good, but time consuming. I think this is the long term aim.
Posted: 02 Aug 2011, 18:53
Iron Bob
I think Revolt as an android app would be sweet. Would that be possible with the opensource?
Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 01:31
I think so but you would have to do a good optimization and eventually reduce some graphic features (I guess we wont do that with the source code we have already because we are not sure if it would be legal to release it?).
But if even the n64 version works with an emulator on an iphone at a barely acceptable framerate then I'm sure its possible.
Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 09:52
Iron Bob
Yea, I've played the PSX vesion on my phone, and it works, just not well. More the clumsy controls than the framerate. I believe a dedicated app would play much smother. I have Quake II on my phone and it works just fine. I think a dedicated app would also read the game files off the micro sd card, which should also allow custom tracks and cars.
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 17:54
Yes, it would be so awesome on Android! And Androphones are very powerful now, so I dont think it wouldnt require so much optimization! Just need to dedicate the app, fiddle around with the resolution and put a forward/backward/bonus button on the tactile screen, and it would work great, and I'm sure it would be a big success (not many good car games on the Android Market)!

Posted: 12 Dec 2011, 20:46
Hi! I made a new threat and then I discovered this one!
I own a PSP and I can play the psx port of revolt on it (not a good port). But I was wondering how to use the source code to make a good port for the PSP.
I wonder if anybody would be interested in trying to port it to the PSP.
Some psp details:
- Two main CPU's MIPS32 Rk-4; 32 bits 1/333 Mhz
(I think homebrew programmers can acces just one of them)
- RAM: 32 MB (psp 1000) 64 MB (psp 2000+)
- GPU: 1/166 Mhz and 2 MB RAM
- Video: 480 x 272 (PSP Screen) and 720x480 (TV out)
- Homebrew programmers can use a limited version of OpenGL (PSPGL)
I read somewhere, PSP can load textures from main RAM (is slow) instead of reading them from video RAM , so textures could be optimized to be much smaller.
I also tried and resized one texture from 256x256 to 128x128, they still look ok and they are 20% of the original size, so they could fit in the PSP's 2 MB video RAM
I'm not a programmer, so I just could test it.